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Laboratory Investigation of Myeloproliferative

Neoplasms (MPNs)
Recommendations of the Canadian MPN Group
Lambert Busque, MD,1 Anna Porwit, MD,2,3 Radmila Day, MSc,5 Harold J. Olney, MD,6

Brian Leber, MD,7 Vincent Ethier, MD,1 Shireen Sirhan, MD,8 Linda Foltz, MD,9
Jaroslav Prchal, MD,10 Suzanne Kamel-Reid, PhD,2,3 Aly Karsan, MD,11 and Vikas Gupta, MD4

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From the 1Department of Laboratory Hematology, Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada; 2Department of Pathology,
University Health Network, 3Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, and 4Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, Princess
Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 5Fusion MD Medical Science Network, Montréal, Canada; 6Department of Hematology
and Transfusional Medicine, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada; 7Department of Medicine, Hematology and
Thromboembolism, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada; 8Division of Hematology, Jewish General Hospital, Montréal, Canada; 9Division of
Hematology, St Paul’s Hospital, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; 10Department of Oncology, McGill University, Montréal, Canada;
and 11Pathology & Laboratory Medicine and Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada.

Key Words: Myeloproliferative neoplasms; Myelofibrosis; Polycythemia vera; Essential thrombocythemia; JAK2 V617F; CALR; MPL;
BCR-ABL negative

Am J Clin Pathol October 2016;146:408-422

DOI: 10.1093/AJCP/AQW131

ABSTRACT BCR-ABL1–negative myeloproliferative neoplasms

(MPNs) represent several clonal hematologic conditions
Objectives: To standardize diagnostic investigations for
with overlapping features and the absence of the
myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) to increase homogen-
Philadelphia chromosome, which is the hallmark of chronic
eity in patient care and to streamline diagnostic approaches
myelogenous leukemia (CML). This article focuses on three
in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.
main classic entities: polycythemia vera (PV), essential
Methods: The development of Canadian expert consensus thrombocythemia (ET), and primary myelofibrosis (PMF).
recommendations for the diagnosis of MPNs began with a Recent discoveries in the molecular pathogenesis of
review of the following: clinical evidence, daily practice, each MPN phenotype accompanied with the new molecular
existing treatment guidelines, and availability of diagnostic diagnostic technologies greatly expanded the knowledge
tools. Each group member was assigned a specific topic, about these conditions and created a need for more stream-
which they discussed with the entire group during several lined diagnostic approaches. Standardization of diagnostic
consensus meetings. approaches for MPNs across the country will avoid unneces-
sary investigation and subsequently reduce the cost to the
Results: This document provides the Canadian MPN Canadian health care system. As the latest data indicate that
group’s recommendations, proposed diagnostic algorithms, the presence of various mutations carries significant prog-
and background evidence upon which decisions were made. nostic value,1-5 classification of patients according to their
Conclusions: Standardization of diagnostic investigations mutational, clinical, morphologic, and cytogenetic features
will increase homogeneity in patient care and provide a could also assist in selecting appropriate therapeutic
foundation for future clinical research in this rapidly evolv- approaches that could lead to better treatment outcomes.
ing therapeutic area. Streamlining diagnostic approaches in Although focused on the Canadian reality, the recommenda-
the most efficient and cost-effective manner will also result tions of our group can apply to many countries that place an
in significant cost saving for the health care system. important value on cost-effectiveness.
Currently, diagnostic criteria for MPNs are based on
the 2008 World Health Organization (WHO) classification
that includes clinical features, laboratory investigations,

408 Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 © American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2016. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131 For permissions, please e-mail:

bone marrow morphology, and the presence of the JAK2 difficulty in the standardization of this technique. Although
V617F mutation Table 1 .6,7 Recent discovery of another both hemoglobin and hematocrit levels have some limita-
MPN driver mutation in the calreticulin (CALR) gene in tions, they are accepted as reasonable surrogates and indica-
addition to MPL mutations has led to the proposal of new tors of increased RBC mass. According to WHO criteria,
diagnostic criteria now included in the recently published persistent hematocrit/hemoglobin above the diagnostic
2016 revision of the WHO diagnostic criteria (Table 1).8,9 thresholds or other evidence of increased RBC volume, es-
pecially if a patient has a history of thrombosis or other
disease-related symptoms (ie, pruritus), is indicative of PV.7
Materials and Methods Recently, several investigators have documented that
some patients with JAK2 V617F–positive PV have
The development of expert consensus recommendations
hemoglobin levels lower than the current WHO criteria
for the diagnosis of MPNs began with a review of the follow-

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(18.5 g/dL [185 g/L] for men and 16.5 g/dL [165 g/L] for
ing: clinical evidence, daily practice, existing treatment
women).12 These patients with masked PV (mPV) have a
guidelines, and availability of diagnostic tools. Each group
similar clinical evolution course as patients with PV, includ-
member was assigned a specific topic, which he or she dis-
ing an increased risk of thrombosis.13 As patients with mPV
cussed with the entire group during several consensus meet-
are missed by current WHO criteria, a retrospective analysis
ings occurring between October 2014 and January 2016. All
of a large cohort of patients with MPN has suggested that
human experiments were approved by the institutional
lowering the hemoglobin threshold to 16.5 g/dL (165 g/L)
review board where the experiments were conducted or were
for men or 16.0 g/dL (160 g/L) for women would include
in accord with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975.
most of these mPV cases.13 These lower thresholds have
been included in the 2016 revision to the WHO diagnostic
criteria.9,14 The Canadian MPN group acknowledges the ne-
Basic Physical and Laboratory Investigation
cessity of appropriately diagnosing mPV but is concerned
The assessment of patients with suspected MPNs begins with the large number of individuals who would be sub-
with the careful clinical evaluation of signs and symptoms jected to further testing to rule out mPV.
associated with these pathologies as well as those that are For the purpose of this publication, two large Montreal-
part of the differential diagnosis. However, owing to the based hospitals (Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de
main focus of this article being on laboratory investigations, Montréal and Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital) performed
only the importance of documenting age, history of throm- an analysis over a 1-week period that showed that approxi-
bosis, presence of constitutional symptoms, and splenomeg- mately 4.1% of all CBC results from unselected male par-
aly will be emphasized, since these features are integrated ticipants (outpatients) had hemoglobin levels of more
into diagnostic criteria and/or prognostic risk scores. than 16.5 g/dL (>165 g/L) Figure 1A vs only 0.35% who
Basic laboratory investigations for MPNs should in- meet current criteria (hemoglobin >18.5 g/dL [>185 g/L]).
clude CBC, the peripheral blood smear, an erythropoietin This indicates that 12 times more males would be suspected
(EPO) level, and biochemistry tests (lactate dehydrogenase as potential patients with PV and as such would be subjected
[LDH], uric acid, vitamin B12, and iron status). to further investigation. The proposed change to WHO crite-
ria would have less impact on females since only 0.35% had
CBC hemoglobin levels greater than the proposed 16.0 g/dL
A CBC is the first step in establishing the diagnosis of (160 g/L) Figure 1B . This is only three times more frequent
MPNs, and it could point to a specific MPN subtype. Most than the current cutoff of 16.5 g/dL (165 g/L), which ac-
MPNs have elevated values in one or more cell lineages counted for 0.13% of unselected females in this analysis.
(erythrocytes, platelets, or neutrophils). For example, while The Canadian MPN group is concerned about unneces-
a consistently elevated platelet count of more than 450  sary laboratory evaluation, optimal utilization of clinical re-
103/mL (>450  109/L) can indicate ET, erythrocytosis is a sources, and the psychological burden placed on individuals
feature of PV.7 Myelofibrosis (MF) can present with anemia who are highly unlikely to have PV. Therefore, it is important
(listed by the WHO as one of the minor criteria for PMF; that the cost-effectiveness of the proposed criteria be carefully
Table 1)6,7 or thrombocytopenia. evaluated before being adopted in routine clinical practice. It is
There is, however, an ongoing debate regarding a reli- important to emphasize that the new criteria should not be
able indicator of absolute erythrocytosis in patients with used as a screening tool for PV, and as such, hemoglobin levels
suspected PV.10,11 The procedure for RBC mass determin- above the suggested threshold should not be taken in isolation
ation by isotope dilution has been abandoned in Canadian but rather in the context of other potential signs and symptoms
clinical practice due to the unavailability of isotopes and the indicative of PV. It is also important to stress that the intent of

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 409

409 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

Table 1
2008 WHO Criteria and 2016 Revision of the WHO Criteria for PMF, PV, and ET7,9
2008 WHO Criteria
Diagnosis requires meeting all three major criteria and two minor criteria.
Major criteria
1. Presence of megakaryocyte proliferation and atypia,a usually accompanied by either reticulin and/or collagen fibrosis, or, in the absence
of significant reticulin fibrosis, the megakaryocyte changes must be accompanied by an increased bone marrow cellularity characterized
by granulocytic proliferation and often decreased erythropoiesis (ie, prefibrotic cellular-phase disease)
2. Not meeting WHO criteria for PV, CML, MDS, or other myeloid neoplasmb
3. Demonstration of JAK2 617VF or other clonal marker (eg, MPL515WL/K) or, in the absence of a clonal marker, no evidence of bone mar-
row fibrosis due to underlying inflammatory or other neoplastic diseasesc
Minor criteria

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1. Leukoerythroblastosis
2. Increase in serum lactate dehydrogenase leveld
3. Anemiad
4. Palpable splenomegalyd
Diagnosis requires the presence of both major criteria and one minor criterion or the presence of the first major criterion together with two
minor criteria.
Major criteria
1. Hemoglobin >18.5 g/dL (>185 g/L) in men, >16.5 g/dL (>165 g/L) in women, or hematocrit >0.52 in men and >0.48 in women, or other
evidence of increased RBC volumee
2. Presence of JAK2 V617F or other functionally similar mutation such as JAK2 exon 12 mutation
Minor criteria
1. Bone marrow biopsy specimen showing hypercellularity for age with trilineage growth (panmyelosis) with prominent erythroid, granulo-
cytic, and megakaryocytic proliferation
2. Serum erythropoietin level below the reference range for normal
3. Endogenous erythroid colony formation in vitro
All four criteria must be met.
1. Sustained platelet count 450  103/mL (450  109/L)
2. Bone marrow biopsy specimen showing proliferation mainly of the megakaryocytic lineage with increased number of enlarged, mature
megakaryocytes. No significant increase or left-shift of neutrophil granulopoiesis or erythropoiesis
3. Not meeting WHO criteria for PV, PMF, BCR-ABL–positive CML, or MDS or other myeloid neoplasm
4. Demonstration of JAK2 V617F or other clonal marker or, in the absence of JAK2 V617F, no evidence for reactive thrombosis

2016 Revision of the WHO Criteria

Prefibrotic/early PMF (pre-PMF)
Diagnosis requires meeting all three major criteria and at least one minor criterion.
Major criteria
1. Megakaryocytic proliferation and atypia, without reticulin fibrosis more than grade 1,f accompanied by increased age-adjusted BM cellu-
larity, granulocytic proliferation, and often decreased erythropoiesis
2. Not meeting the WHO criteria for CML, PV, ET, MDS, or other myeloid neoplasms
3. Presence of JAK2, CALR, or MPL mutation or, in the absence of these mutations, presence of another clonal markerg or absence of
minor reactive BM reticulin fibrosish
Minor criteria
1. Anemia not attributed to a comorbid condition
2. Leukocytosis 11  109/L
3. Palpable splenomegaly
4. LDH increased to above upper normal limit of institutional reference range
Overt PMF
Diagnosis requires meeting all three major criteria and at least one minor criterion.
Major criteria
1. Presence of megakaryocyte proliferation and atypia, accompanied by either reticulin and/or collagen fibrosis grade 2 or 3f
2. Not meeting WHO criteria for ET, PV, CML, MDS, or other myeloid neoplasms
3. Presence of JAK2, CALR, or MPL mutation or, in the absence of these mutations, presence of another clonal markerg or absence of
reactive myelofibrosish
Minor criteria
1. Anemia not attributed to a comorbid condition
2. Leukocytosis 11  109/L
3. Palpable splenomegaly
4. LDH increased to above upper normal limit of institutional reference range
5. Leukoerythroblastosis


410 Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

410 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

Table 1 (cont)
2016 Revision of the WHO Criteria
Diagnosis requires meeting either all three major criteria or the first two major criteria and the minor criterion.i
Major criteria
1. Hemoglobin >16.5 g/dL (>165 g/L) in men, >16.0 g/dL (>160 g/L) in women, or hematocrit >0.49 in men and >0.48 in women, or
increased RBC massj
2. Bone marrow biopsy specimen showing hypercellularity for age with trilineage growth (panmyelosis), including prominent erythroid,
granulocytic, and megakaryocytic proliferation with pleomorphic, mature megakaryocytes (differences in size)
3. Presence of JAK2 V617F or JAK2 exon 12 mutation
Minor criteria
1. Subnormal serum erythropoietin level

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Diagnosis requires meeting all four major criteria or the first three major criteria and the minor criterion.
Major criteria
1. Platelet count 450  109/L
2. Bone marrow biopsy specimen showing proliferation mainly of the megakaryocytic lineage with increased number of enlarged, mature
megakaryocytes with hyperlobulated nuclei. No significant increase or left-shift of neutrophil granulopoiesis or erythropoiesis and very
rarely minor (grade 1) increase in reticulin fibers
3. Not meeting WHO criteria for CML, PV, PMF, MDS, or other myeloid neoplasms
4. Presence of JAK2, CALR or MPL mutation
Minor criteria
1. Presence of a clonal marker or absence of evidence for reactive thrombocytosis

BM, bone marrow; CML, chronic myelogenous leukemia; ET, essential thrombocythemia; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome;
PMF, primary myelofibrosis; PV, polycythemia vera; WHO, World Health Organization.
Small to large megakaryocytes with an aberrant nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and hyperchromatic, bulbous, or irregularly folded nuclei and dense clustering.
Requires the failure of iron replacement therapy to increase hemoglobin level to the PV range in the presence of decreased serum ferritin. Exclusion of PV is based on hemoglo-
bin and hematocrit levels. RBC mass measurement is not required. Requires the absence of BCR-ABL. Requires the absence of dyserythropoiesis and dysgranulopoiesis.
Secondary to infection, autoimmune disorder or other chronic inflammatory condition, hairy cell leukemia or other lymphoid neoplasm, metastatic malignancy, or toxic
(chronic) myelopathies. It should be noted that patients with conditions associated with reactive myelofibrosis are not immune to PMF, and the diagnosis should be considered in
such cases if other criteria are met.
Degree of abnormality could be borderline or marked.
Hemoglobin or hematocrit greater than the 99th percentile of method-specific reference range for age, sex, altitude of residence, or hemoglobin greater than 17.0 g/dL (170 g/L)
in men, 15.0 g/dL (150 g/L) in women if associated with a documented and sustained increase of at least 2.0 g/dL (20 g/L) from an individual’s baseline value, or elevated RBC
mass greater than 25% above mean normal predicted value.
See Table 4.
In the absence of any of the three major clonal mutations, the search for the most frequent accompanying mutations (eg, ASXL1, EZH2, TET2, IDH1/IDH2, SRSF2, SF3B1) is of
help in determining the clonal nature of the disease.
Fibrosis secondary to infection, autoimmune disorder or other chronic inflammatory conditions, hairy cell leukemia or other lymphoid neoplasm, metastatic malignancy, or toxic
(chronic) myelopathies.
Criterion number 2 (BM biopsy) may not be required in cases with sustained absolute erythrocytosis: hemoglobin levels more than 18.5 g/dL in men (hematocrit 55.5%) or more
than 16.5 g/dL in women (hematocrit 49.5%) if major criterion 3 and the minor criterion are present. However, initial myelofibrosis (present in up to 20% of patients) can only be
detected by performing a BM biopsy; this finding may predict a more rapid progression to overt myelofibrosis (post-PV myelofibrosis).
More than 25% above mean normal predicted value.

lowering the thresholds is to more accurately differentiate be- overt excess of normochromic, normocytic RBCs. However,
tween JAK2-positive ET and mPV rather than to serve as a if iron deficiency is present, the RBCs might be hypochromic
base for population screening. and microcytic. Circulating blasts are generally not present in
PV/ET. Due to predominant thrombocytosis, some cases of
Peripheral Blood Smear early phase PV might mimic ET. Such cases eventually
evolve into an overt polycythemic stage.
Several characteristics of the peripheral blood smear in
patients with MPNs can be used for diagnostic purposes.7
The peripheral smear of patients with PMF includes RBCs of Biochemistry
variable shape (including teardrop cells) and size as well as Patients with MPNs may have nonspecific abnormal-
variable degrees of polychromasia. Leukoerythroblastosis is ities in a variety of biochemistry tests, including increased
present in most cases and is recognized by the presence of serum LDH (listed by the WHO as one of the minor criteria
immature cells of both the myeloid and the erythroid lin- for PMF),6,7 uric acid, and vitamin B12. It is noteworthy that
eages. The major abnormality seen in blood smears of pa- increased LDH is not specific for PMF and can also be seen
tients with ET is platelet anisocytosis, ranging from very in PV and ET. An increase in LDH may be due to ineffect-
small to giant in size. The PV smear usually shows a mild to ive hematopoiesis or a hemolytic process occurring in the

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 411

411 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

A 100 B 100


80 80 77.38

60 60

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Patients (%)

Patients (%)
40 Meeting proposed 40 Meeting proposed
revised WHO revised WHO
threshold for PV threshold for PV

Meeting Meeting
20 current 20 current
11.03 threshold threshold
for PV for PV

0.69 0.35 0.44 0.22 0.13
0 0
≤80 81-120 121-165 166-185 >185 ≤80 81-120 121-165 166-185 >185
Hb (g/L) Hb (g/L)

Figure 1 Distribution of hemoglobin levels in general population. Two large Montreal-based hospitals (Centre Hospitalier de
l’Université de Montréal and Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital) performed an analysis over a 1-week period that showed that
approximately 4.1% of all CBC results from unselected male participants (outpatients) had hemoglobin levels higher than
16.5 g/dL (>165 g/L) (A) vs only 0.35% that meet current criteria (hemoglobin higher than >18.5 g/dL [>185 g/L]). Only 0.35%
of females had hemoglobin levels greater than the proposed 16.0 g/dL (160 g/L) (B). Hb, hemoglobin; PV, polycythemia vera.

spleen. Hyperuricemia is due to enhanced turnover of hem- Other tests such as serum ferritin and C-reactive protein
atopoietic tissue. (CRP) may be useful in establishing a diagnosis.
• According to the WHO criteria, raised hemoglobin and/
Other Tests or hematocrit levels, confirmed on separate occasions,
A clinical laboratory finding that can assist in confirm- are indicators of erythrocytosis and, along with subopti-
ing a diagnosis of PV is a below-normal EPO level (listed as mal EPO levels, are key criteria for PV diagnosis.
a minor WHO diagnostic criterion for PV).6,7,9 Although • We suggest using a hemoglobin level of 18.5 g/dL
not necessary for diagnostic purposes, imaging of the abdo- (185 g/L) in men and 16.5 g/dL (165 g/L) in women
men with ultrasound, computed tomography scan, or mag- as the threshold for PV diagnosis. Newly proposed
netic resonance imaging can be used to document and hemoglobin threshold levels (16.5 g/dL [165 g/L]
confirm organomegaly. in men and 16.0 g/dL [160 g/L] in women) should
not be taken in isolation but rather in the context of
Recommendations for Laboratory Investigations other potential signs and symptoms indicative
Basic laboratory investigations for MPNs should in- of PV.
clude CBC, EPO levels, peripheral blood smear, and the fol- • A persistent and otherwise unexplained elevation in
lowing biochemistry tests: LDH, uric acid, and vitamin B12. platelet count (>450  103/mL [>450  109/L]) in a

412 Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

412 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

Table 2
Standardized Morphologic Features of Distinctive Value Regarding World Health Organization–Defined ET vs Early Prefibrotic
Stage of PMF Criteria16
Feature ET PMF
Cellularity No or only slight increase in age-matched cellularity Marked increase in age-matched cellularity
Granulopoiesis and No significant increase Pronounced proliferation of granulopoiesis and reduction of
erythropoiesis erythroid precursors
Megakaryocytes Prominent large to giant mature with hyperlobulated or Dense or loose clustering and frequent endosteal transloca-
deeply folded nuclei, dispersed or loosely clustered tion of medium sized to giant, showing hyperchromatic,
in the marrow space hypolobulated, bulbous, or irregularly folded nuclei and an
aberrant nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio
Reticulin fibers No or very rare minor focal increase (0-1) No significant increase in reticulin fibers (0-1)
ET, essential thrombocythemia; PMF, primary myelofibrosis.

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patient with normal serum ferritin and CRP levels is sug- negative or patients who have hemoglobin values below the
gestive of ET. 2008 WHO defined threshold.
• Anemia, splenomegaly, elevated LDH, and leukoery-
throblastosis are often present in patients with PMF.
Diagnostic Approach and Features of Bone Marrow
The International Committee for Standardization in
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Core Bone
Hematology guidelines for bone marrow sampling should be
followed.20 Bone marrow aspiration is useful for the assess-
An MPN diagnosis can often be suspected based on clin- ment of cell morphology and iron stains for the evaluation of
ical presentation and abnormal CBC results. However, a bone ring sideroblasts, as well as for obtaining marrow cells for
marrow examination is usually needed to confirm the diagno- other tests such as cytogenetic and genetic mutational ana-
sis. In addition, the recently published revision of the WHO lyses. However, due to extensive marrow fibrosis, it may be
criteria stresses the important role of bone marrow biopsy in difficult to aspirate in some patients (ie, those with advanced
establishing the diagnosis of all MPNs.8,9,14-16 For example, PMF), yielding a “dry” tap. Thus, a pretreatment bone mar-
bone marrow biopsy may be necessary to clearly distinguish row core biopsy is necessary both to establish a correct diag-
between ET and early prefibrotic PMF with thrombocythemia, nosis and as a baseline for follow-up examinations.
the latter being associated with specific diagnostic criteria in Evaluation of bone marrow smears is important to ex-
the 2016 revision of the WHO criteria (Table 1).9,16 However, clude dysplasia, which should not be present at diagnosis of
as there is substantial interobserver variability in the interpret- MPNs but can be seen after treatment and upon progres-
ation of bone marrow biopsy specimens,17,18 and specific sion.7 A determination of the percentage of blasts is of par-
changes in four major diagnostic parameters that can help in ticular importance since it can indicate either the
distinguishing between these two clinical entities have been accelerated phase of the disease (10%-19% blasts) in pa-
outlined by Thiele et al16 Table 2 . It should also be empha- tients with a previously established diagnosis of PMF or leu-
sized that no isolated bone marrow feature characterizes any kemic transformation (>20% blasts).
subtype of MPNs but only distinctive histologic patterns. Currently, there is a need to standardize bone marrow
reporting to ensure that the basic investigational criteria are
met and included in the report. The major requirements for
Bone Marrow Requirement for PV Diagnosis a bone marrow biopsy report include age-adjusted cellular-
In patients with clear PV characteristics (increased ity Table 3 ,21 presence of fibrosis (reticulin and collagen
RBC mass corresponding to the WHO 2008 criteria, low stains), evaluation of granulopoiesis with special reference
EPO levels, and presence of JAK2 V617F mutation), bone to blast clusters, and evaluation of erythropoiesis (frequency
marrow evaluation provides limited additional value for and distribution).22 Evaluation of megakaryocytopoiesis
diagnostic purposes and is often not performed by Canadian should include frequency, size, distribution, and presence of
clinicians.6,9,19 However, the presence of fibrosis in bone atypia and maturation defects. A consensus proposal for a
marrow does have some prognostic utility,6 and therefore a standardized reporting strategy was recently published.22
bone marrow evaluation is suggested—especially in rela- The WHO classification criteria for MPNs include specific
tively younger patients. A bone marrow evaluation should bone marrow features as diagnostic parameters for the char-
always be done in patients who are JAK2 V617F mutation acterization and distinction between MPN subgroups.6,7,9

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 413

413 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

Appendix 1 provides a summary of the key distinguishing Table 3

bone marrow features for MPNs. 7 Normal Ranges of Bone Marrow Cellularity for Selected Age
Standardized Evaluation of Fibrosis Age, y % Hematopoietic Area
Bone marrow fibrosis is present in approximately 15% 20-30 60-70
to 20% of patients with PV23 and can also be seen in patients 40-60 40-50
70 30-40
with ET.24,25 In PMF, bone marrow fibrosis may vary con-
Obtained from the Haematologica Journal website (
siderably at different stages of the disease and is not a as per the rights and permissions outlined.
required criterion for the diagnosis but instead parallels dis-
ease progression. Presence of bone marrow fibrosis is rou-
tinely assessed by using histochemical staining methods that Table 4

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produce qualitative rather than quantitative results. Grading of Bone Marrow Fibrosis9,21
Currently, quantitative measurements of fibrosis are being Grading Descriptiona
adapted in clinical trials.
MF-0 Scattered linear reticulin with no intersections (cross-
The fibrosis is typically visualized with a reticulin sil- overs) corresponding to normal bone marrow
ver stain (Gorden-Sweet, Gomori). Trichrome stain should MF-1 Loose network of reticulin with many intersections, espe-
be added to visualize collagen. The quality of the reticulin cially in perivascular areas
MF-2 Diffuse and dense increase in reticulin with extensive
stain should be assessed by detection of normal staining in
intersections, occasionally with focal bundles of thick
vessel walls as internal control. Progressive fibrosis is gen- fibers mostly consistent with collagen and/or focal
erally associated with atypical megakaryocytic hyperplasia osteosclerosisb
and a thickening and distortion of the bony trabeculae MF-3 Diffuse and dense increase in reticulin with extensive
intersections and coarse bundles of thick fibers consist-
(osteosclerosis).7,21 Fibrosis should be graded according to ent with collagen, usually associated with
the WHO classification based on the European consensus osteosclerosisb
criteria Table 4 .9,21 MF, myelofibrosis.
Fiber density should be assessed only in hematopoietic areas.
In grades MF-2 or MF-3, an additional trichrome stain is recommended.
Recommendations for Histopathologic Investigations
A bone marrow biopsy should be an integral part of the
evaluation of a patient with MPN. made molecular testing the cornerstone of MPN
• The pretreatment bone marrow core biopsy is a basic re- investigation.
quirement for adequate diagnosis. Figure 2 provides a practical diagnostic algorithm that
• The bone marrow biopsy report should include megakar- suggests a sequence in which mutational testing for MPNs
yocyte atypia (number, morphology, and distribution) can be ordered.
and the presence of fibrosis (reticulin and collagen
stains), as well as age-matched bone cellularity, iron dis-
Detection of JAK2 V617F
tribution, myeloblast description (blast clusters and per-
centage of CD34 stain), granulopoiesis, and Testing for JAK2 V617F mutation should be performed
erythropoiesis (frequency and distribution). early as part of a diagnostic workup of suspected MPNs. As
tests for JAK2 V617F are simple and cost-effective, they
can be performed in all patients in whom basic clinical in-
vestigation suggests a potential MPN (ie, increased hemo-
Molecular Diagnostics
globin level or thrombocytosis with platelet count 450 
The discovery of the Philadelphia chromosome in 1960 103/mL [450  109/L]).
precisely defined CML as a clinical entity characterized by Laboratory detection of the JAK2 V617F mutation is
extreme leukocytosis, splenomegaly, and a high risk of pro- highly sensitive and specific for an MPN, and a positive re-
gression toward acute leukemia.26-28 This discovery paved sult in the appropriate clinical setting supports the diagnosis
the way for the development of diagnostic tools and targeted of an MPN.33-37 However, a negative result does not ex-
therapies that have dramatically changed the clinical course clude the possibility of an MPN, and such patients should
of this disease. Similarly, significant advances made over undergo further molecular testing.
the past decade, including the breakthrough discovery of the The assays for the JAK2 V617F mutation are divided
JAK2 V617F mutation,29-32 now allow for the identification into qualitative and quantitative. All of the assays, however,
of molecular markers in almost all patients with PV as well must meet standards of specificity and sensitivity. Assays
as most patients with ET or MF. These discoveries have commonly use in Canada for the detection of the JAK2

414 Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

414 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

Basic investigations
• Medical history (history of thrombosis)
• Physical examination including palpation of spleen
• CBC and blood smear examination
• Iron status and LDH and EPO levels

Anemia, splenomegaly, elevated Elevated platelet count (>450 × 109 /L), Elevated hemoglobin/hematocrit,
LDH, and leukoerythroblastosis history of thrombosis history of thrombosis

Suspected PMFa Suspected ET Suspected PV

Bone marrow investigations S-erythropoietin JAK2 V617F

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High Positive
Stop Stop
JAK2 V617F
Use bone marrow Positive
morphology for
JAK2 exon 12 mutation
diagnosis CALR
clonal markers if Positive
feasible Stop
MPLb Bone marrow


Negative for all 4 mutations

Consider EEC, X-inactivation in females, clonality by NGS

Consider homeostatic evaluation at the time of diagnosis and

as a part of ongoing routine evaluation

Figure 2 Diagnostic workup of non–BCR-ABL myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). A practical diagnostic algorithm that sug-
gests a sequence in which mutational testing for MPNs can be ordered. CALR, calreticulin; EEC, endogenous erythroid colony;
EPO, erythropoietin; ET, essential thrombocythemia; Hb, hemoglobin; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MF, myelofibrosis; NGS,
next-generation sequencing; PMF, primary myelofibrosis; PV, polycythemia vera; WHO, World Health Organization. aAbnormal
karyotype in myelofibrosis can be used to confirm clonal myeloproliferation and, in some instances, facilitates the distinction
between MF and bone marrow fibrosis associated with another myeloid malignancy such as chromosome 5q deletion syn-
drome. bTesting for the MPL mutation should be reserved for patients who are negative for JAK2 V617F and CALR mutations
and in whom bone marrow biopsy and other investigations support the diagnosis of ET or PMF. cConsider performing BCR-
ABL testing as an initial step in all patients as recommended by other groups. dA diagnosis of PV can be made without bone
marrow biopsy if a patient meets the criteria for an increase in RBC volume (hemoglobin/hematocrit, as defined in the 2008
WHO guidelines) and is JAK2 V617F/exon 12 positive. Using less stringent Hb-level criteria mandates a bone marrow biopsy.
Furthermore, biopsy is highly recommended since degree of fibrosis can carry valuable prognostic information.

V617F mutation at diagnosis include single allele-specific runs the risk of greater numbers of false positives. This is of
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantitative TaqMan particular importance as low levels of JAK2 V617F can be
assays.37 found in approximately 1% of otherwise hematologically
As levels of JAK2 V617F vary between patients, the normal individuals.33 Thus, when choosing an assay for the
question has been raised as to the minimum level of JAK2 JAK2 V617F mutation, it has to be sensitive enough to be
V617F that should be used to diagnose an MPN. Setting a able to identify a JAK2 V617F mutant allele burden as low
cutoff too high may lead to some MPN cases not being cor- as 1% to 3%. This threshold has been demonstrated to be
rectly diagnosed, and conversely, setting the cutoff too low pathogenically relevant and carry clinical significance.34-37

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 415

415 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

Patients evaluated for MPN who present with a nondiagnos- clone has been developed and could increase the cost-
tic, low level of JAK2 V617F mutational burden (<3%) effectiveness of this analysis (L. Busque, MD, laboratory
should be reevaluated (within 6 months). review meeting, December 2015). Bone marrow specimens
Quantitative assays such as quantitative TaqMan offer the are preferred for exon 12 mutation identification since they in-
possibility of determining the precise JAK2 V617F allele bur- crease sensitivity.
den,37 which, according to an increasing body of evidence, has
significant prognostic value.38 Several studies reported that a Calreticulin
high allele burden is associated with worse outcomes with re- In 2013, two independent laboratories identified the
gard to symptom severity, disease transformation, and the need gene encoding CALR as a new cancer gene that is mutated
for more aggressive therapies.38-40 Quantitative assays may in most patients with PMF or ET who are JAK2 V617F or
also have diagnostic value since it is rare to have ET with an MPL negative.1,2 Among patients with ET or PMF with
allele burden of more than 40%.41 Another advantage of quan-

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nonmutated JAK2 V617F or MPL, CALR mutations were
titative assays is that they can be used to monitor the response detected in 67% of those with ET and 88% of those with
to a particular therapy (ie, interferon or ruxolitinib in PV).42,43 PMF. Thus, CALR mutations have significant diagnostic
With new targeted therapies that have an impact on disease value, and its inclusion in diagnostic algorithms (Figure 2)
burden, the need for quantitative assays will likely increase in will alleviate the need for additional testing in a substantial
the near future.44,45 significant percentage of patients with ET or PMF, which in
Although DNA extracted from either peripheral blood turn may will allow significant cost savings. Assays for
or bone marrow is acceptable for JAK2 V617F mutation CALR mutations are DNA based and use fragment length
testing, peripheral blood (2-10 mL) is the preferred option, analysis. They can be performed on peripheral blood speci-
and EDTA is the usual anticoagulant of choice. The sample mens. However, as germline mutations in CALR have been
should be received within 24 to 48 hours, although samples described,57 one has to be careful about interpreting results
of up to 1 week old are usually acceptable for nonquantita- in the appropriate clinical context.
tive DNA analysis. Isolation of granulocytes is not required
if the assay is sufficiently sensitive (sensitivity of 1%-3% or Mutations in the MPL Gene
better). When reporting results, it is important to indicate At least five different pathogenetic mutations within
the assay sensitivity. exon 10, affecting codon S505 or W515, of the thrombopoie-
tin receptor, MPL, have been described in around 5% to 10%
of patients with ET and PMF.58,59 When performed by
Supplementary Tests for JAK2 V617F–Negative Sanger sequencing, testing for MPL mutation can be costly
Patients and labor intensive, especially if used as a screening proced-
Mutations in JAK2 Exon 12 ure. It should be performed only after bone marrow biopsy
In 2007, Scott et al46 described mutations within exon 12 and other investigations in selected MPN-suspected cases
of JAK2 in some patients with JAK2 V617F–negative PV as negative for JAK2 V617F and CALR mutations (Figure 2).
well as in patients previously categorized as having idiopathic MPL mutation testing can be performed using a peripheral
erythrocytosis, raising the possibility that all patients with PV blood specimen. The use of an amplification-refractory muta-
carry a mutation within JAK2.47-49 Since then, at least 17 dif- tion system PCR technique (allele-specific PCR that includes
ferent mutations have been described within exon 12.49 Thus S505N, W515L, W515A, W515R, and W515K variants) is a
far, mutations within exon 12 of JAK2 have been reported only cost-effective alternative to Sanger sequencing (L. Busque,
in patients with PV.46-49 Given that the presence of a JAK2 MD, laboratory review meeting, December 2015).
exon 12 mutation in a patient with erythrocytosis is diagnostic
for PV, it has been suggested that all patients with unexplained BCR-ABL1 Assessment
erythrocytosis who are JAK2 V617F negative should be Historically, exclusion of CML was the first and only
screened for mutations within JAK2 exon 12.50,51 step in the molecular investigation of MPNs. The Canadian
Gene sequencing using the Sanger method is currently MPN group is questioning the sequential place of this test in
used for identification of exon 12 mutations but lacks sensitiv- the laboratory investigation. We recommend that BCR-ABL
ity compared with the techniques used for JAK2 V617F or testing be performed in patients who are JAK2, CALR, and
CALR mutation testing.46 Other, more sensitive, methods MPL negative (triple negative) or in those with features sug-
have been developed, including high-resolution melting gestive of CML, as concomitant BCR-ABL and JAK V617F
analysis52-55 and denaturing high-performance liquid chroma- has been reported in extremely rare instances.60 This ap-
tography.56 A technique using identification of different frag- proach is in line with our global cost-effectiveness guide-
ment lengths generated by insertion/deletion in the mutant lines since screening all patients using fluorescence in situ

416 Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

416 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

hybridization (FISH) or karyotype is particularly costly. If abnormal hematopoietic clone burden induced by these dis-
universal screening for BCR-ABL is preferred, we suggest orders and, as such, provides important diagnostic value.69 In
the use of the less costly reverse transcription–PCR (RT- patients with PV, EEC number correlates with hemoglobin
PCR) technique. levels, time required for treatment response, the incidence of
vascular thrombosis, and time to relapse. However, this test
Recommendations for Molecular Investigations is not routinely available in most laboratories, and it is diffi-
Patients with suspected MPN should be tested for three cult to standardize. This analysis had been eliminated in the
mutations in specific order, starting with the JAK2 V612F 2016 revision of the WHO diagnostic criteria.9,14
mutation. Consider screening all patients for BCR-ABL1 with
RT-PCR, as recommended by other groups.6,61-63 Karyotype Analysis
• Patients who are JAK2 V612F negative and meet other Although in MPNs, karyotype carries prognostic rather

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criteria for ET or PMF should be screened for CALR than diagnostic values, cytogenetic analysis can be used to
mutations. confirm clonal hematopoiesis, especially in patients who are
• Patients who are JAK2 V612F negative and meet other triple negative.70 Furthermore, it may facilitate the distinction
diagnostic criteria for PV should be screened for JAK2 between MPN and other myeloid malignancies such as
exon 12 mutations. chromosome 5q deletion syndrome, a chromosome abnor-
• MPL mutation testing should be reserved for patients mality commonly associated with myelodysplastic syndrome
who are negative for JAK2 V617F and CALR mutations (MDS) presenting with normal to mild thrombocytosis.71
and in whom bone marrow biopsy and other investiga-
tions support a diagnosis of ET or PMF.
• BCR-ABL1 screening by RT-PCR should be done in all Next-Generation Sequencing
patients who have the triple mutation (JAK2 V617F, Recently, several investigators have documented recurrent
CALR, and MPL) or in those with unusual clinical fea- mutations in a limited number of genes that occur in several
tures suggestive of CML. myeloid cancers, including MDS,72 acute myeloid leukemia,73
and MPNs.5 Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has the poten-
tial to very efficiently identify mutations by simultaneously
Investigation of Triple (JAK2 V617F, CALR, analyzing several dozen candidate genes (myeloid gene panel).
MPL) Negative Cases Mutational analysis at diagnosis and during follow-up could
detect clonal evolution and identify patients at high risk of dis-
Approximately 10% to 15% of patients with ET or MF
ease progression.74 In addition, this technique has recently
have a suspected MPN diagnosis but without a proven clonal
been used to identify nondriver mutations in 40% of patients
marker.2,64 In these cases, other tests may assist in confirming
with PV or ET, the presence of which might help predict sur-
the clonal nature of their hematopoietic stem cell disorders
vival.75 The documentation of an acquired mutation will con-
and/or specific aspects of their MPN-related phenotype.
firm the clonal nature of the hematopoiesis but will not
Recently, novel gain-of-function mutations in JAK2 and MPL
indicate the specific clinical entity. In addition, the recent find-
were identified in 5% to 10% of triple-negative cases using
ings that some clonal mutations might be a result of the aging
whole-exome sequencing, highlighting the heterogeneous na-
process should be taken into consideration.76-79 It is presently
ture of this disease entity and illustrating the potential utility of
unclear how to use the information gathered from NGS plat-
new molecular biology techniques.65,66
forms in routine clinical practice in a meaningful way. NGS
techniques are currently being investigated at some Canadian
Endogenous Erythroid Colony Formation
centers as part of ongoing observational studies.
The discovery that ET and PV erythroid progenitors
could proliferate in vitro, in the absence of erythropoietin,
confirmed the autonomous nature of these disorders.67,68 Prognostic Markers
Endogenous erythroid colony (EEC) formation is listed
among the 2008 WHO criteria as one of the minor criteria for
PV.7 The positive predictive value for the diagnosis of PV by Cytogenetic
spontaneous growth of EECs of peripheral blood and bone In general, two approaches can be used for cytogenetic
marrow cells was approximately 80% to 85% when either investigations: FISH and karyotype analysis. The cytogen-
peripheral blood or bone marrow assays were performed and etic investigation for MPNs should be based on karyotype
up to 94% when both assays were performed.69 In addition, analysis with a minimum of 20 metaphases at a banding
EEC number is a sensitive and specific marker reflecting the resolution of ideally 450 bands or higher. Performing

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 417

417 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

cytogenetic analyses on the aspirate specimen is preferred, Table 5

but when an aspirate is not available, the peripheral blood or Cytogenetic Risk Categories According to the Genetics-Based
Prognostic Scoring System83,84
a core biopsy specimen is suitable.
The value of cytogenetic investigation in PV and ET is Risk Category Abnormality
limited to mutation-negative cases or patients with early Very high Monosomal karyotype, inv(3), i(17q), –7/7q–, 11q,
signs of transformation. In patients with MF, cytogenetic or 12p abnormalities
High Complex nonmonosomal, two abnormalities not
abnormalities carry significant prognostic value and are included in very high-risk category, 5q–, þ8,
included in the Dynamic International Prognostic Scoring other autosomal trisomies except þ9, and other
System.70 Approximately one-third of patients with PMF sole abnormalities not included in other risk
have cytogenetic abnormalities, none of which are disease
Intermediate Sole abnormalities of 20q–, 1qþ, or any other sole
specific. The most frequent findings are del(20q), del(13q), translocation and –Y or other sex chromosome

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gains of chromosomes 8 and 9, and abnormalities of abnormality
chromosome 1, including duplication of 1q. Other less fre- Low Normal or sole abnormalities of 13q– or þ 9

quent lesions include –7/del(7q), del(5q), del(12p), þ21,

and der(6)t(1;6)(q21;p21.3).70,80-83 A recently presented
The thrombocytosis associated with MPNs can increase
genetics-based prognostic scoring system distinguishes four
the risk of bleeding due to acquired von Willebrand disease
distinct cytogenetic risk categories Table 5 .83,84 Unfavorable
(vWD), where the clearance of the von Willebrand factor
karyotypes are associated with thrombocytopenia, leuko-
(vWF) is increased proportionately to platelet count.86-88 To
penia, circulating blasts of 1% or more, and lower hemoglo-
detect this, it is important to investigate the functional activity
bin levels.80 Available data also suggest that patients with
as well as the antigen level of vWF, since the clearance of the
unfavorable karyotypes are at high risk of leukemic
most effective high molecular weight multimers is preferen-
tially affected and the total decrease in antigen level may not
be remarkable.86-88 This phenomenon is most commonly
Mutations in Specific Genes With Prognostic Value observed with very high platelet counts (>1,000  103/mL
In the context of MPN, recent studies identified that [>1,000  109/L]).89 However, it has also been reported in
mutations in several genes (ASXL1, EZH2, SRSF2, and patients with PV who have platelet counts that are only mar-
IDH1/2) had a significant impact on disease progression and ginally elevated, perhaps reflecting a contribution of hyper-
survival.1,5,81 Harboring more than one mutation in any of viscosity to the increased possibility of cleavage of vWF by
these genes is considered a “high molecular risk” and has ADAMTS13 at high sheer rates.90 This acquired vWF is re-
been associated with reduced survival and an increased risk sponsive to cytoreductive therapy directed at reducing the
of blast transformation in PMF.4,5 Thus, it has been pro- platelet count.86-90 Laboratory testing for acquired vWD typ-
posed to incorporate these mutations in prognostic scoring ically includes the screening tests of coagulation (PT and
systems.4,5,85 The 2016 revision of the WHO criteria lists APTT) and specific tests for vWD (vWF antigen and ristoce-
some of these mutations as potentially helpful to confirm tin cofactor activity, with vWF multimer analysis as needed)
the clonal nature of PMF.9 Currently, most centers do not and factor VIII activity.91
have access to clinically validated NGS testing. If fibrinogen level is below the normal value, it may be
necessary to rule out the possibility of increased fibrinolysis.
This may be particularly necessary in the context of a preop-
Recommendation for Prognostic Evaluation erative workup. Testing for fibrinolysis includes a euglobu-
lin lysis time assay, with a shortened lysis time indicating a
• Cytogenetic testing should be performed in all cases of
hyperfibrinolytic state and an increased bleeding risk.
MF and considered in cases of PV/ET.
• When available, screening for mutations of prognostic
significance should be conducted.
Recommendations for Hemostasis Evaluation

• Basic coagulation screening (PT, APTT, fibrinogen

Hemostasis Evaluation
level) should be done in all patients.
Routine coagulation evaluation, including the pro- • Screening for vWD should be done in all patients with a plate-
thrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time let level greater than 1,000  103/mL (1,000  109/L) or in
(APTT), thrombin time, and fibrinogen level, should be per- patients with clinical signs of increased mucocutaneous
formed in every MPN case. bleeding.

418 Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

418 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

Conclusion 3. Tefferi A, Lasho TL, Finke CM, et al. CALR vs JAK2 vs

MPL-mutated or triple-negative myelofibrosis: clinical, cyto-
The recent and rapid accumulation of data relative to the genetic and molecular comparisons. Leukemia.
molecular pathogenesis of MPNs has led the Canadian MPN 2014;28:1472-1477.
group to develop a set of recommendations specific to the in- 4. Vannucchi AM, Lasho TL, Guglielmelli P, et al. Mutations
and prognosis in primary myelofibrosis. Leukemia.
vestigation of these diseases. Moreover, the recently acquired 2013;27:1861-1869.
molecular insights on MPNs have led to the development of 5. Guglielmelli P, Lasho TL, Rotunno G, et al. The number of
novel tests that should be added to the routine diagnostic arma- prognostically detrimental mutations and prognosis in pri-
mentarium. The use of these tests should be based on scientific mary myelofibrosis: an international study of 797 patients.
Leukemia. 2014;28:1804-1810.
evidence and according to the cost-effective strategy proposed
6. Tefferi A, Thiele J, Orazi A, et al. Proposals and rationale
in these guidelines. Furthermore, the novel WHO 2016 diag- for revision of the World Health Organization diagnostic
nostic criteria for PV should be judiciously applied to the clin- criteria for polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia,

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ical context; taking these criteria at face value will lead to the and primary myelofibrosis: recommendations from an
ad hoc international expert panel. Blood.
unnecessary investigation of a large segment of the healthy 2007;110:1092-1097.
population. The precision of MPN diagnosis will become pro- 7. Swerdlow S, Campo E, Harris N, et al, eds. WHO
gressively more important as novel therapeutics arise with the Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid
potential to change the clinical outcome of these disorders. Tissues. 4th ed. Lyon, France: IARC; 2008:40-53.
8. Tefferi A, Thiele J, Vannucchi AM, et al. An overview on
CALR and CSF3R mutations and a proposal for revision of
WHO diagnostic criteria for myeloproliferative neoplasms.
Corresponding authors: Lambert Busque, MD, Dept of Laboratory Leukemia. 2014;28:1407-1413.
Hematology, Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Universté De
9. Arber DA, Orazi A, Hasserjian R, et al. The 2016 revision to
Montréal, 5415 Blvd de l’Assomption, Montréal, QC H1T 2M4,
the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of mye-
Canada;; Vikas Gupta, MD, loid neoplasms and acute leukemia. Blood. 2016;127:2391-2405.
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, 610 University Avenue,
10. Silver RT, Chow W, Orazi A, et al. Evaluation of WHO cri-
Toronto, ON M5G 2M9, Canada;
teria for diagnosis of polycythemia vera: a prospective ana-
This work was supported by an unrestricted grant from lysis. Blood. 2013;122:1881-1886.
funding: Novartis Canada Pharmaceuticals.
11. Johansson PL, Safai-Kutti S, Kutti J. An elevated venous
Conflicts of interest: Vikas Gupta received research funding from
haemoglobin concentration cannot be used as a surrogate
Incyte and Novartis, received an honorarium from Novartis/Incyte, marker for absolute erythrocytosis: a study of patients with
and served on the advisory board panel for Novartis. Brian Leber polycythaemia vera and apparent polycythaemia. Br J
received an honorarium from Novartis Canada and served on the Haematol. 2005;129:701-705.
medical advisory board for Novartis Canada. Anna Porwit received 12. Barbui T, Thiele J, Carobbio A, et al. Discriminating be-
an honorarium from Novartis and served on the advisory board tween essential thrombocythemia and masked polycythemia
panel for Novartis. Suzanne Kamel-Reid received an honorarium vera in JAK2 mutated patients. Am J Hematol.
from Novartis and served on the advisory board panel for Novartis. 2014;89:588-590.
Shireen Sirhan received an honorarium from Novartis and served 13. Barbui T, Thiele J, Carobbio A, et al. Masked polycythemia
on the advisory board panel for Novartis. Lambert Busque received vera diagnosed according to WHO and BCSH classification.
an honorarium from Novartis and served on the advisory board Am J Hematol. 2014;89:199-202.
panel for Novartis. Harold J. Olney received an honorarium from
14. Barbui T, Thiele J, Vannucchi AM, et al. Rationale for revi-
Novartis and served on the advisory board panel of Novartis. Lynda sion and proposed changes of the WHO diagnostic criteria
Foltz received an honorarium and research funding from Novartis for polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia and pri-
and served on the advisory boards for Novartis. The other authors mary myelofibrosis. Blood Cancer J. 2015;5:e337.
declare no relevant conflict of interests.
15. Barbui T, Thiele J, Vannucchi AM, et al. Rethinking the
The Canadian MPN group is a not-for-profit, charitable na- diagnostic criteria of polycythemia vera. Leukemia.
tional organization whose mission is to improve care and research 2014;28:1191-1195.
for patients with MPN through interprofessional collaboration.
16. Thiele J, Kvasnicka HM, Mullauer L, et al. Essential
For more information about the MPN group and its activities, thrombocythemia versus early primary myelofibrosis: a multi-
please visit center study to validate the WHO classification. Blood.
17. Wilkins BS, Erber WN, Bareford D, et al. Bone marrow path-
ology in essential thrombocythemia: interobserver reliability
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421 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

Appendix 1
Summary of the Key Characteristic Bone Marrow Features for MPNs7
Clinical Entity Bone Marrow Features
Polycythemia vera The major features are attributable to proliferation in the erythroid, granulocytic, and megakaryocytic lineages.
Bone marrow cellularity can range from 30% to 100% with a median cellularity of about 80%. In general, the
bone marrow biopsy specimen is hypercellular for patient’s age.
Reticulin stains usually show a normal reticulin fiber network in about 80% of patients, and in a minor fraction
of patients, fibrosis grade 1 may be seen. Twenty percent of patients may develop increased reticulin and
borderline to mild collagen fibrosis after long-term disease.
Stainable iron is lacking in more than 95% of cases.
The features of exon 12 mutated PV include an increased erythrocyte proliferation with accompanying
increased granulocytic and megakaryocytic proliferation.
Essential thrombocythemia In most cases, the bone marrow biopsy specimen is normocellular or moderately hypercellular for the

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patient’s age.
The most pronounced abnormality is a significant proliferation of megakaryocytes with predominance of large
forms with abundant, mature cytoplasm. The nucleus is deeply lobulated and hyperlobulated (stag-horn
like). These large megakaryocytes are usually dispersed throughout the bone marrow but might also occur
in loose clusters.
Granulopoiesis and erythropoiesis should be present in accordance to age.
Prefibrotic and early stage PMF This early stage is characterized by bone marrow hypercellularity with an increase in the number of neutro-
phils and abnormal megakaryocytes with reduction of erythropoiesis.
The megakaryocytes in PMF are characterized by marked atypia, vary in size and shape, and often form dense
clusters that are often adjacent to the bone marrow vascular sinuses and the bone trabeculae.
Primary myelofibrosis This stage is characterized by the obvious presence of fibrosis.
With progression of fibrosis, bone marrow is becoming hypocellular with patches of active hematopoiesis.
Atypical megakaryocytes are often the most prominent findings, occurring in large clusters often within vas-
cular sinuses.
Although foci immature cells might be noticeable, myoblasts account for <10% of the bone marrow cells.
Immunohistochemical finding of increased number of CD34þ cells indicates an accelerated phase of the dis-
ease and the presence of  20% of CD34þ cells is considered a transformation to acute leukemia.
In some patients, increased numbers of blasts at transformation may be seen in blood, but bone marrow will
show only hypocellular fibrosis.
MPN, myeloproliferative neoplasm; PMF, primary myelofibrosis; PV, polycythemia vera.

422 Am J Clin Pathol 2016;146:408-422 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

422 DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqw131

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