Position Paper

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Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty,

is a government-sanctioned practice whereby a
person is put to death by the state as a punishment
for a crime.The Death Penalty implementation involve
the execution of murderers although Capital
Punishment can be also applied for treason,
espionage and other crimes.Advocator of Death
Penalty say it is an important tool for preserving the
law and orders, deters crime and costs less than life
imprisonment. But in our perspective regarding the
Death Penalty implementation here in the Philippines
is not acceptable at all costs because of the reason
that most of us are Christians and executing a certain
individual is a murder as it was written at the Bible.
Another is social justice here in the Philippines is not
that systematic because most of the people
discriminate and manipulating the evidence that why
we cannot guarantee the fair justice here.

On the World Day Against the Death Penalty, CHR

Commissioner Karen Gomez Dumpit notes the suffering of
'unseen victims' of capital punishment, including the
children of people sentenced to death. The suffering extends
to [the convicted person's] loved ones, especially their
children whose anguish can even be more severe than the
person [on] death row," she said."This perpetuates the cycle
of violence and despair as the children of those executed
bear the stigma from the community, experience
psychological trauma, and may carry the emotional burden
into adulthood which may be passed on to their own
children," Dumpit added.After the death penalty was
abolished in the country in 2006, debates about reviving it
surfaced again after President Rodrigo Duterte deemed it
necessary for drug crimes and plunder, specifically during
his 4th State of the Nation Address. In the contrary, there is
so many negative effects if we agreed to implement the
Death Penalty.

The paper still stands on the claim that implementation of

Death Penalty should construe at the right time and at the
right place.Also, justice system here in the Philippines
should be fairly distributed not for only those who have
money that will lead to manipulating evidences. Lastly,
killing people will never be the solution if she/he commits

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