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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering:

Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and
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Capacity loss evaluation of reinforced concrete bridges

located in extreme chloride-laden environments
a a a
Azadeh Alipour , Behrouz Shafei & Masanobu S. Shinozuka
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering , University of California , Irvine , USA
Published online: 04 Jan 2011.

To cite this article: Azadeh Alipour , Behrouz Shafei & Masanobu S. Shinozuka (2013) Capacity loss evaluation of reinforced
concrete bridges located in extreme chloride-laden environments, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance,
Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance, 9:1, 8-27, DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2010.525243

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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2013, 8–27

Capacity loss evaluation of reinforced concrete bridges located in extreme chloride-laden

Azadeh Alipour*, Behrouz Shafei and Masanobu S. Shinozuka
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Irvine, USA
(Received 23 April 2010; final version received 25 August 2010; accepted 13 September 2010; published online 4 January 2011)

This article provides a comprehensive procedure for the structural performance evaluation and life-cycle cost (LCC)
analysis of reinforced concrete highway bridges located in extreme chloride-laden environments. An integrated
computational methodology is developed to simulate the chloride intrusion and to estimate the corrosion initiation
time. The effects of various influential parameters on the chloride diffusion process are examined and the changes in
geometry and material properties of structural members are calculated over the entire life of the bridge. In order to
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

evaluate the global structural degradation due to the corrosion mechanisms, an inventory of bridges with different
structural attributes are investigated. The extent of capacity loss is calculated using the moment-curvature and
nonlinear static (pushover) analysis. Results of this study are then utilised to find the LCC of bridges. Different
inspection and maintenance strategies are considered to minimise the total LCC, which includes the initial
construction cost, inspection and maintenance costs and service failure costs. The proposed approach indicates the
inspection and maintenance intervals in a way that the inspection and maintenance costs are optimised while the
safety of the bridge is ensured.
Keywords: reinforced concrete bridges; corrosion; structural performance; life-cycle cost; inspection and
maintenance strategies

highest chloride content near the surface with a

1. Introduction decreasing trend towards the depth of the member.
From a long-term point of view, the durability of The chloride transport mechanism in concrete is a
reinforced concrete (RC) highway bridges is signifi- complex phenomenon that may occur in several forms,
cantly affected by the deterioration of their structural such as ionic diffusion, capillary suction and permea-
members. When investigating the damaged bridges, the tion. When the concentration of chloride ions in the
deterioration caused by the corrosion of RC members pore solution within the vicinity of reinforcing bars
is usually found to be one of the main sources of becomes high enough to depassivate the protection
structural degradation which may eventually result in film of the reinforcement, the layers of rust start to
the serviceability failure of bridges under service or form on the reinforcing bar surface and the corrosion
extreme loading conditions. An accurate estimation of of steel begins.
the extent of degradation during the structure’s life- In this article, an integrated computational meth-
cycle provides both engineers and decision-makers odology is developed to simulate the penetration of
with valuable information which helps to ensure the chloride ions into the RC members. Through a
safety of bridges while reducing the associated costs. comprehensive study, the effects of various influential
Towards this goal, the current article focuses on the parameters, such as water-to-cement ratio, ambient
corrosion process caused by the attack of chloride ions temperature, relative humidity, concrete age, free
and evaluates its effects on the life-cycle performance chloride content and binding capacity, are considered
and cost of RC bridges. to obtain a precise prediction of the chloride content at
Chloride-induced corrosion is one of the deteriora- different depths of RC members with the progression
tion mechanisms caused by the rapid intrusion of of time. By comparing the chloride content values with
chloride ions into the concrete. This mode of corrosion certain critical thresholds suggested in the literature,
is expected when the bridge is exposed to aggressive the corrosion initiation time is estimated. After
environments (e.g. coastal environments or the appli- corrosion initiation, the time-dependent characteristics
cation of deicing salts). The penetration profile of of corroded bridges are identified through the extent of
chloride ions in a RC member demonstrates the the cracking and spalling of the concrete cover,

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1573-2479 print/ISSN 1744-8980 online

Ó 2013 Taylor & Francis
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 9

reduction of the steel bar cross-section area and where CCl(x,t) is the chloride content at spatial
decrease in the yield strength of reinforcing bars. coordinate x and time t, Cs, the chloride content at
Based on that, the remaining capacity of a group of the surface of the structural member (at x ¼ 0), DCl,
RC bridges with different structural attributes is the diffusion coefficient, and erf (.), the error function.
evaluated over the time using the moment-curvature This model has been widely used in both deterministic
and nonlinear static (pushover) analysis. Furthermore, and probabilistic approaches to estimate the chloride
the service life-cycle cost (LCC) of RC bridges is content level and corrosion initiation time. Chatterji
carefully studied in order to find the maintenance (1995) and Kong et al. (2002) questioned the accuracy
strategies which optimise the required inspection of this model mainly for two reasons: first, the chloride
intervals and repair costs penetration in the concrete is not governed by a linear
diffusion equation; second, the parameters of initial
and boundary conditions as well as the chloride
2. Chloride intrusion diffusion coefficient are assumed to be constant while
The process of deterioration caused by the chloride- they vary spatially and temporally.
induced corrosion is usually divided into two main In order to improve Equation (1), Saetta et al.
phases: initiation and propagation. As it can be seen in (1993) developed a numerical approach using the
Figure 1, no corrosion occurs during the initiation conventional diffusion theory (Fick’s first law) and
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time. At this phase, only chloride ions gradually diffuse the mass conservation principal (Fick’s second law) to
through RC members towards the reinforcing bars. model the chloride diffusion into the concrete. In their
After chloride concentration at the depth of reinfor- proposed diffusion model, the coupled effects of
cing bars reaches its critical level, the propagation moisture and heat flows are also considered based on
phase begins. This phase itself consists of two stages: the approach given in Bažant and Najjar (1972). Xi
rust expansion and cracking. The structural degrada- and Bažant (1999) suggested a model for chloride
tion takes place after crack initiation. penetration in the saturated concrete, which takes into
Although no corrosion is seen during the initiation account both the binding capacity and chloride
period, it is essential to find when the chloride content diffusivity of the concrete. Later, Kong et al. (2002)
reaches the value at which the rust expansion and used the Xi and Bažant’s model to examine the rate of
cracking occurs. To determine the time to corrosion chloride ingress into the concrete by studying the
initiation, different models have been proposed during influence of water-to-cement ratio and curing time.
past three decades. The majority of mathematical Ababneh et al. (2003) then used the work of Xi and
models in the literature are based on the Fick’s second Bažant to develop a mathematical model for chloride
law (Tuutti 1982): penetration in the non-saturated concrete. In the
present article, the authors have extended the previous
   numerical models to comprehensively consider the
CCl ðx; tÞ ¼ Cs 1  erf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð1Þ simultaneous effects of the most influential parameters,
2 DCl t such as chloride binding capacity, free chloride
content, ambient temperature and relative humidity
in addition to concrete aging.

2.1. Mathematical modelling of diffusion

It is generally assumed that diffusion is the dominant
mode of chloride intrusion into the concrete. Diffusion is
the motion of chloride ions within the pore solution
based on the Fick’s first law. The chloride ions
concentrated on the exposed concrete surface diffuse
into the cement matrix due to the ion concentration
gradient. The diffusion of chloride ions into the partially
saturated concrete can be described using the following
partial differential equation (Saetta et al. 1993):

JCl ¼ DCl we gradðCf Þ ð2Þ

Figure 1. Schematic demonstration of the corrosion process where JCl is the flux of the chloride ions in a unitary
idealised to the initiation and propagation phases. area in a unit of time (kg m72 of concrete), DCl, the
10 A. Alipour et al.

chloride diffusion coefficient, called diffusivity (m2 reactions and it has no effects on the transfer of
s71), we, the evaporable water content (m3 of evapor- chloride ions. On the other hand, the evaporable water,
able water per m3 of concrete), and Cf, the free chloride which is identified as the water held in concrete pores,
concentration (kg m73 of pore solution). In Equation actively takes part in the diffusion process. According
(2), the negative sign indicates that the diffusion to Han (2007), the evaporable water content can be
process is in the opposite direction to that of increasing calculated as the summation of the capillary pore
the chloride concentration. Using Equation (2), the water, wc (m3 of capillary pore water per m3 of
chloride mass conservation relationship (i.e. Fick’s concrete), and gel pore water, wg (m3 of gel per m3 of
second law) can be expressed as below (Saetta et al. concrete), as below:
we ¼ wc þ wg ð7Þ
@Ct w 
¼ divðJCl Þ ¼ div½DCl we gradðCf Þ ð3Þ
@t we ¼  0:36a c=g ð8Þ
c w

where Ct is the total chloride concentration in the

unitary volume of porous body (kg m73 of concrete), wg ¼ ð0:18aÞc=g ð9Þ
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and t, time (s). The total chloride refers to the acid-

soluble chloride in the concrete, which is the summa- where c is the cement content, w/c, the water-to-cement
tion of free chlorides and bound chlorides. The ratio, gw, the water density, and a, the degree of
relationship between the total, Ct, free, Cf, and bound, hydration. From Equations (7)–(9), the amount of
Cb, chloride content in the non-saturated concrete is as evaporable pore water can be estimated for any
follows: ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete. Consider-
ing different water-to-cement ratios, Figure 2 shows
Ct ¼ Cb þ we Cf ð4Þ the change in the amount of evaporable water content
over the time. It is assumed here that the cement
By substituting Equation (4) in Equation (3), the content is equal to 350 kg m73 and the temperature is
relationship for the diffusion of free chloride ions is 238C. As expected, the evaporable water content
obtained as: increases in the concretes with the higher levels of the
water-to-cement ratio. It can be also seen that the
@Cf amount of evaporable water decreases during the aging
¼ div½Da gradðCf Þ ð5Þ
@t process of concrete until it reaches a constant level
within less than 100 days. As a case in point, the
where Da is the apparent diffusion coefficient. This evaporable water content for a w/c of 0.5 experiences
coefficient is influenced by the adsorption phenomena no change when it reaches 0.136 (13.6%) after only 60
and can be expressed as: days.

Da ¼ F1 ðCb ÞDCl ¼   DCl ð6Þ
1 þ ð1=we Þ @Cb=@Cf

From Equation (6), it can be understood that the

effects of three parameters should be studied in order
to determine the value of apparent diffusion coefficient.
These parameters include: evaporable water content,
we, chloride binding capacity, @Cb =@Cf , and chloride
diffusion coefficient, DCl. These parameters are dis-
cussed here to provide the reader with more details on
the required assumptions and equations for the
purpose of accurate modelling of the diffusion process.

2.1.1. Evaporable water content

The water in the concrete is composed of evaporable
water, we, and non-evaporable water, wne. The non- Figure 2. Change in the evaporable water content for a
evaporable water is produced because of hydration range of water-to-cement ratios over the time.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 11

binding isotherms for concrete with an 8% evaporable

2.1.2. Chloride binding capacity water content. In the present article, the same isotherm
As described earlier, there are two types of chloride in the constants have been used. It is also assumed that the
concrete: free chloride, Cf, which is dissolved in the pore surface chloride content is for aggressive conditions
solution, and bound chloride, Cb, which is chemically and related to marine structures or bridge decks exposed to
physically bound to the cement hydrates. Between these deicing salts. Figure 3 shows the relationship between
two, only free chlorides are responsible for initiating the the free and bound chloride contents using the three
corrosion process (Tuutti 1982) although the effect of mentioned isotherms. It can be seen that Langmuir and
chloride binding capacity should also be taken into Freundlich isotherms result in similar estimations,
account. The chloride binding capacity characterises the while the linear isotherm underestimates the bound
relationship between free and bound chloride ions in the chloride content when the free chloride content is less
concrete. It is normally given at a constant temperature than 65 kg m73 of pore solution.
and referred to as the binding isotherm. Since only the free chloride content affects the
According to Nilsson et al. (1993), by increasing corrosion process, the change of chloride binding
the chloride binding capacity, the rate of chloride ionic capacity, @Cb =@Cf , with the free chloride content is
transport in the concrete slows down since the amount shown in Figure 4. It is evident that a more realistic
of available mobile ions (free chlorides) is reduced by
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

binding capacity can be obtained using Langmuir and

binding mechanisms. Hence, this reduction can even- Freundlich isotherms, especially for the lower and
tually delay the corrosion initiation. In order to upper ranges of free chloride content. Referring to
calculate the chloride binding capacity in Equation Equation (6), the term F1(Cb), which relates the
(6), @Cb =@Cf , three different binding isotherms are apparent diffusion coefficient to the chloride diffusion
defined (Martin-Pèrez et al. 2001): coefficient, can now be evaluated. This term takes into
account the chloride binding capacity and considers its
(1) Linear isotherm: effects on the reduction of diffusion coefficient. It can
be understood from Figure 5 that the reduction effect
Cb ¼ alin Cf ! ¼ alin ð10Þ for the linear isotherm is constant (equal to 0.53 here)
and independent of the free chloride content. On the
where alin is a constant coefficient. other hand, Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms result
(2) Langmuir isotherm: in reduction factors which increase from 0.20 to 0.90
over the range of free chloride content.
aL Cf @Cb aL
Cb ¼ ! ¼ ð11Þ
1 þ bL C f @Cf ð1 þ bL Cf Þ2
2.1.3. Chloride diffusion coefficient
where aL and bL are the Langmuir binding The chloride diffusion coefficient, DCl, is influenced by
constants, which are determined by the regres- many parameters, such as concrete mix properties,
sion analysis of experimental data. Tang and
Nilsson (1993) stated that the Langmuir
isotherm can provide acceptable results when
the concentration of free chloride is less than
1.773 kg m73 of pore solution.
(3) Freundlich isotherm:

b @Cb b
Cb ¼ aF Cf F ! ¼ aF bF Cf F1 ð12Þ

where aF and bF are the Freundlich binding

constants estimated through the same fitting
procedure as explained for the Langmuir
binding constants. Tang and Nilsson (1993)
found that this relationship is appropriate
for chloride concentrations of more than
0.355 kg m73 of pore solution.
Figure 3. Relationship between free and bound chloride
From a series of experimental tests, Martin-Pèrez contents using three binding isotherms, given required
et al. (2001) estimated the coefficients of idealised binding constants.
12 A. Alipour et al.

curing conditions and the chemical composition of water-to-cement ratio as well as temperature on DCl
steel and concrete. Among all these parameters, it has were examined. For a constant temperature of 258C,
been approved that the change in concrete mix they measured DCl as 2.6, 4.47 and 12.5 (610712 m2
properties, especially in the water-to-cement ratio, s71) for the water-to-cement ratios of 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6,
has a significant influence on the chloride diffusion respectively. The chloride diffusion coefficients ob-
coefficient (Bamforth and Price 1996, Papadakis et al. tained from the aforementioned studies have been
1996, Snyder 2001). The level of water-to-cement ratio compared in Figure 6. Review of all the available data
directly affects both the capillary porosity and perme- shows a similar trend of increase in DCl and indicates
ability of the concrete, which may result in significant that for the water-to-cement ratios in the common
changes in the diffusion rate of chloride ions. range of 0.3–0.5, the chloride diffusion coefficients are
A number of models have been developed to study almost similar.
the effects of water-to-cement ratio on the chloride The logarithm of the diffusion coefficient can be
diffusion coefficient. As a case in point, Collepardi related to the logarithm of the water-to-cement ratio
et al. (1970) found that when the water-to-cement ratio by the linear equation below:
of OPC concrete changes from 0.5 to 0.6, the DCl
increases from 1.7 to 3.3 (610712 m2 s71). In the other log DCl;ref ¼ a þ b logðw=cÞ ð13Þ
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

study conducted by Page et al. (1981), the effects of

where DCl,ref is the reference diffusion coefficient which
does not still consider the effects of other parameters,
such as temperature, humidity, aging and free chloride
content. By taking into account the effects of these
parameters, the DCl,ref will be improved to the DCl in
the next section. In Equation (13), a and b are
empirical coefficients assumed equal to 710.6 and
1.9 according to the empirical model proposed by
Bamforth and Price (1996). This model will be used to
calculate the amount of DCl,ref. It can be seen that for a
water-to-cement ratio of 0.5, the reference diffusion
coefficient will be 6.73 (610712 m2 s71).

2.2. Parameters affecting the chloride diffusion

Figure 4. Estimation of chloride binding capacity of the According to Ahmad (2003), the parameters affecting
concrete for a range of expected free chloride contents using the chloride diffusion coefficient can be generally
linear, Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.

Figure 6. Influence of water to cement ratio on the chloride

Figure 5. Effects of the free chloride content and chloride diffusion coefficient (a comparison among values suggested
binding capacity on the apparent chloride diffusion by Collepardi et al. 1970, Page et al. 1981, Bamforth and
coefficient of the concrete. Price 1996, Papadakis et al. 1996, Snyder 2000).
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 13

divided into internal and external parameters. The

internal parameters include: the concrete mixture
proportion, quality of ingredients, casting and curing
conditions and chemical composition of materials.
These parameters influence the reference diffusion
coefficient, DCl,ref, and as discussed in the previous
section, the water-to-cement ratio is the most critical
parameter among them. On the other hand, the
external parameters, such as ambient temperature,
relative humidity, aging and free chloride content also
have significant effects on the diffusion coefficient. The
dependency of chloride diffusion coefficient, DCl, on
the external parameters can be considered using the
multifactor law:

DCl ¼ DCl;ref F2 ðTÞF3 ðhÞF4 ðte ÞF5 ðCf Þ ð14Þ

Figure 7. Effects of temperature variation on the chloride
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

diffusion coefficient for a range of water-to- cement ratios.

where F2(T) considers the temperature parameter,
F3(h), the relative humidity, F4(te), the age of concrete,
and F5(Cf), the free chloride content. The significance obtained for the last 15 years (1995–2009) from the
and contribution of these parameters are described in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
the following. (NOAA). The range of temperatures in the Los
Angeles area can be seen in Figure 8. From this
database, it is evident that the temperature has a
2.2.1. Ambient temperature periodic trend over the year. Hence, a sinusoidal
Based on Arrhenius law, Saetta et al. (1993) and Xi function is fit to the data:
and Bažant (1999) suggested an influence factor to take
into account the ambient temperature in the calcula- Tð KÞ ¼ 291  15 sin ð2pt=365Þ ð16Þ
tion of the chloride diffusion coefficient. This factor
compares the current temperature, T, with a reference where t is in days (0  t  365). From the sinusoidal
temperature, Tref, by using Equation (15): function fitted to the local temperature data, the F2(T)
   at the specific location of the structure can be cal-
E 1 1 culated and used to estimate the chloride diffusion
F2 ðTÞ ¼ exp  ð15Þ
R Tref T coefficient.

where R is the gas constant (KJ/(mol 8K)), and E, the

activation energy of diffusion process (KJ/mol). 2.2.2. Relative humidity
According to Page et al. (1981), the values of E for a Based on the semi-empirical expressions proposed by
cement paste made of OPC depend on the water-to- Bažant and Najjar (1972), the following function
cement ratio and can be considered as 41.8 + 4.0, (Equation (17)) was used by Saetta et al. (1993) in
44.6 + 4.3 and 32.0 + 2.4 (KJ/mol) for w/c of 0.4, 0.5 order to consider the effects of relative humidity, h, on
and 0.6, respectively. In Equation (15), T and Tref are the chloride diffusion coefficient.
expressed in 8K and the reference temperature is
usually assumed to equal 296 8K. As it can be seen in F3 ðhÞ ¼   4  ð17Þ
Figure 7, when the temperature is below 238C, F2(T) is 1h
1 þ 1hc
less than one and has a reduction effect on the chloride
diffusion coefficient. On the other hand, when the
temperature passes the reference temperature, it where hc is the critical humidity level at which F3(h)
accelerates the chloride diffusion process by increasing becomes equal to the average of its maximum and
the frequency of thermal vibrations of the diffusant (Xi minimum values (here assumed to equal 0.75). It is
and Bažant 1999). seen from Equation (17) that consideration of relative
In order to use Equation (15), temperature data humidity always applies a reduction factor (less than
should be gathered within a specific region where the 1.0) to the chloride diffusion coefficient.
structure is located. In the current study, the daily Similar to the ambient temperature, the local
temperature data of the Los Angeles area have been humidity information should be obtained for use in
14 A. Alipour et al.

Figure 8. Measured daily temperature for the Los Angeles area from 1995 to 2009 obtained from NOAA (left) and a sinusoidal
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

function fitted to the available temperature data (right).

Equation (17). The average monthly relative humidity

data for the Los Angeles area have been collected to
find out its annual trend. The relative humidity is
periodic in nature and is repeated throughout the
years. Hence, it can be simulated by a half-sinusoidal
function as below:

hð%Þ ¼ 0:65 þ 0:13 sin ðpt=365Þ ð18Þ

where t is in days (0  t  365). The measured

monthly relative humidity and corresponding sinusoi-
dal function are shown in Figure 9 for one year. The
same curve can be used for the following years as well.

2.2.3. Age of concrete Figure 9. Measured monthly relative humidity for Los
Concrete aging may cause a reduction in the chloride Angeles area obtained from NOAA and a half sinusoidal
diffusion coefficient. Due to the progress of hydration function fitted to available humidity data.
reactions with time, the porosity of cement decreases.
This slows down the diffusion process, especially and Bažant 1999, Kong et al. 2002). The modification
during the initial life of the concrete. According to factor can be expressed as:
Martin-Pèrez et al. (2001), the aging effect of the
concrete on the chloride diffusion coefficient, F4(te), is F5 ðCf Þ ¼ 1  kðCf Þn ð20Þ
introduced as: pffiffiffiffiffi
t m where k and n are empirical parameters, equal to 70
ref and 0.5, respectively. Based on Equation (20), the time-
F4 ðte Þ ¼ ð19Þ
t dependent free chloride content is directly related to
where tref is the reference time (equal to 28 day), and m, the diffusion coefficient and should be updated during
the empirical age factor assumed to equal 0.04. the diffusion process at desired time steps.

2.2.4. Free chloride content 3. Estimation of corrosion initiation time

In spite of the consideration of free chloride content in The governing partial differential equation for free
the calculation of the chloride binding capacity, some chloride diffusion, given by Equation (5), cannot be
studies consider the effect of free chloride content solved without using numerical methods because of
individually on the chloride diffusion coefficient (Xi the dependence of Da on nonlinear, time-dependant
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 15

parameters. In this article, a finite difference algorithm as a function of the distance from the coastline. Based
has been developed to solve Equation (5) as a on a field study on 1158 bridges, McGee (1999)
boundary value problem in different time steps suggested a range of 0.03–2.95 kg m73 (of concrete)
(Alipour 2010). This algorithm helps to study the for surface chloride content at bridges located in the
effects of various influential parameters on the chloride coastal zones. Val (2004) also collected a set of data
intrusion process. As described in the earlier section, from the Mediterranean coasts and indicated a surface
these parameters include: evaporable water content chloride content of 7 kg m73 (of concrete) for
and chloride binding capacity, F1(Cb), ambient tem- structures directly placed on the coast. For the present
perature, F2(T), relative humidity, F3(h), age of article, it is assumed that the highway bridges under
concrete, F4(te) and existing free chloride content, study are located at a close distance from the coast and
F5(Cf). Considering all these parameters together in the sea salt spray is the only mode of exposure to
each time step results in a more realistic analysis of the chloride ions. As a result, the surface chloride content
chloride diffusion process and can provide an accurate can be taken equal to 5 kg m73 (of concrete) on
estimation of the corrosion initiation time. average.
The calculation time step for the developed finite Using all aforementioned assumptions, the devel-
difference algorithm has been assumed equal to 1 day oped finite difference algorithm calculates the free
and the algorithm continues until a specified chloride chloride content at different depths and time steps.
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threshold value is reached at the depth of the This algorithm is repeated for three different iso-
reinforcing bars. The time corresponding to this therms, including: linear, Langmuir and Freundlich.
threshold chloride content indicates the corrosion Assuming the water-to-cement ratio to equal 0.5, the
initiation time. At the beginning of analysis (t ¼ 0), free chloride content at the depth of 50 mm is shown in
the free chloride content within the depth of RC Figure 10. After obtaining the free chloride content at
member is considered to be zero from the assumption each time step, the bound and total chloride contents
that no chlorides have been added to the concrete can be calculated using Equations (10)–(12). The
mixture. change in free, bound and total chloride contents
The boundary values and initial conditions of during a 30-year period can be also seen in Figure 10
Equation (5) can be summarised as below: for three different isotherms.
As mentioned earlier, the chloride diffusion coeffi-
For t ¼ 0 : Cf ¼ 0 at x 4 0 cient in Equation (6) is updated at each time step of the
For t  0 : Cf ¼ Cs at x ¼ 0 developed algorithm. This update is because of the
effects of time-varying parameters, such as chloride
where Cs is the surface chloride content. The surface binding capacity, concrete age, temperature, humidity
chloride content may depend on various parameters, and free chloride content. Figure 11 shows the chloride
such as the composition of the concrete, location of the diffusion coefficient for Langmuir and Freundlich
structure, orientation of its surface, chloride concen- isotherms. The study of influential parameters shows
tration in the environment and the general conditions
of exposure with regard to rain and wind (Bertolini
For the structures located in coastal zones, there
are different types of exposure to chloride ions. Some
structures are completely or partially submerged in the
sea water and some are within the tidal or splash zones.
There are also many structures located in a relatively
small distance from the coastline, which makes them
vulnerable to the sea salt spray (water-borne chloride
ions carried by the wind). Depending on which of the
above is the case, the amount of surface chloride
content may vary.
According to Glass and Buenfeld (2000) and
Martin-Pèrez et al. (2001), a surface chloride content
of 17.7 kg m73 (of pore solution) simulates the
complete submersion in seawater while this value
increases to 90 kg m73 (of pore solution) for tidal or Figure 10. Change in free, bound, and total chloride
splash zones. The surface chloride content due to the contents during a 30-year period using three different
sea salt spray has smaller values and can be assumed binding isotherms.
16 A. Alipour et al.

Figure 11. Chloride diffusion coefficient calculated using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.
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that the evaporable water content and chloride binding

capacity, F1(Cb), age of concrete, F4(te) and free
chloride content, F5(Cf), vary monotonically with
time. As a result, the strong fluctuation of the chloride
diffusion coefficient is mainly due to the seasonal
variation in the ambient temperature, F2(T), and
relative humidity, F3(h). In addition, the general
increasing trend of the diffusion coefficient and
F1(Cb) are found to be similar which implies the
significance of the chloride binding capacity of the
The calculated free chloride content at different
time steps can be used to estimate the corrosion
initiation time, tinit. The corrosion initiation time is
determined as the time when the chloride concentra-
tion near the reinforcing bars reaches the threshold
chloride concentration. This means: Figure 12. Summary of data available in literature for the
critical chloride concentration required to initiate the
Cf ðtinit ; dc Þ ¼ Ccritical ð21Þ corrosion process.

where dc is the depth at which the reinforcing bars are

placed (usually equal to the concrete cover depth). In the measured or suggested values for the critical
Equation (21), the Ccritical is the threshold chloride chloride concentration. For this study, the critical
concentration causing depassivation of the concrete chloride concentration is considered to be 1% of the
protection film and initiation of the corrosion process. cement weight which is assumed to equal 350 kg m73.
There have been many research efforts during the past The total chloride content profiles given in Figure
three decades to determine an appropriate threshold 10 can be used to evaluate the corrosion initiation
for the critical chloride content. It had been first time. Assuming the threshold value as 3.5 kg m73 (1%
suggested that the critical value should be determined of cement weight), the initiation time can be estimated
by investigating the free chloride concentration, but as 9.33, 12.66 and 10.40 years for the linear, Langmuir
the study of Glass and Buenfeld (2000) on the chemical and Freundlich isotherms, respectively. It is evident
aspects of chloride binding capacity showed that the that different chloride binding isotherms result in some
bound chloride should also be taken into account. As a change in the estimation of the corrosion initiation
result, the threshold value is expected to represent the time, which indicates the importance of a reasonable
total chloride content. Figure 12 demonstrates a choice for the chloride binding model. Considering
summary of data available in the literature regarding only the Freundlich isotherm, as the middle range
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 17

isotherm, the initiation time for different cover depths assumed to have a lognormal distribution with the
of 40, 50 and 60 mm would respectively be 7.23, 10.40 mean of 5 kg m73 and COV of 0.50.
and 14.20 years (Figure 13). It can be seen that the As mentioned earlier, the corrosion initiation time
values of corrosion initiation time obtained from the is defined as the time required to reach the chloride
developed algorithm lie well within the range of 7–20 threshold value at a specific depth of the RC member.
years, observed by Kong et al. (2002). With this definition, the chloride content at the level of
It is worth mentioning that the computational reinforcing bar can be considered as a demand
model discussed in this section carefully studies the parameter, D, and the chloride threshold value for
diffusion process and estimates the corrosion initiation corrosion initiation can be assumed as a resistance
time through a deterministic approach. Although the parameter, R. Employing a probabilistic approach, the
developed model significantly reduces the uncertainties demand parameter can be expressed as a probability
associated with the simplifying assumptions, it does distribution function at each time step by taking into
not consider the uncertainties corresponding to the account the uncertainties associated with influential
model parameters as independent random variables. parameters, such as chloride diffusion coefficient and
Based on the existing literature, parameters affecting surface chloride content. On the other hand, the
the corrosion initiation time have high variability. resistance parameter is an indicator of capacity of the
Hence, the effects of parameter variability are con- RC member before corrosion initiates and can be
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

sidered in this section to improve the deterministic identified by the chloride threshold value, Ccritical. In
model to a more reliable probabilistic approach. the current study, a normal distribution function with
Towards this goal, those parameters which have the mean of 3.5 kg m73 (equal to 1% of cement
the most influence on the corrosion initiation time are weight) and COV of 0.20 has been assumed for the
studied. Assuming no variation in concrete cover chloride threshold value.
depth, selected random variables in the current study To predict the probability distribution function of
include: reference chloride diffusion coefficient, DCl,ref, demand at different time steps, a set of 10,000 Monte
surface chloride content, Cs and chloride threshold Carlo simulations is performed to calculate the total
value, Ccritical. As stated in Equation (13), the chloride chloride content, Ct, at the level of reinforcing bars. In
diffusion coefficient is a function of water-to-cement these simulations, the chloride diffusion coefficient and
ratio. A normal distribution function can be assigned surface chloride content are random variables with
to the water-to-cement ratio with the mean value of 0.5 lognormal distributions. Considering the probability
and coefficient of variation (COV) of 3–5%, according distribution of chloride content (demand) obtained
to ACI (2009). Using Equation (13), a lognormal from Monte Carlo simulations at each time step, the
distribution with the mean of 6.73 (610712 m2 s71) measure of risk in terms of probability of exceeding the
and COV of 0.076 is obtained for the chloride diffusion capacity level can be expressed as:
coefficient. The surface chloride content is also
pf ¼ P½Ccritical < Ct 
Z 1  Z ct 
¼ fc critical ðccritical Þdccritical fct ðct Þdct
Z0 1 0
¼ Fccritical ðct Þfct ðct Þdct ð22Þ

where Fccritical(ct) is the cumulative distribution function

of Ccritical evaluated at ct. By repeating the procedure
of Equation (22) for different time intervals during the
life-cycle of bridge, the cumulative distribution func-
tion of corrosion initiation time is calculated. This
function is shown in Figure 14 and it can be seen that
the expected value of corrosion initiation time is 11.50
for the concrete cover depth of 50 mm. It is under-
stood that there is a slight difference between the
corrosion initiation time obtained from probabilistic
analysis (11.50 years) and the time calculated from the
Figure 13. Estimation of corrosion initiation time for deterministic approach (10.40 years). By increasing the
different cover depths of 40, 50 and 60 mm using number of simulations, the corrosion initiation time
Freundlich isotherm. from the probabilistic analysis is expected to get closer
18 A. Alipour et al.

of 10–25 mA cm72 has been suggested by Rodriguez

et al. (1994). This range corresponds to the high
reinforcement corrosion risk because it is larger than 1
mA cm72 (Andrade et al. 1993). In this study, the lower
bound of this range, 10 mA cm72, is assumed for the
Substituting all mentioned assumptions in Equa-
tion (23), the consumed mass of steel per unit length of
reinforcing bar, DMloss (g cm71), subjected to the
corrosion for a time step, Dt (s), can be obtained from
Equation (25), as below:

2:893  109 pD0 icorr Dt ðt ¼ tinit Þ

DMloss ðtÞ ¼
2:893  109 pDred ðtÞicorr Dt ðt > tinit Þ

Figure 14. Cumulative distribution function of corrosion

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initiation time for the cover depth of 50 mm. 4.1. Crack initiation time
To predict the time to crack initiation, the ratio of
to the deterministically estimated time. A more Mloss to the initial mass of steel, M0, should be
detailed discussion on the comparison between deter- calculated at each time step. The percentage of steel
ministic and probabilistic approaches can be found in mass loss, m(t), is given by:
Alipour et al. (2010).
Mloss ðtÞ
mðtÞ ¼ 100 ð26Þ
4. Crack initiation and propagation
The RC members lose their strength and ductility The time corresponding to the point that the m(t)
because of crack initiation and propagation. Hence, equals to the mcritical is marked as the time to crack
the study of corrosion-induced cracks is necessary to initiation. The mcritical represents the threshold value of
estimate the extent of structural degradation over the steel loss for crack initiation and can be calculated
life-cycle of structures. In order to calculate the using the formula developed by El Maadawy and
corrosion crack initiation time, the Faraday’s Law is Soudki (2007), as below:
used. As it can be seen in Equation (23), the mass of
steel consumed over the time, Mloss, is related to the mcritical ¼ ½dc fct ðc þ 1 þ nÞðD0 þ 2d0 Þ
amount of current (A) that flows through the electro- D20 ðg  1ÞEeff
chemical corrosion cell. þ D0 d0 Eeff  ð27Þ

DMloss Z where D0 is the initial rebar diameter, d0, the thickness

¼ Icorr ð23Þ
Dt nF of porous zone around the rebar, and dc, the concrete
cover depth. In Equation 27 the rebar properties are
where Z is the atomic weight of the ion being dissolved represented by the Poisson’s ratio, n, and a coefficient
(i.e. Fe ¼ 55.85 gr), F, the Faraday’s constant for consideration of the mass density of steel and rust,
(96,500 A s), and n, the valence of reaction (usually g. The effects of concrete properties have also been
taken as 2). For a unit length of anodic bar, the current taken into account by the concrete’s effective elastic
due to corrosion, Icorr (A cm71), can be related to modulus, Eeff, and the tensile strength of concrete, fct.
the current per unit area of the reinforcing bar, icorr In Equation (27), the c is calculated as below:
(A cm72), using Equation (24):

ðD0 þ 2d0 Þ2
c¼ : ð28Þ
pD0 icorr ðt ¼ tinit Þ 2dc ðD0 þ dc Þ
Icorr ðtÞ ¼ ð24Þ
pDred ðtÞicorr ðt > tinit Þ
The Equation (27) has been obtained based on the
where D0 is the original diameter of steel bar, Dred(t), basic principles of elasticity which relate the radial
the reduced diameter during the corrosion process, and pressure to the concrete displacement. El Maadawy
tinit, the corrosion initiation time calculated in the and Soudki (2007) have made three assumptions in
previous section. For the icorr in Equation (24), a range developing this formulation: (1) the concrete around
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 19

the reinforcing bar is a thick-walled concrete cylinder; corrosion tests on the steel bars embedded in concrete
(2) the concrete is a homogeneous material; (3) there is and concluded that the strength of bars decreases
a porous zone at the steel-to-concrete interface, that significantly with chloride penetration. Their test
the corrosion products must fill before they can expand results are in reasonable agreement with other studies,
and create pressure on the concrete surrounding the such as Andrade et al. (1991), Lee et al. (1996) and
reinforcing bar. Morinaga (1996). Therefore, the empirical equation
below proposed by Du et al. (2005a,b) is used to
estimate the reduction in the yield strength of corroded
4.2. Degradation of corroded RC members reinforcing bars.
According to AASHTO Guide Manual for the
condition evaluation of highway bridges (2005), it is fy ðtÞ ¼ ð1  0:005mðtÞÞfy0 ð31Þ
necessary to consider the modified geometry and
material properties of the structural members for the where fy(t) is the yield strength of corroded reinforce-
condition assessment of deteriorated bridges. For this ment at each time step, fy0, the yield strength of non-
purpose, this article specifically studies the reduction corroded reinforcement, and t, the time elapsed since
rate of the diameter and yield strength of the steel corrosion initiation. The reduced rebar cross-section
reinforcing bars in corroded RC members. Further-
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

(from Equation (30)) and yield strength (from Equa-

more, the effects of corrosion crack propagation are tion 31) are given in Table 1 for different time intervals.
considered for the calculation of confined concrete These values are used for the capacity evaluation of the
properties. RC bridges in this study.
Taking the steel mass density, rs, equivalent to 7.8 The time in which the concrete starts cracking was
(g cm73), the change in the volume of corroded steel defined earlier as the time when the steel loss reaches
per unit length, DVloss (cm3 cm71), can be calculated the critical level (mcritical) obtained from Equation (27).
as: In the present article, this time is calculated through a

step-by-step analysis and it is estimated to be 51 days
DMloss 3:7091010 pD0 Dt ðt¼tinit Þ (0.14 year) for the structures under consideration. To
DVloss ðtÞ¼ ¼
rs 3:7091010 pDred ðtÞDt ðt>tinit Þ calculate the crack width after crack initiation, wcrack
ð29Þ (mm), the analytical equation proposed by Vidal et al.
(2004) can be used:
The initial condition of the system is assumed such that
there is no corrosion in the reinforcing bars prior to wcrack ðtÞ ¼ KðDAs ðtÞ  DA0 Þ ð32Þ
the corrosion initiation time, tinit. As a result, the
consumed mass and volume of the corroded steel can where DAs(t) is the steel loss of the rebar cross-section
be calculated from Equations 25 and 29, using the during the corrosion process (mm2), DA0, the steel loss
original diameter of the reinforcing bar. However, for of the cross section immediately after crack initiation
the next steps of the corrosion process, the reduced (mm2), and K, an empirical coefficient assumed to
rebar diameter should be used to calculate the equal 0.0577. The crack width of 0.3 mm has been
consumed values. The reduced rebar diameter after considered here as one of the first serviceability limits.
each time step of corrosion is calculated as: The time in which the crack width exceeds 0.3 mm
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi occurs after 117 days (0.32 year). Comparing the time
4DVloss ðtÞ to crack initiation (0.14 year) as well as the time to
Dred ðtÞ ¼ D20  : ð30Þ exceed the crack width of 0.3 mm (0.32 years) to the
time to corrosion initiation (10.40 years, using
The residual strength of corroded reinforcing bars was Freundlich isotherm), it can be recognised that the
investigated experimentally by Du et al. (2005a,b). two former values are negligible when compared to the
They conducted both accelerated and simulated latter one. Hence, since the crack initiation occurs

Table 1. Reduced mass diameter and yield strength of reinforcing bars at 5-year time intervals.

Timea (year) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
(Mloss/M0)6100 0.00 6.38 12.24 18.10 23.96 29.82 35.68 41.54 47.40 53.26 59.12
D (mm) 35.80 34.75 33.61 32.46 31.32 30.17 29.03 27.88 26.74 25.59 24.45
fy/fy0 1.00 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.73 0.70

Note: aafter corrosion initiation.

20 A. Alipour et al.

shortly after the corrosion initiation time, this article box girders with slopped external girders. The total
assumes the corrosion initiation time as the service- concrete cross-section of deck is approximately 12 m2.
ability threshold time. Furthermore, it is widely The bridges have only one interior bent with two circular
accepted that the crack width of more than 1 mm columns. Both columns of each bent have the same
indicates the performance failure of the concrete cover. diameter and height. The diameter of columns varies
The time corresponding to this crack width has also from 1.3 to 1.9 m based on the bridge span length. Each
been calculated equal to 542 days (1.48 year) after of short-, medium- and long-span categories also
corrosion initiation time. Since the capacity of includes bridges with three column height levels of 7.5,
structures under study will be evaluated every 5 years 10.0 and 12.5 m. Figure 15 illustrates a schematic
after the corrosion initiation time, it is assumed that view of the bridges under study.
the concrete cover is destroyed at the time of the first
analysis interval.
5.1. Modelling assumptions
The structural analysis of RC bridges has been carried
5. Inventory of RC bridges under study out with the OpenSees software (2009). As an object-
In order to evaluate the effects of the corrosion process oriented finite element software, OpenSees is used to
on the performance of RC bridges, an inventory of assess the structural performance of the bridges under
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

bridges has been developed for the current study. These corrosion scenarios defined in the earlier sections of
bridges represent the RC bridges located in the Los this article. The developed bridge models consist of
Angeles area and can satisfy the current design require- superstructure elements, columns, abutments and fixed
ments. To better quantify the structural degradation and foundations.
capacity loss due to the corrosion process, the bridges
with two equal spans are considered in the present paper.
The bridges under study have three different span 5.1.1. Superstructure
lengths of 15, 30 and 45 m, representing the short-, The superstructure is modelled using linear-elastic
medium- and long-span bridges, respectively. The deck elements. In the ordinary bridges, the columns and
width is constant for all the bridges and it is designed for abutments are usually expected to experience the
four traffic lanes. The deck section consists of concrete inelastic behaviour. As a result, the superstructure

Figure 15. A schematic view of the two-span bridges under study.

Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 21

remains in the elastic range and no nonlinearity is crack propagation, the concrete cover is destroyed
needed to be assigned to the superstructure elements. shortly after the crack initiation time, as calculated in
Furthermore, since the concrete superstructure always Section 4.2. Furthermore, considering Equations (30)
experiences some cracks due to loading conditions, the and (31), the diameter and yield strength of steel bars
cracked section properties should be calculated before decrease over the time according to Table 1. As it can
analysis. According to the Caltrans seismic design be seen from the moment-curvature analysis of the
criteria (SDC 2006), the flexural stiffness of concrete column cross-section, the mentioned degradations
box girder superstructures can be modified by a factor directly reduce the load bearing capacity of columns.
of 0.50 to 0.75 in order to reflect the effects of this type Since the columns have a key role in resisting lateral
of cracking. loads, any reduction in column capacity causes a
significant capacity loss for the entire bridge system. In
the present article, the pushover analysis is used as a
5.1.2. Column measure to illustrate how the lateral load resistance of
The columns are modelled using inelastic beam- a bridge drops after the corrosion initiation time.
column elements. In these elements, the plasticity has The moment-curvature (M7j) analysis is used to
been concentrated over a specified length of element calculate the plastic moment capacity of ductile
ends and it is used to model the plastic hinge zone of concrete members based on expected material proper-
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

the columns (OpenSees 2009). The column cross- ties. This analysis derives the curvatures associated
section is modelled using the fibre section module with a range of moments for a concrete cross section
available in OpenSees, while the reinforcing bars of based on the principles of strain compatibility and the
concrete section are modelled in two layers considering equilibrium of forces. The M7j curve can be idealised
the expected steel properties. The stress–strain rela- with a bilinear elastic perfectly-plastic curve to
tionship of confined concrete is developed using estimate the yield and plastic curvature as well as the
Mander’s model (Mander et al. 1988, Priestley et al. moment capacity of column cross section. In the
1996) in order to capture the capacity and behaviour of current study, the M7j curves have been developed
the bridge columns accurately. for all bridge models considering the mentioned
changes in member properties. The moment-curvature
analysis has been repeated 11 times for each bridge in
5.1.3. Abutment order to take into account the structural degradation
The model for abutment consists of a rigid element during the life-cycle of bridge, which is over a period of
with the length equal to the superstructure width, 50 years. The analysis starts with the intact bridge
connected to the superstructure centerline through a (before corrosion initiation time) and continues with
rigid joint. At both ends of the rigid element, there are the deteriorated bridge in consecutive 5-year time
three spring components that carry the nonlinear intervals.
response of the abutment in longitudinal, transverse Figure 16 shows the M7j curves for the short-
and vertical directions. In each direction, a zero-length span bridge with the column diameter of 1.3 m and
element is assigned with a nonlinear stiffness which is column height of 7.5 m. It is evident that as the bridge
dependent upon the material properties of the abut- deteriorates, the M7j curve has a drop in the yield
ment backfill. The stiffness and strength of these and plastic moment capacities. The trend of change in
springs are determined from Section 7.8.1 of Caltrans the plastic moment capacity of different bridge cases
SDC (2006). It should be mentioned that a gap element can be seen in Figure 17 for a 50-year life-cycle after
has also been added to the abutment model in the the corrosion initiation time. Since the moment-
longitudinal direction to consider the 5 cm expansion curvature analysis is independent of column height,
joint of the bridges. the plastic moment capacity is the same for all bridges
that have the same column cross-section. From Figure
17, it can be concluded that the plastic moment
5.2. Capacity evaluation of deteriorated bridges capacity of short-, medium- and long-span bridges
The developed bridge models are used to evaluate the under study decreases by 77, 85 and 92% after 50
effects of the corrosion process on the performance of years. It is clear that in the case of not taking
typical RC bridges. As described in the previous appropriate maintenance actions, the risk of structural
sections, the properties of structural members change failure increases drastically.
after the corrosion initiation time and a gradual The second measure to evaluate the lateral capacity
capacity loss is expected for the entire bridge. The of the bridge is the nonlinear static (pushover) analysis.
deteriorated properties can be mainly found at the In the pushover analysis, monotonically increasing
concrete cover and the reinforcing bars. Because of lateral forces are applied to the nonlinear model of the
22 A. Alipour et al.

entire bridge until the displacement of the control node defined here as 99% of the maximum base shear of
at the deck level exceeds the target displacement the bridge obtained from pushover analysis. The
(assumed to equal 1.00 m). For the pushover analysis, changes in base shear capacity of all the bridge cases
both material and geometric nonlinearities are con- have been shown in Figure 19. This figure summarises
sidered and the gravity loads are applied to the the capacity loss of bridges with different structural
structure before the analysis starts. This procedure attributes. The drop in base shear capacity can be seen
evaluates the overall strength of bridge, typically in 10-year time intervals, which has an average value of
measured through the base shear capacity. 49, 51 and 54% for the short-, medium- and long-span
All the developed bridge models have been bridges over 50 years.
analysed using the pushover analysis procedure. The
pushover curves for the short-span bridge with the
column diameter of 1.3 m and column height of 7.5 m 6. Life-cycle cost analysis
is shown in Figure 18. It is evident from this figure that The LCC of a structure is defined as the total cost
as the bridge deteriorates, the yield point happens at a of the structure from the beginning of planning
smaller displacement and the base shear capacity for construction to the end of its service life time.
decreases significantly. The base shear capacity is
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

Figure 16. Moment-curvature plots for the short-span Figure 18. Pushover curves for the short-span bridge with
bridge with the column diameter of 1.3 m and column the column diameter of 1.3 m and column height of 7.5 m,
height of 7.5 m, deteriorated over 50 years. deteriorated over 50 years.

Figure 17. Reduction in the plastic moment capacity of

short-, medium-, and long-span bridge cases for a 50-year Figure 19. Change in the base shear capacity of bridges
life-cycle after the corrosion initiation time. under study over 50 years.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 23

The LCC analysis provides a framework that helps to long-span bridges under study can be seen in Table 2.
allocate appropriate resources for design, construction Their inspection and maintenance costs as well as their
and operation of the structure. The focus of the current failure costs will be discussed in the upcoming sections.
study is on the LCC analysis of RC bridges located in
extreme chloride-laden environments. The extent of
structural capacity loss due to the corrosion process 6.1. Inspection and maintenance costs
was shown in the previous section and it can be clearly The cost of inspection and maintenance is expected to
understood that the regular inspection and mainte- be incurred at regular time intervals, Dt. The inspection
nance of bridges are necessary in order to avoid any cost is calculated as:
structural failure. From the resources point of view, it
is also important to optimise the inspection and CIN ¼ SzðiDtÞ ð35Þ
maintenance schedules in a way that the total cost of i¼1
structure is minimised while the structure satisfies the
performance requirements. where S is the cost of each inspection, n, the number of
The LCC of a bridge consists of a one-time initial maintenance intervals, and z, the discount factor from
cost associated with design and construction of the Equation (34). It can be seen that by increasing the
bridge and regular inspection and maintenance costs number of inspections, n, during the life-cycle of
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

necessary at certain time intervals. The general formula the bridge, the inspection cost rises accordingly. For
for LCC analysis can be expressed as follows: the bridges under study, the inspection cost is assumed to
equal 0.5% of the construction cost. The maintenance
LCC ¼ Cc þ ½CIN þ CM þ CuM  þ ½Csf þ Cusf  ð33Þ cost over a structure’s life span can be expressed as:
where Cc is the initial construction cost, CIN, the CM ¼ MzðiDtÞ ð36Þ
inspection cost, CM, the maintenance cost, CuM , the i¼1
user cost associated with the maintenance procedure,
Csf, the bridge service failure cost and Cusf , the user cost where M is the cost of maintenance activity in base
associated with the probable service failure. The year prices. The maintenance cost is usually assumed
inflation is also taken into account by dominating between 0.5% and 1.0% of the construction cost, but
future maintenance expenditures in base year prices. since it is expected that the maintenance cost increases
These recurrent maintenance costs are combined by as the bridge ages, it is assumed here that the
weighing them according to a discount factor that maintenance cost has a linear increasing trend from
takes into account the time value of the money. The 0.5 to 1.0% during the structure’s service life time.
discount factor, z(t), is defined as: In addition to the direct maintenance costs, the user
cost associated with the temporary closure of facilities
zðtÞ ¼ ð1 þ rÞt ð34Þ should also be considered. The actual user cost during
the regular maintenance work depends on the extent
where r is the discount rate indicating the expected and duration of service disruption (Chang and
market rate of return on an investment. The choice of Shinozuka 1996). This can be expressed as:
discount rate is often disputable in LCC analysis. In X
practice, the discount rate ranges from 2 to 8%. CuM ¼ tm bm uzðiDtÞ ð37Þ
Generally, choosing a high discount rate favours short i¼1
service life time while a low discount rate encourages a
longer service life time.
The initial cost of construction is assumed to be
the summation of the costs of the bridge components. Table 2. LCC of short-, medium-, and long-span bridges
under study, including initial construction cost, inspection
The cost of the deck is computed as the total area
and maintenance costs and service failure costs.
of the deck multiplied by a cost per unit deck area.
Caltrans Contract Cost Data (2008) suggests $380 per Bridge case Short-span Medium-span Long-span
m2 for deck construction cost. For bridge piers, the
Cc $361,151 $500,117 $639,083
construction cost includes the cost of steel work and CIN $122,557 $169,716 $216,874
concrete work. After calculating the total volumes of CM $154,744 $214,288 $273,832
the steel and concrete, the pier cost can be estimated by CuM $95,171 $95,171 $95,171
assuming $4 per kg of steel and $840 per m3 of concrete Csf $90,085 $124,749 $159,412
Cusf $45,471 $45,471 $45,471
according to Caltrans Contract Cost Data (2008). The Ctotal $869,179 $1,149,512 $1,429,843
average total construction cost of short-, medium- and
24 A. Alipour et al.

where tm is the duration of maintenance activities, and

bm, the index of usage disruption (0  bm  1). For
example, if maintenance entails closure of one of the
two lanes of a bridge, bm would be 0.5. In Equation
(37), u is the unit user cost which depends on the
volume and type of traffic crossing the bridge as well as
the availability of convenient alternative routes. The
user cost also typically includes the increased costs
associated with travel delays and accidents. In the
current study, it is assumed that for the maintenance
programme, only 1/4 of bridge is closed at each period
of time for one week. Hence, the average hourly user
cost is calculated to be $8.75 per vehicle. The annual
traffic is assumed to be 100,000 h vehicle year71, which
makes the user cost of the maintenance programme
Figure 20. Probability of service failure due to the
equal to $875,000. It is also assumed here that the
corrosion process for various inspection intervals.
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

inspection procedure is so short that it leads to

negligible disruptions on bridge traffic, and as a result,
it causes no user cost. number of inspections decreases, the probability of
failure due to the corrosion process increases. Accord-
ing to Chang and Shinozuka (1996), the expected user
6.2. Service failure costs cost associated with the probable service failure can be
The expected value for the service failure cost of a calculated as below:
bridge can be calculated using Equation (38):
n Cusf ¼ tsf bsf uzðiDtÞDpf ðiÞ ð40Þ
Csf ¼ Cf zðiDtÞDpf ðiÞ ð38Þ i¼1
where tsf is the duration of repair activities after failure,
where Cf is the repair cost due to the service failure, and bsf, the usage disruption parameter due to the
assumed to be equal to 20% of the construction cost. service failure. In this study, it is assumed that it takes
In order to obtain the expected service failure cost, the one month for the bridge to be repaired and during this
repair cost should be multiplied by the relevant time half of the bridge will be closed to traffic.
probability of failure during each time interval of
the bridge life-cycle. Since the current article studies
the effects of the corrosion process on LCC of 6.3. Optimised inspection and maintenance intervals
bridges, the probability of failure due to the corrosion Based on the total construction cost of the short-,
process between (i71)-th and i-th time intervals, medium- and long-span bridge cases, the inspection
Dpf(i), has been calculated using a recursive formula and maintenance costs as well as the service failure
suggested by Val and Stewart (2003): costs of all the bridges are calculated and the average
costs are summarised in Table 2. The values of Table 2
are obtained with the assumption of 4% annual
Dpf ðiÞ ¼ pðiDtÞ  p½ði  1ÞDt þ Dpf ðjÞfp½ði  jÞDt
inflation rate and scheduling annual inspection and
maintenance programme. This table shows that the
 p½ði  j  1ÞDtg ð39Þ user associated costs, CuM and Cusf , do not change for
different bridge types, which indicates that they are
where p is the cumulative distribution function for the independent of the construction cost.
time of service failure (Figure 14). Since the crack In order to evaluate the effects of inspection and
initiation and propagation time (calculated in Section maintenance intervals on the LCC of bridges, different
4.2) is small comparing to the corrosion initiation time, inspection and maintenance strategies have been
the service failure is assumed to occur after the examined. In this study, it is assumed that the
corrosion initiation time. The values of Dpf(i) have inspection and maintenance intervals are the same
been calculated for different inspection intervals and and can be scheduled every 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years. Table 3
are shown in Figure 20 for the entire life-cycle of indicates the average inspection, maintenance and
the bridge, which is assumed to be 50 years after the service failure costs for the medium-span bridge
corrosion initiation time. It is evident that as the inspected and maintained according to the proposed
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 25

Table 3. Effects of inspection/maintenance intervals on the life cycle cost of the medium-span bridge.

Interval Annual 2-year 3-year 4-year 5-year

Cc $500,117 $500,117 $500,117 $500,117 $500,117
CIN $169,716 $86,887 $54,368 $39,966 $32,798
CM $214,288 $112,618 $69,391 $51,288 $43,249
CuM $95,171 $48,723 $30,488 $22,412 $18,392
Csf $124,749 $237,982 $340,877 $431,840 $500,949
Cusf $45,471 $86,744 $124,249 $157,405 $182,595
Ctotal $1,149,512 $1,073,071 $1,119,490 $1,203,028 $1,278,100

Figure 22, considering the decreasing trend of inspec-

tion and maintenance costs and increasing trend of the
service failure costs. From this figure, it can be
understood that the total LCC of the bridge can be
minimised if the inspection and maintenance intervals
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 22:38 02 February 2015

are scheduled for every 2 or 3 years. This schedule

optimises the inspection and maintenance costs while
ensuring the safety of the bridge.

7. Conclusions
RC highway bridges are continuously exposed to
different environmental stressors during their service
life time. Chloride-induced corrosion is one of dete-
rioration mechanisms that causes serious structural
degradation and may result in the service failure of the
Figure 21. Ratio of different cost items to the initial entire bridge. This article develops a comprehensive
construction cost. framework to study the chloride intrusion mechanisms
and predict the progress of corrosion in RC members.
Through this study, the effects of various influential
parameters, such as water-to-cement ratio, ambient
temperature, relative humidity, concrete age, free
chloride content and binding capacity, are carefully
considered for an accurate estimation of the chloride
penetration profile in deteriorating structural members
over the time.
The corrosion initiation time is estimated by
comparing the chloride content values in the vicinity
of reinforcing bars the with critical thresholds. After
the determination of the corrosion initiation time, the
rate of reduction in geometry and material properties
due to the corrosion process is calculated at different
time steps. This article specifically considers the
reduction rate of diameter and yield strength of
Figure 22. Total LCC of the medium-span bridge obtained reinforcing bars in corroded members. The crack
for different inspection and maintenance intervals. initiation and propagation in concrete cover is also
investigated in order to modify the confinement
time schedules. The ratio of different cost types to the assumptions required for capacity evaluation. Based
initial construction cost are depicted in Figure 21. on the updated structural characteristics of corroded
Referring to Table 3 and Figure 21, when the members, the capacity loss of a group of RC bridges
inspection intervals increase, the costs associated with with short-, medium- and long spans is evaluated. In
the inspection and maintenance decrease but this addition to the structural degradation, the effects of
causes a significant increase in the service failure cost. the corrosion process on the LCC of bridges are also
The total LCC of the bridge has been shown in studied. From the detailed calculation of construction,
26 A. Alipour et al.

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