Music Survey and Vocabulary

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Sentences with the vocabulary

1.I would like create a band with Friends
2.My brother can play the guitar
3.Mom want to go to the festival the next
4.I love the classical music
5.They like listen hip hop
6.We don´t like the pop
7.The R&B is very cultural
8.Rock is a good genre
9.Drums are noisy
10. I want to play they keyboard
11. I can play the piano
12. My sister is teaching violin classes
13. Be a musician is hard
14. You have talent to be a Singer
15. We need provision to lead an orchestra
16. My goal is go to an concert
17. The audience is important for the
18. The blass band is not very recognized
19. The teacher play te flauta
20. Jazz is a happy rythm
21. Sing opera is too hard
22. The performance is very interesting
23. A venue is importan for the musician

The kpop is an abbreviation very cultural in
Asia is influential specially in the Young people
the children want to be kpopers, because they
like sing and dance, this is importan for them, is
some that they like for their lives.

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