30 chủ đề từ vựng tiếng anh 1 - Phiên bản 2019 - Cô Trang Anh PDF

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CHU DE > ~ _ TUVUNG TIENG ANH Oo Loi néi dau Muc luc Bang tir viét tat ... Topic 1 Culture identity. Topic2 Education Topic3 Urbanization... Topic4 Global warming Topic 5 Nature in danger. Topic6 Energy..... 178 Topic7 Endangered species. 207 Topic8 Preservation. 240 Topic9 Volunteer work . 272 Topic 10 Healthy lifestyle and longevit 305 Topic 11. Life storie 335 Topic 12 Family life 372 Topic 13. Relationship. 406 Topic 14 Film and musi 437 Topic 15. Entertainment 468 LOI NOI DAU Cac ban than mén! Ngit php va tir vung la hai mang khéng thé thiéu trong qué trinh hoc ngoai ngit néi chung va hoc tiéng Anh néi riéng. Hai pham tra nay sé g6p phn gitip chiing ta dat dugc sy thanh thao vé ng6n ngtt, Néu nhw ngit php cé cdc quy tac, c6 cu trite dé tuan theo thi tir vung lai Kh6ng c6 bat ctr quy tc nao. Do 46, da sé ngudi hoc déu thay rét khé aé hoc va nhé dugc tir vung, D6 1a cdn chua ké t6i cé rat nhiéu tir cé nghia gidng nhau nhung lai duoc str dung trong céc ngir canh khéc nhau va mét tir thi lai cé rét nhi8u nghia V6i mong muén gitip ngudi hoc cé phtong phap hoc tir vung hiéu qua, tac gid da bién soan bé s4ch 30 CHU DE TW’ VUNG TIENG ANH. Bé sdch cé 2 tap, mai tap gm 15 chit d8 tir vung bao quat tat cd nhiing chu d@ tir vung trong tam thudc moi linh vite cita doi sng. 0 mai bai, bén canh phan hé théng tir vung - cau tric theo chii dé bai hoc, con 6 m@t sé long bai tap thyc hanh lén v6i cdc dang bai nhu phat am, trong am, chon dap 4n ding, déng nghia-trdi nghia, doc hiéu, doc dién. BQ sach véi muc tiéu cung c&p cho ngudi hoc phuong phap hoc tir vung theo chit diém dé nhé tir theo hé théng, 4p dung vao bai tap thy hanh, lam bai tap gitip nhé tir va c6 vén tir dé doc hiéu duoc doan van tiéng Anh. Ngoai ra hoc tir vung dé khong nhitng gidip phat 4m ding ma con chudn ngir digu. Voi khoang hon 4000 tir vung ~ cdu trite va trén 2000 cau trac nghiém kém dp an 6 gidi thich chi tiét, chdc chdn b@ sach sé 1A cng cu tu hoc hitu hiéu, gitp nguoi hoc trau doi vin tir vung mét cdch higu qua nhit. Ngoai ra, cudn sdch cé thé durgc ding lam tw ligu tham Khao cho cdc anh chi, ban b ddng mén. Mic dit tac gid da rat cé ging song trong qué trinh bién soan b@ sch khOng thé trénh khdi nhiing thiéu sét, rétt mong nhan duoc sy déng g6p ¥ kién tir cdc ddc gid dé bd sdch dugc hoan thién hon. Tac gid BANG TU VIET TAT STT | Tén viét tat Tén viét day di Ynghia 1 s Subject Chi ngér 2 v Verb Dong tir 3 0 Object Tan ngir \4 A Adjective Tinh tir 5 Adv Adverb ‘Trang tir 6 N Noun Danh te 7 Vp2 Past participle Qué khir phan tir 8 Sb Somebody Mot ai dé 9 st Something Mot cdi gi dé 10 V-ing Gerund/ Present participle Danh déng tir/ Phan tir hién tai M1 Np Noun phrase Cum danh tir TOPIC 1 CULTURE IDENTIT (vo RY) VOCABULARY)| srt[Tveng [Tiloail _ Phiénam Nghia 1_ | Aboriginal a | /abalridgonal/_ | nguyén so, nguyén thily 2. | Ancestor 2 ensestor/ | t6tién ‘Anniversary n /eniva:sari/ [18 ki niém, ngay Ceremony n /'sermani/ | nghi thitc, nghi lé 3. | Celebration n /sela'brerfan/ | sw té chite Bicentenary n /batsen'ti:nari/ | 1é ki niém ct 200 nam té chit 1 lan 4 | Assimilation n /asimtleifen/ | sw ddng héa “| 5 | Bravery n ['breweri/ | sur diing cém 6 | Bridegroom n [braidgruzm/ | chi ré 7_ | Conflict n ['kontikt/ | su xung de g | Contract n [kontrekt/ | hop déng Contractual a__| _/kon'traektfual/ | ehude hop dong 9. | Conversely adv [konvaisli/ | ngwoc lai 10 | Coordinator n | /kou's:dinertar/ | ngwéi phoi hop 11 | Currency a ['karonsi/ | tidn té 12 | Custom n Tikastam/ | phong tuc 13 | Deliberately adv /avibaratli/ | mbt ctich c6 chit, 06 toan tinh 14 | Denounce v /atnauns/ | t6'cdo, vach mat 15 | Depravity n /arprevati/ | sw truy lac Dismiss v /ai'smis/ | sa thai 16 | Dismissal n /di'smisal/ su sa thai Dismissive a /ai'smisiv/ | gat bd, xem thurong TOPIC 1+ CULTURE IDENTITY | 7 sTT| Tirveng |Tiloai| _ Phién4m Nghia Diversity n /datvasati/ | sy da dang a7 | Diverse a /da’ da dang | Diversify v /dar'vaisifar/ | da dang héa Diversification n /daiva:sifi'keifn/ | sw da dang héa Extremely adv cue ki ag | completely adv : hoan toan Tremendously | adv | /tri'mendasli/ | khiing khiép, ghé gm Dramatically adv | /dro'maetikoli/ | détngot | 19 | Fate n /fert/ van ménh, dinh ménh 20 | Federation n /feda'reyfn/ | lién doan | 21 | Folktale n /foukteil/ | truyén dan gian 22 | Heritage 2 [heritids/ | disdin 23 | Hilarious a Thi'learies/ | vui nhdn 24 |Homophone 1 7homafoun/ | tte ding am Identify v Javdentifat/ | nhdn dién, nhan dang ag, | Hentification n | /aydentefikesfon/ | sw déng nha hod Identical a Jatdentikel/ | gidng nhau Identity n /atdentati/ tinh déng nhdt; ddc tinh 26 | Incense n /msens/ nhang, huwong 27 | Indigenous a Jin'didginas/ | ban xtt, ban dia 28 | Integration a Janti'grerfon/ | su hdi nhép 29 | Isolation n Jaaisollerfan/ | su co Idp, sur cach li 30 | Majority n /ma'dgprati/ | da sé Minority n /marnorati/ _ | thiéu sé | Marriage n /merids/ | sy két hon, hon nhan | 44 | Marital a /marital/ | thuéc hn nhan Marriageable a /'meridgabal/ | 6 thé, dit tur cdich két hn Married a [merid/ | da két hon 32 | Misinterpret v /msm'ta:prat/ | hiéu sai 33 | Mystery n [mistari/ | sy bfdn, sw huyén bi 34 | No-go n /nau'gau/ tinh trang bé tac 35 | Pamper v /pemper/ _| nuéng chiéu, cung chibu 36 | Patriotism n ['petriatizam/ | chit nghia yéu meée str| Tirvyng | Tirloai Phién 4m Nghia 37 | Perception n 7p2'sepfan/ | sw nhdn thite Perceive v Jpe'siv/ _ | nhdn thdy, nhan thite 38 | Prestige n /pres'tiz3/ | thanh thé uy thé 39 | Prevalence n ['prevalons/ _ | sw phd bién, sw thinh hanh 40 | Privilege n /'privalids/ | déic quyén, dac an | a1 | Racism n /reistzam/ _| chti nghia phan biée ching toc Racial a /rerfal/ thude chiing téc ‘2 | Religion n Jetlidgan/ | t6n gido Religious a Jethidgas/ | thude v8 tén gido 43 | Restrain v /etstrem/ | kidm ché 44 | Revival 1 Jrivaval/ | su hai phuc, sw phuc sinh 45 | Solidarity n /soltderati/ | sw dodn két 446, | Superstition n /su:pa'stifan/ | sw mé tin dj doan Superstitious a /,suipa'stifes/_| mé tin di doan Symbol n 7simbal/ | biéu twong a7 | Svmbolize v /'simbalaiz/ | biéu twong héa symbolism n /'simbalizam/ | chii nghia twong treng symbolic a /sim'bolik/ | ewong trung, biéu trung 48 | Synthesis n /'smnbasis/ | sur tong hop | 49 | Unhygienic a | /anhardgimik/ | khéng hop vé sinh Well-established| a | /,welt'staeblijt/ | diéng virng, ton tai lau ben 50 | Well-advised a /welad'varzd/ | khon ngoan Well-built a Jwel'bilt/ | luc dng, cwéng tréing Well-balanced a Jwel'beelanst/ | ding muc, didu d6 E srmucTunes) STT Lay down the law Cu trac Nghia ‘Against the law pham luat Within the law dting luat 1 | Above the law dieng trén/ngodi luat By law theo ludt diéu v6 giwong oai TOPIC 1+ CULTURE IDENTITY | 9 STT Cau tric Nghia 2 |Approve/disapprove of __ | déng tinh/phan déi 3 | Atthe right time = as regular as clockwork= on the dot = on time: diing gid’ 4 | Beard the lion in one’s den: cham chan ai dé 5 |Closetothebone __—| xc pham 6 | Come into play = bring st into play: cd tdc dung, c6 higu qua, link nghiém 7 [Down to the wire védo phiit cudi 8 | For fear of st/doing st visg edi gi/lam gi Get rid of = remove loai bé 5 Face up to d6i mat voi Get over vwot qua Wipe out x6a sé 10 | Let go of = give up tir bd 11 |Loss and grief=sadness | budn rdw 12 | Make a decision on st quyét dinh cdi gi 13 | Object to/have objection to | phdn adi 14 | On the flip side = on the other hand: mat khéc Prior to st before a particular time or event: trukéc mét thoi gian/sie kién dic 15 | siétndo dé 16 | Scold sb for doing st méng ai vi da lam gi sai 17 | Sense of self cm xtc, ty thite vé ban than [ 18 [Soso tam tam 19 | The tip of iceberg: chi la mét phdn nhé cua mét van dé phitc tap 20 | Tie the knot = get married | két hén ‘WE PRACTICE EXERCISES |) Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. festival B. highlight C.community _D. bravery Question 2: A. spirit B. unity C. image D. protect Question 3: A. worship B. province C. sacrifice D. unique 10 | Question 4: A. official B. similar C.conclusion _D. traditional Question 5: A. definition B. nationality _—C. globalization _D. generation Question 6:A. ancestor —_B. identifier C.achievement —_D. adjusting Question 7: A. numerous B. currency C. obviously D. perceived Question 8: A. significance _B. majority C.unhygienic —_D. depravity Question 9: A. specific B. debate C.denounced —_D.assignee Question 10: A. pampered _ B. crucially C.counterpart —_D. conversely Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 11: A. expressed _B. preserved C.maintained —_D, wondered Question 12: A. costumes _B. celebrates C. believes D. examples Question 13: A. various B. value C. aspect D. impact Question 14: A. identity _B. ethnicity C inherit D. individual Question 15: A. language —_B. luggage C heritage D. teenage Question 16: A. passionate _B. integrate c D. demonstrate Question 17: A. nation B. national C.nationality _D. nationalize Question 18: A. regional _B. religion C. ceremony D. regard Question 19: A.conclude —_B, conceal C.concentrate —_D. conduct Question 20:A. clothing —_-B. cloth C. clothes D. clothed Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 21: Students are restrained from eating bananas prior to an exam for nn Of failing ‘like sliding on a banana skin’. A. cheer B. fear C. scare D. anger Question 22: Regarding what food to avoid before taking an important examination, homophones and the shape of your food comes into ows A.action B. fact C reality D. play Question 23: People often avoid eating squash, pumpkin, melon and peanuts before their exams because they suppose that it is a A. no-go B.soso C. way out D. bright side TOPIC 1+ CULTURE IDENTITY | 11 Question 24: When you first arrive in a foreign culture, often your first reaction is - positive. Everything seems exciting, different and fascinating. A. extremely B. completely C.tremendously _D. dramatically Question 25: ____ nowadays is a choice people make on their own, but this has not always been the case in society. A. Marriage B. Marital C.Marriageable —_—D. Marrying Question 26: It was the... that the fathers made the decision on whom their children were going to marry. A. religion B. superstition C. custom D. fate Question 27: We are all too _ of traditions in our modern world, but they can have a very strong impact on us. A. dismissing B. dismissal C. dismissed D. dismissive Question 28: Most young people nowadays believe in nna -nsnee Marviage ~ first comes love, then comes marriage. ‘A. romantic B. unique C. contractual D. arranged Question 29: Most Americans don't object... being called by their first names. A.about B. for Cin D.to Question 30: liked ao dai, kimono, hanbok help preserve a country's heritage and educate people about their history. A. National costumes B. Tradition food C. Traditions and customs D, Folktales Question 31: People from Brazilian and North American cultures have different feelings about lateness. Brazilians expect a person with status or to arrive late, while in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable. A. prevalence B. prestige C. privilege D. position Question 32: Americans believe in ‘romantic’ marriage - a boy and a girl are sus to each other, fall in love, and decide to marry each other. A. loved B. handed C.attracted D. married Question 33: The custom of payingabride price beforemarriageisstilla__ part of many African cultures. A. well-established _ B. well-advised C. well-built D. well-balanced Question 34: In modern times, although people still remain the custom of paying a bride price, it is occasionally quite small and its value is mainly — A. symbol B. symbolize C. symbolism D. symbolic 12 | Question 35: Most weddings in Japan start with a religious _ in which usually only family members attend. A. anniversary B. ceremony C.celebration D. bicentenary Question 36: In most weddings in Japan, guests give the bride and groom goshuugi - uss Money in special envelopes. A. gift B. present C. reward D. giving Question 37: Changes in attitudes, family values, generational status can occur in both the majority and minority cultures as the two interact; however, one culture dominates. Avrarely B. typically C. specially D. uncommonly Question 38: On the flip side, the world wide __ ofa couple of languages that have a large number of speakers has led to the death of several less popular languages. A, abortion B. rejection C. adoption D. adaption Question 39: It is important to understand the culture religion of the country that you are travelling to and a little research before you leave will help A, tremendously _B. dramatically C.comparatively _D. violently Question 40: The custom of. ancestors is a beautiful, rich, and colorful and joyful tradition in Vietnamese culture. A. praying B. honoring C. respecting D. worshiping Question 41: are aware that a language becoming extinct does not necessarily mean that the people who spoke it have all died. A, Linguistic B. Linguists C. Language D. Lingual Question 42: Why is culture important and how does it answer the question “what is cultural — 2? A. identity B. identify G.identification _D. identical Question 43: Culture is the underlying... of traditions and beliefs that help a person relate to the world around them. A. institution B. foundation C. organization D. principle Question 44: Culture gives us a definite starting point when beginning to for our roots. A.find B. look C. search D. seek Question 45: Asa person has given up their cultural identity, they no longer can identify themselves with the things that were the most important things in their lives. A.at once B. once C.one time D. for once TOPIC 1+ CULTURE IDENTITY | 13 Question 46: Since ___...___. texts and ceremonies can seem confusing with no one there to guide, young people are supposed to find an expert willing to explain their significance. A. sacred B. scared C religious D. spiritual Question 47: It cannot be denied that global communications will become even more powerful in... influencing our cultural identity. A. potentially B. probably G.likely D. possibly Question 48: Accepting that changes are _ does not mean that we will allow everything to be wiped out, destroyed or forgotten. A. avoidable B. unavoidable C. stoppable D. unstoppable Question 49: Once people have given up their heritage, traditional beliefs and other aspects of their native culture, they are about to lose their sense of A. humor B. responsibility _C. self D. honesty Question 50: Although there are over fifty origin /‘oridgin/ (n): ngudn gc, bat dau STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an Xét cdc d4p an: A. beginning /br'ginn/(n): ngudn gd, bat nguén B. cause /ko:z/ (n): nguyén nhan, déng co C.reason /‘ri:zan/ (n): I do D. roof /ru:f/ (n): mai nha 54 Tam dich: Theo truyén thuyét, khi mOt dita tré dat chiée rang rung due6i géi cia minh truéc khi di ngd, sau nita dém, khi nd dang say gidc, c6 Tién Réing sé lay di chiéc réing va dé lai m6t thit khéc duéi géi. In the wee hours: gid ngay sau nika dém Xét cdc dp an: A. early in the evening: vira vao buéi téi B. soon after midnight: ngay sau nita dém C. late in the morning: vdo buéi sng muén D, long before bedtime: rét du truréc khi di ngti 55 Tam dich: Hén nhan sdp dat la mét ddu hiéu cho thdy ngwoi ta khéng muén buéng bé qué khit, diéu d6 lam ho thdy yén 6n va an toan trong thé giéi luén luén thay déi. let go of: buéng bé, budng tay Xét cdc dap An: A. give up: tir bé B. turn off: edit C. save up: dé danh D. give in: nhugng bé, dau hang 56 Tam dich: M6t c6 gai cang cé nhiéu tién va dat dai thi cdng cé nhiéu co h6i cé dwec cudc hén nhdn tét dep. Do dé, quan trong la bé ciia cé chon duoc chang ré tat. > bridegroom /'brardgru:m/ (n): chti ré, vi hén phu Xét cdc dap an: A. bridesmaid /'brardzmerd/ (n): phir dau B, bride /‘bratd/ (n): c6 ddu C. daughter-in-law (n): con dau D. son-in-law (n): con ré 57 Tam djch: Ba dang vin héa la mot thudt ngit duoc sit dung dé mé td nhiéu van héa khéc nhau ciing tn tai trong mét nén van héa lén > diversity /dar'va:sati/ (n): da dang TOPIC 1+ KEYS | 31 Dap an thich chi tiét dap an { str f } Xét cdc dap an: A. variety /vo'ratati/ (n): da dang B, variability /,veoria'bilati/ (n): tinh bi&n thién C. verification /,verihi'kerfan/ (n): sw thdm tra, xdc minh D. variation /,veorieifon/ (n): su thay d6i 58 Tam dich: Ngwoi Han téing sdch cho trwéng hoc 6 In-d6-né-xi-a, va ngu6i In-d6-né-xi-a day nguéi Han mét diéu miia truyén théng. Su trao déi nay gitip ho hiéu biét van héa ldn nhau. — exchange /1ks'tfemd3/ (n): sw trao di, giao dich Xét céc dap 41 A. giving and receiving things at the same time: cho nhdn cing thoi diém B. trying many different things at the same time: thir nhiéu thi citng thei diém C. the process of changing an amount of one currency: tién trinh thay déi mét lwong tién té D. an arrangement for two people/parties to me: su‘ thu xép cho hai ngwoi bén toi 59 Tam dich: Dai séng vein héa tai New Orleans la t6 hyp déng gdp ctia cd ngudi da den va da tring. ~ synthesis /'sm@asis/ (n): su tng hop Xét cdc dap A. product /'prodakt/ (n): hang héa, sén phd B. demonstration /,deman'streifan/ (n): cudc biéu tinh G. reflection /ri'flekfan/ (n): sw phdn xa D. combination /,kombr'nerfan/ (n): sy phdi hgp, 06 hop 60 Tam dich: Quan hé truéc hon nhén bj phén d6i manh mé 6 mOt vai nén vin héa. = disapprove /,disa'pru:v/ (v): khéng tén thanh Xét cdc dap an: A. object /‘obdsikt/ (v): phan ddi B. reject /r1'dgekt/ (v): tte chéi C. project /‘prodgekt/ (v): chiéu ra D. inject /m'dgekt/ (v): tiém STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 61 Tam djch: 0’ vén héa chau Au va Béc MY, hanh vi ngén ngit co thé duoc chia thanh 2 nhém: mé hay déng va tréc hay sau. > divide /dr'vard/ (v): chia Xét cdc dap an: A. separate /‘separeit/ (v): tdch ra B. integrate /‘mtigrett/ (v): tich hop C. merge /ms:d3/ (v): hop nhat D. cooperate /kau'pparert/ (v): hop téc 62 Tam dich: Trong qué khi, nhitng mén Gn duoc cho la dem lai may mdn, nhu tom va cé trap bién, duoc phuc vu rét nhibu. ~ fortune /‘fo:tfum/ (n): van may Xét cdc dap An: A. excitement /ik’saitmant/ (n): su phdn khich B. luck /lak/ (n): sw may man C. money /‘mani/ (n): tin D. benefit /'bentfit/ (n): loi ich 63 Tam dich: Ngay nay, cdc céip déi thuéng chon két hon theo nhiéu cdch khdc nhau, tir khong t6 chitc gi dé tiét kiém, hay té chite mét cach hodnh trang. > tie the knot: két hén Xét cdc dap an: A. get engaged: dinh hén B. get married: két hon C. fasten the rope: buéc chdit day D. loosen the tie: néi Iéng ca vat 64 Tam djch: Ngweoi dan dia phurong cho rang 16 hoi la mét co hdi dé day thé hé tré tinh théin yéu nuéc va ban linh. ~ patriotism /‘pzetriatizam/ (n): tinh théin yéu muroc Xét cdc dap an: A. heroism /‘herauizem/ (n): chit nghia anh hing B. justice /‘dgastis/ (n): cing bang C. loyalty /‘lorelti/ (n): trung thanh D. truth /tru:@/ (n): sw that TOPIC 1+KEYS | 33 SsTT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 65 Tam dich: Biéu nay déic biét quan trong trong thoi dai todn cau héa, khi céic quéc gia phdi d6i mat véi thir théch cam go dé bao tin ban sc vain héa riéng ctia ho. 1/ (a): khé khéin, nén cht A. intimidating /m'tumidertiy/ (a): dang so” B. delighting /di'lartm/ (a): thi vi C. encouraging /in’karid3in/ (a): khich 16 D. urging /'3:dm/ (a): thiic giuc TRAINGHIA 66 Tam dich: O My, nguoi ta rat quan trong viéc diing gid trong mot cuéc hen, mét gid hoc hay mét budi hop mdt, v.v... > punctual/"panktfual/ (a): ding gir Xét cdc dap an: A. at the right time: vdo ding thoi diém B. as regular as clockwork: déu dan nhu dong hd C. on the dot: diing gio D. down to the wire: dén phuit cudi cng 67 Tam dich: Néu ngwéi Brazil tré hen voi nguoi Bac My, nguéi Bac Mj dé sé hiéu sai ly do muén va sé gidn. ~ misinterpret /,mism'ts:prat/ (v): hiéu sai Xét cdc dap an: A. mismanage /,mis'maenids/ (v): quan Iy té B. understand /,anda'staend/ (v): hiéu C. misunderstand /,mrsanda'steend/ (v): hiéu nhim D. misreport /,misri'po:t/ (v): bdo cdo sai 68 Tam dich: Tuy quan trong, nhueng nhitng ddu hiéu vain hod ré ring dugc chii tém truyén thu va tigp thu chi Ia b8 néi cia nén véin hod. = deliberately /drliboratli/ (adv): chil tm, o6 chit y tir true Xét cde dap an: A. slowly /‘slouli/ (adv): tir tir B. accurately /'zekjuratli/ (adv): chfnh xdc C. unintentionally /,anmn'tenfonali/ (adv): v6 tinh D. randomly /‘raendomli/ (adv): ngdu nhién STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 69 Tam dich: Tai My, m6t dita tré dwoc phép nhin théing vao phu huynh hodc gido vién dang la méing nd. > scold /'skauld/ (v): la mang Xét cdc dap an: A. reproach /ri'praut{/ (v): ché bai B. criticize /‘kritisaiz/ (v): chi trich C. praise /preiz/ (v): ca nggi D. insult /‘msalt/ (v): xtic pham 70 Tam dich: 0 Mj, moi ngwéi duoc khuyén khich nhin thdng vao ngudi giao tiép véi ho béi vi né thé hién sw hing thii voi nhéeng gi ho n6i va digu a6 dug cho la mang dén mét cdm gidc trung thurc > honesty /‘pnasti/ (n): trung thue | Xét cdc dap an: A. politeness /pa'laitnas/ (n): lich su B. sincerity /sin'serati/ (n): chén thanh C. deceitfulness /dr'siztfalnas/ (n): gian déi D. faithfulness /‘fer®falnas/ (in): chung thiiy 71 Tam dich: Té6i danh mé6t tuéin dé cé lién lac voi ngai Toynbee qua din thogi, nhung thw kt ctia éng ta luén bdo t6i ring éng dy qué ban dé néi chuyén véi t6i. Hom nay t6i da di théng t6i van phong 6ng ta va d6i mat trurc tiép véi dng ta. ~ bearded the lion in his den: vao hang him bat cop con, gap true tiép Xét cdc dap an: A. confronted him on his own territory: déi dau véi éng ta trén Idinh thé cia éng dy B. avoided being recognized by him: trdnh bj 6ng ta nhén ra C.had no chance of meeting him: khéng cé co h6i gp 6ng ta D, bumped into him: cham trdn 6ng ta 72 Tam dich: Van héa dugc dién ta nhu mét dac trung dwer chia sé va gan két moi ngudi Iai voi nhau thanh mét c6ng ding. > bind /bamd/ (v): rang budc X6t cde dap An: A. divide /dr'vaid/(v):chia _B. engage /in'geid3/ (v): tham gia C force /fo:s/ (v): ép bude __—_—D. unite /jusinait/ (v): doan két TOPIC 1+KEYS | 35 stT | Dapan Giai thich chi tiét dap an 73 D Tam dich: Mét khi ban duoc nhéin vao hoc & mét trrdng phé thong hay dai hoc, vige trrdng hoc phan biét d6i xi voi ban vi tn gido hogic tin ngudng Id trai phdp ludt. — against the law: trdi ludt Xét cdc dp an: A. above the law: ding trén ludt B. laying down the law: dat ra ludt C. by law: theo ludt D. within the law: trong lu@t 74 A Tam dich: Héa nhdp va ding héa cé thé gitip lam gidm cam gid métt mat va dau budn khi ngwoi di cw bdt dau tiép thu cdc khfa canh ctia nén véin héa. — loss and grief: mt mat va dau bubn Xét cdc dap an: A. happiness /‘heepinas/ (n): hanh phiic B, disapproval /,diso'pru:val/ (n): phdn d6i C. discrimination /diskrimrneifon/ (n): phan biét d6i xit D. sadness /'seednas/ (n): budn 75 B Tam dich: 0 quéc gia 6, khdch thong cam thdy ho khéng duoc danh gid cao néu thiép moi dén tiéc t6i chi duoc giti truréc dé ba dén bén ngay. — regard /ri'ga:d/(v): ddnh gid, coi trong Xét cdc dap an: A. admire /ad'matar/(v): ngwong m6 B. disrespect /,disrt'spekt/(v): coi thuéng, xem thurong C. worship /'warfip/(v): ton thor D. expect/ik'spekt/(v): mong doi, ki vong 76 D Tam dich: Tat nhién la t6i dién rd nhwng sw phé binh cia cha ve viéc t6i dang Idng phi cudc dot la thiéu té nhi. ~ close to the bone: thiéu té nhi, cot nh Xét cdc dap an: A. annoying/a'noim/ (a): choc titc, lam buec minh B. offensive/a'fenstv / (a): téin cong C. personal/‘ps:sana/ (a): od nhan D. respectful/r1'spektfal/ (a): 6 phép, diy ton trong STT | Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 17 B | Tam djch: Khéng gi quy gid c6 thé dén tt vic hdi sinh tinh than thugng v6 ctia Bite, tot hon la dé Iai né phia sau hodic chén n6. ~ revival /rr'vaval/ (1): sw phuc hoi Xét cdc dap An: A. awakening /a'wetkenm/ (n): su thitc tinh B. destruction /dr'strakfan/ (n): hiy diét C. improvement /m‘pru:vmant/ (n): cdi thién D. population /,popja'leifan/ (n): dan sé 78 B | Tam dich: Kootenay-Jobin n6i rding trai nghiém hdi nhdp vain héa c6 thé té hon bai nhiing thach thitc nhw phan biét ching téc va nha &: ~ exacerbate /1g'zzesabert/ (v): tréim trong hon, té hon, xdu di Xét cdc dap an: A. increase /in'kri:s/(v); tding B, improve /im'pru:v/(v): cdi thién C. provoke /pra'vauk/ (v): kich déng D. worsen /‘wa:san/ (v): xdu di 79 B | Tam dich: Su thay d6i van héa déng nhdt cé thé gay caing thang va dén toi vdn dé vé long tw trong va sttc khée tinh than. ~ problems with self-esteem: vdin dé vé long tw trong Xét cdc dap an: A. anxiety /zen‘zarati/ (n): lo lang B. confidence /‘konfidans/ (n): tu tin C. dissatisfaction /dis,saetis'feekfan/ (n)/: phn tén D. modesty /‘mpdisti/ (n): sw khiém tén 80 C | Tam dich: Nhéing cdng thang sau di cw bao gdm séc vin héa va xung 6t, ca hai diéu nay c6 thé dén t6i cdm gidc nhiim lin ve van héa, xa anh, c6 lap va trim cm. ~ alienation /ilia'neifan/ (n): xa lénh Xét cAc dap an: A. disconnection /,diska'nektfan/ (n): mat két néi B, loneliness /‘launlinas/ (n): c6 don C. sympathy /‘simpadi/ (n): ding cém D. unfriendliness /an'frendlinas/ (n): khéng thdn thién TOPIC 1+KEYS | 37 stT | Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap 4n DOC DIEN 81 |B |A.spirit /'spmit/ (n): tinh than B. spiritual /'spritfual/ (a): (thudc) tam hén, than thanh C. spiritless/'spiritlas/ (a): khng con nding long D. spirited/'spiritid/ (a): day khi thé Ta cé truéc danh tt “life” va sau tinh tir sé hifu “my” ta can mot tinh tir dé bé nghia nén ta loai A. Can ctr vao nghia cita cau: “the event is also the best time of the year for Vietnamese people to spend time on their (81) life and pay respect to religious institutions” (Dip lé nay la thi gian thich hgp nha trong néim dé nguoi Viet Nam danh thoi gian cho cudc séng tam linh cita minh va bay t6 long thanh kinh v6i nhimng tin ngwéng ton gido) 82 B | A.deep-seated (a): su sdc B, deep-rooted (a): lau doi C. deep-pocketed (a): du dé D. deep-fried(a): chién gidn Ta dya vao nghia cita cau: “Visiting pagodas on the first days of the year has long been a (82) nu tradition” (Bi chita trong ngay dau ndim méi la mét truyén théng Idu doi cia ngweoi dén Viét Nam.) 83 c O day phia sau ché tréng 44 cé mot ménh dé day dit chi ngir va dong tir nén dé thay thé cho tir “Ié chia” & phia truéc ta can mot trang tir quan hé. Can cir vao nghia cia cau: “in Vietnam, the custom is described as "L@ Chia” - (83) - “@ means not only visiting but also showing respects in all sincerity to Buddha and Gods of the pagodas or temples.” (0 Viét Nam, truyén théng nay durgc goi la “Lé Chia” - & day “Ié” khong chi c6 nghi la swe viéng tham ma cén lé sw bay t6 long kinh trong v6i ditc Phat va cdc Thain 6 chua.) 84 A Attempt to V: cé géding lam gi STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 85 ‘A. Beside: bén canh B. Moreover: hon nita, ngoai ra C. In addition to + V-ing/N: bén canh lam gi/cdi gi D, Thus: do dé Ta dya vao nghia cita cau: “everyone attempts to burn an incense to wish for best wishes for the New Year like healthiness, happiness and wealth. (85) _ . praying at pagodas and temples is among the best ways to go out and enjoy the spring.” (Moi nguoi cé ging thép huong dé clu chtic nhétng diéu t6t dep nhdt cho ndm méi nh stic khée, niém vui va su gidu cd. Hon nita, di chia clu nguyén la mét trong nhiing cach t6t nhdt dé ra ngoai va tan huéng mita xudn.) DOC HIEU 86 Cau nao trong cdc cau sau cé thé 1a ¥ chinh cia doan van? A. Loai ché va nhérng tin ngwong khac nhau trén thé giéi B. Nhiing quan diém vé loai vat & cdc nén van hod. C. Tin dd Hi gido va cdc quan diém khac nhau vé cdc loai vat. D. Nhiing gi nén hoc truée khi dén mot dat nurée khac. Can cit thong tin doan 1: Your animal or hobby may be perceived in a completely different lightin another culture soit’simportantto consider the significance given to specific animals in different parts of the world and general perceptions towards them. (Céch nhin vé dong vat hod sé thich ctia ban c6 thé hodn toan bién déi trong mét nén van hoa khéc, vi vay diéu quan trong ld phdi xem xét y nghia ciia lodi vat cu thé dé 6 cdc noi khdc nhau trén thé giéi va nhdn thitc chung déi véi chting.) 87 Theo doan 2, cu nao Ia khéng ding? A. Loai ché dugc A6i xik tét va duoc yéu thwong & My va Anh. B, Tin d® Hoi gido IA nhiing ngudi xem loai ché 1a nhieng con thi nudi tét nhat trong nha. C. Nhitng ngwéi ma tén gido la Dao Hi khéng thfch nudi ché trong nha. D. Loai ché 1a vi du dién hinh cia cdc quan diém khac nhau trén thé gidi vé loai vat. TOPIC1+KEYS | 39 “STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an C&n cit théng tin doan 2: One example which is often mentioned in popular press is the case of dogs. In some cultures, like the US or UK, dogs are loved and considered a great pet to have at home and with the family. In other cultures, such as those where Islam is the majority religion, dogs may be perceived as dirty or dangerous. Muslims’ treatment of dogs is still a matter of debate amongst Islamic scholars . While these animals are widely considered by many Western cultures to be ‘man’s best friend’, the Koran describes them as unhygienic. Muslims will therefore avoid touching a dog unless he can wash his hands immediately afterwards, and they will almost never keep a dog in their home. (Mét vi du thong duoc dé cap trong bdo chi phé théng Ia trong hop ctia ché. Trong mét s6 nén van héa, nh My hay Anh, ché duoc jyéu thwong va dugc coi la mét vat nudi tuyét voi trong nha va voi gia dinh. Trong cdc nén van héa khdc, chdng han nhw nhi¢ng noi ma Hai gido la ton gido chinh, ché c6 thé bj coi Id ban hodic nguy hiém. Viéc a6i xt v6i ché cia nguéi Hoi gido van la van dé tranh ludn gitta cdc hoc gid Hi gido. Trong khi nhiig con vat nay duoc nhiéu nén vin héa phuong Tay coi la ‘ngwoi ban t6t nhat, thi kinh Koran mé td ching Id khéng hop vé sinh. Ngwéi Hoi gido do d6 sé trdnh cham vao mét con ché trir khi anh c6 thé rika tay ngay sau a6, va ho hau nhw khéng bao gid’ gitt m6t con ché trong nha cita ho.) 88 Tir “unhygienic” trong doan 2 gin nghia nhat véi tir. A. khong dang tin B. khOng thé trong mong duoc C. khong lanh manh, sach sé D. kh6ng thé chp nhan duge Tir dong nghia: unhygienic (khéng vé sinh, khdng sach sé) = unhealthy While these animals are widely considered by many Western cultures to be ‘man’s best friend’, the Koran describes them as unhygienic. Muslims will therefore avoid touching a dog unless he can wash his hands immediately afterwards, and they will almost never keep a dog in their home. (Trong khi nhiing con vat nay duoc nhieu nén viin héa phurong Tay coi ld ‘nguei ban t6t nhdt; thi kinh Koran mé td ching la khéng hop vé sinh. Ngwéi HDi gido do dé sé trdnh cham vao mét con ché trit khi anh c6 thé rita tay ngay sau 46, vd ho hiiu nhw khéng bao gid’ gitt m6t con ché trong nha ctia ho.) STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét 4p an 89 Tir “this” trong doan 3 dé cp dén diéu gi? A. ban la mét ngudi dugc uy nhiém quéc té B. ban dang s6ng va lam viée A Rap Xé Ut hay mét quéc gia A Rap khac C. ban dang nudi mét con ché lam thi cung D. mét gido si da timg t6 cdo ‘su dbi bai vé dao dite’ cia nhiing ngudi nudi ché va tham chf con yéu cau bat git ho Can cir théng tin doan 3: Tir “This” dang d& cap dén viée “mét gido si da timg t6 cdo ‘sy doi bai vé dao dic’ cia nhiing nguoi nuéi ché va tham chi cdn yéu chu bat gitr ho”. In Iran, for instance, a cleric once denounced ‘the moral depravity’ of dog owners and even demanded their arrest. If you are an international assignee living and working in Saudi Arabia or another Arabic country, you should remember this when inviting Arab counterparts to your house in case you have a dog as a pet. (Vidu, 6 Iran, mét gido si da ting t6 cdo ‘sw adi bai v8 dao ditc’ cia nhitng ngudi nudi ché va thm chi con yéu cau bat gitk ho. Néu ban 1d mét nguéi durgc uy nhigm quéc té sinh séng va lam viée tai A Rap Xé Ut hotic mét quéc gia A Rap khdc, ban nén nhé diéu nay khi moi cdc d6i tac A Rép dén nha ciia ban trong treéng hop ban cé nudi mét con ché.) 90 Ti “pampered” trong doan 3 cé thé dugc thay thé tét nhat béi tir A.nuéngchiéu —B. trangdiém C.chimséc__D. ton trong Tir dng nghia: pampered (nuéng chiéu) = indulged A Middle Eastern man might be very surprised when going to Japan, for instance, and seeing dogs being dressed and pampered like humans and carried around in baby prams! (Vi du, mét ngudi dan ng Trung Bong c6 thé rdt ngac nhién khi dén Nhét Ban va thdy ché duoc mac quéin do va nuéng chiéu nhur con ngurdi va mang di dgo trong xe ddy em bé!) TOPIC 1+KEYS | 41 STT ‘pap an | Giai thich chi tiét dap 4n 91 Tac gia d8 c4p dén loai bd trong doan 4 nhw la 1 vi du cla ‘A. Mot biéu tuong cia mat quéc gia nhd vao chat rgng cao vé dinh duéng. B, loai vat linh thiéng & Argentina. C.loai vat ma durgc quan niém khéc nhau & nhigu nn van hod. D. nhitng gi cé thé gay ngac nhién cho ngwai Argentina trong bita ti. Cn cir vao thong tin doan 4: Dogsare not the only animals which are perceived quite differently from one culture to another. In India, for example, cows are sacred and are treated with the utmost respect. Conversely in Argentina, beef is a symbol of national pride because of its tradition and the high quality of its cuts, An Indian working in Argentina who has not done his research or participated in a cross cultural training programme such as Doing Business in Argentina may be surprised at his first welcome dinner with his Argentinean counterparts where a main dish of beef would be served. (Ch6 khong phdi la déng vat duy nhat dugc nhén thie kha khéc nhau tit mét nén van héa khdc. Vi du, & An BO, bo ld vat link thiéng va duoc déi xit voi su ton trong tdi da. Ngugc lai 6 Argentina, thit bd Id mét biéu trong ciia niém tr hao dan t6c vi truyén théng va chéit lweng cao ctia cdc miéng cat. Mét ngwoi An D6 lam viée tai Argentina, khi chua nghién citu hogc tham gia chuong trinh dao tao vin héa da dang nhuw Kinh doanh 6 Argentina, c6 thé ngac nhién truéc bita dn tdi chdo dén dau tién véi cdc déi tac Argentina cua minh khi ma mén chinh chinh la thjt bo.) 42 | STT 92 Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an Tac gid da 8 xuat digu gi trong doan cudi? A. anh gid cdc vat thé hay loai vat & cac quéc gia khdc truéc khi én 46 1A rat quan trong. B. Dé trnh cit séc vin hod, moi ngudi khéng nén séng va lam viée & m6t n’n van hod khac. C. Hiéu céc quan diém khdc nhau vé loai vat sé gittp cho ban tranh duge sy hiéu nm & mot quéc gia khac D. N6i chuyén vé cdc quan diém khdc nhau voi ngudi khac sé gitp ban vugt qua tinh khéng nhay cam. Cn ctf vao théng tin doan cuéi: It is therefore crucial to be aware of the specific values assigned to objects or animals in different cultures to avoid faux-pas or cultural misunderstandings, particularly when living and working in another culture. Learning how people value animals and other symbols around the world is one of the numerous cultural examples discussed in Communi ‘id's intercultural training courses. Understanding how your international colleagues may perceive certain animals can help you ensure you aren't insensitive and it may even provide you with a good topic for conversation. (Do 6, diéu quan trong Id phdi nhén thite duoc cdc gid tri cu thé dai quy dinh cho cdc d6i twong hodc déng vat trong cdc nén vn héa khdc nhau dé trénh sw hiéu lim vé van héa, déc biét khi song va lam viéc trong mét nén vin héa khdc, Hoc céch con nguéi coi trong dng vat va cdc biéu twgng khéc trén thé gi6i la mét trong nhiéu vi du véin héa duoc thao ludn trong cdc khéa ddo tao lién van héa cia Communicaid, Hiéu dugc cach cdc déng nghiép quéc té ctia ban c6 thé nhén thitc vé mét s6 déng vat nhdt dinh cé thé gitip ban dam bao ban khéng v6 y va tham chi cé thé cung cdp cho ban mét chi dé tot cho cuéc tré chuyén.) TOPIC 1+KEYS | 43 STT Gi thich chi tiét dap an 93 C6 thé suy ra tir doan van rang A.cé rat nhiéu thir can phai nghién city truéc khi dén sdng va lam vide & mét quéc gia khac. B, ton trong cdc van hod khac la mét cdch hay dé cé mét cudc séng thanh cong & nuéc ngoai. C. ban khéng nén ngac nhién néu déi t4c coi cdc loai vat Linh thiéng ciia ban la thie an. D. moi ngwéi sé thay di quan diém ciia ho vé cdc loai vat khi song & mot nn van hod khac. Can ctr vao théng tin doan 1 va doan cuéi: Negay trong doan 1, tac gid da d cap rang “When living and working in another country, there are numerous things to consider apart from the more obvious ones of climate, language, religion, currency, etc. Some important considerations are less obvious” (Khi séng va lam viée & m6t quéc gia khdc, c6 rat nhiéu diéu céin xem xét ngodi nhitng dieu ré rng hon vé khf hdu, ngén ngtt, tén gido, tién té, wv. M6t sé can nhdc quan trong ft ré rang hon). Va trong doan cuéi, tac gia dé xudt rang “It is therefore crucial to be aware of the specific values assigned to objects or animals in different cultures to avoid faux-pas or cultural misunderstandings, particularly when living and working in another culture. Learning how people value animals and other symbols around the world is one of the numerous cultural examples discussed in Communicaid’s intercultural training courses” (Do dé, diéu quan trong la phdi nhén thitc dug cdc gid tri cu thé dé quy dinh cho cdc d6i twong hodc déng vat trong cdc nén vein héa khdc nhau dé trénh sir hiéu Idim vé viin héa, dc biét khi sng va lam viéc trong mét nén vin héa khéc. Hoc céch con ngwoi coi trong déng vat va cdc biéu targng khdc trén thé giéi ld mét trong nhieu vi du van héa duoc théo ludin trong cdc khéa dao tao lién vain héa ctia Communicaid.) E VOCABULARY TOPIC 2 EDUCATION STT| Tvung | Tirloai] _Phiénam 1_| Abolish v /abolif/ ‘Academic a /eko'demik/ 6 2. | Academics n | /eko'demiks/ | ede mén hoc tai hoc vién ‘Academy n Jokkeedami/ | hoc vién 3 [Accommodation | | /akomo'derfan | chaé 4 [Administration | n | /admmr'strerfon/ | sw quan if 5 | Auditory a [o:ditari/ | thude thinh gidc 6 | Augment v Joig'ment/ —_| gia tang, tang thém 7_ [Bachelor a [batfalor/ | cienhan 8 | Care-taker n /keaterker/ | ngwéi quan gia - | Compulsory /kom'palsori/ | bat bude Compel /kom'pel/ _| sw bat buéc Construction n | /kon'strakfon/ | cfu eric, sw xdy dueng 10 | Constructive a /kon'straktiy/ | ¢6 tinh cich xdy deeng Construct v Jkon'strakt/ — | xdy dung, kign thiét 11 | Cram v /kraem/ nhéi nhét 12 | Daunting a /dontiy/ | nén chi Degree n /argri:/ bing cip ag |Cettificate n /sa'tifikat/ | chiéng nhén Diploma n /arplauma/ | chiing chi, vain bang Qualification n | /kwoltfrkeifan/ | trinh d6 14 [Deplorable a /atplorabal/ | ebité thai 15 [Determination | n | /ditazmrnerfon/ | sir quyét tim, sw xdc dinh 16 [Diligent a /'dihidgant/ | clin ci, chuyén cain TOPIC 2+ EDUCATION | 45 stT| Twvung | Tirloai| — Phién am Nghia 17 | Discipline n [disaplin/ | ky ludt 18 | Dolefully adv /‘davlfali/ mé6t cdch u sdu | 49 [Encouragement | n | /ufkaridgmant/ | sw c6 vd, sw dng vién Courage n /'karid3/ diing khi, sw can dam 20 | Endurance n /m‘dguarans/ | sur chju dung 21 | Enrolment n /m'rauimont/ | su két nap, sw dang kt | a9 Evaluate v Jivaljuert/ | dinh gid, wc luong Evaluation n /iweelju'erfan/ | sw dinh gid, su wéc long 23 | Exasperate v /ig'za:sporeit/ | lam ai dé bye tic, phat cdu Expel v /tk’spel/ dudi hoc 24 | Deport v /Ax’pot/ truc xudt Eject v Jitdgekt/ duéi ra Exile v /'eksatl/ uu day 25 | Flip-chart n /‘fip tfa:t/ | bang kep gidy 26 | Giftedness n /'giftidnas/ | sur c6 tdi, c6 nding khiéu rivate school a ee a / frurdng tar thuc 28 | Instinctively adv /m'stinktivli/ | mét cach ban néing 29 | Institution n Jansti'tfufon/ | hoc vién 30 | Kinesthetic a /ikmnis'Betik/ | thudc cém gide van déng 31 | Malority n /ma'dgorati/ | da sé Minority n /marnorati/ _ | thiéu sé 32 | Moderately adv /mvdoratli/ | mOt cach vira phdi 33 | Mortgage 1 /ma:gid3/ | vat thé chap 34 | Obstruction n Jab'strakfon/ | sw cdn tré, sue lam tac nghén Outcome n favtkam/ — | két qud, dau ra gg | Outburst n /autba:st/ | sw béc phat (cdm xtc. Outbreak n fautbreik/ | sy biing phat (dich bénh...) Outset n /‘avtset/ su bat dau, sw khéi dau 36 | Pathetically adv /pa'eetikli/ | mét cdch thwong tam srt] Tiveng [Tirloai| Phiénam Nghia Postgraduate n | /paust'graedguat/ | nghién cu sinh 37 | Undergraduate | on | /ando'greedguat/ | sinh vién chua t6t nghiép Graduation n | /greedzu'erfon/_| su tét nghiép Graduate nfv_| /gredguat/ | (ngwoi) tot nghiép 38 | Prestigious a Jpres'tidgas/ | c6 uy tin, c6 thanh thé 39 | Profoundly adv | /preffaundli/ | métcdch sau sc 40 | Requisite n /rekwrzit/ | diéu kién thiét yéu | Respectable a /etspektabal/ | déing kinh trong, ton trong Respected a /n'spektid/ | duoc kinh trong, tn trong 41 | Respective a /ri'spektv/ | riéng ré, twong ting Respectful a /e'spektfol/ | lé phép, kinh ciin Respect njv Ix'spekt/ _| (sur) kinh trong, tan trong Restrictively adv | /ri'striktivli/ | métcdch c6 han dinh, han ché 4g, |Predominantly | adv | /pr'dommantii/ | haw hét, phan ln, da phiin Arbitrarily adv | /a:bitrariti/ | mée cach tay tién, tay ¥ Spontaneously | adv | /spon'temiasli/ | mét cdch tye phat 43 | Satisfactory a | /setis'fektari/ | vira ling, théa man Scholarship n /'skolofip/ | hoc bong 44 | Scholar n /'skolar/ | hoc gid Schooling a ['sku:ln/ _| sw gido duc 6 nha treéng 45 | Severity n /stverati/ _| tinh nghiém trong 46 | Smoothly adv ['smu:dli/ __ | mot cach troi chay 47 | State school np /'stert sku:l/ | trréng céng lap 48 | Supervision n /su:pa'vizan/ | su gidm sat ~ | 49 | Vocational a Jvaukexfanal/ | ngh® nghiép; hong nghiép 50 | Woefully adv ['wavtali/ | mét cach budn ba STT Cau tric Nghia 1 | Asbold as brass: mat day may dan, tro trdo nhur gdo mic dau - 2__ | Ask sb for permission xin phép ai dé TOPIC 2+ EDUCATION | 47 [sTT Cau trite Nghia 3 | Be (all) the rage: mét/thinh hanh vao m6t thor diém nao dé [ 4 | Beon cloud nine = be dancing in the streets = be floating on air = be full of the joys of spring = be in seventh heaven = walk on air: v6 cing hanh phtic | Do sb good lam loi cho ai, lam diéu tét cho ai 5 | Dosb harm lam hai ai Do better = make progress tién bd Do bird otw Go heavy on st str dung nhiéu cai gi Hold one’s head up high: ngding cao dau, tw tin In terms of xét vB, xét vi g | ’s no use/no good doing st= There is no point in doing st= It’s not worth doing st : v6 ich/khéng déng khi lam gi a6 10 |Join hands = work together chung tay, chung site 11. | Know one’s own mind: biét minh muén gi/ciin gi 12 | Lend a helping hand = give a hand = help/assist: hé tro, gitip do 13 | Make a move roi di 14 | Make an effort to do st = try/attempt to do st: c6 gdng lam gi 15 | Make headway = make progress: cé tién b6, 6 chuyén bién | 16 | Make room/way for don ché, nhuéng ché cho | 47 | Make use of = make capital out of _| tan dung 18 | On the spot = immediately = at once | ngay lp tite 19 | On the whole = in general hin chung 20 | Pat oneself on the back = praise oneself: khen nggi ban than 21 | Play truant chén hoc 22 | Putinto force/effect bat budc, bat dau dp dung 23 | Rely on = depend on phu thuge vao 24 | Stand in for thay thé, dai dién cho 25, | Take sb aback Iam cho ai 6 ngac nhién/soc 26 | Take sb back to = bring sb back __ | goi nhé kinigm 27 | Under pressure chiu dp luce 48 | SIT Cau trie Nehia 28 | With a view to doing st = in order to/so as to/to do st = so that + clause: dé ma 29 | With/in reference to 6 lién quan téi — PRACTICE EXERCISES }) Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. compulsory _B. secondary C. separate D. fee-paying Question 2: A. curriculum — B. academic independent —_D. education Question 3: A. parallel B.challenging —C. nursery D. vocational Question 4: A. analytical B. scholarship _C. doctorate D. category Question 5: A. degree B. further C. critical D. bachelor Question 6: A. qualification B. certificate C.experience respective Question 7: A. apply B. master C.achieve D. require Question 8: A. part-time _B. roommate C. timetable D. cloud-based Question 9: A. tuition B. residence C. specialize D. admission Question 10: A. partnership B. kindergarten _C. undergraduate. standardize Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 11:A. passion —B. institution _—_C. revision D. profession Question 12: A. overseas B. pursues C.volunteers _D. develops Question 13: A. essential _B. potential C. material D, substantial Question 14: A. primary _B. primitive primordial —_D. primal Question 15: A. courses B. choices C. manages D. appreciates Question 16: A. appreciate B. psychology C. programme _. prospect Question 17: A. process _B. progress C. proceed D. prosper Question 18: A. computer _B. university C. culture D. uniform Question 19: A. access B. analyze C. target D. academy Question 20: A. equipped —_B. consulted ©. shocked D. focused TOPIC2+ EDUCATION | 49 Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 21: My Math teacher is the one who is the most __. of the staff in the school. A. respectable B. respected C. respective D. respectful Question 22: | still keep wondering if | was doing the right thing when I asked my father for permission to leave school. Ava B.an C. the D.O Question 23: The boy was punished for playing __.... from his physics lessons. A.truant B. runaway C, absent D. joyride Question 24: The students in the nursing department are female. A. restrictively B. predominantly —_C. arbitrarily D. spontaneously Question 25: Education in England puts ___ force for children from 9 to 16 years old. A. into Bon Coff D. through Question 26: Students who study far from home often have problems with... A.recommendation B. mortgage C. campus D. accommodation Question 27: She took a course in fine arts __ starting her own business in interior design. A, with a view to B. in terms of C. in order to D. with reference to Question 28: The university administrations are introducing new measures to that the enrolment process runs smoothly. A. maintain B. improve C. facilitate D. ensure Question 29: The school was closed for a month because of serious _of fever. A. outcome B. outburst C. outbreak D. outset Question 30: Students are not allowed to handle these chemicals unless they are under the of a teacher. A. supervision B, examination C. guidance D. assistance Question 31: Could you stand. for me and teach my English class tomorrow morning, John? A.up B.in C. out D. down Question 32: “How was your exam?” “A couple of questions were tricky, but on the it was pretty easy.” A. spot B. general Chand D. whole so | Question 33: If you practice regularly, you can learn this language skill in short _of time. A. period B. phrase C. span D. stage Question 34: Points will be added to the Entrance Examination scores for those who hold an excellent high school — A. degree B. certificate C. diploma D. qualification Question 35: Higher education is very important to national economies, and itis also a source of trained and. personnel for the whole country. A.educated B. educational C. educative D. uneducated Question 36: Mr Brown has kindly agreed to spare us some of his time to answer our questions. A. valuable B. worthy C. costly D. beneficial Question 37: A university degree is considered to be a for entry into most professions. A. demand B. requisite C.claim D. request Question 38: Many people object to using physical in dealing with discipline problems at school. A. violence B. penalty €. punishment D. sentence Question 39: " _.... violence has recently increased not only in quantity, but also in severity’, said educational experts. A, Schooling B. Scholar C. Scholarship D. School Question 40; It’s necessary for students to listen to their teacher A. attend B. attentive C.attentively D. attention Question 41: My mother - _ me against staying late at night to prepare for exams ‘A.warned B.recommended —_. reprimanded D. encouraged Question 42: After a momentary —. of concentration, Simon managed to regain his focus and completed the test. A. lapse B. fault C failure D. error Question 43: At the... level, you can join three-year or four-year colleges A. primary B. secondary C. postgraduate D. undergraduate Question 44: A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants... degrees at all levels in a variety of subjects. A. secondary B. optional C.academic D. vocational TOPIC 2* EDUCATION | 51 Question 45: It's my .............. ceremony next week; I think my parents are looking forward to it more than Iam. A. graduation B. graduate C. graduating D. graduates Question 46: Going to university is expensive because in addition to the tuition , there are expenses for accommodation, books, living costs, etc. A. grants B. fees C fares D, scholarships Question 47: I did six hours of for the test, but I still failed. A. education B, survey G. revision D. training Question 48: Tom broke the school rules so many times that the headmistress finally had no alternative but to him. A. expel B. deport C. eject D. exile Question 49: The children’s bad behavior in class _.... their teacher beyond endurance, A. disturbed B, distracted C. aroused D. exasperated Question 50: Helen's parents were very pleased when they read her school... A. papers B. report C. diploma D. account Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 51: Educators are complaining that students rely on social media so much that they lose the ability to think critically. A. insist on B, appear on C. depend on D, decide on Question 52: The student service centre will try their best to assist students in finding a suitable part-time job. A, join hands B. lend a helping hand C. make an effort D. make a move Question 53: My sister is a very diligent student. She works very hard at every subject. A. clever B. practical C studious D. helpful Question 54: Overseas students should make use of the aids of the tutors and lecturers. ‘A. make capital out of B. make room for C. go heavy on D. make headway Question 55: She was a devoted teacher. She spent most of her time teaching and taking care of her students. A. polite B. precious C. honest D. dedicated 52 | Question 56: Thanks to her father’s encouragement, she has made progress in her study. A. done better B. done good C. done harm D. done bird Question 57: With what my parents prepare for me in terms of education, | am confident about my future. A. hold my head up high B, amas bold as brass C. amall the rage D. know my own mind Question 58: Tertiary education normally provides undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training. A.Intermediate _B. Primary C. Secondary D. Higher Question 59: There is no point in going to school if you're not willing to learn. A. It is no good B, There is no use C. There is not worth D. There is useless Question 60: The smell of floor polish still brings back memories of my old school. A. takes aback B.takesbackto —_C. reminds of D, takes apart Question 61: An academic year is a period of time which schools, colleges and universities use to measure a quantity of study. A. A school day B.Achallengingtime C.Aschool year —_‘D. Agap year Question 62: If the examiner can’t make sense of what your essay is about, you'll get the low mark. A. declare B. estimate C.communicate understand Question 63: Some students only cram for tests when there is little time left, so their results are not satisfactory. A. prepare in a short period B. prepare in a long time C. prepare well D. prepare badly Question 64: The needs of gifted children in schools have long been woefully neglected. A. delightedly B. dolefully C. pathetically D. idly Question 65: Social differences tend to be augmented when private and state schools exist side by side. A. debated B. raised C.supplemented arisen Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 66: The way the care-taker treated those little children was deplorable. She must be punished for what she did. A. respectable B. acceptable C. mischievous D. satisfactory TOPIC 2+ EDUCATION | 53 Question 67: You should pat yourself on the back for having achieved such a high score in the graduation exam. A. praise yourself B. criticize yourself C.check up your back D. wear a backpack Question 68: All children can attend without paying fees at state school A. high schools B. primary schools C. independent schools D. secondary schools Question 69: The first few daysatuniversity can be very daunting, butwith determination and positive attitude, freshmen will soon fit in with the new environment. A. interesting B, memorable C serious D. depressing Question 70; John's decision to drop out of university to go to a vocational school drove his mother up the wall. She thought that it is really a stupid decision. A. made his mother pleased B. made his mother angry C. made his mother worried D. made his mother ashamed Question 71: Our teacher encourages us to use a dictionary whenever we are unsure of the meaning of a word. A. stimulates B, motivates C discourages D. animates Question 72: School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools. A. obligatory B. optional C. mandatory D. imperative Question 73: In this writing test, candidates will not be penalized for minor mechanical mistakes. A. punished B. rewarded C. motivated D. discouraged Question 74: This boy is poorly-educated and doesn't know how to behave properly. A. ignorant B. uneducated C. knowledgeable D. rude Question 75: Judy has just won a full scholarship to one of the most prestigious universities in the country; she must be on cloud nine now. A. extremely panicked B. obviously delighted C. incredibly optimistic D. desperately sad Question 76: Today students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectations from their parents and teachers. A. nervousness B. emotion C. stress D. relaxation Question 77: She started the course two months ago but dropped out after only a month. A. gave up B. went on C. gave out D.used up Question 78: Most of the students in our country are interested in pursuing higher education to get bachelor’s degrees. A. following B. giving up C.trying D. interrupting sa | Question 79: The majority of children in my village go to the boarding school and see their parents at the weekends. ‘ A. maximum B, minimum C. ethnicity D. minority Question 80: I think it’s impossible to abolish school examinations. They are necessary to evaluate students’ progress. A. stop B. extinguish C.continue D. organize Exercise 6: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 81 to 85. What is a gifted child? There are different ways to define this term. It may refer to special talents in the arts or to a high level of academic abilities. A child may be gifted in one (81) area, such as music, or have talents in many areas. According to the U.S. National Association for Gifted Children, a gifted child shows an “exceptional level of performance” in one or more areas. In general usage, giftedness includes high levels of cognitive ability, motivation, inquisitiveness, creativity, and leadership. Gifted children (82)... approximately 3 to 5 percent of the school-aged population Although giftedness cannot be assessed by an intelligence test alone, these tests are often used to indicate giftedness. (83) » giftedness begins at an IQ of 115, or about one in six children. Highly gifted children have IQs over 145, or about one in a thousand children, Profoundly gifted children have IQs over 180, or about one in a million children, Because very few education programs include any courses on teaching the gifted, teachers are often not able to recognize the profoundly gifted. Teachers are more likely to recognize moderately gifted children because they are ahead of the other children but not so far ahead as to be unrecognizable. For instance, children who can read older children's books in first and second grade are often transferred into gifted classes, but children (84) ...._...._.....are reading adult books are told to stop reading them. Those profoundly gifted students who are not recognized often turn into discipline problems when they are not offered (85) ways to focus their extraordinary creativity. (Adapted from “Essential Words for the IELTS" by Dr. Lin Lougheed) Question 81: A. particular —_B. general C different D. indistinct Question 82: A.accountof B.accountinto C. account for —_D. account about Question 83:A.However B.Byandlarge C. In addition _D. On the contrary Question 84: A. whom B. which C. what D. who Question 85: A. construction B. constructive C.construct —_D. constructing TOPIC 2+ EDUCATION | 55 Exercise 7: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 86 to 93. There are three basic types of classroom learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. These learning styles describe the most common ways that people learn. Individuals tend to instinctively prefer one style over the others; thus each person has a learning style that is dominant even though he or she may also rely somewhat on the other approaches at different times and in different circumstances Visual learners prefer to sit somewhere in the classroom where no obstructions hinder their view of the lesson. They rely on the teacher's facial expressions and body language to aid their learning. They learn best from a blend of visual displays and presentations such as colorful videos, diagrams, and flip-charts. Often, these learners think in pictures and may even close their eyes to visualize or remember something. When they are bored, they look around for something to watch. Many visual learners lack confidence in their auditory memory skills and so may take detailed notes during classroom discussions and lectures Auditory learners sit where they can hear well. They enjoy listening and talking, so discussions and verbal lectures stimulate them. Listening to what others have to say and then talking the subject through helps them process new information. These learners may be heard reading to themselves out loud because they can absorb written information better in this way. Sounding out spelling words, reciting mathematical theories, or talking their way across a map are examples of the types of activities that improve their understanding. Kinesthetic learners may find it difficult to sit still in a conventional classroom. They need to be physically active and take frequent breaks. When they are bored, they fidget in their seats. They prefer to sit someplace where there is room to move about. They benefit from manipulating materials and learn best when classroom subjects such as math, science, and reading are processed through hands-on experiences. Incorporating arts-and-crafts activities, building projects, and sports into lessons helps kinesthetic learners process new information. Physical expressions of encouragement, such as a pat on the back, are often appreciated. In addition to these traditional ways of describing learning styles, educators have identified other ways some students prefer to learn. Verbal learners, for example, enjoy using words, both written and spoken. Logical learners are strong in the areas of logic and reasoning. Social learners do best when working in groups, whereas solitary learners prefer to work alone. Research shows that each of these learning styles, as well as the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic styles, uses different parts of the brain. Students may prefer to focus on just one style, but practicing other styles involves more of the brain’s potential and therefore helps students remember more of what they learn. (Adapted from Essential words for the IELTS by Dr. Lin Lougheed) 56 | Question 86: What topic does the passage mainly discuss? A, Fundamental kinds of learning approaches B, Different classrooms for different learner groups C. The most common way to learn D. Basic classrooms for individuals Question 87: The word “dominant” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to A. successful B. foremost C. familiar D. distinctive Question 88: According to the second paragraph, visual learners A. have a preference for sitting at the backs of the classrooms. B, must keep an eye on the pictures to memorize the content of the lessons. C.are easy to get fed up with the lessons. D. are not confident in remembering what they have listened. Question 89: The word “blend” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by A. division B.list C. mixture D, separation Question 90: What does the word “them” in paragraph 3 refer to? A. auditory learners B. discussions C.verballectures _D. others Question 91: Which of the following is NOT true about auditory learners? A. They get information and the content of the lecturers aurally and orally. B. Reciting the lessons aloud is an effective way to understand the subjects. C. They always fidget when they are indifferent to the lectures. D. They merely learn well when they are able to listen to the lessons clearly. Question 92: The following are suggested methods to attract kinesthetic learners, EXCEPT - A. merging arts-and-crafts activities B. integrating projects and sports into the lessons C. stimulating them by physical expressions D. isolating them in a customary classroom Question 93: What did the author suggest learners in order to keep in their mind what they learnt in the last paragraph? A. Practicing merely one style of learning to make the brain work more effectively. B, Using variety of learning methods to increase the potential of their brain. C. Using both written and spoken words to improve their logical thoughts. D. Identifying the most suitable learning style themselves. TOPIC 2+ EDUCATION | 57 sTT | Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an TRONG AM ‘A. compulsory /kam'palsari/ (a): bat budc (tir nay cé trong am roi vao dm tiét th hai. Vi theo quy tac duéi -y lam trong am dich chuyén ba dm tinh tir cudi lén.) B, secondary /‘sekandri/ (a): thi yéu, thi nhi (tir ndy cé trong am roi vao Gm tiét thir nhdt, Vi theo quy téc néu tdt cd cdc dm ma ngdin hét thi trong dm roi vao am tiét dau.) C. separate /‘separat/ (v): tdch ra (tir nay cé trong am roi vao dm tiét the nhdt. Vi theo quy tdc duéi -ate lam trong am dich chuyén ba am tinh tie cuét len.) D. fee-paying /fizperm/ (a): tré phi (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao am tiét thi nhdit. Vi theo quy téc tinh tir ghép ma danh tir ding truréc thi trong dm roi vao dm tiét dau.) ~ Dap 4n A cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét thit hai, cc phuong 4n cdn lai c6 trong am roi vao 4m tiét thir nhat. A.curi ulum/ke'rtkjalem/ (n): chwong trinh hoc (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thi hai. Vi theo quy tdc trong dm khéng roi vao am /2/) B. academic /,ka'demik/ (a): hoc thudt (tir nay cé trong am roi vao Gm tiét thir ba. Vi theo quy tdc dudi -ic lam trong am roi vao truéc am 46.) C. independent /,ndr'pendant/ (a): déc Idp (tir nay cé trong dm roi vdo dm tiét thit ba. Vi theo quy tic ti8n 6 in- va hdu td -ent khéng anh hueéng dén trong dm ctia tt va trong dm roi thuéng roi vao phan dm cudi khi nd két thiic tir hai phy dm tré Ién.) D. education /,ed3u'kerfan/ (n): sw gido duc (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir ba. Vi theo quy tdc dudi -ion lam trong dm roi vao truéc dm d6.) ~ Dp 4n A cé trong m roi vao am tiét thté hai, cc phuong an con lai cé trong am roi vao am tiét thit ba. 58 | SsTT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap 4n A. parallel /‘peeralel/ (a): song song (tit nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy tdc néu tat cd cdc dm ma ngén hét thi trong m roi vao dm tiét dau.) B, challenging/'t{zelidi/(a): thir thach (tie nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thit nhdt. Vi theo quy tic dudi -ing khéng anh huréng dén trong dm cia tir va néu tat cd cdc dm md ngén hét thi trong Gm roi vao Gm tiét dau.) C. nursery /‘ns:sari/(n); nhd tré (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thit nhdt. Vi theo quy tdc dudi -y lam trong am dich chuyén ba am tinh tir cudi lén.) D. vocational /vau'kerfanal/ (a): (thudc vé) nghé nghiép, day nghé (tie nay c6 trong am roi vao dm tiét thi hai. Vi theo quy tdéc dui -al khéng anh huéng dén trong dm cuia tir va dudi -ion lam trong am roi vao truréc am dé.) > Dap 4n D cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét thi hai, céc phuong én con lai c6 trong Am roi vao am tiét thir nhat. A. analytical / zena'itikal/ (a): (thudc) phan tich (tir nay 06 trong am roi vdo dm tiét thi ba. Vi theo quy téc dudi ~al khéng énh huéng dén trong am ciia tt va dudi -ic lam trong am roi vao truéc am a6.) B, scholarship/'skolafip/ (n): hoc béng (tir nay cé trong am roi vao dm tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy tic dudi -ship khéng anh hwéng dén trong dm ciia tir va néu tt cd cdc dm ma ngdn hét thi trong dm roi vao dm tiét dau.) C. doctorate /'doktarat/ (n): hoc vi tién sf (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thit nhdt. Vi theo quy téc dudi ~ate lam trong am dich chuyén ba dm tinh ttr cudi lén.) D. category /‘kaetagri/ (n): loai (tir nay c6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét thi nhdt. Vi theo quy tdc néu téit cd cdc dm ma ngdn hét thi trong am roi vdo dm tiét dau.) ~ Dap dn A cé trong Am roi vao am tiét thir ba, cdc phwong an con lai cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir nhat. A. degree /dr'grit/ (n): bang cdp (tir nay cé trong am roi vao dm tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy tdc dudi ~ee nhdn trong dm.) B. further /‘fs:0ar/ (a): nhiéu hon (tir ndy cd trong dm roi vao dm tiét thit nhdt. Vi theo quy téc trong dm khéng roi vao am /a/.) TOPIC 2+KEYS | 59 Giai thich chi tiét dap an © critical /‘kritikol/ (a): ddng chi trich (tir nay c6 trong am roi vao dm tiét thi nhét. Vi theo quy téc duéi al khong dnh huéng dén trong dm cilia tie va duéi ~ic lam trong am roi vao truéc am dé.) D. bachelor /‘bxtfalor/ (n): nguéi dan dng déc than (tir nay cb trong am roi vao dm tiét thit nhdt. Vi theo quy téc trong am khéng roi vao am /a/) > Dap 4n A cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét thit hai, céc phuong 4n cdn lai cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét tht nhat. A. qualification /kwolfi'kerfan/ (n): trinh d6 (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir tu. Vi theo quy tééc dudi -ion lam trong dm roi vao truéc am dé.) B. certificate /sa'tifikat/ (n): bang cép (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm ti&t th hai. Vi theo quy tdc dudi ~ate lam trong am dich chuyén ba dm tinh tte cudi lén,) C. experience /1k'sprarians/ (n): kinh nghiém (tir ndy c6 trong am roi vado dm tiét thir hai. Vi theo quy téc dudi -ce lam trong dm dich chuyén ba dm tinh tir cudi Ién.) D. respective /r1'spektiv/ (a): tong xting (tir nay cé trong 4m roi vao dm tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy tic dudi -ive lam trong dm roi vao dm tiét truéc dm a6.) ~ Dap 4n A cé trong am roi vao Am tiét thit tu, cdc phuong An cén lai c6 trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir hai, A. apply /o'plai/(v): xin vao, itng tuyén (tir ndy c6 trong am roi vo dm tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy téc trong am khong roi vao am /a/.) B. master /'ma:star/ (a): thanh thao (tir nay c6 trong dm roi vao Gm tiét thit nhdt. Vi theo quy téic trong am khOng roi vao am /a/.) C.achieve /a'tfi:v/ (v): dat duoc (tir nay 06 trong am roi vao am tiét thit hai, Vi theo quy téc trong dm khéng roi vao am /a/,) D. require /r’kwator/ (v): doi hoi, yéu ctu (tir nay c6 trong dm roi vao 4m tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy tic trong dm roi vao nguyén am ai /ai/) > Dp dn B cé trong Am rei vao am tiét tht nhat, céc phuong an con lai cé trong Am roi vao Am tiét tht hai STT | Dap an 6 A | 7 B 8 A A. part-time /p vdo dm tiét thit hai, B. roommate /‘ru:mmert/ (n): ban cing phéng (tir ndy c6 trong am roi vao dm tiét thit nhdtt. Vi theo quy tac danh tir ghép thi trong Gm roi vao dm tiét thik nhat.) aim/ (a): bdn thdi gian (tir ndy cé trong am roi 60 | STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an C. timetable /‘tam,terbal/ (n): thdi gian biéu (tir nay c6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét thit nhdt. Vi theo quy tc danh tir ghép thi trong am roi vio dm tiét thir nhat.) D. cloud-based /"klaudberst/ (a): (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir nhat.) > Dap an A cé trong am roi vao am tiét thit hai, cdc phuong an con lai cé trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét thir nhat. A. tuition /‘tu:an/ (n): hoc pht (tir nay c6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy téc trong dm wu tién roi vao nguyén dm dai /u:/.) B. residence /‘rezidens/ (n): khu dan cur (tit nay 6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét thit nhdit. Vi theo quy tdic duéi -ce lam trong 4m dich chuyén ba dm tinh ti cudi Ién.) C. specialize /'spefalarz/ (v): chuyén mén héa (tir nay cé trong am roi vao dm tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy tic duéi -ize lam trong am dich chuyén ba dm tinh tir cuéi lén.) D, admission /ad'mifan/ (n): sur thita nhGn, sur nhdn vao (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy téc duéi ion lam trong 4m roi vao truéc dm d6.) + Dap 4n D c6 trong Am roi vao Am tiét thtt hai, cc phong n con lai C6 trong Am roi vao Am tiét thir nhat. 10 A. partnership /‘pa:tnafip/ (n): sw céng tac (ti nay cé trong dm roi vdo dm tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy téc hau t6 -ship va -er khéng anh huéng dén trong dm cita tte) B. kindergarten /‘kmdaga:tan/ (n): tréng mdu gido (ti nay cd trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir nhat. C. undergraduate /,ando'graedzuat/ (n): ngwdi chwa t6t nghiép (tir ndy cé trong dm roi vdo dm tiét thit ba. Vi theo quy tc tién té under- khéng anh huréng dén trong am cia tir va quy tic dudi -ate lam trong dm dich chuyén ba dm tinh tir cudi Ién.) D. standardize /'stenda-darz/ (v): tiéu chudn héa (tir nay 6 trong Gm roi vao dm tiét thir nhat. Vi theo quy tdc dudi -ize lam trong dm dich chuyén ba dm tinh tir cuéi lén.) ~ Dap an C cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir ba, c4c phuong an con lai cé trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét thir nhat. TOPIC2+KEYS | 61 STT | Dap 4n Giai thich chi tiét dap an PHAT AM 11 | Cc |A.passion/‘peefon/ C. revision /rr'vigan/ B. institution/,nstr'tfiurfan/ | D. profession/pra'fefan/ 12 | D_ | Avoverseas /,avva'si C. volunteers/,volen'tiarz/ | B. pursues/pa'sju:z/ D. develops/dr'velaps/ 13 Cc |A-essential /i'senfal/ C. material /mo'tiarial/ | B. potential /pa'tenfal/ D. substantial /sab'steenfal/ 14 B A. primary /‘praimari/ C. primordial /prar'mo:dial/ B. primitive/‘primitrv/ D. primal/‘pratmal/ 15 D | A.courses/ko:siz/ C. manages /'meenid3iz/ B. choices/t{1siz/ D. appreciates/a'prisfierts/ 16 B_ | A. appreciate /o'pri:fiert/ C. programme/'praugrem/ | B, psychology /sar'koladgi/ _| D. prospect/‘prospekt/ 17 | D_ |A.process /'prauses/ C. proceed/prav'si:d/ | B. progress/'praugres/ D. prosper/‘prospar/ 18 | € | A.computer/kam'pju:tar/ | C. culture /‘kaltfor/ B. university /juznr'va:sati/ D. uniform/‘ju:nifo:m/ 19 C | Avaccess/'zkses/ C. target /'tazgrt/ | B. analyze/‘zenolatz/ D. academy /a‘kaedomi/ 20 | B_ |A.equipped /’kwipt/ C. shocked/fokt/ B. consulted /kan'saltid/ D. focused/‘faukast/ TU’ VUNG 21 | A |A.respectable /rr'spektabl/ (a): ddng kinh, déng ton trong B. respected /rr'spektid/ (a): durgc tn trong, kinh trong | C. respective /rr'spektiv/ (a): riéng tirng cdi; twong ving | D. respectful /rr'spektfl/ (a): [8 phép, kinh cdn | Tam dich: Gido vién day Todn cia t6i la mét trong nhikng nguéi déng | kinh nhdt trong cdc nhdn vién trong trvéng. 22 | D__ | Permission/pa'mifn/ (n): sw cho phép Permission la mét danh tly tru trong nén khéng ding mao tix. | Tam dich: Téi van cir ty héi ligu t6i cé dang lam diing khi xin bé toi cho phép nghi hoc. SsTT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 23 A, truant /‘tru:ant/ (n/a): dita bé trén hoc/ léu léng B. runaway /'ranawer/ (n/a): ngwoi bé trén/ chay trén C. absent /‘zbsont/ (a): vang mat D. joyride /‘dgorraid/ (in): cudc di choi lén hit Cum tir ¢é dinh: play truant: erén hoc Tam dich: Cau bé bi phat béi da trén tiét Va 24 A. restrictively /ri'striktivli/ (adv): m6t cdch han ché B. predominantly /pri'dommantli/ (adv): phéin Ién, chii yeu C. arbitrarily /,a:br'trerali/ (adv): tuy tién, ngdu nhién D. spontaneously /spon'temiasli/ (adv): thanh thodt, tur nhién, khdng go bd. Tam dich: Sinh vién trong khoa diéu dueéng phéin I6n Ia nit 25 Cum tir c6 dinh: put into force : bdt bude Tam dich: Gido duc ld bit budc déi v6i tré tir 9 dén 16 tudi. 26 ‘A. recommendation /,rekamen’deifn/ (n): thu gi6i thiéu, oi dé cir B. mortgage /'mo:gid3/ (n): tin thé chéip C. campus /'kaempas/ (n): khu san bai (cita truéng trung hoc, dai hoc) D. accommodation /akoma'deifn/ (n): ché dn 6, ché tro Tam dich: Sinh vién hoc xa nha thuedng 6 véin dé v8 vide ché 6. 27 ‘A.with a view to + V-ing: véi muc dich lam gi B. in terms of: xét vé mat C.in order to = so as to + V(bare): dé ma D, with reference to: v8, déi véi (vin dé gi) Tam djch: C6 da tham gia mét khéa hoc My thud v6i muc dich bat dau viéc kinh doanh riéng cia minh trong thiét ké ndi that. 28 ‘A. maintain /mei'tem/ (v): duy tri B. improve /tm'pru:v/ (v): trau doi G. facilitate /fo'sthttett/ (v): Idm cho thudn tién, dé dang D. ensure /in'fua(r)/ (v): dém bdo Tam dich: Cac co quan quén ly trudng dai hoc dang gi6i thiéu cdc bién phdp méi dé dam béo réng qué trinh tuyén sinh dién ra tron tru 29 ‘A. outcome /‘autkam/ (n): hu qud B, outburst /‘autba:st/ (n): su bilng lita, con gidn C. outbreak /‘autbreik/ (n): sw bing né (dich bénh, chién tranh,...) D. outset /‘autset/ (1): su khdi dau Tam dich: Truong hoc da déng cita mét thang vi sw bing né nghiém trong ctia dich sét. TOPIC2+KEYS | 63 STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 30 ‘A. supervision /,su:po'vign/ (n): sir trong nom, gidm sat B. examination /1g,z drove his mother up the wall: khién me phién long Xét cdc dp An: A. made his mother pleased: khién me hai long, vui vé B. made his mother angry: khién me titc gidin C. made his mother worried: khién me lo lng D, made his mother ashamed: khién me thdy xdiu hé TOPIC2+KEYS | 71 STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 71 Tam dich: C6 gido ching toi khuyén khich ching t6i str dung tir dién bait cit khi ndo chting t6i khéng chdc chdn vé nghia ctia tit. ~ encourages /in'kardgiz/: khuyén khich Xét cdc dap dn: A. stimulates /'stimjaleits/: khich déng, khuyén khich B. motivates /'mautiveits/: thuic ddy C. discourages /di'skaridgiz/: lam ndn chi, ngdn can D. animates /‘ena,merts/: 6 vii, lam phdn khoi 72 Tam dich: Mac dng phuc Id bat budc & hau hét cdc tréng hoc Viét Nam. ~ compulsory /kam'palsari/(a): bat budc Xét cdc dap an: A. obligatory /a'bligatari/(a): bdt bude B, optional /‘vpfanal/(a): ty y, khéng bat buéc C. mandatory /'maendatari/(a): 06 tinh bdt bude D. imperative /im'peratiy/(a): céip bach, bdt buéc 73 Tam dich: Trong bai thi viét nay, thi sinh sé khéng bj phat vé nhieng I6i nhé. ~ penalized /‘pinalarzd/: phat Xét cde dap an: A, punished /'panyft/: phat B, rewarded /ri'wo:did/: thuéng C. motivated /‘mautivertid/: thiic ddy D. discouraged /di'skaridgd/: ngdin céin, ndn chi 74 Tam dich: Cau bé nay thiéu gido duc va khong biét cw xtt ding dan. > poorly-educated: thiéu gido duc Xét cdc dap an: A. ignorant /‘ignarant/(a): ngu dét B. uneducated /an'edzukertid/(a): khong duoc day d6/ gido duc C. knowledgeable /‘nolidgabal/(a): am hiéu, thanh thao D. rude /ru:d/(a): thé 16 75 Tam dich: Judy viea gidnh durgc hoc béng todn phiin ciia mt trong nhitng truong dai hoc danh gid nhdt 6 trong nuéc; c6 dy chdc gié dang cure ki vui swéng. = on cloud nine: ciec ki vui suéng STT | Dap dn Giai thich dap an Xét cdc dap an: A. extemely panicked: cy ki hoang mang B. extremaly delighted: cw ki vui vé C. incredibly optimistic: vé cing lac quan D. desperately sad: vé ciing budn ba 76 | D__ | Tam dich: Ngay nay, hoe sinh chiu rét nhiéu dp lec tir ki vong cao ciia | bd me va thay c6, > pressure /'prefar/(n): dp lec | Xét cdc dap an: A. nervousness /‘ns:vasnas/(a): su lo Iéng B. emotion /1'maufan/(n): sw cdm déng C. stress /stres/(n): dp luc, cting théng D. relaxation /,rislek’serfon/(n): su nghi ngoi 17 B | Tam dich: C6 dy bat dau khéa hoc nay tr hai thang truéc nhung cé dy da bé chi sau mét thang. ~ dropped out: bé, nghi Xét cdc dap an: A. gave up: tir bd B. went on: tiép tuc C. gave out: chia ra, téa ra D. used up: can kigt 78 B | Tam dich: Hiu hét hoc sinh & dat nwéc chiing t6i throng hitng thi v6i viée theo hoc dai hoc dé ldy duoc tim béing cit nhan. pursuing: theo dudi Xét cdc dap An: | A. following: theo B. giving up: tir bd C. trying: cé gdng | D. interrupting: gidn doan, ngdt quang | 79 | D_ | Tam dich: Ba sé bon tré & qué tdi déu di hoc trurdng ni tra va chi gap bé me vao cuéi tudin. > majority /ma'dgprati/(n): da sé Xét cdc dap an: A. maximum /'maekstmam/(n): t6i da B. minimum /‘minimam/(n): t6i thiéu C. ethnicity /e0'nisiti/(n): dan tc D, minority /mar'norati/(n): thidu s6 TOPIC 2 «KEYS | 73 sTT | Dap én Giai thich chi tiét dap an 80 C | Tam dich: Téi nghi réng khéng thé bé cdc ki thi trong nha trwéng. Ching clin thiét dé dénh gid sy tién b6 cita hoc sinh. ~ abolish /a'boli{/(v): bai bé, x6a bé Xét cdc dap an: A. stop: dirng lai B. extinguish: ddp tdt, huy bé C. continue: tiép tuc D. organize: t6 chitc DOC DIEN 81 | A [A particular /pa'tikjalor/ (a): dae biée B. general /‘dgenaral/ (a): chung C. different /‘difarant/ (a): khéc nhau D, indistinct /,indr'stinkt/ (a): khéng ré rang, phdng phat, lo’ ma CAn ett vao nghia cia cau: “A child may be gifted in one (81) area, such as music, or have talents in many areas” (mét dita tré c6 1é 06 nding khiéu & mét linh vec dic biét, vidu nhw dm nhac hodc nhiéu linh vc khdc,) 82 C | Can ct vao nghia cia cau: “Gifted children (82) ........... approximately 3 to 5 percent of the school-aged population.” (nhiing dita tré cé nang khiéu chiém Khodng 3 dén 5% téng s6 hoc sinh trong d6 tuéi dén trwdng,) Ta c6 cum tir: account for: chiém/giai thich 83 B | A. However: tuy nhién B. By and large: nhin chung C. In addition: thém vao 6, ngodi ra D. On the contrary: ngugc lai Can ctr vao nghia cla cau: “Although giftedness cannot be assessed by an intelligence test alone, these tests are often used to indicate giftedness. (83) ; giftedness begins at an 1Q of 115, or about one in six children.” (Mac dit nding khiéu khéng thé dug dénh gid qua m6t bai kiém tra tri théng minh, nhwng nhiing bai kiém tra nhuw thé thurdng duoc str dung dé xc dinh nding khiéu. Nhin chung, nding khiéu sé c6 & nhiing dita tré c6 1Q tir 115, hodc khodng mét trong sdu dita tré”) 84] D_— | Ta thay dé thay thé cho tir “children” & phia trwéc thi trong 6 trong ta can mét dai tir quan hé thay thé cho danh tir chi ngudi va lam chit ngit. Tir 46, ta chon dai tir quan hé “who’. stT | Dap 4n Giai thich chi tiét dap an 85 | B_ | A.construction/ken'strakfan/ (n): su xdy dung B. constructive /kan'straktrv/ (a): (thudc) kién triic C. construct /kan'strakt/ (v): xdy dung D. constructing (V-ing) Ta c6 truéc danh tir “ways” ta cn mét tinh tir dé bé nghia. BOC HIEU 86 | A | oan van chi yéu thao ludn va chi dé gi? A. Cac thé loai ciia phuong php hoc tp co ban B. Cac 6p hoc khéc nhau cho cdc nhém ngudi hoc khac nhau C. Cch théng dung nhat dé hoc D. Céc lép hoc co ban cho mai c4 nhan Can cit vao théng tin doan 1: There are three basic types of classroom learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. These learning styles describe the most common ways that people learn. (C6 3 thé logi phong cach hoc tap co’ ban: bang thi giéc, thinh gide vi cdm gide van déng. Nhiing phwong phdp hoc tap nay mé td nhiing cach théng dung nhdt ma moi ngwoi ste dung dé hoc). 87 | B__ | Tw “dominant” trong doan dau gin nghia nhat véi tir A. thanh céng B. c6 wu thé, tét nhat C.tuong ty D. khdc nhau ‘Tir déng nghia: dominant (c6 wu thé, vurgt tréi) = foremost Individuals tend to instinctively prefer one style over the others; thus | each person has a learning style that is dominant even though he | or she may also rely somewhat on the other approaches at different times and in different circumstances. (M6i cd nhén theo ban nding ctia minh thi cé khuynh hueéng thich mot | phong cach hon han nhitng phong cach khdc; vi vay méi ngwéi cé mot phong cach hoc chiém wu thé nhat mac dit ngudi dé cing cé thé ding | céc phuong phdp khdc vao nhi¢ng thoi diém va trong nhitng hoan| cdnh khdc nhau.) TOPIC2+KEYS | 75 STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét d4p an 88 Theo doan van sé 2, nhimg ngwoi hoc qua thi gidc A. thich ng®i & day cudi phong hoc hon. B, phai chit ¥ vao bitc tranh dé ghi nhé ngi dung bai hoc. C. dé dang cdm thay chan nan véi bai hoc. D. khong ty tin trong viéc ghi nhé nhifng gi ma ho nghe duoc. Tir khéa: visual learners Visual learners prefer to sit somewhere in the classroom where no obstructions hinder their view of the lesson. They rely on the teacher's facial expressions and body language to aid their learning. They learn best from a blend of visual displays and presentations such as colorful videos, diagrams, and flip-charts. Often, these learners think in pictures and may even close their eyes to visualize or remember something. When they are bored, they look around for something to watch. Many visual learners lack confidence in their auditory memory skills and so may take detailed notes during classroom discussions and lectures. (Nhitng ngudi hoc bang thi gidc thich ngdi & nhitng vi tri trong lép hoc noi ma khéng vat cén tré che khudt ttim nhin ciia ho vao bai hoc. Ho dua vao céc biéu hién trén mat va ngén ngit hinh thé cia gido vién dé gitip cho viéc hoc ctia minh. Ho hgc tét nhdt khi c6 sw két hop gitea cdc thiét bj hién thj va ban trinh bay tre quan nhw cdc video cé mau sdc, so dd va biéu dé lat. Théng thong, ho suy nghi bang hinh dnh va tham chi cé thé nhém mat dé hinh dung hodc ghi nhé diéu gi a6. Khi ho thdy chén, ho nhin quanh tim kiém cdi gi d6 dé xem. Nhiéu ngudi hoc qua thi gidc thiéu ty tin trong ki nding ghi nhé bang thinh gidc va vi vay ho thuéng phdi ghi chép chi tiét nhiing thdo ludn trong lép hoc va bai gidng). 89 Tir “blend” trong doan 2 c6 thé dugc thay thé béi tir A. sy phan chia B. danh sch C. sy pha tron, két hop D. sy téch ra Tir déng nghia: blend (sy pha tron, két hop) = mixture They learn best from a blend of visual displays and presentations such as colorful videos, diagrams, and flip-charts. (Ho hoc tot nha khi cé sw két hop gitta cdc thiét bj hién thi va bén trinh bay trurc quan nhw cdc video c6 mau sic, so d8 va biéu db lat). 76 | STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 90 Tir “them” trong doan 3 dé cp dén tix n30? A. nhing ngwéi hoc bang thinh giac B. nhitng cuéc thao luan C. nhiing bai giang bang li néi D. nhiing ngwai khac Can ctf vao théng tin doan 3: Auditory learners sit where they can hear well. They enjoy listening and talking, so discussions and verbal lectures stimulate them. Listening to what others have to say and then talking the subject through helps them process new information. (Nhieng ngudi hoc bang thinh gidc thuéng ngdi 6 nhitng noi ma ho c6 | thé nghe rd. Ho thich nghe va néi, vi vay nhiéng cudc thdo ludn va cdc bai gidng bang 16i gay hing thi cho ho. Lang nghe nhitng gi ma nguoi Khdc ndi sau dé thdo ludn vé chti dé dé gitip ho tiép thu bai hoc méi). 91 Cau nao sau day la khéng diing vé ngudi hoc bing thinh gidc? A. Ho thudng tiép thu théng tin va ndi dung bai hoc bang tai va bing loi ndi. B, Doc to bai hgc 14 mdt cach rat hiéu qua dé hiéu vé mén hoc 46. C. Ho lu6n khéng thé ngai yén Khi ho theo véi bai giang. D. Ho chi hoc t6t khi ho cé thé lng nghe bai gidng mét cach ré rang. ‘Tir kha: not true/ auditory learners Can ctr vao théng tin doan 3: Auditory learners sit where they can hear well. They enjoy listening and talking, so discussions and verbal lectures stimulate them. Listening to what others have to say and then talking the subject through helps them process new information. These learners may be heard reading to themselves out loud because they can absorb written information better in this way. Sounding out spelling words, reciting mathematical theories, or talking their way across a map are | examples of the types of activities that improve their understanding, (Nhieng ngudi hoc bang thinh gidc thuéng ngbi & nhieng noi ma ho cé thé nghe ré, Ho thich nghe va néi, vi vay nhitng cuéc thdo ludn va cdc bdi gidng bang loi gay hitng thi cho ho. Lng nghe nhiing gi ma nguai khdc ndi sau dé thdo ludn vé chit dé dé gitip ho tiép thu bai hoc méi. Nhitng nguéi hoc nay cé thé nghe bing cach tw doc to bai hoc vi ho cé thé tiép thu ngi dung dugc viét ra tét hon theo cdch ndy. Phat dm cdc tir chinh td, doc cdc If thuyét todn hoc, hay néi theo cdch cita ho trén ban db la nhiing vi dy v8 céc hoat déng gitip cdi thién hiéu biét cia ho). TOPIC2+KEYS | 77 STT | Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 92 D__ | Nhing phuong phdp dui day la cdc goi y dé thu hit ngudi hoc qua cdm gidc van déng, ngoai triv A. két hop cdc hoat déng nghé thuat va thi cong B. lng ghép cdc dy an va thé thao vao trong bai hoc C. khuyén khich ho bang cac biéu hién vé thé chat D, tach ho khdi 1 1ép hoc théng thudng Tir khéa; methods to attract kinesthetic learners/ except j Cn cir vao théng tin doan 4: | Incorporating arts-and-crafts activities, building projects, and sports | into lessons helps kinesthetic learners process new information. Physical expressions of encouragement, such as a pat on the back, are often appreciated. (Két hop cdc hoat déng nghé thudt va thi cong, xdy dung cdc dw dn va thé thao vao trong bai hoc gitip cho nguoi hoc bang cm gidc van déng tiép thu cdc n6i dung mdi. Céc biéu hién khich Ié vé thé chat, nh la mét cdi v6 nhe vio lung, thudng dwg dénh gid cao). 93 B | Tac gid 4a d8 nghi nhimng ngw®i hoc lam gi dé ghi nho nhiing gi ho da hoc trong doan cuéi? A. Luyén tap duy nhat mét phong cach hoc t4p dé b6 nao lam viée higu qua hon. B, Sir dung da dang cdc phuong phap hoc tap dé lam tang tiém nang cilia b6 nao. C. Sir dung ca ng6n ngir néi va viét dé cai thién suy nghi logic cia ho. D. Tim ra mét phong cach hoc tap pha hgp nhat cho ho. ‘Tiv khéa: suggest/ keep in their mind what they learnt Can ctr théng in doan cudi: Students may prefer to focus on just one style, but practicing other styles involves more of the brain's potential and therefore helps students remember more of what they learn. (Hoc sinh c6 thé thich téip trung vao mét phong cach riéng, nhwng luyén tap cd nhitng phong | cdich kde sé lam tding tiém nding cita b6 ndo va nho' dé gitip ngudi hoc | ghi nhé nhiimg gi ho 4a hoc hon). 78 | TOPIC 3 URBANIZATION str] Tivung | Tirloai Phién am Nghia 1 [Abundant Jo'bandant/ | thira chai, nhiéu Abundance n Jo'bandans/ _| sw phong phi, thira thai 2 | Ambition n /em'bifn/ tham vong, hoai bao 3. | Apparent a Je'perant/ | rd rang, bé ngodi vé phia sau, chm phat 4 | Backward a /‘baekwad/ ee ae ae trién, lac hdu Comparison n /kom'perisn/ | swrso snh 5 | Compare /kom'peafr]/ | so sdinh, d6i chiéu Comparative /kom'perativ/ | trong déi | Congress n /'kongres/ | dai héi, Quéc h6i Congestion n /kon'dgest{n/ | su qua tai 7 | Counter- a /'kavntafr]- | dé thi hda ngwoc, phan dé urbanization mdastrislar'zerfan/ | thi héa g [Crime /kraim/ ti de, sw pham toi Criminal /'kriminl/ | c6 ¢6i, pham toi | 9 | Downward a ['daunwad/ | di xudng, gidm sit 10 | Dream a /dri:m/ wc mo Economic a thud kinh té Economical a /.ikke'nomikl/ | tiét kiém, kinh té 11 | Economist n /ikonamist/ | nha kinh hoc Economically adv /itka'nomikli/ | mée cdich tiét kiém, ve méit kinh té TOPIC 3+ URBANIZATION | 79 sTT| Tivyng = | Tirloai Phién am Nghia 42 | Expand v /ik'spaend/ trdi ra, mé réng Expanse n /ik'spens/ dai rong (dat), su mé réng 13 | Forward a /'f:wed/ tién vé phia truréc, tién b6 Hard a /na:d/ cing ran, siéng nding, vat va 14 | Harden v /ha:dn/ ldm cho cting, rén Hardship n /*ha:dJip/ sur gian khé 15 | Health n /hele/ strc khée 16 | Heath n /ni:0/ cdy thach nam 17 | Hostage n /‘hostidg/ con tin Immigrate v /‘imigreit/ nhdp cw Immigrant n /‘imigrant/ dan nhdp cw 18 | Migrate v /mai'greit/ di cur (tam thdi) Migrant n /'maigrant/ | ngudi di tr Emigrate v /‘emigreit/ di cur (vinh vin) Industry n /in'dastri/ nganh cong nghiép 1g | industrial a Jin'dastrial/ | thudc vé cong nghiép Industrious a Jin'dastrias/ | ciin cil, siéng nang Industrialization | a _| /m,dastriolar'zerfan/ | sw cong nghiép héa Inhabit v Jin'heebit/ 6, song 6 20 | Inhabitant n Jiwhebitant/ | nguoi 6, ngudi dan Habitat n [‘hebitet/ méi truéng séng, ché & 21 | Inner n /'inalr]/ bén trong, n6i bd, than can 22 | Intention n /in'tenJn/ |¥ dinh, sw c6y, c6 tinh Modern a /'mvdn/ hign dai, céin dai 23 | Modernization n /moda:nai'zeifn/ | sw hién dai héa | Modernize v /'mada:naiz/ —_| hién dai hoa 24 | Mortgage n /'mo:gid3/ sur cdim c6, thé chap 25 | Nearby adv /‘niabai/ gin, gain bén 26 | Occur v /o'ks:[r]/ xdy ra, xdy dén Occurrence n /a'karans/ sue xdy ra, sue cb 27 | Privileged a /'privalidgd/ | cb déic quyén STT| Tirvung | Tirloai Phién 4m Nghia 28 | Proportion n /pro'po:Sn/ tilé, sw twong xteng 29 | Recreation n /rekri'eifn/ tro tiéu khién Recreational a frekri'eifanl/ | c6 tinh chat gidi tri 30 | Rural a /'ruaral/ thudc néng thén 31 | Sector n /'sekta[r]/ Khu vec 32 | Slum n /slam/ nha 6 chudt 33 | Stealth n /stel0/ sue gidu giém, lén lit 34 | Suburban a /'saba:ban/ | éngoaid 35 | Tendency n /'tendonsi/ | xu hwéng, chiéu hung 36 | Upward a /'spwad/ ——_| hwéng lén Urbanization n /aibanai'zeifn/ | su dé thi ha 37 | Urbanize v /'s:banaiz/ 6 thi héa Urban a /'s:ban/ thuéc thanh thi, d6 thi Wage n /weids/ long (thwdng tré hang tuiin) 38 | Salary n /'seelori/ wong Pension n /'penfn/ lwong hu, tién tro céip Income n /‘inkam/ thu nhép 39 | Wealth n /weld/ sur gidu 06, cita cai he d6, bdi dd, bit 40 | Whereby adv Jwea'bai/ he d0, boi a6, bang cdich nao SIT Cau trac Nghia a (few) butterflies in the stomach: lo dng, bbn chon A dead loss: qué trinh hodic hoat déng khéng hodn toan thanh cong, hiéu qué Be based on dwa trén, dwa vao alolrte Be laced with st: dug tdm véi, due trén v6i cdi gi TOPIC3 + URBANIZATION | 81 STT Cau tric Nghia 5 | Be looked down on | bi coi thong 6 | Be outof touch khong bat kip thang tin 7 |Be used up due diing hét - | 8 [carry on=goon=keep on | tiép tuc 9 | Catch on = become popular | tré nén phd bién | 10 | compete with canh tranh voi - 11 | Contribute to = make a contribution to: gdp phiin vao 12 | Cope with = deal with Gi diiu v6i, xik If voi 13 | Get hold of the wrong end of the stick: hiéu nhiim 14 | Get rid of = remove Toai bé 15 | Go from strength to strength: cng ngdy cang tré:nén hiing manh hon 16 | In term of st xét vé mat, xét vé phwong dién 17 | keep a/the lid on st: kiém sodt mitc d6 ctia m8t cdi gi d6 dé ngdin chin né tang len 18 | Keep an eye out for = watch/look out for: dé mat dén, chii y dén, coi chieng 19 | Level off | chitng tai 20 | Make a living kiém sng 21 | Onamassive scale & quy mé lén 22 | Put the cat among the pigeons: lam cho moi ngudi tite gidn | 23 [Rely on phu thude vao 24 | Result in din dén, gay ra 25 | Settle down dink cur 26 | Stick to = concentrate on = focus on: tap trung vao 27 | Switch off khong tdp trung, nghi dén nhitng thie khéc 28 | The ins and outs chi tiét cu thé tir trong ra ngodi 29 | What beats me diéu lam t6i khd hiéu 82 | Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. urbanize B. illustrate C. important BD. interest Question 2:A. conclusion —_B. engaged C familiar D. overload Question 3: A. advantage BB. presentation © C.recommend _D. economic Question 4: A. gradually B, apparent C. benefit D. generate Question 5: A. migrant B. access G result D. social Question 6: A. statistics B. generate C.surrounding —_D. congestion Question 7: A. measure B. product C. massive D. increase Question 8: A. develop B.agriculture —C.proportion _D.. facility Question 9: A.standard —_B, various C. resource D. migrate Question 10: A. industry _B. populate C. emission D. summarize Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 11: A. definite B, demand C. present D. content Question 12: A. fixed B. provided C. related D. naked Question 13: A. mention —_B. confusion C.presentation —_D. nation Question 14: A. introduce _B. opportunity C. population D. information Question 15: A. expand B. regard C. inhabitant D. traffic Question 16: A.finalized —_B. concluded. C. solved D. advised Question 17: A. process _B. proceed C. possess D. propose Question 18: A. urbanized B. occurred C. happened D, discussed Question 19: A. shortage _B. disadvantage _C. encourage D. message Question 20: A. fluctuates _B. researches C. focuses D. causes Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 21: Urbanization is the process by which areas grow bigger as more and more people leave the countryside to live in towns and cities. A.rural B. remote C. suburban D. urban TOPIC 3* URBANIZATION | 83 Question 22: The new policies include cutting. — subsidies and trade barriers. A. agriculture B. agricultural C.agriculturalist D. agriculturally Question 23: Rapid urbanization happened during the period of in Europe and North America in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A. industry B. industrial C. industrious D. industrialization Question 24: A lot of people left their home villages for urban areas hoping to find jobs in the rapidly ___ industries in big towns and cities. A. spreading B. expanding C. surrounding D. boarding Question 25: Since 1950s urbanization has become slower in most MEDCs. Now, some of the biggest cities are losing population because people go back to live in rural areas. This is known as — A. counter-productivity B. counter-partnership C. counter-urbanization D. counter-effect Question 26: People _... to urban areas on a massive scale due to lack of resources in rural areas. A, travel B, immigrate C. migrate D. emigrate Question 27: Small farmers find it harder to a living not just because of bad weather conditions such as drought, floods, or storms, but because they can't compete with large agricultural companies. A. make B. get CG. have D.try Question 28: People living in rural areas are also “pulled” to cities, which are known to be places of financial centers, services, __....and opportunities. A. health B. wealth C. stealth D. heath Question 29: Believing that the standard of living in urban areas will be higher than in rural areas, many people come to the city seeking their. A. luck B. opportunity C. fortune D. promotion Question 30: Urbanization has provided job opportunities, higher _and better access to health facilities and education. A. wages B. salaries C. pensions D. incomes Question 31: The urban population will continue to grow and it is expected that its will increase to 70% by 2050. A. level B. population C habitants D. proportion Question 32: MEDCs stands for more developed countries. A. economic B. economical economically D. economics 84 | Question 33: Thailand’s urbanization rate has increased gradually over the past 50 years, bringing .._ and wide-ranging benefits to the country. A. apparent B. apparently C. unapparent D. unapparently Question 34: In terms of economic benefits, the national income statistics have shown that Bangkok and the surrounding areas usually the gross domestic product. - more than 50% of A. produce B. create C. generate D. make Question 35: Regarding the social benefits, Bangkok's inhabitants have access to better services and facilities __..... to any other area of the country. ‘A. comparison B, compared C. comparing D. comparative Question 36: In the South, __..development concentrated on rice cultivation, and nationally, rice and rubber were the main items of export. A. industrial B. agricultural C. mining D. textile Question 37: However, urbanization has also resulted in massive problems. A. numerous B. huge C plentiful D. abundant Question 38: Thousands of migrants live in the modern surrounded by poverty, crime and drugs, and with no hope of getting a job. A. hostages B. mortgages C. slums D. inners Question 39: Traffic — _.. is another big problem in the city whose road system is unable to cope with the increasing number of cars. A. congestion B. jam Grules D. troubles Question 40: The traffic congestion combined with the large concentration of factories has severely affected the air and water A. standard B. condition C. quality D. quantity Question 41: For more than 20 years, the Vietnamese government has pursued the open-door _ ~ and continued to woo foreign investment. A. policy B. way C. export D. guideline Question 42:....__... zones are developing rapidly in the urban areas. A. Agricultural B. Organizational _C. Industrial D, Industrialized Question 43: After a decade of economic liberalization, Vietnam has seen a dramatic rise in living... in urban areas. A. surface B. standards C.levels D. backgrounds Question 44: A nis money that is paid by a government or other authority in order to help an industry or business, or to pay for a public service. A. capital B. subsidy C. investment D. salary TOPIC 3+ URBANIZATION | 85 Question 45: The economic. _... in the U.S in the 1970s had a serious impact on the whole world. A. difficulty B. crisis C. unbalance D. destruction Question 46: Urbanization refers to the population shift from rural to urban areas, “the gradual increase in the of people living in urban areas’, and the ways in which each society adapts to the change. A. number B. proportion C. figures D. amount Question 47: Urbanization is relevant to a range of disciplines, including geography, sociology, economics, urban _..., and public health. A. making B. practicing C. planning D. growing Question 48: Urbanization is a process ._. populations move from rural to urban area, enabling cities and towns to grow. A. nearly B. nearby C. whereby D. nowhere Question 49: Accordingly, urbanization is very common in developing and developed worlds as more and more people have the of moving closer to towns and cities to acquire “privileged” social and economic services as well as benefits. A. tendency B. ambition C intention D. dream Question 50: Majority of people move to cities and towns because they view rural areas as places with hardship and ...........__. or primitive lifestyle. A. upward B, forward ©. backward D. downward Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 51: It also says something about the psyche of the Newcastle manager and the mindset which he demands of his players. A. outlook B. criteria C. strategy D. instruction Question 52: This is a fascinating and thought-provoking book, laced with genuine wit and elegantly written. A. boring B. absorbing C. tedious D. exhausting Question 53: He stressed that idea of the event is to grab the public’s attention with their favorite acts, rather than to give them a diverse arts festival. A. distract B. evaluate C. change D. attract Question 54: Perhaps the Confederation of Indian Industry's plan to launch a massive skill upgradation and training initiative over the next two years will help. ‘A. proposal B. course C. activity D. intention 86 | Question 55: The weather-beaten faces staring out from old photographs are no longer around to tell of the hardships of life in a remote mining community 100 years ago. A. pale B. dark C. suntanned D. fair Question 56: Why do they not follow where the interview goes instead of sticking to their boring prepared questions? A. expanding B. contributing to C. keeping away D. concentrating on Question 57: The study emphasized a period of time beginning four years before the casino opened and four years after. A. carried on B. focused on C relied on D. was based on Question 58: Understanding the need for changeis essential for the ability to successfully cope with these challenges. A. get rid of B. deal with C. go down D. keep up with Question 59: The sharp increase in the percentage of children living with single parents that began around 1960 has leveled off and was about the same in 2003 as it had been in 1990, A.remained stable _B. increased slightly C.reduce quickly _D.. fluctuated Question 60: One thousand telephone surveys have been carried out by an independent market research company as well as getting feedback and comments from local people. A. brought B. continued C. conducted D. finished Question 61: The Neighborhood Watch gets residents involved in keeping an eye out for suspicious behavior and alerting police to possible law-breaking. A. believing in B. participating in. watching out D. wiping out Question 62: All you need to do to get rid of a few butterflies in the stomach is just relax. Laughing with, or talking to, others about your stress can help reduce it. A. happiness B. joyfulness C.disappointment __D. nervousness Question 63: Without knowing the ins and outs of the legislation, | am broadly in favor of not sacking people without a reason. A. the details B. the general knowledge C. the main points D. the seriousness Question 64: I'm sorry, I got hold of the wrong end of the stick. | thought you were complaining about something. A. misapplied B. misunderstood —_C. admitted D. realized TOPIC 3+ URBANIZATION | 87 Question 65: What beats me is why people are prepared to sit in a traffic jam every morning for half an hour just to get to work. A. What I cannot understand B, What | feel interested in C. What I pay attention to D. What I cannot believe Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 66: It’s only quite recently that the long-lasting and devastating effects of such chemicals on wildlife have come to light. A. durable B. effective C transient D. flexible Question 67: The best hope of avoiding a downmarket tabloid TV future lies in the pressure currently being put on the networks to clean up their act. A. expensive B, cheap C.inferior D. economical Question 68: One of the most efficient and cost-effective approaches to the late payment problem is invoice finance. A. gainful B. unprofitable C. well-paid D. commercial Question 69: They are not down-to-earth people who are willing to lower themselves to see the reality of poor people's lives. A, practical B. reasonable C. sensible D. unrealistic Question 70: Mr Robinson said the scheme could not work for every household and will only serve 15,000 homes in the most densely populated areas - Skipton, Settle and South Craven. A. sparsely B. compactly C. heavily D. solidly Question 71: If he gets bored with the lessons, he just switches off and looks out the window. A. went off B. apologized for C. paidattentionto _D. kept on Question 72: Ifyou don't make good money, you are a loser and may be looked down on, no matter how civilized and ethical you are. A. insulted B. respected C. underestimated D. given another chance Question 73: As a southerner, he did not want to move north, fearing that he might never settle down in the provinces. A. inhabit B. navigate C. colonize D. migrate Question 74: It turned out that they had spent days and nights at Internet cafes, one after the other until their money was used up. A.run out of B. invested C. conserved D. consumed. 88 | Question 75: The Persians were eating round bread with cheese in the 500s. That was nearly 1,000 years before pizza caught on in Naples, Italy. A. became unpopular B. became infamous C. became well-known D. became common Question 76: Through this new partnership we will continue the positive progress made in recent years and ensure the area goes from strength to strength. A. becomes worse and worse B. gets better and better C. develops gradually D. decreases sharply Question 77: Danny put the cat among the pigeons by suggesting that the company might have to make some redundancies. ‘A. made other people disappointed B. made other people nervous C. made a lot of people satisfied D. made a lot of people annoyed Question 78: Dame Stella is out of touch with modern archive services, which can be innovative and challenging. A.old-fashioned —_B. popular C. up-to-date D. out-of-date Question 79: While the Web was a dead loss, the cell-phone ringtone market seemed very promising. A. completely useless B. profitable C. unsuccessful D. available Question 80: It is now known that the government kept the lid on this controversial deployment for more than two weeks. A. kept a secret B. circulated the news C. concealed D. proclaimed Exercise 6: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 81 to 85. Setting up and running a car company was an expensive business and required a lot of workers. A company that makes its money out ofa smart app requires less capital, doesn’t have to pay (81) _ __.... Storage or transport in the way that car companies do and (82) ......_...__.... virtually no extra costs as the number of users increases. In the jargon of economics, the marginal costs per unit of output tend towards zero and the returns to scale are high. This explains why tech entrepreneurs can get very rich very young, Technological change has always been (83)... There was a polarization of income and wealth in the first wave of industrialization at the beginning of the 19" TOPIC3 + URBANIZATION | 89 century, an¢ this gave rise to political and institutional change over the 100 years between 1850 and 1950: the spread of democracy; the emergence of trade unions; progressive taxation and the development of social safety nets. These helped create bigger markets for the consumer goods that were spawned by the second Industrial Revolution: TVs, radios, vacuum cleaners and the like, (84) ....._......... over the past four decades a political model that both facilitated the spread of technology and provided some protection against its disruptive consequences has come under attack. Welfare states have become less generous, levels of long-term unemployment are much higher, taxation has become less progressive, and politics has increasingly been dominated by those with the deepest pockets (85) can lobby the loudest. (Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/business/economics-blog) Question 81: A. with B. for C. off D.on Question 82: A. gives B. involves C.incurs D. takes Question 83: A. disruptive _ B. disrupt C. disruption D. disruptively Question 84: A. However —_B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. But Question 85: A. what B. who C. which D. that Exercise 7: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 86 to 93. Urban populations interact with their environment. Urban people change their environment through their consumption of food, energy, water, and land. And in turn, the polluted urban environment affects the health and quality of life of the urban population. People who live in urban areas have very different consumption patterns than residents in rural areas. For example, urban populations consume much more food, energy, and durable goods than rural populations. In China during the 1970s, the urban populations consumed twice as much pork as the rural populations who were raising the pigs. With economic development, the difference in consumption declined as the rural populations ate better diets. But even a decade later, urban populations had 60 percent more pork in their diets than rural populations, The increasing consumption of meat is a sign of growing affluence in Beijing; in India where many urban residents are vegetarians, greater prosperity is seen in higher consumption of milk. Urban populations not only consume moré food, but they also consume more durable goods. In the early 1990s, Chinese households in urban areas were two times more likely to have a TV, eight times more likely to have a washing machine, and 25 times more likely to have a refrigerator than rural households. This increased consumption is a function of urban labor markets, wages, and household structure. 90 | Urban consumption of energy helps create heat islands that can change local weather patterns and weather downwind from the heat islands, The heat island phenomenon is created because cities radiate heat back into the atmosphere at rate 15 percent to 30 percent less than rural areas. The combination of the increased energy consumption and difference in albedo (radiation) means that cities are warmer than rural areas (0.6 to 1.3 C). And these heat islands become traps for atmospheric pollutants. Cloudiness and fog occur with greater frequency. Precipitation is 5 percent to 10 percent higher in cities; thunderstorms and hailstorms are much more frequent, but snow days in cities are less common. Urbanization also affects the broader regional environments. Regions downwind from large industrial complexes also see increases in the amount of precipitation, air pollution, and the number of days with thunderstorms. Urban areas affect not only the weather patterns, but also the runoff patterns for water. Urban areas generally generate more rain, but they reduce the infiltration of water and lower the water tables. This means that runoff occurs more rapidly with greater peak flows. Flood volumes increase, as do floods and water pollution downstream. Many of the effects of urban areas on the environment are not necessarily linear. Bigger urban areas do not always create more environmental problems. And small urban areas can cause large problems. Much of what determines the extent of the environmental impacts is how the urban populations behave - their consumption and living patterns - not just how large they are. (Source: https://wwwprb.org ) Question 86: Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? A. The consumption of urban populations B. The environmental effects of urbanization C. The benefits and drawbacks of urbanization D. The interaction of humans with environment Question 87: Which of the following is TRUE about the food consumption of Chinese urban inhabitants? A, People in urban areas ate less than those in rural areas in the past. B, Urban civilians prefer more milk in their diets than pork. C. People breeding the pigs in the past often had less pork in their diets than those in urban areas. D. The pork consumption in urban areas has experienced a downward trend. TOPIC 3 + URBANIZATION | 91 Question 88: The word “their” in paragraph 2 refers to. ‘A, the urban residents’ B. the rural populations’ C. pigs’ D. Chinese citizens’ Question 89: According to paragraph 3, the following are mentioned as examples of durable goods, EXCEPT . A. televisions B. washing machines C. fridges D. generators Question 90: What does the word “Precipitation” in paragraph 4 mean? A. the amount of the rain fall B, the bad weather with strong wind and rain C.the rain that contains harmful chemicals D. air pollution Question 91: The word “infiltration” in paragraph 5 could be best replaced by A. penetration B. interruption C. conservation D. accumulation Question 92: In which paragraph does the writer mention the temperature in urban areas is higher than that of rural ones? A. Paragraph 3 B, Paragraph 4 C. Paragraph 5 D, Paragraph 6 Question 93: What can be inferred in the last paragraph? A. Human activities have directly impacts on how the environment changes. B. There larger the urban areas are, the more complicated the environmental problems become. C. People should not expand urban areas in order to protect the environment. D. Global warming is the main factor that affects the environment. 92 | Giai thich chi tiét dap an TRONG AM A. urbanize /'s:banaiz/ (v): dé thj héa (tir nay cé trong am roi vao 4m tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy tc duéi -ize lam trong dm dich chuyén ba dm tinh tir dudi én.) B. illustrate /‘ilestrett/ (v): minh hoa (tte nay c6 trong am roi vio dm tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy tdéc dudi -ate lam trong am dich chuyén ba dim tinh tir dudi lén.) C. important /im'po:tant/ (a): quan trong (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy téc trong dm wu tién roi vdo nguyén dm ddi /2:/) D. interest /‘mtrast/ (n): sé thich (tir nay c6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét thtt nhdt. Vi theo quy tdc trong am khéng roi vao dm /a/,) — Dap an C cé trong am roi vao Am tiét thir hai, cc phuong an con ai cé trong Am roi vao am tiét ther nhat. A.conclusion /kan'klu:3an/ (in): két ludn (tir nay c6 trong dm roi veo dm tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy tdc dudi -ion lam trong am roi vao truéc am d6,) B, engaged /in'gerdgd/ (a): da dinh hn (tir nay cé trong dm roi véo | dm tiét thir hai. Vi theo quy tc dudi -ed khéng dnh hwéng dén trong | 4m ctia tir va trong am wu tién roi vao nguyén dm déi /ei/,) C. familiar /fo'miliar/ (a): quen thudc (tir ndy cé trong am roi vao dm tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy tdéc trong 4m khéng roi vao Gm /a/,) D. overload /,auva'laud/ (a): qud tdi (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao ém tiét thit ba. Vi theo quy tac tién t6 over - khéng anh hwéng dén trong dm ciia tie) ~ Dap dn D cé trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét thtt ba, cdc phuong dn cdn lai c6 trong Am roi vao m tiét thir hai. ‘A.advantage /ad'va:ntid3/ (n): loi ich, wu diém (tit néy c6 trong am roi vdo am tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy téic hdu t6-age khéng anh huéng én trong dm ctia ti, trong dm khéng roi vao dm /2/ va trong dm wu tién roi vao nguyén dm dai /a:/.) TOPIC3*KEYS | 93 STT Dap 4n Giai thich chi tiét dap an B. presentation / prezan'terfon/ (n): sw trinh bay (tir nay cé trong m roi vao dm tiét thir ba. Vi theo quy téc dudi -ion lam trong 4m roi vaio truéc dm dé.) C. recommend /,reka'mend/ (v): gi6i thiéu (tir nay cé trong 4m roi vdo dm tiét thit ba. Vi theo quy tdc trong am wu tién roi vao am cudi khi né két thiic véi tir hai phu dm tré én.) D. economic /i:ka'nomik/ (a): thudc vé kinh té (tir ndy cé trong ém roi vdo dm tiét thir ba. Vi theo quy tac hau té -ic lam trong am roi vao truréc hdu t6 a6.) = Dap an A c6 trong Am roi vao 4m tiét thit hai, cc phwong 4n con lai cé trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét tht ba. A. gradually /‘greedguali/ (adv): dain déin, tir tir (tir ndy c6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy tdc duéi -ly khéng anh huéng dén trong am ciia tir va néu tat cd cdc dm ma ngdn hét thi trong am roi vao dm tiét dau.) B. apparent /o'peront/ (a): rd rang (tir nay c6 trong dm roi vao am tiét thi hai. Vi theo quy tac trong am khéng roi vao am /a/.) C. benefit /‘bensfit/ (n): loi ich (tir nay cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy téc néu tat cd cdc dm ma ngdn hét thi trong am roi vao dm tiét dau.) D. generate /'dzenareit/ (v): sdn sinh (tir nay c6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét tht nhdt. Vi theo quy tdéc dudi -ate lam trong 4m dich chuyén ba dm tinh tir dudi lén.) — Dap an B cé trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét thir hai, cac phuong an con lai cé trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét thir nhat. a A. migrant /‘maigrant/ (n): ngwoi di cu (tir nay c6 trong am roi vao dm tiét thi nhdt. Vi theo quy tac trong dm khéng roi vao nguyén dm /a/ va trong dm wu tién roi vao nguyén dm déi /ai/,) B.access /‘kses/(v/n): truy cap (tir nay c6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy téc néu tat cd cdc Gm ma ngdn hét thi trong dm roi vo dm tiét dau.) C. result /r'zalt/ (n/v): két qué, hdu qua (tie nay cé trong am roi vao dm tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy tac tién t6 re- khong dnh hwéng dén trong am ctia tit.) 94 | STT Giai thich chi tiét dap an D. social /‘saufal/(a): thudc xd hdi (tir nay cd trong am roi vao dm tiét thik nhdt. Vi theo quy tdc dudi -ial lam trong dm roi vao truéc am dé.) ~ Dap An C cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét thi hai, cdc phwong an con lai c6 trong 4m roi vao Am tiét thir nhat. A, statistics /sta'tistik/ (n): s6 liéu théng ké (tir nay c6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir hai. Vi theo quy td dudi ic lam trong 4m roi vao truéc dm d6.) B, generation /,dzeno'rerfan/(n): thé hé (tir nay c6 trong dm roi véo 4m tiét thr ba, Vi theo quy téc duéi -ion lam trong 4m roi vao tr dm dé.) C. surrounding /sa'raundin /(a): xung quanh (tir nay cé trong am roi | vdo dm tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy téc trong dm khéng roi vao nguyén dm /a/ va dudi -ing khéng anh hwéng dén trong am ciia tix.) D. congestion /kon'dgesfan/ (n): sur dch téic (giao théng) (tie nay c6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir hai. Vi theo quy ttic dudi -ion lam trong dm roi vao trieéc dm dé. Dap n B cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét thit ba, cdc phwong én can lai cé trong am roi vao am tiét thet hai A. measure /'megar/ (v/n): do luéng, bién phdp (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thi nhdt. Vi theo quy téc trong am khéng roi vao nguyén dm /a/.) B. product /'prodakt/ (n): sn phdm (tte nay cé trong am rai vio am tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy tdc néu tat cd cdc dm md ngdin hét thi trong Gm roi vao dm tiét dau.) C. massive /‘mzsiv/ (a): to lén, nhiéu (tir nay cé trong am roi vao dm tiét thir nhdtt. Vi theo quy téic duéi -ive lam trong dm roi vao truéc dm a6.) D. increase /in'kri:s/ (v): ting lén (tik nay 06 trong am roi vao am tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy téc trong dm wu tién roi vao nguyén dm déi fi) > Dap an D cé6 trong am roi vao am tiét thit hai, cdc phurong an con Iai c6 trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir nhat, TOPIC3 + KEYS | 95 sTT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an A. develop /dr'velop/(v): phat trién (tir nay cé trong am roi vao am tiét thi hai. Vi theo quy tdc déng tir ba dm tiét trong dm thwong khéng roi vao Gm tiét dau va quy tdc trong dm khéng roi vao Gm /a/.) B, agriculture /‘egrikalt/ar/ (n): néng nghiép (tir nay cé trong am roi vao dm tiét thé nhdt. Vi theo quy téc duéi -ure khéng anh huéng dén trong dm cia tir va néu tt cd cdc Gm ma ngdn hét thi trong am roi vao dm tiét dau.) C. proportion /pre'po:fan/ (n): ti Ié (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dm tiét thi hai, Vi theo quy tdéc hdu t6 -ion lam trong am roi vao trieéc dm dé. D. facility /fo'stlati/ (n): co sé vat chat (tir nay c6 trong am roi vao dm tiét thie hai. Vi theo quy téc quy téc duéi -y lam trong am dich chuyén ba dm tinh tir cudi lén.) ~ Dap an B cé trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét thir nhat, cac phwong an con lai cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét thi hai. ‘A. standard /'steendad/ (n): tiéu chudin (tir ndy ¢6 trong dm roi vao m tiét thie nhdt. Vi theo quy téc trong am khéng roi vao dm /a/.) B. various /‘vearias/ (a): da dang (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao 4m tiét thir nhdtt. Vi theo quy téc duéi -ious lam trong dm roi vao treéc am 46) C.resource /rt'z9:s/ (n): tai nguyén (tir nay cé trong dm rot vao dm tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy téic trong 4m wu tién roi vao nguyén dm dai /2:/.) D. migrate /'margrert/ (v): di cu (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao am tiét thie nha.) > Dap An C cé trong am roi vao 4m tiét thir hai, cdc phuong dn con lai cé trong 4m roi vao Am tiét thir nhat. 10 A. industry /‘mdastri/ (n): cng nghiép (tir nay cé trong dm roi vao dim tiét thit nhdt. Vi theo quy tc dudi -y lam trong dm dich chuyén ba dm tinh tie dudi len.) B, populate /‘popjalert/ (v): dinh cu, song (tit nay c6 trong dm roi vao dm tiét thi nhdt. Vi theo quy ttc dudi -ate lam trong am dich chuyén ba dm tinh tie dudi len.) C. emission /i'mifon/ (n): sw thdi ra (tir ndy c6 trong dm roi vao dim tiét thit hai. Vi theo quy téc du6i -ion lam trong am roi vao truéc am dé.) 96 | sTT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an D. summarize /'samaratz/ (v): tém tat (tir nay cd trong dm roi vao dm tiét thir nhdt. Vi theo quy tdc quy téc dudi -ize lam trong dm dich chuyén ba dm tinh tir dudi len.) ~ Dap dn C cé trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir hai, cdc phuong an con lai c6 trong 4m roi vao am tiét ther nhat, PHAT AM oe B_ | A. definite /‘definat/ B. demand /di'ma:nd/ C. present /'prezant/ D. content /kan'tent/ 12 A |A. fixed /fikst/ B. provided /pra'vaidid/ C.related /rrleitid/ D. naked /'nerkid/ 13 B_ | A. mention/'menfon/ B. confusion/ken'fju:3an/ C. presentation /,prezan'terfan/ | D. nation/‘neifan/ 14 C | A. introduce/,ntra'dgu:s/ B. opportunity/,opa'tfu:nati/ C. population /popje'lerfan/ | D. information /,nfe'merfon/ 15 B_ | A.expand/rk'spaend/ B. regard /ri'ga:d/ C.inhabitant/tn'heebitant/ D. traffic/‘traeftk/ 16 B_ |A.finalized/‘famalarzd/ B. concluded /kan'k C. solved/svlvd/ D. advised/ad'varzd/ 17 C | A. process/'prauses/ B. proceed/prav'si:d/ C. possess /pa'zes/ D. propose/pra'pauz/ 18 D | A.urbanized/'s:banarzd/ B. occurred /a'ks:rd/ C. happened/‘hzpond/ D. discussed /di'skast/ 19 D | A.shortage /‘fo:trd3/ B, disadvantage/disad'va:ntid/ C. encourage /in’kar1d3/ D. teenage /'tizn,erd3/ 20 A | A. fluctuates /‘flaktfuerts/ B. researches /r'sa:tfiz/ C. focuses /'faukasiz/ D, causes /ko:ziz/ TU VUNG 24 D = | Avrural /‘ruaral/(a): dan da, thén qué, thudc vé mién qué B. remote /r1'maut/(a): xa x6i C. suburban /sa’bs:ban/(a): (thudc) khu ngoai 6; trong khu ngoai 6 D. urban /'s:ban/(a): thudc dé thi, (thudc) thanh phé, & thanh phd TOPIC3 + KEYS | 97 STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an Tam dich: Sw d6 thj héa la mét qué trinh ma vi né nhi¢ng khu vue thanh thi tré nén lén hon va ngay cdng nhiéu ngwedi rdi néng thén dé dén séng & thi xa va thanh phé. 22 A. agriculture /‘zgrikaltfar/(n): ndng nghiép B. agricultural /zegr'kaltforel/(a): (thudc) néng nghiép C.agriculturalist /agrt'kalt{(a)ralist/ (n): nha néng D. agriculturally /agr'kalt{(2)r(a)li/ (adv): m6t cach thudin nng Can cét vao danh tir “subsidies” nén vj tri tréng cin mét tinh thy. Tir 6, ta chon dép an B. Tam dich: Cac chinh sch méi bao gém cét gidm tro cfip néng nghigp vd cdc rao cén thong mai. 23 A. industry /‘ndastri/(n): cng nghiép | B, industrial /in‘dastrial/(a): (thudc) cng nghiép C industrious /in'dastrias/(a): céin cl, cheim chi D. industrialization /in,dastrialar'zeifan/(n): cong nghiép héa Ché tréng cn mét danh tw, do vay dap 4n B, C bi loai vila tinh tix; dap 4n Ala danh tir nhung khéng hop nghiz Tam dich: Su a6 thi héa nhanh chong xdy ra trong suét thoi ky céng nghiép héa & Chau Au va Bac My vao thé ky XIX va dau thé ky XX. 24 A. spreading / spredm/(n): sw lan rong B. expanding /ik’spaendin/(n): su mé-réng, phat trién C. surrounding /so'raundin /(a): phy céin, ving xung quanh D. boarding /‘bo:dm /(n): su lén tau Tam dich: Rat nhiéu ngudi roi qué huong dé dén cdc khu vue thanh thi hi vong sé tim durgc c6ng viéc trong céc nganh cong nghiép dang phét trién nhanh chéng & cdc thanh phé thi xa lén. 25 | A. counter-productivity /kauntorprodak'twwati/(n): su phan téc dung B. counter-partnership /kauntar'pa:tnafip/(n): sw phan hop tac C.counter-urbanization /kauntars:benar'zeifon/(n): su phan d6 thi hoa D. counter-effect /kauntar''fekt /(n): su phdn téc dung Tam dich: Tit nhitng nam 1950, sw d6 thj héa tré nén chém hon 6 cdc nuéc 6 nén kinh té phat trién. Hién nay, mét sé cdc thanh phé lon nhét dang mat dan dan sé béi vi moi ngudi quay tré lai khu vurc néng thdn song. Dieu nay durgc biét dén nhw la se phan dé thi héa. STT Dap an Gidi thich chi tiét d4p an 26 A, travel /'traeval/(v): du lich B. immigrate /‘migrert/(v): nhép cw C. migrate /mar'grett/(v): di cur (tam thoi) D. emigrate /‘emigreit/(v): di cw (chuyén han dén) Tam dich: Moi ngwéi di cw dén cdc khu virc thanh thi voi quy mé lén do thiéu ngudn tai nguyen & cdc khu vure néng thén. 27 A. make /merk/(v): lam B. get /get/(v): Idy C.have /hav/(v): c6 D. try /trar/(v): this, c6 gang Dich nghia: Cac hé néng dan quy mé nhé nhén théy kh6 khan hon dé kiém sng khéng chi vi diéu kién thoi tiét xdu nhuwe la han hén, Ia lut hodic Id bao tdp ma cén béi vi ho khéng thé canh tranh voi cdc cong ty néng nhiép Ién. 28 A. health /hel6/(n); sitc khée B. wealth /wel8 /(n): cia edi, sw gidu cé C. stealth /stel0/(n): sy lén hit, tang hinh D, heath /hi:@/(n): bai dat hoang Tam dich: Nhiing ngudi dang séng & khu vue néng thon ciing bj “kéo"| vdo thanh phd, noi duoc biét dén nhue lé noi ciia trung tam tai chinh, dich vu, phn hoa va nhieu co héi. 29 A. luck /lak/(n): may mén B. opportunity /,ppa'tfu:nati/(n): co hi C. fortune /‘fo:tfu:n/(n): van may D, promotion /pra'maufan/(n): su khuyén khich, ddy manh Tam dich: Tin twéng rang mite séng & khu vuc thanh thi sé cao hon 6 néng thén, nhiéu nguéi di ra thanh thi tim kiém van may cho minh. 30 A. wage /weid3/(n): tién cong B. salary /'seelari/(n): tin luwong hang thing C. pension /‘penfon/(n): rong huew D. income /‘inkam/(n): thu nhép | Tam dich: Sir d6 thi héa cung cp cdc co hdi viée lam, thu nhép cao hon va su tiép cén t6t hon véi céc phuong tién y té'va gido duc. TOPIC3 + KEYS | 99 STT Dap an| Giai thich chi tiét dap an 31 A. level /‘leval/(n): mtéc d6 B. population /popjollerfon/(n): dan sé C habitants /‘haebitant/(n): dan cur D. proportion /pra'po:fon/(n): t7 1é Tam dich: Dan s6 thanh thi sé tiép tuc tding va ngwoi ta cho réng ti1é cia né sé tting dén 70% vao néim 2050. 32 ‘A. economic /izke'nomik/(a): (thudc) kinh té B. economical /i:ko'nomikel/(a): tiét kigm C. economically /,i:ko'nomtkali /(adv): mét céich kinh t& D. economics /,i:ko'npmrks/(n): kinh té hoc, nén kinh t& Can cir vao tinh tir “developed” nén vi tri tréng cin m6t trang ti. Tam dich: MEDCs viét tdt cho cc quéc gia cé nén kinh té phat trign hon. 33 ‘A. apparent /a'peerant/(a): ré nét, hin nhién B. apparently /a'paerontli/(adv): mét cdch ré rang C. unapparent /ano'perant/(a): khdng r6 rang Khi cé “and” thi hai vé gidng nhau v8 chitc nang tir loai nén can cit vao tinh tir “wide-ranging” ta chon dp 4n A. Tam dich: Mitc dé thj héa cia Thdi Lan dé ting dan din hon 50 nam qua, mang Iai lg? ich toan dién va ré nét déi voi ddt nude. 34 A. produce /pra'dgu:s/(v): san xudt B. create /kri‘ert/(v): tao nén C. generate /‘dgenareit/(v): sinh ra, tao ra D. make /merk/(v): lam Tam dich: Xét vé mat lai {ch kinh té, cdc con s6 théng ké thu nhdp quéc dain dé chi ra rang Bangkok va cdc khu viec Idn cfin thwéng tao ra hon 50% tong sin phdm quéc néi. A. comparison /kom'paerisan/(n): su’so sénh B. compared /kem'peard/(v): so sdnh D. comparative /kom'parrativ/(a): so sénh Tam dich: Xét vé lo’ ich xa h6i, nguoi dan Bangkok dugc tiép can voi cic dich vu va tién ich t6t hon so véi bat ky khu vc nao khdc trén cd nude. 100 | STT Dap an Giai thich chi tiét dap an 36 A. industrial /in'dastrial/(a): (thudc) cong nghiép B. agricultural /egri'kaltforal/(a): (thudc) néng nghiép C. mining /‘mamuy/(n): su khai mé D. textile /‘tekstail/(n): vd Tam dich: O mién Nam, phat trién néng nghiép tap trung vao tring ia va trén todn quéc, gao va cao su ld mat hang xudt khdu chinh. 37 A. numerous /‘nju:maras/(a): nhibu, dong déo B, huge /hju:ds/(a): to lén, khdng 1d C. plentiful /plentifal/(a): sung tic, dbi dao D. abundant /a'bandant/(a): ddi dao, phong phit Tam dich: Tuy nhién, sw d6 thi héa cing dan dén rét nhiéu van dé. 38 A. hostage /"hostid3/(n): con tin B. mortgage /'mo:gid3/(n): sw thé chap C. slum /slam/(n): khu 6 chude D. inner /‘mar/(a): bén trong, n6i b6 Tam dich: Hang ngan ngwoi di cw sng 6 trong cdc cin nha 6 chudt hign dai bj vay quanh béi sur nghéo déi, t6i pham va ma ttiy, va khéng c6 hi vong kiém dugc viéc lam. 39 A, congestion /kan'dgestfan/(n): sw déng nghit, téc nghén B. jam /d3zem/(n): mitt/ sw nhbi nhét, ép chat C.rule /ru:l/(n); lua 1é D. trouble /‘trabal/(n): réc r6i Tam dich: Téc nghén giao théng Id mét van dé lén khdc trong thanh ph6, noi ma hé théng duréng khong thé ddp ting durgc sé lurong xe 6 t6 ngdy cing tang. 40 A. standard /'steendad/(n): tiéu chudn B. condition /kon'difan/(n): diéu kién C. quality /'kwoleti/(n): chat long D, quantity /‘kwontati/(n): sé rong Tam dich: Tac nghén giao théng cling v6i mat d6 Ién cila cdc nha may da dnh hwéng nghiém trong chat wong nguén nuréc va khéng khi. TOPIC3+KEYS | 101

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