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Determination of the Effect of Humidity on the

Probability of ESD Failure or Upset in Data

Article in ASHRAE Transactions · August 2014


4 99

6 authors, including:

Mahdi Moradian Fayu Wan

Iran University of Science and Technology Nanjing University of Information Science & …


David Pommerenke
Missouri University of Science and Technology


Available from: David Pommerenke

Retrieved on: 18 April 2016

Determination of the Effect of Humidity

on the Probability of ESD Failure or Upset
in Data Centers

Mahdi Moradian Abhishek Patnaik Yunan Han

Fayu Wan David Pommerenke David E. Swenson

ABSTRACT consume the major part of it (Shehabi 2008; Masanet 2011;

Yuan 2010). In order to keep the operation of the information
The relative rate of electrostatic discharge (ESD)-related
technology (IT) in data centers as reliable as possible while
failures or upsets is derived for various types of data centers
achieving reasonable, energy-efficient operation, ASHRAE
based on different flooring systems and personal footwear. As
has introduced a recommended environmental envelope in its
the estimation of the actual number of ESD-related failures or
guidelines (ASHRAE 2011). Because the most appropriate
upsets is impossible, hypothetical scenarios of data centers are
environmental ranges will depend on the IT equipment used,
considered with the assumption that the operator actions and
ASHRAE has also introduced four allowable ranges for four
IT equipment are constant in all these data centers. Then, using
different classes of data centers. For each class of data center,
industry accepted ESD robustness thresholds, the probabilities
the operation of the data center outside of the recommended
of exceeding these thresholds are calculated and compared,
envelope is still acceptable for short periods of time without
which allows us to estimate the relative rate of ESD-related
affecting the overall reliability and operation of the IT equip-
failures or upsets as a function of environmental conditions,
ment (ASHRAE 2011).
flooring types, and footwear. The estimation is based on a well-
defined walking pattern which has good repeatability. Due to Running data centers, especially in the low-humidity
limitations on performing the well-defined walking pattern for extremes of the allowable envelopes, results in lower power
long periods of time and due to the small probability of observ- consumption but simultaneously may lead to higher electro-
ing very high voltages, an extrapolation approach is used to static discharge (ESD)-related failures in data centers if not
determine the probabilities of exceeding ESD robustness handled correctly. Here the guiding questions are as follows:
levels. Two approaches have been used to obtain the extrapo- Can the risk of ESD-induced damage or upsets be determined?
lation functions used to predict higher voltage levels. (1) The How does the risk change with humidity, temperature, floor-
extrapolation was performed based on the distribution func- ing, and footwear? In this paper we present calculations that
tions measured in our test, and (2) the extrapolation was attempt to guide the operators of data centers with respect to
performed based on literature data. The literature data installation of conductive floors and footwear requirements
predicts higher risk levels, however, in many cases both extrap- for different environmental conditions.
olations lead to the same conclusions with respect to risk level. Various earlier studies have investigated the effect of
Based on the calculated probabilities and different categories environmental conditions on charge generation and accumu-
of data centers, recommendations regarding the flooring lation (Simonic 1981, 1982; Frei 1998).
system and footwear control are provided.
In one of his studies, Simonic (1981) measured the ESD
currents caused by people touching a doorknob. The study was
performed in an uncontrolled terminal room with high human
A considerable amount of electrical energy is consumed activities on a wool carpet floor. The data was collected for
in data centers each year. The air-conditioning systems often over 16 months with approximately 60,000 ESD events.

Mahdi Moradian is post-doctoral fellow, Abhishek Patnaik is a master’s student, and David Pommerenke is a professor at Missouri University
of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO. Yunan Han is an assistant professor at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China. Fayu
Wan is an associate professor in the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Meteorological Observation and Information Processing, Nanjing University of Infor-
mation Science and Technology, Nanjing, China. David E. Swenson is president at Affinity Static Control Consulting, LLC, Round Rock, Texas.
AT THE 2014 ASHRAE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. The archival version of this paper along with comments and author responses will be published in ASHRAE
Transactions, Volume 120, Part 2. ASHRAE must receive written questions or comments regarding this paper by July 21, 2014 for them to be included in Transactions.
Simonic derived empirical equations for the voltage and event discharge current amplitude and a much shorter rise time (typi-
rate based on his data. In another study conducted by Hewlett cally below 1 ns) as compared to a discharge between the human
Packard, the voltage on a person was measured by touching a skin and the IT equipment. All IT equipment is tested for its
sensor before touching an electronic system. A third, related robustness to ESD. The minimal test levels are 4 kV contact mode
study was performed by Stephan Frei (1998). His instrument and 8 kV air-discharge mode (IEC 2008). Typically, manufactur-
measured the transient electromagnetic field strengths. Based ers test at margin levels of 6 kV contact mode, often 15 kV for air
on this, he calculated the event rate of ESDs, above the lower discharge mode, and for discharges from LAN cables often using
threshold of the instrument, per day for different locations a 200 m long cable charged to 2 kV. However, only the IEC test
(library, electronic working room, computer room, and other levels of 4 kV/8 kV are ensured. These tests are performed during
industry locations). These and further studies show that ESD normal operation of the IT equipment. However, if service is
discharges are more severe (higher peak currents, stronger performed, often shielding panels are removed and, for example,
electromagnetic fields) and more frequent in dry air new hard drives are inserted. As the ESD protection measures
(Mardiguian 2009; Pommerenke 1995; Aidam 1996).These may be partially removed during service, we assume only a
studies give indications of the effect of environmental condi- robustness of 500 V during service-related activities. The
tions. However, these studies have not been conducted under assumptions listed above tend to be an overestimation of risk as
well-controlled conditions, such that it is difficult to conclude they are based on minimal robustness requirements of the IT
the situations in data centers which have well controlled envi- equipment. These conservative assumptions are justified in light
ronmental conditions and specific flooring (such as the effect of of achieving high reliability of IT equipment in data centers.
using a conductive floor relative to a nonconductive floor style). It is difficult to determine an absolute number of ESD-
The main objective of this research is to quantify the effects induced failures in a data center per year. This would require
of humidity and flooring on the risk of failures in data centers and at least the following information:
provide guidelines for controlling the risk of equipment failures,
especially in low-humidity conditions. In order to estimate the • The actual ESD robustness of the IT equipment
risk of equipment failures or upsets related to ESD at low- • The arrangement of the IT equipment in the data center
humidity conditions, we performed well-controlled walking • The type and number of operator actions in the data center
experiments according to ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 (which spec- • The distribution of environmental conditions throughout
ifies the use of ANSI/ESD STM97.2 as the procedure) with the year
different flooring and footwear in different environmental
conditions spanning selected points in and around A1 and A2 As it is impossible to obtain the above information, we use
envelopes of the ASHRAE psychrometric chart (see Figure hypothetical scenarios of data centers to illustrate the meaning
3). The data is used to quantify the effect of changes in the of the probabilities of exceeding an upset or damage threshold.
data center operation on the ESD-failure risk and allows us to A better founded method to determine the effect of changes in
propose guidelines on data center construction, footwear, and the environmental conditions, or to determine the gain of having
grounding control and environmental conditions. a conductive floor, is to assume that the operator actions and IT
equipment robustness are constant in all the data centers; this is
ESD-RELATED FAILURES OR UPSETS the same when two hypothetical data centers are compared.
IN DATA CENTERS Based on ASHRAE Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing
Environments (2011), an X factor can be created; this X factor
A variety of activities can lead to charge accumulation shows the relative effect due to the environmental changes,
and consequently to ESD. Examples of these activities include flooring differences, or enforcement of certain requirements on
people walking, cables being dragged, people sitting up from footwear on the failure rate. This X factor is defined as
office chairs, carts being rolled along the floor. This study
focuses on charge accumulation from walking people, as this Number of equipment failures under environmental condition A
is the most frequently occurring activity. Further publications Number of equipment failures under environmental condition B
and the final report on “The Effect of Humidity on the Reli-
ability of ICT Equipment in Data Centers” (Moradian 2013) HUMAN CHARGING EXPERIMENTS
will cover some of the other ESD-causing activities. The experiments that measure the charge voltages have to
Based on the above studies, certain recommendations are be repeatable, allowing us to quantify the effect of parameters
proposed in order to control the ESD-related failures or upsets in (floor, shoe, environmental), and should allow us to estimate the
data centers. These recommendations are based on people walk- probability distribution of different charge voltage levels. To
ing, accumulating charge while walking, and then touching IT ensure this the industry standard test method ANSI/ESD
equipment either intentionally or unintentionally. It is further STM97.2 has been selected.A person walks with a well-defined
differentiated between discharges from the skin and discharges walking pattern on a floor sample, wearing a specific shoe type
that occur between a small hand-held piece of metal and the IT under different controlled environmental conditions while the
equipment. A discharge that occurs between a small, hand-held induced electrostatic voltage is being recorded. The general test
piece of metal and the IT equipment has about a five times larger setup is depicted in Figure 1.

2 SE-14-003
Figure 1 Walking voltage test setup.

The well-defined walking pattern is shown in Figure 2. The

person repeats the walking pattern for a minimum of ten times.
He waits for 2 seconds when he reaches the starting point. In a
subset of tests, a secondary voltage measurement device was
used to verify the accuracy of the primary instrument.
For this test, 18 different types of flooring samples were
assembled on test plates 3 × 3 feet in size. Eight different types
of footwear were gathered, representing a broad spectrum of
shoe types and materials. While not every shoe type was tested
in every condition on all the floors, the main types of shoes
were tested as experience was gained during the test program.
Many of the shoe types performed similarly on similar floors,
so in a few cases floor types and shoe types were skipped in
some of the test conditions to reduce the redundancies. Table
1 shows the two groups of environmental conditions, includ-
ing their various shoe and floor types. The environmental
conditions in between the extremes show the same tendencies
and detail can be found in Moradian (2013). Some shoes and
floors are in common with the other groups.
The conductivity of a shoe is a core parameter for its
ESD performance. An insulating shoe will accumulate
higher voltages and maintain them for a longer time. In
most cases, one can estimate the ESD performance of a
floor by its conductivity. The floors group as follows: the
conductive rubber and asian vinyl are classified as conduc-
Figure 2 Well-controlled walking pattern.
tive floors, high pressure laminate (HPL-N and HPL-F) are

SE-14-003 3
Table 1. Floor and Footwear Samples Tested at Different Environmental Conditions

59°F (15°C) and 15% rh 80°F (27°C) and 50% rh

Floor Footwear Floor Footwear

HPL-F Low dissipative shoe HPL-F Low dissipative shoe

HPL-N Dissipative safety shoe HPL-N Dissipative safety shoe

Asia vinyl Deck Shoe 1 Asian vinyl Deck Shoe 1

Conductive rubber Running shoes Conductive rubber Running shoes

Low dissipative vinyl Full sole grounder Standard asphalt tile Deck Shoe 2

Standard asphalt tile Heel straps Low dissipative vinyl Deck Shoe 3

Standard asphalt tile

Slip on sole grounders Leather dress shoes
with dissipative wax

Heel straps Running shoes with shoe straps

dissipative floors of very low conductivity, while standard The estimation of the probability has been performed for
tile is insulating. We term standard tile with wax coating as two selected environmental conditions, 50% rh at 80°F
a special type of floor. This floor sample limits the buildup (26.7°C) and 59°F (15°C) at 15% rh. The first marks the upper
of charges on the insulating floor as it has dissipative prop- end of the recommended envelope and the second one, 59°F
erties, although it is fairly low in conductivity, similar to the and 15% rh (15°C and 15% rh), marks the lower limits of the
HPL. The shoes group as follows: midrange dissipative A2 envelope. Thus, it can be considered as a worst case for the
safety shoes and low range dissipative safety shoes are A2 envelope. The selected environmental conditions are indi-
found in common usage in electronic manufacturing facto-
cated in Figure 3.
ries, and deck shoes and running shoes are considered elec-
trically insulating (while running shoes with shoe straps Table 2 shows the maximum of the recorded voltages
have conductive properties). during walking with different combinations of floor and shoe
types for two different environmental conditions. As the table
DATA PROCESSING AND CALCULATION shows the highest recorded voltage is 4910 V. According to
OF PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTIONS Table 2, during the walking test voltage levels of, for example,
8 kV have never been reached. However, in reality they may be
The walking voltage test as outlined in ANSI/ESD observed, as longer paths walked in a data center have a higher
STM97.2 provides a value of the highest voltage, a closely chance of achieving low-probability voltage levels. So, simply
related typical walking voltage level, and a much lower
excluding voltage levels above the recorded one would not
standing voltage value. The standing voltage is the typical
lead to a correct risk assessment.
voltage an operator maybe charged to after they stop walk-
ing and then stand still for 2 s. However, there is a proba- This leads to a situation where using only the maximum
bility that the operator might be charged to a higher level induced voltage is not sufficient to obtain the X factor. The
than recorded during the 50 s experiment. This probability maximum voltages in Table 2 are derived from the data
can be estimated from the distribution of voltages accrued recorded over a short duration of time and the data has no
during the walking test. This estimation process requires direct information on the distribution of the induced voltage
approximating a function to the measured distribution to above a damage threshold value.
extrapolate to higher voltages, as during the 50 s it is very
unlikely to achieve a voltage having a probability of, for To deal with this problem, a probability distribution-based
example, 0.1%. However, a voltage high enough to upset a approach has been implemented where estimating the probabil-
server, but not only occurring more than 0.1% of the time ity of exceeding 4 kV and 8 kV is based on the recorded time
while walking in a data center may still pose a risk for a domain voltage waveforms. As an example, a typical human
high-reliability operation. voltage versus time waveform is shown in Figure 4. This has

4 SE-14-003
Figure 3 ASHRAE psychrometric chart with indication of the two environmental conditions selected for the extrapolation.

Figure 4 Recorded human walking voltage.

been obtained while walking on a conductive rubber floor while (e.g., one year) the voltage might have exceeded 4 kV a few
wearing nonconductive shoes (Deck Shoes Type 1) at 15% rh at times. It should be noted that both the maximum voltage in each
59°F (15°C). The peak voltage level is only 500 V, which walking cycle and the shape of the waveform depend on the
already indicates a low probability of ever exceeding 4 kV or environmental condition, shoe and floor types, and speed and
8 kV using this floor and shoe combination, even at this low pattern of walking. If the walking experiment is repeated for
humidity. If this data had been recorded over a very long time different environmental conditions while keeping other param-

SE-14-003 5
Table 2. Maximum of the Recorded Voltages for Different Combination of Floors and Shoes

50% rh at 80°F (26.7°C) 15% rh at 59°F (15°C)

Max Voltage, Max Voltage,

(V) (V)

Low dissipative safety shoes 35 Low dissipative safety shoes 202

Dissipative safety shoes 91 Dissipative safety shoes 618

HPL-F Deck shoes Type 1 1465 HPL-F Deck shoes Type 1 4910

Running shoes with shoe straps 146 Running shoes with shoe straps 165

Running shoes 1995 Running shoes 3437

Low dissipative shoes 8 Low dissipative safety shoes 102

Dissipative safety shoes 25 Dissipative safety shoes 443

HPL-N Deck shoes Type 1 1020 HPL-N Deck shoes Type 1 4305

Running shoes with shoe straps 25 Running shoes with shoe straps 51

Running shoes 1348 Running shoes 3436

Low dissipative safety shoes 7 Low dissipative safety shoes 70

Dissipative safety shoes 18 Dissipative shoes 203

Asian vinyl Deck shoes Type 1 476 Asian vinyl Deck shoes Type 1 2158

Running shoes with shoe straps 7 Running shoes with shoe straps 29

Running shoes 524 Running shoes 2947

Low dissipative safety shoes 3 Low dissipative safety shoes 7

Dissipative safety shoes 11.1 Dissipative shoes 120

Conductive Conductive
Deck shoes Type 1 23 Deck shoes Type 1 554
rubber rubber
Running shoes with shoe straps 5 Running shoes with shoe straps 21

Running shoes 10 Running shoes 466

Low dissipative safety shoes 15 Low dissipative safety shoes 125

Dissipative safety shoes 38 Dissipative safety shoes 288

Low dissipative Low dissipative
Deck shoes Type 1 432 Deck shoes Type 1 3702
vinyl vinyl
Running shoes with shoe straps 11 Running shoes with shoe straps 161

Running shoes 833 Running shoes 2696

Low dissipative safety shoes 267 Low dissipative safety shoes 2280

Dissipative safety shoes 258 Dissipative safety shoes 2792

Standard asphalt Standard asphalt
Deck shoes Type 1 600 Deck shoes Type 1 2923
tile tile
Running shoes with shoe straps 488 Running shoes with shoe straps 1603

Running shoes 850 Running shoes 2226

6 SE-14-003
eters (walking pattern, speed of walking, and type of floors and sideways motion of the shoes, drag the shoes, jump, etc., so a
shoes) constant, then it is possible to identify the effect of the much wider set of movements is performed in a random walk
environmental conditions. To determine the probability of test. This was partially done to test if the distribution function
exceeding a specific value, the amplitude density of the observed in the controlled walk is purely a result of the control
recorded data is converted to its probability density function by level. If yes, the random walk would show a much slower
dividing it by the total number of points in the data set. The decline of the probability at higher voltages. However, it
magnitude is taken to include negative charge voltages. turned out that the random walk also showed a steep decline
This is repeated for all data sets. In a second step, data sets of the probability above a break-point voltage. It also has been
of similar property combinations (such as conductive floor but shown that scraping shoes will increase the voltage levels
dissipative shoe) are combined leading to five groups of floor/ (Moradian 2013; Ryser 1990), however, we consider scraping
footwear combinations (see Table 1) under the two environ- to be a rare event not influencing the overall risk assessment.
mental data settings mentioned above. Employing the method discussed earlier, the probability distri-
For evaluating the effect of floor and footwear, the data bution functions for observing voltages in the quantized inter-
centers have been categorized as follows: vals are calculated and plotted on a log-log scale as shown in
Figure 5. This figure clearly shows that a piecewise function
• Data center with no static control with two parts can be fit on the walking voltage probability
• Data center with dissipative floors and dissipative foot- distribution curves. It also shows a very sharp decline of the
wear probability above a certain voltage.
• Data center with dissipative floors and uncontrolled Simonic (1981) measured the current discharge using a
footwear device which had nine separate channels, each of which was
• Data center with conductive floors and dissipative foot- set to a specific current threshold level. Each channel recorded
wear the number of ESD discharges based on its own threshold
• Data center with conductive floors, uncontrolled foot- while the relative humidity was recorded continuously. Using
wear least-squares regression analysis, a graphical representation
has been derived for different relative humidity intervals that
A data center with a conductive floor and operators wear- approximate the cumulative distribution function. However,
ing conductive shoes is not considered, as the voltage would because the smallest recorded current was not zero, the esti-
be very low, but it would require strict enforcement of foot- mated cumulative distribution functions do not start from zero.
wear. Instead we consider conductive floors in combination It is interesting to note that, similar to our case for low relative
with dissipative shoes or all shoes. humidity, Simonic’s estimated cumulative distribution func-
A simulation-based approach was studied in order to tions are also piecewise functions with two parts. The slopes
understand the characteristics of the probability distribution of the functions for lowest relative humidity (15% to 20%) and
functions better (Moradian 2013). In this study, periodic wave- highest relative humidity (50% to 55%) are equal to –1.69 and
forms similar to human body charging and discharging wave- –3.03 (–3 indicates if the voltage is increased by ten-fold, the
forms were generated with random distribution of the probability is reduced to 0.001), respectively.
amplitudes with a specific standard deviation. Moreover, the
In another study performed by Hewlett-Packard (H)P, the
shape of the waveforms were changed, keeping the time
ESD voltage was measured using detectors in the range from
period constant in order to cover many possible human body
500 V to 25 kV. These ESD voltages have been recorded for
charging and discharging waveforms. Three important facts
two years, but the humidity data has not been published yet.
are revealed from this study and are listed below:
The results show the level of the ESD voltages and their occur-
• A linear piecewise function with two parts can be fit on rence rate. The results of their study also present the cumula-
the probability distribution curves. tive distribution function versus ESD measured voltages in
• The breakpoint of the piecewise function is approxi- various intervals. Based on the cumulative distribution func-
mately equal to the average of the generated waveform. tions, the probability distribution functions can be easily
• The slope of the function after the breakpoint is directly calculated. The calculated probability distribution functions
related to the standard deviation of the peak amplitudes show two facts. First, similar to our data, a two part pricewise
of the generated waveform. function can be fitted on the probability distribution function,
and, secondly, that the second slope is approximately equal to
Another study (Moradian 2013) was performed in order the Simonic’s second line slope for 15% relative humidity.
to investigate the validity of the above observations where the For each of the data center categories, the discrete prob-
walking voltages were recorded for a random walk with many ability density functions of observing voltages in the appro-
activities on different floor samples along with a controlled priate quantized intervals for both environmental conditions
well-defined walking pattern (ANSI/ESD STM97.2) recorded was calculated using the aforementioned method. As seen
for several minutes. A random walk differs from a controlled from earlier discussions, a two-part piecewise function can be
walk by the following: in a random walk people may run, have fitted on these discrete points for each environmental condi-

SE-14-003 7
Figure 5 Probability density functions of walking experiments for a long time period.

tion. While the discrete probability density functions meet the tation based on previous studies and literature data indicating
probability density function (PDF) specification (i.e., sum of an inverse relation between humidity and electrostatic charge
all the discrete probability density function points on the plot generation and accumulation.
should be equal to one) the fitted functions violate this prop-
erty. Hence, in order to solve this problem, the fitted functions Equations 1 and 2 are the calculated probability density
were normalized in order to satisfy the property of having the functions for the fitted piecewise functions for the two envi-
integral equal to one. For all categories of data centers, the ronmental conditions.Although the slopes have been indicated
probability density functions have been shown along with on the figures, the slopes of the lines can be easily extracted
Simonic’s and HP’s data (Moradian 2013). Figure 6 shows one from the functions as the exponents of the independent vari-
such figure for a data center with no static control. It should be able (voltage).
noted that the shown discrete data points on this figure can no
longer be regarded as probability density function because it 15% rh at 59°F (15°C)
has been normalized along with the fitted functions.
Simonic (1981) has derived the cumulative distribution
v – 1.0
  ------------
functions of ESD currents above certain thresholds and it –5
7.647  10 0  v  1500
cannot be used along with our recorded voltage directly. The  1500
cumulative distribution functions have been first differenti-  pv = (1)
v – 3.3
  ------------
ated and the currents have been converted into equivalent 7.647  10 v  1500
 1500
ESD voltages assuming 1 k body resistance to obtain the
probability density functions of the ESD voltages
(Mardiguian 2009). 50% rh at 80°F (26.7°C)
The absolute slopes of the first part of the piecewise func-
tions are lower than the second part, indicating that the prob-
v – 1.9
ability of observing a voltage beyond the break point decreases   ------------
1.68  10 0  v  1100
at a faster rate. The slopes have been indicated in Figure 6.  1100
 pv = (2)
While the break point voltages of the piecewise functions are
v – 7.9
  ------------
higher for the low-humidity case, for higher humidity, the 1.68  10 v  1100
 1100
slopes are much steeper. This is in agreement with our expec-

8 SE-14-003
Figure 6 Distribution curve for data center with no static control.

PROBABILITY OF AN ESD-RELATED RISK the much more severe human/metal ESD. In the exam-
In order to derive the relative rate of ESD-related failures ples that illustrate a possible event rate, we assume that
or upsets, it is necessary to obtain the probability of observing the operator will only discharge himself via a piece of
a voltage above a certain value from the probability distribu- metal into the IT equipment in 1% of the cases if he
tion functions. Three threshold values have been selected: touches a server during operation. An example of such a
discharge might be the discharge from a handheld key to
• 500 V as limit during service. This level has been selected
a key lock on the operator console of a server.
as an assumed robustness during service of IT equipment.
During service, shielding panels maybe removed, the oper- • 8000 V is also derived from the IEC 61000-4-2 test
ator may handle hard drives or other plug-in devices and (2008). This is the air discharge test level that is applied to
the operator might connect a laptop via a USB cable to an nonconductive surfaces. Here we assume that the failure
internal service connector. Those service actions are usu- mechanism inside the IT equipment is only a function of
ally not considered during standardized IEC 61000-4-2 having or not having a breakdown, independent of the cur-
(2001) ESD testing, as these conditions expose sensitive
rent or rise time. The dielectric breakdown threshold is not
electronics. In the electronic industry it is generally consid-
ered that a voltage of 100 V is low enough to handle nearly a function of holding or not holding a metal part. In the
all electronic components (such as integrated circuits or following example that illustrates a possible event rate, it
transistors). However, we assume that these components is assumed that every time the operator reaches voltages
are integrated into a system and the system, such as a hard greater than 8 kV and touches a sensitive region, it leads to
drive, provides some level of protection and shielding. Fur- failure or upset if the operator touches a sensitive part of
ther, most components are tested to 500V charged device IT equipment. An example of such a discharge might be a
model (CDM) and 2000V human body model (HBM) lev- discharge from the surface of a touch screen into the elec-
els with a future reduction to 250V CDM and 1000V tronics of the screen.
HBM. An example of such a discharge might be the dis-
charge between a hand-held hard drive and the frame of the
server while inserting the hard drive. The probabilities of exceeding the above predefined ESD
• 4000 V is derived from the IEC 61000-4-2 (2008) test robustness levels are derived from the probability density
levels. The IEC 61000-4-2 test uses contact mode for functions and are shown in Table 3. The three major facts from
this testing, and the contact mode waveform is based on this table are listed below:

SE-14-003 9
Table 3. Probability Table for Voltages Greater than a Threshold Value

High risk is indicated with dark grey background, medium risk is indicated by light grey background, and low risk is indicated by the white background.

Data Center with No Static Control

V0 = 500(v) V0 = 4000(v) V0 = 8000(v)

Based on fitted lines on

18% 0.5% 0.1%
our data
15°C (59°F) and 15% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second fitted line
18% 0.6% 0.2%
with –2.69 slope

Based on fitted lines on

0.2% 3.7 × 10–6% 3.2 × 10–8%
27°C (80°F) and 50% rh our data
Probability (v > V0) Based on second fitted
0.2% 1.4 × 10–4% 8.6 × 10–6%
line with 5 slope

Data Center with Dissipative Floors, Dissipative Footwear

V0 = 500(v) V0 = 4000(v) V0 = 8000(v)

Based on fitted lines on

16% 0.016% 5.5 × 10–5%
our data
15°C (59°F) and 15% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second fitted line
16% 0.2% 0.06%
with –2.69 slope

Based on fitted lines on

19% 1.0 × 10–4% 2.2 × 10–7%
our data
27°C (80°F) and 50% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second fitted line
19% 5 × 10–3% 2.9 × 10–4%
with –5 slope
For 4 kV and 8 kV at 15°C (59°F)/15% rh both prediction methods lead to different judgments. We believe that the usage of the slopes from Simonic (1981), who had collected the
data in an uncontrolled environment also using carpets, is probably overestimating the risk. We believe dissipative floors in conjunction with dissipative shoes should lead to a be-
havior closer to the one measured in the walking test, such that the lower probabilities, marked in light grey background reflect the expected behavior better.

Data Center with Dissipative Floors, Uncontrolled Footwear

V0 = 500(v) V0 = 4000(v) V0 = 8000(v)

Based on fitted lines on

34% 0.9% 0.09%
our data
15°C (59°F) and 15% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second fitted line
31% 1% 0.28%
with –2.69 slope

Based on fitted lines on

44% 0.001% 2.3 × 10–5%
our data
27°C (80°F) and 50% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second line with
44% 0.02% 0.001%
–5 slope
By comparing this table to the previous it is clear that dissipative shoes significantly reduced the risk over uncontrolled shoes.

10 SE-14-003
Table 3. (continued)Probability Table for Voltages Greater than a Threshold Value

Data Center with Conductive Floors, Dissipative Footwear

V0 = 500(v) V0 = 4000(v) V0 = 8000(v)

Based on fitted lines on

0.003% 1.8 × 10–7% 7.4 × 10–9%
our data
15°C (59°F) and 15% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second line with
0.1% 0.003% 0.001%
–2.69 slope

Based on fitted lines on

1.6 × 10–7% 1.8 × 10–11% 8.9 × 10–13%
our data
27°C (80°F) and 50% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second line with
5 × 10–7% 1.2 × 10–10% 7.6 × 10–12%
–5 slope
Even for service, the voltages are low if conductive floors and dissipative shoes are used. However, it does not mean that the ground strap is not needed during the service because these results
are derived based on the data related only to two types of dissipative shoes. However, the experiment shows that some dissipative shoes have high ability on charge generation.

Data Center with Conductive Floors, Uncontrolled Footwear

V0 = 500(v) V0 = 4000(v) V0 = 8000(v)

Based on fitted lines on

8% 0.004% 4.1 × 10–5%
our data
15°C (59°F) and 15% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second line with
20% 0.3% 0.09%

Based on fitted lines on

0.1% 4.7 × 10–10% 7.5 × 10–13%
our data
27°C (80°F) and 50% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second line with
1.32% 2.9 × 10–4% 1.8 × 10–5%
–5 slope
Here again the Simonic-based extrapolation shows a risk for 15°C (59°F)/15% rh, while the extrapolation based on the walking test shows no risk. However, Simonic predicted that
wool carpet compared to antistatic floor at 15% rh will increase the probability 160 times, but if we compare the 0.3% in this table to the dissipative floor/uncontrolled footwear
(showing 0.7%) only a very small increase is seen, indicating that the extrapolation based on Simonic may not cover this case well.

Data Center with Conductive Rubber, Uncontrolled Footwear

V0 = 500(v) V0 = 4000(v) V0 = 8000(v)

Based on fitted lines on

0.1% 8.6 × 10–7% 1.6 × 10–8%
our data
15°C (59°F) and 15% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second line with
0.2% 5 × 10–3% 15 × 10–4%
–2.69 slope

Based on fitted lines on

9.6 × 10–13% 1.4 × 10–20% 3.5 × 10–23%
our data
27°C (80°F) and 50% rh
Probability (v > V0) Based on second line with
3.1 × 10–6% 7.6 × 10–10% 4.7 × 10–11%
–5 slope

• It is observed that the probability decreases as the equip- humidity, the higher the damage or upset probability.
ment robustness increases. The value by which the prob- The final report (Moradian 2013) quantifies this.
ability decreases depends on the slope. • Calculation of the relative rate of ESD-related failures or
• The probability of an ESD-related damage or upset upsets based on the definition of X factor for different ESD
depends on the relative humidity. The lower the relative robustness levels leads to different numbers. This means

SE-14-003 11
even in one category of data centers for different ESD [18.3°C]) discussed in Moradian [2013]), the probability of
robustness levels, the X factor will be different. observing voltages greater than 8 kV was found to be approx-
imately equal to 2 × 10–3%. User experience shows that data
Two approaches have been used to obtain the extrapo- centers run within the recommended envelope do not show
lation functions used to predict higher voltage levels: (1) ESD-related problems for operating conditions. This leads
the extrapolation was performed based on the distribution us to consider 2.3 × 10–3% as the probability below which
functions measured in our test, and (2) the extrapolation there is not risk of ESD-related failure or upset (Moradian
was performed based on literature data. The literature data 2013).
predicts higher risk levels, however, in many cases both The aforementioned probabilities (i.e., 0.01% and 2.3 ×
extrapolations lead to the same conclusions with respect to 10–3% are the probabilities at which the risk of ESD-related
risk level. failures or upsets is very low. However, to conclude on the risk
High risk is indicated with dark grey, medium risk is indi- of ESD-related failures or upsets for each group of data center,
cated by light grey, and low risk is indicated by white. upper tolerable probabilities should be identified. In order to
As seen in Table 3, the probabilities of exceeding the ESD identify an estimation about the upper tolerable probabilities,
robustness levels for certain categories of data centers are the following calculation has been conducted to illustrate the
extremely low. For example, a data center with the conductive influence of different probabilities. The estimation illustrates
rubber floor and all footwear for a threshold voltage of Vth = the number of ESD-related failures in a hypothetical data
8000 Volts has a X Factor (defined as “increase of ESD upset center. This estimation requires the following information,
or damage events for changed environmental or construction which we estimate by the numbers listed below.
conditions, keeping all user actions the same”) of 4.6 × 1014
• Statistical information on the environmental conditions
with probabilities as low as 3.5 × 10–23 and 1.6 × 10–8 for
over the year. Here we assume the worst case for 15% rh
50% rh at 80°F (26.7°C) and 15% rh at 59°F (15°C), respec-
at 59°F (15°C), i.e., the data center stays at that point
tively. In the example discussed above, the X factor is very
throughout the year.
large. But it is meaningless as the probabilities involved are so
• The number of touches made by operators during the
low that observing a failure in the normal operating life cycle
year (for 15 persons, 100 touches a day, 250 days a
of a data center is practically impossible. Similar observations
year). Alternatively, we could assume 30,000 steps a
were made for some other categories as well.
person per day and a probability to touch per step of 5%,
Consider a data center with HPL-F and HPL-N floor which leads to the same result.
types and uncontrolled footwear is operated in 50% rh at • The probability that a person touches a server at a sensi-
80°F (26.7°C) or in 15% rh at 59°F (15°C) (high humidity tive location. This has to be taken into account as most
conditions), which is in the upper bound of the ASHRAE parts of a server are not sensitive to ESD. Examples of
recommended envelope (2011). It is expected that under nonsensitive areas are metal panels, doors, and frames.
such operating conditions, the number of ESD-related fail- In contrast, displays and connectors are sensitive. We
ures or upsets of IT equipment in this data center would be estimate that they account to about 5% of the surface
very low. If the ESD robustness level of IT equipment is area accessible to the operator. sensitive.s.
selected to be Vth = 4000 Volts, the probability of observing • The probability that a person touches the server with his
voltages greater than this threshold voltage is 0.001%. finger or via a metal part. The test voltage levels of serv-
However, this is for the best case scenario (upper end of the ers which are at least 4 kV contact mode discharge and
ASHRAE [2011] recommended envelope in which the prob- 8 kV air discharge (IEC 2001) are based on the much
ability of observing ESD’s with high voltages is very low). more severe discharge from a small hand-held metal
A similar analysis was performed in the lower end of the part. We estimate that 5% of the touches will lead to a
recommended envelope (40% rh at 65°F [18.3°C]) and the spark via a small metal part such as a ring, a screw-
probability of observing voltages greater than this threshold driver, or a key.
voltage was found approximately equal to 0.01%, which is • The actual robustness levels of the servers. Normally it
again a very low number (Moradian 2013). Hence the prob- is only known that they pass a 4 kV/8 kV ESD test.
abilities below 0.01% do not pose any ESD-related risk
(Moradian 2013). The step rate and the probabilities listed above are not
In similar manner, consider a data center with HPL-F even known by the order of magnitude, however, we use them
and HPL-N floor types and uncontrolled footwear that is to illustrate the probability of surpassing a voltage level at a
operated at 50% rh at 80°F (26.7°C). If the ESD robustness given environmental and building condition.
level of the IT equipment is selected to be Vth = 8000 V, the According to the above discussion, for 4 kV contact mode
probability of observing voltages greater than this threshold if one ESD-related failure or upset per year is considered to be
voltage is 2.3 × 10–5% for a data center with the aforemen- tolerable, then the corresponding probability can be derived by
tioned floor and footwear. According to the results for the dividing the number of ESD-related failures or upsets (one per
lower end of the recommended envelope (40% rh at 65°F year) by the total number of the touches to the sensitive parts

12 SE-14-003
of the IT equipment via a metal part. So the probability can be slopes. For example, considering the data center with no static
calculated as (1/(375 × 106 × 0.05 × 0.05)) × 100 = 0.1%. control, a data center with dissipative floor and all footwear and
These probabilities will be considered as the reference prob- a data center with conductive floor and all footwear with the ESD
ability at which probabilities larger than this can lead to an robustness level of 4kV, we observe probabilities of 0.6%, 1%,
intolerable number of failures or upsets. and 0.3%, respectively. This indicates a very low effect of using
For 8 kV air discharge, if one ESD-related failure or upset conductive floors against uncontrolled floors, which contradicts
per year is considered to be tolerable, then the corresponding with our analysis as well as the results from earlier studies by
probability can be derived by dividing the number of ESD- Simonic (1981). Based on this argument, the following discus-
related failures or upsets (one per year in our case) by the total sion is based on the probabilities extrapolated using the slopes
number of the touches to the sensitive parts of the IT equip- obtained from our measured data.
ment. (For 8 kV we consider every discharge to be endanger- Considering a data center with conductive rubber floor
ing the equipment as we consider a dielectric breakdown that type and no control on footwear, it is seen from the table that
does not depend on touching via a metal part. This again, is a the probability of observing voltages greater than Vth =
conservative assumption, justified in light of the high reliabil- 4000 V is 8.6 × 10–7%, which gives us a factor of 8.6 × 10–5%
ity requested in data centers). So the probability can be calcu- when compared to the reference probability. This is the lowest
lated as (1/(375 × 103 × 0.05)) × 100 = 5 × 10–3%. These factor predicted and is mainly influenced by the floor type,
probabilities will be considered as the reference probability at conductive rubber in this case.
which probabilities larger than this lead to an intolerable This leads us to believe that, if we replace the floor with
number of failures or upsets. conductive rubber and simultaneously operate the data center
As discussed earlier, 500 V has been considered the in the ASHRAE A2 allowable envelope, then the number of
threshold during service. If during service the shielding panels ESD-related failures would change marginally compared to a
are removed, then the probability of touching a sensitive data center which is running in the recommended envelope.It
device by the operator will be higher. For example, if we should be also noted that the factors obtained are for operating
consider a probability of 5% for touching sensitive parts the data centers in 15% rh at 59°F (15°C), which is below the
during service and in this duration if IT equipment is touched ASHRAE A2 allowable envelope.
600,000, times then the operator would be touching the sensi- For the data centers, which are running at the low extreme
tive parts 30,000 times. So even if we consider 1 × 10–2% as of the new ASHRAE A3 and A4 allowable envelopes, the
the threshold probability for 500 V then we will see several available data is incomplete and partially contradictory.
ESD-related errors (three in this example). Hence, we
consider 3 × 10–3% as the threshold probability in which upper • According to Simonic’s equations (1981) the probability
probabilities have high risk of ESD-related failure or upset. of reaching a voltage level will increase by 50 times if
The considered threshold probabilities for different ESD the humidity is reduced from 15% to 8% at 23°C (73°F).
threshold levels are listed in Table 4 However, a careful look at his original data indicates
It should be noted that the estimated probabilities are that the number maybe more in the range of two times.
based on the well-defined, industry standard walking experi- • An analysis of many literature references and our data
ments. But, according to literature and our experiments, other on the effect of humidity on the voltages generated indi-
activities like shuffling or scraping lead to higher induced volt- cates an increase of the voltages when the humidity is
ages in the human body and higher probabilities of observing reduced from 40% to 8% by a factor of 1 to 8, having an
voltages greater than the ESD-robustness level of IT equip- average of three times.
ment (Simonic 1981; Ryser 1990). On the other hand, some • At present, not enough data is available to predict the
human activities like slow walking or standing in front of change of voltages or probabilities for changes from 15%
equipment lead to lower human body induced voltages and to 8% well enough, but anecdotal user data indicates the
lower probability of observing voltages greater than the possibility of a strong increase of ESD-related failures
considered ESD-robustness level. For that reason we believe below a humidity threshold often given as 15% or 20% rh.
that this data is the best estimate of the risk.
The extrapolation has been performed using two methods. In
the first method we extrapolated by a slope fitted to our data; the Table 4. Considered Threshold Probabilities
second method fitted a slope of –5 or –2.69 to the highest voltage for Different ESD Threshold Levels
data point. These slope values are based on the work by Simonic
(1981). With wet conditions (80°F [26.67°C] and 50% rh) the Threshold Voltages
slope after the maximum recorded voltage is fixed at –5 while for 500 V 4 kV 8 kV
dry conditions (59°F [15°C] and 15% rh) it is fixed at –2.69. The
probabilities based on these new slopes have also been indicated Upper threshold probability 3 × 10–3% 0.1% 5 × 10–3%
in Table 3. It is observed that the probabilities in some cases lead Lower threshold probability — 1 × 10–2% 2 × 10–3%
us to meaningless results if we base our prediction on Simonic’s

SE-14-003 13
The authors still tried to estimate the risk of ESD-induced allowable envelope), then it is expected that the probability
failures if the data centers are operated at the lower humidity of exceeding an ESD robustness level would be increased
boundaries of the A3 or the A4 envelope. These estimations by factor of three or more in comparison to the data centers
may have less confidence due to lower levels of available data with no static control operating at 15% rh at 59°F (15°C).
regarding walking voltage and other ESD producing events This suggests that for normal operation of these data
such as sitting up from an office chair, unwrapping a plastic centers (no static control) at the lowest allowable humidity
wrapped cable spool, and rolling a metal cart which has plastic within ASHRAE envelopes A3 and A4, the risk of ESD fail-
wheels. ure or upset would be high. For service operation it is
expected that the risk of the ESD-related failures or upsets
would be increased by the same factors in comparison to the
Data Centers with No Static Control data centers with no static control running at 15% rh at 59°F
(15°C). During any service operation the risk would be high
Recommendations for different data center categories and the use of ground straps is definitely required.
are listed in the following tables. Table 5 shows the recom-
mendations for data centers with no static control. For this
type of data center operating in ASHRAE A1 and A2 enve- Data Centers with Dissipative Floors
lopes (2011), the relative rate of ESD-related failures or and Dissipative Footwear
upsets would be high. This is based on the probabilities
listed in Table 3. Table 6 shows the recommendations for data centers with
For the same data center when operated at 15°C (59°F), dissipative floors in which their operators use dissipative foot-
the probability of exceeding voltages of the 4 kV ESD wear. For these types of data centers, operated in 15% rh at
robustness level would be equal to 0.5%. So, by comparing 59°F (15°C), the probability of exceeding the 4 kV ESD
this probability to the previously defined reference proba- robustness level would be equal to 0.016%. By comparing this
bilities for 4 kV (below 0.01% is considered to be no risk probability to the previously defined reference probabilities
and above 0.1% is considered to be a high risk) the risk of for 4 kV (probabilities below 0.01% are considered to pose no
ESD failure or upset would be high. For the 8 kV ESD risk, and probabilities above 0.1% are considered to be risky),
robustness level, the probability of exceeding this level is the risk of ESD failures or upsets would be moderate. For 8 kV
0.1%. By comparing this number with the predefined voltage threshold, the probability of exceeding this threshold
thresholds probabilities (below considered not a risk and is equal to 5.5 × 10–5%. Compared with the predefined refer-
above considered to be a high risk) it is clear that the risk ence probability thresholds, a low risk of ESD failures will be
is high. This suggests that even during normal operation the present. It can be concluded that the risk of ESD failures or
risk of ESD-related failure or upset is high (15°C [59°F]/ upsets is moderate. However, during service operations (based
15% rh, data center with no static control). During the on the calculated probability of exceeding 500 V, which is
service (probabilities above are considered to be problem- equal to 17%) it becomes clear that ground straps need to
atic) the risk of failures or upsets would be high.The prob-
be recommended.
ability of exceeding 500 V is 18%, which is much higher
than the predefined higher probability threshold. So, during For these data centers running at the lowest relative
service operations, a ground strap is recommended. humidity in the ASHRAE A3 and A4 allowable envelopes,
If these data centers are operated in 8% relative humid- the risk is considered to be moderate to high for normal oper-
ity (the lowest relative humidity of ASHRAE A3 and A4 ation. During service a ground strap is recommended.

Table 5. Recommendations for Data Center with No Static Control

RH and Risk Assessment

Data Center Setup User Action Basis of Risk Assessment
Temperature Ranges Recommendation

High if the data center is operated in IEC 61000-4-2 (2001) testing,

A1, A2 Normal operation
the lower edge of the envelope 4kV contact, 8 kV AD

Ground strap is always needed All equipment is considered to be safe

especially if there is no static control. if the voltages are below 500V.
No static control
IEC 61000-4-2 (2001) testing,
A3, A4 Normal operation High
4kV contact, 8 kV AD

All equipment is considered to be safe

Service Ground strap is always needed.
if the voltages are kept below 500 V.

14 SE-14-003
Table 6. Recommendations for Data Centers with Dissipative Floors and Dissipative Footwear

RH and Risk Assessment

Data Center Setup User Action Basis of Risk Assessment
Temperature Ranges Recommendation

IEC 61000-4-2 (2001)

A1, A2 Normal operation Moderate
testing, 4kV contact, 8 kV AD

All equipment is considered to

Service Ground strap needed be safe if the voltages are kept
Dissipative floors, below 500 V.
dissipative footwear IEC 61000-4-2 (2001) testing,
A3, A4 Normal operation High
4kV contact, 8 kV AD

All equipment is considered to

Ground strap is always
Service be safe if the voltages are kept
below 500 V.

Table 7. Recommendations for Data Centers with Dissipative Floors and Uncontrolled Footwear

RH and Risk Assessment

Data Center Setup User Action Basis of Risk Assessment
Temperatures Ranges Recommendation

IEC 61000-4-2 (2001) testing,

A1, A2 Normal operation High
4kV contact, 8 kV AD

All equipment is considered to

Ground strap is always
Service be safe if the voltages are
Dissipative floors, below 500 V.
uncontrolled footwear
IEC 61000-4-2 (2001) testing,
A3, A4 Normal operation High
4kV contact, 8 kV AD

All equipment is considered to

Ground strap is always
Service be safe if the voltages are kept
below 500 V.

Data Centers with Dissipative Floors 59°F (15°C). In the same manner during service operations, it
and Uncontrolled Footwear is expected that the risk of the ESD failures or upsets would
increase by a factor of two of more, so during service operations
Table 7 shows the recommendations for data centers with
the risk of ESD-related failures of upsets would be high in
dissipative floors in which their operators use any footwear. For
comparison to similar data centers running at 15% rh at 59°F
these types of data centers operated in 15% rh at 59°F (15°C),
(15°C). So, during service using ground straps is recommended.
the probability of exceeding 4 kV ESD robustness level is equal
to 0.9%. So, by comparing this probability to the previously
Data Centers with Conductive Floors
defined reference probabilities for 4kV, which are 0.01% and
and Dissipative Footwear
0.1%, the risk of ESD failures or upsets would be high. For the
8 kV ESD robustness level, the probability of exceeding this Table 8 shows the recommendations for a data center oper-
level (which is equal to 0.09%) is much higher than the refer- ating with conductive floors with its operators using only dissi-
ence probability thresholds. So the risk of ESD failures is high pative footwear. For these data centers operating at 15% rh at
for the 8 kV robustness level. For service we set a threshold of 59°F (15°C), according to the Table 3, probabilities of exceeding
500 V and the probability of exceeding it during walking is 4 kV and 8 kV are extremely low. By comparing these probabil-
17%, which clearly indicates the need to use ground straps. ities to the reference probabilities listed in Table 4 (i.e., 0.01% and
For these data centers operating in lowest relative humidity 2 × 10–3%) it becomes clear that the risk of ESD-related fault or
of ASHRAE A3 and A4 allowable envelopes (8% rh) and for failure would be very low. According to Table 3, for a 500 V
normal operation, the risk of ESD failures or upsets would be threshold, the probability is 0.002%, which is lower than the prob-
high in comparison to similar data centers running at 15% rh at ability considered to be problematic (0.003%) for a 500 V thresh-

SE-14-003 15
old. So, even during service the risk of ESD-related failures or of exceeding 4 kV and 8 kV are 0.004% and 4.1 × 10–5%,
upsets would be low. As a note of caution we like to remind the respectively (see Table 3). By comparing these probabilities to
reader that a very large range of dissipative shoes exists, and as the the reference probabilities listed in Table 4 (i.e., 0.01% and
probabilities are close to each other (0.002% to 0.003%) the data 2 × 10–3%), it is indicated that the risk of ESD-related failures
center operator may still recommend the usage of ground straps or upsets would be low. According to Table 3 for a 500 V
during service.
threshold, the probability is 8%, which is much higher than the
If these data centers are operated at the lowest humidity in probability considered to be problematic. During service the
the new ASHRAE A3 and A4 allowable envelopes, it is
risk of ESD-related failures or upsets would be high and using
expected that the risk of ESD-related failures or upsets would
ground straps is recommended.
increase by factor of two or more due to the reduced humidity.
Still, the risk may remain low during operation. However, If these data centers are operated at the lower humidity
during service operations ground straps are recommended. edge in the new ASHRAE A3 and A4 allowable envelopes, it
is expected that the risk of ESD-related failure or upset
Data Centers with Conductive Floors increases by factor of two or more due to the reduced humidity.
and Uncontrolled Footwear The risk of ESD failure of upset would be low to moderate.
Table 9 shows the recommendations for a data center with However, during service operations considering the same
conductive floors and uncontrolled footwear. For these data factors indicates the risk would be high. So, during service
centers operating in 15% rh at 59°F (15°C), the probabilities ground straps are recommended.

Table 8. Recommendations for Data Centers with Conductive Floor and Dissipative Footwear

RH and Risk Assessment

Data Center Setup User Action Basis of Risk Assessment
Temperature Ranges Recommendation

IEC 61000-4-2 (2001) testing,

A1, A2 Normal operation Very low
4kV contact, 8 kV AD

All equipment is considered to be safe if

Service Ground strap needed
the voltages are kept below 500 V.
Conductive floors,
dissipative footwear IEC 61000-4-2 (2001) testing,
A3, A4 Normal operation Low
4kV contact, 8 kV AD

Ground strap is All equipment is considered to be safe if

always needed. the voltages are kept below 500 V.

Table 9. Recommendations for Data Center with Conductive Floors, Uncontrolled Footwear

RH and Risk Assessment

Data Center Setup User Action Basis of Risk Assessment
Temperature Ranges Recommendation

IEC 61000-4-2 testing,

A1, A2 Normal operation Low
4kV contact, 8 kV AD

Ground strap is All equipment is considered to be safe if

always needed. the voltages are below 500 V.
Conductive floors,
uncontrolled footwear IEC 61000-4-2 testing,
A3, A4 Normal operation Moderate
4kV contact, 8 kV AD

Ground strap is All equipment is considered to be safe if

always needed. the voltages are kept below 500 V.

16 SE-14-003
CONCLUSION Frei, Stephan, and David Pommerenke 1998. A transient
This study investigated the probability of ESD-induced field measurement system to analyze the severity and
upsets or failures in data centers. The part of the study (Mora- occurrence rate of electrostatic discharge (ESD). Jour-
dian 2013) reported in this paper is based on voltage levels nal of Electrostatics (44)3:191–203.
personnel can reach when walking on a floor. The data was IEC. 2008. Standard 61000-4-2. EN-Electromagnetic Com-
measured for different flooring and footwear in a climate patibility (EMC)—Part 4-2: Testing and Measurement
chamber. To understand the risk of reaching ESD robustness Techniques—Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test-
thresholds known for IT equipment, extrapolation was Edition 1.2. Geneva, Switzerland: International Electro-
performed to determine probabilities. These show the strong technical Commission.
Mardiguian, M. 2009. Electrostatic discharge: Understand,
effect of humidity and of the flooring/footwear. In general it is
simulate, and fix ESD problems, 3rd Edition. Wiley-
shown that no ESD control can lead to an unacceptable ESD
IEEE Press.
failure rate if the data center runs at low humidity (15% rh at
Masanet, E., R. Brown, A. Shehabi, J. Koomey, and B. Nord-
59°F [15°C]), while at higher humidity, the risk is nearly zero
man. Estimating the energy use and efficiency potential
except during service of opened equipment.
of us data centers. Proceedings of the IEEE 99(8):1440–
The data also show that a conductive floor and control of
footwear can mitigate the risk even at low-humidity operation
Moradian, Mahdi, Abhishek Patnaik, and David Pomme-
(15% rh at 59°F [15°C]). A remaining uncertainty is the
renke. 2013. The effect of humidity on the reliability of
behavior at the even lower humidity levels allowed in the
ICT equipment in data centers. TRP 1499, ASHRAE.
ranges A3 and A4. The available data indicates a further
Pommerenke, D. 1995. ESD: Transient fields, arc simula-
increase of voltages if the humidity is reduced further, for
tion, and rise time limit. Journal of Electrostatics 31–54.
example to 10% rh at 77°F (25°C). However, it is at present
Ryser, H. 1990. The relationship between ESD test voltage
difficult to predict the expected voltage increase or probability
and personnel charge voltage. EOS/ESD Symposium.
reducing the confidence in the recommendations for data
Shehabi, A., S. Ganguly, K. Traber, H. Price, A. Horvath,
centers operating below 15% rh.
W.W. Nazaroff, and A.J. Gadgil. 2008. Energy implica-
tions of economizer use in california data centers. Tech-
nical report. Berkeley: Ernest Orlando Lawrence
Aidam, D.P. 1996. ESD: Waveform calculation, field and Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley.
current of human and simulator ESD. Journal of Elec- Simonic, R. 1981. Personal ESD statistics. IEEE/EMC Sym-
trostatics 33–51. posium. Boulder, CO.
ANSI/ESD. S20.20-2007. 2007. Protection of electrical and Simonic, R. 1982. Furniture ESD events rates. IEEE/ESD
electronic parts, assemblies and equipment (Excluding Symposium. Santa Clara, CA.
electrically initiated explosive devices). Washington, Yuan, H., C. Kuo, and I. Ahmad. 2010. Energy efficiency in
DC: American National Standards Institute. data centers and cloud-based multimedia services: An
ASHRAE. 2011. Thermal guidelines for data processing overview and future directions. IEEE International Con-
environments. Atlanta: ASHRAE. ference on Green Computing. 375–82.

SE-14-003 17

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