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Configuration Guide CMS

acano> syslog follow so that ssh won't dc

-------------------Basic Configuration------------------------------

hostname cms
ipv4 a add
dns add forwardzone or forwardzone . (all
ntp server add

verify DN records
dns lookup A cms.adeng.pom

*************************CREATING WEBADMIN****************************

----------------Creating Certificates-------------------------

Microsoft CA - install on a server and add the template

1. Go to Server Manager - Tools - Certificate Authority

2. Right Click Certificate Template - Manage
3. Right CLick Web Server - Duplicate
4. Properties - General - Rename the Certificate
5. Extensons - Application Policies - Add Client Authentication
6. Close Certificate Template Console
7. Right Click Certificate Template - New - Certificate Template To Issue - Click
created template


webadmin listen a 8443

webadmin enable - will have error needs certificate
webadmin disable

pki csr cms,

domain of users users joining

Use WinSCP to copy the cms.key and cms.csr file to windows and create a certificate
through Microsoft CA using the template that created for Server and Client

Note: Verify Valid From and Valid To for the certificate created.

Note: Also download the root CA of Microsoft CA and cpy the files back to CMS.


webadmin certs cms.key cms.cer root.cer

webadmin enable

Access the GUI

*********************************XMPP Server and Call Bridge***********************


pki selfsigned self - will create self.key and self.crt

xmpp listen a
xmpp certs self.key self.crt
xmpp domain
xmpp enable
xmpp callbridge add CFBCMS - copy the text in Secret:
callbridge listen a
callbridge certs self.key self.crt
callbridge restart

Access the GUI input the following in General

1. Unique Call Bridge Name: CFBCMS
2. Domain Name:
3. Server Address: (IP of CMS)
4. Secret Password: (from xmpp callbridge add CFBCMS)
5. Submit

*********************************Web Bridge************************


webbridge listen a:443 (default)

webbridge http-redirect enable
webbridge certs self.key self.crt
webbridge trust self.crt
webbridge enable

Enable Web Bridge and Call Bridge Link (Enable Join button on sign in)
Go to the GUI
1. Configuration - General - Web Bridge Setting (Scroll Down)
2. Guest account client URI:
3. Guest account JID domain:


Enabled by defualt using single server. Do not do anything unless

using multiple CMS.



1. Configuration - Active Directory

2. Address: Input IP Address of the Active Directory
3. Port: 389
4. Username:

Need Full Distinguished Name

-Go to the Internal DNS Server

-Use ADSI Edit
-Right click - Connect to - OK
-Go to CN=users - CN=Administrator - Right click - Properties
-Double click distinguished name - copy the text, input in Username:
5. Password: Type your password
6. Base distinguished name: do the same procedure above, choose any user
7. Copy the distinguished name, except the first part, paste it or just copy from
8. Filter: sAMAccountName=* , use hq* or wahtever which users needs to be synced

Field Mapping Expressions

1. Display name: $cn$
2. Username: $sAMAccountName$
3. Space Name: $cn$
4. Space URI user part: $sAMAccountName$.space
5. Save - Sync Now

To sign in properly needs to create AAA record and SRV record in the DNS

1. Server Manager - Tools - DNS

2. New AAA record - input "join" in Name
3. IP Address:
4. flush dns at CMS acano>dns flush
5. DNS - Other services - Choose SRV
6. Service: _xmpp-client
7. Protocol: _tcp
8. Port number: 5222
9. Host offering this service:
10. flush dns at CMS acano>dns flush

login to


Integrating CUCM and CMS

**********CUCM Startup Services******************

1. Cisco Unified Serviceability

2. Tools > Service Activation
3. Choose: Cisco CallManager
Cisco CTI Manager
Cisco Device Activation Service
Cisco Tftp
Cisco AXL Web Service
Cisco DirSync

************CUCM Base Config******************

1. System > Server

2. Add New > CuCM Voice/Video > Next
3. Enter IP Address of CUCM

1. System > Cisco Unified CM

2. Verify > Name and Description
**********Enable Auto Registration in CUCM********

1. System > Enterprise Parameters configuration > Chang Auto Registration > SIP or
2. Cisco Unified CM > Uncheck Auto Registration Disabled
3. Save

*********Create a Trunk at CUCM****************

1. Device > Trunk

2. Enter Device Name and description
3. Device Pool: Default
4. SIP Information > Add destination Address: (IP of CMS)
5. SIP Trunk Security Profile: Non Secure SIP Trunk Profile
6. SIP Profile: Standard SIP Profile for Telepresence Conferencing
7. Save > Reset > Reset > Close

*********Create a SIP Route Pattern*************

1. Call Routing > SIP Route Pattern

2. IPV4 Pattern: (enter domain name of cms)
3. SIP Trunk/Route List: Choose Created Trunk (Rendezvous_CMS)
4. Save

**********Create a Space in Cisco Meeting Server********

1. Configuration > Spaces

2. Name: Enter any name
3. URI Userpart: 5001 (Better to put DN)
4. Secondary URI user part: (domain name of CMS)
5. Caller ID: 70904601 (any number, so guest can access)
6. Passcode: 12345 (any passcode for guest access, join button)
7. Click Add New

*********Create an Incoming Call Route in CMS*********************

1. Configuration > Incoming Call Route

2. Add domain name priority 1
3. Add domain name priority 50

Note: Highest priority is the domain name of the called Space

Eg.:, where test is URI user part.

*********Create Outgoing Call Route in CMS*********************

1. Configuration > Outgoing Call Route

2. Domain: Leave Blank
3. SIP Proxy to use: (CUCM)
4. Local from Domain: Blank
5. Trunk Type: Standard SIP
6. Behavior: Stop
7. Priority: 1
8. Encryption: Unencrypted


***************IMPORTANT NOTE:*****************

1. DNS Server of the client PC must be local DNS Server

2. Create SRV in the DNS Server so that Jabber can connect
3. Service: _cisco-uds
4. Protocl: _tcp
5. Port Number: 8443
6. Host Offering this Service: (cucm fqdn)

**********Add New User at CUCM***************

1. User Management > User > Add New

2. User ID: Enter any user ID
3. Password:
4. Confirm Password:
5. Last Name
6. Check Home Cluster and Enable User for Unified IM and Presence
7. Save

**********Creating a Jabber Client (Windows Based) at CUCM**************

1. Device > Phone > Add New

2. Phone Type: Cisco Unified Client Services Framework
3. Next
4. Device Name: Enter Device Name
5. Device Pool: Default
6. Phone Button Template: Standard Client Services Network
7. Common Phone Profile: Standard Common Phone Profile
8. Owner User ID: Choose a local user
9. Device Security Profile: Cisco Unified Services Framework Standard SIP Non
Secure Profile
10. SIP Profile: Standard SIP Profile
11. Save > Apply Config > OK
12. Add New DN
13. Enter Directory Number: 1020 (any DN)
14. Save > Go Back to Phone Configuration
15. Save > Apply COnfig > OK

************Associate Jabber Client to User***********

1. User Management > User > Choose user

2. Add Device Association : Select created device
3. Save Selected Changes > Back to User
4. Add to Access Control Group
5. Choose: Standard CCM End Users
Standard CTI Allow Control of All Devices
Standard CTI Enabled
6. Add Selected
7. Save

**********Creating a Jabber Client (Android Based) at CUCM**************

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