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SSe Project Consultant Team .

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(To Be Completed By Prime Consultant Only)
Exhibit as
Name and Prime Location of AU Finns Check Check Check Check Check % of DoUar Value
Participating (Including Prime and Sub if if if if if Nature Df Project of
cDnsultants) DBE MBE·· WBE·· LBE SLBE Participation Work Participation -


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Name Authonzed Officer of Pnme Consultant Firm (Print or Type)

Signature - Authorized Officer of Prime Consultant Firm Date

«This information is subject to change during final negotiations. Jf reported information changes after negotiations Project
ManagartD submit an updated Schedule E to Contract Compliance for r&vJew.
**Please denote. ethnlcJty. This Information wJlJ b~ used fD~ tracking purposes only.

Standardized Contracting Procedures Revision Date 2126/02

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