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DATE: 30. JUNE . 2020






(a) Write down the story of two chapter in your own words.
(b)Suggest a suitable title for two chapter.
(c) Answer the four questions in your own words of two chapter.
(d)Critically evaluate two chapter in your own words.

1. Gentle Giants
2. The Door Swings Open

Question no. 01: Write down the story of two chapter in your own words.

Gentle Giants

David Atten borough writes about the gorillas after studying their behaviors, living near them. In the
chapter, David pen downs the story of a Gorilla Who was named as 'Jambo'.
According to him Jambo was falsely blamed as killer animal or a creature there is much more to his real
lifestyles and behavior.
The author expresses the loving behavior of gorilla by reminding us of an incident that took place in a
zoo of Jersey. He tells us that one day a boy suddenly fell down into the cage of the Jambo; all the
people got worried and started shouting and screaming but this didn't made the gorilla angry or violent.
He came near the boy, who was unconscious, and thought maybe it's one of his children because their
size was nearly the same while checking the boy he discovered that he was wearing something-a shirt-
then he softly touched the back of the boy and smell his finger. He discovered that the smell of the boy
was also very strange. When after sometime the boy woke up and started to cry, he didn't do more than
just to move away with his family. This incident shows that the gorillas are not very harmful or violent
animals. The author tells that around 40 years ago maybe there is a possibility that if someone would
have fallen into the cage have not treated like this that's why people thought that gorillas are aggressive
and very violent so they put them behind the bars but Jambo did not behave like that that is why the
keepers took care of him very much and have given him a well-adjusted family.
David says that if they are not very harmful animals then how they got this reputation? Then describes
this question as, in the middle of the last century when an American explorer published a book about
hunting the gorillas in African forest. While he was exploring the African forest he was attacked by the
giant gorilla that bent his rifle with bare hands and was screaming and while standing along his head.
This was just his imagination or he tried to give some scene in the story but this had great impact in the
people or in the readers of that book and they started to think that Gorillas are harmful & aggressive
animals. Later on the King Kong movie that was released by Hollywood in 1930, had negative impact
on people because that shows that show that gorilla, a giant gorilla, has taken over New York City but
in reality they are far away from that they are nearly fully vegetarians they feed on leaves of the trees
and stems. They are in the families or groups that is headed by one male who protects the family from
any harming or alarming situation although they have immense strength that they can pull out the stems
of the trees bare handed, but they barely used that strength or power against other animals. This shows
that they are just as friendly animals as others.
In the end David says some deep words "THE SHAMING FACT IS THAT THEY ARE NOT
VIOLENT OR DANGEROUS. WE ARE". I totally agree to his words because now these gorillas are
very few thousands in number just because of our illegal hunting and destroying forests where they
inhabited. By these of our behaviors to them we've proved our so called superiority.
SUITABLE TITLE:Not every Powerful is Harmful.
The Door Swings
In older days, unlike modern era, the concept of gender equality wasn’t well supported. Even the
medical schools wont admit a female student. But Elizabeth Blackwell being first female medical
student, haltered the custom. She struggled hold to get a seat in medical college but the higher
authorities registered it. However it influential Philadelphia doctor recommended her and after words.
The student body also find quite amazing to admit a women in medical college. Thus, after a few days
Elizabeth reached Geneva medical college where the dean introduced her to the assembled students fifty
years later the elderly doctor who used to go to same medical college recalled the event: one morning
unexpectedly, a short lady,plainly dressed with firm expression and the whole class of 150 punks that
was completely a chaos, magically transformed into an organized place. The student sought their places
and remained drawing the lecture thus, the influence of a single women over a whole of men was

Question no.03: Answer the four questions in your own words of two chapter.


Question no.01: How did people have negative impression of Gorillas as violent animals?
Answer: American explorer published a book about hunting the gorillas in African forest. While he was
exploring the African forest he was attacked by the giant gorilla that bent his rifle with bare hands and
was screaming and while standing along his head. This was just his imagination or he tried to give some
scene in the story but this had great impact in the people or in the readers of that book and they started
to think that Gorillas are harmful & aggressive animals.

Question no.2: What type of animal is Jambo?

Answer: Jambo was falsely blamed as killer animal or a creature there is much more to his real
lifestyles and behavior.

Question no.03: Would you be able to tell the quantity of gorillas left with us?
Answer : No because they are thousands in number.

Question no.04: How do Gorillas behave to People?

Answer: Unlike the way they are portrayed, gorillas are usually calm and have a peaceful social life.
They rarely show aggressive behavior; it only occurs when they feel threatened. The interaction of
gorillas with humans has been progressive.


Question no.01: Why is the thought that men should be doctor according to this chapter?
Answer: According to the chapter the women were thought of an weaker entities in older days. It was
commonly that women were unable to bear the stress and carry out their duties properly as a doctor.

Question no.02: Why dd college authorities resist the idea?

Answer: The college authorities resisted the idea because they were influenced by tradition of those
days that a women could not perform her duties as doctor.

Question no.03: Do you think that women are treated equally with men in the medical profession
Answer:In hospitals, we can see female doctors work along with male doctors with great devotion. You
can also check in clinics or other medicine professions or companies women and men are worked
together and treated equally. Nowadays women walk side by side in every aspect of life.

Question no.04:Why do you think people said that only a man could be a doctor?
Answer:Nowadays, increasing the role of women in all kinds of careers, it is difficult to understand that
the medical college will not accept women at this time. He said that only a man can become a doctor. At
that time they thought women are not strong enough to become a doctor.

Question no.04: Critically evaluate two chapter in your own words.

GENTLE GIANTS: I strongly agree with the author’s perspective. These creatures are not what a few
explorers and film enterprises are demonstrating us for couple of decades. There are numerous instances
of Gorillas being a cheerful and caring for the zoo keepers and different wayfarers as well. The author’s
portrayal about negative picture of gorillas is exceptionally obvious. Elderly folks individuals just
moved this into the psyches of our ages that they are furious creatures and destructive.

THE DOOR SWING: The chapter is a tribute to a female Hunter, Elizabeth Blackwell. It also the
importance of female of education and gender emphasized the importance of female education and
gender equality. According to author women should also participate in making world a better place.
They are no less then men.,so they should also provided equal opportunities the chapter tells, that how
the Elizabeth Blackwell. Bore fruit and despite of all the opposition she succeed in achieving her
ultimate goal.

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