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E-book series

Savvy sales coaching: 5 ways to

build a top-performing team
May Savvy sales coaching: 5 ways to build a top-performing team 2

03 / 04 / 05 /
Introduction Get to the Break it down step
good stuff by step

06 / 07 / 08 /
Use fresh data Know your team Make it fun

09 /
Coach to win
May Savvy sales coaching: 5 ways to build a top-performing team 3

Coaching is critical Customers expect sellers to be trusted advisors who

connect to specific needs and pain points. That’s

to successful why helping sellers improve how they interact with

customers can lead to more closed deals and revenue.

relationship selling. Actionable feedback helps you help your team. With the
right data and insights, you can help sellers know what
customers want, personalize interactions, and focus on
the right leads.

You can get those insights with Microsoft Relationship

Sales. It brings together LinkedIn Sales Navigator
and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales. Plus, it works
seamlessly with Office 365, so it’s easy to use. Here are
five ways Relationship Sales can help you coach your
team to greatness.
May Savvy sales coaching: 5 ways to build a top-performing team 4


Get to the
Sellers have to use technology. But sales
coaching shouldn’t be software training. You
want to get past how to use the tools and focus

good stuff
on how to close the deal.

Microsoft Relationship Sales is easy to use—

But sales coaching
especially if your team knows Office 365. Sellers shouldn’t be
can move to the head of the class and focus
on the activities that matter most: the ones software training.
that build relationships. They can also better
use what they know with a smart, guided
sales process. With an AI-based assistant that
provides next best steps, and opportunity
insights based on Office 365 and CRM data, it’s
like having a coach by their side at all times.
May Savvy sales coaching: 5 ways to build a top-performing team 5


Break it down
What works is specific to your prospects.
Imagine if you could tell sellers exactly the right
words to win them over, or know which words

step by step
mean a sales call is going downhill.

It’s not science fiction. Artificial intelligence

Powerful intelligence
is built into Microsoft Relationship Sales. Call is built into Microsoft
Intelligence (currently in preview) can tell you
the key words customers use, how much sellers Relationship Sales.
talk or listen, and show customer sentiment by
sales rep. The app generates and reviews call
transcripts automatically to provide insights you
and your team can use.
May Savvy sales coaching: 5 ways to build a top-performing team 6


Use fresh data

If your data is siloed, your view of customer
needs is limited. If it’s out of date, you could be
wasting precious time. A unified solution means
you and your team know what’s happening
now, not last month or last quarter. That helps
you coach in ways that drive the bottom line.
With interactive reports
Microsoft Relationship Sales automatically
and key KPIs, you can
brings together data across Dynamics 365, lead throughout the
Office 365, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator. You
always have the latest view for productive sales process.
coaching conversations. With interactive
reports and key KPIs, you can lead throughout
the sales process.
May Savvy sales coaching: 5 ways to build a top-performing team 7


Know your team

Every seller has strengths and weaknesses.
Effective coaching depends on getting to
know them—the faster, the better. Traditional
reports don’t always give you the information
you need. Individual scorecards
Individual scorecards in Microsoft Relationship
Sales show you seller engagement and
in Microsoft
productivity. You can instantly see KPIs such as Relationship Sales
leads created, opportunities won, and actual
revenue. It even shows a forecast so you can show you seller
project into the future.
engagement and
May Savvy sales coaching: 5 ways to build a top-performing team 8


Make it fun
People remember what they enjoyed
learning—and many sellers enjoy
competition. With gamification, you can
run contests that reward people for their
performance. That can reinforce the goals
you set in the coaching process.
Microsoft Relationship
Microsoft Relationship Sales lets
Sales lets employees
employees participate in individual and participate in
team-based competitions. With fun
activities, it can help drive engagement individual and team-
and stronger performance.
based competitions.
May Savvy sales coaching: 5 ways to build a top-performing team 9

Coach to win
Your team is relying on you to help
them be their best. With Microsoft
Relationship Sales, you have the tools
and data you need to enable growth Learn more about Microsoft
and performance. Relationship Sales

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