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Psychic vampires take the vital essence and force of will how efficiently she can take and use this Ephemera. She can-
from their victims, taking it for their own benefit. Most not store more Ephemera than her Resolve dots; additional
psychic vampires are born with their gifts. Some develop Ephemera must be used the turn it’s acquired, for one of the
the ability through ancient rituals, curses, strange relics, or things she is able to power. The Ephemeral Battery Merit can
other oddness. Some others become vampires by infection; increase this amount.
some psychic vampires can pass their condition when they
feed from another’s life force. Unaging
Unlike some of the other groups in this chapter, psychic
All psychic vampires can spend a number of Ephemera
vampirism is not a group: It’s a phenomenon. Some psychic
equal to their current age to not age for one year. For example,
vampires band together into small groups; at least two inter-
a 33-year-old psychic vampire can spend 33 Ephemera to
national networks exist amongst these psychics. While small,
not show the signs of age for a year. This counts her full age,
these networks do well to educate members. The networks
not her apparent age. If she does not continue the unaging
mostly struggle with recruitment; new psychic vampires
effect, she continues aging as normal once the year is up.
have no reliable way to discover the networks, so only those
Theoretically, this could result in eternal youth.
vampires caused by Psychic Infection (see below) are likely
These points do not have to be spent all at once; they can
to connect with these groups thanks to contact with their
be spent at any time during that year.
progenitors. But most avoid their own kind, finding them-
selves in groups with mundane humans, other non-vampiric
psychics, or around other supernatural creatures. Typically, Ephemera Bleed
they must keep their hunger a secret. Psychic vampire characters lose one Ephemera per day.
A psychic vampire learns of her condition usually when If your character has no Ephemera, she loses Willpower
it’s still quite benign; she causes fatigue and minor illness in instead, and cannot regain Willpower until she has at least
her victims. But as she increases in power, as time goes on, she one Ephemera. If she loses all Willpower this way, she begins
becomes more and more dangerous. The temptation to take taking lethal damage instead, and cannot heal until she recov-
becomes too great, as she learns more and more uses for the ers at least a point of Ephemera.
psychic energy she steals. Then eventually, psychic vampires If your character has no Ephemera, she becomes extremely
learn to use their condition for protection, as a weapon. irritable and volatile. She suffers a cumulative –1 per day to
all Resolve + Composure actions. This continues to get worse
Template Features and Merits until she replenishes at least a point of Ephemera, or the
penalty is equal to her Psychic Vampirism dots.
Psychic vampires receive their signature Merit, Psychic
Vampirism, with a single dot for free. If her vampirism is
tied to a relic or something that can be taken away from her,
Psychic Vampirism
gain an additional dot in any of the below Merits for free. (• to •••••, Style, Supernatural Merit)
Effect: To use Psychic Vampirism, your character must
Ephemera touch a victim, skin-to-skin. The Breath Stealer Merit alters
this. Any use of Psychic Vampirism is an instant action, so
Psychic Vampirism abilities steal and utilize “Ephemera,” a
it cannot be combined with other instant actions, such as
sort of psychic fuel. Her dots in Psychic Vampirism determine

Story Hooks for Psychic Vampires

•  Your character finds a person, a normal person, she cannot feed from. He’s alive. But…there’s nothing
there. He’s got nothing to feed from. That’s bad enough. But then she runs into a second one.
•  In one part of town, your character rapidly loses all her Ephemera. Is it environmental? Is someone
targeting her? Is there another, greater vampire?
•  A curio shop owner approaches you with an ancient goblet, and offers it cheap. He says it’ll feed you
like you’ve never been filled before. Simply fill it with blood, drink from it, and you’ll never want again.

Psychic Vampires
Note on Supernatural Victims
By and large, Psychic Vampirism works on most things in the Chronicles of Darkness. However, a psychic
vampire cannot steal the life energy of an actual vampire. She can steal Willpower if her Psychic Vampirism
Merit is strong enough. Psychic vampires cannot steal the life of ghosts or spirits, unless they have the Soul
Eater Merit. Using psychic vampirism on supernatural creatures is slightly tougher; subtract their Supernatural
Potency trait (Blood Potency, Gnosis, Primal Urge, etc.) from the roll to activate the power.

physical attacks. However, she can use it as a grappling ma- a point of bashing damage, or two Ephemera to heal one
neuver (use the grappling maneuver dice pools instead of the lethal damage.
normal Psychic Vampirism dice pool in that case). Dilettante (••): With this level, she can choose to steal
Use of Psychic Vampirism abilities requires a roll of psychic energy from her victim instead of causing damage.
Intelligence + Occult + Psychic Vampirism – the victim’s For every two successes, she steals one Willpower from her
Resolve dots. Successes determine the level of effect. She can victim and converts it into one Ephemera. For two Ephemera,
combine effects and divide her successes between points of she can regain one spent Willpower point.
damage and Willpower. Practiced (•••): Now, her ability to harm is intensified.
Each level of Psychic Vampirism has two effects: One Every success causes two bashing damage or one lethal dam-
enhances your character’s ability to feed from Ephemera, the age, and gives her one Ephemera. She can heal two bashing
other allows your character to use Ephemera. The Ephemera or one lethal with a point of Ephemera.
expenditure ability may be used reflexively once per turn; Accomplished (••••): Her psychic draining improves.
only one such ability can be used per turn. Now, every success drains a point of Willpower from her
Amateur (•): With this basic level, your character can victims and gives her one Ephemera. A point of Ephemera
cause bashing damage. She causes one bashing damage regains a point of Willpower.
per success on her roll. Every two points of bashing dam- Virtuoso (•••••): With this pinnacle of psychic vampir-
age gives her one Ephemera (this can be accumulated ism, the character’s ability to steal life becomes utterly fear-
over multiple turns). She can use one Ephemera to heal some. Every success causes both one lethal damage and one

Chapter three-The Other Side
Willpower loss if she wishes, and gives her two Ephemera. Sensual Touch (••): At this level, your character’s touch
A single Ephemera point recovers a point of Willpower, and becomes euphoric. Victims of her psychic vampirism gain
one lethal or two bashing damage. the Swooned Condition toward her.
Addicting Touch (•••): With this level, her touch is
Breath Stealer addicting. Victims gain the Addicted Condition in regards
(• to •••, Supernatural Merit) to her touch.

Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism Nocturnal Supremacy

Effect: Your psychic vampire may steal breath instead of
touching a victim. Each level in this Merit modifies the dis-
(••, Supernatural Merit)
tance from which she can activate Psychic Vampirism abilities. Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism
Kiss (•): Your character must be very close to steal breath. Effect: Your character has an affinity for the darkness, like
Her mouth must be close to her victim’s; she must be able the vampires with which she shares a name. When the sun is
to feel her victim’s breath. down and she has at least a point of Ephemera, she gains one
Touch (••): The range extends. If she could touch her of the following advantages, chosen when you take this Merit:
victim with an outstretched arm, she can steal breath. • Her body becomes more robust, more perfect. She
Reach (•••): At the pinnacle of ability, she can steal breath gains a dot of Strength and a dot of Stamina.
from a number of meters (or yards) equal to her Willpower
dots. But to do so, she must spend a point of Willpower in • She becomes charismatic and sly. She gains a dot of
addition to any other costs for Psychic Vampirism abilities. Presence and a dot of Manipulation.
This Willpower enables this ability for the scene.
Note: This may limit usage in certain situations. For • Her flesh becomes tight as marble, as strong as leather.
example, if trying to leech Ephemera from a monster which She gains 1/1 armor, which stacks with any worn armor.
doesn’t breathe, Breath Stealer is useless.
• Her senses sharpen and perfect themselves for the
dark. Take +3 to all Perception-based rolls, and take
Burst of Speed (•, Supernatural Merit) no penalties from darkness. Double the range of all
Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism your character’s senses. Additionally, your character
Effect: Your character may use Ephemera to push her benefits from the Danger Sense Merit.
body to briefly inhuman speeds. Spend a point of Ephemera During the day, your character suffers a –2 to all actions.
to add +5 to Initiative and Speed for a turn, and +1 to If she does not sleep at least eight hours of the day, she suffers
Defense. Only one point may be spent in this way per turn. the Lethargic Condition (see p. 150).
Dots gained by this Merit affect all derived traits, and can
Ephemeral Battery increase Attributes beyond their normal maximums. You may
(• to •••••, Supernatural Merit) purchase this Merit multiple times, however, each additional
expenditure costs an additional dot. So the first purchase
Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism costs two dots, the second costs three, the third costs four.
Effect: Your psychic vampire may store more Ephemera However, you may only take a single advantage one time;
than most. For every dot in this Merit, she may store an ad- additional purchases must be allocated to other advantages.
ditional point of Ephemera above her Resolve. As well, the penalties for daylight activity do not stack; your
character only suffers –2 and a single instance of Lethargic.
Euphoric Touch
(• to •••, Supernatural Merit) Psychic Infection (•, Supernatural Merit)
Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism
Effect: Your psychic vampire’s touch numbs or creates Effect: Your character spreads her vampirism to others.
euphoria when she uses her gifts. Any time she touches a After any scene where a human character without the Psychic
victim and activates Psychic Vampirism, you may choose Vampirism Merit marks his last Health box because of your
to activate Euphoric Touch. Her dots in Euphoric Touch character’s psychic vampirism, suffers a wound penalty from
determine her choices; she may administer any or all of her it, or loses his last Willpower from it, roll your character’s
Euphoric Touch abilities at once. dots in Psychic Vampirism. Success means that character
Numbing Touch (•): At this level, your character’s touch gains the first dot of Psychic Vampirism and a single point of
numbs. Victims of her Psychic Vampirism suffer no wound Ephemera. If he loses that Ephemera and all his Willpower
penalties for the scene. Additionally, any rolls to detect by from Ephemera Bleed before he feeds on Ephemera, the
touch — including detecting your character’s vampirism — Psychic Vampirism Merit fades. But if he chooses to feed
suffer a –5 penalty. from Ephemera, the Merit becomes permanent.

Psychic Vampires
Psychic Seduction (•, Supernatural Merit) Soul Eater (••, Supernatural Merit)
Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism
Effect: Your character’s psychic connection subtly but Effect: Your psychic vampire’s abilities extend beyond
intimately changes his victims. When successfully stealing the physical, and the living. If she touches a ghost or spirit,
Ephemera from a victim, you may choose to change her Vice she can use her Psychic Vampirism abilities on the creature.
(or equivalent trait). Unlike a normal Vice, this can be highly This requires the creature be Manifest, or the vampire to have
specific (for example, “submit to me” would be a valid choice). another awareness with which to find and touch the victim.
To shed this Vice, the victim must spend Willpower points
equal to the combined lethal damage and Willpower lost to Unearthly Beauty
your character’s vampirism. These Willpower must be spent
for this purpose alone.
(• or ••, Supernatural Merit)
The victim may choose to adopt the new Vice perma- Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism
nently and take a Beat. The Vice cannot be changed by any Effect: Your psychic vampire can use her Ephemera to
means for at least one chapter. assume an inhumanly beautiful appearance. By spending
one Ephemera, she may emulate the Striking Looks Merit
Psychic Transference at two dots (see the Chronicles of Darkness Rulebook, p.
54). If she already has Striking Looks at one dot, she gains
(••, Supernatural Merit) a second dot, and applies the 9-again quality to all rolls on
Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism which Striking Looks applies. If she has Striking Looks at
Effect: Your psychic vampire may not only heal herself two dots, apply 8-again instead.
with her abilities, but may transfer life energy from one With the two-dot version of this Merit, the effect lasts for
person to another. Any use of Psychic Transference costs the full lunar month with each activation, if your character
one Ephemera and one Willpower in addition to any other spends one additional Ephemera.
costs; her soul acts as a conduit for vital essence. She must
be touching both the victim, and the person she wishes Vampiric Potency
to gift. When activating Psychic Vampirism with Psychic
Transference, she may offer Willpower and healing (through
(• to •••••, Supernatural Merit)
spent Ephemera) to the subject, instead of taking them for Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism
herself. She spends Ephemera, and the subject heals instead Effect: Your psychic vampire can channel her Ephemera
of being drained. into inborn ability. When taking this Merit, choose a single
Attribute. At any time, she can spend an Ephemera to
Shapechanging increase that Attribute by one dot for the scene, including
(•• or •••, Supernatural Merit) all derived traits. She can do this to a limit of her Vampiric
Potency Merit dots. This can take her above her normal dot
Prerequisites: Psychic Vampirism limit (usually 5) for Attributes.
Effect: Your psychic vampire can spend Ephemera to Notes: You may take this Merit multiple times, each rep-
change into animal forms. Each purchase of Shapechanging resenting a different Attribute. Using this Merit for Resolve
allows for a different animal form. Typically, these animals allows for a greater temporary amount of stored Ephemera.
are regionally or culturally appropriate to your character or
your character’s home: A teenager in Minnesota isn’t likely
to turn into a howler monkey. Also, while not exclusive, this
Merit favors predatory and nocturnal animals. Predatory or MERCHANT-ESPOSITO
nocturnal animal forms are •• Merits; other animals are
••• Merits. “You don’t know what I’ve lived. I advise you watch your tone.”
Your character takes the shape of the animal, and all its Background: Lucia was an orphan in Naples; she thinks
Physical Attributes. Other Attributes and Skills remain the her family comes from Romania thanks to a pendant that was
character’s own, while some may be effectively useless (a bat with her. She has no strong memories of that time; the church
can’t likely use Firearms, for example). that raised her for the first few years sold her off quickly to a
As a general guideline, animal attacks cause 0L damage, or farm, where she and many other children worked. Lucia was
1L damage for large natural weapons (like bear bites). Some always defiant, always trying to escape. So in her early teens,
especially massive natural weapons, like alligator bites, can she was sold off and smuggled away to New York to serve as a
cause 2L. Work with your Storyteller to determine other basic maid, a nanny, or whatever else to a wealthy family. Desperate
traits and advantages animal forms might have. at 16, she searched for a way out, and found it in Mr. Merchant,

Chapter three-The Other Side

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