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tell-tale signs

Inarticulate, deep-freeze suspension, cold sweats, blushing…

Wouldn’t it be A BLAST, to feel “more pep” around people –

instead of feeling like a 12-year-old early bloomer trapped in
the awkward “not a girl, not yet a woman” phase, and let it
bleed your social life dry?

If "If you've never been moved by a song so deep that it

touched places in your heart you didn't know existed ... if
you've never heard a guitar weep, or lost yourself in its
tears ... if you've never been swept up in the delirium of a love
that defies all odds ... the story of Savannah Curtis and
Alfonso Madrigál will open your eyes to what's possible when
one dares to love."

you don’t sweat buulets around people, you are not welcome
here. Please leave this page.

Grab my rib-tickling 4 minute-read PDF and discover why

you squeamish in social situations. And end this …social flop.

No need to reach for your wallet… it’s sent straight to your

inbox – it’s on my tab.

Yes, I worked my fingers to the bone to produce it, but that's

not your problem!

“This isn’t just a loopy PDF. It's not what you think!”
"Sickness, Age, Fear, Worry, Tension, Every Human
Torment Drops Away... and You Begin to live More Joyfully
and Abundantly...

...When you read "Rev. Ike's Secrets for Health, Joy and
Prosperity -- For YOU!"

Click here to

No catch, just your 2 minutes to type your email and receive

the link to the tool.

I wonder how quickly you are going to type your email?

The premise incites much curiosity and interest, but it isn't

until you read the Prologue that you realize this is no ordinary

... and it isn't until you've read through page 9 that the story
grips your heart and keeps you glued to each new page.

But the eleventh chapter is the defining point of no return.

You may even find, as the character of Savannah Curtis did,
wanting the moments to go on without end, "clutching them to
your heart ... never wanting them to be over."

and succeeds at weaving romantic flamenco riffs into her

novel to intensify the reading experience much the way a
movie soundtrack does. So grab a tissue because it’s bound to
conjure memories of some of your own battles with love."

How My Boredom Gave Birth to An Idea

Like me... You can make really BIG MONEY at home

watching TV

- or just reading your daily newspaper!

I’ve been there.

I’ve been there. I also wasn’t born with a “champagne-

bubbly personality chip”.

Let me put you on a bullet-train to my story…

Pop goes my bio

Boy, I was up a creek!

People’s presence mad me wilt and fade away.

…I could hear the cosmos chortling, though I myself was not in a laughing mood.

Something was off.

Had I snapped?
It is with the troubled man as it is with the cow: no browsing, no milk. So I placed my ego in cold storage and
laced up my boxing gloves.

And this came to light:

…Fear of being negatively evaluated by others, was vigorously rocking my boat.

I was a dweeb. The world passed-by like I was a museum piece.

What next?

I had to find a way out.

I had to Break out of my Shell

I tried iron-clad willpower. Fiddled with positive thinking.

Frankly, I was digging a hole in the ocean. With every heave of the shovel the water just flooded back in.

Nothing worked.

Was it me or these ham-fisted methods?

A poor carpenter blames his tools. True dat. But what if the tools have nothing up their ample sleeves.

Aluta continua. I kept on diggin’…

And then it happened (something good this time)

A new leaf. A fresh start. Utopia!
Thank goodness aha! moments aren’t locked inside a bottle of Irish-scented shampoo

The juice was worth the squeeze. I found the antidote and happily pruned this unhelpful ‘thought pattern’.

Now I don’t clam up (around people), I’m comfy and spontaneous. For once I’m smiling (and still in bliss).

I liked the product (the antidote) so much I decided to go into business for myself and make it available to others
just like me.

Moving on… (getting deeper& granular)

It sounds a bit wanky, but I’m what they call a digital native – I burn a chunk of my time-calories noodling in
the cyber-world. If I want to learn about, say, cenosillicaphobia – the fear of an empty glass, I pick the best
brains on the net…ideas so bright, they tan my skin. I’m a sucker for excellence. high standards. Sheer

To raise my “boogie-woogie antennas”

Throw in a good country song, and I'm hooked.

Why don't you have a beard?

I guess the jury is still out on that one. But I do however possess the power to
grow a full goatee and moustache…
Are those hooded-droopy eyes?

Nope, just slightly hooded. Gimme a break!

Yep, that’s my tale. Let's never speak of this again. Deal?

Scroll up and grab your copy ‘the Tumbleweed Moment’… and get a starring role on life’s

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