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Assignment: Decision Making

Q- Describe what empathy means to you and how it plays a

part in your life.

Empathy means the ability to sense other people's emotions, it involves the ability

to emotionally understand what another person is experiencing.
 Empathy is important because it helps us understand how others are feeling
so we can respond appropriately to the situation.

 Role of empathy in life:

Being empathetic plays a very important role in life:

 Empathy allows people to build social connections with others. By

understanding what people are thinking and feeling, people are able to
respond appropriately in social situations.

 Empathizing with others helps us learn to regulate our own emotions.

Emotional regulation is important in that it allows us to manage what we are
feeling, even in times of great stress, without becoming overwhelmed.

 In Our Personal Lives

 A healthy relationship requires care, nurture, and understanding. For

instance, a relationship or friendship with no empathy or understanding is
bound to fail. This is because when one of the parties in a relationship only
thinks of their personal interests, the other one may suffer and opt out.
 The same applies to marriages; in case one spouse fails to see things from
the perspective of the other, they are likely to experience serious marital
issues. This is because people are different in terms of their life experiences,
ideas and struggles.

 In Our Work Life

 For most people, workplaces are places for teamwork and for those things
that require group effort; you will need to relate to your co-workers even if
you are not working on the same project.

 This will help in ensuring that you have a smooth working relationship and
prevent workplace disagreements. In addition, the management also needs to
have empathy so as to avoid subjecting the employees to unfair practices.

 For the World

 From the global perspective, empathy is infinitely important particularly if it

ends in compassion.

 This kind of empathy usually compels people to step in and help people that
have been struck by major disasters even if they are total strangers to them
since they will have an understanding that they too would need such
assistance if they were in a similar situation.

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