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REYES, Ivan Ross M.


EE - 1 DD8; 04/14/20


1. Type of Dilemma: Ontological Dilemma
a. If I were Sally, I would prefer the twelve people over my husband, knowing that
there are more lives at risk than my life, but realizing that if I save the twelve
people, I would always do it. It's because those twelve people still have someone
waiting for them just like me to my husband, but I still have managed to select the
choice that will encourage greater good or as simply as described in utilitarianism
it's the one that maximizes well-being for the largest number of people. And like
I said, people waiting for the twelve strangers if I want to save my husband and
leave the twelve strangers will feel the same too. This may not make sense, since
both decisions are both morally wrong and unfair to either side. So if no other
options come up, this is the only way to measure the worth or the quantity of life
in a case where it is the most important, even if we have no criterion in such a life


1. Type of Dilemma: Self-imposed conflicts
a. Scarlett would ignore Brad's invitation to spend the evening with him. Why? For
what? It's all because she's married to someone she loves and she's expected to
fight all the temptations in that case. Marriage is a sacred bond and a vow to a
couple that they will both be together for better or worse regardless of what
happens, but when Scarlett faces this dilemma she has second thoughts on this
pledge. Why? For what? It's because of her vanity, the gratification she'd been
thirsting for ever since, and it fell straight into her plate because if she wants to
spend the night with Brad then his husband won't be as pleased and could
probably break off the marriage if he learned what happened. In this case, we can
apply the Golden Rule here, what if that awesome girl met her husband and
invited him to spend the night with the family? Will she be able to find out he is
choosing the girl over her? It that sound complicated but it's really easy, a
commitment is a commitment to an individual, choosing the individual who
weighs most in your life or heart is the answer. And I say is it really worth having
a pleasure night, instead of spending your whole life with the one you deserve?
Ok, the answer is, not so.

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