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2/7/2020 pref_6_READING 2.

6: Revisión del intento



Comenzado el miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020, 22:30

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020, 22:41
Tiempo empleado 10 minutos 50 segundos
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2/7/2020 pref_6_READING 2.6: Revisión del intento


Puntúa 100,00
sobre 100,00 1. Read the vocabulary and with the help of a dictionary nd the de nitions in your own language. We suggest you the online dictionary.

- public transport
- comfortable

- awful
- crowded

- stressful
- stressed

- antique
- prefer

- empty
- rush hour

- bus station

Can you make some sentences using the words from the list?

For example:
Bogotá is a crowded city.
I don’t like the rush hour.
I sometimes get stressed.
I think my car is awful.

Exercise 1: Read the conversation between two friends, Mary and Peter. Pay attention to the words in bold.

Mary: Hi Peter, what is that?

Peter: It’s an article about public transport in the city and countryside.

Mary: That sounds interesting. What does it say?

Peter: Well, it says that in our city we have different types of transport and all are stressful, but in the countryside people
are not stressed and have different ways to move from one place to another.

Mary: Ok, you got me. What else does it mention?

Peter: It mentions antique and modern ways of transport that exist in our country. For example people use donkeys, mules
and even carts pulled by horses. Other people use buses, taxis and motorbikes. What do you think?

Mary: Well, I think it depends on the place you are and what you need to do.
Peter: Which one do you prefer the old or the new means of transport?

Mary: I think I use the modern means of transport because I live in a city. I think that I can’t control a horse. I can ride an
animal to move from one place to another, I don’t know how.
Peter: Yes, you are right. But, from the modern means of transport which one do you prefer? 2/4
2/7/2020 pref_6_READING 2.6: Revisión del intento

Mary: I don’t know. Public transport is always crowded here, people push you and it is not comfortable, it can be stressful,
too. In a taxi you are comfortable but it is expensive. I don’t have a bicycle so I don’t use one. I think I prefer the bus, it is

Peter: Really? But you think it’s not comfortable and crowded! How is it possible you prefer it?
Mary: I think it is awful in different ways, people are stressed and behave aggressively. But it is fast and I am always in a
hurry. I don’t like to arrive late anywhere. I usually buy the tickets for the week. I avoid making the queues at the bus

Peter: I get up early to avoid rush hour. It helps me to avoid the crowded times in the bus stations. There are some things
people can do to avoid stress. What do you do?
Mary: Well, I sometimes also arrive very early to the stations and take the bus when it is empty. That works for me.

Peter: Yes, it helps me too. Let’s continue reading the article.

Mary: Ok, tell me more about what it says.


Exercise 2: Answer the following questions.


1. What is the article Peter mentions about? Public transport 

2. Is Mary interested in the article Peter has? Yes, she is. 

3. Does the article mention old means of transport? Yes, it does. 

4. What old means of transport does Peter mention? Means of transport that use animals. 

5. What means of transport does Mary prefer? Bus 

6. Why does Mary don’t consider using a horse to transport herself?

Because she doesn’t know how to ride a horse. 

Exercise 3: Read the conversation again. Check the sentences bellow and decide if the information is TRUE or FALSE.
Select one option.


7. Mary uses modern means of transport because she hates the antique methods. False 

8. Mary thinks taxis are expensive. True 

9. Peter takes the public bus. True 

10. Mary never gets up early to take the bus. False 

11. Peter is not interested in the article after he talks to Mary. False 

Exercise 4: Use the vocabulary from the texts to complete these sentences. 3/4
2/7/2020 pref_6_READING 2.6: Revisión del intento

1. In my city there is a crowded  means of transport. Many people take it to work or to school every day.

2. The rush hour  in my city is between 6 to 8 am, and between 5 to 7 pm.

3. If you ride a bicycle it is a healthy and a cheap  means of transport.

4. I always have to make a long queue  to buy a ticket in the bus station. It is always crowded.

5. Trains and planes are very comfortable  means of transport.

6. I am hardly ever stressed  . At busy times I usually think about nice places, good moments and avoid paying
attention to noisy people.

◄ pref_6_LISTENING 2.6 Ir a... pref_7_VOCABULARY 2.7 ► 4/4

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