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Zuli Paulin Barrios Parra1 , Sergio Alejandro Gallo López 2 , Kelly Tatiana Franco Vega3 , Helberth
Augusto Neira López4 , Lina Tatiana Ortiz Avila5

At present, because the productivity in companies has increased, there has been a need to hire more
labor, which have left aside the needs of employees focusing on bringing new products to the
market, among others. For this reason, many workers over time are harmed either due to accidents
or occupational diseases. "The ILO1 has defined work for the present millennium under the term
decent work, which" synthesizes the aspirations of people during their working life, and represents
the opportunity to access productive employment that generates a fair income, security in the
workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social
integration, freedom for individuals to express their opinions, organize and participate in decisions
that affect their lives, and equal opportunities and treatment for all, women and men.” [CITATION
Org19 \l 9226 ]. This appointment refers to a decent job should allow workers to have a decent,
stable job, where they are considered and have good treatment and above all feel a pleasure with
their work and thus be able to greatly help the development of activities of the company, but the
most important thing is that there is security and that the worker has the freedom to be able to talk
with his employer about the factors that afflict him and not those that perform his functions
correctly, and therefore the employer take initiative in the face of this big problem, and why is it a
big problem? "Health has a certain relationship with safety and industrial hygiene, however, it is
important to establish, which makes it easier to identify a work accident because it can be observed,
while occupational disease demands a medical diagnosis and analysis." [CITATION Ord14 \l 9226 ]
Now, with emphasis on Automotive Workshops ‘What research is about’ This is a business sector
belonging to the services, and which as an economic activity it has; Maintenance and repair of
motor vehicles, in which workers must adopt inappropriate positions, such as; Forced and
application of forces which have pains in the upper, middle and lower back, for this reason the need
arises to create a prototype called PROCHALECO

According to the Methodology, the business plan focuses on the production and protocols of
ergonomic vests, made of fresh, durable material and complying with a series of ergonomic controls
so that they can be used without discomfort, its distribution would be for Cartagena city; With a
desire to host national markets. This methodology was based on the need that was found when
performing different inspections of the production processes in the Classroom Project company.

PROCHALECO has the benefit of reducing muscle contractions caused by Forced Postures and
Force Application. On the other hand, ERGOINNOVACIONES has among its potential clients
companies that seek to guarantee safety and provide care for their workers and thus avoid
occupational diseases. There are companies in the market, which are great skills since among their
owners is to improve the position, help reduce pain and generate well-being for the individual, these
companies are; Promedic, Innova, Flexiguard Medical, Shanghai Runsong Industrial Co Ltd and

The production and listings of the vest is of great interest, because in the different organizations
where the exhaustion of the muscles of the back and neck are found, it acts by correcting these
causes from work where the areas are involved, back High, medium, low and neck. It is a postural
corrective vest, but in addition to this it has hot cold gel pads, with the most that through an
electronic circuit regulated by the temperature of the gel, in addition to at the time of contact with
the worker, it enters a state of taste and muscle rest. This product would be used at specific times
where the company's production is not going to be specific.


1. Con ayuda de un mero se proceden a tomar las medidas de la tela el trazo de los rellenos y
encajes que se van a utilizar para la elaboración del chaleco
2. Se procede a realizar el cortado con ayuda de unas tijeras
3. Con una máquina de coser, se empieza las costuras y unión de las diferentes partes que
conforman el chaleco.
4. Se toman medidas con ayuda de un metro para saber, la posición de los compartimentos
donde van ubicados las fuentes de prevención ergonómicas (varillas postural, gel frio-caliente y
circuito electrónico)
5. Seguidamente se realizan pruebas para realizar ajustes de satisfacción.
6. Teniendo en cuenta el resultado de la evaluación de las pruebas se deja por hecho que el
producto es satisfactorio para ser un tipo de prototipo de chaleco ergonómico.


• Tela en algodón, en malla 3d, que brinda al usuario transpirabilidad y frescura.

• Hebillas de ajuste en aletas de velcro.
• Exoesqueleto con protección lumbar y materiales de alta resistencia
• Fajón interno fijo
• Circuito electrónico interno, que permite regular la temperatura del gel FRIO-CALOR.
• Varillas correctoras de postura corporal.

El desarrollo de esta idea se centra en corregir posibles problemas en los músculos de la espalda y
cuello de los trabajadores del sector automotriz, el cual está encaminado a aliviar alteraciones
corporales en el trabajador eliminando el dolor y recuperando su flexibilidad muscular.
PROCHALECO ayuda a prevenir un desgaste muscular y mejora de la postura de los trabajadores,
con el fin de mejorar la salud, mitigar y disminuir enfermedades de origen osteomuscular.

Por último, por las características de los componentes del chaleco, se puede dar uso con facilidad
en cualquier tipo de trabajo, y dependiendo el trato que se le dé, así mismo será su vida útil. Los
gremios más indicados para ejecutar este plan de negocios son las empresas, tales como Taller de
mantenimiento y reparación de vehículos automotores, empresas de metalmecánicas, construcción
de infraestructuras e industriales entre otras. Debido a que estas exigen una carga postural para la
espalda, adecuado a las condiciones enfrentadas por los trabajadores en sus labores diarias a
realizar. El chaleco permite corregir la postura de los trabajadores, brindándoles reposos a los
músculos de la espalda y cuello, y protegiéndolos de un posible accidente o enfermedad laboral,
erradicando perdidas futuras para la empresa. Desempeñando así un trabajo más seguro y eficiente.

Como Tecnólogos en Seguridad e Higiene Ocupacional recomendamos a los empleadores que

implementen en sus empresas el prototipo PROCHALECO debido a que traerá grandes beneficios
para los trabajadores ya que contaran con mejor salud, serán trabajadores que al momento de
realizar sus labores las ejecutaran con mayor confianza en sí mismos y terminaran sus funciones sin
malestar en la espalda y con mejor disposición para ejecutar sus funciones cada día. Y sobre todo se
recomienda que los empleadores de diversos sectores empresariales velen por la salud y bienestar
de sus empleados, que no olviden que sin salud no hay eficiencia en los procesos de una empresa.

Palabras Claves: Ergonómico, Chaleco, Posturas, Músculos, Enfermedad laboral, Accidente

laboral, Osteomuscular.
International Labor Organization. (s.f.). International Labor Organization. Recuperado el 18 de 11
de 2019, de International Labor Organization:
Ordoñez, J. (2014). Industrial safety and hygiene and increased productivity in the workplace.
Technology Magazine, 45-46.

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