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Drs KH A. Warits Ilyas was born in Guluk-Guluk Sumenep at 12 nd of

Nopember 1938. His father is KH Mohammad Ilyas Syarqowi, and the mother is Nyai
Arfiyah Binti Zainuddin. About Word “A” in the first his name is “Abd” or “Abdul”.
So his complite name is Abdul Warits Ilyas. But sad one of his family is Ahmad Irfan
AW, and he often writen his name with A Warits Ilyas.
The history of his family that from elite family from big building in Sumenep
specially. His father K Ilyas is child of founder Annuqayah building, he is K
Mohammad Syarqowi Al-Qudusi. A big building which have long history, that build
since the first without an elementof deliberateness.
Because that procces begin since meeting two friendships in a boat on the way
to mecca at years 1800. One of is pious scale from prenduan village named is Kiai
Gema (real name is Abuddin) and the one is apious young man from kudus named is
Muhammad Syarqowi.
The short time, When almost pased way because sick in Mecca, Kiai Gema
order to Kiai Syarqowi for marry with his wife if Later Kiai Gema is pased way in
mecca, and after ‘iddah Kiai Gema’s wife. And than aks for to bring go home his wife
, her named is Nyai Khadijah to Parenduan.That warrant is not without basis, firstly
Kiai gema so impressed to his privateand cleaverness from a pious young man from
After married and arrived to Prenduan, becouse social pressure Kiai Syarqowi
as visitor, at the long time Kiai feel dis felt at home stayin that south Sumenep. Than
after istikhoroh and istisyaroh he with his family moved to north Perinduan and stay
in trace of hourse cage in Guluk – Guluk, and that be foundation for build that cottage
at 1887 M.
From his family’s mother Kiai Warits is Kiai Zainuddin bin Ruham’s
grangchild. He has brother, that Kiai Syamsul Arifin, Kiai As’ad Father Sukorejo,
Situbondo. Now Bani Ruham’s family have stong relationshipwith Kiai Syarqowi’s
family. As we know than Bani Syarqowi’s family begin to domination in politic and
goverment in Sumenep since at 1999 years ago.
Called the name is KH Mohammad Ramdlan Siradj(ex of goverment of
Sumenep. He from family’s mother . he is Kiai Syarqowi’s grandchild), KH Unais Ali

Lisa Andriyani
Filsafat Pendidikan Islam| 1

Hisyam (The leader of PKB Sumenep, which the grand mother is Kiai Syarqowi’s
grandchild) . And dont forget Almaghfurlah KH A. Warits Ilyas, he has long Carier in

After departure by KH Mohammad Syarqowi at 1910 M, (20 Of Muharram

1329 H), price estavete guiven to child of Nyai Khadijah (Kiai Gema’s ex wife), he is
Kiai Bukhari and Kiai Idris . And other child still school in saveral building as Kiai
Muhammad Ilyas and Kiai Abdullah Sajjad (that all kiai Syarqowi’s child from his
wife, named is Mariyah).

Since 1 dasawarsa after let by Kiai Syarqowi all his child and his son in low
begin to build some buildings which still in nucleus building area that warrant by Kiai
Syraqowi (that called Dhalem tengnga), such as Lubangsa area (build by Kiai Ilyas),
Latee area (build by Kiai Abdullah Sajjad), the next is Nirmala area (build by Kiai
Hasan, Kiai Ilyas’s son in low), and South lubangsa area (build by Kiai Isomuddin
Bin Kiai Abdullah Sajjad, that Kiai Ilyas’s son in low too), before the last is build to
Al-Furqon area by Kiai Husain (Kiai Syarqowi’s son in low). But the location that
there iein out side nucleus building, that in Sawajarin village.

And Kiai Warits officially bring up Boarding school of Annuqayh Lubangsa

area since at 1972 years until he pased way to rahmatullah. Before him, Lubangsa is
bring up by Almarhum KH Mohammad Issomuddin AS (ex PCNU Sumenep), he is
still his cousin and his brother in low.

As price of building, the leader of politic and actor of socity, he has many
activities and many kind of it, and his progress in NU organization still can continue.
Why he can make him self so succesful to develepment his activities?

For answer it that something not easy, but not more if he said is one of it who
follow proud of him to reach succesness is his family. Becouse without love and
sugestion and wish from his family that feel difficulte if just face by him self ,
becouse it his family be the first sugestion for him.

“My family who stayed in building ber habitual to my bustle. And than now
my all childs have adult. They have some bustle by then selves as a socity ” He said.
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Filsafat Pendidikan Islam| 2

In his family has ten people (chids and wife), That is : His wife is Nyai Hj.
Nafisah (was born Sumenep at 08 of august 1654), two son: Moh Ali Fikri(S-1), and
Moh Solahuddin (Senior High Scholl), and six doughter: Qurrotul Ain (Senior High
School), Istifadah (S-2), Naila (S-1), Khatibah (S-1),Shafiyah (S-1)Nur Diana

Family can be the first abutmentto give struggle for Kiai Warits Ilyas. But if
only spirit withoput skil and stong dedication, imposible that all can be reach by him
and succesful. Whatever education which have taken by him and how he begin his
carier in his life?. This ti give something to succesness has reach by him.

As son who lifed in bording shcool, he so many opportunity to study until the
highest education level. That different than child of price formally , he can free to
continue to the higher education level. Although for do it must sail long from his

When he stil child, he was come to age for school, he begin in formal
education in MI Annuqayah. One of formal school in father’s boarding school. After
graduated from MI at 1951, he continue to cottage while school in boarding school in
Tebuireng, Jombang.

In boarding school that build by KH Hasyim As’ari. He school from Junior

High School until Senior High School. In Junior High School he graduated at 1957,
and Senior High School at 1962. In Tebuireng he through his education formal and
informal during 11 years.

After cottage in Tebuireng, he continue to IAIN Malang until graduated at

1974, but during through his education in IAIN he stayed in Jember becouse the
center of univercity last ago that there in Jember. Only when will graduation he
through in Malang.

While he study in IAIN, at 1963 he has active be teacher in MTs. Annuqayah.

Other it he active teach in SP IAIN at 1967, and be lecture‘s asistent in Jember at

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Filsafat Pendidikan Islam| 3

At 1976 two years after graduated S-1 Kiai Warits Ilyas active teach in PGAN
Sumenep. At the same time, he realible to be head master in Senior High School of
Annuqayah. The last at 1996 Kiai Warits Ilyas resignation in STIKA Guluk-Guluk as
the leader.

During he study until the last his carier Kiai Warits Ilyas, many given his time
for follow in many organization. At 1955 years, when last ago stil not be PNU, K
Warits ilyas has begin to be an Activies. He follow in PII organization.

At 1965 when he still lecture, Kiai Warits Ilyas active in organization extra
campus, that is PMII. The highest since 1973 until he pased way, Kiai Warits Ilyas
follow to Ormas Nahdlatul Ulama’ (NU).

As people who istiqamah and disipline to do his mandate from our god
(Hablun minallah) and his mandite to socity (Hablun Minannas), under his guide with
his methode and lern strategy that be development, was born many religious peple
who lifed in socity with many kind of profesion, such as teacher, price, politic, until
interprenuer. Kiai Warits ilyas pased way on Saturday, 22 nd of Rabiul Akhir 1435.
Same as 22nd of february 2014. He let many a provided a model for be the best people.


KH A. Warits Ilyas be price in islamic boarding school of Annuqayah In
Lubangsa area at 1972 M. He has many experience and skil in many management,
such as trust teacher, politic moslim, actor of socity and as Al-insan Al-kamil. Maybe
difficulte for us to look for same people as like him in his era, also now.
His service and his love to education, religious people and socity that so
amazing. He be head master of senior Hifh School (MA) in many years and period.
Becouse no one who can changce and continue. In give some mandate or believe he
so careful. Not all of people can give some action same as Kiai warits Ilyas. But just
special people who can according to him. Mandate for him not only about something
easy, but about our accountable for benefit to all people.
Between his bustle as head master and the other, he permanent to teach
although just one lesson and just twice to can come in to the class, but he never
absence. He teach seriously but also used easy language to got understanding and
make his students serious too, follow and listen well.
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Filsafat Pendidikan Islam| 4

His consideration pilosophy about God , he be very first that holy Qur’an, and
he doesn’t want to sinkritisme and suluk ideology. “Manunggaling kau lagusti” Who
fused God and human being. He believe consistence and consecuency in mazhab
Imam Syafi’ie.
He if teach or be a teacher Never absence although ne always istiqamah in
politic. That not to be wall for always attand for on time to teach. Becouse education
so very important and he given opportunity for whoever be teacher to not only
develop IQ cognitive well but also IQ social And EQ all then students.
According to him education is importenly to changce us to be god people,
who has knowladge and good atitude.

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Filsafat Pendidikan Islam| 5


Ihsan,Bakir. Oase Keteladanan KH A. Warits Ilyas.(Q Media IAA Press.2015)

Muzammil,Moh Farhan.Mata Sumenep.(Edisi 23. 17 Septenber.2015)
Mohammad Suhaidi,Imam Bukhari.Biografi Parlemen

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Filsafat Pendidikan Islam| 6

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