Example: 1. Where Can I Get My Hair Cut? 1. You Can Get Your Hair Cut at A Beauty Salon. You Can Get My Sister To Cut Your Hair

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25, 2020

1. Write questions using the prompt “Where can I have/get…” for each of the
professional services/needs in the box below. Then write the responses to
each question using one active sentence and one passive sentence. Use the
words in parentheses in the responses. (10 points)
fix my leaking faucet (have) check my eyes (get)
clean my carpets (have) wash my car (get)
do my nails (have)
1. Where can I get my hair cut?
1. You can get your hair cut at a beauty salon. You can get my sister to cut your hair.

1.Where can I have my leaking faucet fixed?

1.You can have your leaking faucet fixed by my plumber. You can have my plumber
fix your leaking faucet
2.Where can I have my carpets cleaned?
2.You can have your carpets cleaned by my secretary. You can have my secretary
clean your carpets.
3.Where can I have my nails done?
3.You can have your nails done at a beauty salon. You can have my cousin do your
4.Where can I get my eyes checked?
4.You can get your eyes checked by my doctor. You can get my doctor to check
your eyes.
5.Where can I get my car washed?
5.You can get your car washed by “Steve car washer”. You can get “Steve car
washer” to wash your car.
2. Imagine you have an advice column and you are giving advice/suggestions
for the problems in the box below. Use expressions with gerunds, infinitives,
modals + verbs, or negative questions. Use each expression at least once. (10
Problems: lose weight learn a new language save
get a better job make new friends

Example: 1. Get better grade Maybe you could hire a tutor.

1. Get a better job It might be a good idea to create a new

2. Make a new friends Maybe you could go to the bar with old friends.
3. Learn a new language One thing you could do is to watch series in the
language that you want to learn
4.Save money One option is to create a bank account
5.Lose weight It might be a good idea to run 1 hour in the
morning every day

3. Write 5 sentences about past events. If possible, write about historical

events. Use the time references in the box below, but use each one only once.
(10 points)
Time references: ago during for from…to in since

Example: Almost two hundred years ago, Ecuador celebrated its independence.

1. The Second World War that lasted from 1939 to 1945

2. I used “HI5” about 10 year ago
3. My Father danced music disco during the 1980s
4. I practiced soccer from 2006 to 2014
5. I climbed the Cotopaxi volcano in 2015
4. Make TWO predictions about each of the topics in the box below. Use the
simple future, future continuous, and future perfect. Use each tense at least
once. (10 points)
clothing transportation space environment

Example: In twenty years, there will be a vaccine for the coronavirus.

1. In the future I will be using especial clothes for the radiation

1. In 10 year I will use
2. In the future We will be having a flying car.
2.In 5 year We will use electric cars.
3.We will have traveled Marth by 2045.
3.In the future We will be traveling at space
4. In 10 years we will have electronic prosthesis about medicine
4.In the future Doctors will have electronics assistants
5. In the future the environment will destroy.
5.In 5 year the atmosphere will damaged

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