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B. Tech III Year II Semester Examinations, December/January -2011-12

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) What are the features of Unix operating system?

b) Explain the following Unix command with examples: echo, printf, who, wc,
mkdir. [8+8]

2. Explain various process utilities and disk utilities in Unix. [16]

3. What is a filter? Explain various filters in Unix. [16]

4.a) Differentiate between egrep() and fgrep().

b) Write a shell script to sort the content of a file. [8+8]

5.a) Explain various patterns and actions in awk.

b) Write an awk script to perform simple arithmetic operations. [8+8]

6. Give the syntax of selection and repetition statements in korn shell. Explain them
with example. [16]

7.a) Explain various environmental variables in C shell.

b) Write a short note on positional parameters in C shell. [8+8]

8. Explain the following file management system calls:

a) open( ) b) read( ) c) write( ) d) create( ) e) close( ) [16]


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