Conduct Solution - Kelompok Bu Mela

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Compile Results from Solution Interviews


In this activity, you will make compile, analyze your solution interview results and make sense
of them.

If the results of the interview indicate that you have not achieved a problem-solution fit, you need to
pivot or re-invent your solution.
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship


The total duration of this activity is 60 minutes. To complete this activity, you need to:

1. Regroup in your PV teams.

2. Compile the results.
3. Identify the demographics of an early adopter.
4. Validate if your solution solves their problem, if not, pivot.
5. Identify the “must-have” problems.
6. Identify the minimum features needed to solve their problems, if not, refine your script.
7. Identify a price that customers will pay.
8. Answer the following questions. Limit your answers to a sentence each.

Q1. Did you validate the demographics of the early adopter?

Tentu saja, kami memvalidasi demografik early adopter dengan baik supaya aplikasi yang kami buat sesuai dengan
kebutuhan mahasiswa yaitu dengan menambahkan fitur pop up di smartphone.

Q2. Is there a “must-have problem” that you can solve?

ada, yaitu akankah aplikasi ini dapat berjalan sempurna dan konsisten. Dimana dengan adanya fitur notifikasi membuat
mahasiswa tidak akan ketinggalan informasi.

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© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01
Compile Results from Solution Interviews

Q3. Can you define the minimum features needed to solve this problem?

fitur minimum yang diperlukan adalah notifikasi yang selalu muncul meskipun kita tidak sedang mengaksesnya.

Q4. Do you have a price that a customer is willing to pay?

Tidak, karena setiap mahasiswa punya dan menjadi fundamental karena ketika pertama kali mendaftar menjadi mahasiswa
sudah termasuk pula aplikasi tersebut.
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship

Q5. Can you build a business around your solution (using a back of the envelope calculation)?

Tentu, dengan mempromosikan melalui bidang promosi uai dan pendaftaran mahasiswa baru, dan untuk mahasiswa lama
tinggal melihatnya di layar monitor di tiap lantai untuk mengupdatenya.


1. Add/kill features
If you received specific usability or feature enhancements as feedback, discuss whether there are
compelling reasons to incorporate them. Remove unnecessary features.

2. Confirm your earlier hypotheses

If you ended your Problem Interview iteration with strong positive signals, there should be no
surprises here. Otherwise, revisit your older assumptions and refine them until you get
consistent results.

3. Refine pricing
If you got no resistance to your pricing, consider testing it by setting a higher price for it. Take the
customers’ alternative solutions into account. If their current solutions are FREE, what more
value can you provide to justify them paying?

Again look for patterns. Who is the prototypical early adopter and what price will they bear? Can
you build a viable business at that price?

This content is attributed to Ash Maurya and his book, Running Lean, Second Edition (O’Reilly).
Copyright 2012 Ash Maurya, 978-1-449-30517-8.

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