Said I Loved You But I Lied Pajama Addict PDF

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TITLE: Said I Loved You But I lied
DATE: Apr 18, 2014
READ COUNT: 598488
LANGUAGE: Filipino
AUTHOR: pajama_addict
MODIFY DATE: 2014-06-16 12:43:24


Said I Loved You But I Lied

I loved you. But you didn't love me back. I tried to move on but you wouldn't let me. Now we're both
stuck -- me in the present, you in the past and I do not know who's the bigger fool.

Dear Readers,

This story just begs to be written. Another romantic possibility from the hopelessly romantic psyche
of your weird author. This is the story of Lee Ann and Nickolai and I suggest that you read Red
String of Fate first so you'll have a background of Nick and Lee Ann.

♥ jennicka

Chapter 1

A three-year old girl sat uncomprehending as her father shook the hand of his best friend. She didn't
understand why her mother was inside the rectangular box. All she knew was that they were supposed to 1/105
bring her baby brother home today.

"Condolence, Pare." Atty. Sandoval said as he patted the arm of his friend. "Ganyan talaga, may
unforeseen complications ang panganganak. I know my words sound hollow because no words will ever be
able to assuage your pain. Magsabi ka lang kung anong maitutulong namin."

"Salamat, Ferdie. Sapat nang nandito kayo para damayan kami."

"How's the little girl holding up?"

"Hindi nya naiintindihan ang mga nangyayari." Atty. Carbonel replied looking at his daughter whose
eyes were wide in wonder as she looked at the throngs of people who came to pay respect to her
mother. Francoisca Carbonel was well-loved by the employees of their company. She was always kind,
approachable and generous to a fault.

"Dito kami matutulog ng mga bata para may kasama kayo." Atty. Sandoval said and Atty. Carbonel felt
his eyes water at his friend's support.

"Salamat, Ferdie."

"Pare, noong namatay ang asawa ko, ang buong pamilya nyo sa bahay tumira ng ilang linggo, hindi na
tayo iba sa isa't isa, ano ka ba." He said and his friend nodded his head as he looked at Lee Ann.
"Kaya mo yan, nandito lang kami." Atty. Sandoval added.

Lee Ann stared at the crowd as she squirmed under the layers of the white satin and tulle that one of
their househelps made her wear. "Dad." She called her father but he only turned his face for a few
seconds towards her as another guest arrived. "Dad!" She tried again.

"Lee Ann, behave. Dad has to attend to the guests." He whispered and she squirmed more.

"Thirsty." She said but he ignored her. The tulle under her satin dress felt itchy and she wanted to
approach the box they put her mom in to wake her up. "Mommy!" She called. "Mommy!" She tried again.
Her mom always knows what to do, she always knows when she's thirsty and she's thirsty now. "Mommy!"
She called, louder this time.

"Shh, anak." Her father reprimanded her gently.


"Akin na po, Tito." A teenage boy approached as he took her from her father's arms.

"Salamat, Nick." Her father gratefully said patting the teenager's shoulders.

"What do you want, Lee Ann?" The teenager asked her. "Are you hungry?"

"Water po." She replied and he smiled at her.

"Lee Ann has learned her po and opo." He teased and she grinned as he led her towards the kitchen. He
asked one of the house helps for a glass of water and they smiled dotingly at him. His name's
Nickolai Sandoval, Atty. Ferdinand Sandoval's eldest son. The boy wonder -- accelerated twice, born a
charmer and a debater like his father, witty like his mother. At fourteen, he's already a high school
senior and he heads his school's school paper. People praise him for his commanding presence and the
legendary Sandoval charisma.

"Thank you po." She said.

"No longer thirsty?" He asked as she handed him the glass of water after she nearly gulped down half
of it.

"Opo." She answered. "But aren't you supposed to say you're welcome because I said thank you?" She
asked much to his amusement.

"You're welcome, Lee Ann." He said. He's impressed at how grown-up she talks. She's only three but
she sounds like she's older. 2/105

"Very good." She said.

"You don't sound like a baby." He teased and she stared at him.

"I'm a baby." She answered.

"Yes, but you don't talk like one."

"Because Mommy said I shouldn't mumble my words but instead say them clearly like a lady." She
reasoned and he laughed. He lost his mother two years ago and he understood how confusing it must be
to the three-year old child. No matter how grown-up you talk, you're still a child. He thought,
taking pity on the girl.

"Is there anything else that you want to do, baby girl?"

"I want to see Mommy." She said and his pity tripled. "Where's Kuya Alex?" She asked referring to his
younger brother.

"He's with Dad, your Tito Ferdie." Nickolai replied and she nodded her head as he led her back to the
front of the house where her mother's remains were laid. She stared at the rectangular box again,
puzzled why her mother has still not waken up. She was at the hospital when they covered her with a
white blanket and she had protested telling everyone that her mother might have difficulty breathing.

"Why isn't Mommy waking up?" She haltingly asked him and he took her small hands in his. He crouched
down beside her to be eye-level with her.

"Your Mommy is in heaven with my Mommy." He said and she frowned.

"No! My Mommy is right there, inside that box!" She announced. "There!" She pointed at the box again
and his expression softened as he hugged her to his chest.

"Remember what I told you before about stars? That they are Mommies, Daddies and everyone that
everyone loves?"

"Yes." She answered.

"Your Mommy is one of the stars now." He said. "She will watch over you from up there so you remain a
good girl, okay?"

"No." She replied and he chuckled as he chucked her under the chin.

"You don't want to be a good girl?" He asked and she shook her head.

"I want Mommy here." She uttered with a pout as her lower lips started to tremble. "I want Mommy
here, not up there." She repeated, her eyes starting to fill with tears and he smiled at her

"Mommy is here." He said, putting a hand against her chest. "She's in your heart so that means she is
wherever you are. Do you understand?" He asked as her tears fell one by one. He took a handkerchief
from his pocket to wipe her tears with and she closed her eyes willing for her tears to stop falling.
"Hey, stop crying." He whispered as her thin shoulders shook.

"Lee Ann is now alone." She sobbed.

"No, that's not true. Lee Ann is not alone because Lee Ann still has her Dad."

"But it's different. Dad's always at the office and he doesn't play with Lee Ann. I want Mommy. Mommy
said she'll never leave Lee Ann."

"Lee Ann's Mommy did not leave her and she'll be watching over her."

"But I want someone who'll watch me down here not from up there." She stubbornly said.

"Kuya Nick will take care of Lee Ann so she won't feel alone." He said as he gathered her in his
embrace. 3/105

"No. I want my Mommy."

"You don't want Kuya to take care of you? Now, Kuya Nick's sad." He said as he scrunched his face.
"Now you're going to make Kuya cry."

"Sorry." She mumbled as she cried harder. "I'm sorry, Kuya." She hiccupped. "Please don't cry."

"Kuya will stop crying as soon as Lee Ann stops crying." He said and nearly laughed when she bit her
lower lip to prevent her sobs from spilling forth as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
"Why are you crying?"

"Because Lee Ann is afraid." She miserably said. She's always been afraid about a lot of things --
lightning, darkness, being alone.

"Why are you afraid? Aren't you brave?"

"No." She sobbed and he smiled.

"Lee Ann is brave. In fact, Lee Ann is the bravest girl Kuya Nick knows. But just in case, Lee Ann
gets scared, she needn't have to worry because Kuya Nick will be there for her." He uttered and she
looked at him.

"How can you be there for Lee Ann when you don't live in this house?" She asked and he laughed
affectionately at her quip.

"But Kuya Nick is in Lee Ann's heart so Kuya Nick is wherever Lee Ann is. If you're afraid you'll
only need to think of Kuya Nick and he'll come running to you, okay?" He spoke and her brows
furrowed. "You don't believe me?" He asked and she stared at him. "I will make sure that you will
never feel alone or lonely. I will take care of you." He said and she nodded her head as she wrapped
her little arms around his neck.

"Thank you, Kuya Nick." She murmured and his heart just melted.

"You're welcome." He answered. "Lee Ann will never feel scared again, right?" He asked and she nodded
her head. "Is that a promise?" He asked and she nodded her head again. "I want to hear you say it."

"I promise I won't be scared." She recited and he patted her head affectionately.

"Very good."

"But Kuya, do you promise to stay with Lee Ann even when she's no longer afraid?" She asked and he
looked at her and smiled.

"I promise." He said and she beamed. Not realizing that she held on to his words even as years
passed; not comprehending that even then he meant the world to her; not recognizing the adoration in
her eyes that would take years to extinguish and not grasping that her affection for him would grow
as she gets older. And all because he promised. 4/105

Readers, taglish to. Ingglesera lang si Lee Ann nung bata sya kaya ganyan. Pero sa Chapter 2 hindi na
kayo magno-nosebleed.

♥ jennicka

Chapter 2

Lee Ann Carbonel grew up having everything - an adoring father, a doting line-up of people who are
readily at her disposal and the Carbonel wealth, which made sure that she's never left wanting. But
unlike girls her age she played with dolls instead of real children, she had a bevy of tutors instead
of going to a real school because Leandro Carbonel was afraid to let her daughter out of his sight
after he lost his wife. It's been two years since her father died and Lee Ann is now a freshman BS
Health Sciences student at Ateneo de Manila University.

"Lee!" Someone called and the sixteen-year old turned her head. At 5 feet five inches tall, Leandro
Carbonel's daughter is a head-turner with her wavy, dark brown hair, expressive dark-brown eyes,
ready smile and fair complexion.

"Nicko!" She replied waving back. "Bakit?" She asked smiling.

"Susunduin ka ba mamaya?" The seventeen-year old boy asked. Nicholas Bentley de Jesus came from a
family of well-known doctors and he has been very vocal about his feelings towards the younger girl
who admitted that there's someone she likes. But he's resolute and persistent. Hindi sya naniniwalang
may bagay na di nakukuha sa dasal at tiyaga. Kaya wala na syang ginawa kundi buntutan ang dalaga at
maging semi-personal assistant nito.

"Oo. Kelan ba ako hindi sinundo?" Lee Ann asked. She used to hate Nicko's attention and the fact that
he's the namesake of the person who broke her heart. But as they got closer, Lee Ann realized na
magkaibang-magkaiba ang dalawa lalaki -- Nicko is spirited and fun while Nick is... Nick.

"Bakit naman ang taray mo? Nagtatanong lang naman ako." Nicholas asked sheepishly and she laughed.
They've been friends for months and Lee Ann felt very comfortable with the young man.

"Hindi pa ako nagtataray sa lagay na to, Nick. I mean Nickolai. I mean Nicholas. Pwede bang Bentley
na lang itawag ko sayo?" She suddenly asked and he laughed at how adorable she looks even when she

"You can call me whatever you want. You can even call me baby." He kidded and she rolled her eyes at

"Is that supposed to turn me on?" Tanong nya at tumawa ang binata ng malakas.

"You're really precious, Lee Ann." He said turning serious. "And I really, really like you."

"Naku, andito na naman tayo sa I really, really like you na part. As I said I have someone I like who
doesn't like me back and who made my heart incapable of liking anyone else. For now." 5/105
"Yun naman pala meron naman palang for now, kaya maghihintay ako."

"Nicko pwede bang wag kang maging tanga tulad ko? Walang napapala sa paghihintay." She said and he

"Kung ikaw ang mapapala ko sa paghihintay, I will wait no matter how long it takes." He announced and
she somehow felt sad at his words. Parehong-pareho kami. Siguro ganito rin katanga ang tingin sa akin
ni Kuya Nick. She thought as he smiled at her. "Tara na, our next class is about to start." He said
and she nodded her head.



"Do not wait for me."


"Because waiting is a waste of time." She answered. "Take it from me; I learned it the hard way." She
added smiling sadly at him.

"No pressure, Lee. Gusto lang kitang maging kaibigan. Muna. I want to know you more. Besides, di
naman ako nagmamadali. Ang bata pa natin, pareho pa nating gustong maging doktor kaya medyo matagal-
tagal na panahon pa ang gugugulin natin sa pag-aaral.

"Ganun din ang sabi ko sa sarili ko dati. That he can take his sweet time since I'm in no hurry to be
called his someone special but that's just bullshit. Masakit maghintay. Masakit mangarap at masakit
ang umasa sa wala." She murmured and he looked at her despondent face.

"Hey, wag kang magdrama lalo akong nai-inlove." He kidded and she laughed.


"Sino ba yang taong nagpapalungkot sayo? Ilang beses na tayong nagkakwentuhan pero hindi mo pa sinabi
sa akin ang pangalan nya." He asked and she shrugged.

"Hindi mo na kailangang malaman ang pangalan nya ano, baka ma-shock ka." She retorted grinning. "He's
a family friend. I grew up holding his hand. Yun nga lang friend lang talaga tingin nya sa akin. He
thinks of me as a child."

"Wait, he thinks of you as a child? Bakit, ilang taon na ba sya?"

"He's twenty-seven." She answered and he comically widened his eyes at what she said.

"He's that old?" He asked aghast and she cracked up. "What do you see in him?"

"A lot." She said. "Kaya ikaw, wag mo na akong hintayin at wala kang mapapala sa akin. Magiging
forever Tita lang ako ng mga pamangkin ko and I'm sure tatanda akong dalaga."

"Masyado ka namang maganda para tumandang dalaga."

"Masyado kang bolero." She answered. "Lahat ba ng lalaki talagang innate na bolero?"

"Nagsasabi lang ako ng totoo." He uttered as they entered their classroom and took their seats. He
watched as one of their classmates asked Lee Ann about their assignment. The first time he saw her
was at the Ateneo Freshman Orientation Seminar at the covered courts. She was standing alone and he
was with his friends, excited at the prospect of finally shedding their high school uniform and be
regarded as cool college dudes. Three things caught his attention that day -- her face that begged to
be stared at, her air of regal gracefulness and the fact that he suddenly felt like hugging her to
protect her from what's bad in the world. He approached her then to introduce himself and although
she looked surprised, she was friendly and nice. It was love at first sight for him but it was
friend-zone at first sight for her.

"Nicko, hoy!" She called and he blinked. 6/105

"Bakit?" He asked, embarrassed at the idea of being caught gaping at her.

"Sabi ko anong kailangan mo at kanina ka pa nakangiti sa akin?" She said and he blushed some more.

"Wala. May iniisip lang ako." He retorted and she shrugged.

"Gusto mo ng picture ko kesa nakatitig ka sa akin ng ganyan? It will last longer." She kidded
grinning at him and he stared at her in surprise. She was more surprised, however, at his reply.

"Okay lang ba?"

"Hoy, joke lang yun!" She said laughing uneasily. "Ano ka ba!" She added as her ears turned red.

"Nagba-blush o." Nicko teased and she arched her brow at him which made him crack up. Aminado sya na
kahit inaayawan nya ang binata, a part of her relish his every gaze, his every compliment and the
fact that he thinks she's beautiful. At least may isa man lang lalaking nagngangalang Nick na
nagagandahan sa akin. She thought. Marami syang naging bagong kaibigan pero si Nicko ang constant
nyang kasama dahil hindi ito humihiwalay sa tabi nya kahit parati nya itong binabara. Ano kayang
nakain nito at nagpapakatanga sa akin? She murmured to herself.

"Mrs. De Jesus." He said and she turned to look at him. "Uy, lumingon." He ribbed and she narrowed
her eyes.

"Feeling ka ha." She murmured as she pretended to browse her book.

"Okay lang maging feeling kasi mukha ka naman nang nagkaka-feelings sa akin." He replied grinning.

"Bilis mo naman, ano ka text?" She asked rolling her eyes at him.

"Hindi. Ako lang naman ang lalaking mapapangasawa mo." He answered and she couldn't help but smile.

"Praning." She replied as he laughed.

She was on her way home when her phone rang. She took her phone out of her bag and swiped the screen
to answer the call.

"Ate!" She said. "Bakit po?"

"Tapos na ang klase mo, di ba? Nasaan ka na?"

"Pauwi na po."

"Lee, daan ka nga sa office." Atty. Alexa Carbonel-Sandoval said. "The HR is currently looking for
secretaries for me and your Kuya Alex and as much as I'd like to browse the candidates' resumes, may
meeting kasi ako with finance at si Kuya mo may case briefing naman. Is it alright na pumunta ka muna
dito to narrow-down the applicants? Kailangang-kailangan na kasi namin ng sekretarya talaga kaya
madalian to. I will feel at ease kung ikaw yung titingin kesa yung head ng HR kasi mas alam mo yung
preferences namin."

"Sure, Ate. Ginawa ko na kanina yung iba kong assignments during my free time kaya pwede akong
pumunta dyan."

"Thank you, ha Lee. You're really a life-saver."

"Wala yun, Ate. Sige po at alam kong busy kayo dyan."

"Sige, Lee. Bye. I love you." 7/105

"Goodbye, Ate. I love you too." She said before she ended the call. "Manong Gener pakihatid po ako sa
office." She told her driver.

"Okay po, Miss Lee Ann." He replied. It's been months since she started avoiding visiting her sister
at her office because she was trying her hardest to evade Nickolai Sandoval, her sister's brother-in-
law. Like her and her sisters, Nickolai is also part owner of the Carbonel and Sandoval Incorporated,
a company that her late father and his bestfriend, who happens to be Nickolai and Alexander
Sandoval's dad, established. Their last encounter wasn't exactly pleasant and she wasn't so keen on
seeing him again.

What did you do? Sinong nagbigay sayo ng karapatan na saktan ang girlfriend ko?!

He had said and she closed her eyes trying to blot the memory from her head. She never hoped that
he'd like her back -- she was too plain, too young, too Lee Ann. She used to be contented loving him
from afar. Used to be. She realized that as she got older her longing to be with him grew stronger
and the pain of his unspoken rejections cut deep.

"Sa lahat naman kasi ng pwede mong magustuhan, yung imposible pa." She murmured to herself.

"Ano po yun, Miss Lee Ann?" Her sixty-year old driver asked peeking at her through the rearview

"Wala po, Manong." She replied. "Nag-iisip lang po akong mag-isa." She added. They reached their
building in less than thirty minutes and Lee Ann pleasantly smiled at the guard on duty who touched
his cap as a gesture of respect before he returned the youngster's smile.

"Good afternoon po, Miss Lee Ann." He greeted.

"Good afternoon po, Manong Luis. Yung anak nyo po ba nakalabas na po ng ospital?" She asked and the
old guard beamed. Lee Ann inherited her mother's affability and all their employees love her.

"Nakalabas na po, Miss Lee Ann noong nakaraang araw pa po."

"Mabuti naman po kung ganun. Uso po talaga ang dengue ngayon, sabihin po ninyo kay Mabel na mag

"Opo. Salamat po pala sa mga pinadala ninyong prutas sa ospital."

"Ay, naku wala po yun. Sige po, Manong aakyat na po ako."

"Sige po, Miss Lee Ann." The guard replied as the young girl waved goodbye at him.

"Good afternoon po." Their employees greeted and Lee Ann returned their greetings. She glanced at her
watch as she waited for the lift and took a step forward when she heard a ping before the elevator
door opened.

"Lee." Atty. Nickolai Sandoval, the subject of Lee Ann's daydreams, said looking at the young girl
who stared for a few seconds at him before pasting a polite smile on her face.

"Good afternoon po, Kuya Nick." She said as she waited for him to get off. He was holding the OPEN
button for her but she refused to get in.

"Hindi ka ba sasakay?" He asked with a smile and her heart fluttered crazily. Ito ka na naman. She
told herself as she wet her suddenly parched lips.

"Hindi po ba kayo bababa?" She asked courteously.

"Hindi, paakyat ako." He answered and she wondered briefly why he's going back up.

"Ah, okay po." She replied stepping inside the lift. She moved to the wall furthest from him and 8/105

trained her eyes on the blinking red lights showing the floors.

"Kumusta na ang pag-aaral mo?" Nickolai asked the young girl who refused to look at him. Since their
last conversation at the Sandoval mansion a few months back, he noticed that she started avoiding

"Mabuti naman po." She replied. Ang bagal naman nitong elevator na to. She murmured to herself as
seconds seemed to stretch endlessly. She contemplated getting off on the next floor but he'll notice
for sure.

"Pinapunta ka ba ng Ate mo?" He questioned and she nodded her head.

"Opo." She replied. He was getting infuriated. It's not like Lee Ann to be quiet and almost
impersonal around him. She had always followed him around, hang on his every word and looked at him
as if he's the most beloved man alive. He knew about her infatuation, the girl was too obvious but
she's eleven years younger and he thought it's a phase that she'd get over. And now, she finally got
over it. His mind mocked.

"Kumusta ka naman?" He asked.

"Okay naman po." She answered.

"Ateneo ka di ba?" He tried again and she nodded her head still not looking at him. "Masaya ka naman
sa Ateneo?" He asked and she nodded her head the second time making him more frustrated. "Why won't
you look at me?!" He snapped as he pressed the stop button and she turned her head to look at him in

"Po?" She asked, her eyes round with alarm.

"And stop saying po and opo because it's fucking annoying!" He hissed as her brows knitted together.
"Ano bang problema mo? Iniiwasan mo ba ako?"

"Bakit ko naman po kayo iiwasan, Kuya Nick?" She asked defiantly as she raised her chin. "Mayroon po
bang rason kung bakit ko po kayo iiwasan?" She asked and he gritted his teeth.

"If this is all about yours and Precious--"

"Teka lang po." She said holding up her graceful hand and Nickolai suddenly felt the urge to twine
his fingers through hers. "Teka lang po, let's not even go there kasi po tapos na po yun. Pinag-
usapan na po natin yun. Ayoko na pong ulit-ulitin kasi po lalo lang po akong nabwibwisit." She said
stressing each po angrily and he sighed.

"I already apologized, Lee. Hanggang ngayon ba naman galit ka pa rin sa akin?"

"Hindi po ako galit sa inyo. Ano naman pong karapatan ng isang batang tulad ko na magalit sa isang
big shot na abogadong nagngangalang Atty. Nickolai Sandoval?" She asked and he clenched his fist.

"You are frustrating, Lee Ann!" He bit out and she arched her brow.

"You have to walk in my shoes to know what frustrating is, so don't start." She answered and he
nearly smiled. "Kung wala ka na pong sasabihin, Kuya paandarin mo na po tong elevator kasi
naghihintay po sa akin si Ate." She demanded as she glanced at her watch but he didn't move.

"You're a brat, Lee Ann Carbonel." He said and she arched her brow again.

"And you're a boring idiot, Atty. Nickolai Sandoval." She replied as the elevator resumed its ascent.
He chuckled as he pocketed his hands.

"I'm a boring idiot kasi hindi ako nakikipaglaro sayo?" He asked and she bristled as his words.

"Mukha ba akong nakikipaglaro sayo, Kuya?" She asked glowering at him. "Sa tingin mo, anong laro tong
nilalaro ko, Kuya?" She asked as she tried to rein in her temper. He watched as she clenched her
fists and sighed.

"Lee, I am your Kuya Nick who's too old for games; too old for a kid like you." He uttered as the 9/105

elevator opened on their floor. She shook her head in disbelief at him.

"I know you're old, you definitely act like you're ancient and that's what makes you boring. But for
someone who's supposedly older and has gained more wisdom, you haven't noticed that I'm no longer a
kid and that's what makes you an idiot." She angrily muttered before she stepped out of the elevator
leaving him gawking at her.


The 'incident' between Lee Ann, Nickolai and Precious is on Chapter 48 of Red String of Fate.

♥ jennicka

Chapter 3

Nickolai stared at the pen in his hand and laughed remembering Lee Ann's words. He didn't even see
her grow up, it's like for the past seven months that she's away, another person took over her body
giving the old timid her a spunk that's fun to watch if you're not on the other end of her smart
comebacks like he is.

"Anong tinatawa-tawa mo dyan?" Alexander asked his brother as soon as he took the seat opposite him.
They have a meeting with the finance department for next quarter's budget and all of them have to be

"Anong nangyari dun kay Lee Ann, parang naging ibang tao?" He asked with a shake of his head and 10/105

Alexander laughed.

"Paanong naging ibang tao eh yun pa rin yun. The same sweet girl who's out to please the world."

"Saan nakikita yang Lee Ann na yan kasi bitchy yung nagpapakita sa akin." Nickolai remarked and
Alexander laughed again.

"Ano ba kasing problema, Nick? Nung bubuntot-buntot sayo ang bata, ayaw mo kasi masyado syang bata
tapos ngayon na iniiwasan ka naman nya, ayaw mo rin kasi dalaga na sya."

"Gago, wala akong sinabing ganun."

"Naglalaway ka dun eh. Panyo gusto mo?"

"Tarantado ka, Alex. Di ka ba kinikilabutan dyan sa mga pinagsasabi mo? Sixteen years old lang yung
pinag-uusapan natin dito!"

"Aba, bakit? Dalaga na yun, mukhang type mo. Hindi ka ba pwedeng maglaway?"

"Tarantado, ang bastos mo!"

"Kunyari pa to. Wag ka na, Nick. Ang lagkit ng tingin mo dun kay Lee Ann, I'm sure kung anu-anong
kamunduhan ang tumatakbo dyan sa isip mo."

"Tama na, Alex. Kinikilabutan ako sayo."

"Ikaw ang bahala. Napakaraming manliligaw nun. Kung sinu-sinong tumatawag sa bahay at kung sinu-
sinong kausap magdamagan sa telepono. Ang dami ngang pumupunta para dalawin yun at lahat may itsura
at galing sa matitinong pamilya." Alexander lied watching his older brother's reaction closely and
nearly laughed when Nickolai clenched his jaw. "Ikaw rin, maunahan ka. Habambuhay ka na lang na Kuya
at baka pag yun kinasal kunin ka pang ninong." He taunted.

"Tumahimik ka na." Nickolai murmured trying to control his temper as the door opened and Alexa walked

"Hi, Nick." She greeted before she went to sit beside her husband. "Hello, gorgeous." She whispered
against Alexander's ear. Nickolai watched his brother eagerly turn his face towards his wife for a
kiss. He cleared his throat at the couple's blatant display of affection and wondered why Alexander
and Alexa can't seem to keep their hands off each other. He and Precious, his girlfriend of nearly
two years, stopped being affectionate after a month of intimacy and sweetness felt more of an
obligation rather than a need for Nickolai.

"Uwi na tayo, Love." He heard Alexander murmur and Alexa whispered something in Alex's ear that made
him hug his wife to his chest. "Promise yan." Alexander said and Alexa eagerly nodded her head.

"Para kayong bagong kasal." Nickolai remarked and the couple looked at him.

"Magpakasal ka na kasi." Alexander replied. "Ayaw mong hiwalayan yung girlfriend mo kaya siguro balak
mo na talagang pakasalan yun."

"No comment." Alexa replied. "Nick, utang na loob pag ang napangasawa mo si Precious, hinding-hindi
ako dadalo sa kasal nyo kahit magkatampuhan pa tayo. Di ko mapatawad ang ginawa ng bruha mong
girlfriend sa kapatid ko!" Alexa uttered and Nickolai frowned.

"What do you mean, ginawa ni Precious kay Lee Ann?"

"Bakit, hindi mo ba alam? Bakit mo pinagalitan si Lee Ann kung hindi mo alam?"


"Bwisit ka, di mo ba alam na nagkapasa si Lee Ann sa braso dahil sa lakas ng pagkakahawak mo sa
kanya? Kung hindi ko lang mahal tong kapatid mo na nakiusap sa akin na patawarin ka na, hinding-hindi
na kita kakausapin!"

"Kelan sya nagkapasa? I didn't touch her." 11/105

"Hinawakan mo sya sa braso, Nick. Kaya may pasa sya kasi masyadong mahigpit yata ang pagkakahawak


"Muntik ko na nga lang sugurin yung girlfriend mo. Anong karapatan ng babaeng yun na duru-duruin ang
kapatid ko at tawaging malandi? How dare her! Naku, kailangan ko ng tubig, uminit na naman ulo ko!"
Alexa angrily uttered as she stood up leaving the brothers inside the conference room.

"Bakit hindi mo sinabi sa akin to, Alex?" Nickolai asked.

"Ayoko nang dagdagan yung gulo. Mainit na nga ulo ni Alexa, paiinitin ko pa ang ulo mo. Si Precious
pinagsabihan yung bata ng kung anu-ano, nagselos yata at dinuro-duro ang noo ni Lee Ann kaya sinampal
nya. Alam mo naman ang mga Carbonel, dinaig pa ang mga amasona." Alexander said trying to lighten the

"That must be the reason kung bakit sya galit sa akin." Nickolai thought aloud.

"Nick, may gusto ka ba kay Lee Ann?" Alex inquired and Nickolai vehemently shook his head.

"Wala!" He said. "Alex, bata yun. Napaka-imoral ko namang tao kung pati bata papatulan ko. I deeply
care for her because she's like a sister to me. And the reason why I'm bothered that she's not
talking to me is because we're rather close. Ako pa nagturo dun mag-bike, ako pa kasama nun sa first
communion nya at ako pa ang nakakita na tinagusan sya nung unang period nya! Nakukuha mo ba, Alex?
She is just a little kid to me, nothing more kaya please stop teasing me about her. Hindi ko sya
gusto romantically. I don't see her as a woman, I see her as a little girl and your jibes are not
only uncalled for, they're ridiculous!" Nickolai exclaimed as the door closed with a bang.

"Sino yun?" Alexander asked as he stood up to open the door and saw Lee Ann's back as she ran back
towards Alexa's office. He looked at his brother's grim expression and sighed. "Siguraduhin mo lang,
Nick. Siguraduhin mo lang na di ka manghihinayang at magsisi. Mahirap baguhin ang isip ng mga

"Sigurado ako. Wala akong gusto dun sa bata." Nickolai repeated and Alexander nodded his head as he
sat down again.

Lee Ann ran back to her sister's office and hastily closed the door behind her. She clutched the
folder containing the short-listed applicants to her chest as she felt her heart break. She was
supposed to give the folder to her sister but she heard Nickolai and Alexander talk about her when
she was about to open the door.

"Tama na kasi." She told herself. "Sabi mo di ka na aasa pero nasasaktan ka pa rin." She murmured she
felt tears gather in her eyes. "Tama na, tama na." She repeated as she put the folder she was holding
on top of her sister's table before she ran to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face.

Nakukuha mo ba, Alex? She is just a little kid to me, nothing more kaya please stop teasing me about
her. Hindi ko sya gusto romantically. I don't see her as a woman, I see her as a little girl and your
jibes are not only uncalled for, they're ridiculous!

She heard his words in her head and she straightened her spine as she gazed at her reflection on the
mirror. "Sino namang tanga ang magkakagusto sayo? Napaka-plain mo!" She murmured harshly. "Mukha kang
bata, hindi ka mukhang dalaga!" She muttered pulling the pink bow that was holding her hair near the
nape. "Anong panama mo dun sa Precious nya? Wala!"

"Lee?" She heard her sister's voice and her eyes widened considerably. She didn't want her sister to
catch her taking pity on herself because knowing Alexa Carbonel, she'd probably castrate Nickolai for
making her little sister cry. At ayokong magkagulo silang lahat dahil sa akin. She thought.

"Ate? Teka lang po." She called. "Umiihi po ako!" She said as she flushed the toilet before she
pasted a smile on her face. 12/105

"Umiiyak ka?" Alexa asked as soon as she saw Lee Ann emerge from the bathroom.

"Hindi po. Makati kasi ilong ko kaya kinamot ko." She lied and felt guilty when Alexa nodded her
head. "Nasaan na ang listahan ng shortlisted applicants?" She asked and Lee Ann walked towards
Alexa's table to get the folder for her.

"Ito po." She said and Alexa smiled at her sister.

"Salamat talaga, Lee! I owe you one."

"Ate naman, may pa ganyan-ganyan pang nalalaman." She uttered. "Ay, Ate may tanong po ako."

"Ano yun?" Alexa asked.

"Okay lang po ba akong makipag-date?" She asked blushing crazily that Alexa couldn't help but laugh.

"Date? Dalaga ka na?" She teased and Lee Ann grinned. "May boyfriend ka na ba?"

"Wala pa po, nagtatanong lang."

"Oo naman, pwede kang makipag-date. Pwede ka ngang mag-asawa kung gusto mo. Ang sa akin lang pumili
kang mabuti, walang take two ang love."

"Wala pa nga, Ate. Nagtatanong lang ako tsaka minor ako, kahit naman gustuhin kong mag-asawa di pa

"Kaya nga sinasabi kong pwede kasi di pa pwede." Alexa answered laughing again. "Pero ipakilala mo sa
akin ha kapag may nagugustuhan ka na. Magtatampo talaga si Ate kapag hindi mo pinakilala sa kanya."

"Opo. Ipapakilala ko po. Ikaw pa, Ate." Lee Ann uttered smiling and Alexa walked towards her younger
sister to give her a hug.

"Buti naman okay ka na. I was worried because you've been really quiet these past few weeks. Get over
him, Lee. I was okay even when he did not return your affections but when he started making you cry,
hindi ako okay dun."

"I'm in the process, Ate. I'll get over him." She declared and Alexa smiled tenderly at her.

"Good." She said. "O sige na, at nasa conference room na daw si Dad kaya magsisimula na ang meeting."
She added as she read a message from her phone. "Mauuna ka na ba sa bahay?"


"Sige, mag-ingat ka. I love you."

"I love you too." Lee Ann replied as she kissed her sister's cheek. She stared at the door and sighed
as she prepared to leave. She heard her phone ring and she picked it up and frowned at the name
reflected on the screen. "Hi, Nicko." She said.

"Hi, Lee." Nicholas answered. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the office. Bakit?"

"I have a favor to ask. Yung Tito ko kasi is a director and the model who's supposed to do a
commercial for him begged off kasi may sakit daw. He needs someone ASAP and he asked me for help.
Ikaw agad ang pumasok sa isip ko."

"Hindi ako model." She replied laughing as she picked her bag up from couch. "Wag ako at baka
mapahiya ka lang."

"Sige na, Lee. Ikaw kaya pinakamatangkad kong kakilala. I really need your help. May talent fee naman
to, I know you don't need the money but your efforts won't be wasted."

"Napaka-comedian mo, Nicko." She said as she let herself out of her sister's office. 13/105

"Sige na, Lee please. Nasa commercial din ako. It's actually my first time at kabado ako. It would
really help kung kilala ko ang ka-partner ko."

"Hindi nga ako model, ano ba yun. Besides, wala akong talent sa ganyan."

"Lee, naman."

"Ang kulit mo, Nicko!" She exclaimed and heard him sigh.

"Tito, hindi daw po sya pwede eh. Pasensya na po. Okay po." She heard him say.

"Can someone call Precious Abueva para itanong kung kelan sya pwede?" A man's shrill voice sounded on
the background and Lee Ann arched her brow. Precious Abueva? Nickolai's girlfriend? She thought.

"Hello, Lee. Pasensya na't naabala pa kita. I was just trying to help my uncle, nakulit kita tuloy.
Sorry ulit ha, Miss Lee Ann Carbonel?"

"Okay lang. Pasensya na rin at nasigawan kita."

"All's forgiven and forgotten, ikaw pa ang lakas mo sa akin."

"Okay, bye Nicko."

"Did you say Lee Ann Carbonel?" Someone asked.

"Opo." Lee Ann heard Nicko reply.

"Let me talk to her!" She heard the voice demand and she frowned.

"Wait, Lee are you still there?"

"Yes." She replied. "Bakit?"

"Is it alright if my Tito talks to you?"

"Ha? Bakit daw?"

"Hindi ko alam." Nicholas answered.

"Hello, is this Lee Ann Carbonel?" A voice sounded.

"Opo. This is Lee Ann Carbonel."

"Oh my God!" The voice squealed and Lee Ann winced. Bakla ang Tito ni Nicko? She thought. "Alam mo
bang kilala ko ang Mommy mo? Madam Francoisca Lemercier Carbonel was the epitome of beauty and grace!
I'm gonna cry, I'm gonna cry, I'm gonna cry!" He chanted. "Get me bottled water, please!" He said.
"I'm so sorry, iha. It's just that I know your Mom and she was the very first face of this product in
the Philippines." He sobbed and Lee Ann sighed.

"Salamat po for remembering my Mom. I don't remember her much because I was very young when she
passed away."

"That's sad." The director said, "If you want I have videos and photos of her, do you want to see
them?" He asked and Lee Ann couldn't keep the excitement off her voice.

"Talaga po?" She asked.

"Oo naman. Nasa set kami ngayon, gusto mo bang pumunta? I'll ask my P.A. to get the album and files
for me."

"Okay po, saan po ba kayo?" She asked and he gave her the address.

"But be quick, darling. Di kasi tuloy ang shooting ko ng commercial so we are already packing up." 14/105
"Ay, ganun po."

"Oo. Yung model kasi di sumipot. Napaka-bratinella talaga ng model na yun akala mo kung sinong
sikat." He said. "Anyway, I'll wait for you, darling. Gusto kitang makita, sabi kasi ng pamangkin ko
napakaganda mo raw. It would have been an honor to have you do the commercial your mother first did.
Pero okay lang kung ayaw mong pumayag. Kung papayag ka sana, I'll give you a copy of all the files
that I have about your mother--"

"Okay, you got me. I'll do it." Lee Ann replied and heard the director laugh.

"I knew you would." He said.

Chapter 4

Lee Ann arrived at the location after 20 minutes and Nicko's uncle greeted her in his flowery frock.
He was tall and handsome just like his nephew and he encircled Lee Ann in his embrace as soon as he
saw her.

"Mademoiselle Carbonel." He said, his voice raw with emotion. "You have your mother's eyes, figure
and height. Parang nakikita ko sya sayo. Oh, I feel sad again." He said as he wiped his eyes with a
lacy, white handkerchief. "Alam mo bang she was the one who gave me a break? Assistant lang ako nun
but she must have seen something in me because she introduced me to a lot of people and even trusted
me enough to direct this product's first-ever commercial."

"Ganun po ba?" Lee Ann said for lack of anything to say. She somehow felt cheated. Buti pa sila
nagkaroon ng time na makasama si Mommy ng matagal.

"You look like your sister Lia." He remarked.

"Magkakamukha po kaming magkakapatid. Kahit po si Ate Alexa." Lee Ann replied and Nicko's uncle

"Malakas ang dugo ni Atty. Carbonel. Late condolences for your father's passing."

"Salamat po."

"You can call me Tito June, actually and tunay kong pangalan ay Juanito de Jesus the fifth pero ang
sagwa, di ba kaya June na lang." He said ushering the girl to sit on one of the couches.

"Okay po, Tito June. Si Nicko po pala?"

"Ayun binibihisan. May contract tayo ha, Lee Ann. Is it alright if I call you Lee Ann?"

"Oo naman po. Wait, a contract? I need my sister to review the contract first. Tsaka minor po ako
kaya I cannot yet sign legal documents."

"Alam ko. Give me her email and I'll email it to her. Kakausapin ko na rin sya."

"Ako po munang kakausap sa kanya. I can give you the email of our corporate office, pakilagay na lang
po sa attention yung full name ni Ate. Here, let me write it down for you." She said as she took a
piece of paper from her bag and wrote Atty. Lianna Alexa Carbonel-Sandoval on it. "Excuse me po, let 15/105
me talk to my sister first." She said before she stood up to dial her sister's number. She answered
on the second ring.

"Hi, Lee!"

"Ate, may ii-email po sa inyo na contract, may gagawin po kasi akong commercial." Lee Ann offhandedly
said and winced when she heard a crash.

"Sorry, nahulog yung phone." Alexa mumbled after a few seconds. "Commercial? Hindi ba magdo-doktor


"Eh ano tong contract para sa isang commercial?" Alexa asked and Lee Ann couldn't help but smile. Si
Ate talaga.

"Bakit, Ate ayaw nyo po bang magkaroon ng kapatid na model?" She joked and heard a sigh.

"Kahit gusto mong maging taong-grasa ay okay lang. Mamahalin pa rin kita at yayakapin pa rin kita ng
mahigpit basta ba nakaligo ka na." Her sister replied and they both laughed. "Pero, I want you to
tell me honestly bakit bigla kang naging commercial model. Ano yun, bumaba ka lang ng opisina tapos
pagsakay mo sa sasakyan naisip mo na gusto mong rumampa?"

"Kasi Ate, itong product na to si Mommy ko po ang unang model. Kaya po ano..." She trailed off
suddenly unsure of what to say.

"Okay." Alexa replied. "Basta ayokong may frontal or posterior nudity. Ayoko rin ng may halikan,
ayokong nagpapakita ka ng boobs o kung anu-anong anong kalaswaan. Pakisabi dyan sa kung sino mang
kausap mo na hintayin ako. I will just read the contract at pupunta ako kung nasaan ka because I want
to be there, mamaya i-exploit ka nila."

"Ate, Tito po sya ni Nicko."

"Ay, kahit si Tito Boy Abunda pa yan ay wala akong pakialam. Send me the address."

"Okay po." Lee Ann answered. She was relieved that her sister will be there and she was pleased that
Alexa would actually take time out of her busy schedule just to ensure that she's in good hands.

"Anong sabi ng kapatid mo?" Nicko's uncle asked as soon as she pocketed her phone.

"Pupunta daw po sya dito para makausap po kayo." Lee Ann said.

"Good." He replied smiling as the door opened and Nicko stepped in.

"Hi, Lee! Buti pumayag ka, sobra akong kinakabahan, ang sabi kasi nila mataray daw yung Precious.
Buti na lang di sya dumating." He uttered chuckling. Mataray talaga yun pero wag syang magkakamaling
tarayan ako ulit at hindi lang sampal mararanasan nya sa akin, suntok at tadyak na. She thought as
they waited for her sister. Alexa arrived after thirty minutes and she was all business.

"I will act as her manager kasi biglaan naman ito so she obviously doesn't have an agency. I don't
like numbers 3.1 and 7.2 kasi this is not something that she'll do for a long time unless gusto nya.
Gusto kong per-commercial basis ang kontrata kasi ayokong matali ang kapatid ko, I don't want her to
feel obliged." She finished before she looked at Nicko and smiled. "Hi, Nicko." She greeted before
she turned to look at Nicko's uncle. "You don't have to worry about the changes because I have
created a new contract that we both can sigh." She added as she took a folder out of the bag she was
carrying and handed it out to him.

"Carbonel ka nga." Tito June said laughing. "Naalala ko ang Daddy mo when I first talked to him, he
represented Lee Ann's mom too. The same brisk tone, the same no-nonsense manner and nearly the same
manner of speaking. That's the highest compliment I could give you."

"Thank you." Alexa replied sincerely. Tito June went over the contract before he affixed his
signature and handed Alexa all of the copies. "I'll ask our messenger to bring your notarized copy to
you. Ito yung office address nyo di ba?" She asked pointing at the address indicated on the contract. 16/105
"Yes." He replied pleasantly. "O tara na, nang maayusan na si Lee Ann." He said as he stood up and
Alexa stood up too to follow her sister.

"Ate, salamat." The younger girl whispered and Alexa draped an arm around her.

"Anytime." She replied.

Nickolai was in a middle of a meeting with Alexander and Dustin when his phone rang. He excused
himself and stood up to take the phone call.

"Precious." He said over the phone.

"Nick! Fire this receptionist who won't let me go up to see you! Baguhan ba to?! Hindi ba nya alam na
girlfriend mo ako?!" Precious shrieked and Nickolai moved his phone away from his ear.

"She's just following orders. Sabi ko nasa isang importanteng meeting ako kaya hindi ako tatanggap ng
bisita." He replied coolly.

"Bisita?! Ibang tao ba ako?! I am your fiancée, Nick!" He heard her angrily say and he sighed.

"Precious, I haven't proposed yet." He uttered.

"So, you have no plans of proposing?!"


"I'm going up! Tell these morons na wag nila akong haharangan or else--"

"Fine, umakyat ka." Nick tiredly answered. "Let's end this call, tatawagan ko ang reception." He
muttered expelling a heavy breath. He went back inside the conference room and Alexander looked
inquiringly at him.

"Sino yun, Nick?" He asked. "Bakit nag-iba yata timpla ng mukha mo?"

"Ano nga ba ang local ng reception?" Nickolai questioned as he picked up the phone from the
conference room's table.

"401." Dustin answered. "Si Precious yata." He mouthed at Alexander who nodded his head.

"Regine. Hi. Wait, are you crying?" He asked and Dustin and Alexander looked at each other. "Sorry
about that, Regine. I will talk to her. Oo paakyatin nyo na sya sa office." He said over the phone
before putting it down. "I'm going back to my office." He said before he left. Precious arrived
knocking angrily on his door and he pressed a button to unlock it.

"You better fire that bitch or else--"

"Or else what?" He asked. "My God, Precious kailangan mo bang ipahiya yung tao? Kailangan mo bang
isaboy sa mukha nya ang kapeng dala mo?"

"Naiinis ako eh! May magagawa ba sya?!"

"Wala kang karapatang mamahiya o mambastos ng tao!" Nickolai snapped before he expelled a heavy
breath as he tried to control his temper. "What do you want?" He asked.

"Nick..." Precious whined as she walked towards him to wrap her arms around his waist. "Why are you
like this? Alam mo bang kinancel ko pa ang shooting ko ng isang commercial just to be with you
because I missed you?" She asked as she tiptoed to rain kisses down his jaw. 17/105

"Why did you cancel it? That's another breach of contract." He stated and she smiled.

"Why would I be scared eh nandyan ka naman? Besides, we can always sue the producers, director and
even the model who'll be asked to replace me. Tsaka, sa tingin mo meron silang makukuhang ipapalit sa

"Precious, what do you mean by we can sue them. Wag mo akong isasali dyan sa mga pinaggagawa mo. I
don't want our law firm to be dragged into your affairs."

"Nick naman, don't tell me mas mahal mo tong law firm ninyo kesa akin?" She asked as she batted her
eyes at him and felt angry when he did not reply.

"Kung wala kang importanteng kailangan, I was in the middle of a very important meeting when you

"Puro ka na lang meeting!" She hissed as she leaned away from him. "Wala ka nang time para sa akin!
Para sa atin!"


"God, Nick! Wala na ba akong halaga sayo? I went out of my way para dalawin ka! May hindi ako sinipot
na shooting para lang makasama ka! Tapos ganito lang? Ganito na lang tayo parati? I make time for you
yet you can't do the same for me?!"

"You know I'm busy!" He snapped and sighed. "Babawi ako, okay? Busy lang talaga ako ngayon." He

"Kelan ka ba hindi naging busy?"

"Precious, when we agreed to exclusively date ay alam natin ang limitations ng isa't isa. I am a
lawyer and I have this company to look after; hindi ako isang empleyado lang na pwedeng lumabas o
mag-leave kung kelan nya gusto."

"Para saan ba yung kapatid mo at kailangang ikaw ang gumawa lahat?!"

"Do not drag Alex into this issue dahil hindi mo magugustuhan ang maririnig mo mula sa akin pag sya
dinamay mo!"


"Kailangan ko nang bumalik sa meeting. Ingat ka sa pag-uwi mo." He said before he dipped his head to
kiss her on the forehead.

"Okay." She murmured. "Pupunta na lang ako sa shooting ko ng commercial. I'll see you this Saturday?"
She asked and he didn't reply. "Don't tell me may gagawin ka kahit Sabado?" She inquired, her voice
filled with hurt.

"I'll call you on Friday kung pwede ako." He dismissively said as he opened his door for her. She
looked at his face before she sighed and stepped out of his office. "And Precious..."

"Yes?" She asked as she turned to smile at him thinking that he changed his mind about attending the

"Do not mess with any of our employees again. They are under Alexa's direct supervision and she will
have your head if she hears about what happened. And even I, will not be able to stop her." He said
before he nodded his head at her. "Ingat sa pagda-drive." He added before he turned to leave. She
stared in shock at his retreating back before she walked back to the elevator. When she reached the
basement parking she quickly got inside her car and drove to the location of their shooting.

"Pakialam ko ba kay Alexa o dun sa batang malanding kapatid nya? Bwisit sila!" She murmured to
herself as she drove unaware that the subjects of her ire were busy as Lee Ann sat still while make-
up artists were getting her prepared.

"Ang ganda ng cheek bones mo." One remarked and she smiled. 18/105

"Salamat po." She answered as a phone sounded.

"Lee, nandito na si Ate Lia. Naku, tinawagan ko kasi wala akong alam sa pagmomodel na yan, at least
sya makatulong man lang sayo." Alexa quipped and Lee Ann laughed.

"Full force?" She asked as Alexa laughed too.

"Ganito kami ka-supportive." She answered as Lia Carbonel walked inside the room.

"Oh my God, si baby sister ay magmomodel!" She said as she and Alexa kissed each other's cheek.
"Bakit parang nananaba ka? Don't tell me buntis ka na naman!"

"Ate naman! Hindi no! Hiyang lang sa pag-aasawa."

"My God, ha ginagawa ka nang manok nyan ni Alexander na maya't maya ay nagingitlog!" She tactlessly
muttered and Alexa laughed.

"Hindi ko na tatanungin kung sino ang kasama mo kasi feeling ko kilala ko. Where is he?"

"May pinuntahan at hinatid lang ako dito." Lia replied.

"Ate Lia, turuan mo akong mag-project." Lee Ann said and Lia started strutting in front of them.

"Hay naku, madali lang para ka lang nagtataray sa madla." She said. "Maldita ka rin naman, kaya mo na
yun. You have to think that you're fierce and confident. Tsaka natural na yun sa atin, ano kung di ba
naman lahat tayo produkto ng model at artista." She said and Alexa laughed.

"Oo, Lee kayang-kaya mo yan."

"Parang ang hirap naman." Lee Ann mumbled as they heard someone scream.

"Where is June?! You cannot replace me! I am this product's model and you cannot just kick me out!"

"Ms. Abueva, teka lang po. Bawal po kayong pumasok dyan."

"Putang-ina umalis ka sa harap ko kundi sasampalin kita! June! Nasaan kang bakla ka?! JUNE! Sino ang
model na pinalit nyo sa akin?! SINO?!" Precious screamed as she yanked the door open. The three
Carbonels turned to look at her and she stopped on her tracks.

"Yes?" Alexa asked, her brow arched, as Precious gripped the doorknob tightly.

"May problema ka sa kapatid ko?" Lia questioned as she straightened to her full height. "Sabihin mo
lang, kasi di ako nakapag-yoga kanina kaya stressed ako at kailangan kong maglabas ng pent-up
energy." She said as she flexed her hand.

"Ako rin eh, parang gusto kong manampal kasi gusto kong mag-ubos ng pera.Pwede ko bang sirain yang
mukha mo tutal afford ko namang bayaran ka?" Alexa casually asked and Precious hastily turned to

"Girlfriend ni Nick yun di ba?" Lia questioned and Alexa nodded her head. "Alam kong tanga yung
lalaking yun pero pinatulan nya si Precious Abueva? She's a gold-digger! Ang bobo ni Nick!"

"Ate, dahan-dahan sa pagtawag kay Nick ng bobo, may nasasaktan." Alexa joked as Lee Ann blushed.

"Alam kong type nya si Nick, naglalaway kaya yan dun." Lia replied as she and Alexa laughed.

"Nakamove-on na ako, mga Ate." She murmured and her sisters laughed harder.

"Ang pagmo-move-on hindi sinasabi, kundi ginagawa!" Lia exclaimed as someone knocked on the door.

"Pasok." Alexa said and Nicko opened the door and stopped.

"Ay, good afternoon po." He said as he bowed his head politely at them. "Lee, ready ka na?" He asked
and Lee Ann nodded. The four of them left the room as Lia and Alexa trailed behind the teenagers. 19/105

"Mas bet ko to." Lia whispered and Alexa nodded her head. "Kung ganito kagwapo si move-on ay ora-
orada magmu-move on na ako. As in agad-agad."

"Tama." Alexa whispered back. "Pero ang puso, alam mo naman minsan may pagka-tanga."

"Akong bahala." Lia said.

"Anong gagawin mo, Ate?"

"Maghanda ka ng buhay na manok at isang sako ng dahon ng pito-pito, ipapa-albularyo ko si Lee Ann."
She retorted and they stopped walking as they stared at each other and burst out laughing.

Chapter 5

It was the Saturday after her commercial shoot and Lee Ann was lounging near the pool waiting for
Nicko. They were partners for a project and as agreed ay pupunta si Nicko sa bahay nila para sa book
report na kanilang gagawin. The young girl re-read the summary of the book she prepared glancing at
her watch to check the time.

"Late yata si Nicko." She mumbled to herself. Dapat alas tres pupunta sa bahay nila ang binata pero
he's usually thirty minutes early so she was surprised when he still hasn't arrived.

"Miss Lee Ann, nandito po si Sir Nick--"

"About time!" Lee Ann exclaimed as she prepared to stand up. "Saan ka ba galing at ang tagal-tagal
mo? Alam mo bang kanina pa kita hinihin--" She said and stopped talking.

"Good afternoon, Lee." Nickolai said, his heart breaking a little when he saw the smile vanish from
her lips.

"Kuya Nick." She said recovering quickly. "Good afternoon po." She greeted politely as she pasted a
smile on her face. She tried to appear unaffected even as her heart fluttered crazily at how dashing
he looked. He was wearing a plain white shirt, khaki cargo shorts and a pair of dark brown loafers
and he looked ten years younger. Tama na, wala ka talagang pag-asa dyan. She reminded herself as she
tried not to look too bitter. Ang ampalaya kinakain, Lee Ann at hindi sinasabuhay. She thought

"Were you expecting someone else?" Nickolai asked trying to keep the disappointment off his voice as
he closely watched Lee Ann's reaction. For days, he thought of ways para makausap ang dalaga pero
dinaig pa nito ang social schedule nya kasi every time na tumatawag sya sa mansyon ng mga Carbonel ay
parati itong wala. He had a feeling that she changed her phone number too kasi hindi na nya to
matawagan at lalong hindi ito nagrereply sa mga text messages nya.

"Actually, yes." The young girl answered. "Akala ko po kayo na po yung hinihintay ko, hindi pa po
pala." She said and Nickolai felt his heart painfully squeezed. Iba ang dating sa kanya ng sinabi ng
dalagita kahit na alam naman nya na ang tinutukoy nito ay ibang bagay. 20/105

"Sorry to disappoint." He apologized as he smiled.

"Ano po ang kailangan nyo, Kuya?" She inquired noticing the bouquet of flowers that he was holding.
His eyes followed her gaze and he cleared his throat.

"Para sayo pala." He said and he nearly lost his nerve when she just stared at him.

"Para po sa akin?" She asked doubtfully and arched her brow as he held out the flowers towards her.
She must have realized that her brow was raised and she immediately smiled, although it lacked warmth
and didn't even reach her eyes.

"Oo." He mumbled feeling like an unsure teenager. He cleared his throat again and she moved forward
to take the bouquet from him.

"Salamat po, Kuya." She said. "May kailangan po ba kayo?" She asked and he nearly blushed. For days,
he was consumed with the burning desire to talk to her. Gusto nyang magkaayos silang dalawa. Hindi
sya sanay na hindi sya pinapansin ng teenager. Gusto nyang mag-sorry kasi alam nyang may kasalanan
sya dito at higit sa lahat gusto nya itong makita at makausap. Pero sa dinadami ng gusto nyang gawin,
lahat yung naglaho sa tanong na may kailangan po ba kayo? It sounded so impersonal, it sounded so
unwelcoming and it tore his heart.

"Ah, wala. Napadaan lang." He muttered with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Ah. Okay." She answered. "Gusto po ba ninyo ng juice, coffee, water or anything?" She asked and he
shook his head.

"Wala. Kumain na ako." He said as he rocked on his heel. Hindi nya alam kung bakit sya ninenerbyos
pero grabe ang kaba ng dibdib nya, dinaig pa nya ang pakiramdam ng magpa-final interview para
makapasok sa U.P. College of Law.

"San po ba kayo galing?" Lee Ann asked because the silence was becoming unbearable.

"Dyan lang." He said.

"Okay." She answered, training her gaze on the brick path leading to back of the house.

"Sino pala ang hinihintay mo?" He asked and she looked up to smile at him.

"Yung classmate ko po, may gagawin po kasi kaming project." She retorted and he nodded his head. The
silence stretched like a tight coil around them and they both felt uncomfortable. It was Nick who
broke the silence as he addressed the young girl once again.

"Nangongolekta ka pa ba ng figurines ng elephants?" He asked averting his gaze when she looked at
him. He was about to take the small glass figurine out of his pocket when she spoke.

"Hindi na po, Kuya eh. I've outgrown that phase." She replied and he put the small figurine inside
his pocket again. He smiled to hide the pain he felt.

I've outgrown that phase.

He heard her voice again in his head. Para syang dinibdiban. It was him who gave her the very first
elephant figurine when she was five. Naalala nyang pasalubong nya ito kay Lee Ann when he went to
Thailand for a debate tournament. He had missed her like crazy -- isang bata na sobrang kulit na wala
nang bukambibig kundi Kuya Nick; isang bata na sobrang sweet na naghihintay sa may hagdanan ng
mansyon nila araw-araw para sa kanya; isang batang hindi nakakatulog sa hapon kapag hindi nya
tinatabihan; isang batang umiiyak at nagseselos kapag may kasama syang ibang babae; isang bata na sa
sobrang ayaw nyang nakikitang umiyak ay hindi sya nagka-girlfriend kahit na tumuntong na sya ng
kolehiyo; isang bata na ngayon ay dalaga na at di na sya kailangan.

"Okay." He said as he looked at his shoes. "Sige pala, tutuloy na ako." He uttered and she nodded her 21/105

"Salamat po ulit dito sa mga bulaklak na dala mo, Kuya." She uttered and he was about to say
something when one of the house helps appeared.

"Miss Lee Ann, nandyan na po yung classmate ninyo." He heard the old woman say. "Good afternoon po
pala, Sir Nick." She greeted and he smiled.

"Good afternoon din po." He greeted back.

"Kuya, hindi ko na po kayo ihahatid palabas ha. Nandyan na po kasi yung hinihintay ko. Sige po, bye!"
She said waving at him as she ran off leaving the flowers that took him nearly two hours to choose
lying on the table. He could hear her excited squeals as he left the house unnoticed. Dalaga ka na
nga. Dalaga ka na at hindi mo na ako kailangan. He murmured to himself as he got into his car and
drove off.

Lee Ann excitedly waited as Nicko took his laptop out of his backpack. The young man couldn't help
but smile as she watched his every move.

"Ano ka ba, bilisan mo!" She said and he laughed. "Ang bagal mo eh, kukunin mo na nga lang sa bag mo
yung laptop mo dami-dami mo pang seremonyas."

"Teka lang, nandito na nga. Napakareklamamador mo, Di susi talaga itong bag ko kasi magko-commute ako
pauwi. Hindi kasi ako masusundo at may lakad sina Nanay at Tatay." He replied. "Ito na, nailabas ko
na sa bag ko, kamahalan itu-turn on ko muna." He kidded and she pinched his arm. "Aray. Ang kulit
mo." He laughingly said as he turned his laptop on. "Excited masyado, akala ko ba ayaw mong maging
model pero ikaw tong di mapakali." He teased.

"Eh ba't ka ba? Syempre ayokong hindi maganda ang kalalabasan!" She reasoned as he laughed again.
"Wag kang mag-alala, ipapahatid kita sa driver namin para di mo na kailangang mag-commute."

"Wag na, nakakahiya naman. Marunong akong mag-commute. In fact, buong pamilya ko ay marunong mag-

"Naku, ipapahatid na kita kasi mamaya mapano ka pa sa daan. At least I won't be worried kapag hinatid
ka ng driver." She added and he couldn't help but smile.

"Nagsisimula ka na yatang magkagusto sa akin, Mrs. De Jesus."

"Ang feeling mo, Nicko!" She exclaimed and he laughed hard.

"Pinakiusap ko lang to kay Tito ha, dapat tayo lang makakapanuod nito. Hindi pwede kahit yung mga Ate
mo or else lagot ako."

"Oo nga!" She said as he clicked on a file and her eyes never left the laptop's screen as she watched
numbers appeared and disappeared for a countdown.

"Hoy, kumurap ka!" He said putting a hand in front of her face, which she slapped away.

"Ano ba, wag kang magulo!" She exclaimed as the screen flickered. "Ayan na." She excitedly whispered.
"Aw, ang ganda ko." She muttered to herself. "Hala grabe ang ganda ko dyan!"

"Maganda ka naman talaga." He murmured as he stared at her face.

"Kaya tayo magkaibigan eh, ang galing mo kasing mambola." She laughing said as she watched herself
smile beguilingly on the screen as if she knew of a secret that no one else knew. "Ang galing ni Tito
June, hindi ba green lang ang paligid nyan? Pero look at it now para tayong nasa garden." She gushed 22/105

and he beamed affectionately at her.

"Yan ang nagagawa ng teknolohiya." He muttered. Her eyes widened, however, when the last frame

"Hala, bakit parang totoo tayong nagki-kiss?" She asked. Ang layo kaya ng labi natin sa isa't isa
dyan!" She complained.

"Dahil sa lighting at angle." He told her. Yan nga bago kong profile picture sa Facebook." He spoke
and she turned her head to look at her.

"Yang part na yan mismo?!" She asked and he laughed.

"Oo. Bakit? I took a screenshot of it. Ang gwapo ko kaya dyan."

"Palitan mo!" She whined. "Para tayong naghahalikan eh!"

"Grabe naman, walang pakialamanan ng profile pic, mag-boyfriend ba tayo at meron kang karapatang
sabihin sa akin kung ano dapat ang profile pic ko?" He joked and she took one of the throw pillows
and hit his head with it.

"Loko ka, Nicko! Puro ka kalokohan!" She muttered as he cracked up.

"Pag ako sinagot mo, kahit papapalitan mo ng picture ng unggoy yung profile pic ko gagawin ko para

"Para-paraan, de Jesus." Lee Ann retorted. "Halika na nga at gawin na natin yung project. Gumawa na
ako ng summary nung librong pinapa-review sa atin. Ang kailangan ko na lang ay input mo. Mamaya
magkasalungat tayo ng opinyon." She spoke as she gave him a folder.

"Ang kapal naman nito summary na to, babasahin ko to lahat?"

"Pwede mo ring kainin kung gusto mo." She answered grinning.

"Parati mo na lang akong binu-bully." He complained as he started reading the files she gave him.
"Ikaw din, kaka-bully mo sa akin baka madevelop ka nyan." He announced without looking at her and she
rolled her eyes at him.

"Ayoko na sa mga lalaki. Puro kayo sakit sa ulo at perwisyo sa puso." She declared and he put the
files that he was browsing down.

"Iba ako, hindi kita sasaktan."

"I'm sure." She sarcastically replied. "Pwede ba, Nicko. Ayoko ngang mag-boyfriend."

"May crush ka lang na iba eh." He said, his tone accusing and she looked at him.

"Seloso mo naman, ayoko pa naman sa mga lalaking seloso." She ribbed and his shoulders drooped.

"Hindi sa ayaw mo sa lalaking seloso, ayaw mo lang talaga sa akin." He murmured as he took his book
from his bag. "Sige na nga, gawin na natin yung project."

"Nicko, ang drama mo."

"Ikaw kasi eh, kung saktan mo ako ganun-ganun na lang." He uttered and she laughed.

"Baliw! Punung-puno ka talaga ng kalokohan!"

"Alam ko namang lokohan lang to para sayo, Lee. Pero sa akin, iba to. But I'm not going to force you
to acknowledge my feelings. It is enough that you know about what and how I feel towards you." He
sadly articulated before he smiled at her. "Anyway, I am sure you don't know how it feels and you
don't understand why I feel the way I do so just ignore what I said." He finished as he patted her
hand that was lying on top of the center table. They were hunkered down on the floor and he moved to
find a comfortable position. He was surprised when suddenly embraced him and it took a few seconds
before he was able to react. "Lee?" 23/105

"I know how it feels. I carried the pain for more than half of my life." She whispered and slowly his
arms wrapped around her.

"He'll love you back." He sighed against her hair. "And when he's stupid not to, I'll be just here

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Saturday and Lee Ann was excited. She used to think na ayaw nya yung mundong ginalawan ng Mommy nya
because she's too shy, she couldn't stand crowds and she hates being asked questions but when her
commercial came out and her's and Nicko's popularity rose, she couldn't help but be pleased with

"Miss Lee Ann, nandyan na po ang mga classmates ninyo." One of their house helps said and Lee Ann
smiled at her. "Nasa blue room po sila."

"Salamat po, bababa na po ako. Wala pa po ba sina Ate?"

"Wala pa po."

"Sige po, salamat ulit." She said. She was wearing a simple blouse and a pair of hip-hugging denim
pants. She tied her hair by the nape and didn't bother wearing make-up as she ran down the stairs to
meet her guests.

"Nicko!" She called as soon as she opened the door to the blue room.

"Nandito na ang model." Nicko kidded as he watched Lee Ann run up to them. Ang ganda mo talaga. He
thought. Wala ka man lang kakolo-kolorete sa mukha pero ang ganda-ganda mo. He murmured to himself as
she beamed at him.

"Loko, model ka dyan!" She replied laughing. "Hello, guys!" She greeted their other classmates.

"Lee, magsabi ka nga ng totoo, kayo na ba ni Nicko?"

"Matagal na naming alam na gusto ka ni Nicko, sinagot mo na ba sya?"

"Was that kiss real?"

"Are you, guys officially a couple?"

"Nicko, isn't confirming or denying anything kaya umamin ka na Lee!" They asked and the teenagers
looked at each other and laughed. 24/105

"Wag nyo kaya kaming gawan ng issue." Lee Ann uttered.

"Oo nga, hindi pa ako sinasagot nito mamaya hindi na ako sagutin sa kakulitan nyo." Nicko replied
half-jokingly and Lee Ann hit his arm.

"Ano ba! Loko-loko ka talaga!" She remarked laughing harder. He draped an arm on her shoulder but she
didn't even notice dahil masyado na syang komportable sa kaibigan nya. "Si Tito June pala?" She
directed the question at him.

"Hindi makakapunta, may shooting kasi pero sabi nya ililibre nya daw tayo next weekend."

"Ganun ba? Sayang naman." She replied.

"Ako na muna representative ng buong angkan namin." Nicko uttered. "Isasama kita sa bahay bukas, sabi
nina Tatay gusto ka daw nilang makilala. Binibida ka kasi ni Tito June sa pamilya."

"Nakakahiya namang pumunta sa inyo."

"Parati nga ako dito tapos ikaw hindi pupunta sa amin? Magtatampo na ako nyan." He stated and she

"O sige na, sasama ako bukas." She answered.

"Nicko, baka mangailangan pa ng model yung Tito mo i-recommend mo naman kami." Trisha, one of their
classmates, said and the conversation started to revolve around commercials and modeling. Someone
knocked and Lee Ann turned her head towards the door.

"Lee, nandyan na sina Alexa." Manong Edgardo said and Lee Ann excitedly stood up.

"Salamat po, Tatay! Mga kaklase ko po pala."

"Good afternoon po, Tatay." Nicko greeted the old man who smiled at him.

"Good afternoon po." Their other classmates chorused.

"Good afternoon. Iwanan ko muna kayo dyan at sumakit na naman ang rayuma ko." The old man said and
Lee Ann's eyes immediately filled with concern.

"Gusto nyo po dalhin ko po kayo sa doctor?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Hindi na. Ganito talaga pag tumatanda na, nahihirapan na kahit sa pagbangon. Nagkausap na kami ng
mga Ate mo at hinihintay ka na nila sa labas."

"Tara, Tatay sabay na po tayong lumabas." Lee Ann answered as she followed Edgardo out of the room.

"Nasaan na si Lee Ann?" She heard Lia ask. Her eldest sister was facing the other way and Lee Ann put
a finger against her lips when Alexa was about to say something.

"Baka nagre-retouch, alam mo na dalaga." Alexa kidded as she winked conspiringly at Lee Ann.

"Ate!" The teenager yelled excitedly and Lia shrieked.

"Ay! Puke ng kabayo!" She said much to the amusement of her two sisters. "Ano ka bang bata ka!" She
scolded gently as she wrapped her arms around the younger girl. "Wag mo akong gugulatin ng ganun
kapag dinala ko yung prospect ko dito at baka mahalata nyang pinipeke ko pagiging demure ko."

"Ate naman, bakit ba kailangan mong magkunyaring demure. Hindi ba mas maganda kung tanggap ka nya
kung ano ka?" Alexa asked and Lia rolled her eyes at her.

"Alexa, mas exciting yung nagkakagulatan kayo. Besides, keri lang yung magkukunyaring demure
paminsan-minsan tapos sya magkukunyaring gentleman pagkatapos pag patay na ang ilaw nagbabastusan na
kayo." She said and Alexa cracked up as Lee Ann blushed. "Kaya ikaw wag kang sumama sa isang lalaki
lalo na't ayaw mo syang makabastusan kapag patay ang ilaw. Take it from me."

"Ate naman eh..." 25/105

"Anong Ate naman, maloko yang mga lalaki na yan kaya wag kang basta-basta magtitiwala. Iilan lang ang
nagpapauto kaya wag ka ring magpauto. Gamitin mo to." She said pointing at Lee Ann's head. "Wag ito."
She added as she pointed at Lee Ann's crotch. The three of them doubled over in laughter and Alexa
was the first one to recover.

"Bata pa yan si Lee Ann, Ate masyado mo namang hina-harass."

"Walang bata-bata pagdating sa pag-ibig. Naalala ko na naman ang first love ko."

"Yung kapitbahay nyo dati, Ate?" Lee Ann asked.

"Oo, yung gagong ako ang nakadevirginize. Hay, such fond memories." She dreamily said and Alexa
laughed harder. "Gagong yun, nag-migrate na kasi sila sa Canada kaya tapos ang maliligayang araw
namin pero tinuruan namin ang isa't isa ng kahalayan. Kahawig nga nya si move-on eh."

"Sinong move on?" Lee Ann inquired.

"Ano ka ba, si move on yung kapartner mo sa commercial. Kahawig nya, kaya ininterview ko yung batang
yun akala ko kamag-anak nya, hindi naman nya kilala."

"Oh my, so gwapo rin?" Lee Ann asked and Alexa and Lia looked at each other.

"Effective ang pitu-pito." Alexa said and Lia nodded her head.

"Korek, hindi na lang si Nickolai ang gwapo para sa bagets!"

"Ate naman eh!" Lee Ann protested.

"Ikaw ha, wag kang papauto masyado dun kay Nickolai. Diyos ko hindi na yun fresh, mas masarap kapag
fresh ang lalaki--"

"Ate! Ano ba!" Alexa objected laughing as Alexander, Nickolai and Dustin arrived.

"Love, sinukaan ni bunso si Nick." Alexander informed his wife, his voice filled with amusement.
"Japorms na japorms pa man din ang loko." He added before he guffawed.

"Niloloko mo na naman yang kapatid mo." Alexa immediately said as she gave Nick and apologetic smile.
"Sorry, Nick."

"Okay lang, pamangkin ko to eh. Pero yang asawa mo naasar na ako." Nickolai uttered as Alexa took her
daughter from her brother-in-law's arm.

"Kailangan mong magbihis. Teka may mga damit si Alex sa kwarto ko, papahiram ko sayo ang isa. Lee,
akyat ka muna para ikaw na mag-abot kay Nick ng damit." Alexa said and Lee Ann nodded her head as she
followed her sister and brother-in-law up the stairs.

"Anong oras ba magsisimula ang party mo, Lee?" Alex asked the teenage girl.

"Maya-maya po, Kuya kasi po hinihintay pa po yung cake. Kuya, tikman mo yung spaghetti ha kasi ako po
nagluto nun." She said grinning and Alex laughed.

"Oo naman, pero mamaya pa ang party? May time pa pala tayo, Love." He said winking at his wife who
frowned at him.

"Alex, umayos ka. Di ka na nahiya kay Lee Ann."

"Sanay na ako sa lambingan nyo, Ate. Take your time, ipapakatok ko kayo kapag dumating na ang cake."
Lee Ann replied as Alexander gave her a high-five after she took the shirt Alexa handed.

"Kaya kita mahal, Lee!" Alex remarked earning a laugh from the teenager and a scowl from Alexa.

"O, sige enjoy each other. Baba na ako." Lee Ann uttered before she stepped out of the room.

"Dinadamay mo pa sa kahalayan mo ang bata!" She heard her older sister say before she heard a laugh 26/105

and a shriek. "Bastos ka talaga, Alex!"

"Di ka pa ba sanay? Aba, araw-araw, hapun-hapon at gabi-gabi kitang binabastos ah. Kulang pa, Love?"

"Si Kuya Alex talaga." She murmured to herself shaking her head as she descended the stairs. "Ate
Lia, nasaan po sila bakit mag-isa ka dito?"

"Lumabas si Dustin at may tumawag." Lia answered. "Si Nick naman nasa isa sa mga banyo nag-retouch."
She added laughing.

"Dala ko po kasi yung shirt na pinapaabot ni Ate kay Kuya Nick."

"Puntahan mo na lang sa banyo." Lia said and exclaimed when her phone rang. "Ay, si prospect number
two!" She excitedly giggled. "Teka, Lee ha I need to take this call."

"Okay po." Lee Ann replied. She left the room to go to the left-wing comfort room to check if
Nickolai was there. "Kuya Nick." She called as she knocked. "Kuya Nick nandito po ba kayo?"

"Pasok." Nickolai answered and Lee Ann gingerly pushed the door open. She stopped when she saw him
shirtless. "Yan na ba yung shirt ni Alex?" Nickolai asked as Lee Ann stared at him and blushed.

"Po?" She answered as her gaze left his chest. "Ano po yun?" She questioned clutching the shirt
tightly against her own chest, her throat suddenly going dry.

"Hand me the shirt." He instructed, amused.

"Ah, oo nga pala." She stammered. "Ito po, salamat po. Bye." She mumbled as she hurriedly turned to

"Lee!" He called and she stopped moving.


"Hindi kita na-congratulate ng maayos." He said but she didn't turn to look at him. "Congratulations.
You look amazing on television." He muttered as he watched her back stiffen.

"Salamat po." She replied as her hand grabbed the door knob frantically.

"Did he kiss you?" He asked the question that burned inside his head for days.

"Ha?" She asked finally turning around to face him, her face filled with confusion. She immediately
lowered her gaze when she realized that he still hasn't put a shirt on. "Sino po?" She inquired as he
moved closer to her.

"Yung lalaki na kasama mo sa commercial." He stated plainly and her brows furrowed as she trained her
gaze on the tiled floor of the comfort room. "Did he kiss you?"

"Si Nicko?" She asked in surprise as she lifted her head and took a step back when she realized that
they were nearly toe-to-toe. The door prevented her from moving further and she blinked at his
nearness. "Bakit nyo po tinatanong, Kuya?" She questioned as he tilted his head to the side looking
at her. She felt her heart drum like crazy inside her chest as she felt for the doorknob behind her.
"Alis na po ako, Kuya baka po kasi --" She spluttered and stopped breathing when he tilted her face
up using his finger.

"Did he kiss you?" He asked again and her eyes widened considerable when he moved his face close to
hers. "Sagutin mo ak--" He started to say and stopped when he felt her warm mouth on his. He watched
her eyes flutter close as their lips touched and he groaned before he lifted her off the floor and
made her sit on top of the counter beside the sink. She gasped when his mouth opened over hers
evoking a thousand question in her head and a heap of emotions in her heart.

"Kuya--" She protested weakly as she grew weak-kneed.

"Shh..." He whispered as he cupped her face and claimed her lips while guiding her arms around his
neck. His tongue rubbed against her lower lips begging for entrance and she was unsure what to do. 27/105

Gently, his thumb and forefinger coaxed her chin downward as he nibbled on her lower lip. As soon as
her mouth opened, he took possession of her tongue by drawing it out of her mouth using his own and
sucking it. Lee Ann moaned holding on to him tightly and froze when she felt his hand on her breast.
He felt her grow rigid in his arms and his hand stilled.

"Sorry." He said lifting his face an inch away from hers. They were both panting and she moved to
lean her forehead against his chin. "Shit, Lee sorry." He repeated, his actions dawning on him. He
had just molested a child and he felt disgusted with himself. He tried to step away from her but she
tightened her arms around him. "Lee..." He whispered her name against her hair but she remained

"I still love you, Kuya." She whispered against the front of his shirt and he felt his heart squeeze.
"And I don't think I'll be able to stop." She added.

"I hope you'll never stop." He whispered back as his arms slowly wrap around her. "Because I'll die
if you'll fall for someone else."

Chapter 8

She heard the words and her heart automatically thumped fitfully inside her chest as he kissed the
top of her head. Pero may girlfriend to! The thought drifted inside her mind and she slowly pushed
him away from her.

"What's wrong?" He asked and she gave him a tentative smile.

"Tara na sa labas, Kuya." She said as she slid off the counter. "Hinihintay na nila tayo dun." She
uttered, her tone light and casual not betraying the storm of emotions that was raging inside her.

"Lee Ann." He called as he grabbed her by the wrist. "Anong problema?"

"May girlfriend ka at yun ang problema. Gusto man kitang makasama pero hindi tama." She said and he
laughed softly.

"Matapos mo akong halikan, tsaka mo lang mari-realize na may girlfriend pala ako?" He teasingly said
and she lowered her gaze.

"Pasensya na po, that was a lapse on my part." She murmured and he laughed again before he put his
arms around her. Her eyes widened as she stared at his bare chest. "Hala ka, Kuya teka po." She
mumbled as she tried to push him away but he tightened his embrace.

"Panagutan mo yung kiss mo sa akin, Lee. Galing mong magnakaw ah." He playfully said and she blushed
but raised her chin in defiance.

"As far as I know, ikaw ang nagnakaw ng innocence ko!" She uttered glaring at him. "FYI, I didn't
expect my first kiss to be inside the bathroom!"

"You kissed me first." He reminded her.

"You should have pushed me away since you're older and wisdom is supposed to come with age."

"I kissed you back because wisdom comes with age." He replied and she huffed. "What do you mean your
first kiss? You haven't been kissed before that?" 28/105

"None of your business." She snapped as she tried to step away from him but he pulled her back.

"Hindi nga?"

"Tara na nga, Kuya!"

"Kuya ka ng kuya kung maka-respond ka naman sa halik ko hindi pang-Kuya." He stated and she arched
her brow.

"Uy, first time mo? I'm flattered to be your first kiss." She retorted and he laughed aloud. The
sound making her heart beat more erratically.

"Tayo na." He suddenly said and she looked up at him in surprise.


"Tayo na, wag mo akong tawaging Kuya." He repeated and stared unblinking at him. "Did I just make
your dream come true?" He ribbed grinning and she continued to gawk at him.

"Anong tayo na?" She finally asked.

"I'm now your boyfriend." He declared and her jaw dropped.


"Tayo na. Kaya iwasan mo na yung Nicko na yun kasi anino pa lang ng lalaking yun naasar na ako." He

"Hoy, Kuya okay ka lang? Oh crap, pinakulam ka ba ni Ate Lia? I thought it was a joke! My God!"


"Don't worry, Kuya kakausapin ko po sya to have the spell reversed!" She said grasping his hand as
she tried to reassure him. "May gusto ako sayo pero ayokong maging tayo sa ganitong paraan!"


"Di bale siguro pag natanggal yung kulam tingin ko makakalimutan mo to lahat--"



"Anong kulam pinagsasabi mo?" He asked in confusion. "Sa tingin mo nakulam ako?"

"Opo, Kuya kaya po kayo nagkakaganyan." She said her eyes filled with pity. She gasped in surprise
when he pulled her face towards his for another thorough kiss. "Kuya--" She started to say and he
held her face with both his hands and kissed her again, his tongue darting out to explore her mouth.
She felt unsettled and she pushed him away.

"Stop calling me Kuya for Pete's sake!" He whispered looking at her. They were both panting and her
eyes darted towards the doorknob. She made a move to pull the door open and he smiled as he used his
body to block her exit.

"Palabasin mo ako para matapos na yang kalokohan mo at maipagamot ka na!"

"Wala akong sakit, Lee." He stated, amused.

"Meron po or else what could have caused you to act like a total moron, Kuya?" She remarked and
shrieked in surprise when he wrapped his arms around her.

"Stop calling me Kuya, Lee Ann. Ilang halik pa ba ang gusto mo?" He asked huskily before he opened
his mouth over hers again.

"Kuya!" She protested and stopped when he again ravaged her mouth. "Nickolai!" She yelled and he 29/105

finally let her ago. She immediately stepped away from him as she leaned against the bathroom
counter, her breathing uneven.

"Kuya pa?" He asked grinning and she scowled at him.

"Ang pervert mo, this could be taken as sexual harassment!"

"Sexual harassment is like farting, Lee Ann. You know someone did it but it's difficult to prove who.
Besides, sa workplace lang may batas regarding sexual harassment sa Pilipinas."

"Oo na, abogado ka na at ako ay estudyante lang." She mumbled and he laughed. "Ku--" She started to
say and closed her mouth when he stepped towards her. "Nickolai." She remedied and he smiled.

"Ano yun?" He asked.

"Anong nangyayari sayo?"

"Bakit, may mali ba sa akin?"

"Oo. Kelan ka pa naging perv?" She questioned and he chuckled.

"Perv ako kasi ako ang first kiss mo?"

"Oh, don't flatter yourself." She said rolling her eyes and he pulled her towards him before he
enfolded her in a hug.

"My baby Lee Ann." He whispered aware that she remained stiff in his embrace. "Naalala ko nung bata
ka pa napakaselosa mo at lahat ng lumalapit sa akin inaaway mo. I used to think that it's cute how
territorial you are. I used to find your jealous tantrums adorable but I realized now, hindi pala
nakakatuwa ang magselos. Nagseselos ako dun sa kaklase mo, Lee at sana tulad ng ginawa ko dati nung
nagseselos ka ay iwasan mo sya."

"Nalilito ako, teka lang. I am trying to process everything." She said as she pushed away from him
again. "Teka lang, are you really sure you're okay?"


"Saan galing tong lahat ng to? Ano yun, nagising ka na lang pagkatapos na-realize mong gandang-ganda
ka pala sa akin?" She asked incredulously and he laughed.

"Matagal ka nang maganda para sa akin."

"If I remember correctly, Ku--" She said and he arched his brow. "Nickolai." She rectified and he
nodded his head in approval. "May girlfriend ka who's a two-faced bitchtard and you feel nothing
towards me aside from brotherly affection."

"I used to mistake my feelings towards you as brotherly affections but i realized that it's something

"Oh my God, this is too much to take in." She mumbled as he continued to talk.

"Besides, wala na kami ni Precious. I used to be single a few minutes ago pero since tayo na, in a
relationship na ako ulit." He uttered so casually that she nearly missed the last part of what he

"Ah, okay... Wait! What?! Anong tayo na?"

"Ayaw mo?" He asked.


"Ayaw mo ba na maging tayo."

"Teka lang, ang bilis naman. Hindi ako prepared!" 30/105

"Bakit mo kailangan maging prepared? We've waited for each other our whole lives. Hindi ba dapat
hindi na natin to pinapatagal? I've always had feelings for you but I wasn't sure kung ano yun until
you started ignoring me. I'm in love with you, Lee." He said and she raised a hand to silence him
before she turned away from him.

"Stop." She said and he stared questioningly at her averted face.

"Lee?" He asked, his voice filled with concern. "What's wrong?"

"This better not be a joke, Nickolai or I swear I'm going to kick your ass." She whispered and he
stared at her for nearly three seconds before he moved towards her and hugged her from behind.

Alexa immediately noticed the change between Nickolai and her younger sister pero hindi na sya
nagtanong at hinintay na lang ang kapatid na magsabi sa kanya. Lia shared her opinion but unlike her
ay walang preno ang bibig ng Ate nya.

"Anong meron?" Lia asked as soon as all the guests, including Dustin and the Sandoval brothers who
agreed to play golf, left. "Bakit parang may mga tinginan kayo ni Nickolai na hindi ko alam kung
kikiligin ba ako o mandidiri?"

"Ate naman eh."

"Anong meron sa inyo, Lee? Hindi sya umalis sa tabi mo the whole time at nung umalis sila nina Dustin
at Alex ay masyado yatang matagal ang pagkakahawak nya sa kamay mo?" Alexa inquired.

"Dalaga na." Lia teased. "Pero hindi ko talaga maintindihan kung bakit mas pinili mo yung si Nickolai
na dumaan na sa ilang kamay, mamamasa-masang lagusan at labi kesa dun kay move-on na fresh na fresh
at virgin. Alexa, ipatingin mo nga tong si Lee Ann at baka may sira na sa utak to."

"Si Ate talaga." Lee Ann murmured turning crimson with embarrassment as Alexa cracked up.

"Hindi ko kaya ang mamasa-masang lagusan, Ate!" Alexa muttered laughing.

"Totoo naman di ba? Ay sus kung ako lang dun na ako kay bagets. Bakit naman ako pipili ng antigong,
seryosong mukhang gwardiya sibil noong panahon ng Kastila?"

"Ate!" Lee Ann complained but she joined her two elder sisters as they all burst out laughing.

"Wag mong ipapapasok lagusan mo dun ha." Lia warned and they all laughed some more.

"Ang bastos mo, Ate Lia!" Alexa said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Uy, wag ka ngang pa-demure! Parang virgin naman to! Pustahan sa susunod na buwan buntis ka na

"Naka-family planning kami, ano." Alexa said and Lia rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Sus, ipupusta ko ang natitirang puri ko na di gagana yang family planning na yan!" She said. "Wait,
wala na nga pala talaga akong puri." She added and the three of them doubled over in laughter again.

"So, kayo na ba, Lee Ann?" Alexa asked. "Pero paano si Precious?"

"Hiwalay na daw po sila, Ate." 31/105

"Aba, dapat in writing yan kasi mamaya hindi nakuha ng utak ni Precious ang memo na hiwalay na pala
sila at umeksena pa sya." Lia said and Alexa nodded her head.

"Tama si Ate Lia, Lee. Basta ito lang, kapag may problema wag mong solohin. Tsaka, bata ka pa ha.
Alam kong wala kaming karapatang mag-lecture ni Ate sayo about abstinence at kung anu-ano pa man pero
mag-debut ka naman muna."

"Ate Alexa naman, wala pa po yun sa utak ko!"

"Hoy, si Nickolai Sandoval gurang na at wala nang laman ang utak nun kundi puro kamunduhan. Kaya
ikaw, ilagay mo na sa utak mo yang bagay na yan at i-internalize mong mabuti na bata ka pa at
kailangan mo munang i-enjoy ang pagiging bata mo. Mamaya magkagulatan kayo at bigla na lang malaglag
yang panty mo, patay ka." Lia said and the three of them fell down laughing.

"Ate, saan mo ba napagkukuha yang mga pinagsasabi mo?" Alexa asked and Lia waved her hand in front of

"Kay experience. Close kasi kami nun. Ewan ko ba sabi ko tama na ang lesson pero todo pa rin sya,
kinarir ang pagturo sa akin." She answered and the three of them looked at each other before they
laughed aloud.

Lee Ann, Nicko and some of their friends were having a snack at a nearby diner when her phone rang.
She immediately searched her bag for it and couldn't hide her smile when she saw who was calling.

"Hello." She said over the phone.

"Nasaan ka?" Nickolai asked. He was just outside the establishment where Lee Ann and her friends were
eating and his blood boiled when he saw Nicholas.

"Nandito sa Yellow Cab kumakain." She replied. "Nasaan ka, are you at the office?"

"I'm somewhere else." He retorted. "Sinong kasama mo?"

"Mga kaibigan ko." She answered and he watched as Nicholas put his hand on top of Lee Ann's shoulder
before the young man leaned towards her to murmur something in her ear. "Bakit ka pala napatawag?"
She asked and he sighed.

"I was supposed to fetch you from school." He retorted as he continued to watch her.

"Fetch me from school? Bakit?"

"Isn't that what boyfriends do?" He asked and she looked at the phone in her hand before she burst
out laughing. She stood up and told her friends something before she left their table.

"Seriously hindi bagay sayo ang umastang smitten teenager because you're a man. Nakakapanibago naman
yang pinaggagawa mo, Kuya Nick." She said as she pushed the glass door and stepped outside unaware
that he was waiting for her inside his car.

"Anong Kuya Nick?" He asked in annoyance. "Di ba sabi ko wag mo akong tawaging Kuya?"

"Bakit, may magagawa ka po ba, Kuya Nick?" She teased grinning by herself. 32/105

"Oo, meron." He answered and he continued to watch her.

"By the time na makarating ka ng school ko, nakauwi na ako sa bahay." She taunted laughing and he
opened his car's door and stepped out of the vehicle.

"Talaga?" He asked and she laughed harder, her back to him. "Nasaan ka ba at pupuntahan kita?"

"Nasa Timbuktu." She said and yelped when someone put his arms around her waist.

"Kuya Nick!" She exclaimed out of habit. She started to struggle against him until he whispered
something in her ear.

"Na-miss kita." He said and she sagged bonelessly against him before she turned to wrap her arms
around his waist.

"Ako rin." She replied and sighed when he hugged her tight unaware that Nicko had followed her out
and saw them embrace.

Chapter 9

Nickolai hugged her close and she lifted her face to look at him. He held her face with both his
hands before he kissed the top of her head. She sighed contentedly against his chest as the arms
around his waist tightened.

"Wala ka bang hearing?" She asked and he shook his head. "Gusto mong pumasok sa loob para maipakilala
kita sa mga friends ko?" She offered and he laughed softly before he rumpled her hair. He's aware
that the 11-year age gap would be a taboo and he would never wish for her to be subjected to
something unpleasant because of him.

"Hindi na, baka magulat sila na ang tanda na ng boyfriend mo. Akalain pa nilang sugar daddy mo ako."
He teased and smiled when she frowned.

"Ano palang sasabihin ko pag tinanong nila kung sino ang boyfriend ko? Secret? Wala lang? Someone you
don't know? Ganun?" She questioned and he gently pinched her cheek before he spoke.

"Hindi mo naman kailangang ipaalam yung details." He answered as he tapped the tip of her nose with
his finger. "Ang mahalaga lang naman ay malaman nila na may boyfriend ka na so you better not accept
any suitors or else magtatampo talaga ako sayo."

"Alam ko naman, ano. Pero ibig bang sabihin ay hindi kita pwedeng ipakilala? Paano ako, hindi mo rin
ako ipapakilala sa mga kaibigan mo?" She asked, her eyes filling with distress. "Ibig sabihin hindi
ko man lang masabi sa kanila na ako ang girlfriend mo?"

"Gusto mo bang ipakilala kita sa kanila?" He asked and she pursed her lips to show her displeasure.

"Hindi, wag na lang." She mumbled and he laughed aloud. She wanted the world to know that he belongs
to her and she felt a little letdown when he didn't seem to share her views on the matter.

"Nagtatampo naman si baby Lee Ann kaagad." 33/105

"Anong baby?" She asked, annoyed. "Bawal kitang tawaging Kuya pero pwede mo akong tawaging baby?"

"Ano pala ang itatawag ko sayo?" He asked and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Ewan ko sayo." She mumbled and he laughed harder.

"Pasok ka na sa loob at kunin mo yung mga gamit mo kasi ako ang maghahatid sayo sa bahay ninyo." He
instructed and she continued to frown. "Sige na, Hon."

"Yuck!" She exclaimed before she giggled. "Anong Hon? Ew. Baduy. Kadiri." She laughingly said and he
laughed along too.

"Lee Ann, pumasok ka na dun at kunin mo na yung gamit mo habang tatawagan ko naman ang driver mo para
sabihin sa kanya na ako na ang maghahatid sayo."

"Fine." She answered before she turned to leave. He caught her around the waist and kissed the top of
her head.

"Bilisan mo." He whispered against her hair. She nodded her head and eagerly ran inside the

"Guys, I'll go ahead." She told her friends as she picked her bag up. "Bye!" She said waving goodbye
at them.

"Ang bilis naman, may pupuntahan ka ba?" Trisha, one of her friends, asked.

"Wala pero kailangan ko nang umalis." She said. Her eyes fell on Nicko who did not even bother to
look at her. "Hoy, de Jesus bakit napaka-isnabero mo yata ngayon?" She teased but he continued to
ignored her. "Sige na, meron yata yan si de Jesus ngayon kaya ganyan. Bye!" She said before she ran

"Nicko, bakit para kang nagtatampo dyan?" Janet asked the young man who, minutes ago, was happily
exchanging jokes with them.

"Oo nga, Nicko. Nagpaalam na si Lee Ann, di mo ba sya ihahatid sa sasakyan nya?" Gilbert inquired.
"Paano ka naman sasagutin nun kung hindi ka consistent?"

"Akala ko ba susundan mo si Lee Ann kanina? What happened at biglang nag-iba yata ang mood mo
pagbalik mo?" Cindy inquired and Nicholas shook his head and sighed.

"I just saw something that I shouldn't have seen." He murmured before he took a gulp from his can of

Nickolai drove as Lee Ann chattered endlessly. He glanced sideways at her as she continued to talk
and he couldn't hide his smile. Sino ba namang mag-aakalang magkaka- girlfriend ako ng isang mahilig
manuod ng Korean drama at naglalaro online? He thought amused.

"Kasi lalaki yung character ko and there was this girl na nilalandi ako online kasi akala nya lalaki
ako. So I told her that I'm actually a girl and she thought I was just kidding and she continued to
stalk me online! Ang creepy!" She said and he laughed.

"Bakit ka ba kasi naglalaro online?"

"Masaya eh and I get to kick other players' asses." She answered with a grin. "Saan tayo pupunta?" 34/105

"Saan mo gusto?" He asked and she scrunched her nose.

"Sa mall?"

"Anong gagawin natin dun?"

"Timezone tayo." She said and he nearly stepped on the brakes.

"You want me to play with you?"

"Bakit hindi? You used to play with me before." She retorted and he chuckled.

"Lee Ann, you were a kid then."

"Hindi naman lahat ng naglalaro dun bata ah. Bakit, ano bang gusto mong gawin natin?" She asked
innocently and he nearly cursed aloud when not-so-innocent thoughts invaded his mind. Ano ba,
Nickolai! Are you crazy?! He scolded himself as she waited expectantly for his reply. "Nick!"

"Ha?" He asked distractedly.

"Sabi ko, ano ang gusto mong gawin natin?" She repeated and he cleared his throat.

"Kahit anong gusto mo." He answered and she grumbled.

"Ayaw mo naman ang gusto ko. Sige umuwi na lang tayo." She said and he sighed. Ang hirap naman nitong
may girlfriend kang bata. He murmured to himself.

"Wait!" She exclaimed after a few minutes. "Punta na lang tayo sa bahay mo at ipagluluto kita!" She
added and nearly groaned aloud.

"Hindi pwede sa bahay ko."


"Madumi. Hindi pa ako nakakapaglinis. May sakit kasi yung cleaning lady ko." He lied and she pouted
before she grinned again.

"Ipaglilinis na lang kita!"

"Hindi. Timezone na lang tayo." He said and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"May tinatago ka ba sa akin?" She asked and he arched his brow.

"Anong tinatago? Bakit naman?"

"Bakit ayaw mo akong papuntahin sa bahay mo? Last na punta ko dun nung pina-bless mo yung condo mo!
Siguro may mga gamit si Precious dun ano? Siguro may mga damit sya, toothbrush at mga kung anu-ano
pang toiletries na hindi mo pa tinatapon kasi may sentimental value sila para sayo!"

"Lee Ann." He laughingly called her name. "Hanggang ngayon ba naman selosa ka pa rin?" She asked and
she crossed her arms over her chest and mumbled angrily to herself.

"Kunyari pa to. Totoo naman yata lahat ng sinabi ko. Kainis itong mga lalaking ito, napaka-stressful
sa buhay. Hay naku, wag talagang magpapahuli itong isang tong sa akin kundi sasabunutan ko talaga sya
ng walang humpay kahit ang ganda ng gupit ng buhok nya!"

"May sinasabi ka, Lee?" He inquired grinning as she continued to sulk.

"Wala!" She answered which earned a laugh from him. He changed lanes and she turned her head to look
questioningly at him.

"Saan tayo pupunta?"

"Sa condo ko." He said and she smiled excitedly. 35/105

"Talaga?" She asked and he nodded before he gave her a wink. She babbled endlessly and he let the
sound of her voice sooth him. Being with Lee Ann felt like a breath of fresh air. Walang preno ang
dalaga sa pagsasalita and she usually says what she wants to say, hindi ka mag-iisip kung ang mga
sinasabi ba nya ay calculated because you could feel her sincerity with every word.

"Daan muna tayo sa isang diner at walang pagkain sa bahay puro tubig lang laman ng ref ko at beer."

"Busog ako eh!"

"Paano naman ako?" He asked and she giggled.

"Ay gutom ka pala." She said. They stopped by a coffee shop and he opened the door for her. She
nearly ran towards the counter and he shook his head as he hid his smile. "Anong gusto mo?" She asked
as she turned to him.

"Order for me." He said.

"Ang cute naman po ng kapatid ninyo, Sir." The girl behind the counter uttered and he and Lee Ann
looked at each other.

"Thank you." The teenager spoke. "But he's actually not my brother." She added smiling.

"Ay, sorry po." The woman replied. "Parang ang close nyo po kasi kaya akala ko po related po kayo sa
isa't isa."

"We actually are." Lee Ann replied as she linked her arms around Nickolai's. "He's my future
husband." She announced as she smiled up to him. "Hon, may gusto ka ba dito? Di ba I told you na
ipagluluto na lang kita?" She said and she pulled her with him. She turned to look at the woman
behind the counter who looked very surprised at her announcement. "Wala pala kaming gusto dito." She
uttered before they stepped out of the coffee shop.

"Ginulat mo yung babae." Nickolai remarked at umismid lang ang dalaga.

"May gusto sya sayo! Masyado syang halata at gagamitin pa daw nya ako para magpalakad!" She angrily

"Ano ka ba, paano mo naman nasabing may gusto sya sa akin?"

"Don't tell me hindi mo ramdam? Wag ka kayang plastic. Ako ramdam ko agad nakita ko pa lang kung
paano sya tumingin sayo!" She declared and he laughed as he opened his car's door for her. She
thanked him before she slid into the passenger's side.

"Ano nang kakainin natin ngayon?" He asked a few minutes later as they drove off.

"Magpadeliver ka na lang. Wag pizza kasi kaka-pizza ko lang." She said. They reached his condo in
less than 30 minutes and the guard-on-duty greeted them politely. "Good afternoon, Kuya!" Lee Ann
warmly greeted back much to Nickolai's amusement and the guard's surprise. They walked hand-in-hand
towards the elevator and stepped in as soon as it opened. "I remember which floor your unit is!" She
exclaimed as she pressed number 73 on the lift's panel. He smiled dotingly at her and led the way
when they reached his floor. He typed in his password and his door buzzed open.

"After you, my lady." He said and she curtsied in front of him.

"Thank you, my lord." She uttered giggling before she ran inside. He stepped in after her as she made
herself comfortable on his sofa.

"Saan tayo magpapadeliver?" He asked and she shrugged.

"Kahit saan."

"Ikaw na ang pumili." He said and she took her phone out of her bag and began searching for
restaurants. "I'll leave you here, here's my wallet. Mag-cash ka na lang." He instructed and she
nodded her head. "Bihis lang ako." 36/105

"Okay." She answered as she took the wallet he handed out to her. Naabutan nyang naglalaro sa kanyang
tablet si Lee Ann and she looked up to smile at him. "Tumawag na ako ng delivery. Bakit ka naligo?"
She asked.

"Bakit?" He inquired.

"Ay nakakainis, mangangamoy-araw ako kasi fresh ka!" She muttered and he laughed as he sat beside
her. He moved his face close to her neck and inhaled.

"Mabango ka naman ah." He said.

"Sinasabi mo lang yan para di ako maasar!"

"Mabango ka nga." He insisted as she rolled her eyes at him.

"Kahit na mabango ako, mas mabango ka pa rin!" She said as she moved towards him and pressed her nose
against his neck. He stiffened and she looked worriedly at his face. "Bakit?" She asked and squealed
when he moved and tackled her to the sofa. "Ano ba!" She laughingly exclaimed when he started to rain
kisses on her neck. "Ano ka ba nakikiliti ako!"

"Nakikiliti ka?" He asked huskily and she nodded in reply before she laughed again when he burrowed
his nose on the crook of her neck.

"Tama na! Tama na!" She shrieked laughing and he stopped. "Alam mo bang dyan yung kiliti ko?" She
asked and he smiled. "Paganti ako!" She suddenly said as she sat up and started tickling him.

"Wala akong kiliti." He stated plainly and she tried harder.

"Walang taong walang kiliti." She said and he gulped in surprise when she suddenly sat astride him.
"Wala dito?" She asked grinning innocently as she continued to touch him. "Imposibleng wala kang
kiliti ah! Pinipigil mo lang siguro yung tawa mo! Teka hanapin ko!" She said and he froze. She seemed
unaware of his plight as he started to develop a hard on.

"Lee Ann." He called her name and something in his voice made her stop. She looked at where she sat
and her eyes widened in surprise before she made a move to get off him.

"Sorry." She mumbled but he wrapped his arms around.

"Hindi ako tumatanggap ng sorry." He whispered before he held her face and kissed her senseless.

Chapter 10

He thought she'd struggle against him. He thought she'd fight his advances but she surprised him by
kissing him back. His blood felt like liquid fire in his veins as she adjusted her position to
accommodate his weight. He had never felt a need so intense in his life. His past girlfriends teased
him for being too cold even in bed. Ang sabi nila instead of blood, his heart must be pumping liquid
nitrogen making him cool and aloof even when they're intimate. Hindi sya nao-offend when they call
him Ice God and he never really understood Alexander's seemingly inextinguishable passion towards
Alexa. Until now.

"Lee, hindi ka ba takot sa akin?" He whispered and she shook her head. Alam nyang kailangan nyang 37/105

huminto, Lee Ann is still a child but he was too carried away to care. He held her face as he kissed
her again before he coaxed her to tongue out of her mouth. She acquiesced and he wondered at her
responsiveness. They parted for air and her lips looked bruise; he thought they've never looked so
tantalizing. Her pink tongue sneaked out as it ran across her lower lip and a groan escaped his lips.
He found himself lapping at her mouth, which opened willingly under his assault. Her arms went around
him as she hugged him to her.

Lee Ann was lost at the feelings that he kisses evoked. She knew they couldn't go any further but she
didn't want him to stop. She felt his hand cup her cheek and tenderness enveloped her completely. You
know him all your life. She told herself as his kisses got more demanding.

"Nick..." His name rolled off her tongue and he lifted his face off hers.

"Bakit?" He asked, his breathing ragged.

"Hindi ako takot sayo." She whispered and leaned his forehead against hers.

"Dapat matakot ka." He said. "Kasi ako natatakot na ako sa pwede kong gawin sayo."

"Hindi mo naman ako sasaktan di ba?" She naively asked and he shook his head.

"Hindi." He replied.

"Anong ikakatakot ko?" She questioned and he moaned before he claimed her lips again. She was pliant
and receptive beneath him and he felt his loins tighten. He had to remind himself that she's only
sixteen but her tentative and chaste responses made his blood boil with yearning. He wanted to own
her, to possess her and the idea shook him to the core. It took nearly all of his strength to stop
kissing her and he smiled at how disappointed she looked.

"Tama na." He whispered before he got off her and helped her to her feet. She seemed dazed, her
breathing was shallow and she was clasping the hand he offered tightly.

"Anong problema?" She asked and he looked at her upturned face.

"What do you mean?"

"May ginawa ba akong mali?" She questioned, her eyes bright with telltale sheen of tears.

"Mali? Anong mali?" He asked confused before he sat down beside her to put his arms around her thin

"Bakit ka huminto? Bakit ayaw mo na? Dahil ba hindi ako marunong?" She inquired and he nearly laughed
but she looked so upset and on the verge of crying that he pulled her to sit on his lap. "Alam ko
namang wala akong alam sa ganun eh pero sabihin mo sa akin kung paano at pag-aaralan ko."

"Lee, your innocence is refreshing." He said.

"Innocence ka pa dyan, ayaw mo nga sa akin dahil dun. I'm sure mas gusto mo yung may experience.
Sorry ha kasi wala ako nun." She dejectedly whispered and his heart burst with pride.

"Hindi. That's not the reason why I stopped. I am flattered to be your first kiss and I love how
inexperienced you are."

"Stir." She mumbled disbelievingly.

"Oo nga." He answered chuckling. "I'm honored to be your first and I want to be your first in
everything." He said, his voice turning husky but she was too young to understand what it meant. "The
reason why I stopped was because I was afraid that we might do something that you're not ready yet."

"Tulad ng ano?"

"Tulad ng... mga... bagay-bagay." He vaguely said and she frowned.

"Tulad ng sex?" She asked candidly and he stared at her in surprise before he burst out laughing.
"Bakit mo ako pinagtatawanan?" 38/105

"Hindi kita pinagtatawanan. Natutuwa lang ako sayo. Pero teka nga, san mo naman natutunan yan?"

"Sa friends ko tsaka sa bahay. Hot topic kaya namin parati yung pinangarap nilang gawin with their
boyfriends although sabi nila hindi pa daw nila nagagawa yun."

"Sino ba yang mga kaibigan mo at parang hindi ko sila gusto. Kung anu-ano yata ang tinuturo nila

"Wala naman silang tinuro sa akin, ikaw nga nagturo sa aking humalik eh." She uttered and he grinned
like an idiot. "At tsaka hindi ba kasal ang Ate ko kay Kuya Alex, eh kung maglandian yung dalawang
yun parang sila lang parati ang tao sa bung mundo." Lee Ann answered and Nickolai laughed again.
"Lahat yata ng parte ng bahay namin at bahay nila nakita ko na silang maglambingan dun."

"Hindi magandang example sayo sina Alex at Alexa." He remarked and Lee Ann smiled.

"Cute nga sila eh. They're so in love at si Ate ramdam na ramdam mong kinikilig. Para silang bagong
kasal. si Kuya Alex naman looks very cool with his possessiveness. Ang sweet lang."

"Gusto mo ng lalaking possessive?" Nickolai asked and Lee Ann smiled dreamily. Fact is, gustung-gusto
nya ang mga lalaking possessive - yung mga lalaking takot mawalay sayo, yung mga lalaking malapit
lang ang anino ng iba sayo at halos maghurumentado na sa galit at yung mga lalaking hindi napapakali
kapag hindi ka sumasagot sa mga text at tawag nya.

"Depende kung nasa lugar." Lee Ann answered as she tried to hide her smile. Iniisip pa lang nyang
ganun si Nickolai sa kanya ay gusto na nyang tumili sa kilig. Ano kaya ang feeling ng hinahabol-habol
ng lalaking ito? She asked herself.

"Ang possessiveness ay walang pinipiling lugar at oras, Lee." The man of her daydreams spoke and Lee
Ann was finding it difficult to hide her grin.

"Possessive ka ba?" She asked as she turned to look at him.

"Hindi." He answered and her smile slipped. Wala man lang kaemo-emosyon. Wala man lang kaunting bahid
ng selos. Wala man lang kahit ano.

"Okay." She murmured with a shrug although she felt like hitting his face with her fist. Ikaw na ang
confident sa kagwapuhan mo. She added in her head. Bakit si Kuya Alex gwapo din naman pero sobrang
seloso at possessive? Kainis naman itong isang to, di man lang ako kikiligin dito. She mumbled to
herself. Wala man lang ka-roma romantic bone sa katawan. Nakakaasar!

"Anong oras ang labas mo bukas?" Nickolai asked and she smiled trying to hide her disappointment.


"Susunduin sana kita." Wag na, no! Nakakahiya naman sayo!

"Wag mo na akong sunduin, may tatapusin kami ng mga groupmates ko so late na kami makakauwi." She
replied. Hindi naman sya nagsinungaling dahil may tatapusin naman talaga sila ng groupmates nya at
ang usapan nila tatambay sila sa Starbucks malapit sa school nila para dun.

"Saan kayo pupunta?"

"Sa Starbucks daw pero hindi pa sure yun. Kailangan kasi naming tapusin kasi pasahan na this Friday,
alam mo naman ang mga college students mahilig mag-cramming."

"Mga anong oras ka makakauwi?" He asked and the annoyance she felt earlier vanished at the concern in
his voice. Pasalamat ka talaga ang gwapo mo at kinikilig ako sayo. Naku! She thought to herself.

"Wag kang mag-alala, I will text you pag malapit na kaming umuwi; I will text you kapag nasa loob na
ako ng sasakyan at pauwi na kami and I will call you kapag nasa bahay na ako." She told him with a
smile and he smiled back.

"Hihintayin ko ang mga texts at tawag mo." He said and she nodded her head. Someone rang the door and
Lee Ann stood up. "Yan na yata ang pinadeliver natin." She said and Nickolai watched her skip happily 39/105

towards the door.

"Good afternoon po, Mam. Ako po si Roel ng Don Henrico's."

"Good afternoon po!" Lee Ann enthusiastically greeted back.

"You ordered for calamari fritti, 7 pieces buffalo wings and cheesy baked lasagna."

"Yes, I did!" Came Lee Ann's cheerful reply and Nickolai chuckled. He stood up to wash his hands
before he set the table for their meal.

"Nandito na ang pagkain!" Lee Ann enthused and stopped when she saw the table that he prepared for

"I set the table for you." He proudly said and her brows furrowed. "O bakit?"

"Ano yan, bakit ganyan?"

"May mali ba?" He asked as he checked the plates, glasses, spoons, forks and knives again. "Tama

"Ang pormal! Nakakaloka! Hindi ba tayo pwedeng kumain sa paper box mismo? Bakit kailangan pa ng plato
at kubyertos? Tsaka gusto kong kamayin yung buffalo wings!" The girl exclaimed and Nickolai laughed.

"O sige, hindi na tayo magpipinggan at magkakamay na lang tayo."

"We still need forks for the lasagna."

"Opo, mahal na reyna." Nickolai answered affectionately. Niligpit nya ang mga pinggang at kutsara at
ang tanging tinira ay ang dalawang tinidor at mga baso.

"Ayan. Ano ba yun, ang pormal para tayong nasa meeting ng mga matatanda." She tactlessly uttered and
he laughed softly at her quip. She was about to take a buffalo wing from the paper box when he
cleared his throat."Bakit?" She asked.

"Aren't you going to wash your hands first, young lady?" He inquired and she made a face before she
stood up to wash her hands. She was back a few minutes later and showed him her hands.

"Malinis na yan ha!" She announced and he laughed. She took a buffalo wing and began eating it. "Ang
sarap kahit maanghang! Totoo bang nakaka-increase ng libido ang anghang?" She questioned
unpretentiously and he choked on his lasagna.

"Ha?" He asked and she grinned. "Saan mo naman nakuha yan?"

"Narinig ko somewhere." She answered. "Anyway, parang tanga lang kung kakain ka lang ng maanghang
tataas na libido mo." She mumbled to herself as she started to feed him bits of buffalo wings. "Ang
sarap di ba?"

"Oo, masarap." He said and she beamed.

"I really love to eat buti na lang mabilis metabolism namin or else siguro ang taba ko na ngayon."
She uttered. "Kami ni Ate Alexa pag nagpapadeliver kami dati sobrang maramihan tapos pig-out talaga,
parang walang bukas yung kain namin." She proudly confided. "Kaya nga nung buntis si Ate she thought
it was food poisoning because we had a pizza party the night before at naka walong box yata kami!"

"Oo nga, naikwento sa akin yan ni Alex." Nickolai said. Lee Ann chattered endlessly all throughout
the meal at pagkatapos nilang kumain ay si Nickolai na ang nagligpit ng kinainan nila samantalang si
Lee Ann naman ay nagbanyo.

"May extra toothbrush ka?" He heard her holler from the bathroom.

"Nasa cabinet sa taas ng sink." He hollered back.

"Salamat!" She replied. He heard a shriek and he ran to the bathroom to check on her. 40/105

"Anong nangyari sayo?" He asked and arched his brow when he saw Lee Ann's very wet blouse.

"Para saan ba to, why does this squirt water?" She asked, a little annoyed and he chuckled.

"Because I shave." He tried to explain but she continued to scowl angrily at her soaking blouse.
"I'll get you a new shirt." He said.

"Mamaya damit ni Precious ang ipasuot mo sa akin ipapakulam talaga kita!" He heard her bellow and he
laughed aloud.

"Nakakaaliw talaga tong batang to." He muttered. "Tama, Nick bata sya kaya wag kung anu-anong
kalokohan ang pumapasok dyan sa utak mo." He told himself as he pulled a shirt from his drawer.
"Lee." He called as he knocked on the bathroom door and it opened.

"Salamat!" She enthusiastically said as she took the shirt from him.

"Thank me with a kiss." He joked and she pulled his face towards hers as she noisily kissed his

"Tama na ba yan?" She asked smiling and his gaze dropped to her mouth.

"No." He whispered as he pushed the door open and kissed her thoroughly. He molded her young body
against his and she responded eagerly.

"Ang hilig mong manghalik sa banyo." She remarked when they parted for air. "Ang romantic naman, kung
saan ka nagbabawas dun din tayo naghahalikan." She kidded as she smiled and gasped when he seized her
mouth again.

"Gusto mo ba sa kwarto?" He murmured.

"Well, at least dun may kama. Ang sakit kaya sa likod ng kung saan-saan mo ako sinasandal." She
guilelessly uttered and he was torn between moaning and laughing.

"Gusto mong nakahiga?" He asked.

"Hindi ba dapat ganun?" She asked back and he stared at her wide, innocent eyes before he pulled her
with him towards his bedroom and locked the door behind him.

Chapter 11

He leaned against the door while she sat on his bed staring at him. Ang dami nyang gustong sabihin
pero hindi nya alam kung paano sisimulan. With a sigh, he walked towards his bed and sat down beside

"Lee, there are things that you need to remember, okay at ayokong magsisi ka sa huli."

"Ano?" She asked.

"Una na dun ang lalaki ako. Regardless kung gaano mo na ako katagal kakilala, lalaki ako and I have 41/105

urges." He slowly said and she listened with rapt attention. "Pangalawa kahit wala akong intensyong
hindi maganda sayo dahil dun sa urges na sinasabi ko baka may mangyaring hindi mo magugustuhan."

"Tulad ng sex?" She inquired and he smiled and nodded his head.

"Tulad ng sex." He answered. "You're only sixteen but you're my girlfriend and I see you as woman."
He said and she tried to keep a straight face but ended up laughing. "What's so funny about what I
said?" He asked.

"Woman ang tingin mo sa akin? Seryoso ka ba dyan? If you think of me as a woman we wouldn't be having
this discussion, Nick. Don't worry, I know about the flowers and the bees and how children are
conceived. I might have been home-schooled but I have access to the internet and I know how to read."
She added.

"Hindi lahat ng nababasa o napapanuod mo tama."

"Yun din yun, lahat naman ng pinapalabas at sinusulat ay naka-base sa experience ng tao."

"Iba nga. You can't call it an experience kung nababasa mo lang."

"It's the same." She argued and he laughed.

"Carbonel ka nga, ayaw mong magpatalo."

"Syempre naman." She replied flipping her hair and she arched her brow when he cupped her right cheek
with his hand.

"Iba nga. Trust me." He insisted and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Just because you're older doesn't mean that you're always right." She uttered and watched as his
face moved closer. She was the one who closed the gap between them when she boldly captured his lips.
He stopped moving in surprise and she grinned as she nibbled his lower lip. "I'm a fast learner, am I
not?" She kidded as she moved her face away from his. He smiled that lazy smile and her heart did a

"Madali ka ngang turuan." He murmured as he cupped the back of her head and covered her lips with
his, taking his time and savoring her taste. The kiss felt very gentle but the effect on Lee Ann was
the opposite. She felt heat creep from her stomach up to her neck as her toes curled with every
caress of his lips. He guided her to lie down and she followed his lead. "Are you comfortable?" He
asked and she nodded her head. "Good." He whispered before she felt his lips on hers again. She was
relishing the moment, groaning and unknowingly undulating against him and his control was quickly
slipping. "Teka, Lee." He murmured but she won't have any of it.

"Gusto ko pa, Nick." She protested before she pulled his head close for another kiss and his
restraint snapped. The kiss became fiery and demanding as his hand travelled to cup her young
breasts. She gasped in surprise and he used the opportunity to allow his tongue to explore the
crevices of her mouth.

"Nick--" Lee Ann started to protest as his fingers deftly unclasped her bra but he silenced her with
another kiss. "Teka, Nick..." She said but he became deaf to her objections as the need to possess
her gripped his soul. "Nick!" She started to struggle now but he captured her hands and pinned them
above her head before she felt his mouth on her breast. She quit struggling and he let go of her
hands. It felt weird to feel his mouth on her flesh but she didn't care. She loves him and it was all
that mattered that instant. She felt his fingers fumble with her pant's zipper and she closed her
eyes as she pushed her fears aside.

"Lee." He called her name and she opened her eyes to look at him. "Shit, I'm sorry." He whispered as
he gathered her in his arms. "I'm sorry, Lee." He repeated as he held her close. "I'm Sorry. I'm
Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry." He chanted as her arms went around him.

"Sorry para saan?" She asked.

"Sorry because I nearly took advantage of you. You must have been very scared. I'm so sorry."

"I wasn't scared." She said. "Noong una, oo pero ikaw yan alam ko hindi mo ako ipapahamak." 42/105

"Muntik na." He whispered against the top of her head. She felt so frail in his arms and his guilt
tripled. Nickolai! Bata sya! He reminded himself. And she trusts you!

"Hindi ako takot." She said. "Ikaw naman talaga ang gusto kong makasama habambuhay, so I fear
nothing." She muttered and he looked at her to stroke her face.

"Ako rin, gusto kong ikaw na nasa tabi ko habambuhay pero hindi pa ngayon ang panahon. Sixteen ka
lang, nag-aaral ka pa. I don't want you to spend your youth tied to an old man like me. When you're
old enough, let's get married pero wag muna ngayon. I want you to have a choice."

"Ikaw na ang pinili ko and stop calling yourself old, mas matanda ka lang sa akin but it doesn't make
you ancient." She mumbled pouting and he laughed before he kissed her on the forehead.

"Unan ka sa braso ko." He said and she gladly complied as she wrapped an arm around his waist. "I
couldn't believe I lost control." He murmured to himself.

"Ay, first time?" She kidded laughing and he solemnly nodded his head.

"Do not underestimate your sex appeal, Ms. Carbonel." He said.

"Ganun? May sex appeal na pala ako ngayon?" She asked and he laughed softly. "But how do you define
sex appeal? Sinasabi yan sa akin ng mga classmates kong lalaki but I never really fully grasped it's
real meaning."

"Sinong nagsabi sayo nyan?" He asked suddenly angry at whoever dared to tell Lee Ann that she's sexy
as hell.

"Yung classmates ko pero hindi ko pinapansin, feeling ko kasi it's interchangeably used with charm.
Parang charming ka ganun."

"Sex appeal is different, kapag may nagsabi sayo nyan ibig sabihin he's thinking of you in a sexual
way. Sabihin mo sa akin kung sinong nangahas nagsabi sayo ng ganyan at aabangan ko sa labas ng school
nyo." He said and she lifted her head to look at him.

"Selos ka?" She asked and he shook his head incredulously.

"Hindi. Bakit ako magseselos sa mga bata?" He replied and she frowned.

"Fine." She mumbled as she move away and turned her back to him. "Bakit ako magseselos sa mga bata?"
She mimicked. "Oo na, hindi na ako maganda at wala ka talagang pagseselosan kasi di naman ako
attractive." She murmured angrily to herself. "Nakakainis tong isang to."

"Nagtatampo ka?" He asked as he scooted close to her and threw a leg over her hip. "Napakaselosa
naman nitong girlfriend ko."

"Sorry ha, ordinaryong nilalang lang ako kaya malamang wala ka talagang pagseselosan samantalang ikaw
ay demi-god sa kagwapuhan!" She snapped and he laughed aloud.

"Sino namang nagsabing ordinaryong nilalang ka lang? Mamahalin ba naman kita if you're someone who's
ordinary?" He asked and she couldn't help but grin. She turned to face him, her eyes twinkling with

"So feeling mo maganda ako?"

"Oo naman." He answered.

"Mas maganda kesa mga naunang girlfriends mo?"

"Definitely." He said and she giggled girlishly.

"Binobola mo na ako but I love it." She said and he laughed again. She snuggled against his chest as
she listened to his steady heartbeat. "Nickolai?"

"Yes?" 43/105

"Sana hindi magbago ang tibok ng puso mo." She whispered and he hugged her tight.

Kinabukasan nasa loob ng conference room ang tatlong Sandoval discussing about the upcoming budget
meeting. It was just seven in the morning and Alexander was having difficulty keeping his eyes open.

"Alex, araw-araw ka na lang puyat." Atty. Ferdinand Sandoval remarked and his youngest son grinned.
"Where's Alexa?"

"Tulog pa, Dad. Ako na ang representative ng pamilya namin." He answered grinning boyishly. "Tsaka,
dad sinisikap ko lang na bigyan ka ng maraming apo kaya parati akong puyat." He said and Nickolai
laughed aloud. Alexander and their father looked at him as if he grew another head and sprouted

"What?" He asked them defensively.

"Kelan ka pa natutong tumawa ng malakas? Ang sakit sa tenga." Alexander uttered.

"Bawal ba tumawa ng malakas sa loob ng conference room na to?" Nickolai answered grinning.

"Are you okay, Nick?" Their father asked and Nickolai nodded his head.

"Never been better." He said.

"Okay, spill. Bakit kakaiba ka yata ngayon? Meron ba akong sikretong hindi alam?" Alexander asked.

"Anong ibig mong sabihin kakaiba? Ganito na talaga ako dati pa."

"Nick, dati mukha kang nagpa-root canal araw-araw dahil parati kang nakasimangot." Alex stated and
Atty. Ferdinand Sandoval nodded his head in agreement.

"Dad! Pati ba naman kayo?" Nickolai laughingly asked his father who scowled at him.

"Sabihin mo sa akin kung anong nararamdaman mo at natatakot na ako sa mga ngisi mong ganyan." The
older Sandoval said making Nickolai laugh harder. "Alex, tawagan mo nga si Dr. Espino at mag-schedule
ka ng appointment."

"Dad!" Nickolai protested. "I'm fine."

"What's up, Nick? Magsabi ka na bago ka pa ipadala ni Dad sa mental." Alex teased and Nickolai sighed
before he smiled again.

"Masaya lang ako." He said and his father and Alex looked at each other. "Masayang-masaya lang ako."
He repeated when his phone suddenly sounded. "Teka lang, may message ako." He told them and they both
frowned as he read the message from Lee Ann.

I have a surprise for you. She texted and his smile threatened to split his face into two as he
ignored his father and brother who were curiously looking at him.

Ano yun? He texted back.

Sabihin mo muna sa akin na love na love na love mo ako. She replied and he chuckled as Alexander and
Atty. Ferdinand Sandoval inched closer towards him. 44/105

Love na love na love na love kita, Lee Ann Carbonel. He typed and smiled again before he pressed

I love you more! She texted and he laughed.

So what's the surprise? He typed when his phone rang.

"Hello?" He said over the phone as he stood up leaving his father and brother gaping at him.

"Hello, baby bear!" He heard her reply and he burst out laughing again.

"Baby bear?" He asked incredulously but he couldn't stop himself from grinning. "Ako ang baby bear?"

"Oo! Tapos ako si Mommy bear. Ang cute di ba?" She answered giggling. "Nasaan ka, baby bear?"

"Sa conference room. Why?" He asked as he moved towards the door but it burst open before he even
touched the doorknob.

"I missed you!" Lee Ann exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his waist unaware that they were not
alone. "The moment I got out of your car, I felt like dying because I started missing you." She added
and he wrapped his arms around her. I love this girl to pieces. He thought calmly knowing that they
were in plain view of his father and Alex.

"I missed you too. Don't you have classes?"

"Mamaya pa. I came here early to see you kasi sobra kitang miss." She confided and he smiled gently
at her but she tiptoed to kiss his lips and Atty. Ferdinand Sandoval cleared his throat. Lee Ann
shrieked in surprise before her eyes widened at the sight of her father's best friend and her
sister's husband. "Good morning po." She timidly greeted as she tried to step away from Nickolai but
he didn't loosen his arms around her.

"What is the meaning of this, Nick?" Atty. Sandoval asked his son.

"Kami na, Dad." He answered.

"Nick! Are you crazy?!" His father yelled as he stood up and Lee Ann bowed her head as she stared at
her shoes. "Ano na lang ang sasabihin ni Leandro kung nabubuhay sya ngayon at nakita nyang inahas mo
ang bunsong anak nya who's eleven years younger than you?!"

"Dad." Alexander said as he too stood up and put a hand on their father's shoulder.

"Shut up, Alex! Do you know about this?"

"I had an inkling. Ano namang masama, Dad kung nagmamahalan sila?"

"Dios mio." Atty. Ferdinand Sandoval mumbled as he massaged his temple with his hand. "Anong masama?
Lee Ann is a minor and her father told me to look after her!"

"I am looking after her." Nickolai replied.

"You are looking after her pero ginawa mong girlfriend ang bata?!"

"Dad, stop." Nickolai calmly said.

"Don't tell me what to do, Nickolai!"

"No, stop talking!" Nickolai yelled. "Because you're upsetting Lee Ann and I won't have that. Now,
you only have one choice and that is to accept that we're together dahil kung hindi I'm going to
leave this country and take her with me." He said before he put an arm around Lee Ann's shoulder and
guided her out of the conference room.

. 45/105

Chapter 12

They walked quietly towards the elevator and Lee Ann kept her head bowed the whole time. She was
ashamed to be caught all over Nickolai and she was ashamed that it was her father's best friend who
saw them. She sniffed as she tried to hold back her tears.

"Lee." She heard Nickolai's voice and she looked up. "Bakit ka naiiyak?" He asked, his voice soft and
filled with concern. "Ano yun, Lee?" He repeated and she shook her head as her tears raced down her

"Iyakin naman talaga ako eh." She murmured as she wiped her tears with her hands. He pulled her
towards him and encircled her in his embrace and she started sobbing.

"Stop crying." He whispered. "Tahan na. Please." He murmured and she cried harder. "Ano yun? Sabihin
mo sa akin bakit ka umiiyak ha, Lee?" He asked as she wrapped her arms around him and continued to
cry. "Ano yun, Lee? Please, stop crying. Bakit ka umiiyak, Lee?" He asked, getting worried.

"Nahihiya kasi ako eh." She whispered against his tie.

"Nahihiya ka saan?" He inquired as he tightened his arms around her. "Nahihiya ka saan, Lee?" He
repeated when she didn't reply.

"Kasi... nahuli... tayong... nag...kiss." She haltingly answered and she continued to weep and
Nickolai stilled as his mind re-processed what she said before he burst out laughing.

"Sa dinami-dami ng sinabi ni Dad, ang iniiyakan mo ay ang nahuli nya tayong nag-kiss?" He asked,
amused and she nodded her head. "Akala ko kung ano na. I was so worried." He sighed as closed his
eyes and kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Lee Ann Carbonel." He said, his heart twitching as
soon as the words were out of his mouth. She stopped sobbing then as she lifted her tear-stained face
to look at him.

"Talaga? Love mo talaga ako?" She hiccupped and he smiled.

"Oo naman." He replied as he tapped the top of her nose. "Kaya wag ka nang umiyak at ako na
maghahatid sayo sa school, okay?"

"Paano yung driver ko?"

"Kakausapin ko at sasabihin kong ako na ang maghahatid sayo." He uttered and she smiled before she
hugged him again.



"I love you too." She said and he held her face with both his hands dipped his head to kiss her on
the forehead. He took his handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped her face with it. "Nakakahiya
naman, I'm sure my face is all blotchy tapos ikaw, you look so perfect." She announced candidly.

"Maganda ka. Kahit anong gawin mo, maganda ka." He replied smiling.

"Ganun? Lakas mong mambola."

"Hindi yun bola, I'm merely stating the truth and nothing but the whole truth." 46/105

"So help me God." She added and they both laughed. He pinched her cheek before he hugged her again.

"Salamat sa surprise. Your presence totally made my day. Wag mong pansinin yung sinabi ni Dad, wag mo
na ding problemahin at ako na ang bahala, okay?" He said and she nodded her head.

"Okay." She replied. He kissed her on the forehead again before he took her hand as they waited for
the elevator.

"Nick, okay lang bang ikaw ang maghatid sa akin? Wala ka bang work? Wala ka bang hearing or

"Gusto kong ako ang maghatid sayo." He stated and she giggled.

"Ang cute!" She smilingly said. "Pero kailangan mong magtrabaho para sa future natin." She added as
she tried to keep a straight face but ended up giggling girlishly. Nickolai looked fondly at her
before he draped an arm around her and pulled her close. The elevator dinged open and out came Dustin
and his secretary Eunice.

"Good mor--" Dustin started to say and stopped. "Eunice, mauna ka na sa opisina." He instructed.

"Okay po." Eunice replied. "Good morning po, Atty. Sandoval. Good morning po, Miss Lee Ann." She
greeted before she bowed her head and left.

"Anong meron dito?" Dustin asked as soon as Eunice was out of earshot. His tone was neutral but
Nickolai's expression instantly darkened.

"What do you mean exactly by anong meron dito?" He asked.

"Bakit mo kayakap ang angel ko?" Dustin answered grinning as he took Lee Ann's hand and pulled her
away from Nickolai whose jaw instantly clenched in anger. "Hello, baby angel." Dustin said and Lee
Ann sniggered.

"Baby angel ka pa dyan, Kuya Dustin." She said and was surprised when Nickolai pulled her back and
wrapped an arm around her waist. Dustin arched a brow as he hid his smile at the older man's

"Bakit overprotective ka yata sa baby angel ko, Nick?" He said trying hard not to laugh as he looked
at Nickolai's red, angry face.

"Stop calling her your angel or your baby or your whatever!" He hissed threateningly and Dustin was
truly enjoying the show.

"Bakit naman hindi pwede eh baby angel ko naman talaga to." He kidded as he winked at Lee Ann.

"She's my girlfriend!" Nickolai snapped and Dustin could no longer contain his mirth and he doubled
over in laughter.

"Langya ka, Nick. First time kita nakitang magalit, nakakatakot ka pala." He said as Nickolai
continued to scowl. "Alam kong kayo na, halata naman. Ingatan mo yan, pag yan binitiwan mo, aangkinin
ko." He joked but Nickolai didn't relax his grip on Lee Ann. "Ako ang number one fan ng love team
nyo." He added as he stepped forward to slap Nickolai on the shoulder.

"Wag kang magkakamali, Dustin." Nickolai said relaxing a little bit.

"Ikaw ang wag magkakamali. Kahit nakakatandang kapatid ka ng best friend ko kapag itong magandang
babaeng ito ay pinaiyak mo, hindi kita sasantuhin." Dustin answered seriously before he smiled. He
offered his hand and Nickolai shook it. "Congrats, Nick. Great catch." He said before he chucked Lee
Ann under the chin. "Mauna na ako sa inyo, lovers."

"Bye, Kuya Dustin!" Lee Ann waved gaily at Dustin who smiled and waved back. "Ang bait-bait nya,
ano?" She asked as she watched Dustin's retreating back. Nickolai didn't answer but continued to
scowl at the space the younger lawyer vacated. "Nick!" She called and he blinked. "Are you okay?"

"Oo." He replied smiling. "Tara na? Anong oras nga pala ang class mo?" 47/105

"9 AM pa." She answered as they stepped inside the elevator. Dumiretso sila kung saan naka-park ang
sasakyan ni Lee para kausapin ang driver nya. "Sure ka na okay lang na ikaw ang maghatid sa akin?"
She asked again as he fastened her seat belt for her.

"Oo nga." He said and she nodded her head. "Bakit, ayaw mo bang ako ang maghatid sayo sa school mo?"

"Gusto. Kaso baka masanay ako tapos may mga times na hindi mo ako pwedeng ihatid o kaya magsawa ka na
sa kakahatid sa akin."

"Hindi ako magsasawang ihatid ka." He assured her as he turned the engine on and drove.

"Nick, di ba twenty-seven ka na?" She asked and he glanced sideways at her.

"Oo, bakit?"

"Eh magsi-seventeen pa lang ako, mamaya gusto mo nang mag-asawa."

"Next year eighteen ka na, kaya pwede na tayong mag-asawa." He replied smiling.

"So anong uunahin, kasal natin o debut ko?"

"Sabay, gusto mo?" He asked and they both laughed. He sighed as he held her hand and squeezed before
he let it go. "Hihintayin kita tulad ng paghihintay mo sa akin, Lee."

"Wag kang mag-alala, Nick hindi kita paghihintayin ng matagal kasi malapit na ang expiration date
mo." She teased and he frowned.

"Anong expiration date?"

"Malapit ka nang mag-menopause." She answered laughing.

"Hindi nagme-menopause ang mga lalaki, Lee Ann." He said and she laughed some more.

"Eh anong nangyayari sa inyo pag tumatanda na kayo?" She asked. "Di ba ang mga babae nagme-

"Wala. Lalaki pa rin kami." He replied.


"Papatunayan ko sayo yan." He said grinning and she turned to look at him.

"Is it just me or was that statement green?" She asked and he laughed.

"It's whatever color you deem it to be, Lee." He said. She continued to stare at him and he glanced
at her and smiled. "Hindi ka na nagsalita dyan." He remarked.

"Nick, humanda ka talaga pag nag-eighteen ako babastusin talaga kita kahit mas matanda ka sa akin."
She retorted and he laughed again.

"Pwede mo naman akong bastusin kahit ngayon." He said.

"Nickolai Ricaforte Sandoval, you are flirting with me." She flippantly uttered. "And I like it." She

. 48/105

Nicholas Bentley de Jesus watched as Lee Ann waved goodbye at the silver Porsche 911. Alam nya kung
sino ang nagmamaneho ng kotseng yun at alam nyang wala syang karapatang magtampo at magalit. Lee Ann
had been very vocal and coldly straightforward regarding her feeling towards him pero di nya pa rin
maiwasang masaktan. Kahit anong kumbinsi nya sa sarili na dapat magkaibigan lang sila, hindi nya
mapigil ang nararamdaman nya para dito. He remembered what he saw yesterday and felt his heart break
all over again.

"Bakit ba kasi ikaw pa, Lee?" He asked himself as he watched Lee Ann talk to another student. Alam
nyang nagtatampo ang kaibigan nya sa kanya dahil hindi nya ito pinansin kahapon pero hindi nya
maitago ang selos; hindi nya maitago ang masaktan at hindi nya maiwasan ang manghinayang. "Anong
nakita mo sa kanya? He's successful, I know pero kaya kong higitan yun if that's what it would take
to make you mine." He said.

"Hi, Lee Ann!" Someone called and he watched her as she waved at one of their blocmates.

"Suzette! Saan tayo mamaya? Di ba tatapusin natin yung project na ipapasa natin this Monday?" He
heard her say.

"Sa condo na lang siguro ni Kahlil para malapit lang sa school."

"Akala ko ba sa Starbucks?" Lee Ann inquired. "Anyway, let's finalize kung saan ba talaga para
masabihan ko ang sundo ko."

"Okay, Lee. Sino pala yung naghatid sayo kanina? Boyfriend mo?" Suzette asked and Lee Ann's melodious
laughter reached Nicko's ear.

"Hindi." She replied and he perked up. "Future husband ko. May kontrata na kami." She added, her
voice teasing and it felt like a dagger pierced Nicko's heart. He wanted to ignore her, he wanted to
pretend that she doesn't exist pero alam nyang lalo lang syang masasaktan. In the end, he gave in and
called her name.

"Lee!" He said and she turned towards the direction of his voice.

"de Jesus, natapos na mens mo?" She joked as she smiled at him. As usual, kapag ngumingiti si Lee Ann
ay nahihirapahan syang huminga. He cleared his throat repeatedly before he returned her smile. "Good
mood ka na ngayon? Ano bang nangyari sayo at bigla-bigla ka na lang hindi namansin? Nakakatampo ka

"Sorry kahapon." Sabi nya habang sinabayan sa paglakad si Lee Ann. "Mainit lang ulo ko kaya ganun."

"Okay lang yun, ano." She answered as she patted his arm. "Ang mga kaibigan dapat nagpapatawaran."
She added and he winced inwardly. "May problema ka ba? Pwede mo akong kausapin if you need someone to
listen to you." She offered and his heart broke at how kind and unintentionally cruel she is at the
same time.


"Wala daw, eh bakit mainit ulo mo kahapon?"

"Ganun talaga ako pag nasasaktan." He murmured and she frowned.

"Who dared to hurt this handsome guy's feelings?" She asked in mock indignation. "Merong nagkamaling
saktan ka? Dali, ibulong mo sa akin kung sino at sasabunutan ko!" She said and he laughed softly
before he sighed and held her hand. She was surprised by the gesture and she looked questioningly at
him. "Ano yun, de Jesus?" She asked and he shook his head before he averted his gaze. "Are you
alright?" She asked and he smiled bitterly before he pulled her towards him and hugged her. She was
too surprised to protest as he continued to embrace her.

"Lee." He murmured and she understood that he needed someone that instant. Slowly, she wrapped his
arms loosely around her and patted his back. His heart painfully trembled at her gesture.

"Bakit, Nicko? May problema ka ba? Do you want to talk about it? You can always talk to me. Para 49/105
naman tayong hindi magkaibigan nyan kung hindi mo nasasabi sa akin kung ano ang problema mo." She
intoned softly and felt him shook his head.

"Just let me hold you." He whispered and her brows furrowed in confusion. "Just let me hold you as my
heart shatter to pieces." He murmured and he squeezed his eyes shut as his tears threatened to fall.

Chapter 13

Nickolai nodded at the valet parking attendant before he gave him his keys. Dapat sya na ang magpa-
park ng kotse nya but he was already late as it is kaya iniwan na lang nya sa harap ng opisina.

"Atty. Sandoval!" One of the receptionists called.


"Sabi po ng Daddy ninyo hinihintay daw po nya kayo sa opisina nya." The receptionist replied and
Nickolai nodded his head. His Dad had been calling him nonstop and he ignored all his calls. Alam nya
kung ano ang sasabihin ng ama nya and he wasn't in the mood then to talk to him over the phone. He
knocked on his father's office's door and heard the soft click of the automatic door opening.

"Dad." Nickolai said and Atty. Ferdinand Sandoval motioned for his eldest son to sit down. He
expelled a heavy breath as soon as Nick took the seat fronting his table.

"Kailan pa naging kayo ni Lee Ann?" His father asked.

"Saturday." Nickolai replied and the older Sandoval nodded his head before he sighed again.

"May nangyari na ba sa inyo?" He asked holding his son's gaze and Nickolai returned his stare.

"Wala pa pero kung may mangyayari man labas na kayo dun."

"Nickolai she is a child! Have you gone mad? Maliban dyan, she is someone who's like a member of our
family, para nyo syang nakakabatang kapatid ni Alex!"

"She is a member of our family, alright but she's not my sister and unless Sandoval ang apelyido nya
I am free to love her!"

"Love? Are you sure you're in love with her or is she just a passing fancy to you? Nick, hinding-
hindi kita mapapatawad kapag pinaglaruan mo si Lee Ann. She is you godfather's daughter for heaven's
sake! Kinakapatid mo sya!"

"Pinaglalaruan? Bakit ko sya paglalaruan? I have hidden my feelings for her for years because she's
too young, Dad! Alam kong mas bata sya sa akin ng mahigit isang dekada! Bakit ba sa tingin ninyo
hindi ako nag-aasawa because I am waiting for her and I'm done waiting! She only maybe sixteen but
she has her own mind! She might just be a child to you but she knows her own heart! Mahal nya ako at
mahal ko rin sya!" Nickolai answered heatedly. "You can't keep me away from her because I intend to
keep her." He added and his father massaged his temple.

"How about Precious? Ano ang gagawin mo sa kanya?"

"We're done. Nakipaghiwalay sya sa akin so I'm free and before you insinuate na kaya naging kami ni 50/105
Lee Ann ay dahil ginagawa ko syang panakip-butas sa paghihiwalay namin ni Precious, sasabihin ko na
sa inyo ngayon na mali kayo ng iniisip."

"Nick, hindi mo man lang ba hinintay na mag-debut ang bata--"

"Hindi na sya bata, dalaga na sya. At hindi ko na kayang hintayin. She belongs to me!"

"What would her sisters say--"

"Dad, I don't care what they say. Lee Ann is mine!"


"Dad, pareho tayong lalaki so please, let's skip the drama. I've loved her since she was the little
girl who just lost her mother and I used to think na naaawa lang ako sa bata because I lost my mother
too. I used to think na ang rason kung bakit nagkakandarapa akong umuwi kada hapon para dumiretso sa
mansyon ng mga Carbonel ay dahil alam kung kailangan ni Lee Ann ng kuya and I used to think that I
can ignore how strong my feelings have gotten for her. Tiniis ko yun, Dad. Tinago ko. But I can no
longer hide what I feel. I want to be with her hindi bilang Kuya nya o kinakapatid but as a man
who'll protect his woman."

"My God, ano na lang ang sasabihin ni Leandro--"

"Mahal ko sya, Dad and I think Atty. Leandro Carbonel would be happy knowing that I love Lee Ann with
all my heart and I will protect her with my life."

Lee Ann reread the text message she received from Nickolai. He texted her nearly an hour ago at wala
na syang natanggap na text pa ulit. Baka tulog na. She thought smiling. She did not expect that he'll
play the smitten boyfriend role down to a T. I miss you. His text message had said and she had
replied with I miss you too. I miss you so much, I wish you're here. It was already 11:52 PM at hindi
nila inasahang matatapos sila agad. Overnight ang paalam nya sa Ate nya. Atty. Alexa Carbonel-
Sandoval even left her office early para ipag-empake sya ng duffel bag na puno ng damit at gamit na
hinatid ng driver nya sa condo ng kaklase.

"Order tayo ng pizza!" One of their groupmates, Trinity, suggested and they eagerly nodded their
heads. "24/7 ang yellow cab di ba?"

"Oo, 24/7." Nicko replied unable to hide his smile. He was excited to spend the night together with
Lee Ann and he couldn't hide his delight. "Libre ko na." He added.

"Aruy si de Jesus inspired." Suzette teased and everyone laughed as Lee Ann looked up to smile at her

"What did I miss?" She asked as she pocketed her phone.

"Wala lang. Inspired lang si de Jesus. Ahem."

"Bakit nga ba inspired si Nicko?" Jerome, their other groupmate, asked and they all sniggered as Lee
Ann's phone rang.

"Hi." She said over the phone as she stood up to go to the condo's terrace. "Bakit hindi ka pa
tulog?" She asked smiling as she closed the terrace's glass sliding door behind her. 51/105
"Hindi ako makatulog. Nami-miss kasi kita." Nickolai answered. "Sinong katabi mong matulog? Ayokong
tumatabi ka sa lalaki. Ilang rooms ba meron dyan? Bakit kailangang dyan pa sa condo ng classmate mo?
Sana sa mansyon nyo na lang para mas comfortable ka and you can sleep in you own room. Hindi pa ba
kayo tapos? Nakakain ka na ba? Wag puro junk food."

"Tapos ka na ba sa cross-examination mo, Atty. Sandoval?" Lee Ann asked laughing and Nickolai
couldn't help but laugh along with her. He felt foolish parked in front of the condo where Lee Ann
slept over with her group mates. And he definitely felt like a lovesick fool as he glanced at his
sandaled feet, denim shorts and white, cotton shirt. Wala sana syang intensyong puntahan si Lee Ann
but he changed his mind when he received her text message. Para kang nasa high school, Nickolai! He
admonished himself. Pero hindi naman nya malalaman na nandito ako. He thought.

"Nasaan ka? Bakit parang mahangin dyan?" He asked as he frowned. "Are you outside?"

"Yes, nasa terrace." She replied and he immediately got off his car. He looked up and saw her. Nasa
5th floor sya and he felt his heart pummel elatedly inside his chest at the sight of her. "Ikaw,
nasaan ka?"

"Ito pinapanuod ka." He answered and chuckled when she turned to look around her. "Down here, Lee."
He said as he waved his hand. She excitedly waved back.

"Bakit ka nandito?" She asked.

"Gusto lang kitang makita." He replied and she giggled.


"Oo, ganun." He answered. "Baba ka naman kahit saglit lang. Let me just hug you goodnight." He added.

"Okay." She said. She ended the call went back inside. Nagtatalo ang mga group mates nya kung ano ang
flavor ng pizza na io-order and they looked up when she closed the terrace's door.

"Tapos na tayo sa project di ba?" She asked and they nodded their heads.

"Magdi-DVD marathon daw tayo. Ang saya di ba? We should do this more often." Katy said and Lee Ann

"Alis na ako."

"Ha? Bakit?" They asked.

"Tapos na naman ang gagawin eh." She answered before she went inside the bedroom where all their bags
were kept and picked up her duffel bag and school bag.

"Bakit biglaan? May emergency ba? Is everything okay? May sundo ka ba?" Nicko asked in rapid
succession and Lee Ann turned her head to look at him.

"Relax, de Jesus. Oo, may sundo ako. May utang ka sa aking pizza ha. Sisingilin ko sa Monday." She
said before she waved goodbye at everyone. "Bye, guys!" She said. "Salamat, Khalil sa hospitality na
pinakita mo. I owe you one." She added as she walked to the door.

"Lee!" Nicko called. "Sino ang sundo mo? Alam ba ng mga Ate mo na susunduin ka nya dito? Alam ba
nilang sasama ka sa kanya?"

"Ha? What the hell are you saying?"

"Alam ko kung sino ang nasa baba na naghihintay sayo."

"And when did my affairs become your business?" She asked as she arched her brow. "I do not remember
you giving birth to me, bakit parang nanay kita kung umasta?"

"Lee, listen to me--"

"No, Nicko you listen to me. My affair is none of your business, you're a great friend and I
appreciate the concern but I don't need it." 52/105


"Stop talking because the more you talk the more I'm starting to hate you." She said before she
opened the door and left. He wanted to follow her pero parang nanghina sya kaya umupo na lang sya sa
isa sa mga sofas.

"Nicko, okay ka lang ba?" Suzette asked and he nodded his head. "Malaki na yun si Lee Ann, alam na
nya ang ginagawa nya."

"May boyfriend na ba si Lee Ann?" Khalil asked and they all looked at him. He realized that he
somehow tainted Lee Ann's reputation by hinting that she's going home with her boyfriend and he shook
his head.

"Wala. Bigla lang akong nagselos. Crush ko kasi yun pero sure naman akong yung driver nya ang sumundo
sa kanya."

"Pero sino yung naghatid kay Lee Ann na naka Porsche 911?" Suzette inquired and Nicko smiled even
when he felt like punching someone's face.

"Family friend nila or pwede ring si Kuya Alex, yung brother-in-law nya."

"Ah. Naks, Nicko may pakuya-kuya Alex ka pa ah. Have you met Lee Ann's family?" Tanong ni Katy.

"Yes." He replied as he pretended to check his phone for messages because he could no longer smile at
them as his heart broke.

Lee Ann waited for the elevator door to open and ran out as soon as it did. She waved at the guard
who smiled at her.

"Bye, Manong!" She said before she ran down the concrete staircase. "Nick!" She called happily and he
looked up to her and smiled before he opened his arms wide for her.

"Na-miss kita." He whispered against her hair as he hugged her to his chest. "God, how I miss you."

"Na-miss din kita." She whispered back. "Ihatid mo ako sa bahay. Tapos na kasi kami sa project, di ba
sabi mo ayaw mong may katabi akong lalaki? Kaya sa bahay na lang ako tutulog."

"Sige, ihahatid kita sa bahay ko."

"Sa bahay namin." She answered laughing. "Loko ka ah, sumbong kita kay Ate."

"Tara na." He said as he opened the door for her. She gracefully slid into the driver's seat and
watched him get inside the car. "Kumain ka na ba? Have you had dinner?"

"Puro chips lang kinain namin." She replied as the car roared to life. As usual, she talked nonstop
and he listened smilingly at her. She stopped talking when the car stopped in front on his condo
building and a valet parking attendant moved and opened the door for her. "Bakit tayo nandito sa
bahay mo?"

"Akala ko ba hindi ka pa kumakain, papakainin kita dito. Bring your things with you."

"Bakit hindi na lang sa mansyon?" She asked but she complied as she carried her bags and stepped out
of the car. He took her bags from her and held her hand.

"Kasi anong oras na." He said as he pulled her towards the rotating door glass door of the entrance.
"Gigisingin mo pa ba sila para makakain ka lang?" He asked and Lee Ann frowned. Hindi nawawalan ng
pagkain sa mansyon nila and she could easily open the one of their refrigerators and microwave
something to eat. They rode the elevator and he glanced smiling at her. "Are you okay?" He asked and
she nodded her head. "The password to my unit is your birthday." He stated as he pressed numbers on
his door's panel.

"Ganun?" She asked grinning. "Grabe, ang ganda ko talaga." She added and he laughed as he pulled the
door open for her. She ran inside and he followed her after he double-checked the locks. 53/105
"What do you want to eat?" He asked putting her bags down and she turned to him and smiled.

"Nick, seriously do you honestly believe that I'm here for the food?" She asked and he watched as she
slowly unbuttoned her blouse.

Chapter 14

She watched him watch her and the corners of her mouth lifted in a smile. "Nick, napaghahalata ka."
She uttered laughing as she fastened the two buttons on her blouse that she undid. "Grabe yung
concentration mo, it was funny to watch!" She said as she doubled over in laughter. "Sabi ko na nga
ba eh kaya mo ako dinala dito kasi may balak kang masama." She added as she giggled. "Ikaw ha." She
said as she lifted her face to look at him only to find him staring seriously at her. "Nick?" She
asked. "Um... gutom na ako." She mumbled after a minutes as she cleared her throat, his humorless
gaze suddenly making her feel uncomfortable. "Mag-order na lang tayo ng pizza, gusto mo?" She asked
as he slowly walked towards her. Instinctively, she took a step back.

"Bakit ka lumalayo?" He questioned as he continued to move forward.

"Wala." She mumbled and he smiled. "Ano... anong gusto mong kainin, pwedeng pizza na lang?"

"Pwede bang Lee Ann na lang?" He inquired quietly as he tilted his head to the side to regard her
with interest. "Can I have Lee Ann for dinner?" He requested casually and she nervously averted her
gaze. She felt his thumb on her chin and she looked at him. "Can I have you for dinner, Miss

"Ha?" She asked stupidly. "Ay, hindi ka pa ba kumakain?" She nervously queried as she began fiddling
with the hem of her blouse. "Gusto mo labas tayo o gusto mo punta tayo sa mansyon madaming pagkai--"
His lips on hers stopped her words as he kissed her gently. Unhurriedly, his lips moved over hers as
his tongue snaked out to slide across her lower lip. She gasped in pleasure and he immediately took
advantage as he invaded her mouth. She tentatively rubbed her tongue against his and he moaned in
need. "Am I doing it right?" She asked when they parted for air and he nodded his head.

"You're doing it too well." He whispered before he imprisoned her in his embrace and captured her
mouth again. She tiptoed to be closer to him and he stooped to put an arm under her hip to pull her
up. She wrapped her legs around his hips and he felt his body respond to contact. "You are going to
be the death of me, Lee Ann Carbonel." He whispered against her lips. "When did you grow up to be
such a tease?" He murmured before he covered her mouth with his again. He started to move towards his
leather-covered sofa and lay her down gently before he moved atop her. "Are you comfortable?" He
asked and she nodded her head in reply. He dipped his head to kiss her again and she opened her mouth
to accommodate him.

"Nick..." She whimpered and he groaned in response. The kiss started gentle but quickly became
passionate as his hands travelled to touch her in places that made her toes curl with pleasure. He
nudged her legs apart before he moved to lie in between them. She was wearing a pair of cotton,
three-quarter pants and she could feel the bulge on his shorts.

"Are you scared?" He asked and she shook her head even when she was apprehensive. "Good." He
whispered as he kissed her again. She forgot about her fears as his lips opened languidly over hers.
She felt him rock gently against her and her mouth went dry. She knew they were fully-clothed but she
couldn't help feeling naked and vulnerable beneath him. 54/105

"Yes?" He gasped.

"If you're going to take my virginity tonight, I don't want it to happen on top of this sofa." She
mumbled and he stopped moving. "Kasi mukhang doon na to papunta." She added bravely. " I have no
qualms whatsoever about losing my virginity to you pero wag dito."

"Losing your virginity... I mean... do you want to do it?" He asked, excited and afraid at the same
time. Alam nyang wala pa sa tamang edad si Lee Ann but he couldn't stop his physical response to her
offer as he grew harder under his shorts.

"It isn't a matter of me wanting to do it or not, di ba? It is a case of you wanting to do me and me
loving you enough to let you do me. Now, do you want to do me because I love you enough to let you?"
She inquired and he stared at her for a few seconds before he laughed shaking his head.

"Minsan, nagugulat ako sa mga sinasabi mo." He said as he got off her. He sat down near her feet and
he turned sideways to look at her. "Sa akin nakasalalay pala kung gagawin natin o hindi kasi kung
anong gugustuhin ko ay papayag ka?" He questioned, his tone teasing and she nodded her head.

"Tsaka mas mature ka, you know what's best for both of us." She replied guilelessly and he smiled.

"Minsan yun mga mas nakakatanda ay hirap sundin kung ano ang dapat at ano ang tama." He answered as
he pulled her to sit up and sit astride facing him.. "You are playing me like a harp, Lee Ann
Carbonel." He spoke, his voice filled with longing, as he nuzzled her neck. "Hindi yata ako tatagal
sayo. Saan mo ba natutunan ang mga pinaggagawa mo at wala man lang akong kalaban-laban?"

"Wala pa nga akong ginagawa eh." She replied.

"Wala ka pang ginagawa sa lagay na yan?" He teased and she grinned. He straightened her blouse before
he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Tao lang ako Miss Lee Ann Carbonel at marupok ako pagdating sa
tukso." He kidded and she laughed, her bell-like laughter making his heart reel. He was proud to
watch her grow up and he's prouder that she's his.

"Pinagtatawanan mo ako? Masyado mo na akong pinapahirapan sa mga pinaggagawa mo. I will need a very
cold shower later."

"Sabi ko nga kung gusto mo, okay lang sa akin. Papanagutan mo naman ako di ba? At kung hindi man at
least may remembrance ako sayo." She quipped and he laughed.

"Remembrance? Bakit? Magpapaanak ka ba sa akin?"

"Bakit hindi? Kung okay lang naman sayo kasi mamaya pala ay gusto mong ipagdamot yang lahi mo." She
replied grinning and he laughed harder.

"Ilang anak ba ang gusto mo at ibibigay ko?" He asked and she grinned.

"Alam mo ba kung paano ginagawa ang mga babies?" She teased and he guided her to sit up. Her eyes
bulged in surprise when he put his hand inside her Capri pants.

"Dumadaan dito di ba?" He asked huskily as she blushed profusely. "Unless mali ako." He added.

"Tama ba naman yung nandadakma ka na lang ng mga hindi dapat dakmain?" She asked in a whisper.

"Akin din naman yan, Lee. Ingatan mo muna ng mahigit isang taon but when the time comes, I will claim
what's mine."

"Claim? Anong akala mo sa akin, bag na iniwan mo sa isang security counter?" She asked and he gave
her a boyish grin. Hindi nya alam kung bakit hindi nya makuhang magalit. Why does it feel normal to
have his hands all over me? She asked herself quietly.

"I want to marry you and I want you to bear my name as well as my children." He said as he took his
hand from inside her pants.

"Nakakaasar ka, kinikilig ako!" She exclaimed covering her face with her hands as he pulled her into 55/105
his embrace. "Mahal kita, Lee. Mahal na mahal at gusto kong sa akin ka lang. But Dad is right, you're
still a child."

"Hindi na ako bata!"

"Dalaga ka na, oo pero ayun sa batas, bata ka pa rin at dahil bata ka pa hindi pa tayo pwedeng
magpakasal. I want us to get married in a church. I want our families and friends to be there to bear
witness to me laying a legal and spiritual claim on you."

"Kunyari ka pang kasal ang gusto mo eh, I'm sure mas excited ka pa sa honeymoon."

"That too." He agreed chuckling. "You'll be seventeen in a few months, mahigit isang taon na lang ang
hihintayin natin and we can get married."

"Okay lang ba sayo kahit nag-aaral pa ako?" She asked as she leaned away to look at his face. "Okay
lang ba sayo na gusto kong maging doktor?"

"Bakit naman hindi? Lahat ng gusto mo, gusto ko rin." He uttered and she smiled.

"Talaga? Lahat ng gusto ko?" She asked and he solemnly nodded his head. "Kiss mo ako, please." She
said and he gladly obliged. Her eyes fluttered open when he lifted his lips off hers and she sighed.
"Why are you such a good kisser, Nickolai?" She asked and he smiled but his smile vanished
immediately when she scowled.

"O bakit?" He asked.

"Sinong nagturo sayong humalik?! Anong pangalan nya para aabangan ko sya at kakalbuhin ko sya!" She
angrily said as her eyes started to well-up. "I'm so upset!" She murmured.

"Bakit ka upset?" He asked as he hugged her. "What got my baby Lee Ann upset?"

"Hindi ako ang first mo! Ang unfair!" She said as fat tears started to roll down her cheeks. It was
difficult for him to hide his laughter but he did because he knew she'd be more distraught.

"Hindi ikaw ang first ko saan?"

"Sa lahat ng bagay." She wailed and he could no longer contain his laughter. "Bakit ka natatawa? Are
you laughing at me?" She sobbed and he shook his head.

"No. Why would I do that?"

"Then why the hell are you smiling?!" She asked as more tears fell from her eyes. He wiped her face
with his hand before he kissed the tip of her nose.

"Tama na, stop crying." He said. "Tahan na." He murmured. "It's no longer important if you're not my
first, what matters is you're my last." He said and she stopped sobbing.

"Sure ba yang ako ang last mo?" She asked doubtfully and he nodded his head.

"Ikaw ang last ko. I promise." He said as he watched her use the hem of her shirt to wipe her tears.
"Kaya tama na ang iyak. Hindi na natin ulit pag-uusapan to at hindi mo na ulit iiyakan to." He added.

"Okay." She replied before she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, Nick with every thread
of my being and with every fiber of my soul." She whispered against this ear and he tightened his
arms around her.

"I love you too, Lee. I love you so much." He whispered back. She lifted her face off the crook of
his neck and held his face with both her hands.

"Nickolai Sandoval, you're one lucky man to be owned by Lee Ann Carbonel." She declared before she
giggled. He hugged her tight and kissed her cheek.

"Dito ka matutulog ngayong gabi." He said. "Gusto kitang makatabi sa pagtulog. When was the last time
na nagtabi tayong matulog? I think that was five years ago." 56/105
"Oo, five years ago. I was eleven and I had my first period. Nag-freak out ako nung nakita ko ang
tagos sa kama." She said and he laughed softly.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked her after minutes of cuddling.

"Pizza." She replied.

"Hindi healthy ang parating pizza." He said and she sighed.

"Fine. Kung ano na lang ang nasa ref mo. Ano bang laman ng ref mo?"

"Beer." He answered laughing. "Sige, pizza na lang." He agreed. They waited for nearly an hour bago
dumating ang pina-deliver nila and they wolfed down the pizza in less than thirty minutes. Lee Ann
took a bath first and Nick followed after she finished.

"Manuod muna tayong palabas sa cable." She said when they were in bed. He gave her the remote
controls and she happily clapped her hands. "Ito! Ito! Gusto kong panuorin to!" She gleefully

"Gusto mong manuod ng horror movie bago ka matulog?" He asked in disbelief.

"Oo! Nandito ka naman eh kaya di ako matatakot."

"Baka magka-nightmares ka nyan." He said but she insisted. Yun nga lang nakatalukbong sya ng
comforter the whole time. "Matulog na lang tayo." He uttered as he turned the television off. He
pulled her into his arms as she threw a leg over his.

"Goodnight, Nick." She whispered and his mouth sought hers in the darkness as he started kissing her.
She was eagerly kissing him back when they heard his phone ring. "Baka emergency." She mumbled.

"Hindi yan." He murmured before he kissed her again.

"Baka importante yan." She said and he expelled a heavy breath and rolled off her. He stood up to get
his phone from one of the drawers. "Kanino galing?" She asked but he didn't reply as he stared at the
message on his phone.


I'm outside.

Chapter 15

"Nick, sino yan?" Lee Ann asked again and Nickolai turned his phone off.

"Wait lang, Lee." He said as he walked back to his bed and kissed her lightly on the cheek. "Balik
ako agad." He added as he walked to the door and stepped out of the room. Dali-dali nyang pinuntahan
ang telepono nya at binunot ito sa saksakan. He went to his main door and checked if the triple locks
were in place. 57/105
"Nick! Ang tagal mo!" Narinig nyang sigaw ni Lee Ann and he smiled.

"Andito na." He said as he went back inside the bedroom and closed the door behind him. "Ang bilis
naman akong ma-miss ng girlfriend ko." He said as he lay down beside her.

"Anong ginawa mo sa labas?" She petulantly asked and he laughed as he hugged her to his chest.

"Wala, may chineck lang." He murmured against her hair.

"Mamaya nambabae ka pala." She grumbled and he chuckled.

"Ang bilis ko naman kung nambabae ako. Besides, bakit pa ako mambababae?"

"Wag ka ring manlalaki ha." She said and he laughed aloud.

"Kung anu-anong pumapasok sa isip mo." He said as kissed her on the forehead. She threw a leg over
his hip and he felt himself harden. Nick, bata pa yan! He admonished himself as she snuggled closer
against him.

"I hope you don't mind that I'm not wearing a bra. Napaka-uncomfortable kasi." She mumbled sleepily
and he felt heat start in the middle of his stomach and spread to his chest.

"You always say the damndest things, Lee Ann." He said as he felt desire stir in his loins. "You're
going to be the death of me." He muttered and she sleepily opened her eyes to regard him with

"Na-arouse ka?" She asked and he stared at her upturned face for a few seconds before he burst out

"Kung anu-anong sinasabi mo. Saan mo ba natutunan yang mga yan?"

"Sa internet, sa movies, sa mga ate ko at sa friends ko."

"Sa mga Ate mo? Pagsasabihan ko nga yang si Alexa that they should be careful with what they say
around you. Kung anu-ano na lang yang lumalabas sa bibig mo. You're only sixteen."

"Nick, don't you know that the youngest mother in the Philippines is just nine years old? So kung
tutuusin, I'm seven years late." She replied grinning. "Nick..." She whispered after a few minutes.

"Ano yun?" He answered.

"Papatong." She replied.


"Patong ako sayo." She mumbled as she crawled on top of him. "Di ba ganito mo ako pinapatulog dati?"
She asked as she yawned and he grimaced. Dati, oo kasi bata ka lang nun at wala ka pang boobs. He
wanted to retort but held himself back. "Pa-meme mo ako." She demanded and he hesitantly patted her
back with his hand. Sobra na syang naiinitan at sobra na syang nag-iinit. He peeked at Lee Ann's face
but she seemed fast asleep. Langhiya naman tong buhay na to. He thought shaking his head. He closed
his eyes and felt her move. He tried to ignore the sensations that were awakened at her movements as
he feigned sleep. He stifled the urge to open his eyes as she continued shifting above him until he
felt her warm breath on his face.

"Lee--?" Her eager mouth silenced him and he groaned as he accepted her kiss.

"Goodnight." She said as they parted for air. "Sweet dreams." She added grinning.

"Hindi na ako makakatulog nito." He murmured and she arched her brow when she felt his hand under her
shirt. "Why the hell are you so hot?" He asked as his hand explored her back.

"Hot? Anong akala mo sa akin pandesal?" She jested and he laughed.

"Lee Ann Carbonel, why do I have a feeling na alam mo ang mga ginagawa mo at pinaglalaruan mo lang
ako?" He asked as his hand moved towards her hip. 58/105

"Bakit kita paglalaruan? Ang gwapo mo namang laruan." She replied and gasped when he reverted their
positions. He stared at her surprised face as his hand moved to explore her skin. And she felt it
then, the tingling sensation that unfurled in the pit of her stomach. "Nick--" She started to pant as
his hand continued its journey.

"Yes, Lee?" He asked and she squirmed.

"Ano ba talaga? Parang nakikiliti ako na hindi." She answered and he laughed softly. "Ano to, Nick
initiation rite ba to?" She tried to joke and gasped when she felt his hand on her chest. She saw him
close his eyes and groaned.

"God, Lee--" He panted as he squeezed her flesh.

"Are you okay?" She asked in concern and he opened his eyes to look at her. "Anong nangyari sayo?"
She inquired as he slumped over her.

"Teka lang, give me a minute." He whispered and she wrapped her arms around him. "I need to use the
bathroom." He said as he made a move to get off her.

"Okay." She answered. And he wondered kung alam ba ni Lee Ann kung bakit sya magbabanyo. Does she
know the effect that she has on me? He questioned himself. "O sige na, magbanyo ka na at baka magka-
UTI ka pa kapag pinigil mo yan." She added and her reply confirmed his suspicion. Hindi man lang alam
nito kung anong pinaggagawa nya sa akin.



"Wala." He replied as he got off her. But she grabbed his shirt and frowned at him.

"Ano yun?" She asked. "Pwede ba namang wala? Lakas mo namang mambitin!"

"Ikaw nga tong malakas mambitin eh." He answered with a chuckle. "Kawawa naman talaga pagkalalaki ko
sayo, masyado mo nang inapi."

"Ngee." She said. "Pagkalalaki mo? Bakit, ano bang ginawa ko sayo, aber?"

"Gusto mo talagang malaman?" He asked.


"Wag na baka patayin ako ng mga Ate mo." He responded with a grin as he pried her hands off his shirt
but she held on to him tighter.

"Nick naman eh! Ano nga yun! Nakakabanas ka na! Ayoko na sayo! Tampo na ako!" She announced pouting
and he laughed. "Hindi mo talaga sasabihin? Uwi na nga lang ako!" She added as she lay back down on
his bed and turned her back to him. He chuckled as he lay down beside her.

"Napakamatampuhin nito." He said as he pulled her to him.

"Ayoko!" She snapped as she scooted away from him.

"Lee naman."

"May pa-intro intro ka pa di mo naman tinutuloy yung sasabihin mo!"

"Halika na, sasabihin ko na." He cajoled and she finally turned to face him.

"Ano na?" She asked when he just stared at her. "Akala ko ba sasabihin mo na?"

"Hindi ko alam kung dapat ko bang sabihin sayo."

"Sus, ano ba yun. Sabihin mo na kasi. Dami mo pang pasakalye eh. Yun kamo ang nakakaasar sayo,
feeling mo bata pa ako. Feeling mo--" She stopped talking when he guided her hand to his crotch. "Oh 59/105
my God." She murmured.

"Ngayon, pwede na ba akong magbanyo?"

"Mag-aano ka?" She asked. "Hala, maghugas ka ng kamay ha." She added naively and he laughed aloud
before he kissed her again. She waited for him for nearly ten minutes and sat up on the bed as soon
as he emerged from his bathroom. "Success ba?" She asked and he gave her a wink. He walked towards
the bed and lay down beside her as he gathered her in his arms.

"Matulog ka na." He said closing his eyes.

"Goodnight, Nick." She murmured against his neck and he nearly groaned at the sensation of her warm
breath on his skin.

"Goodnight, Lee." He replied before he cupped her face and kissed her thoroughly. She felt him move
atop her again and she arched her brow.

"Sige ka, ayan ka na naman." She said and he grinned.

"Okay lang, malapit lang naman ang banyo." He replied before he dipped his head to claim her mouth.

Sabay silang nag-breakfast at nag-lunch. Mag-aalas-tres na nung hinatid sya ni Nick sa mansyon. They
couldn't stop kissing and they stayed inside his car giving each other unlimited goodbye kisses.

"Go. Alis na." Nickolai spoke panting. "Baka hindi na kita palabasin." He added before he nibbled her
lower lips again.

"Gusto mong pumasok sa loob?" She murmured against his lips.

"Baka dumiretso akong kwarto mo." He whispered back before he opened his mouth over hers. "Okay, tama
na." He said closing his eyes. "Tama na."

"Alis na ako. Salamat sa paghatid." She said and he nodded his head. He asked her to leave her duffel
bag filled with her clothes and things in his unit and she obliged without question. "Bye, Nick." She
said as she moved to open the door and squeaked when he pulled her back.

"Isa pa." He said before he kissed her again. Forty-five minutes later, she couldn't hide her smile
as she ran towards the mansion.

"Aba, masaya." She heard someone say as soon as she opened the door and she twirled around to find
her older sisters.

"Ate!" She happily ran towards where they sat and gave each of them a hug. "Kanina pa ba kayo dito?"

"Hindi masyado, mga ten hours lang." Lia replied as she immediately noticed her younger sister's
kiss-swollen lips. "Nag-sex na ba kayo ni Nickolai?" She asked bluntly and Lee Ann immediately shook
her head.

"Hindi pa po." She replied.

"Narinig mo yun, Alexa. Hindi pa daw. Ibig sabihin, may balak."

"Sa kanya ka ba natulog, Lee?" Alexa asked, her voice tinged with worry. "Did you spend the night 60/105
with him?"

"Opo." Lee Ann replied as she sat down on the sofa fronting her two sisters. "Wala namang nangyari sa
amin. Mahal na mahal ko po sya, Ate." She said, her head bowed.

"Hindi ko naman kinu-kwestiyon yun eh." Alexa started to say. "Pero, nag-aalala kami sayo kasi, Lee
sixteen ka pa lang. Are you ready for something like this?"

"Ang libog, Lee walang pinipiling edad." Lia seconded. "Pero syempre kailangan ka naming pagsabihan
kasi nakakabata ka naming kapatid at tingin namin kailangan mo ng guidance."

"Wala naman pong nangyari sa amin, Ate."

"Wala pa sa ngayon." Alexa spoke. "Pero baka bukas o sa susunod na araw meron na. Emotional ang
intimacy para sa babae, Lee at dahil mahal mo sya baka bumigay ka agad."

"Nahawakan na ba nya pempem mo?" Lia asked and Alexa stared at her older sister before she doubled
over in laughter.

"Ano ka ba, Ate! Pempem talaga?"

"Aba, bakit? Bawal bang itanong yun? Ano, Lee anong base na si Nickolai sayo?"

"Ha?" Lee Ann asked in confusion.

"Ganito yan, kiss, dede, pempem tapos tusok-tusok na." Lia retorted without guile and Alexa continued
to laugh as Lee Ann blushed furiously. "Oh my goodness, nahawakan na nya pempem mo?!" She demanded
seeing Lee Ann's guilty expression. "Ang bilis naman ni Nickolai! Ilang linggo pa lang kayo ah."

"Ano?!" Alexa blurted out as she stood up. "Bakit ka nagpahawak dun? Nakalimutan na ba ni Nick kung
ilang taon ka pa lang. Lagot sa akin yung manyak na yun!"

"Hoy, Holy Virgin St. Alexa umupo ka nga dyan. Ito naman kung maka-react parang di hinahawakan gabi-
gabi ang pempem nya." Lia said and they three of them looked at each other before they doubled over
in laughter.

"Ate naman! Ayan ka na naman eh! Ang bastos mo!" Alexa exclaimed laughing.

"Ito ka na naman, pa-virgin. Teka lang, may ikukwento ako." She whispered conspiratorially at her
sisters and they moved closer to her. "I got laid." She said before she giggled.

"Sino?" Alexa asked curiously. "Do we know him?"

"Secret." She replied. "Pero ang galing nya. Wala akong masabi. Wala sa itsura kasi kagalang-galang
sya. Parang di makabasag-hymen pero wag ka, he's an animal in bed." She said.

"Boyfriend mo, Ate?" Lee Ann asked and Lia laughed.

"Hindi. Boytoy lang." She said.

"Binata naman yan, Ate?" Alexa inquired. "Yan ba yung bakla?"

"Hindi no, naghiwalay na kami ng landas nun matapos ko syang bigyan ng tips sa pagmi-make-up. Ito

"Ate, mag-iingat ka." Alexa said.

"Darling, no glove, no love policy ako. Besides, it's been ages since I got laid. More than a year
na. mahirap kasing maging sexy kung meron kang mga problema. Hoy, Lee Ann wag mo akong gagayahin ha.
Itong si Holy Mother Alexa ang gayahin mo at kasing-puti ng nyebe ang puri nito."

"Ate naman." Alexa uttered laughing.

"Pero, Lee seryosong usapan. Aminado naman akong I am not a great role model of morality dito sa
pamilyang ito. But sex and losing one's virginity is not something that should be taken lightly. Kasi 61/105
believe me, when you lose the V parang may kulang ka na lalo na kung wala lang. And you're too young
to experience the insecurity and self-doubt that you'll feel after you lose it."

"Tama, Lee. Bata ka pa. Hinay-hinay muna ha." Alexa stated. "Hindi ako magagalit at hindi kita
pagbabawalan. Hindi rin kita ipapahiya by speaking to Nick about it kasi personal na decision yan
pero malay natin, in a year or two ay magbabago ang pagtingin mo sa kanya o kaya ay magbabago ang
pagtingin nya sayo."

"Alam ko naman po yun, mga Ate. Pero pag nandun ka na kasi sa moment--"

"Ay, naku yang moment na yan." Lia interjected. "Panira ng buhay yang moment na yan eh."

"When you're eighteen, you can do whatever you want because you'll be an adult by then. Alam naming
dalawa ni Ate Lia na hanggang payo lang ang pwede naming ibigay because you will be the one to decide
pero sana you'll heed our advices."

"Alam ko naman po eh." Lee Ann answered. "Don't worry, mga Ate I'm not going to turn into a slut if
that's what you're scared about." She added and Lia arched her brow at Lee Ann.

"Excuse me, but since when is being a slut a sin in this family?" She asked. Her two younger sisters
stared at her in shock before the three of them burst out laughing.

Chapter 16

It was Sunday morning and Lee Ann sleepily opened her eyes. She rolled unto her back and felt the
empty space beside her.

"Nick." She groaned. "Bakit hindi kita katabi?" She asked her pillow as she hugged it to her chest.
She slept over at Nick's last Friday night and it felt weird not to wake up wrapped in his arms. She
groped for her phone and dialed his number.

"Good morning, Lee." He sleepily said over the phone. "Aga mo namang nagising. Wala pang 4 AM and
it's a Sunday kaya wala kang pasok." He said yawning.



"Punta ka dito para paggising ko magkatabi tayo." She told him and he laughed softly at her quip.
"Nick, geh na." She repeated.

"Sige, sige. I'll be there in twenty minutes." He replied and she cheered loudly.

"Yey! Mag-ingat ka sa pagda-drive. Gusto kong nandito yung katawan mo hindi yung kaluluwa mo." She
told him and he chuckled.

"Sige, shower lang ako."

"Wag na, mabango ka pa rin naman eh."

"Mabilis lang tapos punta na ako dyan." He said. They ended the call and he ran to his bathroom to 62/105
take a shower. Since it was still early, walang katraffic-traffic mula sa condo nya papunta sa
mansyon ng mga Carbonel. She was waiting at the top of the stairs like she used to when she was
younger and he couldn't help but smile.

"Nick!" She exclaimed as she ran down the stairs to wrap her arms around his neck. "Hi." She
whispered in his ear before she kissed his cheek.

"Nasaan na yung batang papatulugin ko?" He asked her fondly and she frowned.

"Nick naman." She mumbled but smiled immediately when he draped his arm around her shoulders.

"Bakit medyo basa ang buhok mo?"

"Nakakahiya eh, kaya sabi ko wag ka nang maligo para pwede rin akong hindi maligo pero naligo ka
naman. Kaya naligo na rin ako kahit tinatamad ako." She answered and he laughed. They took the stairs
to her bedroom. She immediately pulled him towards the bed and she eagerly made him lie down beside
her. "Grabe inaantok pa ako." She murmured closing her eyes after she felt his arms enclose her in a
hug. "Good morning, Nick." She whispered as she snuggled into his chest.

"Good morning, Lee." He whispered back before he tilted her face up to kiss her lips. Sanay syang
gumising ng maaga pero hindi nya alam kung bakit inaantok sya habang pinapanuod si Lee Ann na
natutulog. There's something so peaceful about her when she's sleeping.

"Nick." She murmured in her sleep and he leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead. She sighed
contentedly and he couldn't help but smile.

His eyes fluttered open at the shrill sound of a phone ringing and the girl in his arms stirred.
"Nick, yung phone mo." She whimpered in irritation as she covered her ears with her hands.

"Nasa kotse ang telepono ko so it's yours." He answered and she opened her eyes to look at him.

"Ang gwapo mo naman." She muttered grinning before she kissed his chin. "Good morning." She greeted.

"Good morning." He greeted back as she sat up and padded barefoot towards her study table. "Anong
oras na?" He asked.

"9:17 AM. She replied as she walked back towards the bed bringing her phone with her. "Bakit kaya
tumatawag si Tito June?" She asked herself aloud.

"Who's Tito June?" Nickolai inquired.

"Yung Tito ni Nicko na director nung first commercial ko." She answered. Nick was about to say
something about hearing the teenage boy's name so early in the morning but bit back his tongue as Lee
Ann dialed a number. "Hello po, Tito June! Good morning! Yes po, pasensya na I just woke up. Bakit po
kayo napatawag?" Nick heard her say over the phone and she pouted when he grabbed the phone from her
hand and activated the speaker function. "Pakialamero ka." She mouthed at him and he grinned.

"--project for you. I hope you'll indulge me again." Tito June said. "They're looking for a fresh
face at ikaw ang pumasok sa isip ko. Ang ganda ng feedback na nakuha natin sa first commercial mo and
the client was very satisfied!"

"Tito, I'll have to discuss this with my sisters. Pwede po bang pa-send ng background tungkol sa
product pati na rin po ng outline ng commercial kay Ate Alexa. Do you sill have her email address?"

"Yes, Darling--" Tito June replied and Nickolai frowned. "I saved your sister's email address. At
tsaka tatawagan ko rin sya kasi I want your law firm to handle my contracts. Will it be alright na
tawagan sya ng Sunday?"

"Naku, Tito pinapatay nya po yung business phone nya kapag Sunday kasi gusto nyang nasosolo sya ng
family nya."

"Ganun ba? Okay. I'll call her tomorrow then. Pasensya sa abala, Lee. Have a blessed Sunday!"

"You too, Tito! Don't worry hindi po kayo nakaabala." Lee Ann politely replied before they ended the
call. 63/105

"Why do you let him call you darling?" Nick asked and her brows furrowed at his question.

"Because he calls everyone darling." She reasoned. "Also, didn't you notice kung gaano sya kalamya
magsalita? Hindi sya mahilig sa babae, Nick." She added but his frown didn't vanish. "Nick naman, ang
aga-aga mo naman akong pinapakilig." She said and he smiled before he pulled her towards him to
nuzzle her neck.

"Kinikilig ka?" He asked and she readily nodded her head. "Talagang hindi ka nahihiyang aminin sa
akin na kinikilig ka?" He probed and she nodded her head again. "Bakit yung ibang babae tinatago--"

"Sinong ibang babae?! Bakit ilang babae na ba nakasama mong matulog?! May pinuntahan ka ring ibang
babae para tabihan sa pagtulog nya?!" She angrily asked as her lower lip trembled.

"Hey, hey..." He murmured.

"Hey, hey ka dyan!" She retorted and he chuckled. "Umuwi ka na nga lang! Baka may ibang babae pang
naghihintay sayo sa condo mo para batiin ka ng good morning!" She snapped before she pushed away from
his chest to stand up.

"Lee." He said as he stood up too. "Napakaselosa mo."

"Hindi ako selosa!" She huffed as he put his arms around her. "Bitiwan mo nga ako! Nakakainis ka! Ang
dami mong babae!"

"Wala nga eh, yung girlfriend ko naman bata." He joked and she got more annoyed.

"Okay, fine bata na ako. Sige, dun ka na sa lanta mong ex-girlfriend at sasagutin ko na si Nicko!"
She retorted furiously and without thinking. He instantly froze at her words.

"Nanliligaw sayo yung Nicko?" He asked serenely as his hold around her tightened. She felt his
demeanor change and she struggled to be free form his grasp.

"Maliligo na ako! Kainis! Bitiwan mo ako! Di pa ako nagtu-tootbrush!"

"Nanliligaw sayo yung Nicko?" He repeated, his tone still calm.

"Eh ano naman kung oo? It's not as if -- Nick!" She shrieked as he lifted her off the floor and
brought her back to the bed. "Ay grabe dinadaan ako sa dahas." She said as he covered her body with

"Sinong nagsabi sayong pwede kang magpaligaw?" He asked before he rained kisses on her face. "Ha?
Sinong nagsabi sayo?" He repeated as he started to tickle her.

"Ano ba, Nick!" She squealed. "Kasalanan ko ba kung madaming mahumaling sa ganda ko?" She asked and
laughed harder as he continued to tickle her. "Tama na, Nickolai!" She shouted laughing and he

"Nagpapaligaw ka pa?" He asked and she held his face with both her hands.

"Hindi." She said.

"Ano yung sinabi mo kanina?"

"Naasar lang ako sayo. Sabihan mo ba naman akong hindi tulad sa ibang babae blah, blah, blah..."

"Lee, nababasa, napag-uusapan at nao-observe ko lang yun. Hindi naman ibig sabihin ay marami na akong
nakatabi sa pagtulog."

"Sus. Wag ka na. Huling-huli ka na eh. Palusot."


"Whatever." 64/105
"I love you."

"Maniwala ako sayo." She murmured and he kissed her soundly on the lips.

"Halika, Lee paliguan kita." He whispered against her ear and she giggled.

"Ang bastos mo." She said but she let him pull her to her feet.

They bathed separately because he thought it would be too much for his sanity kung sabay silang
maliligo. They decided to go to the mall and agreed to visit Alexander and Alexa later. "Tawagan kaya
natin sina Ate para alam nilang padating tayo." She suggested and he shook his head.

"Hindi sila umaalis ng bahay kapag Sunday. In fact, nasa loob lang daw sila ng kwarto maghapon."

"Baka busy sila." She worriedly said.

"Sabagay, mahirap mabitin." Nickolai chuckled as he took his phone out and dialed his brother's
number. "Alex, pupunta kami dyan kasi gusto daw makalaro ni Lee Ann ang mga bata." He said.

"Bakit pa kayo nagpapaalam? Dumiretso na kayo dito." Nickolai heard his brother reply.

"Baka maka-istorbo kami eh." He answered laughing softly.

"Red flag kaya tapos ang ligaya." Alexander stated and Nickolai laughed.

"Sige, may bibilhin lang daw tong si Lee Ann." He said before he disconnected the call. They went
inside a bookstore and Lee Ann bought new books. They went inside the department store next kasi
gusto ni Lee Ann na bilhan ng pasalubong ang mga pamangkin nila.

"Alin ang mas cute, Nick?" She asked holding up two toys in front of his face.

"Bilhin mo na lahat para hindi na natin kailangang mamili." He said and she frowned.

"Dapat may effort naman yung gift." She scolded him lightly and he grinned.

"Ang mga lalaki hindi mahilig mamili, kung ano ang una naming makita ay yun na yun." He told her.

"Excuse me." Someone said from behind them and they both turned to look at the owner of the voice.

"Bakit po?" Lee Ann asked.

"Ikaw ba to?" The woman asked pointing at a large standee of the product that Lee Ann modeled for.

"Ay, medyo po." She answered giggling.

"Sabi ko na ikaw to eh. Pwedeng magpa-picture?" The woman asked and Nickolai stepped forward.

"Hindi pwede." He said. "Tara na, Lee." He said as he steered Lee Ann away from the lady.

"Ang sungit naman nung bodyguard nya sayang gwapo pa naman." They heard the woman say and Lee Ann

"Bodyguard pala kita, Nick. Ang gwapo naman ng bodyguard na to. Nakakagigil. Pa-kiss nga ako." She
teased and he looked in amusement at her.

"Mamaya, pag-uwi natin sa bahay panggigilan natin ang isa't isa." He answered and she sniggered.

"Ipapakulong kita for corrupting a minor." She joked.

"Ipapakulong kita for seducing a lawyer." He retorted and she stuck her tongue out at him. They took
the elevator to the mall's parking area and continued to tease each other.

"Kahit naman i-seduce kita eh dapat hindi ka nagpapa-seduce kasi bata pa ako at wala pa ako sa tamang
pag-iisip." 65/105
"Wala rin ako sa tamang pag-iisip." He replied as he stopped to kiss her quickly on the lips. "I love
you." He said.

"I love you." She responded before they resumed walking.

"Nick!" A familiar voice called and he was tempted to ignore her but he called his name repeatedly.

"Si Precious." Lee Ann whispered and she felt his arms tighten around her.

"Nick! Wait up!" Precious hollered as she ran after the pair.

"Mauna ka na sa kotse." He whispered to Lee Ann but she shook her head.

"Dito lang ako." She replied stubbornly and he sighed. Precious was panting slightly when she reached
them and her smile nearly slipped when she saw the youngest Carbonel but she chose to ignore her.

"Hi." She said smiling at him and Nickolai glanced at his watch.

"May sasabihin ka ba? Kasi kung wala aalis na kami at meron pa kaming pupuntahan." He spoke, his tone

"I was outside your condo last Friday, hind mo ba natanggap ang message ko?" She asked as she
continued smiling. Nasa labas sya ng condo ni Nick noong nakaraang gabi? Sya yung nag-text? Lee Ann
thought but remained quiet.

"I did. But I do not know what to do with such an information. Ano naman kung nasa labas ka?" He
asked and her smile vanished.

"Nick, look I'm sorry. I know it was my fault kaya nga tina-try kong ayusin--"

"Wala ka nang aayusin. Salamat for doing me a favor. Wala na tayong dapat pang pag-usapan kaya aalis
na kami."

"Nick!" She called as she grabbed his free arm. Nickolai stared pointedly at her hands and she let
him go. "Nick, magbabago na ako. Gagawin ko lahat ng sasabihin mo, Nick--"

"I'm not interested." Nickolai coldly said before they turned to leave.

"Nick, I want you back!" She shouted as she hurried after them. "Please, Nick..." She begged as she
followed them to his car. "Magpapakamatay ako, Nick kapag hindi ka bumalik sa akin!" She screamed as
he opened the passenger's door for Lee Ann. He closed the door and moved towards the driver's side of
the car. "Nick! Please!" She begged as she wrapped her arms around him. "Alam ko namang nasaktan
kita, alam ko it was a blow to your ego that I broke up with you--"

"Precious. Enough. As I said, you did me a favor when you broke up with me." Nickolai calmly told the
hysterical girl as he tried to unclasped her arms from around his waist.

"I don't believe you, Nick. Alam kong nasaktan lang kita kaya ka ganyan. You still have feelings for
me!" She said as she tiptoed to kiss Nickolai on the lips. He was too astounded to react until
Precious screeched in pain as someone grabbed her by the hair and slammed her face against the car's

"Sinong diyos ng malalandi ang nagsabi sayong pwede mong halikan ang boyfriend ko?!" Lee Ann
furiously demanded as Precious stared at her in shock. 66/105

Chapter 17

"Boyfriend mo?" The older girl asked as she stared at Lee Ann in disbelief. "Ilusyunada ka ring bata

"Ikaw ang ilusyanada! You pathetic bitch! Ayaw na nga sayo di ba? Bakit ka ba naghahabol? Gaano ba
kaliit yang utak mo at hindi pumapasok dyan sa kokote mo na na hiwalay na kayo?!"

"Don't make me laugh, kayo ni Nick?!"

"You can laugh all you want but hands off my man!" Lee Ann declared as she pulled Nick with her.
"Sabihin mo sa babaeng yan na tantanan ka na nya kundi sisirain ko ang pagmumukha nya!" She said and
Nickolai cupped her face.

"Baby, calm down." He whispered and her lower lip trembled. Bakit ba napak-iyakin ko kahit ako naman
ang nanalo sa argument? She thought annoyed with herself.

"Precious, wag ka nang magpakita sa akin, wag mo na akong puntahan sa opisina at was mo rin akong
puntahan sa condo or else I will be forced to ask for a TRO against you." Nickolai intoned without
looking at his ex-girlfriend. He walked to the passenger's side and opened the door for Lee Ann
before he got inside the car. "Baby, yung seatbelt mo." He said and Lee Ann obeyed. "Okay ka na?" He
inquired and she nodded her head.


"Let's prepare for the possibility that Precious might sue you for physical injuries." He calmly
stated as they drove off and she sighed.

"Can I hire you as my lawyer?" She asked quietly and he smiled.

"Oo naman, unlimited na kiss lang okay na." He answered.

"Are you mad at me?" She questioned in a soft voice.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because I lost my temper?"

"A girlfriend has every right to lose her temper when another woman is after her man." He uttered and
she covered her mouth with her hands as she giggled.

"Nick naman eh! Kinikilig ako sayo." She said and he laughed. "Pwede mo bang itabi yung kotse saglit,
dyan sa may park na yan." She said and he glanced sideways at her.


"Basta." She replied. Ginilid nya ang sasakyan bago hininto. He was surprised when she unsnapped her
seatbelt and moved to hold his face with both her hands to give him a kiss. His response was
automatic as he kissed her back.

"Wag na lang kaya tayong tumuloy kina Alex?" He asked in a whisper in-between kisses. "Kung gusto mo
diretso tayo sa condo para pwede tayong mag-kiss kahit gaano katagal?"

"Mamaya, dun ako tutulog ulit." She whispered before she placed a chaste kiss on his lips. He got
excited at the prospect that she will be sleeping over tonight but he also felt uneasy, he knew his
control was slipping.

"Baby, hindi sa ayaw kitang sa condo ko matulog kaya lang Monday tomorrow kaya may pasok ka. Ayokong
magalit sa akin ang mga Ate mo at ayoko ring isipin nila that our relationship is hindering your 67/105

"Gusto kong doon matulog." She started to whine. "Nick!"

"Ganito na lang, Baby susunduin kita sa school mo ng Friday para dun ka matulog hanggang Saturday
tapos ihahatid kita kinagabihan." He placated as he smiled at her. "Hindi ba mas mahabang oras na
magkasama tayo?"

"Ayoko! Gusto ko mamaya dun ako matutulog." She mumbled as she continued to scowl. Nick, you have to
let her down carefully at kilala mo naman yang girlfriend mo kapag nag-tantrum. He told himself

"Baka nga kasi--"

"Hindi naman yan ang totoong reason mo eh! Ang sabihin mo gigimik ka!" She uttered angrily and he
couldn't stop himself from laughing. "Bakit ka natatawa?!"

"Lee, hindi ako ma-gimik. Don't you know me? Sa bahay lang ako naglalagi because I can't stand three
things -- noise, crowd and cigarette smoke."

"Why do I have the feeling that you're not telling me the truth?"

"What truth?" He asked.

"The real reason why you don't want me to sleep at your condo." She stated plainly. "Masyadong
mababaw kung acads kasi ang layo pa naman ng exams ko, besides excellent yung standing ko ngayon if
we are to based it on my recent quizzes, projects and recitations."

"Yun nga, maganda ang academinc standing mo kaya ayoko yung magbago at ayokong bumaba grades mo." He

"Stop the car." She suddenly said and he glanced at her.

"Why?" He asked not slowing down.

"Just stop the freaking car so I can get off!"

"Lee, ano na naman yan?"

"Don't take me for a fool! I can feel it when you're lying so stop the car and let me take a cab

"Lee Ann--"

"Stop the car!"

"Lee Ann, stop acting like a brat!"

"Stop treating me like a child!"

"You are a child!" He yelled and closed his mouth. She stared in shock at him and he cursed himself
in his head. Now you've done it, Nick. He thought as she bowed her head, gazing intently at her lap.
Hindi na sila nag-imikan.

"Look, Lee I'm--" He started to say.

"Save it." She cut him off harshly. He could see that she was crying although no sound came from her,
and he felt like a jerk. He pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to her but she
ignored his offer.

"Lee, sorry na." He murmured as he stopped on a red light. He was surprised when she suddenly opened
the door and got out of the car. He tried to do the same but another car was barring his way. Lee
Ann!" He called. "Fuck!" He murmured as he watched her hail a cab on the other side of the street.
"He immediately dialed her number but she had turned her phone off. He called his brother. 68/105
"O, nasaan na kayo? Sabihin mo kapag parating na kayo para hugutin ko na." Alexander uttered laughing
over the phone. "Joke lang, ayaw pumayag kahit lumuhod na ako, ano bang meron sa mga babae at ayaw
kapag may period, pareho lang naman yan mas madulas nga--"


"What's wrong?" Alexander asked hearing the distress in his brother's voice.

"Hindi na kami tutuloy--"

"Nick, sixteen lang yan, magsarili ka na muna--"

"Gago. Nag-away kami." He murmured before he sighed and heard his brother laugh again.

"First na away ba yan? Naku, mahirap suyuin yan. Magdala ka ng mascot."

"Loko ka, Alex." He answered although he couldn't help but smile. "O sige na at nagda-drive ako."

"Sige, ingat. Kung hindi gagana ang mascot daanin mo na lang sa iyong mga kamay at dila panigurado--"

"Bye, Alex." He said as he ended the call. Tarantado talaga tong kapatid ko. He thought to himself as
he made a u-turn. He reached the Carbonel mansion in less than an hour and was disheartened when they
informed him that Lee Ann hasn't arrived yet. He called his brother again.

"O ano na? Bati na kayo?" Alex asked.

"Wala dito sa mansyon nila. Text mo ako pag dumating dyan. Kung may info ka kung nasaan sya, paki-
relay kaagad sa akin."

"Bakit mo ba inaway?"

"Hindi ko naman inaway. May hindi pagkakaintindihan lang."

"Bili ka ng lollipop at lobo." Alexander suggested laughing.

"Tumahimik ka, Alex. Tarantado." He replied and his brother laughed harder. He ended the call feeling
more frustrated. Nasaan kaya yung batang yun? He thought. He decided to wait for her at the mansion.
Three hours later, no Lee Ann arrived and he was starting to get worried.

"Hindi ko alam kung alam ni Love kung nasaan ang kapatid nya, mainit ulo sa akin kaya hindi ako

"Papaghingain mo naman yang asawa mo." He said.

"Para mo namang sinasabing inaalipin ko tong misis ko."

"Bakit magagalit sayo yan kung wala kang kasalanan dyan?" Nickolai asked and regretted the question.

"Nagsalita ang naghihintay sa pagdating ng girlfriend nya." Alexander taunted. "Sige, lambingin ko
muna tong asawa ko at kapag may malaman akong information about Lee Ann's whereabouts sasabihin ko
kaagad sayo."

"Salamat, Alex."

"Dahan-dahan kasi, binibigla mo eh." Alexander said over the phone and guffawed when Nickolai cussed.

Lee Ann arrived two hours later with shopping bags in tow and she ignored Nickolai when she saw him.

"Ipaghahanda ko po ba kayo ng dinner, Miss Lee Ann?" One of the housemaids asked and Lee Ann smiled
kindly at her.

"Hindi na po Manang Rita. Kumain na po ako sa labas. Ay, may binili pala ako para sa inyong lahat."
She said as she handed the househelp three of the bags she was carrying. "May mga nakapangalan na po
dyan, pakibigay na lang po sa kanila." 69/105
"Naku, Ms. Lee Ann, salamat po talaga." Manang Rita happily replied as she gratefully bowed her head
and left. As soon as she did, Lee Ann started walking towards the stairs completely ignoring

"Ako ba walang pasalubong?" He asked in a light tone and she paused.

"Let's break-up, Nick." She said before she resumed walking. He stared at her retreating back for a
few seconds before he ran after her and grabbed her by the wrist.


"You will always see me as a child no matter what I do. You won't see me as a partner but as someone
younger who adores you. I want a man who'll regard me as his equal. Hindi ikaw yun." She said as she
shook her hand free from his grasp. She continued walking while he stood rooted on the spot. She
opened her bedroom door and plopped down on her bed leaving the shopping bags she was carrying strewn
on the floor. "Wag kang umiyak, tanga ka." She murmured to herself. She knew that she was childish,
she knew that she's playful and she knew that she's way younger than him. Pero kaya ko bang baguhin
kung ano ako? Kaya ko ba namang magkunwaring mature kahit hindi naman? Hinog sa pilit tong relasyong
to. She mumbled to herself.

"Lee--" She heard his voice and she sat up as she hastily wiped her tears with the back of her hand.
Hindi ko pala na-lock yung pinto.

"Bakit ka nandito?" She asked as he walked towards her bed and sat down beside her.

"I know you don't want anything to do with an old man like me but before you decide to leave, I need
you to hear me out." He said.

"Hindi na kailangan." She murmured but he continued talking.

"You grew up before my eyes. Isang batang sobrang kulit na wala nang ginawa kundi sundan ako kahit
saan man ako magpunta. I knew of your feelings and I am not telling you this to embarrass you, I am
telling you this to let you know that I have recognized and acknowledged the affection that you have
for me even before we became a couple. I am confused right now because I have this burning urge to
protect you yet I have this unquenchable craving to own you. A part of me wants to see you soar but a
part of me wishes that you'll stay as you are so you won't ever stop needing me. And this battle that
rages inside me is constant, Lee -- I want the best for you yet I want to be the best for you."


"I understand if you want to break-up. Why would you want to stay with an old man like me when you
can have any man that you want? But before you decide to walk out of my life for good, I want you to
realize this -- I will never be the same without you." He uttered as her eyes pooled with tears. "So
if you decide after this speech that you want to leave me--" The words died in his lips before she
suddenly lunged at him.

"Nakakainis ka, Nick!" She cried softly. "Nakakainis ka talaga!"

"Sorry na nga."

"Pinaiyak mo na nga ako tapos magsasalita ka lang okay na ulit tayo? Ang unfair mo kamo!" She wept as
he held her tight.

"Sorry, I said the wrong words earlier. I know you were offended and you have every right to be mad."

"Wag ka na!"

"Sorry na nga. Alam mo bang nag-alala ako sayo? Bakit mo ba pinatay ang phone mo? Sana kahit galit
ka, wag mong i-off para alam kong okay ka lang."

"Alam naman ni Ate Alexa kung nasaan ako eh, magka-text kami."

"Alam ng Ate mo pero hindi alam ng boyfriend mo."

"Nakakainis ka kasi." She mumbled pouting. He held her face with both his hands and kissed her 70/105
thoroughly. She kissed him back and he felt the familiar stirring in his loins in no time.

"Lee, I love you." He declared. "And no matter how old you get, you will always be Nickolai
Sandoval's baby." He added. "That being said, I'd like to ask a very grown-up favor from you." He
whispered against her lips.

"What?" She asked.

"Live with me." He replied.

Chapter 18

Live with me.

The words he uttered sounded dream-like and sinfully inviting. She stared at his solemn expression
and she thought of an apt reply. She opened her mouth to say something but shook her head as if
trying to clear her thoughts. Anong ibig nyang sabihin? Magpapakasal kami? Magtatanan? Magli-live-in?
Paano na sina Ate? I'm sure hindi sila papayag.

He smiled at how flustered she looked before he took something from his pocket. "You proposed to me
when you were eight years old, do you remember?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"Alam ko kung ano ang laman nyan." She declared smiling broadly. "Yung plastic ring na binigay ko
sayo, tama? Alam mo bang may kasamang candy yun kaya lang di ko natiis kasi ang tagal mong dumating
kaya kinain ko." She added laughing softly at the memory. He took her hand and brought it to his

"Lee, I know I'm not perfect and I know I may not be the best man for you. I promise you, however,
that I will endeavor to give you the best and my best." He murmured. He suddenly felt nervous when he
saw her frown.

"Ano yan, Nick? Are you proposing?" She jokingly said as she laughed. She stopped laughing when he
opened the small box in his hand and she saw a diamond solitaire ring. "You're proposing." She stated
flatly as he slipped the ring into her finger. Her lower lip trembled as her vision blurred with

"Bakit ka umiiyak?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around her. "Lee, ano yun?"

"Hindi ko alam." She replied as she continued to sob.

"Pwede ba naman yung umiiyak ka ng hindi mo alam?" He asked softly and she cried harder.

"Hindi ko lang inaakalang may magpo-propose sa akin." She wept and his heart melted at her
confession. "Hindi ba kasi ang plain ko lang? There's nothing extraordinary about me. I'm too tall
for my age, I'm not curvaceous like Ate Lia, not as smart as Ate Alexa and not as interesting as
everyone else." 71/105
"Lee, that's not true." He uttered as he held her face with both his hands. "You're special. Maganda
ka tulad ng mga Ate mo, matalino ka tulad din nila at higit sa lahat ay mas interesting ka kesa ibang
kaedad mo because you're very open and honest."

"Lahat sinabi mo maliban sa sexy. So hindi nga ako sexy?" She asked frowning and he laughed.

"Sexy ka syempre. Besides, bata ka pa, hindi ka pa fully-bloomed."

"Ano ako, bulaklak?"

"Parang ganun." He answered grinning. "But you're curvaceous for your age. I don't want to think how
other members of the opposite sex will react to you when you turn eighteen or nineteen kaya
magpakasal na tayo pagkatapos na pagkatapos ng debut mo."

"Ay pagkatapos pa pala ng debut ko? Akala ko now na."

"Gusto kong magpakasal tayo sa simbahan, Lee."

"Ay, sorry naman. Ako na talaga ang excited." She muttered smiling. But the smile disappeared from
her face as she regarded him seriously. "Eh ano yung sinasabi mong live with me? Magli-live in tayo?"

"Hindi. Live with me when you turn eighteen."

"Ay, wala to paasa." She mumbled as she lay down on her bed. She pulled a pillow and covered her face
with it. He lay down beside her and pulled the pillow off her face.

"Lee, hindi ko nga kayang dun ka natutulog tapos gusto mo pang magkasama tayo sa iisang bubong?"

"Okay." She murmured as she closed her eyes. "I understand. If only I'm two years older, I wouldn't
have felt so inadequate."

"That ring I gave you is an invitation to live with me, but I can only oblige you to live with me
kapag may wedding ring nang kasama yan."

"Oo na." She mumbled as she turned away from him. She felt him move to wrap his arms around her as he
kissed her on the nape.

"Wag ka nang magtampo."

"Hindi ako nagtatampo." She retorted and they grew quiet. "Do you want to break up, Nick?" She
whispered after nearly a minute of silence.

"Lee naman--"

"I know you're a man and there might be things that I won't be able to give you because of my age.
I'll let you go. Kapag mas matanda na ako and we're still interested in each other, sige tayo ulit. I
think this might be my defense mechanism talking, ayoko kasing dumating yung panahong tayo nga pero
maghanap ka ng iba dahil may limitations yung pagiging girlfriend ko sayo."

"Saan to galing? Saan galing yang mga pinagsasabi mo? I already apologized for what I said earlier,
hindi pa rin ba enough yun? I cannot allow you to sleepover often kasi baka ikama kita and you're
just sixteen, Lee!"

"Hindi ako nagpapakama sayo, okay ka lang?!"

"Pero dun hahantong kung hindi tayo mag-iingat." He sighed. "Hindi ako santo, lalaki ako and I have
baser needs. Aminado naman ako dun pero hindi naman ako makakapayag na maghihiwalay tayo because you
feel that you won't be able to give me what I want!"

"So ano na lang, maghihintay na lang akong lokohin mo?!"

"Where are you getting those ideas? Have I given you reason to doubt that I can't tame my urges for
you?" He questioned and sighed as he hugged her to his chest. "Lee, stop thinking too much." He
whispered against her hair. Alam natin ang limitations ng isa't isa. Bakit puro break-up na lang yang
sinasabi ko? I feel neglected and unwanted. Malapit na akong magtampo." 72/105

"Weh, bakit ka magtatampo?" She asked as she turned to kiss him on the cheek.

"Kasi ito pa nga lang ang problema natin but you're giving up on me. Paano kung may mas malala pa,
does that mean iiwanan mo na lang ako?"

"Ayoko lang na may gawin kang masasaktan ako ng sobra kasi may pagkukulang ako sayo."

"Wala kang pagkukulang sa akin. You don't owe me anything. You do not exist to please me at hindi
kita ginawang girlfriend to prove to the world that I am a man. Mahal kita, Lee Ann."

"Hindi ka kaya magbago? Baka mamaya may makita kang sexy dyan bigla mo na lang akong hiwalayan." She
murmured as she snuggled against his chest.

"Hinintay kita ng ilang taon tapos hihiwalayan na lang kita ng ganun na lang?" He asked and heard her
giggle. "Why are you laughing?"

"The way you said it parang ang ganda-ganda ko." She answered and he chuckled. He tightened his arms
around her and kissed the top of her head.

"I can wait. I hope your feelings will remain steadfast. And I hope you'll still find me attractive
even when your suitors come swarming in. But I have my pride, Lee. If the time comes when you no
longer feel the same towards me, sabihin mo sa akin kasi iintindihin kita. But as long as I'm the man
you want, I will stay by your side."

"Gusto kong sayo matulog ngayon." She whined and he groaned.

"Lee, nasabi ko na ang reason kung bakit hindi pwede di ba?"

"Pero sabi mo rin you can control your desires because you love me and you know that I'm not ready."

"Paano kung hindi ko mapigil?"

"So nagsinungaling ka."

"No. Hindi ako nagsinungaling."

"Bakit sabi mo kanina kaya mong pigilan tapos ngayon hindi na? Ibig sabihin you just said those
things to pacify me but you have no intentions of honoring them."

"Lee Ann Carbonel, you are making things difficult for me." He uttered as he expelled a heavy breath
and she smiled sweetly at him.

"I'll behave, Nick. I promise." She stated and he arched a brow. "Promise! Hindi kita kukulitin.
Hindi kita iki-kiss. Tapos hindi ako dadantay sayo. Hindi rin ako yayakap. Sige na, Nick!" She spoke
as she sat up, her expression anxious. "Gusto lang kitang makasama eh." She added bowing her head and
he laughed.

"Ang kulit mo." He muttered and she sighed.

"Wala kasi akong kasama dito kaya nalulungkot ako. Nahihiya naman akong makitulog kina Ate Alexa kasi
syempre may sarili na silang pamilya tapos si Ate Lia naman kapag may modeling job ay madaling araw
nang nakakauwi. Ayokong maging pabigat sa kanila kaya kahit nahihirapan akong mag-isa dito ayokong
magreklamo. Ang laki kasi nitong bahay and I can't help but feel lonely but I don't want them to feel
that I'm too clingy and burdensome." She confided quietly as she averted her gaze. He watched as she
pasted a big smile on her face before she turned to look at him. "Ayoko silang agrabyaduhin pero ikaw
ang ginugulo ko, ano?" She asked.


"I understand. Lalo na't may work ka kaya yung weekend yung time mo lang para sa sarili mo. Don't
worry, Nick I'm fine." She said as she crawled towards the edge of the bed. "It's late, umuwi ka na.
Bati na tayo, hindi ako nagtatampo." She told him. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm sorry--" 73/105

"Ano ka ba, hindi mo kailangang mag-sorry. Naiintindihan ko."

"I'm sorry kasi naturingan akong boyfriend mo but I didn't realize that you were lonely."

"Hindi ko sinabi yung sinabi ko para mapapayag ka lang sa gusto ko. I don't want you to think that I
am using emotional blackmail. Sinabi ko yun kasi yun ang totoo, na nalulungkot ako dito minsan."

"Alam ko namang hindi ka ganun. I watched you grow up, remember?"

"O sige na, umalis ka na. I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked before she frowned. "That is kung wala
kang gagawin pero kung meron wag mong pilitin." She smiled. "Bye, Nick!" She said as she waved at
him. She was surprised when he hugged her to her chest.

"Go, pack your things." He uttered.

"Para saan?"

"Dun ka matulog sa condo ko. Monday bukas kaya dalhin mo na din yung gamit mo sa school."

"Hindi na. I'm okay." She retorted as she pushed away from his chest.

"Well, I'm not okay na hindi ka sasama. I've already made up my mind na isasama kita sa bahay ngayong
gabi at sa susunod pang mga gabi."

"Ano yun, ibabahay mo ako?"

"Medyo." He answered grinning. "May tatlong bedroom ang unit ko, you can use of one of the rooms as
your own."

"Are you sure that you don't mind?" She asked, her eyes hopeful and he smiled as he chucked her under
the chin.

"I'm sure." He replied and she squealed before she kissed him on the cheek and ran to pack her
things. Nearly twenty minutes later, they were on their way to his condominium unit. He listened
smiling as she babbled happily. He cooked spaghetti and made French toast for her for dinner.

"Ang sarap." She said when they finished eating "Ako na ang maghuhugas ng pinggan." She volunteered
and he laughed.

"Ako na." He said. "Go freshen up para maaga kang makatulog at may pasok ka pa bukas."

"Are you sure?" She asked and he nodded his head. She ran to the bathroom and took a bath while he
watched the evening news. "Tapos na ako, Nick!" She announced as she ran to her bedroom wrapped in a
large, white towel. He closed his eyes as he felt his libido kick in and felt himself harden. Nick,
snap the hell out of it! He harshly reprimanded himself. Minutes later, he heard her open her bedroom
door and he hastily pulled a pillow to hide his crotch.

"Tulog ka na?" He asked as she bent down to kiss him on the cheek.

"Oo. Matulog ka na din. Goodnight." She said as she gave him a hug.

"Goodnight." He replied giving her a smile. She went back to her bedroom and he sighed with relief
when he heard her door click close. "That was close." He murmured as he took the pillow off his
crotch. "Maligo ka na, Nickolai." He told himself as he stood up to take a bath. "Ginamit nya ang
sabon ko." He whispered to himself and groaned when an image of Lee Ann taking a shower flashed in
his head. "Ano ba naman kasi, Nick bakit ba ang hilig-hilig mong pahirapan ang sarili mo?" He uttered
as he stepped under the shower.

He bathed quickly and changed into a pair of cotton shorts and plain white shirt. "Lee?" He knocked
on her door but she did not reply. He turned the knob and was relieved to find it open. "Lee?" He
called again.

She was fast asleep and hugging a pillow to her chest. He stared at her sleeping form as
protectiveness and gentleness wrapped around his heart. He closed the door and walked towards her bed 74/105
before he bent down to kiss her on the forehead. "Umalis ka na at pumunta ka sa sa kwarto mo!" He
murmured as he gazed at her beautiful face. "Tumayo ka na, Nickolai." He whispered to himself as he
slowly stood up and walked towards the door. "Anak ng." He murmured as he stopped in his tracks.
"Bahala na." He told himself as he walked back to her bed, took her into his arms and carried her to
his bedroom.

Chapter 19

He laid her down on his bed gently and she curled into a ball the moment he did. He stood there
watching her as she slept soundly. Bakit ko ba dinala to dito? Lalo akong di makakatulog nito. He
thought shaking his head. She rolled onto her back and her pajama top hiked up revealing her flat

"Shit." He murmured to himself as he hastily covered her exposed flesh with a pillow. "Sa kabila na
nga lang ako matutulog." He grumbled. "Di sana hindi mo na sya dinala sa kwarto mo!" He angrily
mumbled. He lay down beside her holding his breath but the moment his back touched the bed, she
instinctively moved towards him and snuggled against him. "Patay tayo nito." He sighed. Her hand
moved to lie against his chest and he covered it with his own. "Goodnight, Lee." He whispered.

"Nick..." She sighed his name and he abandoned all worries as he wrapped his arms around her and held
her close against him.

"I love you, Lee Ann." He whispered as he kissed her on the forehead. She looked so frail and young
and he gently cupped her face. "Hindi mo lang alam kung gaano kita kamahal." He murmured as he kissed
the tip of her nose.

She tilted her face towards him and he gave in to his longing to kiss her as he touched his lips
against her, careful not to wake her up as he softly nibbled her lower lip.

"Tama na, Nick!" He scolded himself. "Tulog na yan tapos iniistorbo mo, may klase pa yan bukas." He
admonished himself. But his gaze fell on her pink cheeks and he inwardly groaned. "Isa na lang." He
told himself as he nuzzled her cheek. She stirred as she pushed agains his chest.

"Ate! Ang aga pa! Mamaya na!" She murmured as she turned away from him.

"Lee?" He called and sighed when her breathing evened again. "Lee..." He whispered as he gathered her
in his arms. Nick, tantanan mo na yang girlfriend mo. He thought to hmself as he closed his eyes.

"Nick..." She whimpered his name and he felt his heart reel.

"Ano yun?" He asked softly as he kissed her on the forehead again. "Nickolai, matulog ka na." He
spoke as he put an arm against his forehead and closed his eyes. "Malala na yang obsession mo sa
girlfriend mo." He grumbled. Bakit ba kasi ang cute nitong babaeng to? Parang ang sarap yakap-
yakapin, halik-halikan... He groaned.

His brow knitted together when he felt her soft hand move from his chest to his stomach. "Lee, are
you awake?" He asked and felt foolish. Tulog na yan, wag mo nang guluhin! He thought as he closed his
eyes again. 75/105
He was drifting off to sleep when he felt her hand move under his shirt. He hissed at the contact.
Shit, I should take another shower. He murmured as he gently pried the sleeping girl off him. She
held on to him tighter, however, and he was drowning in frustration. Dapat kasi hindi mo na dinala
dito. Tanga ka rin kasi. Tulog na tulog na yan kanina talagang kinarga mo pa! He slowly moved away
from her but she moaned and threw her leg over his hip. "Anak ng..." He sighed surrendering to his
fate of eternal hard-on when she suddenly giggled. "Gising ka." He uttered, his tone accusing and she
laughed hard.

"Bakit nandito ako sa kama mo?" She asked as she opened brown eyes to regard him with interest.

"Kasi wala ka sa kama mo." He retorted smiling.

"Dinala mo ako dito?" She questioned and he tried to appear serious as he shook his head.

"Nag-sleep walk ka." He replied and she arched her brow.

"Yung totoo." She queried and he nodded his head.

"Oo nga, nag-sleep walk ka." He said as he tried to stop himself from laughing.

"Okay." She murmured. He was about to tell her the truth when she suddenly spoke.

"So totoo pala..."

"Ang alin?" He asked curiously.

"Yung sabi ni Nicko na nag-sleep walk daw ako nung nag-shooting kami tapos tumabi daw ako sa pagtulog
sa kanya at hinalikan ko daw sya." She thoughtfully murmured.

"WHAT?!" Nickolai yelled and she nodded her head gravely. "That bastard!"

"Akala ko gawa-gawa nya lang pero since sinabi mo ngayon na nag-sleepwalk nga ako papunta dito, ibig
sabihin tama yung sinabi nya. I should really apologize--teka, saan ka pupunta?" She asked when he
suddenly stood up. "Nick!"

"He lied to you!" He snapped. "You do not sleepwalk! Ilang taon na kitang nakatabing matulog and you
never did! Not even once!" He said as he opened his closet and pulled out a pair of jeans. "I'm going
to teach that brat a lesson! Saan sya nakatira?!" He angrily inquired and she doubled over in
laughter. He looked at her as she tried to catch her breath.

"Ah, so not even once?" She asked grinning from ear-to-ear and he froze.

"Lee Ann Carbonel, did you just toy with me?" He asked.

"I just gave you a dose of your own medicine." She retorted and grinned sheepishly when he continued
to stare at her. "Bakit ka magagalit eh ikaw ang nagsimula?" She said as he moved towards the bed.
"Weh, tinatakot ako ni Nick." She added as she scooted away from him.

"Pinaglalaruan mo ako, Lee?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"Hindi ah!" She replied shaking her head. "Sabi mo kasi--"

"Lapit ka." He said and she looked at the hand he offered.

"May gagawin ka sa akin?" She inquired and he laughed softly.

"Marami." He answered with a smirk and she paled. "Lee, lumapit ka."

"Sinong tangang lalapit knowing na paparusahan sya?" She asked him crossly and he laughed.

"Bakit naman kita paparusahan?"

"Di ba sabi mo marami kang gagawin sa akin?"

"Kino-consider mong parusa ang halikan kita?" He asked and she smiled with relief. 76/105

"Ay, di mo naman sinabi agad!" She said as she crawled towards him. She stood on his bed and wrapped
her arms around him. "Sorry, Nick." She whispered.

"Sorry din, binibiro lang kita. I carried you here."

"I surmised as much." She muttered and he couldn't help but smile at her words. He found it
comforting wrapped around her arms as he inhaled her sweet scent.



"Sana hindi ka magbago." He murmured against neck.

"Wag ganun, I've been praying for bigger breasts." She confided and he laughed. "Para kasing ang flat

"Your breasts are fine." He said.


"Oo nga. It doesn't matter what size they are. They belong to you so I love them."

"Kadiri ka, Nick! You love my breasts?" She asked giggling.

"Bakit? Anong kadiri dun? I love everything about you. Your hair, your face, your smile, your

"Waah! Naalala ko yung sinabi ni Ate Lia!"

"Na ano?" He questioned as he looked at her face. She was blushing furiously and he became more
curious. "Anong sinabi ng Ate mo? Is it about me?" He asked and she nodded her head. "Ano ang sinabi

"Sabi nya, punung-puno daw ng pagnanasa yang utak mo at baka daw turuan mo ako ng kamunduhan." She
answered worrying her lower lip. He stared at her for a few seconds before he burst out laughing.

"Si Lia talaga." He said shaking his head.

"Is it true?"

"Ang alin?"

"Na puno ng kamunduhan ang utak mo?" She hesitantly queried and he was torn between denying and
telling her the truth.

"Let's sit." He said as he sat down on the bed and pulled her to sit beside him. "Paano ko ba
sisimulan?" He murmured looking at her expectant face. "Nasabi ko na sayo dati di ba that I am a man
and I have needs. My body reacts to you and as much as I'd like to control those reactions, minsan
mahirap gawin."

"Anong klaseng reactions?" She asked and he smiled.

"Alam mo na yun, Lee." He said.

"Oo, but it's fun to watch you squirm." She replied laughing. She sobered after a few seconds as her
brows furrowed. "Yung pagtulog-tulog ko dito, mahirap ba para sayo?" She asked and he shrugged.

"Kaya pa naman." He said.

"Kasi ayokong maging pabigat--"

"Hindi ka pabigat, believe me." He interrupted. "Ayokong iniisip mong pabigat ka. I love having you
around. Ang lungkot ng bahay ko kapag wala ka dito. You give life to my boring existence." He said 77/105
and she grinned.

"Binobola mo ako."

"No. Hindi ako marunong mambola." He said. "Matulog na tayo kasi may pasok ka pa bukas, ayokong
antukin ka sa school." He uttered and she nodded her head before she collapsed on his bed. "Okay lang
sayo yung intensity ng dim light?" He asked.

"Okay lang." She answered. He lay down beside her and she immediately wrapped an arm around his
waist. "Goodnight, Nick. I love you." She mumbled.

"I love you." He answered. "Goodnight." He added. She immediately fell asleep while he lay awake
thinking about the girl in his arms.

He drove her to school the next morning and she talked endlessly about random things. She was all
praises about the ham and eggs that he cooked for breakfast for her.

"Grabe, ang sarap ng niluto mo!" She gushed for the nth time.

"Kahit prito lang?" He asked grinning. "Prinito ko lang naman yung ham at egg."

"Syempre hindi lang prito yun kasi may halong pagmamahal!" She answered laughing and he laughed along
with her. When they reached her school, she leaned towards him and he kissed her on the lips. "You
don't have to fetch me, papasundo na lang ako sa driver ko."

"Anong oras ba matatapos ang last class mo?"

"5:30 PM. Don't worry, Nick wag ka nang mag-abala. Todo-todo nang pang-aabala ko sayo."

"Okay lang, gusto ko ako ang sumusundo at naghahatid sayo." He said smiling fondly at her. "Give me
another kiss." He said and she moved closer to him and cupped his face with both her hands before
kissing him on the lips. He opened his mouth over hers and she returned his kiss eagerly. "I'll see
you later." He murmured against her mouth and she nodded her head.

"Wag ka nang bumaba, you don't have to open the door for me." She said as she placed an innocent kiss
on his lips before she smiled and waved goodbye. She got out of the car and peered inside to wave at
him one last time before she closed the door. He watched as she ran towards a group of girls who were
all smiles when they saw her approach. His phone rang and he attached the handsfree kit to his ear.

"Dad." He said over the phone.

"Nick, where are you?" His father asked, his voice sounded strained and Nickolai frowned.

"I'm on my way to the office. Why? Are you okay, Dad? Naninikip ba dibdib nyo?"

"I'm fine. Mag-usap tayo pagdating mo ng opisina." His father said before the call ended. Nickolai
frowned. He's suddenly worried about his father's health. He reached their office in less than an
hour and immediately went to see his father.

"Dad, are you okay?" He asked.

"Okay lang ako, Nick. Have a seat." Atty. Ferdinand Sandoval said and Nickolai sat down. "We have a

"Tungkol saan? Tungkol ba sa opisina?"

"No, Nick it's about Precious." The older Sandoval replied as someone knocked. The door buzzed open 78/105
and Alexander walked in.

"Anong problema, Dad?" He asked as he took a seat opposite his older brother.

"Si Precious, tumawag sa akin. Magsasampa daw sya ng kaso." Atty. Sandoval replied and Nickolai
sighed as Alexander frowned.

"Kaso tungkol saan? Dahil hiniwalayan sya ni Nick?" He asked. "Gwapo mo talaga, Nick." He taunted
grinning as Atty. Ferdie Sandoval shook his head.

"Hindi. Nagkasagutan sila ni Lee Ann at hinampas sya ni Lee sa hood ng kotse." Nickolai uttered and
Alexander let out a whistle.

"Mas nakakatakot pa yata si Lee Ann kesa Ate nya."

"No. Hindi yan ang problema." Their father muttered. "She said that since Lee Ann is a minor, your
brother here has committed a criminal offense."

"What?!" Alexander demanded. "That's ridiculous! Nagbasa ba si Precious tungkol sa age of consent sa

"She also threatened to tell the media about it." Their father added. Alexander looked angry but
Nickolai was calm.

"What's your plan, Nick?" Alex asked his brother who just shrugged.

"Naisip ko na dati na dadaanin nya ako sa ganito." He sighed. "Ako nang bahala sa kanya." He said as
he stood up.

"Bakit? Anong plano mo?"

"Pareho tayong abogado, Alex. Alam mo na siguro kung ano ang tumatakbo sa isip ko." He said and Alex
nodded his head.

"I'll tell Alexa about this." He said before he left.

"Alis na po ako, Dad." Nick told his father as he stood up. "I'll handle this, don't worry."

"I'm not worried about Precious, Nick. I'm more worried about what you'll do to her." Atty. Ferdinand
Sandoval replied watching his son. Nickolai looked calm but his fists were clenched. "Nick--"

"Mali sya ng binangga." He announced clenching his jaw before he stood up and left.

Chapter 20

Nickolai was inside his office mulling over Precious and his course of action when he heard an urgent
knock on his door.

"Nick, this is Alexa." He heard his sister-in-law's voice and he pressed a button to unlock his 79/105
office door. He stood up as soon as she stepped inside his office and she glared at him.

"Hi, Alexa." He greeted as she regarded him angrily. "To what do I owe the pleasure of being visited
by you?" He tried to smile but she continued to frown at him.

"Sit down." She ordered and he hid a smile. Parang nagkabaliktad sila ng role, sya ang bisita at si
Alexa and may-ari ng opisina. He sat down and watch her do the same. "May nangyari na ba sa inyo ni
Lee Ann?" She asked and he hid his surprise. What the? He murmured to himself although his face
remained stoic.

"At bakit mo naman natanong yan?" He asked carefully as he regarded the woman in front of him
curiously. The Carbonel sisters look alike but if you get to talk them and get to know them, you'll
realize how different they are. Lia is modern and a woman of the world, she does what she wants and
she doesn't care about your opinion; Alexa is the conservative, calm one but she can cut you into
pieces with her words when she's annoyed and Lee Ann... His Lee Ann is sweet and innocent but she can
turn naughty at the blink of an eye. If there's one thing in common between the sisters, it's their
unwavering loyalty and fierce protectiveness of each other.

"Just answer the fucking question, Nick! What made Precious say that since Lee Ann is a minor you
will be facing a criminal offense?! If she's talking about statutory rape, Nick ako mismo ang
magkakaso sayo!"

"Alexa, should I be offended that you think I have no morals that I would take an innocent child's
virginity? Should I be affronted that you're insinuating that as a lawyer, I do not know about laws
to sleep with a minor? Should I feel slighted that, as a family friend who watched your sister grow
up, I will be brutal as to subject a young girl to satiate my carnal needs and lastly should I be
hurt that you've just thrown the love I have for your sister in my face?" He asked and she gaped at
him before she arched her brow.

"Nick, for a lawyer, you're rather inept at answering a simple question." She uttered and he sighed.

"No, I haven't slept with Lee Ann. Yet. I am bidding my time kasi gusto kong- magpakasal--" Nickolai
stopped talking as he heard another urgent knock.

"Nickolai!" The familiar voice said and he sighed again before he pressed the buzzer and Lia came
marching in. "Hoy, tarantado kang lalaki ka--" She started to say and stopped when she saw Alexa who
stood up to give her a kiss. "Andito ka rin pala!"

"Oo nga, bakit ka andito, Ate?"

"I received your text message about dun kay Precious." Lia replied before she turned angrily towards
Nickolai who was watching the two women with amusement in his eyes. "Hoy, Nickolai! Ano to, bakit
nagpaparamdam na naman yang pesteng, bobaita mong ex-girlfriend?! Kayo ba naghiwalay na talaga o
pasakalye mo lang yun at ginagawa mo lang panakip-butas ang kapatid ko?! Ayusin mo ang sagot mo kundi
susunugin ko tong opisina mo!"

"Break na kami at hindi panakip-butas si Lee Ann." He replied calmly and Lia huffed.

"Siguraduhin mo lang kasi kung gagawin mong panakip-butas ang kapatid ko, ipapasak kita sa butas
nyang lintek na Precious na yan!" She snapped and Nickolai arched his brow at her words while Alexa
cleared her throat. "Halika na, Alexa." She said and his brother's wife stood up.

"Nick, what's your plan?" Alexa asked.

"Marami." He replied.

"Teka lang, anong plan?" Lia inquired curiously. "At bagong issue ba ito? Bakit di yata ako updated?"

"Si Precious pa rin, Ate." Alexa answered and Lia rolled her eyes. "Ikukwento ko sayo sa office ko."
She said. "Bye, Nick." She added before she and her sister left. Nickolai expelled a heavy breath
before he massaged his temple. The phone on top of his table suddenly rang and he sighed before he
picked it up. "Atty. Nickolai Sandoval." He uttered in a clipped, business-like tone.

"Ano nagsisisi ka nang iniwan mo ako?" Someone said and Nickolai's anger surged. 80/105
"Do not contact me again." He said before he put the phone down. He took his phone out and dialed
reception. "Regina, I am not going to accept calls regardless if they claim that they're my clients,
friends or relatives." He uttered. He opened his computer and clicked on a folder detailing the cases
he handled for Precious for free. Gusto mong maduming laban? Sige. He thought before he called their
accounting department.

Precious was waiting for her turn to film and she was fuming. He called Nickolai nearly an hour ago
and he had the gall to end the call without her permission. "At ang nakakabwisit, ayaw nang i-
transfer ng reception nila yung calls ko!" She hissed. She even paid one of the make-up assistants to
call and ask for Nickolai but was informed the same thing -- Atty. Nickolai Sandoval is busy and is
not available to receive anyone's call.

"Ms. Precious, tawag na po kayo ni direk." One of the crew said and she smiled.

"Ako na ba?" She asked and frowned looking at her watch. Alam nyang in two hours pa ang shooting nya.
She was excited to be offered a small role in a film dahil sa mahina ang offers sa kanya sa
commercials. Kaya kahit tindera ang role nya ay tinanggap nya. Malay mo naman ito na ang break ko.
She thought smiling to herself. Humanda ka, Nickolai maglalaway ka talaga sa akin. She added angrily.
Maaga syang dumating sa set to get a good impression and it seemed to be working dahil mas napaaga
ang pagfi-film nya. She looked for the director and was led to his RV. Aba, gagong to may masamang
balak yata sa akin tong matandang to. Akala ko ba loyal to sa asawa nya at wala tong kahit anong
scandal? Oh, well who could refuse my charm? She murmured to herself as she patted her hair in place.
She pushed her breasts up and knocked.

"Pasok." The director said and Precious pasted a smile on her face.

"Hi, direk!" She exclaimed. She did not have time to admire the interior of his plush RV as he
somberly nodded his head at her. She made a move to kiss his cheek and he held up his hand.

"Maupo ka, Precious." He said, his tone gloomy and she felt a little unsettled. Teka lang bakit
parang madrama ang aura nito? Ah alam ko, sasabihin nyang may sakit ang asawa nya at kailangan nya ng
kalinga at kung anu-ano pang checheburetche pero ang totoo gusto nya lang akong sakyan. Gagong to!

"Thank you." She murmured as she tried to appear sympathetic, thrusting her chest forward. "Bakit nyo
po ako pinatawag dito, direk?" She questioned smiling coyly.

"Precious, mahalaga sa akin itong pelikulang ito dahil bukod sa launching movie ito ng anak ng
matalik kong kaibigan ay isang taong malapit pa sa akin ang sumulat nito." The director started to
say and her smile slipped. Saan naman papunta itong usapang ito? Maghubad na lang kaya ako ng diretso
nang matapos na?

"Direk," She murmured as she moved closer to where he sat. "Kahit ano po gagawin ko kung mabibigyan
nyo ako ng magandang role--"


"Direk, let's cut the chase. Saan ba ako hihiga? Ano ba ang gusto nyo ako sa taas o kayo?" She asked
and was confused that the old man's face looked scandalized.

"Precious, I don't know what made you say those things pero ang bunso kong anak ay kaedad mo lang at
mahigit thirty-five years na akong kasal sa asawa ko. Now, if you're here because you thought I found
you charming enough that I'd break my vows to my wife ay nagkakamali ka. I gave you a break because I
pity you, nothing more!"

"Pity me--what?!"

"Yes, after your row with Direk Jun de Jesus wala nang direktor ang gusto pang makatrabaho ka and I
used to believe that you have talent but I think I was wrong--"

"Excuse me, matanda ka, anong sinasabi mo?!" She snapped, angry and humiliated at his words. Sino
naman itong gurang na to para pagsalitaan ako ng ganito? My reputation, ruined?! NEVER!

"Direk, okay lang po kayo?" Someone said and her mouth gaped open in surprise. Hindi lang pala sila 81/105
ang tao sa loob, merong lalaki at babae na nasa may unahan at natatakpan ng foldable bed.

"Ano to?! Is this a set-up?!" She asked furiously as she stood up.

"Set-up? Bakit ka naman isi-set-up ng Daddy ko?" The woman, who looked like she was about her age,
spoke and Precious glared at her.

"Kaya kita pinatawag dito dahil may narinig akong kaso mo daw kaya papakiusapan sana kitang umalis ng
tahimik sa set dahil ayokong mabahiran ng iskandalo ang kahit anong pelikulang ginagawa ko--"

"Kaso?! Ako may kaso?! Ano?!" She demanded, she was trembling in fury as she glowered at the other
occupants of the RV.

"Grave slander at physical injuries."


"I got an email from the Carbonel and Sandoval Law Office, tungkol ito sa ginawa mo sa isang
empleyado nila--"

"Putang-ina nila!" She screamed as she picked the plastic chair close to her and threw it near the
director's feet. "Sila pa ang magkakaso, mga gago sila!" She screamed as the RV's door opened and
some of the male crew came to the director's rescue. "Ano ba bitiwan nyo ako!" She yelled kicking and
screaming as they forcibly took her to where her car was parked. "Ano ba?!" She bellowed.
Pinagtitinginan sila ng ibang crew, artista, staff at mga fans.

"Wag ka nang bumalik dito, Ms. Precious." One of the men said. Someone handed her bag to her and she
angrily snatched it before she opened her car and slid into the driver's seat.

"Shit kayong lahat!" She hissed as her phone rang. She hastily took it out of her bag and swiped the
screen to answer the call. "Bakit Benedict?" She asked.

"Pumunta ka sa opisina ko agad-agad."

"Pwede ba Ben, mainit ang ulo ko at wala ako sa mood makinig sa mga kabaklaan mo, ano bang kailangan
mo?!" She snapped before she lit a cigarette.

"May tinatago ka bang five million dyan?"

"Tangna mo, sabi nang wala ako sa moo--"

"Putang-ina mo rin, puntahan mo sa opisina ko yung summary of fees mo dahil wala akong balak bayaran
to at ayokong ma-involve dito sa kalokohan mong to!"

"Anong summary of fees?!"

"Ewan ko sayong babae ka! Ang pagkakaalam ko nagbayad ako at ang agency mo para sa abogadong hinire
mo para sa mga sabit mo dati pero bakit sinisingil tayo nito?!"

"Ha?" She asked her heart beating wildly against her chest. Si Nickolai ang humawak ng mga kaso nya
at hindi sya nagbabayad at dinadaan nya lang sa lambing. Pero hindi ito alam ni Benedict dahil ang
pagkakaalam nito ay nagbabayad sya.

"Putang-ina mo, Precious! Gaano mo na kami katagal niloloko?!" Her manager snapped before the line
died and she stared at the hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. Shit ka, Nick. She murmured as
her phone rang again.

"Hello?" She said, the number wasn't registered. "Sino to?"

"Mahal magpakatanga ano?" Nickolai uttered with a smirk and Precious' lower lip trembled.


"I expect the payment in a week or else the media will know about this." 82/105
"Wala akong pera, Nick!"

"How is that my problem?" Nickolai replied before he ended the call. He turned the phone off before
he took the sim card out and dropped it into the trash bin. His iPhone rang and he smiled seeing who
was calling him. "Hi, Lee!" He happily greeted.

"Hi, baby bear!" Lee Ann's cheerful voice lifted his mood. "What are you doing?"

"Thinking about you." He replied and heard her giggle.

"I was thinking about you too." She answered and he smiled. "Sunduin mo ako." She said, her voice
sweet and pleading.

"Papunta na." He replied as he stood up. "Pero mamaya pa labas mo di ba?"

"Eh wala kaming class kaya maaga kaming uuwi."

"Sure yan na wala kang class?"

"Oo nga!" She replied. "Sunduin mo na ako, please." She repeated and he laughed.

"On my way na. Are you excited to see me?" He joked as he opened his door and came face-to-face with
a grinning Lee Ann.

"Paano mo nalaman?" She asked beaming before she threw herself into his embrace.

Chapter 21

"What are you doing here?" He asked pleasantly as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her
inside his office. "Baka nag-cutting ka, Lee magagalit ako sayo."

"Hindi ka ganun ka-cute para maging reason na mag-cutting ako noh!" She pouted at him. "Ayoko na nga!
Uwi na nga ako!" She said and he laughed as he tightened his arms around her. "Uwi na ako!"

"Bakit? Kakarating mo lang ah." He teasingly told her. "Hindi mo man lang ako iki-kiss muna?"

"Hindi." She grumbled pushing away from him. "Uwi na ako--"

"Nagtatampo na naman ang girlfriend ko."

"Ikaw kasi eh! Ikaw na nga itong dinadalaw, ikaw pa yung sobrang lakas makapagbintang! Siguro kung
iba yung boyfriend ko tuwang-tuwa sya na pumunta ako sa office nya to see him!"

"Natutuwa naman ako ah." He smiled. "My concern is just that you might be doing what I'm doing."

"What exactly are you doing?" She asked, a hint of anger in her voice.

"Minsan pinapa-cancel ko ang meetings ko to be with you." He said tapping the top of her nose with
his finger and she continued to glare at him. 83/105

"Weh." She asked and he solemnly nodded his head. Her face broke into a grin as she wound her arms
around his neck. "Ikaw pala nagka-cutting eh." She told him and he laughed.

"Kaya nga, bad influence ako. Wag mo akong gayahin. You have to finish school and you have to do well
in school."

"Eh si Nick nagpapaka-sweet." She spoke laughing before she tiptoed to give him a kiss. He kissed her
back as he lifted her off the floor and carried her to his sofa. He sat down with her on his lap. "
Na-miss kita."

"I missed you too." He sighed against her mouth. "May meeting ako in a few minutes. Hintayin mo ako,
mabilis lang to. Then we'll go home. Okay?"

"Kahit hindi mo na ako ihatid sa mansyon. Pwede ko namang tawagan yung driver ko. Mag-aaral nga pala
akong mag-drive kasi di ba I'll be seventeen in a few weeks? Yehey! I get my own car kasi sabi nin
Ate ibibili daw nila ako ng bagong sasakyan! I'm so excited!"

"My student license ka di ba? Pwede ka namang mag-drive basta't may kasama kang may license."

"Meron, three months ago ko pa kinuha. Pero I'm so excited to drive by myself!" She squealed. "Nai-
imagine ko pa lang where I can go--"

"No." He snapped.

"Ha? Anong no? Hindi ako pwedeng mag-drive?"

"Kahit marunong ka nang mag-drive ako ang maghahatid at susundo sayo. And I don't want you going to
places by yourself. Babae ka--"

"Ano naman kung babae ako? Hindi porke't girl hindi na pwedeng magpunta sa kung saan? That's
chauvinistic, Nick." She told him and he expelled a heavy breath. Ang totoo, ayaw nyang lumakad mag-
isa si Lee Ann, ayaw nyang naiiwanan sya, ayaw nyang hindi na sya kailanganin nito.

"It's not in reference to your gender. Babae ka, my woman and I won't have you courting danger." He

"Weh, maka-my woman naman to." She teased before she kissed his cheek.

"Lee, ayokong umaalis ka nang di ako kasama. Ayokong pumupunta ka sa kung saan-saan." He sighed and
she laughed.

"Ganun? Masyado mo naman akong binabakuran, Nick."

"Ayaw mo ba? Sige, kung gusto mong mag-drive mag-isa--"

"Bakit kaya ang cute mo?" She cut him off. "May kasagutan ba yang tanong na yan?" She asked as he
stared at her face. "Ang gwapo mo, sobrang gwapo mo and it's no longer funny." She stated and he

"Ayaw mong gwapo ang boyfriend mo?"

"Gusto. Pero hindi naman fair na ganyan ka ka-gwapo."

"Ang galing mong mambola." He told her and she laughed. "Sa akin ka uuwi. Dun ka matulog sa condo. Do
you want the room you're using redecorated? I can call my interior designer--"

"Hindi na. Gagawan mo pa ako ng kwarto eh kinikidnap mo naman ako papunta sa room mo in the middle of
the night." She ribbed sticking her tongue out at him. He groaned before he captured her mouth with
his and she grew pliant in his arms. She moved to sit astride him and his breathing hitched.

"Don't tempt me, Miss Carbonel." He uttered and she arched her brow.

"All is fair in love and war, Nick." She taunted before her soft hands held his face in place. Her
kisses were tentative as if she was testing him, challenging his limit and he succumbed to her 84/105
innocent advances. His lips parted to accommodate her as he cupped the back of her head and drew her
tongue inside his mouth. She exhaled heavily at the action and he nearly smiled. "Ang unfair mo, ang
galing mong humalik." She complained weakly when they parted for air and he pulled her face towards
his for another kiss in answer.

"Magaling ba?" He tormented her by nibbling her lower lip and she squirmed on top of him. "Paano mo
nasabing magaling?" He whispered running his tongue against her lower lip and she moaned.

"Hindi ko alam." She answered as he continued to tease her. "Nick naman eh." She whined when he
kissed the side of her lips.

"Bakit?" He asked grinning.

"Kiss me properly!" She said and he laughed before he invaded her mouth with ferocity and a passion
that left her begging for more. She clung to him, defenseless against his fervor and he intensified
their kiss. She tried to keep up with him but couldn't and she surrendered as she was reduced to
gasped and mewls.

"I don't think it is a good idea na dun ka matulog sa akin mamaya." He spoke softly as he clasped her
to his chest.

"Bakit?" She questioned. "Gusto ko dun matulog!"

"Kawawa naman talaga ako sayo." He said and she giggled. "Pinapahirapan mo na ako masyado."

"Kaya mo yan, Nick. Nandito lang ako para sayo." She taunted and laughed when he started to tickle
her. She was still laughing when the door opened and Alexander walked in.

"Sorry!" Alex said as he turned his back to them. "Hindi ko naman alam na malandi pala si Nick. I
mean na sweet pala si Nick." He added chuckling.

"Kuya Alex talaga!"

"Hi, Lee." Alexander greeted her sister-in-law without looking at her. "Pwede na ba akong humarap?"
He asked and cleared his throat when he saw that Lee Ann was still sitting on his brother's lap.
"Magmi-meeting na tayo, Nick pinapasundo ka ni Daddy, di mo daw sinasagot ang phone mo."

"Naka-silent." Nickolai replied. "Sige sunod ako." He told his brother who was having a hard time
keeping a straight face.

"Sige, okay lang kahit hindi mo bilisan. Baka mabigla si Lee Ann." He said before he stepped out of
the office.

"Ano daw?" Lee Ann asked and Nickolai frowned.

"Don't mind him. Alam mo naman si Alex." He spoke smiling at her. "Hintayin mo ako dito sa loob.
Mabilis lang ako. Do you want anything? Baka gustom ka, I'll have food delivered to you."

"Hindi na, busog pa ako."

"Okay. Mabilis lang ako ha, wag kang mainip."

"Kasama ba sina Ate sa meeting ninyo? Balak ko sana silang puntahan sa office nila."

"Oo, nandun silang dalawa, kasama sila sa meeting."

"Ay ganun? Okay, sige di bale dito na lang ako maghihintay sayo."

"You can use my laptop, baka gusto mong mag-research."

"I brought my I-pad. Okay na ako, maglalaro na lang ako." She said and he smiled as she got off him.
She kissed him on the cheek and waved goodbye.

"Yun lang?" He asked. "After all those heated kisses we exchanged?" He taunted before he bent down to
move his lips closer to hers. "Kiss me properly, Lee Ann." He whispered. She heeded and he regretted 85/105
that he did as fire again burned in his loins.

They drove home and she was again chattering endlessly jumping from one topic to another. He listened
smiling to her animated storytelling. Nakakatuwa talaga tong batang to. He thought and stopped. Alam
nyang bata si Lee Ann but she turns into a woman in his arms. Hindi nya alam if it has something to
do with her candor, wit and charm but he's so physically attracted to her, it was starting to scare

"Tapos ang sabi nung professor namin magkakaroon daw kami ng quiz kaya ayun natapos ang tawanan.
Bakit kaya sila ganun?"


"Ang mga prof."


"Parang ayaw nila na masaya ang mga estudyante. Pag nagkakatuwaan sa class parati silang nagpapa-quiz
parang di dumaan sa pagiging mag-aaral, OA sa pagiging killjoy." She uttered and he laughed.

"Baka naman may quiz talaga kayo dapat at nagkataon lang na nagkakatuwaan kayo so hindi nila yun

"Kanino ka ba kampi?" She demanded and he laughed.

"Syempre sayo." He replied and she made a face. "Nakausap mo na ba ang mga Ate mo?"

"Hindi pa? Bakit?"

"Wala naman, natanong ko lang." He answered. He had to admit that, although he knew that Lee Ann's
sisters will respect the younger girl's opinion, he still wouldn't want to go against Alexa and Lia.
He definitely wants them on his side. Si Alexa madali lang kasi nandyan si Alex pero si Lia, she
won't be sweet talked, not that I'd even want to try. He told himself.

"Anong dinner natin, Nick?" She asked and he glanced briefly at her.

"Anong gusto ni baby Lee Ann?"

"Bakit mo ba ako tinatawag na baby? Gusto mo bang tawaging kitang Kuya?"

"Baby naman..." He joked and she scowled at him. "Kaya baby kasi baby kita. Di ba sinabi ko na sayo
dati na no matter how old you get you will still be Nickolai Sandoval's baby?"

"Weh, si Nick ang arte."

"Ayaw mong tinatawag kitang baby? Sige Lee Ann na lang."

"Eh! Gusto ko may baby!" She whined and he chuckled. They ate dinner at a restaurant and he winked at
her in warning when she opened her mouth to retort to the waitress' cute po ng kapatid ninyo remark.

"Wala naman tayong magagawa, cute ka naman talaga." He told her after they had dinner and were
driving home.

"Kapatid? Magkamukha ba tayo?!" 86/105

"Pag magkamukha daw nagkakatuluyan." He said and she rolled her eyes at him. "Hindi ba? Tingnan mo si
Ate Alexa mo at si Alex, hindi ba magkamukha na? You can't even tell them apart." He exaggerated and
she burst out laughing.

"Grabe ka naman! Lalaki kaya si Kuya Alex tapos may you can't tell them apart ka pang sinasabi?" She
asked laughing harder and he laughed along with her. He handed his car keys to the valet parking
attendant on duty before they took the marble steps to his building's entrance. They were talking
happily as they made their way to the lobby when someone called his name.

"Nick!" Hindi pa man sya lumingon ay alam nya kung kaninong boses yun galing. "Nick, mag-usap tayo,

"Wag kang lumingon at dumiretso ka sa elevator." He murmured to Lee Ann. Nickolai inclined his head
at the guard near the reception who nodded his head in understanding.

"Ma'am, paumanhin po pero bawal po kayong sumunod. Hanggang dito lang po kayo." The guard told
Precious, blocking her way.

"May sasabihin lang ako sa kanya! Putang-ina bitiwan mo ako! Hindi mo ba ako kilala?" Precious

"Pasensya na po talaga, Ma'am ginagawa lang po namin ang trabaho namin."

"Magkano ba! Magkano ba ang kailangan mo para makapasok ako?" Precious shouted as she opened her bag.
Pinagtitinginan na sila ng iba and the guard was trying to calm him down. A man in polo barong
arrived and he smiled pleasantly at Precious.

"Good evening po, Ma'am. I'm the head of security of this building. How can we help you po?" He asked
politely and Precious glared angrily at the guard who blocked her way.

"Pakisabihan itong gwardya ninyo na matutong rumespeto! Hindi nya ba ako kilala?! I am Precious
Abueva at parati ako sa building na to dati! I do not understand kung bakit kailangan akong bastusin
nitong hampaslupang tarantadong to!"

"Ma'am, pasensya na po talaga. Ako na po ang humihingi ng paumanhin pero hindi po namin kayo pwedeng

"Bakit?! Ano bang kailangan para makapasok ako?!"

"Madali lang naman po, Ma'am." The head of security retorted. "Kailangan nyo lang po ng fifty-five
million pesos. Pag may unit na po kayo dito ay pwede na po kayong maglabas-masok sa building na ito."
He told her, smiling amiably and she threw daggers at him. "May kailangan pa po ba kayo?" He asked in
the same genial tone.

"Wala na!" She asked before she turned to leave.

Chapter 22 87/105


Chapter 23

"Teka, kelan nya to binigay?" Lia asked looking at the diamond solitaire engagement ring on Lee Ann's
finger. "Nagulat ako kasi biglang kwintas ang binigay nya sayo ngayon, napaka-symbolic, balak ka nya
talagang sakalin." She added and Alexa laughed.

"May nauna na pala kasing binigay, Ate." Her sister said and Lee Ann beamed.

"Ang taray, kapag inere mo ang panganay nyo, may reward kang earrings." Lia said before the three of
them laughed. "Installment ang peg!"

"Si Ate talaga." Lee Ann laughingly spoke. Nasa loob sila ng office ni Alexa because Nickolai and
Alexander had to attend a case briefing.

"Inunahan nyo pa talaga ako, bigla akong nalungkot. And I feel so old and wrinkly."

"Ate ha, kanina pa ako naloloka sa pabago-bago mong mood." Alexa uttered. "Ano bang meron sayo? Mag-
usap nga tayo ngayon at wala na tayong balita sa isa't isa."

"Wala ngang bago sa akin. Si Lee Ann maraming ikukwento yan."

"Wala." Lee Ann shook her head and Lia arched her brow.

"Ayaw kitang i-buking pero alam namin ni Alexa yung camping mo parati sa condo ni Nick."

"Ate naman eh!" The youngest Carbonel grumbled.

"Hoy, wag ka ngang umastang parang bata dyan. Engaged ka na. Malapit nang maging masaya yang pempem

"Ate talaga." Alexa was laughing hard and Lia rolled her eyes at her sisters.

"Taboo pa rin ba hanggang ngayon ang usapang pempem? Aba, anong petsa na?"

"Hindi, pero minor si Lee Ann." Alexa protested.

"Hindi na yan inosente and I would rather that she learn these things from us kesa malaman nya sa
iba. At least tayo hindi magsisinungaling sa kanya at pwede nyang itanong lahat nang walang takot na
itsismis natin sya."

"Well, my point ka." Alexa agreed nodding her head and both of them rested their gazes on Lee Ann who
lowered her eyes at her sisters' scrutiny.

"Magtanong ka na. Nahiya pa to. Free lesson to. Kung ano man ang pag-uusapan nating tatlo, sa atin
lang ha."

"Oo naman!" Alexa was quick to reply and Lee Ann nodded her head.

"Ikaw, baby hanggang saan na kayo?"


"Ano ba? Uulitin ko pa ba ang lecture ko about bases?"

"Alam ko na po yun, Ate." Lee Ann answered. "Sa ano na... kiss." She added.

"Sure yan?" Lia arched her brow.

"Kiss nga lang daw." Alexa came to the younger girl's defense as Lee Ann blushed profusely. 88/105

"Ang tanong kiss saan?" Lia asked and laughed aloud when Lee Ann's blush darkened. "Ano ba tong
batang to, kawawa naman na-harass na ito ni Nick."

"Hindi naman, Ate." Lee Ann murmured. Her sisters are very open about these things but she's not
comfortable talking about her intimate experiences. As if naman kasi marami na akong maikukwento. She

"If you're not comfortable, wag na nating pag-usapan. Alam mo na naman ang tama at mali di ba?" Alexa
asked. "Pero basta, kapag kailangan mo nang tulong o kailangan mong may mapagkwentuhan, sa amin ka
dumiretso. Hindi kami magagalit sayo at hindi ka rin namin huhusgahan."

"Korak!" Lia seconded. "Kapag nagkwento ka sa classmates mo, they could use those information against
you kaya gusto kong piliin mo kung kanino ka magko-confide, okay? Kasi kung may bruhildang aaway
sayo, di ako magdadalawang-isip na kalmutin ang pagmumukha nya."

"Opo." Lee Ann replied smiling. "Salamat, mga Ate."

"Masaya ka ba, Lee?" Alexa questioned. "Papalampasin ko lahat as long as you're happy. But the moment
Nickolai makes you cry, I'm going to kick his balls hard that he won't be able to feel them for

"And I'm going to tear his hotdog off him with my bare hands." Lia added and her sisters looked at
her in alarm. "What?" She asked them.

"Pero, Ate Lia bakit parang ang blooming mo? There's something different about you." Lee Ann observed
and Lia flipped her hair.

"Matagal na akong blooming, di nyo lang napapansin." She said. "Aba, itong ganda ko walang kupas to."

"May lovelife ka na yata, Ate eh." Lee Ann stated.

"Oo nga, Ate. Baka mamaya sa TV o newspaper pa namin malalaman na meron ka na palang ka-relasyon,
magtatampo talaga kami."

"Alexa, anong ka-relasyon? Di ako mahilig sa relasyon. Pwede ba? Kapag nasa isang relasyon ka pati
yaya ng pet ng nanay nya kailangan mong pakitunguhan. Hindi pa man din ako magaling sa plastikan kaya
hindi talaga bagay sa akin yang mga ganyan. Besides, enough na sa akin na may dalawang Carbonel na
willing magpatali at maging hiyang sa pag-ibig." She uttered as someone knocked. The door clicked
open and Nickolai, Alexander and Dustin walked inside.

"Hello, Love!" Alexander greeted his wife wrapping his arms around her as Lee Ann took the hand
Nickolai offered.

"Do you want to eat dinner with us?" Nickolai asked the others.

"We have to be home kasi yung mga bata." Alexa replied. "Siguro next time na lang."

"Pagod na ako kaya diretso na ako sa condo." Lia said.

"Ako rin uuwi na ako." Dustin announced and Nickolai shrugged.

"Sige. Dinner muna kami ni Lee Ann." He told everyone as he draped an arm around his girlfriend. They
took the elevator to the basement parking and he opened the car's door for her. "Saan mo gustong
kumain?" He asked after he slid into the driver's seat and fastened Lee Ann's seatbelt.

"Kahit saan, Nick." Lee Ann answered smiling. Her cellphone rang and she frowned when she saw who was
calling. "Nicko, bakit?" She asked over the phone and Nickolai's demeanor instantly changed when he
heard the name. Bakit tumatawag tong batang to sa girlfriend ko?

"Lee, birthday ni Jessie next week at plano ng buong bloc na bigyan sya ng surprise birthday party.
Mag meeting tayo bukas ng umaga. Pwede ka ba?"

"Anong oras?" Lee Ann asked. "Wag naman sobrang aga." 89/105

"Mga around 6:30 AM. Natawagan ko na yung iba. Hindi kasi pwede ng hapon kasi makakahalata si Jessie
kung hindi natin sya isasama."

"Okay, so 6:30 AM dapat nandyan na ako?" She asked looking at Nick who nodded his head.

"Saan pala para alam ko kung saan ka ihahatid bukas?" Nickolai asked.

"Saan daw--"

"Sino yun?" Nicko cut her off and Lee Ann arched her brow. "Sinong kasama mo?"

"Bakit?" She queried.

"Gabing-gabi na magkasama pa rin kayo nyan. Hindi ka nag-iingat. Alam mo bang pinag-uusapan ka na ng
mga ka-bloc natin dahil sa paghatid-hatid sayo nyan?"

"O tapos?" Lee Ann questioned. "May pangalan sya at alam mo kung ano so don't refer to him as nyan.
"Tsaka mukha ba akong may pakialam sa mga sinasabi nyo?" She uttered sharply.

"Sinasabi ko lang sayo. I am trying my best to curb the gossips about you--"

"You don't have to. Hindi na kailangan at salamat na lang. Tinatawagan mo ako to attend a meeting for
a celebration tapos sasabihin mo sa akin na pinag-uusapan ako ng mga blocmates natin?"

"Sinasabi ko lang ang totoo. They're saying nasty things behind your back kasi iba't ibang kotse ang
naghahatid sayo."

"Hindi ko kasalanan kung mayaman ang boyfriend ko at marami syang sasakyan!" She yelled. "At kung
sasakyan lang din naman ang pag-uusapan, hindi nyo ba nakita yung garage ng Daddy ko kung ilang
sasakyan ang nakatambak dun kasi mahilig sya sa kotse? Walang gumagamit sa mga yun ngayon,
pakisabihan silang pwede silang mainggit!"

"Lee, wag mong masamain--"

"You told me that they're saying nasty things about me and you actually have the nerve para ako pa
ang sabihan na wag kong masamain? Are you for real? Kaibigan kita, Nicko and I treasure the
friendship pero ayokong sinasabihan ako kung sinong sasamahan ko at kung anong gagawin ko. Kaibigan
lang kita." She said before she ended the call. She angrily stashed her phone inside her bag and
Nickolai spoke.

"Anong nangyari?"


"I heard your outburst. You can tell me about it."

"Some of my blocmates are saying unpleasant things about me kasi nakikita nilang hinahatid mo ako."
She uttered and Nickolai's brows furrowed. "Don't mind them, it's as if I give value to their

"But it obviously affects you or else you wouldn't be this upset."

"Sino naman ang matutuwang pinagtsitsismisan, Nick? Maayos sila sa harap ko tapos pala pag-uusapan
nila ako pag nakatalikod ako?"

"Do you want me to stop driving you to school?"

"No." Lee Ann replied. "Malapit na naman akong mag-seventeen, I can finally drive." She murmured. He
wanted to tell her that he's not too keen about her driving by herself but he kept quiet. Alam nyang
mainit ang ulo ni Lee Ann. "Nakakainis!" She hissed.

"May magagawa ba ako for you?" Nickolai asked.

"Wala." She answered with finality and he ignored the pain he felt because of her rejection. They
stopped at a restaurant a few blocks away from his condominium to eat dinner and he watched as she 90/105

pushed her food around her plate.

"Do you want to order something else?" Nickolai inquired and she shook her head. "Magugutom ka nyan
kasi hindi ka naman kumakain." He observed. He called the waiter and ordered four more viands.

"Nick, bakit ang dami? Wala nga akong gana!" Lee Ann complained.

"To go yun. Just in case magutom ka later may pagkain at ima-microwave ko na lang." He replied. They
drove home in silence and he was getting frustrated. Ano bang gagawin ko dito? He thought.

He handed his building's valet parking attendant the key to his car and guided Lee Ann towards the
entrance. The silence was killing him as she continued to mope. They rode the elevator to his floor
and she walked ahead of him.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked her as they entered his unit.


"Do you want to play scrabble?"


"What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to take a shower. Matutulog ako ng maaga." She told him and he nodded his head.

He wished there was something more that he could do to lift her mood pero mukhang hanggang bukas ay
mainit ang ulo ng girlfriend nya. He saw her get out of the bathroom wrapped in a white bathrobe and
he sighed as he massaged his temple. Lee Ann and her moods. He thought. The gossips must really be
bad if she's acting this way. He stood up and put the food he ordered inside the refrigerator before
he opened a bottle of beer.

"Lee, goodnight kiss ko." He said. He knew she could hear him but she didn't reply. He waited pero
hindi na lumabas si Lee Ann but she continued to ignore him. Bakit parang sa akin galit to? He asked
himself as he opened his glass cupboard to get a bottle of brandy.

He felt so frustrated as he poured himself a generous amount. Ano naman ang ginawa ko sa kanya? He
asked as he downed his third glass. "Makaligo na nga lang." He told himself because he was starting
to feel dizzy. He took his time in taking a shower as he tried to come up with ways to perk up her
mood. Pero wala syang maisip.

Now I feel so inadequate. He thought as he thoroughly brushed his teeth. He poured mouthwash into a
glass before he tipped it into his mouth and spit it out after after less than a minute. Wala, Nick
matanda ka na talaga. He humored himself as he changed into a pair of cotton shorts and shirt. He
went to her bedroom and saw that she was sitting on her bed. And crying.

"Lee?" He asked as he moved towards her. "Lee, ano yun?"

"Naasar ako." She sobbed.

"Sa akin?" He asked softly and she shook her head.

"Sa sarili ko. Kasi no matter how much I say na hindi ako affected, ito umiiyak pa rin ako. Naasar
kasi ako because they're judging me and they're judging you. Alam ba nila yung story natin? Why are
they so quick to conclude? Hindi ba dapat tanungin nila ako kesa pag-usapan nila ako?" She wept and
Nickolai gave himself a mental shake. Way to go, Nick. This is your chance to make your girlfriend
feel better and you're feeling woozy.

"Tahan na." He whispered as he hugged her to his chest.

"Nakakainis kasi eh!"

"Lee, it is human nature to gossip. And people love to talk about something that they don't
understand. I don't want to tell you that shouldn't be affected because I am not the one bearing this
cross. However, I want to tell you now that you will not be able to control what people say about 91/105

you, what you can control is how you react to them. So itong pag-iyak mo ngayon, that's your reaction
and that's something you can control. Kung iiyak ka ba hihinto sila? Hindi ba hindi rin? So why waste
precious tears?" He asked as he wiped her tears using the pad of his thumb.

"I love how smart you are." She said and he chuckled. "I also love how much of a good kisser you
are." She teased and he laughed before he bent down to kiss her on the lips.

"You're a good kisser too." He whispered.

"Nah. My kisses are very clumsy and juvenile compared to yours." She said and he quirked a brow.

"Gusto mo turuan kita?"

"Kung paano maging good kisser?" She questioned and he nodded his head.

"Pabor na pabor sayo yun ah." She grinned and stopped when she felt his mouth on hers. He got into
the bed with her and she sighed against his lips as he coaxed hers to part. He was more eager than
usual and her unguarded responses fueled his avidity. She felt his hand under her pajama top and she
mewled. "Nick..." She murmured when he started raining kisses down her neck.

"I want you." He muttered and warning bells started ringing in her head when he guided her to lie
down before he pulled her pajama bottoms off her.

"Hala." She whispered when he pulled her undies down her hips. "Nick."


"Are you drunk? Uminom ka ba?" She asked. She knew hanggang beer lang si Nick or else, according to
Alexander, he'd go crazy. "Teka lang, Nick. Hala." She tried to sit up but he pushed her back to the

"Mahal mo ba ako?" He asked and she stared wide-eyed at him.

"Anong klaseng tanong yan?"

"Just answer me, Lee Ann."

"Yes." She retorted and her jaw dropped when he started taking his clothes off.

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Nickolai felt someone shake his shoulders but his eyelids felt too heavy. Sino ba naman to, ang aga?
He thought as he burrowed deeper and deeper into the pillow. "Nick!" Someone said and he pulled his
comforter over his head and ignored the voice.

"Nick! Nick naman eh mali-late na ako!" Ano ba naman to ang kulit! He murmured to himself. "Nick!"
Hay naku!" He heard her leave and he felt relieved. Buti naman umalis na yun. He sleepily thought. He
heard footsteps and the sound of a door as it closed with a bang. 92/105

"Sino ba yun? Ang ingay! Ang sakit sa ulo." He groaned. His throat felt parched and his head felt
like it was repeatedly hit with a hammer. "Anong oras nga ba klase ni Lee Ann ngayon?" He murmured
and his eyes flew open. "Shit, si Lee Ann nga pala!"

He scrambled out of his bed to go to her bedroom. "Lee! Baby, nasaan ka?" He asked. Shit, umalis na
yata. He thought running back to his bedroom. He tripped in his haste and he stared at his bare chest
then at his naked crotch in surprise. "What the hell?" Why am I naked? Did something happen last
night? Dapat talaga hindi ako umiinom no matter how upset I am! He stood up to dash to his bedroom
and stopped when he saw a note taped on his bedroom door.

Umalis na ako. Salamat sa paghatid. Sarcastic nga pala yan. Thanks for ruining my day. Hindi na
sarcastic yan.

Don't contact me again. I'm furious.

Your soon-to-be ex girlfriend,

Miss Lee Ann Carbonel

He smiled despite himself. "Itong batang to talaga kahit na galit, ang cute pa rin."

He quickly bathed and put on a pair of blue denim pants, three-fourths white V-necked shirt and white
top-sider shoes. He went inside his bathroom and opened his medicine cabinet before he took a small
white plastic bottle and opened it. "I hope this works." He said before popping two aspirin tablets
inside his mouth. "Dapat tinawagan ko muna yung guard sa baba at mukhang kakaalis lang ni Lee Ann
kanina." He told himself as he took the elevator to the ground floor.

"Good morning po, Attorney." The guard greeted and he curtly nodded his head. "Ipapaakyat ko po ang
sasakyan ninyo, Sir?"

"Please do. Yung Ferrari. Thank you." He answered as he glanced at his watch. The guard called
someone on his walkie-talkie before he smiled amiably at Nick.

"Anong oras umalis si Lee Ann?" He couldn't help but ask. Pinipigilan nya ang sarili nya because he
didn't want to sound like a lovesick fool but he couldn't help it.

"Kakaalis lang po. May sumundo po."

"Anong sasakyan?"

"Blue po na Honda City." Honda City? Walang Honda City ang mga Carbonel.

"Nakuha mo ba ang plate number?"

"Opo. Sinulat ko po sa logbook." The guard showed his logbook to Nick and the lawyer frowned. This
definitey is not one of the Carbonel's cars. Sinong sumundo sa kanya? He thought as his car emerge
from the basement parking's entrance.

"Salamat." He uttered and the guard beamed. Atty. Nickolai Sandoval is considered as a VVIP and they
all bow down to his every whim. The unit he owns is one of the priciest condominium unit in the

"Wala pong anuman, Attorney."

Nick took the marble steps two at a time and thanked the valet parking attendant who brought his car
to the entrance. Sino kaya sumundo dun? He asked himself he as drove off. He weaved in and out of 93/105

cars and was glad that he took two aspirin tablets to clear his headache.

"Sinong kasama mo, Lee?" He asked aloud, jealousy gripping him with force. Dapat kasi bumangon ka na
agad! Kung sinu-sino tuloy sumundo dun sa girlfriend mo! He harshly scolded himself.

He saw the car then and maneuvered his vehicle so he was nearly side-by-side with it and his temper
drastically rose when he saw who was driving. "Tarantadong to." He murmured as he reached for his
handsfree kit on the dashboard. He connected it to his ear and dialed her number. He was worried na
baka hindi sagutin ni Lee Ann ang tawag nya and he breathed easy when he heard her voice.

"Hello, Nick." She said.

"Ask that boy to pull over." He replied.

"Ha? What do you mean?" She sounded confused.

"Get off that car, Lee Ann. I'm right behind you." He added. She did not reply. "Lee, bumaba ka
dyan. Ako ang maghahatid sayo." He tried to sound calm. He knew it was his fault but the anger in her
voice still surprised him.

"Don't tell me what to do!" She shouted over the phone.

"Baby naman-"

"Ikaw itong naglasing, ikaw itong hindi gumising nang maaga tapos ikaw pa daw talaga ang may ganang
sabihan ako kung ano ang dapat kong gawin?!" Damn, galit nga. Nickolai thought.

"Kaya nga, baby nag-a-apologize ako. I'm sorry. Kung nag-away man tayo kagabi because of what I did,
what I said or how I acted humihingi ako ng forgiveness. I do not remember kung anong ginawa ko o
sinabi ko pero please, patawarin mo ako. Please, baby?"

"Wag mo akong dinadaan-daan sa baby na yan! I'm ending this conversation!" He cursed under his breath
when the line died. He knew the legendary Carbonel temper all too well, he had witnessed first hand
how Alexa had transformed into a dragon with the blink of an eye that had his brother cowering in

"Think, Nick!" He told himself as he continued to follow the car. He tried calling her again but she
had turned her phone off. "Langya naman."

He dialed his brother's number and grumbled in impatience when he didn't take his call. He called
Alexander again and he answered on the fifth ring.


"Teka, teka." The younger Sandoval sounded as though he was out of breath. "Tawagan mo ako after hour." Nickolai frowned. "Nagkaroon kasi kami ng kaunting misunderstanding kanina kaya
naglalaban kami ngayon-"

"Ha?" Nickolai asked in confusion.

"Alex, come back to bed!" Nickolai arched his brow when he heard Alexa's voice.

"Ito na, Love-" Alexander said before the call ended.

"Itong dalawang to wala nang ginawa magdamag yata kundi mag-ano." Langya naman, sana kung ganyang
lambingan kami kahit ba araw-araw kaming mag-away. He thought with envy. It was difficult to control
his urges but he knew that she wasn't ready no matter how pliant she often becomes in his arms. Bata
pa, Nick. Wag mo munang pitasin. He told himself.

He saw the car slowed down and he did too. It stopped in front of a coffee shop and he followed. He
parked beside them and watched the two teenagers get out of the car. He stepped out of his Ferrari
and headed inside. Lee Ann was throwing daggers at him but he pretended to ignore her. Dalawa ang
bukas na counter at sa kabila sya pumila.

"Lee, ako na mag-o-order para sa atin. Umupo ka na lang." He heard Nicko spoke and he wanted to hit 94/105

him so bad that he had to clench his fists.

"Okay lang, sabay na lang tayo." Lee Ann replied. Ikaw na bata ka, you are a brat. Ang sarap mong
paluin minsan. He murmured to himself and inwardly groaned when a picture of his naked girlfriend
lying across his lap waiting to get punished, crept inside his head. Nick, ang aga naman nyan. He
chided himself.

"Good morning, Sir!" The perky voice of the young woman behind the counter interrupted his thoughts.
He flashed her one of his rare smiles and she giggled. He saw Lee Ann, out of the corner of his eye,
look at them.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi po! What's your order, Sir?"

"I can't choose." He knew he sounded flirty. "Can you help me out?" He smiled again and saw her

"Um... Sir, okay...po." She started to stutter. "Um...ano po bang gusto"
She was biting her lower lip and he felt uneasy. Flirting was never his game, he found it too taxing
and a waste of his time. He was about to tell her his order when someone grabbed his arm.

"Uwi!" Lee Ann said before she turned to glare at the girl behind the counter. "Seriously?" She asked
before she pulled him with her.

"Lee?" Nicko asked.

"Next time na, de Jesus." She replied without a backward glance. Nickolai hid his smile as he allowed
Lee Ann to pull towards the parking lot. "Ang landi landi mo, nakakainis ka! Makakatikim ka talaga sa
akin! Pag ako naasar sayo babalatan talaga kita ng buhay! Walang pinipiling lugar! Kahit sino na
lang!" She angrily grumbled.

He wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her senseless but he maintained his cool. "Buksan mo ang
pinto!" She snapped at him and he took the keyless entry remote from his pocket and pressed a button.
He opened the door for her and she gracefully slid into the seat. He ran to the driver's side and got
in. "Ikaw-" She started to say but he held her face with both his hands and opened his mouth over

"Sorry na, baby." He murmured against her lips. "It's my fault. Sorry na, please."

"Mag-so-sorry ka ngayon tapos-" The rest of her words died on her lips when he kissed her again.

"Baby, please. Bati na tayo. I'm really sorry." He whispered.

"Anong sorry-" His lips were on hers again and he sighed in approval with need when she started to
respond. He was glad that his car was heavily tinted as he sucked her tongue into his mouth. They
parted for air and he kissed her on the forehead. "I missed you." He spoke. "Bati na tayo, please?
I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Wag ka na ngang uminom, Nick."

"Hindi na ako iinom kahit kelan." He readily replied and she smiled.

"Okay." She leaned towards him for another kiss.

"Anong oras klase mo? Di ba mamaya pa?" She nodded and he watched her pink tongue run across her
lower lip. "Seatbelt, Lee." His voice sounded thick as the Ferrari roared to life. They reached his
condo in less than twenty minutes and a few minutes later they were inside his bedroom and on top of
his bed. He reached around her and deftly unclasped her bra.


"Shh..." He said before his mouth latch onto her flesh. She gasped in surprise but did not protest.
"You're mine alone, Lee Ann. Get it?" He said and she opened her mouth to speak but he sat up and
started to unbutton her pants. "Seloso ako, Lee." He uttered. "Yung sa akin, akin lang." He pulled 95/105

her pants all the way down. He carelessly threw it to the floor. "Wag mo nang uulitin yun, ha, Lee?"
He spoke and this time she replied.

"Selosa din ako, Nick so do not ever flirt with any other girl-"

"I wanted you to get jealous enough to want to come home with me." He interrupted and she scowled.
"Ikaw lang. You're all I want, Lee Ann Carbonel."

"Want lang?" She asked and he laughed softly.

"Sa tingin mo want lang to?" He asked as he ran his yes on her body. He lay down beside her and
gathered her in his arms. "Mahal na mahal kita. I love you so much that I don't mind losing
everything for you." Somehow, she knew what he meant because, her older sister, Alexa explained
everything to her.

"Malapit na, Nick. I don't want you to choose between me and your profession. Isang taon mahigit na
lang and I'm all yours."

"We can-"

"No." She said and he sighed. She pulled his face towards hers and kissed him passionately. "I love
you." She said.

"I love you." He replied before he began raining kisses from her neck to her stomach. She pulled at
his shirt and he understood as he stood up and stripped leaving his boxers on. He moved on top of her
and she welcomed his weight, her arms going around him. He ground himself against her and she gasped,
their clothing adding friction to their movements.

"Nick, mabibitin ka lang." She said as he continued moving. She knew it wasn't enough. Not for him.

"Ako nang bahala." He murmured before he captured her lips with his mouth. He kissed her tenderly on
the forehead as she lay panting in his arms. "Banyo lang ako." He said as he made a move to get off
the bed but she grabbed his arm and pulled him to lie back down beside her. "Ano yun, Lee?" He asked
as he put an arm around his waist.

"Dito lang." She whispered. She waited for him to protest, he still hasn't reached his release after

"Okay." He said as he turned to his side to face her. "Magpahinga ka muna kahit ilang minutes at may
class ka pa-" He stared in surprise at her. She was looking intently at him. "Lee..."

"This time ako nang bahala." She murmured and he wanted to protest but she silenced him with her
mouth. She swallowed his moans as he started to surge against her hand which found its way under his

Chapter 26

"Are you sure about this?" He whispered and she just stared at him. Ayaw man nyang aminin pero
kinakabahan sya na baka hindi nya magawa nang tama. "Lee...?"

"Yes." She answered swallowing her apprehension. Waah! Paano ba yun gawin? She asked herself as she 96/105

started to panic. She knew she was supposed to move her hand while holding him but she wasn't sure
how. Paano kung mamali ako? Paano kung-Her musings were interrupted when she heard him moan.

"Oh shit. Sorry!" She said as she let go of his hardness. "Sorry! Oh my, sorry, Nick! Masakit ba?
Hindi ko sinasadya!"

"No." Nickolai replied.

"Ang totoo, hindi ko alam kung anong gagawin. I just pretended to know. Kaya sorry kung namali-" She
murmured as she lowered her gaze. Bigla syang nahiya. That's so unsophisticated, Lee Ann Carbonel!
You don't even know how to give your boyfriend a hand job!



"Why do you have to apologize?" He asked as he used his thumb to tilt her face towards his. "Thank
you kasi kahit hindi mo alam kung paano yun gawin, you are trying to please me. And your effort
pleases me, Lee." He murmured before he took her hand and guided it to his crotch. He seemed to
change his mind as he looked at Lee Ann's bewildered expression.

"Bakit?" She asked when he stopped.

"Let's not do this, Lee. Hindi mo naman kailangan gawin to para matuwa lang ako. Masaya ako sayo at
masaya na akong magkasama tayo. I can see that you're uncomfrtable and scared and it makes me feel
guilty that you think you have to do something like this."

"Dito ka lang, banyo lang ako, okay? Mabilis lang."


"You're not yet ready for something like this, wag nating pilitin-"

"Gusto ko ngang hawakan!" She blurted out and blushed. Sige, Lee kaya mo yan! Ang landi mo na! Pero,
bakit ba kung gusto ko yung hawakan? "Do I have to beg?" He held her gaze. "Gusto kong gawin yun for
you." She added and he sat up.

"You can stop anytime, okay?" He told her before he took his boxers off. He guided her hand towards
his crotch and she bit her lower lip feeling nervous all of a sudden.

"Sasabihin mo sa akin di ba kapag mali ang ginagawa ko?" She asked, her brown eyes filled with
anxiety. "I really am not scared about holding your... I mean about holding you." She stammered and
he hid a smile. "But I'm worried that I might not be able to do it right."

"I will love whatever you do, however you do it.." He said before he cupped her face with his hand.
"I love you, Lee."

"I love you."She answered.

Her actions were unsure and tentative and he was breathless second-guessing what she'd do next. There
were moments when he wanted her to move faster but she would lose momentum and there were times when
he wanted her to slow down but she'd suddenly quicken her hand's movements.

"Lee-" He gasped and she felt something warm and sticky in her hand. Ow shit! Ito ba yun? She asked

"Anong gagawin ko?" She asked innocently and Nickolai nearly laughed.

"Teka lang, baby let me catch my breath. Wag kang gumalaw." He panted and she lay there still holding
him. "Okay ka lang?" He asked.

"Nakakangawit." She candidly replied and he laughed.

"Thank you, Lee." He said. "That was amazing." Okay, I got amazing on the first try, not bad. She
mumbled to herself. 97/105

"Saglit lang, baby." He kissed her on the forehead briefly before he reached for his bedside drawer
and took something out.

"Ano yan?" Lee Ann asked, filled with curiosity. May gagawin pa ba after nito?

"Wet wipes." He grinned.

"Ah okay." She murmured as he cleaned her hand.

"So para sa ganitong purpose talaga yang wet wipes?" She queried and he smiled.

"Medyo." He answered and her brow arched. Teka, bakit kaya may wet wipes to sa tabi ng kama nya? Eh
di ibig sabihin parating-Wait! May ibang babaeng gumagawa sa kanya ng ganito?! Shit ka, Nickolai! Now
I feel so dirty! She furiously thought. "Tara, baby let's take a shower." He had gotten up and
offered his hand to her but she ignored it and got up on her own.

"May klase pa ako." She told him frowning. "Bilisan mo unless ayaw mo na naman akong ihatid. Magsabi
ka na ngayon pa lang para makapagtawag ako ng susundo sa akin." She added and Nickolai was confused
at her sudden change of behavior. Ano na naman kayang problema? He thought as Lee Ann picked up her
clothes off the floor. Ano na naman, Lee Ann?

"Dun ako sa kabila." She uttered as she left him standing in the middle of his bedroom. She slammed
his bedroom door and Nickolai felt more flustered.

"Ano na naman." He groaned in frustration. "Ito talagang babaeng ito, hindi mo maintindihan!" He
grumbled as he walked to his bathroom. Ang sakit sa ulo nitong mood swings ni Lee Ann, paano na lang
ako kung mabuntis to? Eh di puro kantyaw ang inabot ko kay Alex? He thought. He remembered his
brother who looked harassed everyday when Alexa was pregnant with Alexanna. "Hay, Nick. Maghanda-
handa ka na."

He showered quickly and immediately got dressed. Paglabas nya ay nakabihis na rin si Lee Ann at
walang imik na nakaupo sa sofa nya. Ang aga mo namang naglihi, baby. Hindi pa tayo dumaan sa sarap,
pahirap agad? "Baby-"

"Halika na." Lee Ann got up and headed towards the door. He ran after her and grabbed her by the
wrist. "Ano ba?!"

"Lee, Ano yun?"

"Anong ano?!"

"Anong problema?"

"Wala!" She yelled.

"Wala pero nagkakaganyan ka? Bakit ba biglang uminit ang ulo mo? Anong kasalanan ko?"

"Wala nga!" She snapped as she reached for the doorknob. Nickolai immediately stepped in front of the
door. "Umalis ka nga dyan!"

"You have to tell me first what I did wrong. May nagawa ba akong kasalanan sayo kaya ka nagalit? May
sinabi ba ako na kina-offend mo? You have to tell me, Lee."

"Wala nga sabi eh! Di ba hindi mo rin naman alam?! Eh di wala!"

"Lee Ann-"


"Hindi ka lalabas dito hangga't di tayo makapag-usap nang maayos. Ano yun? Sabihin mo sa akin kasi
walang subtitle yang iniisip mo at hindi ko nababasa." He tried to joke but her frown deepened. "Baby

"Stop calling me baby! Hindi na ako bata! Bata pa rin ba ang tingin mo sa akin?! Kahit anong gawin 98/105

ko, you still think that I am a child?!"

"Lee, I don't think of you as a child. I think of you as my woman. Does that mean that I'm a
perverted sicko because I get turned on while talking to a child? Kung ayaw mo yung term of
enderament ko sayo, let's change it, okay? I'm sorry if you feel that way pero kung anong gusto ng
Lee Ann ko na itawag ko sa kanya, yun ang itatawag ko." His voice was soft and pleading but for some
reason she got more irritated.

"Umalis ka na nga sa harapan ng pinto at mali-late na ako!"

"Kakaayos lang natin tapos away na naman ulit? Di ka ba nagsasawang away tayo nang away?"

"Bakit?! Sawa ka na sa akin, ganun?!" Anak ng kalungkutan naman itong batang ito, oo! Ang hirap
intindihin! Ano na naman kaya ang nagawa kong atraso dito? Nickolai expelled a heavy breath as he
thought of a way to explain the frustration he felt better.

"Mag-usap tayo, baby." He said as he pulled her away from the door and towards his sofa.

"Mali-late na nga ako!"

"I will make sure na hindi ka mali-late. Kung gusto mo ipapasundo kita sa helicopter para dumating ka
sa school mo on-time." He smiled as he sat down and pulled her to sit on his lap.

"Ayokong kumalong!"

"Sige na. Si baby naman."

"Fine! Magsalita ka na!" Nickolai hid his laughter as Lee Ann sat stiffly on his lap.

"Paano naman tayo mag-uusap kung di mo ako titingnan?" He said and she mumbled under her breath as
she turned slightly towards him. "Tayo ka saglit." He said and she grudgingly obeyed and frowned some
more when he made her sit astride facing him.

"Ayan." He said.

"Ano to?"

"Mag-uusap tayo." He grinned. "Ganito yan, baby, ako nag-aalala ako kapag nagagalit ka kasi ayokong
nag-aaway tayo. Nalulungkot ako at hindi ako makapag-concentrate sa office kapag hindi tayo okay."

"Nakakainis ka kasi eh!"

"Sorry kung naiinis ka sa akin pero pwede mo bang sabihin kung bakit ka naiinis? Was it something I
did? Was it something I said? Was it something that I unconsciously hinted?" He asked. "Maawa ka
naman sa akin, paano na lang ako sa office kung galit ka sa akin eh di hindi ako makagawa ng work
dun? Baka mawalan akong trabaho, ikaw din."

"Pwede ka ba naman nilang i-fire eh isa ka sa mga may-ari? Kahit kelan talaga ang hilig mong magpa-

"Malay mo sa sobrang affected ko-"

"As if naman, ganun ka ka-apektado kapag nag-aaway tayo." She rolled her eyes at him and he pulled
her face towards his for a kiss before he whispered against her lips.

"You have an enormous effect on me, Lee Ann. Hindi mo lang alam what power you have over me."

"Ang lakas mambola."

"Totoo." He said. "See isang kiss lang may hard-on ulit ako." He stated before he surged against her.

"Ang bastos mo, Nick!" She exclaimed and he laughed before he put his arms around her and hugged her

"Baby naman, alam mo ba kung gaano kita kamahal? Ang profound ng epekto mo sa akin. Kapag malungkot 99/105

ako, isang tawag o message mo lang sasaya na ako. Kapag mainit ang ulo ko sa opisina, maalala ko lang
mga kalokohan mong pinaggagawa dito sa condo kapag magkasama tayo, nawawala na ang inis ko. Kaya,
please sabihin mo naman sa akin kung ano ba ang problema at bigla ka na lang naasar?"

"Eh kasi..."

"Ano yun, baby?"

"Bakit may wet wipes ka sa bedside drawer mo? Ibig sabihin may ibang babaeng gumaganon sayo?" She
asked blushing and his brows furrowed.

"Ano yun, baby?"

"May ibang nagbibigay ng ganun sayo?"

"Anong ganun?"

"Don't make me say it! Ay, naku, Nick ayoko na sayo talaga!"

"Ah, you mean kung may-"

"Wag mong sasabihin!" She glared at him and he laughed aloud.

"Nagseselos ka sa imaginary na babaeng supposedly ay nagpasaya sa akin maliban sayo?"

"You don't have to sound so condescending!"

"Baby naman. I've never talked down on you."

"Sagutin mo yung tanong ko? May iba bang gumawa sayo nun?"



"Totoo. Aminado naman akong hindi na ako virgin pero hindi ako nagpapatulog ng babae dito sa bahay.
At lalong hindi ako basta-bastang nangkakama ng babae."

"Aray, ang sakit. Ayoko na talaga sayo, hindi ka na fresh tulad ng sabi ni Ate Lia."

"Nasasaktan na ako dyan sa sinasabi mo, Lee and I really am not one to mind what others think of me
but if it affects our relationship, I'd be really angry at your sister."

"Hindi ka pwedeng magalit sa kahit sino sa mga Ate ko, ano or else magagalit talaga ako sayo." Lee
Ann replied.

"So wala akong kakampi kasi mga Ate mo pala ang kakampihan mo?" He asked and she grinned.

"Ako ang kakampi mo, baby bear." She said before she kissed the tip of his nose. "Pero, Nick!
Siguraduhin mo lang talagang ako lang gumagawa nun sayo or else ipapabugbog talaga kita!"

"Oo naman. Sa tingin mo ba mangangaliwa ako?"

"Dapat lang na hindi, ano!"

"Hindi ano mangangaliwa. Mahal na mahal ko kaya itong baby na to."

"Tapos pag wala ako, magtiis ka na muna, ha?"

"Basta pag eighteen ka na, humanda ka sa akin."

"Is that a promise, Atty. Sandoval." Lee Ann flippantly replied and Nick laughed. He kissed her again
and she started to move against him.

"Lee, baby wag." He groaned. "Sige ka, hindi na kita papaalisin dito at di ka na papasok sa school." 100/105

"Nilalandi ka lang eh." She stuck her tongue out at him. "Sige na nga, tara na, ihatid mo na ako sa

"Okay. Kiss ko muna." Nickolai whispered and she leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. "Malapit na
ang seventeenth birthday mo. Anong gusto mong regalo?"


"O sige, hubad. Io-overtime ko na yang regalong gusto mo." Nick kidded and Lee Ann burst out
laughing. She cupped his face and held his gaze.

"Mahal kita, Nickolai Sandoval." She said and he smiled. "At sana kahit kelan hindi na tayo

"Hinding-hindi tayo maghihiwalay." He promised and she believed. "I can't wait for your birthday,
Lee." He whispered against her hair. "May surprise ako para sayo." He muttered and she suddenly felt

Author's Note:


I have not given anyone permission to create FB and/or twitter accounts for my characters. If you get
invites to follow or add people bearing any of my stories' characters' names, kindly decline. You'll
just be disappointed and your reading experience will surely be ruined.

Seriously, people. Respect. You're awesome as you are. And no matter how amazing a Fictional
Character is, it's just fiction. Get a life.


♥ jennicka 101/105

Chapter 27

Lee Ann's phone vibrated and she took it out of her pocket. It was a message from Nickolai and she
couldn't help but smiled as she read his text message. Ang sweet naman nitong boyfriend ko! She
thought to herself as she started typing her reply.

Baby bear, nasa class ako. Terror pa man din yung teacher namin, mamaya mahuli nya akong nagrereply
sayo, mainggit pa sya kasi may boyfriend ako at sya wala. I love you too. Di ko kasi matiis na di
magreply sayo kapag nagti-text ka. Wag ka na munang mag-reply ha.

"Miss Carbonel." Her professor called and she guiltily looked at her. "Hand me your phone, Miss
Carbonel." Lee Ann inwardly groaned. No! Aw! Mababasa nya yung reply ko kay Nick! Bakit ba may ganun
pang rule? Nakakainis! "Miss Carbonel. Your phone. Now." Her professor repeated. Lumapit ito sa
kanyaay namewang sa harap nya. "I don't have all day, Miss Carbonel."

May rule sila sa class na kapag may nahuling mag-text ay babasahin ng professor nila ang laman ng
message. Lee Ann's face flared as she gave her professor her phone. Mamaya magalit sa akin yun at
bumagsak ako sa subject na ito!

"The sender's name is Baby Bear." Nagkantyawan lahat ng kaklase nya as her professor dramatically
cleared her throat. "Baby, I miss you. I can't wait to see you tonight. I miss the smell of your
hair; I miss the sound of your giggles and I miss your kisses."

Someone please kill me now. Lee Ann kept her head bowed while most of her classmates cheered. Some of
them laughed. Yung iba naman nagbubulungan.

"I love you so much, baby and I can't wait to marry you." Her teacher read. "Aba, Miss Carbonel, pati
ang relationship status ko ay nasama pa dito sa landian ninyo ng boyfriend mo." Her teacher said and
the whole class laughed. "This is Miss Carbonel's reply, class. Baby bear, nasa class ako. Terror pa
man din yung teacher namin, mamaya mahuli nya akong nagrereply sayo, mainggit pa sya kasi may
boyfriend ako at sya wala. I love you too. Di ko kasi matiis na di magreply sayo kapag nagti-text ka.
Wag ka na munang mag-reply ha." Everyone laughed as Lee Ann drowned in embarrassment. "Minus 5 in
your next exam's score, Miss Carbonel." She said as she handed the phone back to Lee Ann.

"Yan kaya yung naghahatid parati kay Lee Ann sa school? Yung paiba-iba yung sports car na dala?" Lee
Ann heard someone whispered. "How old is that guy kaya? DOM? Dirty Old Man? Paiba-iba yung kotse at
imposibleng ka-age natin-"

"Inggit lang kayo!!" She turned in her seat to glare at the girls. "Mamili kayo, anong kotse ang
gusto ninyong sasagasa sayo, Ferrari, Audi, Porsche, Mercedes Benz o BMW?" She asked arching her brow
as she flipped her hair.

"Miss Carbonel-" Her professor spoke without looking at her.

"Sorry." Lee Ann unsmilingly said. "Sorry, Ma'am." Tiningnan sya ng professor nya bago ito nag-resume
na magsulat sa whiteboard. Bwisit talaga itong mga inggiterang ito! Ano naman kung mas matanda si
Nick sa akin?! Kasalanan ko bang may love life ako at sila wala?! Nakakaasar! She frowned. Nicko, who
was sitting beside her, leaned towards her and whispered.

"O, bawal sumimangot."

"Tumahimik ka, de Jesus at mainit ang ulo ko!" She hissed. Nag-away sila ulit at hindi nya alam kung
ano ang rason bakit sila nagkatampuhan basta ang naalala nya naasar sya sa kaibigan.

"Ang taray mo naman. Ngayon mo na nga lang ako kinausap tapos ganyan pa ang sasabihin mo. Hindi ko
naman sinadya eh at honest lang naman ako. Tinanong nila ako kung sino ang crush ko kaya sinabi kong
ikaw. Bakit ka magagalit?" Nicko murmured and Lee Ann pushed her guilt aside. Kasi ginawa mong
kumplikado ang buhay ko! Nadagdagan haters ko kasi naasar sila sa akin at sinabi mong may crush ka sa
akin, bwisit! "Lee, maawa ka naman, kausapin mo na ako." Ano naman kung hindi kita kakausapin? 102/105

Pakialam ko ba sayo? Nakakainis ka! "Lee, bati na tayo. Sige na, please. Lee, please." Ay naku, de
Jesus! "Lee."

"Ano ba?!" She snapped.

"Miss Carbonel! If you'd rather not listen to my lecture, you might as well step out of this class!"
Her professor glowered at her. "Another five points will be deducted from your next exam's score!"
What?! Itong katabi ko kanina pa bumubulong tapos ako two words lang, minus five na naman agad? Ang
bitter nyo, Miss!

"Sorry." Nicko mumbled but she ignored him. "Lee Ann." He called as soon as their class ended. "Lee
Ann, please sorry na." He said as he grasped her hand. "Sorry na."

"Ang kulit mo!" She yelled and his face fell. Ay naku! Ang galing magpa-guilty nito! "Nakakaasar ka,
Nicko! Naiinis ako sayo! Tingnan mo may bawas na naman ako kahit wala pang exam!"

"Bati na tayo, Lee. Please. Tutulungan kitang mag-review para sa next exam natin. Wag ka nang magalit
sa akin." He begged. "Please. Hindi ko naman sinadya eh. Masama bang magsabi nang totoo? Ikaw ang
crush ko." Gusto nya sanang magtaray but he looked so dejected at ayaw na nyang dagdagan.

"May boyfriend nga ako! Ano kaya kung nagkapalit kayo ni Nick ng sitwasyon? Matutuwa ka ba knowing
that someone's after your girl?"

"Sorry. I was insensitive." He sighed. "Friends? He looked hopeful and she smiled.

"Ilibre mo ako, friends na tayo ulit." She answered and he gave her a hug. "Kailangang may yakap?"
She laughingly asked as she patted his back.

"Na-miss kita, Lee."

"Wag ka na, nagtatampo pa rin ako sayo." She answered.

"Nag-sorry na nga ako eh. Ilang ulit na. Grabe ka ang tagal mo akong pinatawad, almost two weeks."

"Pinatawad kaya kita kaagad pero hindi lang kita pinapansin." She reasoned. Bumitaw sya sa
pagkakayakap sa kaibigan before she stepped away from his hug.

"May pinatawad ba namang hindi papansinin?" Nicko asked as they started walking towards the stairs.

"Pwede kaya yun."

"Pauso ka."

"Okay fine, hindi na tayo bati ulit." She frowned at him. "Ang choosy mo, ha."

"Joke lang." Nicko laughed. "Bati na tayo. Saan mo gusto kitang ilibre?"

"Kahit saan. Pero dito lang sa malapit sa school. Susunduin na ako mayamaya ni Nick eh." She
unwittingly told him and the smile disappeared from his face. "O, bakit?"

"Wala." He smiled at her again. "Tara, coffee na lang?"

"Okay." She readily agreed. She realized that she missed him too. He's a good friend. Sana lang hindi
kumplikado ang feelings nya, mas okay sana kaming dalawa. Ang bait na kaibigan kaya nitong taong to.

"Hoy, bakit nakasimangot ka na naman dyan?"

"Wala, may iniisip lang." She responded laughing. "Birthday ko next week and I'll be happy kung
pupunta ka. Syempre ikaw ang pinakauna kong kaibigan dito sa school and I want you to be there.
Intimate dinner lang-"

"Mahirap lunukin yung salitang kaibigan pero since malakas ka sa akin-" 103/105

"Nicko, anong petsa na hindi ka pa rin maka-get over? Grabe na ito, hindi naman ako dyosa, ano. Mag-
move on ka na kaya. Or naka-move on ka na yata pero feeling mo lang hindi. Wag ka kayang feeling!"

"Dyosa ka para sa akin. At ang pagmu-move on hindi agad-agad nangyayari. Kung possible yan eh di sana
wala nang dramang pinapalabas sa movies or TV at wala nang nakakapagsulat ng sad love songs na hugot
sa broken hearts."

"Ang baduy mo, de Jesus! Ano ba yan! At kung ganyan ang mindset mo, I think mas makakabuti sayo kung
hindi na lang tayo friends."

"Joke lang. Okay na ako at tanggap ko na. Wag kang mailang sa akin, okay?"

"Hindi ako maiilang sayo, ano. Ililibre mo kaya ako. Pero dapat nandun ka sa party ko ha. Ikaw lang
ang inimbitahan ko eh, alam mo naman ako walang masyadong friends. Yung mga trabahante namin na
kilala ko since my thumb-sucking days ang nandun. Tsaka syempre sina Ate at family ni Nick."

"Baka naman maa-out-of-place ako."

"Sa chika mong yan? Grabe na kung makakaramdam ka pa ng ganun. Basta, I want you to be there."

"Oo, pupunta ako. Saan ba ang venue? Sa mansyon nyo ba?"

"Oo dun. Gusto ko kasi sa garden na inaalagaan ni Dad dati. I want to be with him kahit sa ganung
paraan lang." She answered. They reached his car and he opened the door for her. "Salamat." She said
as she slid into the passenger's seat. Nicko closed the door for her and she fastened her seatbelt.

"Kumusta naman kayo ni Attorney?" He casually asked after he put his seatbelt on. He glanced to smile
at her as he turned the engine on. "Gusto ko lang malaman if he's treating you right. Walang halong
malisya, just a friend asking another kung kumusta ang love life nya."

"Salamat sa concern but he's treating me like a queen."

"I'm glad to hear that. Pag niloko ka nun, isa ako sa mga bubugbog sa kanya."

"Don't worry, pag ako niloko nya ay hindi lang bugbog aabutin nya sa akin." She laughed as she took
her phone from her pocket. "Pero mahal ko yun, de Jesus kaya ito ti-text ko sya na sunduin ako sa
Starbucks later."

"Oo na, kayo na ang nagmamahalan."

"Uy, wag kang bitter."

"Hindi ako bitter." He said. Nasasaktan lang. He added in his mind. "Sinabi mo ba sa kanyang ako ang
kasama mo?"

"Oo, di naman ako kahit kelan magsisinungaling dun."

"Buti hindi nagalit."

"He trusts me daw although he doesn't trust you." Lee Ann laughed.

"Well, I don't trust him too." Nicko murmured. They reached the coffee shop and he ran to the
passenger's side to open the door for Lee Ann.

"Ano ba yun, pwede namang ako na lang ang nagbukas." She told him. "Napaka-chivalrous mo for a

"Yan ang turo sa akin ni Nanay." He replied after he made sure that the all the doors were securely
locked. They took the stairs to the coffee shop and was surprised when someone barred their way.
Maganda ang babae at matangkad and she looked haughtily at them.

"Anong ginagawa mo dito?!" Lee Ann's voice was sharp and Nicko looked inquiringly at her before he
turned his gaze at the tall woman. Saan ko nga ba nakita itong babaeng ito? He thought.

"Ilang araw na akong nag-aabang dito hoping na makausap kita. Sinadya talaga kita dahil may 104/105

importante akong sasabihin."

"Precious, you desperate bitch. Pwede ba? Wala akong balak na kausapin ka. Halika na, Nicko." Lee Ann
said. Oh, this is Precious Abueva, the model. Nicko thought. "Tabi. Tumabi ka kung ayaw mong ihampas
kita sa pintuan nitong coffee shop."

"Look, ayoko ng gulo. Kung gusto kitang guluhin eh di sana matagal ko nang ginawa-"

"At hindi tayo friends so I'm not sure why you think you can start chitchatting with me. Wala akong
pakialam sa sasabihin mo at hindi ka importanteng tao sa buhay ko kaya don't waste your breath."

"Alam kong mapangmataas ka-"

"Mataas ako. Hindi ko alam bakit feeling mo ka-level kita at may may karapatan kang harangan yung
dadaanan ko para aksayahin ang panahon ko-"

"I'm pregnant." Precious said and Lee Ann stared at her. "I'm pregnant at si Nick ang ama."

"O tapos?" Lee Ann asked without batting an eye. "Ano naman kung buntis ka? Anong kinalaman ko dyan?"

"Hindi mo ba narinig ang sinabi ko? Si Nick ang ama-"

"Narinig ko kasi hindi ako bingi. And if you think that my feelings for him will change just because
you're telling me now that you're pregnant with my boyfriend's child, tanga ka. Mahal ko sya. Akin
sya. Okay, buntis ka, eh di buntis ka."

"Wala ka bang kunsensya? Paano kami ng baby ko-"

"Matanda ka na, kaya mo na yan. Natuto kang maglandi, matuto kang panagutan yang kalandian mo. Halika
na, Nicko. Nawalan na ako nang ganang magkape." Lee Ann added as she turned to leave. Sumunod si
Nicko sa kanya at bumaba sila ulit sa hagdan. Dumerecho sila sa sasakyan and Nicko looked worriedly
at her.


"Wag kang magsasalita." Lee Ann whispered as he opened the door for her. "Thanks." She murmured as
she fastened her seatbelt and waited for Nick to turn the engine on. "Tara na." She said and they
drove off.

"Saan tayo pupunta, Lee?"

"Kahit saan." She replied as her tears started falling.


"Shit! Hindi ko alam kung totoo pero ang sakit." She sobbed. "Ang sakit sa dibdib." She cried. Nicko
slowed the car down before he turned the hazard lights on. He stepped on the brakes before he
unbuckled his seatbelt. "Ang sakit, Nicko."

"Alam ko." He said taking her into his arms. Alam ko kasi nasasaktan din ako para sayo. He held her
tight as she wept. 105/105

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