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Title: BoltBoltTorquingTorquing Effective Date: 26.1126..200911.

1) Apply work permit before start work a) Never start work without a valid permit

2) Ensure correct equipment and location Check equipm nt s safe use

is identified a)b Look at the working location any hazardous
work been carried out.

3) Working on height or confined space a All technicians aware of escape route

efore) started to work

b Wear all proper PPE

Title: BoltBoltTorquingTorquing Effective Date: 26.1126..200911.2009

4) Defective Equipment a)mmediatAy elyfectiveandlabelequipment,itwithshoulda"Do rnotmoveuse"it

b)signInform all personal working in the site about

5) Connection from air supply to pump

b of w check and pin must.
Usechck no jubilee chipis a e fitted.
a)c All airthereoses are routed properly and will
not cause trippinghazard

pump b) Do not us under press re rat fitting and

c)d Never pressurizthe unconnected hydraulic
hose exc ed maxim m working

pres ure

8) Handling of equipment Wear proper PPE while

r ain ngpinch
b ou for poin

fitted to watchusethpplication
c) Ensure thewrench/sockets is correctly
Title: BoltBoltTorquingTorquing Effective Date: 26.1126..200911.2009

fe) NDovernotexceedmodify theany maximumpartofworkthe equipment

pressureg)Kepclear of torue wrench swing clearance

h) Ensure spanner is fully engage on the nut

9) Keep a clean working environment a) Always do a proper housekeeping before

during after the operation. or
after work

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