The Effect of External Debt in The Economic Growth of Pakistan

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Journal for Studies in Management and Planning e-ISSN: 2395-0463

Available at Volume 02 Issue 1

January 2016

The effect of external debt in the economic growth of Pakistan

Muhammad Saad Asghar
University Of Central Punjab

In this study we examine the effect of involved in the work of measuring and
external debt with the economic growth of monitoring the external debt of the
Pakistan. External debt is a debt which is countries. The external debt of Pakistan
held by the creditors of foreign countries in increases at a rate of 7.6 percent annually.
the world. Time series data is collected from Almost every country in the world borrows
the World Bank site for the last thirty years the money from the other countries despite
ranges from 1986-2015. Statistics analysis of this the country is rich or not. Because the
and ordinary least square regression is world economies are inter related with each
performed through a descriptive statistical other. Sometimes it is much easier for a
table. To check the relationship between country to take an external debt from the
economic growth and external debt OLS other countries rather than take the loan
model is used. GDP is our dependent domestically from the central bank of that
variable. Gross domestic saving, gross country. Pakistan ranks at number 59th in the
capital formation and external Debt stock is list of external debts by a country. In this
our independent variable. The results show article we will able to find the role of
that the huge amount of number of GDP of external debt in the economy of Pakistan.
country is backed by external debt. Pakistan also ranked as the most developing
Introduction countries in the world and Pakistan is one of
External debt is known as foreign debt. the countries in the world that is facing
External debt is a kind of debt which is held serious external debt problems. Pakistan is
by the creditors of foreign countries of the taken loan from IMF and other banks for
world. These are the debts that including the various reasons. Such as developing
interest, this is the interest must usually be projects in country, buying of different types
paid in the currency in which the loan was of equipments from other countries, meeting
made. Pakistan usually takes loan in the the long term and as well as short term
form of dollars from IMF and USA and liabilities. These are the reasons for which
from the other countries. Pakistan has to pay the external debt of Pakistan is increasing
that loan in the form of dollars. Pakistan day by day. Role of external debt in any
current external debt is $56 billion. In 2012 country has no consensus. There are
the external debt of Pakistan was almost $54 different articles that are published to define
billion. The IMF is one of the few the role of external debt in the economy of
international agencies which are actively country. Different researchers gain different

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Journal for Studies in Management and Planning e-ISSN: 2395-0463
Available at Volume 02 Issue 1
January 2016

types of data. Some researchers said that The objective of this research is to find out
there is a positive relation of external debt the positive and negative effect of external
towards the development of a country. Some debt towards the economy of Pakistan.
researchers said that the external debt Objective is to find weather external debt
providing the foreign capital for industrial increases capital inflow of the country or
development of the country. not.
Objective is to find out the reasons why
Problem Statement external debt is taken.
External debt of Pakistan:
The external debt of Pakistan is $52.43 Literature Review
billion. Pakistan is in the 59th number in the There are a large number of studies which
list of external debts by a country. Pakistan have been conducted by the different
external debt is increasing day by day. economists and the researchers having a
Every Pakistani having a liability of about goal to check that either the external debt
66,000 pkr. The external debt of Pakistan effect the growth of the country or not. The
increases at a rate of 7.6 percent annually. economists and researchers apply different
Pakistan has recently taken a loan from IMF techniques and methods to find the
which definitely increases the debt of the relationship. They have find mixed
country. relationship and conclude different results,
External debts of other countries: the studies of the researchers shows that
USA is a country having more external debt external debt affect the growth of the
than other countries. USA is currently country significantly while on the other hand
having a external debt of US$15680 Billion. some researchers are failed to draw the same
Ranks first in the list made by the World result. Researchers used different type of
Bank. UK is having a debt of US$6977 variables to conclude the effect of external
Billion. Which is came after USA in the debt to the growth of the country. Some of
World Bank list. India is currently having a the conclusions made by the researchers are
external debt of US$412.2 Billion and ranks given below:
28th in the list.
How Pakistan can reduce its foreign debt: (Arshad, Aslam, Fatima, & Muzaffar, 2015)
There are many ways in which Pakistan can has conducted a research to investigate
reduce its foreign debt. The first and better whether the foreign debt lead the economic
way is that Pakistan has to reduce its imports growth of the country in the longer run or
and balance of payments and should not. In regard to this a time series data from
establish the resources to promote the 1970-2014 are taken and ordinary least
exports. Pakistan can reduce its debts by square method is used in this regard.
paying the debt. (Lee & Ng, 2015) Has conducted o study to
check whether the variables such as external
Objectives debt and budget expenditure having an

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Journal for Studies in Management and Planning e-ISSN: 2395-0463
Available at Volume 02 Issue 1
January 2016

impact on economic development. A data (Lahiani & d’Orléans, 2015) Has conducted
from 1971-2003 is taken and the results a study to find out is external debt effected
shows that there is a negative of public debt the economic growth of South Africa? The
on Gdp. results from 1980-2014 has been taken and
(Zafar, Sabri, ilyas, & kousar, 2015) has the results show that there is a positive
conducted a study to investigate whether the relation of external debt in the economic
external debt is having a positive impact on growth of South Africa.
economic growth or not. Unit root test has
been applied and the results show that there
(cuestas & regis, 2015) Has conducted a
is negative impact of external debt in
study to check the level of sustainability of
economic development of a country.
external debt . the results from 1984-2013
(Emori, 2015) Has conducted a study to
has been taken and the results has shown
examine the impact of the external debt on
that there is a positive relation of external
the economic growth of Nigeria. The co
debt in economic growth.
integration method is used and the results
show that impact of external debt having a
positive impact on economic growth of
Nigeria. Research Methodology
(alin & bedir, 2015) Has conducted a study Analysis of the units:
and the study aims to check the role of We want to study the economy of
external debt on the economic growth and Pakistan; in this case we select different
date from 1985-2013 has been taken and the units large portion of Pakistan economy is
results shows that there is negative impact of financed by the external institutions.
external debt in the economic growth of a Data analysis and collection of data:
country. From the site of World Bank we
(hussain, haque, & IGWIKE, 2015) Has collected secondary data. Time series data is
conducted a research to find that is debt is a collected from the World Bank site for the
burden for economic growth and the data last thirty years ranges from 1986-2015.
from 1995-2012 has been taken and garner Econometrics techniques:
causality test is applied and the results Statistics analysis and ordinary
shows that there negative correlation least square regression is performed through
between the gdp and debt. a descriptive statistical table.
(Mencinger, Aristovnik, & Verbic, 2015) Specification of the model:
Has conducted a study to find out the role of To check the relationship
external debt in growing economies and a between economic growth and external debt
data from 1980-2010 is taken and the results OLS model is used. GDP is our dependent
shows that there Is a positive negative variable. Gross domestic saving, gross
correlation between debt to gdp ratio. capital formation and external Debt stock is

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Journal for Studies in Management and Planning e-ISSN: 2395-0463
Available at Volume 02 Issue 1
January 2016

our independent variable. So the equation a sample. There are different statistical facts
become which are shown in the table such as
GDP: βο+β1EDS+β2GCF+β3GDS+µ median, mean, standard deviation,
minimum, maximum etc. Pakistan average
Data analysis and report writing GDP from the year 1985-2015 is 98540
Descriptive statistics: million US$ . The average of external debt
Descriptive results which are obtained by stock is 34164 million US$ . The results
the descriptive statistics are given in the show that the huge amount of number of
table below. The table shows that there are GDP of country is backed by external debt.
30 observations which have been chosen as
N Valid 30 30 29 30
Missing 0 0 1 0
Mean 98540.3667 16690.9333 34164.3793 11318.4667
Std. Error of Mean 12314.20894 1830.12573 2704.22584 997.19130
Median 67813.5000 12009.5000 32214.0000 10948.0000
Std. Deviation 67447.70014 10024.01146 14562.70181 5461.84169
Minimum 31145.00 5706.00 13344.00 1847.00
Maximum 246876.00 34537.00 63989.00 19483.00

Ordinary least square result of GDP: Watson is .678 which is likely to be a

The results of ols show that the model R positive serial correlation. This tells us that
square is 98 which is very high. This means positive error of an observation increase the
that 98 is the change in the dependent chance of positive error of other
variable. The Durban Watson is an analysis observation. The table tells us that there is
that shows the auto correlation. The Durban 98% variability in GDP.
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -23489.335 5399.708 -4.350 .000
EDS 1.605 .370 .374 4.340 .000
GCF 4.776 .529 .735 9.035 .000
GDS -1.327 .798 -.114 -1.662 .109
a. Dependent Variable: GDP

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Journal for Studies in Management and Planning e-ISSN: 2395-0463
Available at Volume 02 Issue 1
January 2016

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Watson
1 .988a .977 .974 10025.54947 .678
a. Predictors: (Constant), GDS, GCF, EDS
b. Dependent Variable: GDP

In this research we conclude that there is a Government policies that provoke capital
negative impact of external debt and positive formation on the large scale.
impact of domestic debt on the economic Furthermore, there should be proper
growth. planning for the efficient use of external
We conclude that external debt is having a debt stock as it will make a positive impact
negative impact on the economic growth and on Gross Domestic production as well.
the external debt is considering a burden on
nation and economy.
Some researchers studies shows that
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January 2016

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