Between Round Has Moral Message. The Moral: Piller To Be A Success". in This Story We Can Imagine That

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Name : Nadhiev Adiya

NIM : 932215718
Class : B/4

c. Moral Message
Between Round has moral message. The moral
message of a service of love is teaching many things to
the reader especially. The are some of moral message
in the story of betwee round
1. the first moral message of it is, “stuggle is the
piller to be a success”. In this story we can imagine that
we are as young learners have to imitate it for getting
ous wish. The story does not only give a moral message
but also it gives a knowladge.
2. the second moral message is, “arrogant can not
bring you to the future”. In this story told about Mr. Mc.
Ceskey’s struggle. is bad-tempered wich
is not able to be imitated by us. He is also cruel to his
wife and he does not budge.
3. in each of our lives, do not forget the people around
us, as the moral message in the story is that we must
care for our neighbors and participate in helping if they
have difficulties or calamities, because we will be helped
if we experience violence as well.

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