Insaf Teachers Wing Final

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By-Laws 2019.

Passed by CEC:

Signature of Chief Organizer: _________________________

Date __________________

Dr. Mohammad Amjad

Central Deputy Secretary General
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

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Table of Content

Our Vision…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5

1. Preamble……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
 Importance of Teachers……………………………………………………………………………………………5
 Teaching Education and professional development in Pakistan………………………………..5
2. Name……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
3. Objective……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
 Core objectives………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
 Targeted objectives……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
 Challenges……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...8

 Education of Pakistan………..…………………………………………………………………………………………...8
 Problems of Govt school Teachers…………………………………………………………………………………..9
 Financial Problems………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
 Political Interference…………………………………………………………………………………………….10
 Professional development…………………………………………………………………………………….10
 Objectives to be achieved………………………………………………………………………………….….10
4. Membership……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….10
4.1 Eligibility………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
4.2 Membership Fee: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. .11
4.3 Membership fee default…………………………………………………………………………………………………11
4.4 Joining other party………………………………………………………………………………………………………...12
4.5 Membership Requirements:…………………………………………………………………………………..........12
4.6 Funds:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12

5. Working Regions of ITW ………………………………………………………………………………………………….....12

5.1 ITW at the Local Government Bodies Level ……..…………………………………………………………..13
5.2 General Conditions:: ..................................................................................................... 13
5.3Composition of the ITW Central Working Committee ………………………………………………………14
5.4 Functions of ITW Central Working Committee ……………………………………………………………….14
5.5 Central Governing Committee Composition ................................................................. . 15
6 Functions of Central Governing Committee .............................................................................. 15
6.1 ITW Regional Working Committee Composition ................................................................... 16
6.2 Functions of Regional Working Committee ……………………………………………………………………………16
6.3 Regional Governing Committee (RGC) .................................................................................. 17

6.4 Functionof ITW RegionalGoverningCommittee:………………………………..……17

 6.4.1 District/ City District Organization: .............................................................................. 18

 6.4.2.Composition of District/ City District Working Committee: ........................................... 18

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 6.4.3.Functions of District Working Committee: .................................................................... 18

 6.4.4.District Governing Committee: ................................................................................. …. 19

 6.4.5.Functions of District Governing Committee:.................................................................. 19

 6.4.6 ....... Composition of Tehsil/ Town/ Taluka/ Cantonment Board Areas Working Committee: 20

 6.4.7.Functions of Tehsil/ Town/ Taluka/ Cantonment Board Areas Working Committee:20

 6.4.8.Tehsil/ Town/ Taluka/ Cantonment Board Areas Governing Committee: ......................... 20

 6.4.9Functions of Tehsil/ Town/ Taluka/ Cantonment Board Areas Governing Committee: ...... 21

7. Power and Functionsof Office Bearersof ITW……………………………………………..22

7.1The President: ................................................................................................................... 22

 7.2.Senior Vice President (SVP): ............................................................................................ 22

 7.3.The General Secretary (G.S):............................................................................................ 22

 7.4.Additional General Secretary (AGS): ................................................................................ 23

 7.5.Deputy General Secretary: .............................................................................................. 24

 7.6.Joint Secretary: ............................................................................................................... 24

 7.7.Secretary Information: .................................................................................................... 24

 7.8.Secretary Finance: .......................................................................................................... 24

 7.9.The Secretary Teachers: .................................................................................................. 25

8 Discipline:……………………………………………………………………………...25

9. General Provisions:……………………………………………………………………25

 9.1. Shared Decision Making: ...........................................................................................….25

10. Nomination of Organizations at all Tiers:…………………………………………....26

11. Amendment to the by-laws………………………………………………………….....26

12. Evaluation:……………………………………………………………………………...27

13. Finance:………………………………………………………………………………....27

14. Discipline:…………………………………………………………………………….....27

15. Eligibility Criteria for Office Holders of Insaf Teachers Wing: …………………...27

16. Operational Norms:…………………………………………………………………….27

17. Merit Certificates:……………………………………………………………………....28

18. Sunset Clause:…………………………………………………………………………...28

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19. Procedures for Interim Notifications at Center:……………………………………. ..28

20 Note:……………………………………………………………………………………...29

21. Powers to Clarify, Remove Ambiguities and Interpret By-laws……………………..29

22. Disqualification:………………………………………………………………………....29

23. Vacancy of Office:…………………………………………………………………….…29

24. Insaf Teachers Affairs Board:…………………………………………………………30

 24.1. Functions: ............................................................................................................. 30

25. Patron- In- Chief:………………………………………………………………………30

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Our Vision:
Develop professional skills of teaching students of every age by providing work-
based learning. To offer quality education to students. To build a long-term career as
a teacher in a position that offers opportunities for career growth, and to keep up
with cutting-edge teaching technologies.


Spirit of this document is derived from the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf,

Chairman Imran khan’s vision and commitment to establish Pakistan on the footsteps
of Riasat-e- Madina that declared a quality education is a right for all learners in
These by-laws have been prepared under the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
Constitution 2019 Clause V-6.2.4 and;
 Are the applicable to all the members of Insaf Teachers Wing;
 Shall supplement and not replace PTI Constitution 2019;
 Shall always be read and understood along with relevant provisions of the PTI
Constitution 2019.

PTI constitution pertaining to Insaf Teachers Wing is mentioned below:

Importance of Teachers:

Teachers play an important role in our life to become successful in career and business.
A good teacher helps us to become a good human being in society and a good citizen
of the country. Teachers know that students are the future of any nation. So the future
development of any nation is in the hands of teachers. Teachers are arguably the most
important members of our society. They give children purpose, set them up for success
as citizens of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. The
children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and teachers are that critical point that
makes a child ready for their future.

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In Pakistan, it is very important to equip teachers with unique methodologies so that
they may teach well using low resources in schools. A teacher can transform students
with the right use of chalk and challenges and for that professional development is
very important. We want an education benefits all learners in the country, and we want
the best education that is possible in Pakistan. Urgent action can no longer be delayed.

Teaching Education and Professional Development Program in Pakistan:

Teacher education and teachers play a pivotal role in educational world depends on
both for change and development. Teacher training programs, teachers gain insights
learning in the perspectives of learners and try to transform these teaching skills to
students. Professional trainings are designed or conducted to prepare teachers for more
adaptive, knowledge-based practice, while simultaneously tackling the redesign of
schools and teaching.
The above idea implies that training for teachers is the way they equip themselves with
professional skills and development. These programs are almost activity based in which
teachers actively participate. Teaching requires flexibility, knowledge of subject and;

1. Knowledge of Teachers
2. Teaching Methods
3. Curriculum designs

Without trainings, teachers are faced with greater difficulties which hinder them in
designing curriculum, planning syllabus, teaching courses, organizing classrooms and
analyzing learners‟ specific needs.

2. Name
The document is titled, “Insaf Teachers Wing (ITW)” and it is a very supporting
organ of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and it will hold its official name as “Insaf
Teachers Wing (ITW)”.

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Core Objectives:

1. ITW shall adhere to the Constitution of PTI faithfully.

2. The ITW will remain aligned with the strategies, implementation processes and
initiative of PTI.
3. It will keep dynamic liaison with the Mother Body at every level and tier.
4. To formulate Teaching Policy of the Party.
5. To provide help and support to PTI in honoring its commitment to the nation
pertaining to Teachers Wing particularly in development and advancement of
Teaching sector of the Pakistan.
6. To assist PTI in achieving its objectives and laid down in the PTI Constitution.

Targeted Objectives:

One of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf main aims is to work towards the goal of ‘No Teacher
Left Behind’ by:

1. Insaf Teacher wing (ITW) shall work for the welfare and betterment of the teachers
community by addressing the issues that are causing problems in dispensation of their

2. ITW shall have close contact with Teachers Association to understand their issues
and to help them to resolve their problems.

3. ITW shall constitute its Curriculum Committee which shall strive, with the help of
eminent Educationist, to bring improvement in the curriculum through its

4. ITW shall work to bring improvement in the conditions of government and private
schools with the help of the authorities.

5. ITW shall strive to achieve the goal of free and compulsory education for all children

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up to the secondary level.

6. ITW shall work to ensure attendance of the teachers in villages and far flung areas
of Pakistan.

7. ITW shall constitute a Committee of Experts to formulate Education policy of the


8. ITW shall work to raise the Social status of Teachers.

9. ITW helps in providing quality training and support to teachers, especially in low

income schools and underprivileged areas.

10. ITW shall work to create a platform which helps teachers grow as educational


11. ITW shall ensure to give teachers a voice where they can express their concerns

and challenges.

12. ITW shall focus on opening up opportunities for educators to visit, form links and

receive training from international educational organizations in order to bring the

latest educational practices to Pakistan.

13. ITW shall enable teachers to teach and learn from global perspectives in

collaboration with peers from all over the world.

14. The objective of teacher education is to develop a good command of the subject

matter of the assignment given to him in the colleges.

15. The main objective of teacher education is to develop a skill to stimulate

experience in the taught, under an artificially created environment, less with

material resources and more by the creation of an emotional atmosphere. The

teacher should develop a capacity to do, observe, infer and to generalize.

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16. The objective is to understand the child psychology so that the teacher is

able to appreciate the difficulties experienced by children so as to bring about

new modes and methods of achieving the goals in consonance with the reactions

of the children.

17. One of the major objectives of teacher education is to develop proper altitudes

towards teaching as a result of which he will be able to maximize the

achievements from both the material and human resources. There is also

development of a proper perception of the problems of universal enrolment,

regular attendance, and year-to-year promotion.

18. The objective of teacher education is to develop the capacity to extend the

resources of the school by means of improvisation of instructional facilities.

19. The objectives of teacher education are development of the ability to take care

of himself in terms of:

a) Adjustment with the physical conditions,

b) Healthy adjustment with the social environment
c) Adjustment with himself to derive emotional satisfaction with his life.


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The education system of Pakistan, in terms of quality teaching and learning, stands in
the lowest rank in the world. Numerous reasons can be held responsible for this state of
affairs. Teacher is one of these factors. Teacher is an important part of the teaching and
learning process, who faces various problems due to which they cannot play their roles
effectively in the education process teachers are less motivated towards teaching
profession, because their appointments, transfers, placements and promotions are
decided on nepotism, corruption and political affiliations rather than on merit. In many
cases teachers are posted in remote areas, faced with accommodation and transportation
problems. Teachers face shortage of teaching and learning resources in schools, there
are fewer professional development opportunities for teachers, servant-master
environment and a culture of leg-pulling and flattering prevails in schools, and that
teachers often rely on other activities such as property business, shop keeping etc. for
living. This has gravely affected the process of teaching and learning in schools.

Education of Pakistan:

A highly neglected and heterogeneous sector Education in Pakistan, from the very
beginning, has never remained a priority for both the military and Civil Governments. A
very limited amount of the GDP (less than 3%) has been allocated to the Education Sector in
Pakistan. Consequently, Pakistan has the lowest literacy rate and poor quality education
compared to its neighboring countries. The education system of Pakistan, apart from the
government negligence, eroded because of multilingualism, inconsistency and
experimentation of the education policies and its stratified nature. Obviously the
ramifications of this can be seen in the poor economic, political and social development of
Pakistan. The system of government schooling does not respond satisfactorily to the needs
of the society, because, it is considered to be poorly managed, poorly financed and poorly
assessed. There are reservations upon the quality of teaching and learning in government
schools from all quarters of the society. The situation does not seem to be improving. Many
attempts were made by successive governments to raise the quality of schooling and
education to acceptable national and international standards. But it did not bring any
positive result. Research shows that teachers are the key to success of any education system.
However, studies show that in Pakistan the problems of school teachers have multiplied
with the passage of time which has exacerbated the overall system of education. There is
feeling of alienation among the teaching community. Teaching profession is considered the
most underpaid, less lucrative and unattractive profession. Being a terminal stage, it is the

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most crucial level of education of a child. Problems faced by teachers at this level gravely
affect the overall process of teaching and learning.

Problems of Government School Teachers:

1. Financial Problems:

Financial problems Due to receiving less financial support, the sector of education has
remained the most under paid and poor in performance. This fact has rendered the
education sector as the most unattractive profession in the country. Teacher community,
being the most finically poor in society, often look for other sources of earning such as
going abroad for working and run their own businesses at the cost of their professional
integrity. In this regard teachers are less motivated towards and take least interest in their
school duties.

2. Political Interference:-

Education system of Pakistan is highly politicized. In the majority of cases teachers are
inducted on the basis of their political affiliations rather than on merit, who often serve as
political workers instead of performing their professional duties. Similarly due to political
involvement in the education sector, often the established procedure of appointment is
violated. These politically selected incompetent teachers become a permanent liability on
the economy and a reason of the collapse of the educational system. Further, their
unlawful promotions and politics in the schools impede the educational progress in terms
of quality teaching and learning as well as jeopardize the spirit of coordination among the
teaching community

3. Professional Development:-

Teaching is a profession which needs continual updating. In this regard teachers should
be aware of the new changes occurring in the society and around the world. Likewise
they need to be continuously abreast with latest theories, research and other addition to

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the pool of knowledge. It has been observed that teachers who are not professionally
sound and upgraded are not able to cope with the different changes and challenges in
the society, country and the world at large. On the contrary teachers who acquire latest
knowledge and develop their skills can effectively manage the process of teaching and
learning. They teach and learn better effective teachers need to be effective learners as
well. However, the professional development of teachers has not been given any proper
attention in Pakistan. Resultantly, teachers are found weak in solving students’ academic
and social problems. Further, it is observed that students graduating from the
(government) schools have poor communication skills and find it difficult to deal with
problems of life. As students in Pakistanis schools memorize the concepts for
examination purpose, they lack analytical, reflective and critical skills like their teachers.
This situation has affected the overall degree of quality of education in the country.

Objectives to be achieved

1. By creating an environment of trust and strengthening the mechanism of

accountability in the school systems, the role and performance of the teachers
could be improved.
2. To retain the interest of teachers in the teaching profession government may
increase facilities for teachers. This will enhance their motivation level. It will
have a positive impact upon the overall teaching and learning process.
3. For the improvement of quality of teaching and learning schools are needed to
be provided with different teaching and learning resources. This measure will
improve the degree of quality of learning and teaching. For this purpose more
funds could be provided to schools to be used in acquiring of equipment for
teaching and learning aids.
4. Schools are needed to be completely free from corruption and politics. For this
purpose, it is needed to be ensured that political interference is minimized rather
eradicated from schools so that an environment of professionalism and trust is
5. Pure selection on the basis of qualification ensures the selection of qualified
people for teaching. Qualified people develop systems. Hence, it is recommended
that during the process of selection or appointments of teachers merit should be

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6. Today’s world is replete with new changes and developments. Teachers
produce professionals for the future. Hence, the teachers need to be fully abreast
with new knowledge, research and latest information in order to effectively train
and educate the children for their future roles. For this purpose, teachers need
training on continual basis. The teachers may be provided opportunities to
participate in ongoing professional development programs to enhance teaching
skills of teachers.
7. Teachers are the key in the process of education. Teachers’ participation in the
curriculum development will enhance the degree of quality of education in
schools. For this purpose, it is recommended that teachers may be provided
opportunities to participate in the process of curriculum development.
8. For effective schools effective system of coordination is essential. Teachers may
be communicated properly about the different developments taking place in the
system of education like policies, programs and so on. In this way, the teachers
will develop a sense of care and feel to a team player rather than a fixing part in
a system. This will enhance their self-esteem and they will participate in the
process of teaching and learning enthusiastically.
4. Membership:
4.1 Eligibility:
The Membership of Insaf Teachers Wing will be open to:
1. All Male/Female Teachers of Pakistan who are 18 years and above of age, who
fully subscribe to the Constitution and objectives of the party, at all times.
2. Teachers who regularly pay monthly membership dues as prescribed by
CWC/CEC from time to time.
3. Those who subscribe to the vision of the PTI Chairman Imran Khan.

4.2 Membership Fee:

Member of Insaf Teachers Wing shall follow monthly amount of Membership fee as
determined by CEC from time to time.

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4.3 Membership Fee default:
1. Default in membership fee for 3 months will result in membership suspension.
Membership of IWF will stand cancelled in case:
2. Member joins another organization within party.
3. Joins another party with or without prior notice/resignation.
4. Seniority of a member who left the party for any reason shall start from the date
he/she rejoins.

4.4 Joining from Other Party:

Governing Committee of the relevant tier shall decide the status of individual
according to their previous achievements.
Decision must be presented and rectified by GC of next organizational tier within two
weeks; otherwise decision taken shall be null and void.

4.5 Membership Requirements:

All members shall be required to take an oath as specified here as under:
I. Mr./Mrs._______________________________ S/o, D/o. W/o.
_____________________________,R/o__________________________________, do
swear in the name of Allah and solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and
allegiance to the by-laws of Insaf Teachers Wing, Constitution of Pakistan Tehreek-e-
Insaf and pledge to abide by the objectives given therein. I will uphold both in true
letter and spirit. Henceforth, I cease to have association with any other political party.
All members shall abide by the by laws of ITW and party Constitution.
4.6 Funds:
1. All funds shall be collected according to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)
Constitution 2019.
2. Collection from monthly membership dues from Insaf Teachers Wing (ITW)
3. No office bearer shall spend or use funds of the body without prior approval of
the relevant Executive body.

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5. Working Regions of ITW:
Insaf Teachers Wing (ITW) shall have its active and operational presence at the level
1. Centre
2. Regions
3. Capital Territory
4. Gilgit- Baltistan ( GB)
5. Azad Jammu & Kashmir ( AJK)

a. Following shall be the regions of ITW.

a. Northern Region (Division of Rawalpindi, Sargodha & Faisalabad.
b. Central Region (Division of Lahore, Gujranwala & Sahiwal).
c. Southern Region (Multan, Bahawalpur & DG. Khan).
a. Northern Region (Division of Larkana & Sukkhar).
b. Central Region (Division of Hyderabad).
c. Southern Region (Division of Shaheed Benazirabad, Mirpur Khas).
d. Eastern Region (All District of Karachi).
a. Malakand Region (Division Malakand)
b. Hazara Region (Division of Hazara)
c. Peshawar Region (Divisions of Peshawar & Mardan)
d. South KPK Region (Division of Kohat, Bannu & Dera Ismail Khan).

a. North East Region (Divisions of Zhob & Sibbi).
b. South East Region (Division of Naseerabad & Qallat).
c. North West Region (Division of Quetta).
d. South West Region (Division of Makran & Rakhshan).

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b. There shall be a Regional Organization in Islamabad Capital Territory.
C. Gilgit Baltistan (GB) shall be an area having special status as prescribed in
Chief Organizer letter No CS/CO/33/19 dated 12 November, 2019, hence
Organization in GB shall be functioned at Regional, Divisional and District
level, in accordance with the said notification.

5.1 ITW at the Local Government Bodies Level

ITW shall have its organizational presence at the level of the District and the
District City level. These two organizations shall have the equal status and
1. District Organization.
2. City District Organization (Areas confined to Municipal limits).
3. Cantonment Board areas / Town/ Tehsil/ Taulqa.

5.2 General Conditions:

Election Process
1. The Party Election Commission will hold elections as per rules laid
down in the constitution of the Party.
2. The modus operandi for the Elections at every tier shall be the Panel
System as envisioned in the constitution of the Party.
3. The process of Election shall be followed in accordance with procedure
to be formulated or announced by the Federal Election Commission.
4. The whole of Pakistan will be the constituency.
5. The term of the winning panel will last till the next General Elections as per the
PTI Constitution.

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5.3 Composition of the ITW Central Working Committee:
1. President. Administrative Secretaries
2. Senior Vice President.
1. Secretary Management & Liaison
3. Vice Presidents X 4(One from each
2. Secretary Membership & Record
Province representing all Regions thereof).
3. Secretary Research & Training
4. General Secretary. (Winning Panel)
4. Secretary Legal Affairs
5. Addl. General Secretary (Winning Panel). Administration Team
6. Deputy General Secretary X7 (One from
each Province representing all Regions 1. Finance Secretary
thereof & ICT, GB & AJK). 2. Information Secretary
7. Joint Secretary X 18 (One from each 3. Media Secretary
Region, ICT, GB & AJK). 4. Resource Generation Secretary

Members Central Working Committee

1. All Regional Presidents

2. All Regional General Secretaries
Including ICT, AJK & GB.

Note: Official bearers at Serial Nos 1 to 7 (here-in-above) shall be elected, whereas rest of official bearers shall
be nominated.

5.4 Functions of ITW Central Working Committee:

1. The ITW Central Working Committee shall be the highest forum for policy and
decision making.
2. This Executive Body shall have the mandate to oversee and coordinate the
activities of all downstream and subservient working committees.
3. Will set the goals for all the tiers.
4. Will evaluate periodical performance and review evaluation reports of different
5. Keep the members informed on party position on all topical issues and
get their feedback.
6. Will hold meetings at least once in two months.
7. Will chalk out plans, programs and strategies to attain the set
objectives successfully.

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8. Will provide optimum support to PTI for winning its elections.
9. Will work to create better economic, educational, professional, social, cultural
and political avenues for the common person.
10. Will work for the advancement and development of an Teaching Sector of the
country and be made efforts to resolve ongoing issues which are being
confronted by an Teaching Sector
11. Will plead on the behalf of Teachers at every forum for formulation of friendly
Government policies for Teaching Sector, with having an intention to bring
dramatic growth in GDP of the county from Teaching Sector.
5.5 Central Governing Committee Composition:
1. President
2. Senior Vice President
3. Vice Presidents X4
4. General Secretary
5. Central Information Secretary
6. Central Secretary Teachers
7. Additional General Secretary
8. Deputy General Secretary X7
9. Central Finance Secretary

Note: Official bearers at Serial Nos 1 to 7 (here-in-above) shall be elected, whereas rest of official bearers shall
be nominated.

6. Functions of Central Governing Committee:

1. The Central Governing Committee (CGC) is implementing arm of the Central
Working Committee of ITW.
2. Shall be responsible for the administrative functioning of ITW.
3. Shall give effect to the decisions of the Central Working Committee.
4. Shall be responsible for producing tangible results.
5. Shall set working procedure, processes, methodologies, approaches and
mechanism in order to achieve the goals.
6. Its decisions are approved or rejected by the simple majority of the Central
Working Committee members present in the meeting.

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7. Any member of CWC can request the GS to place an agenda item in its meeting.
8. The General Secretary is the convener of the meeting.
9. Its meeting shall be held at least once in Two (2) months.
10. All decisions taken by it shall have the approval of the Central Working
11. The activity report of the CGC shall be sent to the Management Cell of the Party
electronically within 3 days after the decision has been taken.
12. Normally the President shall chair its meeting but in his absence the Senior Vice
President (SVP) shall preside over the meetings.
13. The meeting decisions will be brought into the knowledge of the general public
through press, electronic or social media.
14. The CGC shall meet as and when required.
15. CGC members may participate through electronic media and can vote during
sessions of other Governing Committee.
16. CGC may take up issues that come under the purview of CWC.
17. The agenda shall be drafted by the General Secretary and place before the
President for approval.
18. Agenda items will not be limited to Specific Policy Guidelines for any or all tiers
of organization in Administrative, socio economic and political issues related to
Teaching sector of the country.
19. Any other agenda shall be taken up during discussion.

6.1 ITW Regional Working Committee Composition:

1. President
2. Senior Vice President
3. Vice Presidents X2
4. General Secretary
5. Additional General Secretary
6. Deputy General Secretary (One from each Division)

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7. Joint General Secretary ( One from each District)
8. Finance Secretary 1 ( Nominated)
9. Information Secretary 1 ( Nominated)
10. Liaison Secretary 1 (Nominated)
11. Secretary Teachers

Others Members of Regional Working Committee.

I. All District Presidents.
II. All District General Secretaries.

6.2 Functions of Regional Working Committee:

The primary functions of Regional Working Committee are;
 The ITW Regional Working Committee shall be the highest forum for policy &
decision making.
 It shall supervise the organizational work of lower tiers.
 Each ITW Regional Working Committee represents its specific Region.

 It is the arm of the Central Working Committee which implements policies,

plans, programs, strategies; and follows the working procedures of the Central
Working Committee.
 It is a connecting link between the Central Working Committee and
district level Working Committees.
 It shall represent Party in the media on Party position on topical issues.
 It shall set targets of achievable objectives and send a bimonthly activity
report to the Central Working Committee regarding tangible outcomes

 It shall hold fundraising events and drives for sustainable development of
ITW in the respective Region.
 It shall keep informed and send regular bimonthly activity reports to the Party
Management Cell electronically.

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 It shall take corrective measures against the malfunctioning, violation of Party
rules and misconduct of an individual member or the entire ITW District
Working Committee if so needed.

 It shall send name (s) of the member (s) to the ITW Central Working
Committee for members’ outstanding individual/ collective efforts to make
ITW and PTI stronger and effective.
 It shall hold regular bimonthly meetings regarding affairs of the Regions.
 It shall make a regular system for effectively communicating with
members regarding activities of the Regional Working Committee.

6.3 Regional Governing Committee (RGC):

Following shall from the Regional Governing Committee
1. President
2. Senior Vice President
3. Vice Presidents X 2 (One each for Province)
4. General Secretary
5. Additional General Secretary
6. Deputy General Secretaries
7. Finance Secretary
8. Information Secretary

6.4 Function of ITW Regional Governing Committee:

The primary functions of Regional Governing Committee are;
1. Shall act as the implementation arm of the Regional Working Committee.
2. RGC shall meet as frequently as required.
3. Shall invite any number of the relevant RWC members to any meeting of the
RGC depending on the issue.
4. RGC may take the decisions necessary to manage and run affairs of the Region.
5. Decisions taken by the RGC shall be ratified by the RWC.

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6. Minimum two third votes of the members shall be required to
confirm the decisions of RGC
7. In absence of the President, the Senior Vice President shall preside the RGC
8. Agenda item for each meeting shall be set by the General Secretary with the
approval of the President.
9. Any member of the RWC may request for an item to be placed on the agenda.
General Secretary shall circulate the agenda, among the members of the RWC,
not later than three calendar days before the meeting.
Agenda items may include but not limited to the following:

a) Specific policy Guidelines for any or all tiers/organizations in administrative

b) ITW Objectives.
c) Political Matters.
d) Special Issues.
e) Emerging issues regarding Teachers Affairs.
f) Implementation of the CWC policies and guidelines.
g) Specific directions for the lower tiers.
h) To implement/coordinate campaigns announced by the mother body.
i) Shall ratify appointments, nominations or any other administrative decisions
taken by the governing committee.

6.4.1. District/ City District Organization:

1. There will be an organization for each district excluding urban areas of
Municipal Corporation and Towns.
2. Each Municipal Corporation shall have a separate organization of the same
status called City District Organization.
3. Each Town in the metropolitan Corporation shall have a Town Organization.
4. Each District of Islamabad shall have a City District Organization.

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6.4.2. Composition of District/ City District Working Committee:

1. President. ( Winning Panel) Administrative Secretaries

2. Senior Vice President.
1. Secretary Membership
3. Vice Presidents X 2
2. Secretary Training
4. General Secretary
3. Secretary Teachers
5. Addl. General Secretary
4. Secretary Finance
6. Deputy General Secretary (One from
5. Secretary Information
each Tehsil).
Members Working Committee all Tehsil Presidents
and General Secretaries.

6.4.3. Functions of District Working Committee:

1. The primary function of the DWC is to maximize the outcome of goals set by
2. Keep abreast with Socio Economic issues of Teachers Affairs of the District.
3. Keeping itself aware of the opportunities that can be availed to solve the issues
related to the Teachers Affairs of the District.
6.4.4. District Governing Committee:
Following shall form the Governing Committee the DGC:
1. President
2. Senior Vice President
3. Vice Presidents X 2
4. General Secretary
5. Additional General Secretary
6. Deputy General Secretaries
7. Finance Secretary
8. Information Secretary

6.4.5. Functions of District Governing Committee:

1. The District Governing Committee shall meet as frequently as required. Also shall be
responsible for the administrative functioning of the ITW and act as the
implementation arm of the DWC; shall invite any number of DWC members to any
meeting of the Governing Committee for relevant issues.

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2. General Secretary shall convene and conduct DWC meetings at an interval not
longer than two months with the approval of the President.
3. Shall act as the main arm of the ITW to provide feedback in all areas of
Administrative, implementation, organizational, outreach and to complete
organization at lower tiers.
4. DWC members shall establish a party office on self-help basis, apportion a fair
amount of time for the workers and the ordinary people to help resolve their issues/
problems; and host elected Assembly members as rostered by the District WC.
5. District Secretary Community Outreach with approval of DGC shall form action
Committee for each government department with special emphasis on Police and
Revenue departments; who shall not only facilitate Teachers but monitor, analyses
prepare reports about strengths and shortcomings of each department, send the
same to the Party Management Cell for onward distribution and building factual
picture on governance.
6. DWC shall identify areas in the district with low membership and strategies to
approach SME (small and Medium Enterprises) by being sensitive to the
demographics of the area and arranging, organizing individual visits.
7. District Secretary Training and Education shall help Regional counterparts in
organizing training workshops, workers conventions, and supply party literature to
the lower organizations.
8. District Secretary Information shall make effective use of social media.
9. DWC shall keep an updated hard copy of the membership register, and minutes of
the meetings and attendance register.
10. DWC shall run the campaign of the PTI ticket holders for their respective
11. District GS shall convene and conduct DEWC meetings with the approval of the
District President at intervals not longer than one month and send reports to the
Party Management Cell.
12. Any other duties delegated from time to time by upper level organization.

6.4.6. Composition of Tehsil/ Town/ Taluka/ Cantonment Board

Areas Working Committee:

Page 24 of 39
1. President. ( Winning Panel) Administrative Secretaries
2. Senior Vice President.
1. Secretary Membership & Record
3. Vice Presidents x 2
2. Secretary Training & Education
4. General Secretary
3. Secretary Finance
5. Addl. General Secretary
6. Deputy General Secretary (One from
each Tehsil).
7. Joint Secretary x 4

6.4.7. Functions of Tehsil/ Town/ Taluka/ Cantonment Board Areas

Working Committee:
1. The primary function of the Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas WC is to
maximize the outcome of goals set by CEC /RWC/DWC.
2. Keep abreast with Socio Economic issues of Teaching Affairs of the Tehsil /Town / Taluka
/Cantonment Board areas.
3. Keeping itself aware of the opportunities that can be availed to solve the issues related to
the Teaching Affairs of the Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas.

6.4.8. Tehsil/ Town/ Taluka/ Cantonment Board Areas Governing Committee:

Following shall form the Governing Committee of Tehsil /Town / Taluka
/Cantonment Board areas.

1. President
2. Senior Vice President
3. Vice President x2
4. General Secretary
5. Addl. General Secretary
6. Deputy General Secretary
7. Finance Secretary
8. Information Secretary
9. Secretary Teachers

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6.4.9. Functions of Tehsil/ Town/ Taluka/ Cantonment Board Areas

Governing Committee:
1. The Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas Governing Committee shall
meet as frequently as required. Also shall be responsible for the administrative
functioning of the ITW and act as the implementation arm of the Tehsil /Town /
Taluka /Cantonment Board areas WC; shall invite any number of Tehsil /Town /
Taluka /Cantonment Board areas WC members to any meeting of the Governing
Committee for relevant issues.
2. General Secretary shall convene and conduct Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment
Board areas WC meetings at an interval not longer than two months with the
approval of the President.
3. Shall act as the main arm of the ITW to provide feedback in all areas of
Administrative, implementation, organizational, outreach and to complete
organization at lower tiers.
4. Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas WC members shall establish a
party office on self-help basis, apportion a fair amount of time for the workers or
any person belongs from Teaching Sector or indirectly inter-linked with an
Teaching sector, to help resolve their issues/ problems; and host elected Assembly
members as rostered by the Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas WC.
5. Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas Secretary Community Outreach
with approval of Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas GC shall form
action Committee for each government department with special emphasis on
Police and Revenue departments; who shall not only facilitate people indirectly
interlinked or associated with an Teaching Sector but monitor, analyses prepare
reports about strengths and shortcomings of each department, send the same to the
Party Management Cell for onward distribution and building factual picture on
6. Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas WC shall identify areas in the
district with low membership and strategies to approach local SME (Small &
Medium Enterprises/ Industries) of the area and arranging, organizing individual
visits and corner meetings

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7. Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas Secretary Training and Education
shall help Regional counterparts in organizing training workshops, workers
conventions, and supply party literature to the lower organizations.
8. Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas WC shall keep an updated hard
copy of the membership register, and minutes of the meetings and attendance
9. Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas WC shall run the campaign of
the PTI ticket holders for their respective constituencies.
10. Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas GS shall convene and conduct
Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas EWC meetings with the approval
of the District President at intervals not longer than one month and send reports to
the Party Management Cell.
11. Any other duties delegated from time to time by upper level organization

7. Power and Functions of Office Bearers of ITW:

7.1 The President:
1. The President is the head of the respective ITW Working Committee.
2. His main function is to lead, motivate, understand and communicate Party’s vision,
policy, priorities, strategies, implementing processes and initiatives; and communicate
these effectively to members within his jurisdiction.
3. President shall guide the General Secretary in performing executive and administrative
4. The ITW President shall act as team leader, communicating with all of the executive
body members building consensus around issues through informed exhaustive
collective decision making.
5. The ITW President shall be responsible for any reconciliation that may be required
within the Working Committee.
6. The President shall maintain contacts with the media persons of the level
effectively conveying Party vision and policy.
7. The President may preside all meetings and events of the organization.

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8. He shall devise out the work plan against a time frame in consultation with
the Committee Members.

7.2 Senior Vice President (SVP):

 To assist President in conducting any or all Presidential functions as assigned by
the President.
 In case of in-capacitance of the President for any reason, SVP shall perform as
Acting President.

7.3 The General Secretary (G.S):

1. The job of the General Secretary is to head the Administrative arm of the
Organization under the guidance of the President.
2. The General Secretary shall plan, execute, coordinate and implement all
decisions taken by the Working Committee.
3. The General Secretary is ultimately responsible to plan, organize, coordinate and
execute visits and receptions of the leaders, under the directions of the Working
Committee, and forward reports and data such generated to the Party
Management Cell (PMC).
4. The General Secretary shall issue notifications, circulars and instructions with
the approval of the President, and forwarding all such data, preferably
electronically, to the Party Management Cell (PMC).
5. The General Secretary is ultimately responsible to maintain, update and preserve
in a transparent manner, all the office record and data, minutes-of-the-meeting
register and attendance register. The General Secretary shall make such data
available to the members when required/demanded.
6. The GS is ultimately responsible to maintain, update and preserve in a
transparent manner, all the office record and data, minutes of the meeting
register and attendance register. The GS shall make such data available to the
members when required/ demanded.

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7. The GS shall remain in contact with all the downstream tiers for regulating and
coordinating all affair of the ITW.
8. He is the Chief Implementation Officer in respect of the ITW policies and
9. The Secretary General is the mouthpiece of the Party and as such spells out the
mood and mind of the Party.
10. Secretary General will get prepared the record of every activity of each
section working in the unit. He will preserve this record and subsequently
transmit it onward to the Party Management Cell
11. He will convene the meetings and keep record of its proceedings and follows
up actions and decisions taken accordingly.
12. He will represent the ITW at various forums inland and abroad when delegated
powers to do so.
13. He will represent the ITW in the Court of Law when such a situation arises,
or when arbitration between ITW and another party is needed.

7.4 Additional General Secretary (AGS):

1. In absence of the Secretary General, the Additional Secretary performs all
the functions of the Secretary General.
2. In case of in capacitance of the General Secretary for any reason, AGS
shall perform as General Secretary for rest of period.
3. He acts on the directions of the Secretary General when the powers are
delegated to him to share the various tasks, functions and responsibilities.
4. He visits various ITW units for specific purposes when sent as the emissary
of the Secretary General.
5. He shares the workload with the Secretary General when assigned
specific tasks and duties by the Secretary General.

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7.5 Deputy General Secretary:
1. Deputy Secretary shall assist the GS for carrying out the tasks of ITW speedily
and appropriately.
2. He shall draw his powers from the GS.
5. He shall perform various auxiliary tasks assigned to him by the GS.
6. He shall prepare reports of the events, activities and actions taken by
the tier specified.
7. He shall represent the GS whenever and wherever required to do so.

7.6 Joint Secretary:

1. The Joint Secretaries (JS) shall assist/perform their duties as per their
2. He shall carry out the functions of the General Secretary as his delegate at the
site of the activity.
3. He shall verify the authenticity by collecting all the evidences of the work done
or task completed.
4. He shall share the work load of the General Secretary
5. Joint Secretary as notified by the General Secretary with the approval of
President shall take full charge.

7.7 Secretary Information:

1. Secretary Information shall be appointed by the General Secretary in
consultation with the President.
2. Secretary Information shall be the main spokesperson, of the relevant executive
body, to effectively present party narrative to the media, and shall maintain
appropriate contacts with the media persons for the job.
3. He transmits the messages or communications to the higher and lower units as
per the need.
4. Wherever speaking about the projects, programs, plans or point of view of ITW,
he is duty bound to express the party point of view instead of his personal
opinion or a gossip.

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7.8 Secretary Finance:
1. Secretary Finance shall be appointed by the General Secretary in consultation
with the President and the Central Secretary Finance.
2. Secretary Finance shall be the chief of the Finance team.
3. Secretary Finance shall be responsible to keep all the accounts and ledgers in
order and ready for the annual internal and external audits for the relevant
4. Shall obtain all financial records and material from his predecessor on taking
office including any membership payment records, previous audit reports,
monthly financial reports and bank statements.
5. He shall make sure that appropriate cash handling is done.
6. He shall not entertain any fake transaction.
7. He shall make sure that there is zero embezzlement in all financial operations.
8. He shall make sure that the Books of Accounts remain updated every day.
9. He shall present the Books of Accounts as well as all the Means of Verification
(MOVs) for the Annual General Audit.

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7.9 The Secretary Teachers:

1. Shall form and head a consultative ‘Insaf Teachers board’ comprising

representative Teachers at each level; prepare by-laws for the structure and
functioning of the board/forum; take active part in the election and affairs of
Pakistan Teaching Council (PTC).

2. By-laws shall provide for subject specific Think Tanks at the Centre and Province
for policy and planning; and Action Committees at lower tiers for implementation,
monitoring and feedback.

3. Shall develop policy papers with specific focus on the areas of Housing and Works,
water, power, renewable energy, Roads and Highways, Public Transportation,
Irrigation, Communication and Information Technology, and Manufacturing to
be up to date with key national projects; ongoing and proposed; identifying related
issues, possible areas of improvement; and developing party opinion around it.

4. Shall coordinate with Teaching research institutions and academic sector to help
advance modern Teaching techniques, opinions and teachings;

5. Shall identify and address the issues and problems concerned with young
professional Teachers, both in government and private sectors, and returning
expatriates; and make representation for the same in the party and the

8. Discipline:
As passed by the Party Constitution.

9. General Provisions:
9.1 Shared Decision Making:
1. Overall Policy, Political and administrative decisions shall only be made by
Working Committee of Insaf Teaching Wing at Center.

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2. All Administrative decisions relevant to day to day working of all tiers shall be
made by Working Committee at relevant tier.
3. General Secretary in consultation with President at Center shall forward the
same to Party Management Cell (PMC) along with the attendance roll, in paper
or electronically, not later than three days from the date of the meeting.
4. Any decisions taken out of the ordinary circumstances at any tier shall
immediately be communicated to chain of command and General Secretary at
center, along with attendance roll.
5. All decisions shall be taken by the corresponding governing Committee by a
majority of vote. All decision shall be presented on the next ITW meeting by GS
to be ratified.
6. Agenda items shall be distributed by the General Secretary along with invitation
notice wherever possible.
7. Governing committee can take provisional decisions in policy matters where
there is enough room to believe that a working committee meeting couldn’t be
convened in time.
8. All provisional decisions shall be ratified by a majority of votes of the working
committee in a meeting convened at a time, not later than fifteen calendar days
of the provisional decision in the absence of such ratification such decision shall
stand nullified ab initio.
9. All governing Committee/working committee/other bodies decisions/ resolutions
shall be forwarded to the Party Management Cell, along with the
10. Attendance roll, in paper or electronically, not later than three days from the
date the meeting.

10. Nomination of Organizations at all Tiers:

The Procedure and criteria including sunset clauses as laid in Part "V" General
Provisions of PTI Constitution will be followed for all organization from Centre to
Tehsil level.

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11. Amendment to the by-laws:
1. An amendment can be moved by one third of the total membership of the
Central Working Committee.
2. The bylaws of ITW can only be amended by the Central Working Committee
provided that the proposed amendment is approved by at least two third of its
total strength.
3. The amendment can be put for second vote if the president refers it back to the
Central Working Committee for reconsideration which may again be passed by
two third of the members present.
4. Provided that the proposed amendment shall be circulated amongst the
members of the Central Working Committee at least fourteen days prior to
the meeting.
5. Proposed amendments shall be presented to CEC for final approval.
6. After every amendment an approval by CEC amended copy of the
ITW bylaws shall be deposited with the PTI Fed EC.

12. Evaluation:
Evaluation shall be carried out by the Party Management Cell as per Pakistan
Tehreek-e-Insaf Constitution, 2019 article V-8-12 against the function of the
organization and the office holder.

13. Finance:
CFB manual shall be followed in letter and spirit.

14. Discipline:
“As Passed by the Party Constitution”.

15. Eligibility Criteria for Office Holders of Insaf Teachers Wing:

1. Must be a Pakistani citizen.
2. Must be a registered voter.

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3. Must be a registered PTI member and fulfill requirements as given in the
Constitution of the Party.
4. Should not be liable to be hit by Article 62 & 63 of the Constitution of Pakistan.
5. Neither is at present, nor was the member of any party or group which has been
banned by the government of Pakistan.
6. Has not been declared offender or convicted by any court of law.
7. The one who is not involved in the business of drugs and narcotics.
8. The one who is not involved in unlawful activities.

16. Operational Norms:

The Quorum for the meeting of Governing Committee and Working Committee shall
be 75% and 50% of their total strength respectively.
1. Every tier will hold meetings at least once in two months.
2. It will evaluate its past performance and keep its written report.
3. It will review its strategy and make suitable improvements in it.

4. It will prepare the monthly chart of activities and monitor its timely execution.

5. It will preserve the report of the activities done by it and send its report to the
higher hierarchy.

6. It will invite the higher Hierarchy to solemnize their main activities.

7. It will send acknowledgement in response to the communication or directions

received from the higher Hierarchy.

8. It will prepare six monthly report of its activities and send it to the higher

(B) Optional
1. Every ITW unit can have special initiatives for strengthening the Party.
2. It can take initiatives to collect or generate funds for the activities of their respective
3. It can organize walks, seminars and study tours on its own initiative

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4. It can invite the academia, intelligentsia and the notable public servants and the
members of the civil society for creating good will for the Party.

17. Merit Certificates:

1. The office holder, who shows outstanding performance will be given merit
certificates publically and their names will be sent to the Hierarchy for
considering them for better Party positions.
2. The office holders who fulfill their tasks in time will be given recognition through
meritorious certificates
3. Special merit certificates will be given to those office holders and their Working
Committee members who collect or generate more funds than the set target.
4. Those who make exceptionally good arrangements for Party events will be given
special merit certificates accompanied by the appreciation letter from the higher

18. Sunset Clause:

19. Procedures for Interim Notifications at Center:
First time notification of interim setup for ITW at Center shall be made as follows:
1. Chief Organizer shall notify Central Governing Committee. Central Governing
Committee shall notify ICT, Regional and Quasi Regional Working Committees
as per guidelines set by the chief organizer and shall complete its own Working
2. The Regional Governing Committee shall nominate the District Governing and
City Governing Committee as per the guidelines set by the Chief Organizer and
shall complete its own Working Committee.
3. The District Governing Committee shall nominate Tehsil/ Town/ Taluka
/Cantonment Board areas Governing Committee and complete its own Working

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4. Nominations shall be made against all the designations in all Governing
Committees, and all nominations are liable to be ratified/revision by the
Governing Committees at Center and Region.
5. All office holders shall report to the respective tier President for all matters.
6. The Tehsil /Town / Taluka /Cantonment Board areas Governing Committees shall
complete their own Working Committees.
7. Regional President shall forward copies of all notification to Central GS the same
8. First evaluation of all nominated office holders shall be done after six months;
and non-performing office holders shall be liable to be replaced; and quarterly
evaluation thereafter shall be conducted against measurable outcomes. On
failing of such evaluation, all nominated officers shall be liable to be changed.

20. Note:
All provisions of the sunset clause shall seize to have effect on the date of
announcement of election results by Federal Election Commission.

21. Powers to Clarify, Remove Ambiguities and Interpret By-laws

In case of difficulty in giving effect to the provisions of the by-laws or ant problem
regarding interpretation of any clause/section of the by-laws or issues of any other
nature the matter shall be referred to the President Insaf Teachers Affairs Wing at
Center who shall decide it in accordance with the spirit of the by-laws and Party

22. Disqualification:
1. No person can be member of anybody who has been proceeded against and
found guilty of any disciplinary or penal action as per law of the land, or
constitution of the party.
2. In case any member or office bearer of any body, during such membership and
holding of office, is found guilty of any disciplinary or penal action as per law of

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3. the land, or constitution of the party, his membership or office shall
automatically stand ceased.
4. Any provision of the above mentioned laws if debars any member or office
bearer to retain his office or membership shall be applicable in stricto senso as
provided by the law.

23. Vacancy of Office:

In case of vacancy of any office due to death, resignation, removal of any official
bearer by way of operation of law or bye-laws, the office shall be filled in accordance
with the procedure for appointment prescribed in the PTI Constitution.

24. Insaf Teachers Affairs Board:

There shall be “Insaf Teachers Affairs Board” (hereinafter referred to as Board). The
composition of Board shall be as under;
I. Chairman of PTI (Head)
II. Chief Organizer of PTI
III. Secretary General of PTI
IV. President of Insaf Teachers Affairs Wing (IEAW)
V. General Secretary of Insaf Teachers Affairs Wing (IEAW)
VI. Teachers x 5 (To be nominated by the President of Insaf Teachers Affairs Wing (IEAW).

24.1 Functions:
1. Insaf Teachers Board Shall provide guidance and roadmap on policy issues
related to promotion of Teachers and to resolve the problems faced by Teaching
2. The Board shall have its meeting twice a year.
3. The Chairman shall chair the meetings of the Board.
4. The Board shall review the Government policy in its meetings and prepare its

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5. The Central Working Committee of Insaf teachers Wing shall formulate the
policy in line with the recommendations and shall set the targets, achieve the
policy objectives.

25. Patron- In- Chief:

Chairman PTI shall appoint a Patron-in-Chief who shall be the official liaison
between PTI Central Committee and Insaf Teachers Wing.

Dr. Mohammad Amjad

Central Deputy Secretary General
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

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