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Annotated Bibliography

A. Books
1. Mohammad Hussain Saramad and Latifa Sultani in their book Violence
against Women in Afghanistan (Kabul - Afghanistan – 2013).

This is a legal book which explains about the legal aspect of violence against women in
Afghanistan, first it describes the legal definition of violence as well as the types of violence
against women, then it discusses about the role of Afghanistan Independent Human Right
Commission towards defending the women from violence and discrimination through the
launching of training and public awareness programs and its interest to uproot the causes of
violence against women in the country and bring positive changes in public behavior regarding
the rights of women. Moreover the writers in this book describe about the Legal basis for
protection of women’s rights and combating violence against women in light of international
human rights instruments as well as national laws and regulations which are applicable in

2. Rachel Reid, we Have the Promises of the Word” (Women’s Rights in

Afghanistan), under the suppression of the Afghanistan researcher for the
Asia division at Human Rights Watch, (United States of America, December

Rachel Reid in this book talks about the role of international community and in particular the
United States of America and its allies for women’s rights in Afghanistan. Moreover it talks
about the role and importance of EVAW (Elimination of Violence Against Women) law that has
been approved in 2009 by Afghanistan government to protect the rights of women against
violence and discrimination. Further he discusses about the killings and threats against women in
their public life. Furthermore he explains the main role of Afghanistan domestic laws as well as
international laws and conventions on forced and child marriage, on the other hand he explains
the right to education under the national and international laws respectively. Another important
part of this book focuses on sexual violence and women’s access to justice, so the writer clearly
describe that over the years women are deprived from justice and other fundamental rights which

is constitutionally given to them by the Afghanistan Government as well as International
Conventions that Afghanistan is part of them, along with some other miserable issues like rape
and forced prostitution with light of some case laws. At the end he gives some constructive
recommendations and suggestion to the Afghanistan authorities as well as the international
community which are working for the empowerment of women in the county.

3. Dr. NUZHAT PARVEN KHAN, LL.M., Ph.D. Associate professor in the

faculty of law, Jamia Millia Islamia, (WOMEN AND THE LAW), (New Delhi-

Professor Nuzhat parven khan in her prominent book (women and the law) in the preface of her
book asks a fundamental question that unfortunately has been forgotten through decades in all
over the world in particular in third world countries including Afghanistan, so she asks that: Are
men and women equal in status, whether women are respected at workplace or whether women
are treated with respect and dignity at home and in society? That from the first step somehow she
wants to attract the attention of the audience for reading this book entirely. Therefore she
discusses about gender justice and indicators of gender injustice, on the other hand she provides
the reader, all the relevant feminism theories propounded by various jurists and feminisms.
Furthermore it should be mentioned that this book also indicates issues about equality of women
and men, women empowerment in all aspects of their life for instance economic and social
empowerment of women, another stand point that indicates in this book is violence against
women and rights of children that their general definitions are very useful for the reader. It worth
to mention that in chapter four professor parven khan discusses about rights of women and their
empowerment in light of international conventions, declarations and treaties for instance
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations fourth World Conference on Women,
The Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women and so on,
which are applicable across the globe.

4. Justice D. M. DHARMADHIKARI, chairperson , M. P Human Rights
Commission Bhopal and Former Judge, Supreme Court of India, Former
Chief Justice, High Court of Gujarat in his book on Human values and
Human Rights (New Delhi- India, 2010)

D. m. Dharmadhikari in his book that has written about human values and human rights, he
strongly discusses about the fundamental protection of human rights, then he sheds lights about
the role of a good government for defending human rights and human dignity against violation
and discrimination. On the other hand he explains about the other basic and fundamental rights
of human and in particular rights of women which over the decades they are the real victims of
discrimination and violation in all aspects of their life in all across the world, for instance some
of these basic rights are; human rights to health, right to education, right to safe homes and
shelters and other fundamental rights as a human beings that has been forgotten by the

5. M. A. Khan, (Women and Human Rights), SBS PUPLISHER&


M. A. Khan in his book talks about the concept and perception of human rights and other basis of
human rights in light of National Law and Universal Laws, that Universal Laws are in the favor
of my topic about rights of women, then he discusses about the negotiable rights and other
important issues regarding to human rights and in particular rights of women in details. Then he
explains about the women’s status in the society and their fundamental basic rights as a human
being and their equality to men as a member of the society. In another chapter of this book he
high lights the universal concern and activity against discrimination regarding to protection of
women. Moreover he express his concern about forced prostitution against women that strongly
violate their fundamental and human rights as a human being.

6. Study of the Secretary – General, United Nations, (Ending Violence against
Women, from Words to Action), 2006.

This book is a comprehensive book about human rights violation. The author in this books asks
the international attention to the women improvement and their movements in all aspects of their
life, then the writer discusses that violence against women is a form of discrimination and a
human rights violence. Form the other side this book explains about the integration of violence
against women and expanding the scope of action along with challenges and obstacles. Then it
discusses about the context and causes of violence against women. Moreover it sheds light about
the form of violence as well as the responsibility of the state to address violence against women
with a depth illustration and explanations. At the end of this book under the recommendation and
suggestion he strongly criticize about the luck of attention by the International Community for
the protection of women specially in countries that the women are a severely suffering from
violence and discrimination in all the respects of their life, as well as the luck of proper attention
by the states.

B. Articles
1. The Women and Children Legal Research Foundation, Advancing Women's
and Girls' Rights to Protection under the EVAW Law: A Situation Report
from Five Provinces, Kabul, Afghanistan, April 2013.

This article describes the legal framework and legal implementation of violence against women
in Afghanistan under the EVAW (Elimination of Violence Against Women) Law, which has
been approved in 2009 by the Afghanistan Government. Further it says about the role of women
and their constrictive participation in the country in all aspects of the life. As well as it states
about shelter and safe homes for women that has been established in all states of the country
including the capital Afghanistan in accordance to the EVAW law for women whose life are at

risk due to domestic violence and discrimination against them, then it describes the legal aid and
legal assistance for those women they are in need, after that it sheds some lights about the
psychological services along with their medical and health services in the entire country for
miserable women.

2. Women and Children Legal Research Foundation (WCLRF), Violence

against women in Afghanistan, Kabul- Afghanistan, 2008.

Women and Children Legal Research Foundation (WCLRF), this article states about
Violence against women in Afghanistan, so it defines the legal definition of violence against
women, types of marriage, family and domestic maltreatment against women and children,
violence against female school students as well as Violence against Women in working
environment. As a whole it has been tried to discuss about all forms of violence that are currently
going on against women in Afghanistan in all over the country.

3. "We Want to Live As Humans" Repression of Women and Girls in Western

Afghanistan, Women in Herat- Afghanistan, September 11, 2002.
This article indicates about the human rights violations under the dark tyrannical regime of the
Taliban as well as Violations of Women's and Girls' Human Rights in Herat province of
Afghanistan that what kind of violations are going on against women and girls and their access to
education, violations of freedom of expression and association. Moreover discrimination in the
right to work against women is another topic of this article.

4. Governor of Kandahar, Amnesty International interview, (Women still

under attack - a systematic failure to protect Afghanistan), Stop Violence
against Women, 13 September 2004, Kabul- Afghanistan.

This article explains about the various types of violence against women in Afghanistan as well
as the role and importance of international conventions and treaties that Afghanistan is their

5 well as the importance of some non-governmental organizations that are currently
working for the empowerment of Afghan’s Women in the country.

5. Afghanistan independent human rights commission, Press Release on

Violence against Women, The causes, Grounds, and Situation of Violence
against Women in Afghanistan during, Kabul- Afghanistan, Jan- to Oct
This report is one of the useful reports in field of human rights violation and in particular rights
of women and girls regarding to human dignity and gender bases in the country, moreover it
discusses about the main role of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission as one of
the fundamental defender organs of the country for protecting of the women and girls in the
country. On the other hand this article is discussing about the causes and grounds of violence
against women in all aspects of their life and also defines about the startling situation and
condition that they have in the entire country specially in the rural areas of the Afghanistan that
the miserable women are severely suffering from back breaking problem and discrimination both
inside and outside of their homes.

6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Afghanistan’s National Action Plan, Women,

Peace and Security June 2015, Kabul- Afghanistan.
This report (Afghanistan’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security), clearly
states the Constitutional and Legal Provisions related to Women rights, Peace, and Security,
along with policies and structures related to women, peace and security as well as the
implementation mechanism, Monitoring, Evaluation, and their Cooperation and Partnerships
with these proses in the country, in this article the minister of foreign affairs emphasizes that this
is our solemn obligation to take proper action against violation and discrimination against
women and girls in the country and he directly addresses the Ministry of Women Affairs and
other international partners that are working in this process in the country for having a better
outcome of fighting against violence and discrimination.

Submitted to: submitted by:
Dr. Nuzhat Parven Khan Khalil Ahmad Rasooli
LL.M (Criminal Law)
Third semester / 2019

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