Case Report On Hyperuricemia Presenting As One-Sided Disease

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Published online: 30.06.


Case Report 105

Case Report on Hyperuricemia Presenting as

One-Sided Disease
Renu Bala1 Amit Srivastava2

1 Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Ground Floor, Old Address for correspondence Dr. Renu Bala, MD (Hom), Research
Building, NEIARI, Ayurvedic Campus, Barsojai, Bhetapara, Guwahati, Officer (H)/Scientist 1, Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy,
Assam, India Ground Floor, Old Building, NEIARI, Ayurvedic Campus, Barsojai,
2 Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, New Checkon, Bhetapara, Guwahati 781028, Assam, India
Opposite Tribal Colony, Imphal, Manipur, India (e-mail:

Homœopathic Links 2019;32(2):105–111.

Abstract Hyperuricemia is very common, and a prevalence of up to 15 to 20% has been reported
in population-based studies. Although hyperuricemia is not a disease, if uric acid levels
remain high, over time they can lead to several diseases. Hyperuricemia is the central
risk factor for gout and is a key component of the metabolic syndrome. The case

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illustrated here is of hyperuricemia with only symptom of pain in the joints, large as well
as small, mainly the shoulder joints, knee joints, ankle joints and interphalangeal joints
for 2 years without any associated complaint. The case is a one-sided disease, that is,
Keywords disease in which symptoms are very few, which got cleared up with antisycotic drugs.
► hyperuricemia Thuja and Medorrhinum prescribed in the beginning of the case on the guidelines for
► joint pain one-sided diseases mentioned in Organon of Medicine and later responded very well to
► one-sided disease Bryonia alba in higher potencies to lower the level of serum uric acid significantly along
► homoeopathy with long-lasting improvement in signs and symptoms of the patient.

urine. Both conditions are often associated with chronic
Hyperuricemia is recognised as one of the main risk factors diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, metabolic
for gout, and studies have shown that the higher the serum syndrome and renal and cardiovascular diseases.5
uric acid (sUA), the greater the risk of gout.1,2 Gout is caused
by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia), Diagnosis
with persistence of hyperuricemia at levels higher than a Hyperuricemia is defined as  7 mg/dL for men and
serum saturation of 6.8 mg/dL leading to deposit of urates on  6.0 mg/dL for women and is found mainly in postmeno-
articular cartilage. However, only a minority of individuals pausal women, African American and in patients with renal
with elevated sUA levels ever develop gout, emphasising the disease and alcohol intake.6
importance of other factors in determining crystal forma- In the light of the new scientific knowledge on the patho-
tion.3 Serum urate level should be lowered sufficiently to physiologic role of uric acid in human disease, a threshold
achieve long-lasting improvement in signs and symptoms of value < 6.0 mg/dL (< 360 µmol/L) seems to better identify
gout, with the target < 6 mg/dL at a minimum and often true ‘healthy patients’ and should reasonably be considered for
< 5 mg/dL.4 all patients.7

Pathophysiology Treatment in Modern Medicine

Hyperuricemia and gout are pathologic conditions charac- The long-term management of hyperuricemia is divided in
terised by overproduction or underexcretion of uric acid, a two main classes: uricostatic drugs (e.g., allopurinol), which
product of purine catabolism physiologically excreted in the reduce uric acid production, and uricosuric drugs (e.g.,

© 2019 Thieme Medical and Scientific DOI

Publishers Private Ltd. 10.1055/s-0039-1693014.
ISSN 1019-2050.
106 Hyperuricemia Presenting as One-Sided Disease Bala, Srivastava

sulfinpyrazone, probenecid and benzbromarone), which Clinical Findings

increase urinary uric acid excretion.8 Physical examination: Pulse rate (PR) 76 beats/min, respiratory
Therapeutic strategies used to treat hyperuricemia are rate (RR) 14 breaths/min, blood pressure (BP) 126/80 mm Hg.
often focused on limiting acute episodes which are counter-
Built: The patient is of short stature and medium built.
acted using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
Musculoskeletal examination: Examination of the
colchicine or glucocorticoids which act through different
involved joints revealed following findings:
Inspection: No pigmentation, discoloration, deformity
or scar seen over the affected joints.
Homoeopathy in Hyperuricemia
Palpation: Moderate swelling was present on lateral
Relevant publications concerning treatment of hyperurice-
aspect of both the ankle joints. No tenderness, cyst
mia by homoeopathy was searched in the electronic data-
or crystal deposition was palpable over the joints
bases such as PubMed,10 Core-Hom database11 and AYUSH
Research Portal.12 The keywords used for the search were
Limitation of movement: Stiffness was of marked degree
‘Homoeopathy’, ‘Treatment’ and ‘Hyperuricemia’. No rigid
in the interphalangeal joints of both the hands. Flexion
inclusion criteria were adopted, but unfortunately no such
and abduction was restricted and painful in both the
publications were found in the electronic databases.
shoulder joints. Flexion was painful and restricted in
right knee joint.
Case History

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Patient Information The timeline of event is described in ►Fig. 1.
A 50-year-old female patient attended the outpatient depart-
ment (OPD) on 16.11.2016 with complaint of pain in the Diagnostic Assessment
joints for 2 years. The patient was advised for complete blood count, sUA,
rheumatoid (RA) factor and X-ray of both the shoulder and
Clinical Features knee joints (AP and lateral view).
The patient presented with complaint of joint pain for 2 years The patient expressed her financial constraint to undergo
which got aggravated at night and during rainy weather. the recommended investigations which might prove to be a
There was symmetrical involvement of both large and small diagnostic challenge.
joints, mainly the shoulder joints, knee joints, ankle joints This case is probably of hyperuricemia as per the case
and interphalangeal joints. There was no associated com- history and clinical findings. Despite being the most impor-
plaint. The patient did not present with any significant tant risk factor for gout, sUA levels do not confirm or exclude
mental and physical generals symptoms. gout as many patients with hyperuricemia do not develop
gout and in many patients sUA may be normal during acute
History of Present Complaint attacks.13 Early stages of gout or hyperuricemia usually affect
Previously the patient was on allopathic medication for only one joint. However, this disease also should be con-
1 year with no significant improvement and has discontin- sidered in patients with acute polyarticular arthritis, parti-
ued it for last 3 months. She was on allopathic treatment for cularly older women.14
prolonged period, so the correct picture of the case was The previous allopathic treatment was also on the line of
difficult to ascertain. There was only one symptom present increased uric acid as detailed by the patient. Therefore,
related to joint pain. Earlier there were blood investigations pathologic investigation of sUA and RA factor was strongly
done for haemoglobin percent (Hb%), total leucocyte count recommended to the patient.
(TLC), differential leucocyte count (DLC) and erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR) which revealed normal results Analysis of the Case
except ESR which was raised (32%). With scarcity of symptoms pertaining to generals, only one
particular symptom related to the joints was present which
Past History was pain aggravated at night and during rainy weather. ‘One-
Past history was uneventful. sided disease’ in homoeopathy as per Aphorism 173 of
Organon of Medicine15 by Hahnemann refers to the diseases
Family History that seem to have few symptoms and are less amenable to
The patient could not recollect any disease that prevailed in cure because they display only one or two principal symp-
her family sphere. toms which obscure almost all the others.
This case was referred to as ‘one-sided disease’ as it
Personal History presented with only pain in the joints, though multiple joints
The patient is illiterate, belongs to lower socioeconomic class were involved and other symptoms (mental or physical
and is Hindu by faith. She does household works at many generals) were obscured. One-sided diseases are of chronic
houses for her living. On enquiry into her living condition, it in nature, and mostly psoric miasm is considered to be in the
came to the notice that much of her daily routine involves background,16 but in this case sycotic miasm seems to be
working in water for long hours. predominant.

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Fig. 1 Timeline of events.

Therapeutic Intervention Medorrhinum 200C/1dose was prescribed, to be taken in

The patient was advised to avoid overexertion of involved morning on empty stomach followed by placebo for 15 days.
joints. Hot fomentation and physiotherapy was advised
routinely. Follow-up 3 (25.01.2017)
There was improvement in joint pain. The patient seemed to
First Prescription (16.11.2016) be more cooperative and descriptive and presented with
Keeping in view the occupation and daily routine of the prominent physical and mental generals. She gave history of
patient which pointed out affinity towards water molecule grief due to accidental death of her 23-year-old son which
and consequently aggravating her joint pain, Thuja occiden- she has not revealed in earlier appointments. She described
talis 200C/2 doses were prescribed to be taken on empty desire for cold water, thirst for large amount of cold water.
stomach early in the morning for 2 days, followed by placebo She has aggravation of all complaints when she becomes
for 15 days. heated either due to heat of sun or after exertion. She feels
better on exposure to cold things or cold weather. She does
not feel well after eating flatulent food. There was difficulty
in evacuation as the stool was hard and large. Main complaint
Follow-up 1 (30.11.2016) of pain in the joints gets aggravated while walking or with
The patient presented with advised pathologic reports of movement.
blood revealing increased uric acid (7.2 mg/dL) and RA factor
to be negative, so a diagnosis of hyperuricemia was con- Repertorisation
firmed. There was no change in complaint of joint pain. The As the case gets clearer and manifested by few symptoms
patient did not report any new symptoms either. She also pertaining to generals, repertorisation was done with Kent
seemed to be uncooperative and did not want to describe Repertory using Hompath Classic17 software (version 8.0)
anything. Physical examination of the joints showed no (►Fig. 3).
change (►Fig. 2).
Thermal reaction: Hot.
As a complementary to Thuja, Medorrhinum 200C/2 doses
Selection of remedy: Bryonia alba 200C/4 doses, to be
were prescribed, to be taken in morning on empty stomach
taken on empty stomach once daily for 4 days, followed by
for 2 days, followed by placebo for 15 days.
placebo for next 7 days.

Follow-up 2 (02.01.2017) Follow-up 4 (08.02.2017)

There was slight improvement in joint pain but movement of There was marked improvement in pain in joints with an
affected joints restricted as before. No new symptom was intermittent period of complete relief for 2 to 3 days. Stiffness
observed. Swelling in ankle joints was mildly reduced. in the interphalangeal joints of both the hands was little

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108 Hyperuricemia Presenting as One-Sided Disease Bala, Srivastava

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Fig. 2 First laboratory investigation on 30.11.2016.

better. Swelling in both the ankle joints slightly reduced. Follow-up 6 (22.03.2017)
Movement of the knee and shoulder joint restricted as The patient reported marked improvement in pain in the
before. joints. Pain decreased both in intensity and in recurrence.
Modalities of the case remained the same—aggravation by Stool was now passed regularly and was soft and clear. Swelling
motion, exertion and amelioration by rest. Stool still in ankle joints reduced significantly. Stiffness in the interpha-
remained to be hard. sUA was 5.63 mg/dL (►Fig. 4). langeal joints also improved markedly. Movement of the knee
Bryonia alba 1M/3 doses were prescribed, to be taken once and shoulder joint was less restricted than earlier.
daily morning on empty stomach for 3 days followed, by Bryonia alba 10M/3 doses were prescribed, to be taken at
placebo for 7 days. an interval of 10 days in the morning on empty stomach.
Placebo was to be taken for 1 month in the intervening days
Follow-up 5 (17.02.2017) during which no medicine was advised.
Pain in the joints continued to getting improved. Stool was
also better than before. In general, the patient was feeling Follow-up 7 (19.04.2017)
much better than before. The patient again complained of pain in the joints which got
Swelling in the ankle joints was reduced. Stiffness in the aggravated by warmth or heat and relieved by cold application.
interphalangeal joints was same as before. Movement of the Along with this symptom, she experienced a burning sensation
knee and shoulder joint was restricted as before. in the soles. Stool was clear and soft. Swelling of the ankle joints
Bryonia alba 1M/4 doses were prescribed, to be taken at an resolved completely but recurred on standing for long intervals.
interval of 1 week, in the morning on empty stomach. Sulphur 200C/2 doses were prescribed as an intercurrent
Placebo was to be taken for 1 month in the intervening remedy, to be taken on empty stomach in the morning for 2 days
days during which no medicine was advised. followed by placebo for 7 days. sUA was 4.57 mg/dL (►Fig. 5).

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Fig. 3 Repertorisation sheet.

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Fig. 4 Follow-up laboratory investigation report on 08.02.2017.

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Fig. 5 Follow-up laboratory investigation report on 19.04.2017.

Follow-up 8 (26.04.2017) Evacuations were not regular, passed at 1 to 2 days interval,

Pain in the joints again persisted with impairment of daily and stool was again hard. The patient reported herself to be
activities. There was aggravation by warmth or heat and much better in general than the previous year. Stiffness in the
better by cold application. Swelling in ankles returned again. interphalangeal joints reduced significantly. Swelling in the
Ledum palustre 200C/2 doses were prescribed, to be taken ankle joints was completely resolved. Range of movement in
on empty stomach in the morning for 2 days, followed by the knee and shoulder joints has improved since her last visit.
placebo for 15 days. Bryonia alba 10M/4 doses were prescribed, one dose after
every 10 days, in the morning on empty stomach. Placebo
Follow-up 9 (17.05.2017) was to be taken for 1 month in the intervening days during
Pain in the joints improved now. Stiffness in the interphalan- which no medicine was advised.
geal joints reduced moderately. Swelling in the ankle joints was The patient was advised for repeat pathologic laboratory
not present. Flexion in the right knee joint was less restricted. investigation for sUA.
Flexion and abduction in both the shoulder joints improved.
Ledum palustre 200C/4 doses were prescribed, to be taken Follow-up 11 (20.07.2017)
at an interval of 1 week, in the morning on empty stomach, There was marked improvement in general condition of the
followed by placebo for 30 days. patient along with her main complaint. Joint pain has
reduced to a great extent. Stiffness in the interphalangeal
Follow-up 10 (15.06.2017) joints completely resolved, and now the patient can perform
Pain was better than before but more in the left knee joint. her daily activities without any discomfort. There was sig-
There was aggravation on motion and amelioration by rest. nificant improvement in range of movement in the knee and

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shoulder joints. The only joint affected now was the ankle intervention in this case has lowered the sUA remarkably,
joint of both the legs with very mild discomfort intermit- thereby improving the quality of life of the patient.
tently when weather became too hot. Stool was again clear The outcome of primary interest was significant reduc-
and passed regularly. tion in the sUA level achieved by following the path shown by
The patient was not willing to undergo repeat investiga- Master Hahnemann in Organon of Medicine. The three
tion for sUA as she was devoid of all her complaints. Placebo general goals of homeopathic intervention in the manage-
for 30 days was prescribed. ment of hyperuricemia in this case were to terminate the
acute painful attack, prevent recurrences and prevent the
complications of urate deposition in the joints, kidneys or
other involved sites.
Homeopathy never works when prescribed by the name of
the disease. Homeopathic prescription comprises the indi- Conflict of Interest
vidualised symptom totality of the patient presenting with None.
certain disease condition.
Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. Homeopathy
in the treatment of chronic disease is best appreciated by
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Homœopathic Links Vol. 32 No. 2/2019

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