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Back to School
Read and match.
pen pencil bag crayon

eraser sharpener ruler pencil case

Vocabulary recognition: reading

9781380004550_Unit1.indd 5 9/20/16 11:12 AM

Vocabulary and story
Look and write. Color the things Sue and Jay buy in the story.


pencil case

Story activity and vocabulary production: writing

9781380004550_Unit1.indd 6 9/20/16 11:12 AM

Read and circle. 01:16
Sing Can I have this pen, please?

Can I have this pen pencil , please?

Yes, of course. Oh, thank you!

Can I have this bag pencil , please?

Yes. Put it in the basket, too!

Can I have this eraser ruler , please?

Yes, of course. Oh, thank you!

Can I have this sharpener ruler , please?

Yes. Put it in the basket, too!

Can I have this pencil case pen , please?

Yes, of course. Oh, thank you!

Can I have this crayon bag , please?

Yes. Put it in the basket, too!

Do you like the song?


Recognizing words in context: reading

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Language and communication
Look and write.

Can I have an Can I have a

eraser , please? , please?

Yes, of course. No, sorry.

Can I have a Can I have a

, please? , please?

No, sorry. Yes, of course.

Can I have a Can I have a

, please? , please?

Yes, of course. No, sorry.

Completing the sentences: writing

9781380004550_Unit1.indd 8 9/20/16 11:12 AM

CLIL: What we do at school
Read and match.

At school …

I talk.

I draw.

I color.

I sing.

I play. Hello!

Learning about content: reading

9781380004550_Unit1.indd 9 9/20/16 11:12 AM

CLIL: What we do at school
Write and color. Ask and say.

talk draw color  sing  play

Do you sing Do you

at school? at school?


Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Do you Do you
at school? at school?

, I do. , I do.

Do you
at school?

, I do.
Personalization of content: writing

9781380004550_Unit1.indd 10 9/20/16 11:12 AM

Unit review
Look and write the five classroom objects.


Look at Activity 7. Read and match what we do at school.

I talk. I draw. I color.

I sing. I play.

Check (4) what you can do.

e ra I pslaing
sharsper y

Key for Activity 9: I can 1) read and write the names of classroom objects,
Review and self-assessment 2) understand the story, 3) read and write what we do at school.

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Kids’ Culture 1
Write and trace. 01:25
Say Two, four, six, eight.

two  four six eight

Two , four, , eight.

Meet me at the school gate.
I f I’m late, don’t wait.
Two, , six, .

Read and color.

My school My school My school

uniform is blue. uniform is green. uniform is red.
Intercultural learning: reading and writing

9781380004550_Unit1.indd 12 9/20/16 11:12 AM

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