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Chapter 1



School is the second home. It is a place where a child can develop

their skills, talents, and their personalities. It helps to make their dreams
come true. According to Gray (2013), “every school should be most and
foremost, a moral community.” Additionally, school is an organization that
provides instruction such as institution for the teaching of children and a
group of students and teachers pursuing knowledge together that with
similar groups constituted a medieval university (Merriam Webster

However, no man is an island. School is also about to make friends,

to talk to and do things with other people. Everyone needs to socialize.
Socialization refers to the process through which people develop culturally
patterned understandings, behaviors, values, and emotional orientation
(Chapin et al. 2015). Besides, according to Mechanic, the most important
feature of culture is that can be transmitted, and thus the young can acquire
adaptive repertoires through the learning process or, sociological terms, the
socialization process.

Inside of school, there are many hindrances of students to socialize.

One of those is a recent problem which is bullying that occurs most often at
school. Bullying is an act use to harm other people. It is mostly applied to
those vulnerable or weak people. To those who cannot fight back, protect
themselves. According to McDougall, et al. (2014) bullying is a long tolerated
by many as a rite of passage into adulthood, is now recognized as a major
and preventable public health problem, one that can have long-lasting
consequences. Furthermore, bullying is phenomenon that is elusive,
conniving and hard to define properly because times change and so do

means by which to inflict harm upon others. It is stated that bullying
behavior is a cowardly action, in all probability caused by some or other
childhood pain (Disraeli 2016).

Bullying can define in many forms. It is categorized into four types,

namely: physical, verbal, cyber and relational bullying. Physical bullying
includes all forms of physical harm done on the victim such as kicking,
shoving, punching and the like. Verbal bullying is usually in the form of
derogatory remarks or insults hurled at the target. This may include but not
limited to name-calling, taunting, teasing in a hurtful way, and making fun of
the individual (Berger, 2013; Wang et al. 2014). According to Mitchell et al.
(2014) cyber bullying occurs electronically, and has proven to be more
damaging because it often relates to the victims’ depressive state,
delinquent behavior and substance abuse as well as suicidal thought and
suicidal attempts. On the other hand, relational bullying involves social
seclusion. It may be done in the form of spreading rumors and lies about the
victim in order to make others avoid socializing with him or her (Wang

In addition, according to a Swedish study about the victims of

bullying, many victims are bullied because of their appearance such as being
under or overweight, unattractive, and because of traits such as being shy
and insecure or “strange”. Provocative victims or bully-victims usually do not
withdraw when attacked. Instead, they choose to retaliate with violence that
is reactive rather than proactive in nature.

There are other differences about gender in bullying. But both can
experience and prone to verbal bullying. Boys are more likely to be victims
of physical bullying by their peers, whereas girls are more likely to report
being targets of sexual comments or rumor-spreading. Girls are also more
likely to bully each other by social exclusion (Olweus 2013).


This research study aims to understand the experiences of the Grade

10 victims of Bullying from Tandang Sora Integrated School and to
determine what are the different impacts to their Emotional Health.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the kinds of bullying that cause victims to suffer from

emotional health problem?

2. What are the effects of bullying to the victims on their emotional


3. How do the victims handle bullying?


This study concentrates on the Grade 10 victims who experienced

bullying that affects their Emotional Health. The respondents are selected
Grade 10 students of Tandang Sora Integrated School in Caloocan City. The
respondents of the study included 20 selected students of Grade 10, in the
school year 2018-2019.

The researchers had a difficulty in location, appointing their meeting

place to work on. Because of the distance of each researchers’ home is a
long way from one another. The other researchers had to ride or had to
commute for them to arrive at the assigned location.

The researchers did not manage their time wisely. Because of being
procrastinate, it made the researchers unable to do their responsibilities
about the research study. The researchers had other school tasks that
needed to be accomplish, researchers had their own household chores and
obligations to their family.


These are the following group of individuals that will benefit from this

VICTIMS. This research helps the victims to know how they are going to
handle their Emotional Health whenever they experience bullying. To help
the victims give answers to their questions why they experience bullying.

TEACHERS. This research helps the teachers to be aware and be inform

about their student’s behavior or status. To help the teachers give proper
guidance and show how bullying affects student’s emotional health.

BULLY. This research helps the bully to realize that every act of bullying
they make has a bad effect to one’s emotional health and to take bullying as
a serious topic. To help the bully provides more information and to
acknowledge them about bullying.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This research helps the future researchers to

use this study as a basis for further improvements. To help the researchers
provide keys to their topic.


This portion of the research shows the outline of this whole study.
This also present the processes that all be done during the conduction of the


1. Kinds of bullying
the Grade 10
1.Research Design respondents have
Narrative inquiry
Experiences of the
Grade 10 2.Sampling Technique
Purposive 2. Effects of
respondents from
Sampling bullying on their
3. Research Instrument emotional health

3. Ways of
respondents in
handling bullying


The input composed the experiences of Grade 10 students who

suffered from bullying.


The process presented the narrative inquiry as research design,

purposive sampling as sampling technique and interview as research
instrument that the researches used while gathering the data for the study.


The output implied what are the kinds of bullying that the
respondents have experienced from bullying and the effects on their
emotional health and how the respondents handle bullying.


The following words were defined and classified conceptually to serve

as a basis for better understanding of the researchers’ study:

BULLYING – abuse and mistreatment someone vulnerable by someone

stronger, more powerful.

PROHIBITED – use to describe that the information, explanations, and

other explanations of the respondents or victims are secure.

PRONE – use to describe the possibilities of the students to experience


PROVOCATIVE VICTIMS - are often physically weaker than those who

bully them but are almost always physically stronger than their own victims.

RELATIONAL BULLYING – it is a form of bullying common among youth,

but particularly so among girls, and involves a bully trying to hurt a peer
and/or that peer’s standing within a particular peer group.

REPERTOIRES – all the things that a person is able to do.

RUMOR-SPREADING – a piece of unverified information of uncertain origin

usually spread by word of mouth.

TAUNTING – to say insulting things to someone in order to make that

person angry.

VERBAL BULLYING – it is when an individual uses verbal language like

insults, teasing, etc. to gain power over his or her peers.

VULNERABLE – use to describe the victims or students who experience

bullying. The one who easily attacked or harmed.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents from related literature and studies that have
relevance with the present study.


Based on the Bullying: Experiences and Discourses of Sexuality

and Gender, a study of Helen Cowie, it stated that, becoming the target of
bullying appears to be influenced by such risk factors as temperament,
previous experiences of loss rejection, the history of intimate relationships
and friendships and the presence or absence of personal resilience. Hence,
the children whose friends are low in protective qualities have increased
chance of being bullied and also of developing internalizing problems such as

A study entitled: Understanding Bullying Behaviors of Children

by Stacey Baier, schools are intended to be safe places for students to
learn and grow, yet is virtually impossible for students to obtain either of
these goals when they are faced with daily humiliation, isolation, or issues
with personal safety. In addition, their severity and frequency within high
school make life in school literally unbearable for children who are bullied
during their adolescent years.

The Impact of School Bullying On Students’ Academic

Achievement from Teachers Point of View by Hana Khaled Al-Raqqad
and Eman Saeed Al-Bourini. It stated that, bullying constitute a complex
problem in school kids lives. It is a problem that affects all students, either

bullies or victims, and those who attended interpersonal violence. It is well
known that bullying is difficult to eliminate or to stop it in schools because it
is used by students and affects individually or collectively.


Philippine Issues on School by Cezar Barranta Jr. of Cavite State

University. It stated that, bullying is being referred to as an aggressive
behavior that is done repeatedly and might turn out to be an act of violence.
And usually the person who is responsible for these acts is doing so because
he/she wants to show that he/she is more powerful, they want to grab the
attention of the people around them, and it does not always have to be out
of revenge or hatred.

A study entitled: Bullying and School Connectedness Among

High School Students by Maj Francisco of Aquinas University of Legazpi.
It stated that, bullying behavior is social process that is highly influenced by
how students perceived themselves in a relation to the behavior of others.
Furthermore, school is the most common place where bullying incidences to
tend occur, and that bullies often come from peers in their own school.

Based on the Bullying Among High School Students, a study of

Sally I. Maximo of Saint Louis University of Baguio, it stated that, bullying
carried out with the intention to hurt. The persons involved in bullying are
the bullies and the victims. Besides, provocative victims or bully-victims
usually do not withdraw when attacked. Instead, they choose to retaliate
with violence that is reactive rather than proactive in nature. A significant
percentage has aggressive attitudes. Hence, they are more likely to start a
fight rather than to passive victims.


The findings of the study synthesized relevant ideas to the chosen

topic of the researchers. These insights brought additional knowledge to the
researchers and help them come up with a much reliable data. Considerable
knowledge was accumulated about the experiences of bully-victims; its
impact and targets.

The term “bullying” refers to the offensive behavior towards someone

resulting them to feel hurt, frighten or threaten. This has huge factors to the
victims’ emotional health and is said to be the cause of depression in some
victims depending on the case. People who are vulnerable and are low in
protective qualities have a larger chance of being bullied that is why most of
the bully-victims are the weak ones.

Most of the related literatures and studies are relevant to the study.
There is just one point with the reviewed study that stated that the victims
of bullying tend to retaliate with violence when being attacked by the bullies
contradicting to this study having more passive victims.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design or method used, sampling

technique, instrument used and data gathering procedure.


This study used narrative inquiry. Narrative inquiry is a method that

used to adopt a particular view of experience as phenomenon under study.
Thus, the present study is about understanding the experiences of Grade 10
victims and its impact to the emotional health, the method stated above is


The researchers used purposive sampling technique. In purposive

sampling, the researchers chose people based on the objective of the study;
the selected respondents met certain experiences to be applicable to
represent the entire study.


The respondents of this research study were the Grade 10 students

from Tandang Sora Integrated School who have experienced bullying. The
researchers chose twenty (20) respondents from the four (4) sections from
Grade 10.


This research study was conducted on Tandang Sora Integrated

School located at 7th Avenue East Grace Park, District II, Caloocan City.


The researchers used an interview to acquire the appropriate data for

this kind of study. It is a group-administered interview questionnaire for the
gathering process to get the final input came from the respondents. The
draft of the interview questionnaire was drawn out based on the research
reading, previous study, published and unpublished thesis that relevant to
the study made by the researchers. It was validated by the researchers’
subject teacher and guided to the finalization of the interview questionnaire.

The interview questionnaire was structured in such a way the

respondents would be able to understand and answer easily. The
researchers used an interview protocol for gathering the data through


After the validation of the interview questionnaire, the researchers

wrote a formal letter to the principal of Tandang Sora Integrated School and
the purpose was to ask authorization to conduct an interview to the Grade
10 students. While conducting an interview, the researchers introduced and
explained their study. After gathering the data from the victims, the
researchers dissected the answers of each respondents with the help of a
recorded audio. The researchers analyzed the data to determine what are
the impacts of bullying to the emotional health of its victim.

Chapter 4


In this chapter, it presents the analysis and interpretation of the data

collected based on the answer of the respondents on the interview

Kinds of Bullying
This figure shows the kinds of bullying that caused victims to suffer
from emotional health.

Physical Verbal Cyber Relational

Bullying Bullying Bullying Bullying

• Inaasar po • Nagpaparinig • Sinasabihan

• Sinasampal nila ako based po nila ako ng
po sila sakin
sa appearance
po nila ako, sa Facebook at masasama
Twitter. kapag
• Madami silang maraming tao.
• Nagpopost
yung buhok. sinasabi sakin
kapag wala ako. sila sakin • Nagkakalat
• Nanapak sila about sa bad sila ng issue
• Nilalait nila sides ko. sa mga
∙ ng walang
ako kasi maitim kaibigan ko.
dahilan. ako. • Kapag may
• Yung trip po nangyari po • Kapag
• Dinidiskrimina marami pong
nila ako na sakin na
po nila ako sa
hampasin masama, tao ako po
daan o school.
kapag may itatag po nila yung
nakakatuwa. • Nagsasalita ako sa social ginagawang
sila sa akin ng media. clown nila.
• Kapag masasakit dahil
natutuwa sila, sa mali ko. • Sa
hinahampas messenger po,
• Yung sinasabi tinatawanan
nila ako. po nila na sipsip
nila ako at
daw po ako
• Sinasabihan topic.
nila ako ng

• Bina-bash nila
Figure 1: Kinds of Bullying
ako palagi.
Figure 1 presents the experiences of bully-victims. They were
classified into four (5): physical, verbal, cyber and relational bullying.
It presented that teasing in a hurtful way, discrimination, mean
words, name-calling, and making fun of the individual that were classified as
verbal bullying is the most common type of bullying that the Grade 10
students from Tandang Sora Integrated School have experienced.
Next to it were the physical and cyber bullying. Physical bullying
represents the punching, hitting and slapping while the cyber bullying shows
teasing, spreading lies and making fun about the victims through social
media or internet.
Social seclusion, humiliation, and spreading rumors about the victims
in order to avoid socializing with him/her were considered as relational
bullying that has the least respondents that have experienced.
The kinds of bullying represent how the victims bullied. On what
forms or what way did the bullying take. It is either physical bullying that
happens on physical body, verbal bullying uses words that are intended to
hurt, cyber bullying that occurs in social media or internet and relational
bullying that is done by humiliating in front of many people or by fake

Effects of Bullying on their Emotional Health
This figure presents the effects of bullying to the victims on their
emotional health.

• Nalulungkot ako kasi bakit nila ginagawa yon.
• Dinadamdam ko, tapos nalulungkot dahil doon.
• Nakakalungkot, kasi po nakakasakit na sila ng damdamin.
• Nakakalungkot kasi hindi nila ako kinikilalang mabuti.
• Sobrang nakakalungkot sa tuwing binu-bully nila ako.

• Nawawalan po ako ng tiwala sa sarili na makipag-kaibigan pa.
• Yung confidence ko bumababa dahil sa nangyari.
• Dahil po doon, naddown ko yung sarili ko.
• Napapahiya ako sa maraming tao so bumababa yung self-confidence ko.
• Nakaka-conscious yung mga panlalait nila sa akin.

• Hindi na ako nakikipag-kaibigan masyado.
• Bihira na lang ako makipag-kaibigan kasi baka maulit pa.
• Hindi na po ako gaano nakikipag-usap.
• Unti-Unting nawawalan ng gana para makipag-kaibigan.

• Nakaka-apekto sa focus ko sa pag-aaral.
• Ayaw mawala sa isip ko yung pagbu-bully nila sa akin.

• Nawawalan na po akong pumasok kasi baka maulit.
• Nawawalan ako ng will para pumasok.

Figure 2: Effects of Bullying to their Emotional Health

Figure 2 presents the effects of bullying of bullying on their emotional
health. They were classified into five (5): unhappy, low self-esteem, social
interaction, out focus and tardiness.

Being unhappy or in state of being sad and having low self-esteem or

lack of confidence has the most common effects of bullying on their
emotional health based from the Grade 10 victims of bullying.

Followed by the social interaction or socializing was considered as one

of the effects of bullying on the victim’s emotional health.

Also, the out of focus or having no concentration and tardiness that

has the least respondents that have experienced were considered too.

It implies that the act of bullying has its effect on the emotional
health to the victim who have experienced. That the victim of bullying might
be unhappy, experiencing low self-esteem, avoiding social interaction,
having out of focus and tardiness.

How Victims Handle Bullying

This figure represents how the victims handle when experience



• Hinahayaan ko na
• Nilalapitan at • Nagiisip na lang • Iniisip ko na
lang po sila kasi
tinatanong yung hindi naman totoo ng mga bagay na lang po sila kung
paliwanag. yung sinasabi. masaya para bakit ganoon.
• Tinatanong ko •Wala, hinahayaan • Iniintindi na
po siya kung ko na lang kasi • Nakikipag- lang po sila.
bakit nya ako alam ko naman na bonding na lang
binu-bully. hindi totoo. po sa family. • Hindi ko po
pinapatulan kasi
•Hindi ko na lang
• Pinag-ppray ko gaanon na nga
na lang sila sa sila.
nagawa nila.
• Dedma ko na
lang yung pang-
aasar nila. • Humahanap na
lang po ako ng
• Iniiwasan na lang gagawin ko na
po siya, at ikasasaya ko.
• Umiisip na lang
• Binabalewala na ng mga positive
lang kasi puro
vibes para
masama yung
yung nagawa
• Hinahayaan ko na nila.
lang kasi doon sya
masaya. • Pinagpapasa
diyos ko na lang
• Hindi ko na lang po yung nagawa
po sya iniintindi. nya sa akin.

• Hindi ko na lang
po pinapatulan at
Figure 3: How victims handle bullying

Figure 3 presents how victims handle bullying. They were classified
into four (4): confront, ignore, optimistic and understand.

It represents that to ignore the act or the bully has the most common
way that the victims handle whenever experienced bullying. That the victims
just neglecting what happen when he/she being bullied.

Followed by optimistic or the victims will find happiness with the

things that make themselves happy when suffered from bullying.

Next to it was to understand or the victims handle bullying by

understanding the bully about what happened.

To confront the bully was also considered as a way on how the

victims handle bullying. That the victims will talk to the bully about the

This indicates that every victim that experienced bullying has their
own way on how to handle the problem. Such as to ignore the bully or what
happen, being optimistic or positive, to understand and to confront the bully.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations that includes the data gathered by the researcher of this


This study aimed to understand the experiences of Grade 10 victims

of bullying and its impact to their emotional health. An interview was
conducted to gather data. The following were the findings based on the
gathered results.

1. What are the kinds of bullying that cause victims to suffer from

emotional health problem?

1.1 Physical Bullying. Punching, slapping, and hitting were

considered as physical bullying and classified as one of the kinds
of bullying.

1.2 Verbal Bullying. The most common kind of bullying, the

victims suffered from teasing, discrimination, and mean words
that are intended to hurt were considered as verbal bullying.

1.3 Cyber Bullying. Whenever the victims suffered from

humiliating through social media apps or in internet and posting
bad sides about the victims were considered as cyber bullying.

1.4 Relational Bullying. This kind of bullying has the least
respondents that the victims have experienced, the victims
experienced humiliating in front of many people and spreading lies
or rumors about the victims to avoid socializing with him/her.

2. What are the effects of bullying to the victims on their emotional


2.1 Unhappy. The most common effects of bullying to the Grade

10 students. It showed that the effects of bullying to the victims is
in state of being sad. This only shows that the victims of bullying
are prone to feel or experience sadness when being bullied.

2.2 Low Self-Esteem. It represented that the Grade 10 victims

having low self-esteem as the effects of bullying to their emotional
health. The victim’s confidence is decreasing because of bullying
that experienced and to feel more conscious.

2.3 Social Interaction. It implied that the Grade 10 victims of

bullying manifested a poor social interaction or socializing toward

2.4 Out of Focus. It denoted that the Grade 10 victims of

bullying were experiencing out of concentration after being bullied
and easy to be distracted.

2.5 Tardiness. It indicated that the Grade 10 victims of bullying

have a tendency to disregard going to school because of bullies
and being bullied.

3. How do the victims handle bullying?

3.1 Confront. Confronting or to talk to with the bully is

considered as the uncommon way on how the victims handle

3.2 Ignore. The most common way on how the victims handle
when experienced bullying. That the victims just neglected what

3.3 Optimistic. The result showed that to stay being positive or

to find positive things is classified as one of the ways on how the
victims handle bullying.

3.4 Understand. The result showed that understanding the

bullies or to comprehend is one of the ways on how the victims
handle when experienced bullying.


In view of this study, the following conclusions are made:

1. Whenever the victims experienced bullying it has effects to their

emotional health.

2. Every student in the school can be target of bullying, regardless of

your status, appearance, talents and other things that maybe
subjected by bullying.

3. In terms to the kinds of bullying that cause victims to suffer from
emotional health, verbal bullying is leading to all.

4. In terms to the effects of bullying to their emotional health, state of

being unhappy or sad is dominant.


On the basis of findings of this study and conclusions drawn the

following recommendation are offered:

1. The researchers would like to recommend to all Grade 10 students

should implement such program pertaining to the bullying.

2. The bullies should reflect on what he/she does towards the others. For
the bullies to be aware that bullying affects one’s emotional health.

3. The victim and the bully should have a confrontation about the

4. The researchers would like to give awareness to the Grade 10

students regarding bullying.



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DATE: February , 2019

LOCATION: Tandang Sora Integrated School


Good morning ____________________. My name is Jomer and I am

presently conducting a research about the Understanding the Experiences of
Grade 10 students Victims of Bullying from Tandang Sora Integrated School
and its Impact to their Emotional Health. The objective of this study is to
comprehend the experiences of provocative victims of bullying and to
determine what are the different Impacts to their Emotional Health.


• How is life?

• Do you feel good today?

• What can you say about your study? Is it good or bad? Is it alright?

• Is your socializing good? Does your friend or classmate treat you right or

• What can you say about the problems about bullying?


1. Do you experience bullying?

2. Why do you experience bullying?

3. On what forms did the bullying take? By punching, cursing, in social

media or spreading rumors and lies about you?

4. Can you give scenarios?

5. What did you feel when you experience bullying?

6. Is it affecting your?
6.1 Concentration
6.2 Self Confidence
6.3 Family Relationship
6.4 Social Interaction

7. What are the consequences that may affect you when you encounter

8. How will your parents cope with you when you have experienced

9. Does your environment help you in your emotional aspect when you are
being bullied?

10. What is/are your specific way/s on how you handle bullying?


Thank you for your time, kindness and cooperation. The researchers
are grateful to have you here and fully appreciated your answer/s. The
researchers will give you assurance that all your answers that gathered and
collected are confidential and all kept. God bless us always!


409 Arania St. Reparo, Baesa, Caloocan City

Mobile: 0936-414-5969


Age: 18 years old.

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Date of Birth: February 1, 2001

Place of Birth: Quibal Penablanca, Cagayan Valley

Religion: Catholic



Strand: General Academic Elective: ABM
7th Avenue East Grace Park, Caloocan City

BAESA HIGH SCHOOL (A.Y 2014 – 2008)

Reparo St., Baesa, Caloocan City


Reparo St., Baesa, Caloocan City


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