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Biochar for Environmental Management:

An Introduction

Johannes Lehmann and Stephen Joseph

What is biochar?

Simply put, biochar is the carbon-rich prod- mainly contains minerals such as calcium
uct obtained when biomass, such as wood, (Ca) or magnesium (Mg) and inorganic
manure or leaves, is heated in a closed carbonates. Also, in most fires, a small
container with little or no available air. In portion of the vegetation is only partially
more technical terms, biochar is produced by burned in areas of limited O2 supply, with a
so-called thermal decomposition of organic portion remaining as char (Kuhlbusch and
material under limited supply of oxygen (O2), Crutzen, 1995).
and at relatively low temperatures (<700°C). The question as to what biochar actually
This process often mirrors the production of is from a chemical point of view rather than
charcoal, which is one of the most ancient from a production point of view is much
industrial technologies developed by mankind more difficult to answer due to the wide vari-
– if not the oldest (Harris, 1999). However, it ety of biomass and charring conditions used.
distinguishes itself from charcoal and similar The defining property is that the organic
materials that are discussed below by the fact portion of biochar has a high C content,
that biochar is produced with the intent to be which mainly comprises so-called aromatic
applied to soil as a means of improving soil compounds characterized by rings of six C
productivity, carbon (C) storage, or filtration atoms linked together without O or hydrogen
of percolating soil water. The production (H), the otherwise more abundant atoms in
process, together with the intended use, typi- living organic matter. If these aromatic rings
cally forms the basis for its classification and were arranged in perfectly stacked and
naming convention, which is discussed in the aligned sheets, this substance would be called
next section. graphite. Under temperatures that are used
In contrast to the organic C-rich biochar, for making biochar, graphite does not form to
burning biomass in a fire creates ash, which any significant extent. Instead, much more
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irregular arrangements of C will form,

containing O and H and, in some cases,
minerals depending upon the feedstock. Until
now, biochar-type materials have largely
escaped full characterization due to their
complexity and variability (Schmidt and
Noack, 2000). One of the first attempts to
characterize the crystal structure of graphite
was undertaken in the 1920s by John D.
Bernal. Using X-ray diffraction, Bernal
(1924) demonstrated the hexagonal structure
and layering of graphene sheets in a pure
graphite crystal (see Figure 1.1). The much
more irregular biochar-type organic matter
was only successfully investigated much later
Figure 1.1 Structure of graphite as proven for
by Rosalind Franklin in the late 1940s
the first time by J. D. Bernal in 1924
(Franklin, 1950, 1951), and efforts to charac-
Source: Bernal (1924), with permission from the publisher and terize the chemistry of biochar are ongoing
the estate
and are discussed in detail in Chapters 2 to 4.

Biochar terminology

The term ‘biochar’ is a relatively recent devel- blurred (see Chapter 17). In spite of this, the
opment, emerging in conjunction with soil term ‘charcoal’ is long established in popular
management and C sequestration issues language and the scientific literature, and will
(Lehmann et al, 2006). This publication also be used in this book for charred organic
establishes and uses ‘biochar’ as the appropri- matter as a source of energy.
ate term where charred organic matter is The establishment of the term ‘agrichar’
applied to soil in a deliberate manner, with is closely related to that of biochar, with the
the intent to improve soil properties. This desire to apply charred organic matter to soil,
distinguishes biochar from charcoal that is but is not used further in this book. ‘Biochar’
used as fuel for heat, as a filter, as a reductant is preferred here as it includes the application
in iron-making or as a colouring agent in of charred organic matter in settings outside
industry or art (see historical definitions in of agriculture, such as promoting soil remedi-
Chapter 7). ation or other environmental services. And
The term ‘biochar’ has previously been the term emphasizes biological origin, distin-
used in connection with charcoal production guishing it from charred plastics or other
(e.g., Karaosmanoglu et al, 2000; Demirbas, non-biological material.
2004a). The rationale for avoiding the term ‘Char’ is a term that is often used inter-
‘charcoal’ when discussing fuel may stem changeably with charcoal, but is sometimes
from the intent to distinguish it from coal. applied to refer to a material that is charred to
Indeed, coal is formed very differently from a lesser extent than charcoal, typically as a
charcoal and has separate chemical and phys- product of fire (Schmidt and Noack, 2000).
ical properties, although in very specific cases The term is used in this book to refer to the
the differences in properties can become charred residue of vegetation fires. Both
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terms, char and charcoal, are extensively The term ‘pyrolysis’ is typically used either
employed in this volume because much of the for analytical procedures to investigate the
available information on charred organic organic chemistry of organic substances
matter has been generated in studies on char- (Leinweber and Schulten, 1999) or for
coal production for fuel and on char as a bioenergy systems that capture the off-gases
result of fires. In most instances, this body of emitted during charring and used to produce
literature provides information that is rele- hydrogen, syngas, bio-oils, heat or electricity
vant to biochar management. (Bridgwater et al, 1999). In contrast, the term
‘Activated carbon’ is a term used for ‘burning’ is typically used if no char remains,
biochar-type substances, as well as for coal, with the organic substrate being entirely
that have been ‘activated’ in various ways transformed to ash that does not contain
using, for example, steam or chemicals, often organic C. Often, substances called ‘ash’ in
at high temperature (>700°C) (Boehm, reality contain some char or biochar, signifi-
1994). This process is intended to increase cantly influencing ash properties and
the surface area (see Chapter 2) for use in behaviour in technology and the environ-
industrial processes such as filtration. ment.
The term ‘black C’ is much wider and Burning is very different from charring
includes all C-rich residues from fire or heat. and pyrolysis, not only with respect to the
Fossil fuels such as coal, gas and petrol, as solid ash residue versus biochar and related
well as biomass, can produce black C. The substances, but in terms of the gaseous prod-
term includes the solid carbonaceous residue ucts that are generated. Therefore, these two
of combustion and heat, as well as the processes should be carefully distinguished
condensation products, known as soot. Black from each other.
C includes the entire spectrum of charred The terminology surrounding biochar
materials, ranging from char, charcoal and may evolve. However, the definition provided
biochar, to soot, graphitic black C and here serves as a starting point for future
graphite (Schmidt and Noack, 2000). development. Other terms such as gasifica-
The term ‘charring’ is used either in tion or liquefaction that are used in
connection with making charcoal or in conjunction with biochar are explained else-
connection with char originating from fires. where (Peacocke and Joseph, undated).

The origin of biochar management and research

While both research and development of and soil chemistry (Tryon, 1948) yielded
biochar for environmental management at a detailed scientific information. In Japan,
global scale is a somewhat recent develop- biochar research significantly intensified
ment, it is by no means new in certain regions during the early 1980s (Kishimoto and
and has even been the subject of scientific Sugiura, 1980, 1985).
research for quite some time. For example, The use of biochar has, for some time,
Trimble (1851) shared observations of been recommended in various horticultural
‘evidence upon almost every farm in the contexts – for example, as a substrate for
county in which I live, of the effect of char- potting mix (Santiago and Santiago, 1989).
coal dust in increasing and quickening In 1927, Morley (1927) writes in the first
vegetation’. Early research on the effects of issue of The National Greenkeeper that ‘char-
biochar on seedling growth (Retan, 1915) coal acts as a sponge in the soil, absorbing
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Figure 1.2 Advertisement for

biochar to be used as a
soil amendment in turf greens
Source: The National Greenkeeper (1933)

and retaining water, gases and solutions’. He not, biochar has, as a consequence, been
even remarks that ‘as a purifier of the soil and frequently connected to soil management
an absorber of moisture, charcoal has no practised by ancient Amerindian populations
equal’ (Morley, 1929), and charcoal products before the arrival of Europeans, and to the
are being marketed for turf applications in a development of complex civilizations in the
1933 issue of the same magazine (see Figure Amazon region (Petersen et al, 2001). This
1.2). Young (1804) discusses a practice of proposed association has found widespread
‘paring and burning’ where soil is heaped support through the appealing notion of
onto organic matter (often peat) after setting indigenous wisdom rediscovered. Irrespective
it on fire with reportedly significant increases of such assumptions, fundamental scientific
in farm revenue. Also, Justus Liebig describes research of Terra Preta has also yielded
a practice in China where waste biomass was important basic information on the function-
mixed and covered with soil, and set on fire to ing of soils, in general, and on the effects of
burn over several days until a black earth is biochar, in particular (Lehmann, 2009).
produced, which reportedly improved plant Second, over the past five years, unequiv-
vigour (Liebig, 1878, p452). According to ocal proof has become available showing that
Ogawa (undated), biochar is described by biochar is not only more stable than any other
Miyazaki as ‘fire manure’ in an ancient amendment to soil (see Chapter 11), and that
Japanese text on agriculture dating from it increases nutrient availability beyond a
1697 (pp91–104). Despite these early fertilizer effect (see Chapter 5; Lehmann,
descriptions and research, global interest in 2009), but that these basic properties of
biochar only began in the past few years. stability and capacity to hold nutrients are
The basis for the strong recent interest in fundamentally more effective than those of
biochar is twofold. First, the discovery that other organic matter in soil. This means that
biochar-type substances are the explanation biochar is not merely another type of
for high amounts of organic C (Glaser et al, compost or manure that improves soil prop-
2001) and sustained fertility in Amazonian erties, but is much more efficient at
Dark Earths locally known as Terra Preta de enhancing soil quality than any other organic
Indio (Lehmann et al, 2003a). Justifiably or soil amendment. And this ability is rooted in
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specific chemical and physical properties, 2008). These and similar investigations have
such as the high charge density (Liang et al, helped to make a convincing case for biochar
2006), that result in much greater nutrient as a significant tool for environmental
retention (Lehmann et al, 2003b), and its management. They have provided the break-
particulate nature (Skjemstad et al, 1996; through that has brought already existing –
Lehmann et al, 2005) in combination with a yet either specialized or regionally limited –
specific chemical structure (Baldock and biochar applications and isolated research
Smernik, 2002) that provides much greater efforts to a new level.This book is a testament
resistance to microbial decay than other soil to these expanding activities and their results
organic matter (Shindo, 1991; Cheng et al, to date.

The big picture

Four complementary and often synergistic systems that do or do not produce energy in
objectives may motivate biochar applications addition to biochar, and range from small
for environmental management: soil im- household units to large bioenergy power
provement (for improved productivity as well plants (see Chapter 8). The following
as reduced pollution); waste management; sections provide a brief introduction into the
climate change mitigation; and energy broad areas that motivate implementation of
production (see Figure 1.3), which individu- biochar, leading to more detailed information
ally or in combination must have either a presented in the individual chapters through-
social or a financial benefit or both. As a out this book.
result, very different biochar systems emerge
on different scales (see Chapter 9). These Biochar as a soil amendment
systems may require different production
Soil improvement is not a luxury but a neces-
sity in many regions of the world. Lack of
food security is especially common in sub-
Mitigation of Saharan Africa and South Asia, with
climate change malnutrition in 32 and 22 per cent of the total
population, respectively (FAO, 2006). While
malnutrition decreased in many countries
worldwide from 1990–1992 to 2001–2003,
Waste Energy many nations in Asia, Africa or Latin
management production
America have seen increases (FAO, 2006).
The ‘Green Revolution’ initiated by Nobel
Laureate Norman Borlaug at the
International Centre for Maize and Wheat
Improvement (CIMMYT) in Mexico during
the 1940s had great success in increasing
agricultural productivity in Latin America
Social, financial benefits and Asia. These successes were mainly based
Figure 1.3 Motivation for applying biochar on better agricultural technology, such as
technology improved crop varieties, irrigation, and input
of fertilizers and pesticides. Sustainable soil
Source: Johannes Lehmann
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management has only recently been and 12), but also to decrease environmental
demanded to create a ‘Doubly Green impact on soil and water resources (see
Revolution’ that includes conservation tech- Chapters 15 and 16). Biochar should there-
nologies (Tilman, 1998; Conway, 1999). fore not be seen as an alternative to existing
Biochar provides great opportunities to turn soil management, but as a valuable addition
the Green Revolution into sustainable agro- that facilitates the development of sustainable
ecosystem practice. Good returns on ever land use: creating a truly green ‘Biochar
more expensive inputs such as fertilizers rely Revolution’.
on appropriate levels of soil organic matter,
which can be secured by biochar soil Biochar to manage wastes
management for the long term (Kimetu et al,
2008; Steiner et al, 2007). Managing animal and crop wastes from agri-
Specifically in Africa, the Green culture poses a significant environmental
Revolution has not had sufficient success burden that leads to pollution of ground and
(Evenson and Gollin, 2003), to a significant surface waters (Carpenter et al, 1998;
extent due to high costs of agrochemicals Matteson and Jenkins, 2007). These wastes
(Sanchez, 2002), among other reasons as well as other by-products are usable
(Evenson and Gollin, 2003). Biochar resources for pyrolysis bioenergy
provides a unique opportunity to improve (Bridgwater et al, 1999; Bridgwater, 2003).
soil fertility and nutrient-use efficiency using Not only can energy be obtained in the
locally available and renewable materials in a process of charring, but the volume and
sustainable way. Adoption of biochar especially weight of the waste material is
management does not require new resources, significantly reduced (see Chapter 8), which
but makes more efficient and more environ- is an important aspect, for example, in
mentally conscious use of existing resources. managing livestock wastes (Cantrell et al,
Farmers in resource-constrained agro- 2007). Similar opportunities exist for green
ecosystems are able to convert organic urban wastes or certain clean industrial
residues and biomass fuels into biochar with- wastes such as those from paper mills (see
out compromising energy yield while Chapter 9; Demirbas, 2002). At times, many
delivering rapid return on investment (see of these waste or organic by-products offer
Chapter 9). economic opportunities, with a significant
In both industrialized and developing reliable source of feedstock generated at a
countries, soil loss and degradation is occur- single point location (Matteson and Jenkins,
ring at unprecedented rates (Stocking, 2003; 2007). Costs and revenues associated with
IAASTD, 2008), with profound conse- accepting wastes and by-products are,
quences for soil ecosystem properties however, subject to market development and
(Matson et al, 1997). In many regions, loss in are difficult to predict. In addition, appropri-
soil productivity occurs despite intensive use ate management of organic wastes can help
of agrochemicals, concurrent with adverse in the mitigation of climate change indirectly
environmental impact on soil and water by:
resources (Foley et al, 2005; Robertson and
Swinton, 2005). Biochar is able to play a • decreasing methane emissions from land-
major role in expanding options for sustain- fill;
able soil management by improving upon • reducing industrial energy use and emis-
existing best management practices, not only sions due to recycling and waste
to improve soil productivity (see Chapters 5 reduction;
• recovering energy from waste;
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• enhancing C sequestration in forests due environmental solutions, rather than solely

to decreased demand for virgin paper; producing energy.
and This appears to be an appropriate
• decreasing energy used in long-distance approach for bioenergy as a whole. In fact,
transport of waste (Ackerman, 2000). bioenergy, in general, and pyrolysis, in partic-
ular, may contribute significantly to securing
Strict quality controls have to be applied for a future supply of green energy. However, it
biochar, particularly for those produced from will, most likely, not be able to solve the
waste, but also from other feedstocks. energy crises and satisfy rising global
Pathogens that may pose challenges to direct demand for energy on its own. For example,
soil application of animal manures (Bicudo Kim and Dale (2004) estimated the global
and Goyal, 2003) or sewage sludge (Westrell potential to produce ethanol from crop waste
et al, 2004) are removed by pyrolysis, which to offset 32 per cent of gasoline consumption
typically operates above 350°C and is thus a at the time of the study. This potential will
valuable alternative to direct soil application. most likely never be achieved. An assessment
Contents of heavy metals can be a concern in of the global potential of bioenergy from
sewage sludge and some specific industrial forestry yielded a theoretical surplus supply
wastes, and should be avoided. However, of 71EJ in addition to other wood needs for
biochar applications are, in contrast to 2050 (Smeets and Faaij, 2006), in compari-
manure or compost applications, not prima- son to a worldwide energy consumption of
rily a fertilizer, which has to be applied 489EJ in 2005 (EIA, 2007). If economical
annually. Due to the longevity of biochar in and ecological constraints were applied, the
soil, accumulation of heavy metals by projection for available wood significantly
repeated and regular applications over long decreases (Smeets and Faaij, 2006).
periods of time that can occur for other soil However, even a fraction of the global poten-
additions may not occur with biochar. tial will be an important contribution to an
overall energy solution. On its own, however,
Biochar to produce energy it will probably not satisfy future global
energy demand.
Capturing energy during biochar production In regions that rely on biomass energy, as
and, conversely, using the biochar generated is the case for most of rural Africa as well as
during pyrolysis bioenergy production as a large areas in Asia and Latin America, pyroly-
soil amendment is mutually beneficial for sis bioenergy provides opportunities for more
securing the production base for generating efficient energy production than wood burn-
the biomass (Lehmann, 2007a), as well as for ing (Demirbas, 2004b). It also widens the
reducing overall emissions (see Chapter 18; options for the types of biomass that can be
Gaunt and Lehmann, 2008). Adding biochar used for generating energy, going beyond
to soil instead of using it as a fuel does, wood to include, for example, crop residues.
indeed, reduce the energy efficiency of pyr- A main benefit may be that pyrolysis offers
olysis bioenergy production; however, the clean heat, which is needed to develop cook-
emission reductions associated with biochar ing technology with lower indoor pollution by
additions to soil appear to be greater than the smoke (Bhattacharya and Abdul Salam,
fossil fuel offset in its use as fuel (Gaunt and 2002) than is typically generated during the
Lehmann, 2008). A biochar vision is there- burning of biomass (Bailis et al, 2005) (see
fore especially effective in offering Chapter 20).
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Biochar to mitigate Several approaches have been taken to

climate change provide first estimates of the large-scale
potential of biochar sequestration to reduce
Adding biochar to soils has been described as atmospheric CO2 (Lehmann et al, 2006;
a means of sequestering atmospheric carbon Lehmann, 2007b; Laird, 2008), which will
dioxide (CO2) (Lehmann et al, 2006). For need to be vetted against economic (see
this to represent true sequestration, two Chapters 19 and 20) and ecological
requirements have to be met. First, plants constraints and extended to include a full
have to be grown at the same rate as they are emission balance (see Chapter 18). Such
being charred because the actual step from emission balances require a comparison to a
atmospheric CO2 to an organic C form is baseline scenario, showing what emissions
delivered by photosynthesis in plants. Yet, have been reduced by changing to a system
plant biomass that is formed on an annual that utilizes biochar sequestration. Until more
basis typically decomposes rapidly. This detailed studies based on concrete locations
decomposition releases the CO2 that was reach the information density required to
fixed by the plants back to the atmosphere. In extrapolate to the global scale, a simple
contrast, transforming this biomass into comparison between global C fluxes may
biochar that decomposes much more slowly need to suffice to demonstrate the potential
diverts C from the rapid biological cycle into of biochar sequestration (see Figure 1.4).
a much slower biochar cycle (Lehmann, Almost four times more organic C is stored in
2007b). Second, the biochar needs to be truly the Earth’s soils than in atmospheric CO2.
more stable than the biomass from which it And every 14 years, the entire atmospheric
was formed. This seems to be the case and is CO2 has cycled once through the biosphere
supported by scientific evidence (see (see Figure 1.4). Furthermore, the annual
Chapter 11).

Figure 1.4 The global carbon cycle of

net primary productivity (total net
photosynthesis flux from atmosphere
into plants) and release to the
atmosphere from soil (by microorganisms
decomposing organic matter) in
comparison to total amounts of carbon
in soil, plant and atmosphere, and
anthropogenic carbon emissions (sum of
fossil fuel emissions and land-use change)
Source: data from Sabine et al (2004)
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uptake of CO2 by plants is eight times greater large difference to atmospheric CO2 concen-
than today’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions. trations, but very little difference to the global
This means that large amounts of CO2 are soil C storage. Diverting merely 1 per cent of
cycling between atmosphere and plants on an annual net plant uptake into biochar would
annual basis and most of the world’s organic mitigate almost 10 per cent of current
C is already stored in soil. Diverting only a anthropogenic C emissions (see Chapter 18).
small proportion of this large amount of These are important arguments to feed into a
cycling C into a biochar cycle would make a policy discussion (see Chapter 22).

Adoption of biochar for environmental management

Adopting biochar-based strategies for energy al, 2008). But the minimum residue cover
production, soil management and C seques- required to protect soil surfaces also needs to
tration relies primarily on individual be established in conjunction with biochar
companies, municipalities and farmers (see management of soil organic matter. While
Chapter 21). But national governments and biochar will undoubtedly improve soil quality
international organizations could play a criti- and productivity, some soil cover is required
cal role by facilitating the process of to keep water and wind erosion at a mini-
technological development, especially in the mum. Therefore, plant residues cannot be
initial phases of research and development. entirely removed for biochar production.
Although biochar has great potential to Other tasks that lie ahead are technological
become a critical intervention in addressing issues, such as refining methods for produc-
key future challenges, it is best seen as an tion, transportation of biochar and its
important ‘wedge’, contributing to an overall application to soil, while avoiding unaccept-
portfolio of strategies, as introduced by able dust formation or health hazards (see
Pacala and Socolow (2004) for climate Chapters 8 and 12). These are merely exam-
change. Such an approach does not apply ples of questions that need to be addressed in
only to global warming, but also to large-scale the near future and that are discussed in more
efforts to deliver food security to more detail in individual chapters.
people worldwide, to produce energy and to Much information certainly must still be
improve waste management. gathered, and several such challenges have to
Adoption may occur in multiple sectors be addressed (Lehmann, 2007a; Laird,
to varying extents because biochar systems 2008). But the tasks ahead are of such magni-
serve to address different objectives (see tudes that they can be solved alongside
Figure 1.3) and operate on different scales, implementation. In fact, biochar research
and can therefore be very different from each requires working under conditions of
other (see Chapter 9). economically feasible enterprises in order to
Concerns over using biomass resources investigate the processes at the scale at which
that would otherwise fulfil ecosystem services they are to be implemented. Much has
or human needs have to be taken into full already been achieved, and the basic informa-
consideration. Possible conflicts of producing tion on which biochar for environmental
energy and biochar versus food as a conse- management rests is available. This book
quence of massive adoption of biochar documents that information and serves as the
technologies have to be considered, as starting point for scaling up biochar manage-
discussed for bioenergy in general (Müller et ment to become a global strategy.
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