Fill in The Blank With Because or Because of

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A. Fill in the blank with because or because of/due to.

Isi dengan because or because of/due to.

1. I was afraid to tell my mother ..... my test score is so had.
2. ..... you, I never feel like I was alone anymore.
3. You know, you are our strenght. And we stand here today, play the game we used to
play, get the champ it’s all ..... you.
4. ..... the test is so hard, I almost give up.
5. The flood is coming to town ..... the rain.
6. I thought if it’s all happened ..... me, but really, I didn’t mean to cause any harm. ..... I
only want them to be happy.
7. The news is surprising for all of us. He’s been the kindest man and ..... him, we can live
8. It’s been a while since we met, ..... I have moved out of town since last year.
9. My brother needs to leave our family to war ..... his duty as an army.
10. I bring an umbrella ..... I think it will rain today.
B. Rewrite each of the following sentences twice with because or due to.
1. Gania has a bad habit. That is why she always get trouble
2. Many people have died in this rainy season. The reason is the landslide
3. Deni is very interested in accounting. He want to take Economic studies
4. There is a terrible accident. That is why this road is closed
5. Jennie didn’t study hard for her test. She got a low score

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