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Changing Passive Voice to Active


What is passive voice anyway?

When using the passive voice, the writer inserts a form of the verb ‘to be’ (is, was, were, are) in
order to draw attention to the object of the sentence, as opposed to the subject.

For example:

 Active voice: Joe hit Fred.

 Passive voice: Fred was hit by Joe.
The active voice is much stronger than the passive voice and it makes writing simpler and clearer
to read. A reader’s brain can easily understand the simple active sentence: “Joe hit Fred.” Joe,
(the subject) hit Fred (the object).

In the passive sentence “Fred was hit by Joe,” Joe is still the subject, but the reader doesn’t know
that until the very end of the sentence. Fred is just hangin’ out, an object with no clear purpose.
In a simple example like this, it's not too difficult to understand, but in longer, more complex
sentences, it can be harder to follow.

How do I change passive voice into active?

Make it clear in your sentence WHO is doing WHAT to WHOM. This helps your brain create an image in
your mind. You can picture the fox first and then have it bite the dog.

 Passive voice: The lazy dog was bitten by the quick brown fox.

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