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Free pattern: Big Bad Wolf

The final size of the doll is about 30 cm. The arms and legs are made in a very simple way
and attached with a hook. Ears and tail are crocheted separately and sewn on with a needle.
I used plastic safe eyes, but the pattern has a special pattern for making crocheted eyes.
Also in the pattern describes how to make sculpting on the Wolf eyes and nose.

I used ​blend yarn​(55% cotton, 45 % poly acrylic), 50g = 160m (1.76 oz=174 yds).
My Wolf is wearing a green T-shirt and brown pants. Also I used black yarn for nose, white -
for teeth and red yarn for a tongue.
You will need ​filler​for stuffing and piece of cardboard or plastic for feet.
Legs and Body
we will first make the Legs, then will join them together and will make the Body.

Leg, make 2
1. 6 sc in magic ring
2. inc around (12)
3. [1 inc, 1 sc] around (18)
4. sc around (18)
5. [1 dec, 4 sc] around (15)
● put inside a rounded piece of cardboard or plastic, see the photo 1
6. change the yarn to brown (pants): sc around (15)
7. - 13 (7) sc around (15)
14. [1 inc, 4 sc] around (18)
15. sc around (18)
16. [1 inc, 5 sc] around (21)
17. sc around (21)
● for the 1st Leg - cut the yarn
● for the 2nd Leg - don’t cut the yarn, we will continue
Stuff the Legs

● work in rounds
1. Crochet together as 1 decrease the next stitch of the 2nd Leg and the 1st stitch of the
1st Leg. Make 20 sc along the 1st Leg, make 1 sc in the start joining stitch of the 2nd
Leg, make 19 sc along the 2nd Leg (42)
● We stop 1 st before the beginning stitch, mark the next stitch as the start stitch of the
following rounds.
2. [3 inc, 18 sc] around (48)
● see the right photo above
3. sc around (48)
4. [1 inc, 7 sc] around (54)
5. [1 inc, 8 sc] around (60)
6. [1 inc, 9 sc] around (66)
7. - 14 (8 rounds altogether): sc around (66)
● Note:​in the 8(9)th round change yarn color to green (color of a T-shirt)
15. [1 dec, 9 sc] around (60)
16. [1 dec, 8 sc] around (54)
17. [1 dec, 7 sc] around (48)
18. sc around (48)
19. [1 dec, 6 sc] around (42)
20. 21 sc, 4 dec (they have to be in the center of the front side), 13 sc (38)
● Note:​That forms a fat Wolf belly (see the photo 3).If you unlike it, make 6 dec in the
20th round and crochet sc around in the next round.
21. 21 sc, 2 dec, 13 sc (36)
22. - 26 (5 rounds) sc around (36)
27. [1 dec, 4 sc] around (30)
28. - 30 (3) sc around (30)
31. [1 dec, 3 sc] around (24)
don’t cut off the yarn!

HAND, make 2
Round 1: 6 ch, start in the 2 from the hook: 4 sc;
3 sc in the last st., 3 sc, 1 inc (12)
2: 1 inc, 3 sc, 3 inc, 3 sc, 2 inc (18)
3 - 7 (5 rounds): sc around (18)
8. [1 dec, 4 sc] around (15)
9. [1 dec, 3 sc] around (12)
● stuff the Hand a little
10 - 16 (7). sc around (12)
17. [1 inc, 3 sc) around (18)
● stuff a little
18 - 20 (3). sc around (15)
21. 4 sc, ​change yarn color to green​(T-shirt), 11
sc (15)
22. sc around (15)
23. [1 dec, 3 sc] around (12)
24. 3 sc; put together the opposite sides of the arm, join the facing each other stitches with
[4 sc, sl st]; cut off the yarn

So, the Hands are ready. Now we need attach them to the Body.

Round 32: 8 sc, put the Hand to
the Body and attach it with 5 sc,
7 sc, put the Hand to the Body
and attach it with 5 sc (the last
sc is made into the 1st stitch of
this round, the beginning of
rounds is shifted to the left) (24)
33. [1 dec, 2 sc] around (18)
34. 3 sc, change the yarn color
to grey, 15 sc (18)
35. [1 dec, 4 sc]around (15)
36-37 (2). sc around (15)
38. 3 sc, fasten off, cut off the
So, the Body is ready. Now we start the most interesting part - the Head.


Use red yarn
Make chain of 13 loops, work back-and-forth
Rows 1-2 (2 rows altogether): 12 sc - make 1ch+ turn at the end of each row
Row 3: 1 dec, 8 sc, 1 dec (10)
Rows 4-5 (2 rows altogether) : 10 sc
Row 6: 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec (8)
Rows 7-8 (2 rows altogether): 8 sc
Row 9: 1 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec (6)
Rows 10-13 (4 rows altogether): 6 sc
Row 14: 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec (4)
Rows 15 -17 (3 rows altogether): 4 sc
Row 18: 2 dec (2)
Row 19: 2 sc
Row 20: 1 dec
Row 21: 1 sc
Row 22: 1 sl st.
● Cut the yarn, leaving a long tail
(about 15 cm)
● Weave the tongue yarn tail in
the wrong side of the Tongue to
its ⅓ length. Don’t shorten this
tail, we will use it later.

Round 1: 6 sc in magic ring
Round 2: inc around (12)

Round 3: [1 inc, 1 sc] around (18)

Round 4: [1 inc, 2 sc] around (24)
Rounds 5-6 (2 rounds altogether): sc
around (24)
Round 7: [1 inc, 3 sc] around (30)
Rounds 8-9 ( 2 rounds altogether): sc
around (30)
Round 10: [1 dec, 3 sc] around (24)
Rounds 11-17 ( 7 rounds altogether): sc
around (24)
Round 18: [1 inc, 3 sc] around (30)
Round 19: sc around (30)
Round 20: [1 inc, 4 sc] around (36)
● don’t cut the yarn


Make 1 ch, flatten the part and crochet
sc-row​of 19 sts in ( under, in other words)
the vertical loops between the rounds
along the bend of the Jaw; make 1 sc in
the magic ring (insert the hook in the hole
and get it out between the stitches above
the ring); continue ​the​​sc-row​under the
vertical loops along the opposite side;
make 1 sc to connect to the last (20th)
round of the Jaw.
Before completing the contour row, please,
check up: between the ends of the contour
row on the top side should leave ​17 free
stitches​ along the last (the 20th) round.
Don’t cut off the yarn!
This short video​can help you, but note this
video was done for other doll, therefore the
stitches number must to be not 11, but 17.


Work along the inner side (these are the same
17 free st. between the ends of the contour
row) of the BJ.
Make 2 sc, put the Tongue on and attach it in
the basic chain stitches with 12 sc, make 2 sc,
1 sl st in the last st. Later we will sew this
inner side of the BJ to the inner side of the
Top Jaw. Now cut off the yarn ​leaving a long
tail ​for sewing (about 15-20 cm).
Sew the Tongue to the BJ using the rest of tongue yarn tail.

Top jaw (TJ)

Begin from the nose with black yarn
Round 1: 6 sc in a magic ring
Round 2: inc around (12)
Rounds 3-4 (2 rounds altogether): sc around
Round 5: [1 inc, 1 sc] around (18)
Round 6: sc around (18)
Change yarn color to gray
Round 7: ​Work in BLO:​ sc around (18)
Round 8: [1 inc, 2 sc] around (24)
Round 9: [1 inc, 3 sc] around (30)
Round 10: [1 inc, 4 sc] around (36)
Rounds 11-15 ( 5 rounds altogether): sc
around (36)
Round 16: [1 dec, 4 sc] around (30)
Rounds 17-18 (2 rounds altogether): sc
around (30)
Round 19: [1 dec, 3 sc] around (24)
Rounds 20-24 ( 5 rounds altogether): sc
around (24)
Round 25: [1 inc, 3 sc] around (30)
Round 26: sc around (30)
Round 27: [1 inc, 4 sc] around (36)
Round 28: sc around (36)
Marking: Put the Jaws together
(see the next photo). Mark off the
contour of the Bottom Jaw on the
Top Jaw using a sewing thread
(see the photo).

Make the contour row on the Top Jaw in the same

way as for the Bottom Jaw. Leave 18 free stitches
between the ends of the contour row. Make 1 slip
stitch in the Top Jaw last round. Don’t cut the yarn!


Put the Jaws together (the
Tongue inside the mouth). Make
1 sc under the 1st stitch of the BJ
contour row. Make 18 sc along
the outer side of BJ (in the sts of
the last round). Make 1 sc in the
upper stitch of the TJ contour
row, then 18 sc along the outer
side of TJ. It’s the basic round for
the Head, 38 sts altogether.
Sew together the inner sides of
the Jaws using the yarn tail of the
Bottom Jaw (see the next photos)
Round 1. sc around (38)
Round 2. 6 sc, 1 inc, 6 sc, 1 inc, 11 sc, 1 inc, 6 sc, 1 inc, 5 sc (42)

We pause crocheting to finish the Wolf Jaws. Start these all finishing rounds on the Bottom
Jaw at the joining point.

THE DECORATIVE ROUND​: make slip stitch round under (not ‘in’) the stitches of the Jaws
contour rows (see the photo on the next page). Use an additional piece of yarn which can
also be another shade. This
round forms nice rounded shape
of the Jaws.


First make ​basic teeth sc-round
for the Teeth. Crochet it in the
back loops of the contour row
(see the next photo).
And now make the Teeth
Use a white yarn, it should be
not thicker than your main yarn.
Work in back (inner) loops of ​the
basic teeth sc-round​:
● Make ​1 ​slip stitch (not
sc !) ​in the 1st and the
last stitches of each Jaw
(2-3 sts at the corners of
the mouth).
● in the rest stitches make [
1sl st + 1ch].
Hide all the yarn tails inside the
Head and fasten, knot them
Note:​These finishing seams
look good when their starts and ends are in the same loop. If you are unable to do this by
crocheting, try to connect the
seams with a needle.
CONTINUE crocheting the Head
Round 3. sc around (42)
4. [1 inc, 6 sc] around (48) - install the plastic safe eyes in this round
5-9 ( 5 rounds altogether): sc around (48)
- Stuff the Top Jaw, but don’t stuff the Bottom Jaw
Round 10: [1 dec, 6 sc] around (42)
Round 11: [1 dec, 5 sc] around (36)
Round 12: [1 dec, 4 sc] around (30)
Round 13: [1 dec, 3 sc] around (24)
Round 14: [1 dec, 2 sc] around (18)
- Stuff the Head
Round 15: [1 dec, 1 sc] around (12)
Round 16: dec around (6), close the hole

EARS, 2 piece
Round 1: 4 sc in magic ring
Round 2: 1 inc, 3 sc (5)
Round 3: 1 inc, 4 sc (6)
Round 4: [1 inc, 1 sc] around (9)
Round 5: sc around (9)
Round 6: 1 inc, 8 sc (10)
Round 7: 1 inc, 9 sc (11)
Round 8: put together the opposite sides of the Ear, join the facing each other stitches with
[4 sc, 1 sl st]
Fasten off, leave a long tail for sewing

Round 1: 6 sc in magic ring
Round 2: [1 sc, 1 inc] around (9)
3: sc around (9)
make [sc] to desired length, stuff a little in process
the last round​: [1 sc, 1 dec] around (6), close the hole


If you don’t use plastic eyes, you can crochet eyes

Use iris yarn or any thin yarn, crochet hook 1.25-1.5 mm

1. black yarn​: 6 sc in mr (6)

2. blue yarn​: 6 inc (12)
3. white yarn​: [inc, sc]*3; ​change yarn to​​black​: [inc, sc]*3 (18)

● pull well the begin black tail, tie together the begin black and the begin blue tails,
shorten them
● cut off the blue yarn, pull well, tie with a knot and shorten the finish blue and the
beginning white tails
● cut off the white thread, living a long tail; use it to embroider a light fleck, pull it to
wrong side, fasten off and shorten
CONTINUE with the black yarn
4. BLO: [sc, dec]*6 (12)
5. BLO: 12 sc
6. 6 dec, sl st (6)

Cut off the yarn, leaving a long tail. Weave the front loops of the rest stitches with the tail,
pull well. Input the needle inside the Eye and output into the edge between the black and the
white part of the 3rd round (see the next photo).

Sew the Eyes after sculpting the Head. Flatten them before sewing.

Sew the Ears to the 12th round of the Head


Sculpting the Eyes:​Use the head yarn and a yarn needle. Mark up the eyes, put the needle
inside the Head beside the 1st eye, put the needle out beside the opposite eye. Leave 1-2
row and come back to the 1st eye. Knot the tails of the yarn, tighten them slightly. Hide them
inside the Head (see the photo). Make sculpting before sewing the crocheted eyes. For
plastic eyes you can make sculpting after installing the eyes. Put your needle close to the
Eyes, hide the seam under the Eyes.

Sculpting eyebrows​: sew together 2 rows above the eye. As well you can embroider

Sculpting the Nose:​Use the nose

black yarn. Start inside the mouth
close to the teeth at the center.
Work along the teeth inside the
mouse, and sew along the
black-and-grey nose border on the
Top Jaw (see the photo on the next
page). As result the Wolf nose will
be turned up.
Marking the sewing circle: mark the circle on
bottom side of the Head using marker pen or
sewing thread (see the right photo above).
Sew the Head, I can recommend ​this method
Start at the center of the front.

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