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1. Ram buys a watch for Rs.200 and sells it for Rs.250 find his percentage of profit.
1) 25% 2) 50% 3) 20%
4) 40% 5) Other than those given as options
2. Raj purchased a bicycle for Rs.8000 and spent Rs.1000 on it repairs. He had to
sell it for Rs.7200 find his profit (or) loss percent
1) 25% 2) 40% 3) 20%
4) 35% 5) Other than those given as options
3. A man buy a cycle for Rs. 1400 and sell it at a loss of 15%. What is the selling
price of the cycle?
1) Rs. 1202 2) Rs. 1190 3) Rs. 1160
4) Rs. 1000 5) Other than those given as options
4. On selling an article for Rs. 651, there is a loss of 7%. The cost price of that
article is
1) Rs. 744 2) Rs. 751 3) Rs. 793
4) Rs. 700 5) Other than those given as options
5. If by selling an article for Rs.340 a man loses 15%. For how much should he sell
the ball so at to gain 15%
1) 400 2) 460 3) 480
4) 500 5) Other than those given as options
6. By selling a watch for Rs. 620 a man loses 7%. Find the profit or loss percent.
When he sells the same for Rs. 700
1) 8% profit 2) 20% profit 3) 8% loss
4) 5% profit 5) Other than those given as options
7. A man sold a watch at a loss of 10 percent. If he had taken Rs. 70 more, there
would have been a gain of 4 percent. Find the CP of that watch.
1) Rs. 500 2) Rs. 450 3) Rs. 400
4) Rs. 250 5) Other than those given as options
8. Some apples are bought at 5 for Rs.10 and sold at 6 for Rs.15. What is the gain
1) 35% 2) 45% 3) 25%
4) 20% 5) Other than those given as options
9. A man lost 10% by selling oranges at the rate of 11 for a rupee. How many a rupee
should be sell them to gain 10%
1) 10 2) 9 3) 15
4) 12 5) Other than those given as options


10. Profit obtained by selling an article for Rs. 425 is same the loss, when the same
article is sold for Rs. 355. The cost of the commodity is
1) 400 2) 395 3) 385
4) 390 5) Other than those given as options
11. The profit obtained by selling an article for Rs. 96 is twice the loss obtained by
selling the same article for Rs. 75. Find the CP.
1)Rs. 81 2)Rs. 82 3) Rs. 85.00
4) Rs. 83 5) Other than those given as options
12. The % loss incurred by selling an article for Rs. 24,280 is equal lo the % profit
earned by selling the same article for Rs. 36,420. At what price should the article
be sold so as to earn a profit of 28% ?
1) Rs. 38,848 2) Rs. 34,587 3) Rs. 35,143 4) Rs. 33,675 5) Rs. 37,633
13. If the price of 18 chairs and 8 tables is Rs 9600 then what is the price of 45 chairs
and 20 tables ?
1) Rs 24.000 2) Rs. 23.800 3) Rs. 25.400
4) Cannot be determined 5) Rs. 22.500
14. A man purchases 2 houses 5 lakhs each. He sells one at a gain of 10% and the
other at a loss of 10%. Find the over all loss (or) gain %
1) 1% loss 2) 1 % gain 3) 10% gain
4) No profit no loss 5) Other than those given as options
15. A man sells two watches at Rs. 621 each on one he gain 20% and on the other he
loses 20% what is his gain% (or) loss%
1) 20% loss 2) 20% gain 3) 4 % loss
4) 4% gain 5) Other than those given as options
16. A man sells two watches for Rs. 1820 each on one he gain 30% and the on the
other he loses 30%. Find the total cost price of the two watches.
1) Rs.2000 2) Rs.3640 3) Rs.4000
4) Rs.3500 5) Other than those given as options
17. A business man sold one-third of his merchandise at a loss of 10%. At what
percentage of gain he should sell the remaining goods to gain 10% on the whole ?
1) 5% 2) 10% 3) 15%
4) 20% 5) Other than those given as options
18. Raju purchased an item for Rs. 4.500 and sold it at the gain of 15%. From that
amount he purchased another item and sold it at the loss of 10% What is his
overall gain / loss ?
1) Rs. 157.50 Loss 2) Rs. 157.50 Gain 3) Rs. 156 Loss
4) No Gain/Loss 5) Rs 165.50 Gain
19. Sita sells a calculator to Gita at a gain of 17% and Gita sells it to Anu at a loss of
25%. If Anu pays Rs. 1842.75 for it, what did Sita pay for it?
1) Rs. 2080 2) Rs. 2100 3) Rs. 2110
4) Rs. 2000 5) Other than those given as options


20. If selling price is doubled, the profit triples. Find the profit percent.
2 1
1) 66 2) 100 3) 105
3 3
4) 120 5) Other than those given as options
21. The cost price of 10 articles is same as the selling price of 8 articles. What is the gain %
1) 20% 2) 30% 3) 25%
4) 40% 5) Other than those given as options
22. The cost price of 12 articles is same as the selling price of 15 articles. What is the loss%
1) 15% 2) 20% 3) 25%
4) 10% 5) Other than those given as options
23. By selling 15 books, a man gains the selling price of 3 books as profit. What is the
profit percent.
1) 15% 2) 25% 3) 20%
4) 10% 5) Other than those given as options
24. By selling 20 articles, a man loses the selling price of 5 articles. The loss percent is
1) 20% 2) 25% 3) 33 3 %

4) 16 3 % 5) Other than those given as options

25. By selling 80 mangoes, a fruit seller gain the CP of 20 mangoes. His gain percent is
1) 20% 2) 8% 3) 15%
4) 25% 5) Other than those given as options
26. A merchant professes to sell goods at CP but uses a false weight of 960 grams for
a kilogram. His gain percent is
1) 4% 2) 40% 3) 4 1/6 %
4) Other than those given as options 5) 84%
27. A merchant professes to lose 6% on a certain tea, but he uses a weight equal to
900 grams instead of one kg. His real gain is
1) 5% 2) 4% 3) 5 %
4) 4 % 5) Other than those given as options
28. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at cost price but gains 25%. What
weight does he substitute for 1 kg.
1) 800 grams 2) 750 grams 3) 850 grams
4) 980 grams 5) Other than those given as options
29. A reduction of 10% in the price of sugar enables a person to obtain 25 kg more for
Rs. 225. What is the reduced price per kg.
1) 2.25 2) Rs. 1 3) 90 paise
4) 1.50 5) Other than those given as options


30. A reduction of 20% in the price of mangoes enables a person to purchase 12 more
7for Rs. 15. The price of 16 mangoes before reduction was.
1) Rs. 5 2) Rs. 6 3) Rs. 7 4) Rs. 9 5) Rs. 4
31. A person bought an article and sold it at a loss of 10%. If he had bought if for 20%
less and sold it for Rs. 55 more, he would have had a profit of 40%. The CP of the article is
1) Rs. 200 2) Rs. 205 3) Rs. 250
4) Rs. 275 5) Other than those given as options
32. A man sells two horses for Rs. 4000 each, neither lossing nor gaining in the deal.
If he sold one horse at a gain of 25%, the other horse is sold at a loss of
1) 16 2/3 % 2) 18 2/9 % 3) 25%
4) 17% 5) Other than those given as options
33. Successive discounts of 20% and 10% are equivalent to a single discount of
1) 30% 2) 15% 3) 28%
4) 25% 5) Other than those given as options
34. The marked price of a table is 400 and two successive discount of 20% and 15%
are allowed. Find the selling price
1) Rs.272 2) Rs.270 3) Rs.275
4) Rs.300 5) Other than those given as options
35. After giving two successive discounts of 5% and 10%. The selling price of an
article is Rs. 1881. Find the marked price
1) Rs.2500 2) Rs.2200 3) Rs.3000
4) Rs.40000 5) Other than those given as options
36. The list price of a chair is Rs. 75. A customer is given two successive discounts.
He pays Rs. 63.45. If the first discount is 10%, find the second discount.
1) 4% 2) 5% 3) 6%
4) 6.5% 5) Other than those given as options
37. Suresh marks the price of a shirt 35% above the actual cost price and then sells
it at a discount of 20% on the marked price. What is the profit percent earned by
him ?
1) 8 2) 8.75 3) 7 4) 6.93 5) 7.24
38. A shopkeeper marks his goods in such a way that after allowing a discount of 10%
he gains 26%. How much percent above the cost price is the marked price ?
1) 23% 2) 40% 3) 38%
4) 36% 5) Other than those given as options
39. Manish purchased an article for Rs 4,500. He then labeled the price in such a
way so as to earn 25% profit. However while selling he offered 8% discount on the
labeled price. What is the actual percent profit earned ?
1) 16 2) 17 3) 20 4) 18 5) 15
40. Mahesh sold a machine for Rs. 24,816 with a discount of 6% on the labeled price
and made a profit of 12.8%. What would have been the percent profit if the machine
was sold without any discount on the labeled price ?
1) 18 2) 20 3) 22 4) 27 5) 25

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