Gen-Isys Data Collection Tool Guide

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Gen-isys Data Collection Tool Guide


You will need to install the following:

 Installing Python

Method A (Easy)

Copy the Python37 folder provided directly onto your C:\ directory

Click on the start windows start button and type ‘environment’ and select ‘edit environment
variables for your account’

If the Path (not case sensitive) variable exsits, click Edit; otherwise click New:

If editing, append ;C:\Python37\ to your variable value

If creating a new variable, type in the name as PATH and the value as C:\Python37
Method B (Harder – only try if Method A fails)

Download Python 3.7.2 from

Once Python has been installed, you will need to install the following additional modules:
 numpy
 opencv-python

To install a python module, open up the command line (click windows start button and type
cmd) and type:

python -m pip install --trusted-host --trusted-host <package


Once this has been completed, locate the directory where your python has been installed
Then copy (not cut!) the whole Python37 folder directly onto your C:\ directory:

It should look like this:

 Check that your Python installation has been successful:

Open up the command line (click windows start button and type cmd) and type ‘python’ and
you should get a message indicating which version of Python you have installed.

 Install Realterm v2.0.0.57

You can now unzip the data collection program into a directory on your machine.

Setting up an experiment slideshow using PowerPoint

Click windows start button and type in regedit

Browse to the following location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<16.0 or 15.0 or 14.0 or 12.0 or 11.0 depending

on the software you have>\PowerPoint\Options

Select Edit > New > DWORD (32-bit) Value

Enter in the values exactly as in the below:

In powerpoint, go to Design > page setup and ensure slides sized for On-screen Show (16:9)

Finally, go to File > save as and save as type JPEG

Select ‘Every Slide’ when prompted:

Running the Data Collection Tool

Make sure your screen resolution is 1920x1080 and that you are your UI scale is at 100%
Double click on record.exe (in the directory you unzipped the data collection tool)
Configure the slideshow:

Setting up a csv file with survey questions:

Use the following format:

Questions will appear in sequence after the specified slide.

Saving a new study (do this before you start collecting any data!):

Click the ‘Save Study’ button. Using the dialog create a new folder where you want the study to
reside and give it a name, then proceed to select it.

You can also overwrite existing studies if they don’t have any respondents yet.
Respondents can be added or deleted from the study by using the add/delete buttons. Respondents
for a study must have unique names/numbers.

Check that your data collection is working:

 Check EEG

Ensure that the Cognionics Data Acquisition Software is running and Lab Streaming Layer
(LSL) has been started (as with iMotions)

You should get ‘Data collection ok’ if all working correctly.

‘No inlet found’ means that the computer could not detect the LSL

‘Inlet found but no data’ means that the computer found LSL but there was no data coming
through (this should only happen if you have started LSL and then turn off the headset!)

 Check ET (if using ET)

You should get ‘Data collection ok’ if all working correctly. If not, try disconnecting and
reconnecting the eye-tracker.

Note: You will need to install the eye-tracker before use (as with using with iMotions) –
installation program comes on the dongle supplied with the eye-tracker

 Check GSR (if using Shimmer)

You will need to enter a GSR com port value in the box below before checking.

If it is the first time you are using this shimmer on your machine, you will need to pair the
device first: Control Panel > Add a Bluetooth Device then select the Shimmer and use
pairing code 1234.

To find out the com port the shimmer is using, go to Control Panel > Devices and Printers.
Then right click on the shimmer, select properties and then choose the hardware tab:
In this example, the com port is 15

You can now proceed to click the Check GSR button and you should get ‘Data collection ok’ if
all is working correctly.

Select Eye Tracking and/or GSR as needed and select the respondent from the respondent
list that you wish to perform the record for and then click ‘Record’ to begin the experiment.
You will be warned if data for that respondent already exists.

After recording is completed successfully, you will have a mat file and an avi file contained in
the sub-directory where you created the study: <study name>\<respondent ID>\

You can load up saved studies by clicking the ‘Load Study’ button and selecting the study

Whether recording is successful or not, you will see a file log.txt which we can use to
diagnose issues that might be occurring.

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