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 Sheryl Fearrien, President Please mark your calendars for our Annual Volume 30, Issue 3

Membership Tea . . . this year it will be FRIDAY, MAY March2005

 Lesley Craig, Program Chair 20. The Tea will take the place of our luncheon meet-
ing that month. It will be in Eureka, location yet to be
determined. Plan now to attend, and bring your

P resid en t’s M essa g e Sheryl Fearrien

FREEDOM! Over the course of the first two months of this new year, I was re-
m in d e d in so m a n y w a ys o f o u r b le ssin g s o f fre e d o m … o n the faces of our brave
young troops defending our freedom and security, in the emotional, first-hand account
of growing up in Saddam Hussein's regime by our January guest speaker Mr. Haider
Ajina, in the smiles of Iraqis as they voted in their first real election in half a century, in
the school children's celebrations of Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays with con-
struction paper hats and cotton ball beards, and in the fact that anyone can still say
anything in America without fear of being jailed or literally losing their head. As an
educator, the abuse of this last one hits close to home. The pseudo Native American

professor from Colorado has the protected freedom to spew his insidious venom wher-
ever people are dumb enough to buy it. One of my heroes, Ronald Reagan, described
this particular freedom thirty-two years ago on February 13, 1973, when he said,
"Freedom should be the right to be stupid if you want to be."
We must never take for granted the most basic of blessings we have inherited as
Americans, FREEDOM! It is not free. It was and is being earned for us by three cen-
turies of young Americans willing to put themselves in harm's way for us. Please,
please, don't ever take this blessing for granted. Stand up when our leaders are de-
graded for having the strength of character to do what is right, instead of doing what is
popular. Politely, but firmly correct the misguided when they publicly or privately state
something that you know is not true. Teach your children our true history. Do not
blindly rely on our public school system to do it. As a teacher, I know this one inside
(Continued on page 2)
The Redwood Alert

Speaker: Dr. Alistair McCrone

How can we best utilize our natural energy resources?
Did you know that Japan has 29 liquefied gas receiving stations - we have 4?
Listen to a scientist, who will give us a world wide picture of THE HYDROCARBON
A G E : O il, N a tu ra l G a s a n d o th e r E n e rg y S o u rce s. D o n ’t m iss o u r n e xt m e e tin g o n F ri-
day, March 11th, when Dr. Alistair McCrone will address us on the above issues. Let
us stay informed on a subject which is of vital concern to the world populations!


Date: Our next meeting on Friday, March 11, 2005 Time:11:30am
Place: Samoa Cookhouse
Price: Full M ea l.… … … … … .$ 1 0 .6 7 + tip
S o up / Sa la d /B re a d … … $ 7 .4 5 + tip
Information: Call Eileen (442-4834) for reservations if not
contacted by Telephone Committee.
Speaker: Dr. Alistair McCrone
Page 2 T H E R E DW O O D A L E R T
Your new editor is Bill T. Odonnell,
Speaker: Alistair W. McCrone Jr. who is the owner of Odonnell
Entertainment. One of his clients is
Dr. McCrone is the immediate past President and Professor of Geology at St. George Reef Lighthouse. You
Humboldt State University (1974 to 2002), and has been widely recognized for his can reach him at 707-442-4117;
research and contributions in the field of geology. ERW; and at
He started his career as a well site geologist with the British American Oil
company, and then became field geologist and Field Party Chief with Shell Oil Company in northwestern Canada. His
numerous awards and recognitions have included presiding over the New York University Chapter of Sigma Xi, the
science honorary association; the 2000 Erasmus Haworth Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Kan-
sas, and the Golden Dozen Award from Humboldt State University.
In his retirement Dr. McCrone continues as an active member of science-related and civic organizations. He reads
a vid ly e sp e cia lly m a tte rs re la tin g to h is fie ld o f e xp e rtise , a n d h isto ry. H e e n jo ys p la yin g g o lf. D r M cC ro n e ’s w ife ,
Judith, is a member of ERWF. Their three adult children, two sons and a daughter, and their four grandchildren all
reside in Seattle.

P resid en t’s M essa g e Sheryl Fearrien

(Continued from page 1)

out. I must look long and hard to find accurate material to use with my students, and most often I create my
own. Sadly, because of time restraints and perhaps just not knowing any better, most teachers, I believe, rely on the
politically (in) correct version that has infiltrated most of our public school textbooks and the minds of many in author-
ity. When your child comes home with some outrageous statement about our country or leaders, find out the source
(textbook, misguided teacher, etc.) and address it. If you don't, who will? All great worthwhile movements started
with one, then a few, and finally many doing the right thing. In the children's story, the Little Red Hen (do you think it
was any accident that she was Red?) and her little (Republican?) chicks worked hard for the food (substitute
"freedom") while the lazy Dog, Pig, and Cat (feel free to substitute any Blues that come to mind, except Zel Miller, or
any Greens), wanted the food (substitute "freedom"), but were just too lazy to work for it! ... Be a Little Red
Hen! She's overworked and could use your help! There are enough (substitute "too many") Blue and Green Dogs,
Pigs, and Cats!
A n d b e e ve r m in d fu l … "The only force powerful enough to stop the rise of tyranny and terror, and replace hatred
with hope, is the force of human freedom."
President George W. Bush, State of the Union Speech, February 3, 2005

Ways & Means Report Minika Bingham & Colleen Hedrick

THANK YOU LADIES for supporting our Bake Sale at our February luncheon. It was a success! At our March meet-
in g w e w ill h a ve o u r u su a l ta b le o f ite m s (G O P je w e lry/b o o ks) fo r sa le a s w e ll a s a “S p e cia l S o m e th in g ” fo r o u r O p -
portunity Drawing. See you Friday, March 11th.

Trea su rer’s R ep o rt Eileen A m o s, A ctin g Trea su rer

Balance on 01/31/05 6,115.39
Feb. Income 1,767.10
Feb. Expenses 1,863.47
Balance on 02/23/05 6,019.02

THE REDWOOD ALERT 2005 Advertising Rates

Space is currently available for advertising.
Issue Year
Business Card- $10 or $90 year; Quarter Page- $20 or $180 year; Full Page $75 or N/A year
Please contact: Kay Peake 442-5554; 764-3021;
PREPAYMENT IS REQUIRED * Ad Copy Due Date: Last Thursday of each month. Published copies: 400 local distribution.
VOLUME 30, ISSUE 3 Page 3

Eureka Republican Women, Federated * 2005 Membership Form


Name Regular $15 Renew

Sustaining $20 New

Associate $15
Your membership is such a vital part of ERWF and
each member plays an important role in our
Please mail to: organization. Please mail in your membership
renewal and invite your friends to join our club.
E-Mail: Margaret Stafford
Thank you for your prompt payments. You have
Check 3411 Martha Ct. kept me busy as well as the Treasurer recording the
Method of Payment
Arcata, 95521 information. Margaret Stafford, Membership Chair

MEMBERSHIP 2005 Board of Directors

Membership renewals 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
are coming in at a steady President Sheryl Fearrien 725-6200
rate. Thank you to all the 1 Vice-President Lesley Craig 445-0828
members who have so nd
2 Vice-President Vee Sorenson 822-2359
generously paid your Recording Secretary JoAnn Kaney 839-7763
dues and donated extra Treasurer
money. Our Associate
Dir-at-large Eileen Amos 442-4834
memberships are so very
appreciated. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
We have 202 members, Achievement Awards Fearrien/Craig/Amos see above see above
16 Associate members Americanism Chris Wennerholm 725-2020
and 17 new members. Auditor JoAnn Stanhope 822-4776
New Members: Bulletin Editor B ill O ’D o n n e ll 442-7873
Sally Biggin, Patty Eason, Advertising Kay Peake 442-5554
Jackee Ford, Shelle Frank, Mailing
Betsy Gross, Jackie Huffman,
Kay Johnson, Sylvia Jutila, Chaplain R ita O ’C o n n e ll 268-0852
Jackie Mottaz, Florine Smith Commentary Colleen Hedrick 268-0101
and Glady Strope. Cor. Secretary Gayle Fulton 443-5369
Historian Lisa Oliveri 268-8182
Associate Members: Hospitality Sonja Hauxwell 668-5260
Chet Albin, John Fullerton, Legislation Vee Sorenson 822-2359
Alice Morgan and Jerry Scott.
Luncheons Sheryl Fearrien 725-6200
Membership Margaret Stafford 822-3255
If you notice a PINK
DOT near your address Name Tags Delores Theuerkauf 822-5090
label on this bulletin. . . it Parliamentarian Nancy Flemming 442-5677
means your dues are un- Program Lesley Craig 445-0828
paid. Please send your
check to me today. We're Public Relations Eileen Amos 442-4834
really counting on you! Telephone
Ways & Means Minika Bingham 442-6583
Margaret Stafford Colleen Hedrick 268-0101
Membership Chair
Eureka Republican Women, Federated U.S. POSTAGE PAID
EUREKA, CA 95501
c/o Eileen Amos
3950 Tess Court
Eureka, CA 95503-5172

President Bush & Laura Bush


PROBLEM: The viability of Social Security has been news headlines recently and Democrats are reversing their con-
cern considerably from stated comments during the Clinton administration. Our own Congressman made it a point to
get the Democrat talking points printed prominently in the Times Standard. His opposition is mainly to discredit Presi-
dent Bush and his arguments carry little weight for those who have studied the situation realistically.
The President has expressed, and rightly so, his concern about the importance of strengthening the program for fu-
ture generations. In 1950, 16 workers supported every one collecting Social Security. Today it is 3.3 workers and in
2008, baby boomers will begin to retire, thereby reducing the support to only 2 workers for every one on the program. If
that doesn't look like a problem, our Congressman is not doing his homework.
Even Alan Greenspan stated, "These accounts, properly constructed and managed, will create a sense of in-
creased wealth on the part of the middle and lower income workers."
The initial cost for change is a challenge, but we send our representatives to Washington to solve problems and face
challenges head on.
President Bush has pledged to work with Congress to find the most effective solution and is ready to listen to any
good ideas from either party. The Democrats so far, have done little more than frighten the elderly with mistruths, rather
than face the realities of problems ahead with suggested solutions.
SUGGESTED ACTION: Contact Congressman Thompson and Senators Boxer and Feinstein and express your op-
position to the Democrat talking points, scare tactics, short-sightedness and unwillingness to get busy and work toward a
solution. In addition, show your support by contacting President Bush
In addition, show your support by contacting President Bush. E-mail for President Bush and Vice President
Cheney are and

NOTICE . . . A large PINK DOT next to your address label on this bulletin means your dues are unpaid. Please send
your check today. ERWF memberships are delinquent after March 31.

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