Reality TV Project and Rubric

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Reality Television Show Assignment – 20 Points

Individually, you are to design and develop a new reality television show. You will also sell your
idea in a persuasive manner to the rest of the class. So you really have two tasks ahead of you
– each having their own marketing aspects.

 Design & develop the show - (must appeal to the audience)

o Must indicate the target market for your show
o Must indicate the compelling reason(s) why your target market would watch it, get
others to watch it and watch it religiously each week
 Present show to a network (Class Instructor and rest of class) – in a persuasive manner
to encourage a network to carry the show

This is required:
 Use PowerPoint (as visual aid) to structure your presentation
 The only text that you can have on your slides will be in the slide titles (this ensures that
you can’t read directly off of your slides)

Task 0 - Beginning 04 - Developing 06 - Focused 10 - Exemplary
Reality Show Weak program details. Few program details. Some program details. Excellent program details. 10
Details Audience is not able to Many areas of show Some areas could have Well thought out. Audience
visualize the show. Does could have been more been more thought out. is able to visualize the
not include a specific developed. Audience is Audience is able to show. Includes a specific
target market or not able to visualize the visualize the show. target market and
compelling reasons to view show. Specific target Includes a broad/general compelling reasons to view
the show. market and compelling target market and the show.
reasons to view the compelling reasons to view
show are weak. the show could have been
more developed.
Actual Poor communication of Communicated few Communicated some Clearly communicated all 10
presentation presentation. Enthusiasm aspects of presentation aspects of presentation to aspects of presentation to
and interest level was to class. Little class. Displayed some class. Displayed
absent from presenters. enthusiasm during the enthusiasm during the enthusiasm during the
Maintained unacceptable presentation. presentation. Maintained presentation. Maintained
level of eye contact and Uunacceptable level of acceptable level of eye exemplary eye contact and
voice volume. Presentation eye contact and voice contact and voice volume. voice volume. Presentation
was not persuasive. volume. Presentation Presentation was fairly was very persuasive.
needed to be more persuasive.
Total 20

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