Awkward Situations

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What would YOU do?

Embarrassing Situation Quiz:

Teacher: William
1。)You’re stuck in a crowded elevator going up to the 90 th floor of a building when the fat man in front
of you farts very loudly and it begins to smell very, very bad. Do you:
a.) Slap the man on the back in anger and demand to be let off the elevator immediately.
b.) Slap the man on the back in congratulation and say, “Good one, buddy!”
c.) Hold your nose, stand there silently and hope the elevator does not break.
2.) You’re giving a presentation at work and you notice your fly (zipper) is open. Do you:
a.) Leave it open. Let your coworkers get a look at “the goods”.
b.) Blush, say “I’m sorry” and zip it up immediately.
c.) Ask the prettiest girl/most handsome guy in the room to come up to the front and zip it up for
3.) You find your significant other in bed with your best friend. Do you:
a.) Run out of the room crying and cursing and wondering “Why me?”
b.) Get your gun, murder them both, and then dance around in their blood.
c.) Join in.
4.) Your watching a movie with your parents and a racy sex scene comes on. Do you:
a.) Fast forward the DVD and say, “Sorry, I didn’t know that was in there.”
b.) Cheer on the two people having sex in the movie (“Yeah! Yeah!!”).
c.) Just watch it and hope it doesn’t give your parents any ideas for later that night.
5.) You ask the person you love to marry you on the Jumbotron at an NBA basketball game and he/she
says, “Eww. No.” Do you:
a.) Respond with “Well, I was just joking anyways, haha! Just a big joke!”
b.) Kick them in the groin and then run away.
c.) Accept it and sit back down to watch the rest of the game, crying into your bag of popcorn.
6.) You’re gossiping about someone to your friend with some insulting comments, when your friend tries
to get you to stop talking. The person you were gossiping about is right behind you! Do you:
a.) Stop immediately, turn around embarrassed and say, “I’m so sorry.”
b.) Pretend you were actually gossiping about someone else.
c.) Keep gossiping as if that person isn’t there.
7.) Your boss has a big piece of spinach stuck in his teeth. Do you:
a.) Say as nicely as possible “Excuse me, sir, but you seem to have something stuck in your teeth.”
b.) Don’t say anything.
c.) Try to pick the piece of spinach out of his mouth with your own hands.
8.) A girl/boy who sits next to you every day in class and who you don’t really like asks you out on a date,
but you don’t want to be mean. Do you:
a.) Begrudgingly say, “Yes.” It’s only one date after all and you sit next to this person every day.
b.) Make an excuse about how you have to take your pet turtle to the veterinarian that day.
c.) Say, “Sorry, loser. You can’t handle this,” and sashay away.

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