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Medical Astrology

Before we discuss Medical Astrology. It is important to understand the Ayurvedic

system of medicine developed in India first ever on the globe.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is formed of two words (Ayu + Veda) which means the "Science of Age". It
aims at protecting the health of an individual and curing the patient of his/her disease, so that
he/she may prolong his/her age limit to the desired end.
The science of Ayurveda is the complete science of medicine where we find full
discussion about the origin of diseases and their possible cure. This system of medicine was
developed first ever the origin of humanity on this globe by the great seers and visionaries of
Bharat to cure the human beings, animals and even trees of their diseases. Ayurveda is the
branch (or Upaveda) of Atharvaveda.
Ayurveda has a holistic approach towards physical, mental and spiritual aspects of life.
‘Life, according to Ayurveda, is a combination of senses, mind, body and soul’. Ayurveda is
not only limited to body or physical symptoms but also gives comprehensive knowledge about
spiritual, mental and social health. Thus, Ayurveda is a qualitative, holistic science of health
and longevity, a philosophy and system of healing the whole person. The perfect balance of
mind, body and soul is considered as complete health in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda focuses not only on treatment of an ailment but also aims to improve general
health with a deeper intent to prevent sickness.
Types of Ayurvedic Treatment
For most people Ayurvedic treatment means Panchakarma. However, Ayurveda has a
complete different view of treatment (Chikitsa) .
Ayurvedic treatment is directed towards the cause of diseases.
1. According to Ayurveda, first cause of diseases is the immoral and unethical actions
done in the past life.
tUekUrjd`rikie O;kf/k:is.k ck/krsA
rr~ “kkfUr% vkS’k/kS% nkuS% ti gkseLokpZuS%AA
This means some diseases develop in the body due to the paapa karmas (immoral and
unethical deeds) done in the past life.
For the treatment of for Karmaja diseases or diseases born as a result of actions done in
the past life Deva-vyapasraya (Astrological) treatment is prescribed.
2. Second cause of disease is vitiation of doshas (vata, pitta and kapha), imbalance of
agni (heat or ora the body and irregularity in stool and urination.
Lkenks’k&lekfXu”ple/kkrkS eyfdz;k%A izlUUkkRek bfUnz;eu%LoLFk bR;fHk/kh;rsAA
Ayurveda prescribes Yukti-vyapasraya Chikitsa (pharmacological) therapy for the
treatment of Dosaja or diseases born as result of vitiation of three Dosas, imbalance of ora and
irregular stooling and urination.
3. Third cause:Ayurveda states that Kama (lust), Krodha(anger), Lobha (greed) Bhaya
(fear), Moha (desires/attachment), Irsha (jealousy), Dvesa (hate), Visada (grief), Ego (pride)
cause stress, anxiety, & depression resulting into various mental illnesses. For the treatment of
mental disorders, Ayurveda suggests Sattvavajaya Chikitsa. It is a psycho-behavioral therapy.
There is no fundamental difference between sattvavajaya and modern psychotherapy.
Sattva means mind and Avayaja means to overcome.
Medical Astrology
Role of Medical Astrology starts with the second type of therapy, i.e. Deva
Vyapashraya Chikitsa.
It helps us to know the diseases likely to invade the body and mind of a particular
individual through the positions of stars, planets in his horoscope.
What is Astrology?
Astrology is an attempt to understand the occurrence of the problems/diseases in the
present life of an individual due to the karmas performed by him/her in his/her past life on the
basis of the reading of the positions of the stars and planets at the time of his/her birth (or
his/her horoscope).
It is based upon astronomy called Jyotish, meaning the study of stars, which is an
ancillary science of the Veda (Vedanga). It was also called ]yotirveda, the 'Star Veda' or
'science of stars'
It is said about astronomy
vizR;{kkf.k “kkL=kf.k fooknLrs’kq dsoye~A
izR;{ka T;ksfr’k”kkL=a pUnzkdkSZ ;L; lkf{k.kkSAA
All other Shastras are indirect and there may be dispute among them, but astronomy is the
direct Shastra whose witness are the Sun and the Moon.
So on the basis of positions of the Sun, the Moon, other planets and the stars one tries
to study the results of the action’s done in the past human life. Here it may be understood that
this science applies only to those human beings who are born as human beings on the basis of
his past life actions and karmika sanskaras. If his/her actions were of the worst type, he/she
would been born in the species lower than human beings like, animals, birds, insects and
plants popularly known in the Vedic parlance as Naraka Loka.
Varahaimihira, one of the famous Indian astronomers says in the Brihata Jaataka-
dekftZra iwoZHkos lnkfn ;ÙkL; iafDra lekfHkO;ufDr
That is through astrology or study of the junctions of stars we may know the results of good or
bad deed’s of an individuals’s previous births.
Kalyan Verma says in Saaravali
;nqifpr eU; tUefu “kqHkk”kqHka deZ.k% iafDre~A
O;at;fr “kkL=esrr~ refl nzO;kf.k nhi boa
That is whatever good or bad deed is done by human in his previous life, astrology reveals it
like a lamp in the darkness.

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