Metabolome Analysis For Investigating Host-Gut Microbiota Interactions

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Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (2019) 118, S10eS22

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Review Article

Metabolome analysis for investigating

host-gut microbiota interactions
Michael X. Chen a,b,1, San-Yuan Wang c,1, Ching-Hua Kuo d,e,f,
I-Lin Tsai c,g,h,i,*

Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Island Medical Program, University of Victoria, Canada
Master Program in Clinical Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacoproteomics, College of Pharmacy, Taipei
Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
The Metabolomics Core Laboratory, NTU Centers of Genomic and Precision Medicine, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology, School of Medicine, College of Medicine,
Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei,
International PhD Program for Cell Therapy and Regeneration Medicine, College of Medicine, Taipei
Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

Received 31 August 2018; accepted 5 September 2018

KEYWORDS Dysbiosis of the gut microbiome is associated with host health conditions. Many diseases have
Gut microbiota; shown to have correlations with imbalanced microbiota, including obesity, inflammatory bowel
Metabolomics; disease, cancer, and even neurodegeneration disorders. Metabolomics studies targeting small
Sample collection; molecule metabolites that impact the host metabolome and their biochemical functions have
Mass spectrometry; shown promise for studying host-gut microbiota interactions. Metabolome analysis determines
Data processing the metabolites being discussed for their biological implications in host-gut microbiota inter-
actions. To facilitate understanding the critical aspects of metabolome analysis, this article
reviewed (1) the sample types used in host-gut microbiome studies; (2) mass spectrometry
(MS)-based analytical methods and (3) useful tools for MS-based data processing/analysis. In
addition to the most frequently used sample type, feces, we also discussed others biosamples,
such as urine, plasma/serum, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, exhaled breaths, and tissues, to bet-
ter understand gut metabolite systemic effects on the whole organism. Gas chromatography-
mass spectrometry (GCeMS), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and capillary

* Corresponding author. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology, School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical
University, 250 Wuxing Street, Taipei, 11031, Taiwan.
E-mail address: (I.-L. Tsai).
These authors contributed equally.
0929-6646/Copyright ª 2018, Formosan Medical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
Metabolome and host-gut microbiota interactions S11

electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS), three powerful tools that can be utilized to study
host-gut microbiota interactions, are included with examples of their applications. After ob-
taining big data from MS-based instruments, noise removal, peak detection, missing value
imputation, and data analysis are all important steps for acquiring valid results in host-gut mi-
crobiome research. The information provided in this review will help new researchers aiming
to join this field by providing a global view of the analytical aspects involved in gut microbiota-
related metabolomics studies.
Copyright ª 2018, Formosan Medical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction alterations could potentially reduce or maintain blood

glucose levels in at-risk patients.
The metabolic capacity of the human body involves com- Although these studies have provided promising results
plex interactions between the intestinal microbiota and with clinical applications, broad applicability using
host cells. These interactions, which occur through sequence-based (metagenomics) approaches, either alone
metabolite production, begin at birth.1 Small molecules, or in combination with predictive algorithms, requires
such as vitamins, fatty acids, amino acid (AAs), and bile extensive independent validation. Nevertheless, meta-
acids, modulate host-gut metabolic homeostasis by binding genomics has been extensively used to characterize the
to specific host membranes or nuclear receptors.2,3 The gut species and gene contents of the gut microbiome associ-
microbiota facilitates the development of the human im- ated with human health.21e23 Therefore, insights into the
mune system, and the immune system in turn shapes the functional relationships in this symbiotic ecosystem remain
composition of the microbiota. challenging and require understanding beyond the micro-
This crosstalk between many different classes of small bial DNA contents.24 Obtaining a more comprehensive
molecules contributes to the evolutionary fitness of the analysis by identifying not only the microbial composition
host driven by dynamic interactions including diet,4 life- but also the metabolites (metabolome) in prospective
style,5 illness and antibiotics use.6 Recent publications have conditions will be more insightful.
revealed that a disruption in this balanced interaction may Metabolomics has emerged as a technique that focuses
result in conditions such as cardiometabolic disorders, al- on defining the functional status of hostemicrobial re-
lergies,7 inflammatory bowel diseases,8 neuropsychiatric lationships in biological specimens, such as urine, blood,
diseases and cancer.9,10 These findings suggest that the gut feces and tissues. Most studies on the gut microbiome aim
microbiome contributes to interindividual variability in all to explore disease-related metabolites or dysregulated
aspects of disease situations and thus should be part of metabolic pathways (Fig. 1). This review highlights several
precision medicine approaches.11,12 main aspects in metabolome analysis for studying host-gut
A great example of this would be the use of the gut microbiome interactions, including sample collection,
microbiome to predict personalized postprandial blood analytical tools, data pretreatment and data analysis
glucose in response to specific diets, which has significant (Fig. 2). In particular, we focused on mass spectrometry
interindividual variability.13 Elevated postprandial blood (MS)-based platforms due to their ability to measure a wide
glucose levels are a major risk factor for prediabetes and range of metabolites in a complex sample matrix. The
type II diabetes. Therefore, maintaining normal blood biological functions of host and gut microbiota co-
glucose levels through lifestyle modifications with dietary metabolites have been discussed and summarized in many
recommendations is considered critical for preventing and review articles25e28 and will not be included in this article.
controlling this metabolic condition.14 However, despite
the importance of food intake, conventional methods use Sample collection
meal carbohydrate contents15 to predict postprandial gly-
cemic response to specific diets. Calculations based on the Feces,29,30 urine,31 plasma/serum,32 saliva,33 exhaled
weighted sum of the constituents of a meal can have breaths,34 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) [47], and tissues from
questionable accuracy and could lead to overestimation of target organs29 are all potential biological samples for
the meal glycemic index by 22%e50%.15,16 A seminal pub- investigating co-metabolism and host-gut microbiome in-
lication by Gordon and colleagues showed associations be- teractions using good experimental designs. Sample type
tween the gut microbiota and obesity.5 Other studies selection may be considered for several reasons, such as
subsequently revealed its association with glucose intoler- sample availability, the study model and disease type. For
ance, type II diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and insulin metabolomics studies, careful sample collection and proper
resistance.17e20 This has led to accurate predictions of storage conditions play important roles and decrease study
postprandial blood glucose after complex, real-life meals result bias.35 After collecting samples at proper time
using a validated algorithm that integrated clinical and gut points, all samples should be maintained at low tempera-
microbiome features.13 Based on these findings, personal- ture during transfer. Liquid biological samples can be
ized dietary interventions accompanied by gut microbiota separated into aliquots to decrease the number of
S12 M.X. Chen et al.

Figure 1 The impact of gut microbiota in symbiosis and dysbiosis with host on the health. Metabolome reflects the interactions
between gut microbiota and host through small molecule metabolites.

freezeethaw cycles in future experiments. Stress-induced comprehensive review of the current state of knowledge
metabolic changes, such as those promoted by catechol- with regard to the protocols, technologies and remaining
amine and hormones, should be considered when collecting challenges in fecal metabolite analysis.44 Dr. Ravenzwaat
invasive samples such as plasma/serum, CSF and tissue. et al. analyzed both feces and gut tissues to investigate the
Collection tools which contain detergent or polymers impact of different antibiotics on microbiome-related me-
should be avoided to prevent signal interference in mass tabolites. They found that gut tissues did not provide much
spectrometry analysis.36 Sample pretreatment processes more information compared with feces, which indicated
depend on the target metabolites, sample types and in- that feces are a noninvasive and information-rich sample
struments used for analysis, but solvent extraction with type.29 Feces from animal models can be collected after
different aqueous and organic solvent percentages are sacrifice or from cages. For clinical studies, special
commonly used. Sample preparation methods for metab- collection tools have been developed for convenient feces
olomics studies have been comprehensively reviewed in collection, even for individuals at home.45 Storing feces in a
several articles and are not discussed here.37e39 80  C freezer directly after collection or by snap-freezing
The selection of sample types and sample handling in liquid nitrogen are both used in many studies. Before
procedures determines the metabolite contents of the freezing stool samples, a drying process is sometimes used
study; we reviewed commonly used sample types, their to make sure the weight of the samples used for prepara-
selected applications as well as special precautions in tion is not affected by fluid inside feces, which is caused by
sample handling. Table 1 summarizes the MS-based individual variation; however, volatile metabolites might
analytical methods used to investigate host-gut micro- lost during the drying process.39
biota; the information includes the selected sample type,
sample preparation procedure, analytical instrument and Urine
studied metabolites.
Urine samples contain both host and microbial products
Feces and information from urinary metabolomics could consider
both microbial and host influences on the phenotype.
Because fecal samples can directly contain host-gut co- Urine was selected as a biomatrix during the initiation of
metabolites, it has undoubtedly became the most widely metabolomics (metabonomics).46 Due to its special char-
used sample type for studying host-gut microbiota in- acteristics and evidence that metabolites produced by
teractions, such as in ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel intestinal bacteria are absorbed and excreted in urine,47
syndrome,40 obesity,41 liver cirrhosis,42 carcinoma,43 etc. A urine has also been widely used for studying host-gut
comprehensive review of human fecal metabolomics has microbiota interactions. The successful application of
been published by Karu et al. The article provides a urinary metabolomics has been used to study gut
Metabolome and host-gut microbiota interactions S13

Figure 2 Workflow of mass spectrometry-based metabolomics study for investigating host-gut microbiota interactions. A suc-
cessful metabolomics study starts with good experimental design, followed by careful sample collection and pretreatment. Sen-
sitive and selective MS instruments are useful in metabolite detection. After data acquisition, analytical results should be
preprocessed before data analysis.

microbiota-associated diseases including tuberculosis,48 studies.55 Siuzdak et al. used 4 different MS-based analyt-
autism,49 antibiotic-induced gut microbiota dysbio- ical methods to compare plasma metabolites from
sis,47,50 and metabolic syndrome.51 When using urine as conventional-raised and germ-free mice. The results indi-
the biomatrix for metabolomics studies, midstream urine cated a large effect of the gut microbiota on mammalian
is collected and centrifugation (at > 1000e3000 g for blood metabolites, especially on amino acids, indole-
5 min at 4  C) is usually recommended to eliminate cells containing metabolites, and drug-like phase-II meta-
and pellets. Preservatives such as sodium azide or boric bolism.56 Not only limited to endogenous co-metabolites,
acid have been suggested as urine sample additives at final metabolomics approaches can also be applied to investi-
concentrations of 200 mM and 10 mM, respectively, to gate food catabolism or nutrition through the gut micro-
prevent bacterial growth.52 Additionally, maintaining the biome and the impact on host health. Jacobs et al.
samples at low temperatures (80  C) for long-term investigated the catabolites from black tea in the gut
storage is necessary for metabolite stability. Prior to microbiota that might be related to lowering the risk of
instrumental analysis, high-speed centrifugation cardiovascular diseases after long-term consumption of
(> 10,000 g for 15 min) is usually applied to remove small black tea.57 The collection of plasma or serum and the
particles. Because intersubject dilution factors up to 2 selection of blood collection tubes should be consistent
orders of magnitude may be present, concentration throughout the study. Heparinized tubes are suggested for
normalization should be performed before urinary plasma collection because EDTA generates mass spec-
metabolomics analysis using creatinine, osmolarity, and trometry signal interference.58 Elena-Herrmann et al.
even advanced normalization strategies.53,54 carefully estimated the influences of pre-analytical pro-
cedures on the blood metabolome and found that the delay
Plasma and serum and storage temperature between a blood draw and
centrifugation have more impact on the blood metabolome
Plasma or serum samples are a less invasive biomatrix that than other factors.59 Immediately centrifuging and storing
can reflect the dynamic changes of the metabolome of the samples at low temperatures is recommended for blood
whole organism and have been used in most metabolomics samples after drawing.
Table 1 Selected MS-based metabolomics studies in host-gut microbiota interactions.
Disease or Treatment Feces Other Extraction Analytical Small molecule metabolites/metabolism
specimen methods
Antibiotic related  Urine Digest with beta-glucuronidase HPLC-MS/MS Target metabolites: N-acetyltryptophan, indole-3
intestinal and aryl sulfatase. No propionic acid, indoxyl sulfate, cinnamoylglycine,
colonization extraction prior analysis hippuric acid, enterolactone, enterodiol, etc.
Antibiotic induced gut V Urine Feces: homogenization/ UHPLC-QTOFMS Glycine, serine, threonine metabolism, pantothenate
microbiota dysbiosis extracted with cold water and and CoA biosynthesis, nicotinate, nicotinamide
and Chinese herbal cold methanol; Urine: dlute in metabolism, bile acid metabolism
formula50 water (1:1)
Colorectal cancer78  Serum UPLC-MS: water: MeOH: ACN UPLC-QTOFMS; Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, urea cycle, glutamine,
(1:2:7); GC-TOFMS: MeOH: GC-TOFMS fatty acids, and gut flora metabolism
chloroform (3:1)
Neuroblastoma84 V Serum Feses: Extract with 50% HPLC-MS/MS Bile acids
ACN þ SPE.; Serum:
Thyroid carcinoma83  Serum Methanol: chloroform (3:1) GC-TOFMS Amino acid, lipid, glucose, vitamin metabolism, diet/gut
microbiota interaction
Chinese rhubarb V  Homogenization/ GC-TOFMS Indole derivatives, short chain fatty acid, bile acid,
treatment82 methanol:chloroform:water phenyl derivatives, amino acids, poly amines, organic
(225:75:300) acids
Black tea57  Plasma Acidified acetonitrile/drying UHPLC-high Catabolites of black tea
and reconstitution resolution mass
Irritable bowel V  Homogenization/methanol: GC-TOFMS Myristic acid, arachidic acid, octadecanol, N-acetyl-D-
syndrome80 chloroform (3:1) galactosamine; 1,1-hexadecanol, phenylethylamine, 2-
furoic acid, etc.
Ulcerative colitis81 V  Acetonitrile:isopropyl GC-TOFMS Short chain fatty acids, xanthine, oleic acid, putrescine,
alcohol:water (3:3:2) 5-aminovaleric acid
Hyperlimidemia and V Serum, Feces and tissue: chloroform/ GCeMS Pyruvic acid, serotonin, ketogenic and glycogenic amino
treatment51 Urine, Liver methanol/water (2:5:2); acid, pyridoxine, 4-pyridoxic acid, hypotaurine,
Tissue Serum: cold methanol; Urine: methionine, putrescine, etc.
cold ethanol
Celiac disease60  Saliva Solid phase microextraction/ GCeMS Volatile metabolites, ex: ethyl-acetate, nonanal, 2-
head space sampling hexanone
Tuberculosis48  Urine Organic acid extraction: HCl, GCXGC-TOFMS 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 3-(4-hydroxy-3-
ethylacetate, diethyl ether methoxyphenyl)propionic acid

M.X. Chen et al.

Gut microbiota and host  Plasma Cold methanol (4 volumes)/ HPLC- ESI (þ); Global metabolites
metabolome56 drying and reconstitution HPLC-ESI();
Metabolome and host-gut microbiota interactions S15

Glucose, fructose, lactate, succinate, fumarate, malate,

citrate, b-hydroxybutyric acid, b-aminoisobutyric acid,

In addition to gut microbiota, the oral microbiome also

Amino acid, polyamines, prostaglandin E2, SCFAs
showed significant impacts on host/gut metabolome and
symbiosis. Saliva is one of the most noninvasive sample
types that can be collected for oral metabolic in-
vestigations. Previous studies also showed that oral micro-
biome symbiosis is stable in healthy subjects, but disturbed
during the occurrence and progression of diseases.33
Angelis et al. investigated differences in the microbiome
in saliva between children with and without celiac disease
(CD) by metagenomics and metabolomics approaches.60

Organic volatile compounds and oral microbiome dysbiosis

Volatile metabolites

were discovered, meaning that CD affected the oral

metabolome and the composition of the microbiota.
Unstimulated saliva collection was used to prevent
stimulation-related metabolites. Eating, drinking, smoking,
and oral hygiene products were not allowed 1e2 h before
saliva collection. Subjects could rinse their mouths with

small volumes of water before spitting. Saliva was spit into

sterile tubes covered in ice. Centrifugation is usually used
after sample collection to remove particles, and the sam-
ples are aliquoted for storage in a 80  C freezer.61,62

Exhaled breath



Exhaled breaths show advantages in their noninvasiveness

and have gained increasing attention in recent years. The
association between volatile organic compounds (VOC) in
Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered

exhaled breaths and the pathophysiology of fatty liver and

Solid phase microextraction/

associated conditions, including obesity, has been reviewed


by Solga.63 In addition to the fatty liver axis, other diseases

were also found to be associated with gut microbiome-
Acidified acetonitrile
head space sampling

related VOCs in patients, such as Crohn’s disease,34 in-

Saline three times
water chloroform

flammatory bowel disease,64 and gastric cancer.65 Leja

et al. carefully evaluated the reproducibility of VOC mea-
surements by GCeMS, which showed that VOCs are poten-
tially useful for the diagnosis of gastric cancer.65 Multi-
breath collection should be used for biomarker discovery,
and the time of collection and collection environment
should be specified. Exhaled breath samples are generally
collected using special air bags,34 canisters or gas-tight
syringe. Exhaled breath condensate containing relatively
Liver tissue

nonvolatile compounds is also a novel sample type for

investigating small molecule metabolites (SMMs) and

hostemicrobiota interactions.66 These samples should be

processed carefully because the target analytes are usually

volatile or display high volatility. Pre-concentration or
extraction using a solid-phase microextraction (SPME) or
thermal desorption tube is commonly used prior GCeMS


Intestinal microbiota and
colonic metabolites77

Alzheimer’s disease and

energy metabolism75

Cerebrospinal fluids
Gut microbiota and

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is also a biomatrix commonly used

in metabolomics research, especially for neuro-

ndegenerative diseases.68,69 The brainegutemicrobiome

axis and neurontransmitters, such as serotonin and trypto-

phan, have been confirmed to show bidirectional commu-

nication.70 CSF can be collected by puncture; however,
collecting CSF is relatively invasive compared with other
S16 M.X. Chen et al.

biosamples. This might be one of the reasons that the Clostridium butyricum to IBS mice may provide benefits by
number of publications using CSF to investigate host-gut modulating host metabolism. Dr. Michail et al. integrated
microbiota interactions is relatively low. Dr. Zanotti et al. metagenomics and metabolomics approaches to investigate
reported that the gut microbial metabolite trimethylamine- the biological effects of fecal microbiota transplantation
N-oxide can be detected from human cerebrospinal fluid (FMT) in pediatric patients with ulcerative colitis. Using GC-
using UHPLC-MS/MS, and further studies are required to TOF MS analysis, several metabolites, such as short chain
evaluate its relationship with neuron disorders.71 Due to fatty acids, xanthine, oleic acid, putrescine, and 5-
importance of the brain-gut microbiome axis, we believe aminovaleric acid, were found to be altered after FMT.81
that there will be more studies using CSF as a sample type. Liu et al. analyzed metabolites involved in pathways such
as short chain fatty acid metabolism, bile acid metabolism,
Tissue and carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism.82 Using an
optimized GC-TOF MS method, changes in metabolites such
Although tissue sampling is invasive, tissue extracts are still as indole and phenyl derivatives, polyamines and short
widely used in metabolomics studies for deeper in- chain fatty acids were observed in rats with rhubarb
vestigations focused on metabolic changes in target organs treatment. Luo et al. used GC-TOF MS to analyze metabo-
or tumors. The integration of metabolic information from lites from serum samples in which amino acid, lipid,
different biofluids and tissue extracts has been applied to glucose, vitamin metabolism and diet/gut microbiota in-
many diseases, such as cancers,72,73 metal toxicity in the teractions were demonstrated to be correlated with thyroid
liver,74 energy metabolism,75 cardiovascular disease,76 etc. carcinoma.83 These examples showed that GCeMS is
Dr. Hou et al. investigated the liver metabolome between powerful for host-gut microbiota studies.
specific pathogen-free and germ-free mice and found
distinguished energy metabolism profiles, which revealed Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
that the gut microbiome plays important roles in amino
acid, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.75 Matsumoto Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is one of
et al. investigated the impact of intestinal microbiota on the most commonly used analytical platforms for metab-
the intestinal luminal metabolome using CE-TOFMS. The olomics studies. Different kinds of LC columns, which are
results indicated that the intestinal microbiome has great suitable for hydrophobic and hydrophilic metabolites, have
impacts on the colonic luminal metabolome.77 For metab- been developed as reverse- and normal-phase stationary
olomics analysis, tissues samples should be snap-frozen in phases, respectively. In addition to the benefits of a wide
liquid nitrogen after collection and stored in a 80  C variety of stationary phases, smaller particle sizes (<2 mm)
freezer until preparation. The weight of tissues (mg levels) in separation columns coupled with ultra-high pressure
used for metabolic extraction should be consistent and liquid chromatography instruments provide advantages of
sufficient to achieve instrumental detection. higher separation efficiency and peak capacity. Processed
samples from solvent extraction are usually able to be
Analytical methods introduced into an LC column directly with simple drying
and reconstitution using suitable solvents. Compatibility
In most metabolomics and microbiota studies, MS is coupled with a variety of metabolites and the good performance of
to separation methods such as gas chromatography, liquid LC-MS make it a powerful tool in metabolomics and gut-
chromatography, and capillary electrophoresis to provide microbiota studies, such as those focused on colorectal
higher peak capacities and to achieve qualitative and cancer78 and neuroblastoma.84 Drs. Fischbach and Son-
quantitative analysis. High-resolution mass spectrometry, nenburg et al. integrated genetics and targeted metabolic
such as time of flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS), is profiling results to reveal that human gut bacteria generate
powerful for global metabolite detection. Tandem mass aromatic amino acid metabolites that accumulate in the
spectrometry method, such as triple quadrupole mass host circulation and affect intestinal permeability and
spectrometry, is useful for target metabolome studies. systemic immunity.32 Not limited to the circulation system,
Many studies have also used multiple MS-based platforms to Dr. Spacil et al. developed a UHPLC-MS/MS method to
increase the metabolite detection coverage.56,78 investigate tryptophan metabolites in urine, which are
related to gut microbiome metabolism.31 Dr. Tarr et al. also
used broad-range and targeted metabolomics approaches
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
focused on ceramides and sphingomyelins to investigate the
impacts of sphingomyelin metabolism on necrotizing
Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry,
enterocolitis in infants.85
including electron impact-quadrupole (GC-EIMS) or time-of-
flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF MS), has been applied to
determine metabolites with thermal stability and vola- Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry and
tility.79 Non-volatile metabolites can also be detected using other MS-based analytical methods
GCeMS with suitable chemical derivatization. Dr. Lu and
team investigated the effects of supplementing bacteria to Capillary electrophoresis (CE) provides a different separa-
mice with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); the feces samples tion mechanism compared with general chromatographic
were processed with an organic solvent extraction method methods, in which metabolites with different molecular
followed by metabolite derivatization before GC-TOF MS weights and charges can be separated in a capillary based
analysis.80 Their findings suggest that supplementing on their different mobility. By coupling with a mass
Metabolome and host-gut microbiota interactions S17

spectrometry detector, such as in the case of time-of-flight data preprocessing pipeline for MS-based small molecule
mass spectrometry (TOF MS), CE-MS is a powerful analytical detection involves noise removal, peak detection, and
platform that has been applied to gut microbiota missing value imputation (Fig. 3). Small molecule identifi-
studies.77,86 The use of CE for phenotyping the gut micro- cation and data analysis follow data preprocessing. Several
biota has been extensively reviewed by Ferrer et al.86 Dr. databases provide metabolite spectral information to help
Uebanso and team utilized CE-TOF MS to analyze luminal to identify the detected features. These databases include
metabolites (110 targets) and integrated the results with the Golm Metabolome Database91 for GCeMS data, Madison
bacterial compositions to investigate the effects of xylitol Metabolomics Consortium Database (MMCD),92 MassBank,93
on the gut microbiome and lipid metabolism.30 Dr. Abe and Metlin94 for LC-MS-based data. Furthermore, the
et al. also used CE-TOF MS to analyze mouse metabolites Human Metabolome Database (HMDB)95 contains both LC-
from plasma, urine, and feces to investigate the impact of MS and GCeMS data for metabolite identification.
the gut microbiota on uremic solute accumulation and
renoprotective effects.87 Noise removal
Many advanced MS-based analytical platforms also show
good performance in small molecule metabolite analysis.
A vast amount of background ions and noise is generated
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrom-
during the electrospray ionization process in GCeMS or LC-
etry (MALDI-MS), desorption electrospray ionization mass
MS experiments. To remove the background ions, several
spectrometry (DESI-MS), and MassSpec Pen have been
algorithms have been developed using the R language,
applied to metabolite investigations using biological sam-
including TIPick96 and BgS-NoRA.97 Both of these algorithms
ples,88 but there are fewer studies focused on host-gut
remove background ions by subtracting a blank sample with
microbiome interactions using these platforms compared
user-specified retention time shifts and relative mass-to-
with GCeMS, LC-MS, CE-MS. This might be because most of
charge ratio difference tolerances. BgS-NoRA also
the biological samples use solvent extraction processes to
removes ions that are not consistent across user-specified
recover SMMs and the separation of multi-analytes is usually
consecutive adjacent LC-MS experiment scans. Several
helpful for decreasing the complexity before MS detection.
noise filtering algorithms, include sliding window, average,
Nevertheless, these advanced MS-based analytical plat-
median, and Savitsky-Golay98 filters, are also used to
forms have the potential to be applied to gut microbiome
remove the noise from both GCeMS and LC-MS data.

Peak detection
Data preprocessing for MS-based small
molecule detection and analysis Peak detection in LC-MS-based data preprocessing is
perhaps the most critical step.99,100 Peak detection consists
MS-based metabolomics is a powerful tool to detect a broad of pure ion chromatogram extraction and chromatographic
range of small molecules in complex biological samples. peak detection. Ion trace detection is a fundamental step
When using mass spectrometry to study host-gut microbiota for LC-MS data analysis. A straightforward approach for
interactions, huge volumes of generated data may become extracting the ion chromatograms is the binning method.
the bottleneck of entire studies. Many sophisticated tools However, mass-to-charge ratio drift can occur in LC-MS
have been designed to facilitate the processing of metab- experiments. When the measured mass-to-charge ratio of
olomics data. Tools and resources for handling NMR and MS the analyte is close to the boundary between two bins, the
metabolomics data have been reviewed by Misra.89 A analyte ions can be assigned to different bins and generate
recent review article found that the application of LC-MS in split peaks.90,101 Hence, several tools, including PITracer,90
fecal metabolomics is less common than GCeMS. The XCMS,102 OpenMS,103 MZmine,104 and MetSign,105 have
article indicated that the overwhelming amount of data, developed algorithms that can analyze the ions in different
which requires knowledgeable and complex data process- scans, collect the ions with similar mass-to-charge ratios,
ing, is one of the reasons that restricted the application of and generate the ion chromatogram. After extracting the
LC-MS in fecal metabolomics studies.44 Therefore, in the ion chromatograms, the chromatographic peaks can be
following paragraphs, we reviewed and examined recently detected according to several criteria including the signal-
published tools for MS-based metabolomics studies, with to-noise ratio, intensity threshold, slope of the peak, local
more emphasis on LC-MS-based experiments. maximum, shape ratio, length of ridge lines, and peak
The raw data generated by MS-based metabolomics ex- width. A detailed comparison of state of the art peak
periments comprises a large collection of 3-tuples (rt, m/z, detection is reported by Yang et al.106 Yang et al. reported
and a), where rt is the retention time or time required for that the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) algorithm
the molecule to elute from the column, m/z is the mass-to- provides the best chromatographic peak detection perfor-
charge ratio of the molecular ion, and a is the measured ion mance. The CWT algorithm is integrated into XCMS,
abundance of the molecular ion. However, detecting the OpenMS, and MZmine. Several new algorithms for MS-based
ions produced by small molecules in biological samples is data preprocessing are continuously incorporated into the
still a major challenge for untargeted studies, as the ma- XCMS, OpenMS, and MZmine frameworks. These three tools
jority of ions are background or not products derived from provide rich functionality and are widely used for studying
the small molecules of interest.90 The raw data requires host-gut microbiota interactions; for example, XCMS was
complex preprocessing steps to obtain at the clean data for used for peak picking in a human intestinal transplant
the subsequent statistical analysis. The major steps in the rejection study.107 In the study, the XCMS-derived data
S18 M.X. Chen et al.

Figure 3 The major steps of the data preprocessing workflow of the MS-based small molecules detection.

obtained from the LC-MS analysis of stool extract was concentration of the molecule in the sample is lower than
directly used for multivariate data analysis without further the limit of detection, and 3) the molecule is not present in
data preprocessing. OpenMS was also used to detect the the sample. The missing values can result in a failure to
metabolic features of fecal pellets from mice with Chagas identify the wrong arguments and judgments. However, a
disease to characterize the impacts of Trypanosoma cruzi number of MS-based metabolomics studies do not mention
infection on the gut microbiota and corresponding metab- their missing value handling solutions.
olome.108 Hintze et al. employed MZmine to process LC-MS When the missing values are caused by inaccurate peak
data and analyze the metabolome to create humanized detection algorithms, the missing values can be imputed
animal models for animal health and disease research via by detecting peaks and reextracting the ion chromatogram
antibiotic treatment and fecal transfer.109 with adapted parameters or replacing baseline signals.111
For GCeMS data, AMDIS ( The missing values can also be reduced by combining
mass-spc/amdis) utilizes common mass spectrometric duplicate measurements.112 Missing values due to the limit
data processing algorithms to process tasks in GCeMS of detection are usually replaced with half of the mini-
data and generates the clean data for the subsequent sta- mum value from other samples. Bijlsma et al. proposed
tistical analysis. These algorithms enable users to identify the “80% rule” and recommended that molecules with at
and quantify small molecules with ease. least 20% missing values in a sample group should be
Missing value imputation In addition to replacing missing values with a small value
or a baseline signal, k-nearest neighbors imputation,
In MS-based small molecule detection studies, datasets can random forest imputation, and Bayesian principal compo-
typically contain 20e30% missing values.110 Generally, the nent analysis replacement are also used to handle missing
missing values can occur for the following three reasons: 1) values in MS-based small molecule detection and quantifi-
an inaccurate peak detection algorithm, 2) the cation datasets.113
Metabolome and host-gut microbiota interactions S19

MS-based metabolomics techniques are powerful for

Table 2 Main data analysis functions of MetaboAnalyst
investigating key metabolites associated with host-gut
and XCMS Online.
microbiota interactions. Due to the complexity of the
Functions MetaboAnalyst XCMS microbiome and the categories of co-metabolites, multiple
Online sample types, multi-analytical platforms with correct data
Univariate statistical analysis processing, and even multi-omics should be integrated to
t-test V V have a global view for host-microbiome studies. We have
ManneWhitney V reviewed critical aspects in metabolome analysis and pro-
Wilcoxon signed-rank V vided successful examples of using these approaches for
KruskaleWallis V studying host-gut microbiota interactions. The metab-
ANOVA V V olomics technique is definitely a promising approach that
Fold change V V facilitate and explore the biological networks between the
Multivariate statistical analysis host and gut microbiota.
Clustering V V
Classification V
Correlation analysis V
Conflicts of interest
Functional analysis
Pathway analysis V V The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Enrichment V
Data integration
Joint pathway analysis V V
Biomarker meta-analysis V V
Knowledge-based V This study was supported by the Ministry of Science and
network analysis Technology, Taiwan (106-2320-B-038-050-MY2), and the
Program for Translational Innovation of Biopharmaceutical
Development - Technology Supporting Platform Axis,
Taiwan (Grant No. 106-0210-01-10-01; 107-0210-01-19-04)
Data analysis for funding support.

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