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‫سمنار الطالب… علي صادق جعفر‬

Group D

Balanced Occlusion
Types of Balanced Occlusion

The simultaneous contacting of the maxillary and mandibular teeth on the right
and left side and in the posterior and anterior occlusal areas in centric and
eccentric positions, developed to lessen or limit tipping or rotating of the denture
bases in relation to the supporting structures”-GPT

Types of Balanced Occlusion

Unilateral Balanced Occlusion
This is a type of occlusion seen on occlusal surfaces of teeth on one side when
they occlude simulatenously with a smooth , uninterrupted glide. This is not
followed during complete denture
preparation. It is more pertained to fixed partial dentures.

Bilateral Balanced Occlusion

This is a type of occlusion that is seen when a simultaneous contact occurs on
both sides in centric and eccentric positions. Bilateral balanced occlusion helps to
distribute the occlusal load evenly across the arch and therefore helps to improve
stability of the denture during centric, eccentric or parafunctional movements.

Protrusive balanced Occlusion

This type of balanced occlusion is present when mandible moves in a forward
direction and the occlusal contacts are smooth and simultaneous anteriorly and
posteriorly.There should be atleast three points of contact in the occlusal
plane.Two located posteriorly and one anteriorly.Absent in natural dentition

Lateral Balanced Occlusion

In lateral balance there will be a minimal simultaneous three point contact
present during lateral movement of mandible.This is absent in natural
dentition.Teeth should be arranged such that there is simultaneous tooth contact
in balancing side and working side.

Mechanics of balanced occlusion

In natural teeth when the mandible is protuded so that the incisal edges of
the upper & the lower teeth contact, there is a gap between the upper &
lower posterior teeth, this is termed as “Christensen’s phenomenon”.
But this occlusion could cause tipping of the denture in the posterior
region. Thus simultaneous anterior & posterior contacts are required when
mandible is protruded.
Concepts proposed
Gysi’s concept
He proposed the first concept towards balanced occlusion in 1914.He suggested
arranging 33 degree anatomic teeth could be used under various movements of
the articulator to enhance the stability of the denture.

Factors influencing balanced occlusion

Thielemann’s formula
• Balanced Occlusion= K . I
• OP .C . OK
• Where,

This is the only factor which can be
recorded from patient.It is
registered using prostrusive
registration and transferred to the
articulator as the condylar
guidance.This factor of Balanced
occlusion cannot be modified.
“Mandibular guidance generated
by the condyle and articular disc
traversing the contour of the
glenoid fossae”

a).Horizontal condylar guidanceguides the forward movement forprotrusive

b).Lateral condylar guidance-guides the sideward or lateral movement of the
mandible. Posterior slope of the articular eminence represented by the condylar
tract of articulator
“The influence of the contacting surfaces of the mandibular and maxillary anterior
teeth on mandibular movements’ It is determined by the dentist and customised
for the patient during anterior try in. It acts as a controlling path for the
movements of the casts in an articulator.Its should be set according to the desired
overjet and overbite planned for the patient.If overjet is increased,the inclination
of the incisal guidance is decreased.The incisal guidance has more influence on
posterior teeth than condylar guidance.


PLANE “An imaginary surface which is relatedanatomically to the cranium and
which theorotically touches the incisal edges of the incisors and tips of occluding
surfaces of the posterior teeth.It is not a plane in the true sense of word but
represents the mean curvature of the surface “ it is established anteriorly by the
height of the lower canine,which nearly coincides with the commisure of the
mouth and posteriorly by the height of the retro molar pad.It is usually parallel to
Camper’s line.

“The anteroposterior and lateral curvatures in the allignment of the occluding
surfaces and incisal edges of artificial teeth which are used to develop balanced
2 types of curves:
-Anteroposterior curves
-Lateral curves
Curve of Spee
“Anatomic curvature of the occlusal alignment of teeth beginning at the tip of
lower canine and following buccal cusps of natural premolars and
molars,continuing to the anterior border of ramus
It is seen in the natural dentition and should be reproduced in a CD. The
significance of the curve is that, when the patient moves his mandible forward,
the posterior teeth set on this curve will continue to remain in contact.

Monson’s Curve
“The curve of occlusion in which each cusp and incisal edges touches or conforms
to a segment of a sphere of 8 inches in diameter with its center in the region of

Wilson’s Curve
“A curve of occlusion which is convex upwards” This curve is followed when first
premolars are arranged. The premolars are arranged according to this curve so
that they do not produce any interference to lateral movements.

Pleasure Curve/Reverse Curve

“A curve of occlusion which in transverse cross section conforms to a line which is
convex upward except for last molars” This curve runs from palatal cusp of the
first premolar to the distobucaal cusp of second molar,The second molar gives
occlusal balance and the second premolar gives lever balance.

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