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Branch: CSE Semester: 07

Subject Code:CS2401 Date:17.10.13
Subject Name: COMPUTER GRAPHICS Timings: 3 hours
PART – A :: Answer ALL Questions :: (10 X 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Write down the shear transformation matrix.

2. Differentiate window and viewport.
3. Define quadric surfaces.
4. Differentiate parallel projection from perspective projection
5. Draw the color model HLS double cone
6. What are keyframe systems?
7. Define rendering.
8. What do you mean by shading of objects?
9. List down the properties of piano curves.
10. Write down some of the Boolean operations on objects.

PART – B :: Answer ALL Questions :: (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)

1)Write down and explain the midpoint circle drawing algorithm. Assume 10 cm as the radius and Co-
ordinate origin as the center of the circle.
2)Write about Cohen-Sutherland’s line clipping algorithm.
3)Differentiate parallel and perspective projections and derive their projection matrices.
4)Explain about 3D transformations.
5)Briefly explain different color models in detail.
6)Discuss the following
(i) Methods to draw 3D objects.
(ii).Basic OPENGL operations.
7)Explain the following
(i) Adding texture to faces.
(ii) Adding shadows of objects.
8)Write down and explain the details to build a camera in a program.
9)Write notes on the following
(i).Ray tracing.
(ii).Reflection and Transparency.
10)Explain the following
(i)Mandelbrot sets.
(ii)Julia sets.

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