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2 people. Sue and Keith.

The topic is leisure, the activities are:

Extreme ironing, rock climbing and canopying.

Extreme ironing Depends on the context. If you're in the sea you need
to use the sea equipment or if you're in the mountains
you can use special clothes or a helmet too...
He was ironing, he decided to mix his favourite
sport (rock climbing) with ironing and that's it
Rock climbing
All kind of people in the whole world, depends on your imagination..
Athletes do this activity too, people who are preparing for a World's championships.
or when even they have those World's championships
an extremely sport iron
an ordinary board
strange unusual
of the mountain tree

crazy (imaginative and creative)

extreme ironing offices, there are in the phone book.

At the top of mountains In the sea, is more common to do

Up a tree this activity in the pool too.
At the bottom of the sea
In strange and unusual

You need a bikini, sea glasses

Your imagination, be brave and sometimes diver shoes, in
and creative, a little bit other cases I mean.

All kind of people. Al kind of people too.

I like to watch the competitions,
and actually people with disabilities
too. No age limits.

She was at night, probably 9 or 10 pm.

She was doing a favor to Donovan's family

She was babysitting the Donovan's baby

She felt that probably her boyfriend John was

making a joke, then, she was so scared.

T 3

F 1

b. That quiet summer night, the baby was sleeping in the room,
upstairs without Judy.
f. The second time the phone rang, Judy was upset,
she belief that her boyfriend was making a joke.
g. Las time the phone rang, Judy knew that it wasn't John
it sounds weird, a male and scary voice
h. The baby wasn't in her room, the cot was empty.
He was in his parent's bed.

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