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Day 3 Session Date 25 04 2020 18ME25


Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology
Bangalore 562 157
TEST NO. : I SEM: 2nd Semester
COURSE /BRANCH: B.E/ Chemistry Cycle Sections : Common to A, B, C, D,E,F
SUBJECT TITLE: Elements of Mechanical Engineering MAX. Marks: 40
Duration: 90min.
Note: 1. Answer any one full question from each part

Q. CO/
Questions Marks
No. BL
Part A
1) a. Define renewable and non-renewable energy resources and differentiate them. 1/3 05+09+06
b. With a neat sketch, explain the construction and working of “Liquid flat plate 1/3
collector” used for water heating applications.
c. What are bio fuels? Compare with petroleum based fuels. 1/3
2) a. Explain briefly any two of the following 1/3 05+09+06
1. Zeroth law of thermodynamics = 20
2. First law of thermodynamics
3. Second law of thermodynamics

b. Define steam properties. With the help of T-H diagram, explain the generation 1/3
of steam at constant pressure.
c. Write short note on 1/3
1. Ozone layer depletion
2. Global warming

Part B
3) a. Give the classification of boilers? 2/3 05+09+06
b. Write a neat sketch of Babcock and Wilcox boiler, label the parts. 2/3 = 20
c. Explain following boiler mountings and accessories in brief. 2/3
1. Fusible plug 2. Safety valve 3. Steam stop valve 4. Economizer 5. Air
pre-heater 6. Steam trap
4) a. Differentiate between impulse & reaction turbine. 2/3 05+09+06
b. Define prime mover. With a neat sketch explain multi stage steam turbine. 2/3 = 20
c. Explain working of Pelton wheel turbine with a neat sketch. 2/3

*******All the best********

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