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University of Delaware, Newark, Del.

The economic pipe size, for which the sum exponential function of diameter. For example, for ordinary
of pipe and pumping costs is a minimum, steel pipe in nominal sizes up to one-inch diameter the cost
increases approximately as the first power of the diameter.
has been derived for both the turbulent and For larger sizes the cost is closely proportional to the 1.5 power
viscous regions of flow. The resulting of diameter. The annual cost of a unit length of pipe may
,equations are represented by convenient therefore be expressed generally as:
nomographs. By solving the optimum-
,diameter equations simultaneously with
the critical Reynolds number, a convenient The annual cost of pressure drop is evaluated by determin-
relation has been found to indicate whether ing the cost of compressing gases or pumping liquids to over-
come pressure drop. The cost is zero when not charged to the
any given flow will be turbulent or viscous operation, such as in some cases when water is drawn from a
in a pipe of optimum diameter. Although pressure main. The product of flow rate and pressure drop is
the optimum velocity of many liquids in an exact expression of the work done in overcoming friction
turbulent flow runs from 3 to 4 feet per in the case of liquids but not in the case of gases. The per-
second, much lower optimum velocities are centage error in assuming this to be true in the case of gases
is approximately half the percentage pressure drop1, an error
calculated for very viscous liquids.
which is unimportant for the small pressure drops encountered
in viscous flow of gases. Making this approximation and
K E of the major problems encountered in the process letting C4 be the annual cost of supplying 1 foot-pound of

0 industries is the continuous transportation of gases and

liquids of various viscosities. Consideration of the
large investment often involved in piping systems indicates
energy per second, the annual cost of energy expended as
friction per unit length of pipe is:
CE = c
q q AP/L (2)
the wisdom of choosing sizes of pipes for the greatest economy
to the process. Genereauxl emphasized the importance of I n the region of viscous flow the pressure drop is related
this problem and derived a general equation and convenient to the flow rate by the Hagen-Poiseuille equation:
chart for the determination of the economic pipe size for
fluids in turbulent flow. The welcome reception and wide- = - =3-2 p
_ V 40.8pq
L gD2 gD4 (3)
spread utilization of Genereaux’ procedure by practicing engi-
neers has indicated the desirability of extending this method where q = T 0 2 V/4
of attack to the general case of flow of fluids of various vis- The annual cost of energy per unit length of pipe to overcome
cosities when the type of motion may be either turbulent or friction then becomes :
viscous. The purpose of this paper is to derive equations
and charts convenient for determining the economic pipe 40.8 cq P q 2
CE = (4)
size in either region of flow, and to supply a ready means of 9 D4
determining the type of flow under any given conditions.
The selection of the most economical pipe diameter is based The total annual cost of pipe and energy is the sum of C p and
on a balance of the cost of the pipe, which increases with CE. The rate of change of total annual cost with pipe di-
increased diameter, and the cost of the pressure drop (pump- ameter is then:
ing or blowing costs), which decreases with increased diame-
ter. The most economical pipe diameter is that for which the
sum of these costs is a minimum.
The determination of the cost of pressure drop is dependent The optimum diameter is that for which the sum of the costs
upon the conditions of flow. I n the turbulent region the is a minimum, for which diameter the above derivative is
pressure drop varies differently with the variables, velocity equal to zero. Setting the derivative equal to zero and solving
and diameter, from that in the viscous region; so it would be for
expected that the optimum diameter would be a different
function of the flow rate in the two regions. For the turbulent
region the equation and chart derived by Genereaux can be
utilized, and i t is given later with slight modification. For This equation is expressed in consistent units. It is often
the viscous region the derivation is given below. convenient to assume the foot-pound-second system and then
The cost of pipe can be expressed over a certain range as an to convert the diameter to inches, D = DJ12, and the vis-
1 Genereaux, R. P . , IND. ENQ.CHEM.,
29, 385-8 (1937); Chem. & M e t cosity to centipoises, p = 0.000672 2. Furthermore, it is
Ens.,44, 281-8 (1937). more convenient to utilize the cost term as:



500,000 ,0°$


7 I

Yu 3

Lo.l Lo.l :;1L



To determine whether given flow is turbulent or viscous, use inset chart t o find critical flow rate (at Re = 2100). If given flow is
greater, i t is turbulent, and vice versa. For turbulent region, connect “flow rate” with “density”, read on “optimum diameter, turbu-
lent”. For viscous region, connect “flow rate” with “viscosity”, read on “optimum diameter, viscous”. (C. F. M. = cu. ft. per. min.
under operating conditions, G. P. M. = gal. per. min. under operating conditions.)
CI = annual cost in dollars of 1 foot of 1-inch i. d. pipe 2100) can be solved simultaneously with the equation for
or Ca = (12)" C1 (this cost includes amortization, maintenance, optimum diameter to obtain a value for the "critical" flow
and a factor for fittings and erectipn, as defined in
the nomenclature) rate under optimum conditions. Thus, expressing the Reyn-
CZ = cost of delivered energy dollars per h . - h r . olds number in terms of p rather than V , and eliminating D
or CC = 0.746 h C2/550 = 0.000135 h CI from both this and Equation 12,
Equation 6 then becomes
(163.2) (0.000135) h Co (0.000672)2 q 2
7t (12)" C1 (32.2) (for flow in pipe of economic diameter)
0.096 h C2 2 q2 This equation is represented by the small inset nomograph
or (DJ%' = . (7)
n Ct for values of Z / p of 0.2 and larger. I n any flow problem, from
For standard iron-pipe sizes above 1-inch diameter, n = 1.5, the values of the density and the viscosity, the critical flow
and rate can be determined a t once. If the flow under considera-
tion is greater than this, i t will be turbulent, and if less, vis-
For example, for a n oil with a density of p = 50 pounds per
(for viscous flow, Di > 1 inch) cubic foot, and a viscosity of Z = 100 centipoises, we connect
For standard iron-pipe sizes of 1 inch and less in diameter, it Z / p = 2 with p = 50 to read the critical flow rate of 650
is approximately equal to 1. Then gallons per minute. Any flow of this oil less than 650 gallons
per minute will be viscous and any greater flow will be tur-
Di = gO.4 20.2 (O.096clh CZ)'.' (9) bulent, if flowing in pipes of optimum diameter. For example,
with a flow of 650 gallons per minute of this oil both nomo-
(for viscous flow, Di < 1 inch) graphs give the same result, a diameter of 8 inches. With a
I n the terms of this paper Genereaux' equation' for opti- flow rate of 200 gallons per minute of this oil, we would use
mum pipe size in turbulent flow becomes: the viscous nomograph and read a diameter of 5.2 inches, so
that a 6-inch pipe would be chosen. At a flow rate of 1000
gallons per minute, the turbulent nomograph would indicate a
pipe diameter of 9.5 inches, so that a 10-inch pipe would be
(turbulent flow Di > 1 inch) used. I n each of the latter cases if the wrong chart had been
D. - qO.40 2 0 . 0 2 7 ,,0.14
~ (1.3;: CZ)O.l7 used, the resulting diameter would have been somewhat
*- undersize, with consequent excessive pressure drop.
(turbulent flow, Di < 1 inch) Although the simplified equations and the nomographs
apply for quite a range of cost factors, under widely different.
The terms in parentheses representing the cost factors can conditions correction may be desirable. This can be done
in practice be evaluated according to conditions. Inasmuch conveniently by calculating a correction factor :
as these factors affect the optimum diameter only as about
the sixth root, however, average values can be substituted,
and the resulting simplified equations will hold for normal
) (Y)
(!yo(5) 0.013

cases. This procedure was used by Genereauxl, who suggested I n the viscous region the cost terms have the same exponent as
average values corresponding to the following: h = 8760, viscosity, as shown in Equations 8 and 9. If the viscosity is
C, = 0.013, C2 = 0.01. I n the turbulent region the effect of multiplied by the above correction factor and the new value
viscosity on optimum diameter is so small that it can be is used in the alignment chart, the correct diameter will be
neglected over quite a range of viscosities, such as from 0.02 obtained. I n the turbulent region the cost factors have ex-
to 30 centipoises. Substituting the above values in Equations ponents only slightly different from the density; so multiply-
8 to 11, the following approximate forms result: ing the density by the above factor and using the product on
Di = 3.0 qO.36 2 0 . 1 8 (12) the density scale will give close to the exact solution of Equa-
(viscous flow, Di > 1 inch) tions 10 and 11. If the viscosity is greater than 30, the di-
ameter from the turbulent chart can be multiplied by Zo~o*~.
Di = 3.6 q o . 4 2 0 . 2 (13) This correction will usually be small; for example for Z =
(viscous flow, Di < 1 inch) 100, Zo.Oz5= 1.12; for Z = 1000, Z0.0z5= 1.18.
Di = 3.9 pO.45 p 0 . 1 3 (14) To illustrate the importance of the viscous flow chart,
(turbulent flow, Di > 1 inch) consider glycerol flowing at a rate of 100 gallons per minute
Di = 4.7 q 0 . 4 9 ,,0.14 (15)
at 20' C. The properties of glycerol a t 20" C. are: p = 78.5
(turbulent flow, Di < 1 inch) pounds per cubic foot, Z = 800 centipoises, Z / p = 10.2. From
the inset chart the critical flow rate obtained by connecting
Nomographs have been prepared which make use of Equa- Z / p with p is 16,000 gallons per minute, indicating that the
tions 12 to 15, inclusive. For convenience both turbulent and given flow of 100 gallons per minute is in the viscous region.
viscous nomographs are given on the same figure and utilize On the main chart connecting Z with rate of flow and reading
the same scale for flow rate but have individual scales for on the optimum diameter (viscous scale), a value of 6-inch
diameter. The third scale of the turbulent nomograph is the i. d. pipe is obtained, so that a 6-inch standard pipe would be
density scale; that of the viscous nomograph is the viscosity chosen. However, if one had attempted to use the turbulent
scale. chart, and p and rate of flow had been connected and the
To determine a t first which nomograph should be used, a optimum diameter read on the turbulent scale, a value of
convenient relationship has been developed. When we realize 3.6 inches i. d. mould have resulted. Consequently a 4-inch
that, if in any case the resulting diameter gives a Reynolds pipe would have been chosen, which has less than half the
number greater than the critical value of 2100 the flow will cross-sectional area of the proper size of pipe.
be turbulent, and if less, viscous, it is apparent that the ex- It has been common practice in the past to pick a certain
pression for the critical Reynolds number (i. e., D V p / p = design velocity for a given fluid and to install pipe of such size


7- Viscous Flow- - Turbulent Flow
Z = 105

Z = 100 Z = 1000

0.97 0.31
p = 0.0075b p = 0.075

Feet per second
p = 0.75

p = 7.5

p = 50

p = 75

2 .. 1.6 0.49 44.3 22.8 11.4 5.5 3.2 2.9
4 .. 2.5 0.77 51.0 26.4 13.2 6.6 3.8 3.3
8 .. 4.1 1.3 01.0 31.0 15.5 7.7 4.3 3.9
a z = centipoises. b p = pounds per cubic foot.

as would give this velocity. To illustrate the limits of such a p = density, lb./cu. ft.
procedure, tables for turbulent and viscous flow have been V = velocity, ft./sec.
calculated which give the velocity under economic conditions Q = acceleration of gravity, ft./(sec.) (see.)
D = pipe diameter, f t .
for various viscosities, densities, and pipe sizes. From evi- q = flow rate, cu. ft./sec.
dence on the turbulent table we could say with some degree Re = Reynolds number, DV p / p , dimensionless
of assurance that for most liquids the economic pipe size could p = viscosity, lb./(sec.)(ft.)
be based on a velocity of 3 feet per second for small diameter
Other convenient units used are:
pipes and of 4 feet per second for large pipes. But for lighter
fluids and gases the economic velocity is much higher and 0 4 = pipe diameter, inches
varies over a wider range. As an approximation the velocity Z = viscosity, centipoises
in the turbulent region may be said to vary inversely as the
cube root of the density. I n the viscous table i t is impossible Terms used in evaluating economic pipe diameter are as
to pick any sort of average economic velocity. With a vis- follows :
cosity of 100 centipoises, the velocity varies from 1 to 4 feet = annual cost in dollars of 1 ft. of 1 in. i. d. standard
per second as the pipe size changes from 1 to 8 inches; with a
viscosity of 1000 centipoises, the velocity varies from 0.3 to =
pipe, (a,+ b) ( F + 1) z
cost of delivered energy, dollars/kw.-hr.
1.3 feet per second over the same pipe-size range. I n the = annual cost of 1-ft. diameter standard pipe, dollars
viscous region the economic velocity varies inversely as the per linear f t .
= annual cost of supplying 1 ft.-lb. of energy per sec.,
square root of the viscosity. The difficulty in trying to use an dollars
average economic velocity in the calculation of pipe sizes for = annual cost of pressure drop, dollars
pumping viscous fluids is therefore evident. = annual cost of pipe, dollars
= slope of logarithmic plot of cost of pipe us. diameter
Nomenclature = hours of operation per year
= optimum inside diameter, in.
The following consistent set of units has been used: = amortization expressed as decimal
= maintenance expressed as decimal
AP = pressure drop, lb./sq. ft. = factor for fittings and erection
L = length, ft. = cost of 1-in. diameter pipe per ft. length

P-V-T Relations of Propylene

Shell Development Company, Emeryville, Calif.

The P-I./-T relations of propylene have been measured over the pressure
range 2 to 80 atmospheres and at temperatures varying from 0' to 300" C.
The critical constants are as follows: t,, 91.4' C.; P , , 45.4 atmospheres;
V,, 180 cc. per mole; d,, 0.233 gram per cc.

many important products requires exact knowledge of the

I N RECEKT years the needs of the petroleum industry
have greatly stimulated the investigation of the P-V-T
relations of pure hydrocarbons and of mixtures. De-
mands for data by both production and refinery engineers
physical behavior of these compounds. A step in this direc-
tion has been made by the following study of propylene in
the temperature range 0-300" C. and a t pressures varying
have been answered by the presentation of much reliable and from 2 to 80 atmospheres.
valuable information. However, these studies have been Apparatus, Material, and Method
confined almost exclusively to paraffin systems, and there is
an almost complete lack of comprehensive data on such mate- The principal item of equipment is a steel compressor unit,
rials as the olefins. Indeed, except for a few scattered and with mercury as the liquid, onto which glass capillary tubes
often unreliable values on critical constants of some of its containing the samples are mounted. This form was first used
homologs, ethylene is the only olefin for which a reasonably by Andrews (about 1869) and extensively developed by
complete set of P-V-T data exists (2, 5-8). The rapidly in- Young (11). Our apparatus is essentially the same as that
creasing use of unsaturates as basic starting materials for of Kay (3); the only significant changes have been the addi-

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