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The segment which makes the most profit in furniture market is furniture which is used in living room

and dining room. This is because there is increased level of comfort in lives of consumers and they
prefer to buy new furniture for their rooms and dining places.

According to a study recycling the old furniture can be easy for the business if the business targets the
right market to sell a product. In UK people who are more than 30 years of age and those who were
related to arts and design more interested in buying recycled furniture.

Online marketing is also opportunity for the new businesses because more people can be attracted
towards their products. This business will also use online as well as shops to sell its products and
increase their market share and profit.

Recycling the old furniture can also reduce pollution from the environment because a lot of waste is
produced due to old furniture in UK. Waste due to these materials cause emission of carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere which is harmful for the health of people.

Currently there are very less places in UK where consumers can send their old furniture to be used for
recycling. So there is an opportunity for the business to create shops and as well as online services so
that consumers can easily send their old furniture for recycling instead of disposing them off.

Some of the challenges which the business can face while recycling products. The products has to be of
the highest quality.

First challenge faced by the companies who want to enter in recycling furniture business is is difficulty in
finding the best source to provide them with materials and also please come please face problems in
quality of the used materials. Location of shops and recycling sites is an issue which needs to be
addressed in order to start this business. One more challenge is that very less number of consumers are
interested in recycling business so company will have to put great focus on attracting the consumers of
their target market. Company has to invest more in marketing of their products and for collecting old
furniture. According to a survey 45% of the people in London have thrown good quality furniture which
caused pollution. And half of people don't know about recycling cooperating the old furniture to
different companies so there is a need to make them appear of recycling furniture and other products.

Target Market:
The company will target those consumers who are 30 years or more because according to a study they
are more interested in buying recycled furniture in cheaper rates. The customer of the target market
also needs to ensure that the product they are buying is of high quality usable for a long time and
attractive and eye catching in presentation. The business very segment its market in the following two

Households; as small households is increasing day by day with the increase in population in UK so there
is an increased need for furniture with low cost. The company will recycle old furniture to produce
better quality and attractive looking couches, sofas sofa beds tables, chairs, bookcases etc

Offices: the second group which the company will target is the office furniture. As we know many diseases
which are working in United Kingdom are interested in reducing pollution created from the waste of old
materials so the business will offer them discounted recycled products for the office use.

Competitors Analysis:

There are not many competitors in this market in UK. But those who are present are very established in their
specific businesses. Some of them are British Heart Foundation and Brothers Office Furniture. These two are
involved in collecting old products and transforms them into new products to sale them to their customers.

British Heart Foundation is the most successful one in this industry because according to a study, they
collected, reused and recycled more than 40,000 tonnes of old furniture and other products. This reduced
carbondioxide emmisions to enter into the environment. They have several networks to connect with people.
They have website through which they contact with the customers who want to donate or give a way there
old furniture. They also have several shops where the old furniture is is transformed into new.

Brothers office furniture deals with selling used office furniture to their customers. They also have a website
through which customers can contact them for selling or purchasing items.

Marketing Strategy and Plan

Marketing of recycled products is very important part and this should we focus by the business on first
priority after recycling the product it is important because not many consumers are interested in buying
recycled furniture. So to attract them business needs to adopt several strategies to promote their products to
more number of consumers.


approach other businesses

As most businesses I have started the initiative to reduce waste to reduce pollution from the atmosphere so
the company will approach most of the businesses and ask them to buy recycled for their offices and other
places. By this way they will contribute in waste reduction from the country. The company will approach
these businesses through email marketing. Company will give them special discounted products. And also
give them upto 80% off furniture in exchange with old furniture. Discount will be applicable if that business
refer this company's products to their customers(on their own websites), their suppliers and their affiliated

Customer Referral programs


Website and App:. A separate website and app will be made for interacting with the customers. Customers
will be convenient in placing order and in donating their old furniture. When the customers will contact, they
will share their address so that the company citself can pick up or drop the required product for the


Entering in to the recycling business is not easy. It has some legal regulations which the company needs to
fulfill before starting this business. The company needs to have contact with all the government agencies and
other industrial sectors to kick start their business. A company also needs to have a good research regarding
all the information needed. Companies first priority should be customer and what the customer is getting
from their services. The operations for recycling the old furniture includes

Identify sources for old furniture

Old furniture can be collected by working in collaboration with the local councils who can cillect and provide
the company with old furniture products. The company can also make a website or app through which
people can contact them to donate their old furnitures. There is a need to advertise this websote to attract
people for donating their old furniture.

Repairing Old Furniture

There will be specified places where the company can repair the old furniture into a new and beautiful
designed product. This can be done with the help of carpenters and other workers who have high experience
in repairing and designing the old furniture. Also those workers will be hired who knows how to use
technology efficiently to make the products innovative and attractive for the customer by keeping the cost
low. They will make sure that the quality of the product is not being compromised and the customers can get
highly durable items for them.

Designing and Polishing the Furniture;

This is the most important stage where the recycled product will be given its final touch. The designers and
innovators will be hired for this process. They will use beautiful, attractive designs for making the product
stand out from all other competitor's products.

Because needed to start recycling business depends on the area in which the business is going to start. These
costs can change from place to place it also depends on the commodity prices this price is really affect the
cost to start the business. When the costs i are low , it becomes easy for a business to enter into the market
and establish itself for making profit. And to deliver best quality product to its customer. For collecting the
old furnitures, trucks are required which can be rented. The rent for these also depends on the distance the
truck needs to cover and load of the truck. For 1 day rent it can costs upto 139 pounds.

For repairing purposes, machinery will be required to transform the old furniture into new one. The
machinery used for recycling is costly and for the start the company can rent this machinery. For repairing
the old furniture into new, labours or workers are required for this purpose. Technicians who are efficient in
using Technology e in manufacturing furniture have to be hired. Designers also contributes to the high quality
of the product all these workers have to be given salaries on monthly basis the cost of these salaries will also
be included in the final cost

When the products are made they need to be advertised for the the marketing purposes most of the cost
will be spent on Pamphlets, making websites and apps, approaching the business is through email marketing
and on the shops which will be created for the direct sales of the company's products


Establishing recycling business in UK can ptovide great profit to the business. But the company needs to make
sure that they have fulfilled all the requirements and regulations which are specified by the government to
start this business. Recycled furniture is much more cheaper than the new furniture. If the company strictly
follows its marketing plan and implement it with the help of productive and efficient workforce then the
company can achieve greatest success in very less time. The company has advantage that online services are
available and many people are using these services for shopping online. The company can utilise online
forever to attract customers. Recycling old furniture also helps in reducing pollution from the environment as
it reduces carbon dioxide emission and other gases which are harmful for the health of people.
Environmental awareness should we given to people and also there should be initiative to inform people of
hazardous impacts of wasting products. They should be given awareness of donating their old producta for
the purpose of recycling. This will help in eliminating pollution from the environment.

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