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Lucas Fouraux

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894





Prezado(a) Aluno(a)!
Leia as questões abaixo com atenção;
Marque para cada questão 1 alternativa;
Na parte inferior das questões, preencha com atenção o gabarito e entregue sua prova ao professor.

Read the text below carefully and answer the question.

The Testament
By John Grisham Jan 08, 2010

Jessica rated it:

It has been YEARS since I've read John Grisham. To my

recollection, I haven't disliked a single book of his that I've read. This
one is equally fascinating to me because of one of the settings: the
Pantanal in Brazil. Though I have Brazilian blood and have traveled
there since I was a baby, I've never ventured to the Pantanal (and I'm
not sure that I want to!), but it's interesting to read about tthe setting.
Again, I don't know how accurate the portrayal of the Pantanal is
(and Grisham admits this in his "Author's Note"), however, the
description of the people is on point. Their definition of time is vastly
different from that of Americans and life moves at a different pace.

1- Years in “It has been YEARS since I've read John Grisham” was written in capital
letters to express
A) anger. B) disappointmen
disappointment.. C) emphasis. D) sadness.

Read the text below carefully and answer the question.

Songs in English are everywhere, even on foreignforeign-language

language radio and TV
stations. Listen to them often. Buy some cassettes or CDs, or make recordings, and try
to write the words for an entire song. But choose one that is not too difficult. That
means it should be reasonably slow, and with real words sung clearly. Some pop
songs are very unclear and are difficult even for native English
speakers to understand

2- In the passage “Some pop songs are very unclear and are difficult…” the word and
expresses the idea of
A) addition. B) comparison. C) consequence. D) opposition.

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

Read the text below carefully and answer the question.
When Giants Go Mini: Size of Dinosaurs Surprises Paleontologists
(Text by Catherine Clarke Fox)

Europasaurus may have looked like these models at Germany's Dinopark

When very small dinosaur bones were found in Germany in 1998, people
thought they were from baby dinosaurs.
But paleontologist Martin Sander’s work shows that they were probably full-grown!
Named Europasaurus, they are the smallest giant dinosaur species ever found.
Why was Europasaurus, which was slightly longer and heavier than a car, so
much smaller than its cousins the brachiosaurs, which grew up to 148 feet (45 meters)
long and weighed as much as a thousand humans?
Back 150 million years ago, most of Germany was underwater. Scientists
think that as water levels rose, land and food there became more and more scarce.
Europasaurus was forced to adapt to its shrinking habitat, so it evolved into a smaller
animal needing less space and food.

3-The Europasaurus and the brachiosaurs

A) had to evolve to adapt to their habitat. B) weighed as much as a thousand humans.
C) were members of the same family. D) were the same size and weight.

Read what a reviewer says about the book “Bridget Jone’s Diary”.

“Effortlessly addictive...(Bridget Jones)

hilarious diary presents a perfect spirit of
single female anxiety”
Sunday Express

4-The book reviewer who considers the book as EFFORTLESSLY ADDICTIVE means
you will
A) be bored from the beginning. B) become a drug addict.
C) easily fall for the story. D) try hard to get into the book.

Read the dialogue below and then answer the question.

Ken is introducing his friends Mary and Paul.

Ken: Paul, I'd like you to meet Mary.

Paul: How do you do?
Mary: ______________________

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

5-Complete the dialogue above with the best option.
A) Be my guest. B) I’m a doctor. C) Nice to meet you. D) You're welcome.

Read the text below and answer the question.

Endangered species set for stem cell rescue

In a novel marriage of conservation and modern biology, scientists have created stem
cells from two endangered species, which could help ensure their survival. The
northern white rhino is one of the most endangered animals on Earth, while the drill - a
west African monkey - is threatened by habitat loss and hunting. The scientists report
in Nature Methods that ______ stem cells could be made to turn into different types of
body cell. If they could turn into eggs and sperm, "test-tube babies" could be created.

6-The correct pronoun to complete sentence is

A) it B) its C) their D) theirs

Read the Comic Strip below and answer the question.

7-Calvin tries to look old enough to get into the movie by

A) attaching a fake moustache. B) putting Hobbes on his shoulders.
C) showing a fake identification card. D) wearing his father’s clothes.

Read the lyrics below and answer the question.

If you leave me now, A love like ours is love that's hard to
you'll take away the biggest part of me find
Uh uh uh uh no baby please don't go How could we let it slip away
And if you leave me now, We've come too far to leave it all behind
you'll take away the very heart of me How could we end it all this way
Uh uh uh uh no baby please don't go When tomorrow comes and we'll both
Uh uh uh uh girl I just want you to stay regret
The things we said today (…)

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

8-The excerpt above is a
A) letter about a man who has a serious heart disease.
B) poem about the beginning of a strong friendship involving two people.
C) recipe for finding the biggest love of two people’s lives.
D) song about a person who does not want the end of his/her love story.

Read the text below and after answer the question.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is an American romantic adventure fantasy comedy-
drama film directed by and starring Ben Stiller. This is the second film adaptation of
James Thurber's 1939 short story of the same name. The 1947 version was produced
by Samuel Goldwyn and directed by Norman Z. McLeod, with Danny Kaye playing the
role of Walter Mitty. The film premiered at the New York Film Festival on October 5,
2013. It was given general release on December 25, 2013 in the U.S. The film received
mixed reviews from critics.

9- O texto foi escrito por alguém na função de:

A) cineasta. B) jornalista. C) roteirista. D) sonoplasta.

Read the Comics below and answer the question that follows.

Read the fragment: ‘You’ve been SPYING on me!’

10- By the man’s reaction, you can infer he has eaten

A) a few muffins and sticky buns B) all the food the woman mentioned.
C) a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit. D) just some coffee and doughnuts.


E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894


E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894





Prezado(a) Aluno(a)!
Leia as questões abaixo com atenção;
Marque para cada questão 1 alternativa;
Na parte inferior das questões, preencha com atenção o gabarito e entregue sua prova ao professor.

Read the text below and after answer the question.

In protest against “trash TV” – the game and variety shows featuring scantily clad
dancers that make up much of the prime time schedule – a Milan viewers’ association
launched a three-day
day nationwide television strike. To encourage Italians to get up off
their sofas, venues including museums, theaters and restaurants offered a discount to
anyone turning up with a TV remote control. Organizers were hoping that up to 400,000
people would participate, but conceded that it might be difficult to persuade some –
mostly male – viewers away from the weekend’s football matches.

1- In the word trash means:

A) good quality. B)) poor quality. C) terrific quality. D)) excellent quality.

Read the poem below and after answer the question


My brother the star, my mother the earth

my father the sun, my sister the moon,
to my life give beauty, to my
body give strength, to my corn give
goodness, to my house give peace, to
my spirit give truth, to my elders give

2- Produções artístico-culturais
culturais revelam visões de mundo próprias de um grupo social.
Esse poema demonstra a estreita relação entre a tradição oral da cultura indígena
norte-americana e a

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

A) dependência da sabedoria de seus ancestrais.
B) transmissão de hábitos alimentares entre gerações.
C) representação do corpo em seus rituais.
D) importância dos elementos da natureza.

Read the text below and after answer the question.

Horse or cow
Prior to taking retirement and selling off his land, a farmer needed to get rid of all the
animals he owned, so he decided to call on every house in his village. At houses where
the man was the boss, he gave a horse; at houses where the woman was the boss, he
gave a dairy cow.
Approaching one cottage, he saw a couple gardening and called out, ‘Who’s the boss
around here?’
‘I am,’ said the man.
The farmer said: ‘I have a black horse and a brown horse. Which one would you like?’
The man thought for a minute and said, ‘The black one.’
‘No, no, get the brown one,’ said his wife.
The farmer said, ‘Here’s your cow.

3- O texto relata o caso de um fazendeiro prestes a se aposentar e vender sua

fazenda. O aspecto cômico desse texto provém da
A) constatação pelo fazendeiro da razão de sua aposentadoria.
B) percepção do fazendeiro quanto à relação de poder entre o casal.
C) opinião dos vizinhos referente à forma de se livrar dos animais
D) agressividade da esposa relacionada a um questionamento inocente.

Read the text below and after answer the question.

Contemporary Argentine history is a roller coaster of financial booms and cracks, set to
gripping political soap operas. But through all the highs and lows, one thing has
remained constant: Buenos Aires’s graceful elegance and cosmopolitan cool. This
attractive city continues to draw food lovers, design buffs and party people with its
riotous night life, fashion-forward styling and a favorable exchange rate. Even with the
uncertain economy, the creative energy and enterprising spirit of Porteños, as
residents are called, prevail – just look to the growing ranks of art spaces, boutiques,
restaurants and hotels.

4- Nesse artigo de jornal, Buenos Aires é apresentada como a capital argentina, que

A) manteve sua elegância e espírito cosmopolita, apesar das crises econômicas.

B) parou de atrair apreciadores da gastronomia, devido ao alto valor de sua moeda.
C) foi objeto de novelas televisivas baseadas em sua vida noturna e artística.
D) teve sua energia e aspecto empreendedor ofuscados pela incerteza da economia.

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

Read the text below and after answer the question.

Why am I compelled to write? Because the writing saves me from this complacency, I
fear. Because I have no choice. Because I must keep the spirit of my revolt and myself
alive. Because the world I create in the writing compensates for what the real world
does not give me. By writing I put order in the world, give it a handle so I can grasp it.

5- Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa, falecida em 2004, foi uma escritora americana de

origem mexicana que escreveu sobre questões culturais e raciais. Na citação, o intuito
da autora é evidenciar as
A) possibilidades de mudar o mundo real.
B) escolhas que ela faz para ordenar o mundo.
C) compensações advindas da escrita
D) razões pelas quais ela escreve.
Read the text below and after answer the question.

6- Uma campanha pode ter por objetivo conscientizar a população sobre determinada
questão social. Na campanha realizada no Reino Unido, a frase “A third of the food we
buy in the UK ends up being thrown away” foi utilizada para enfatizar o(a)
A) desperdício de comida. B) desigualdade social.
C) escassez de plantações. D) custo dos alimentos.

Read the text carefully and choose the one best answer to the question.

Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca remarks on success “The

ability to concentrate and use your time well is the key to
success. I work hard during the week and, except for very
difficult times, keep my weekends for my family and
recreation. On Sunday nights, I make a list of things to do
in the coming week. I can’t believe so many people can’t
control their schedules! When an executive says proudly,
‘Boy, I worked so hard last year that I didn’t take any
vacation ’, I want to say, ‘you dummy’! You can plan an $
80.000,00 project, but you can’t plan for taking a two-week vacation!”

7- The phrase ‘you dummy’ in line 9 refers to

A) boy. B) last year. C) vacation. D) executive.

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

TEXTO ABAIXO: - Comum às questões: 8,9.

Apuri, Brazil - Many Brazilians have regarded the Amazon jungle as a barreir to
progress that should be replaced as quickly as possible with ranches and farms. But in
this remote corner of Brazil's most isolated state, people increasingly see the rain
forest as a solution to the region's chronic poverty. In one sign of change, peasants
are being encouraged to cultivate rubber and Brazil nut trees, the twin pillars of the
economy here before major deforestation began in the 1970's. Seeking to capitalize
on the growing market in Brazil and abroad for environmentally friendly products, forest
dwellers have also formed cooperatives that have begun to produce high-end furniture,
medicines derived from local plants and even condoms.

8- In the phrase "rain forest"in line 3 refers to

A) Amazon jungle. B) isolated state. C) barrier. D) chronic poverty.

9- In the phrase "the twin pillars of the economy" refers to

A) peasants. B) medicines and furniture.
C) rubber and Brazil nut trees. D) ranches and farms.

Read the text carefully and choose the one best answer to the question.

Digital record players and digital audio discs, or compact discs, were introduced in the
United States in 1983. The initial sales were small, but as discs and players came
down in price, their sales increased dramatically. The compact disc, or CD, is less than
five inches in diameter and has only one playable side. It can, however, hold more than
60 minutes of music. It is played on a digital record player that uses a laser beam to
scan the recorded surface. In digital recording, a computer samples 44,000 bits of
sound per second and assigns each a numerical value. The numbers are then
recorded in pits imbedded in the disc. It is these numbers that are read by the laser
beam and changed back into sound.

10- The word each refers to:

A) bit of sound. B) computer. C) compact disc. D) second.


E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894


E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894





Prezado(a) Aluno(a)!
Leia as questões abaixo com atenção;
Marque para cada questão 1 alternativa;
Na parte inferior das questões, preencha com atenção o gabarito e entregue sua prova ao professor.

Read the text below and answer the questions 01, 02.


Each year the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo chooses its “most handsome elderly man” in
a beauty contest where charisma is as important as looks. This year’s winner, seventy
six year old Jose dos Santos Neves, said: “When you’re as old as me, it’s an
achievement”. The competition is a city initiative to promote self
esteem among senior

1- A possible translation for the title of the text would be

A)) São Paulo escolhe seu bisavô mais bonito. B)) São Paulo tem o avô mais bonito.
C)) São Paulo tem o bisavô mais bonito. D)) São Paulo escolhe o avô mais bonito.

2- According to the text:

A)) O vencedor disse que quando se tem jovialidade fica fácil conquistar o prêmio
B) A cada ano um bisavô é escolhido em uma competição promovida pela cidade de
São Paulo.
C)) O vencedor desse ano foi José dos Santos Neves de oitenta e seis anos.
D)) A competição é uma iniciativa da cidade para promover a autoestima entre idosos.

Read the text below and

d answer the questions 03, 04.


The vampire brothers Damon and Stefan Salvatore, eternal

adolescents, having been leading “normal” lives, hiding their
bloodthirsty condition, for centuries, moving on before their
non-aging is noticed. They are back in the Virginia town where
they became vampires. Stefan is noble, denying himself blood
to avoid killing, and tries to control his evil brother Damon, who
promised to Stefan an eternity of misery. Stefan falls in love with
schoolgirl Elena, who has an uncanny resemblance to the
Salvatore brothers old love, Katherine; and whose best friend Bonnie is a witch.

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

3- The text above:

A) Apresenta o episódio final da série The Vampire Diaries.

B) Relata sobre o primeiro capítulo da série The Vampire Diaries.
C) Relata apenas sobre a história da estudante Elena da série The Vampire Diaries.
D) Apresenta o enredo da série The Vampire Diaries.

4- According to the text: ‘Storyline’, Damon and Stefan Salvatore:

A) São adolescentes eternos que levam vidas normais, escondendo a condição

sanguinária, durante séculos.
B) São adolescentes que levam a vida escondendo-se durante séculos.
C) São adolescentes eternos que levam vidas paralelas, escondendo suas formas
reais, durante séculos.
D) São adolescentes que levam suas vidas em uma profunda escuridão, escondendo
a condição sanguinária, durante séculos.

Read the text below and answer the questions 05, 06, 07.
Heart disease and stroke are the world’s biggest killers. Millions of people in Britain
take cholesterol-lowering drugs to reduce their risk. Now scientists from the
Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research believe they may have found
an alternative treatment. It’s a vaccine that helps the body’s immune system get rid of
bad cholesterol from the blood. The first human trials are now under way, but
researchers say it will take six years before they know if the jab is safe and effective
enough to get regulatory approval.
5- According to the text:

A) Apenas os derrames são os maiores assassinos do mundo.

B) Milhões de pessoas no mundo sofrem de doenças do coração.
C) Doenças do coração e derrames são os maiores assassinos do mundo.
D) Apenas as doenças do coração são os maiores assassinos do mundo.

6- “It’s a vaccine that helps the body’s immune system get rid of bad cholesterol from
the blood...” A possible translation for the sentence above is:

A) A vacina vai ajudar o colesterol a se livrar do sangue ruim.

B) É uma vacina que ajuda o sistema imunológico do corpo a se livrar do mau
colesterol no sangue.
C) A vacina vai tratar o sistema imunológico do colesterol ruim.
D) A vacina vai tratar o colesterol ruim através do corpo que vai se livrar do mau
funcionamento do sistema imunológico.

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

7- According to the text:

A)) Os primeiros testes em ratos de laboratórios ainda estão em andamento.

B)) Milhões de pessoas na Grã
Bretanha tomam remédios para baixar o colesterol.
C) Cientistas holandeses acreditam ter encontrado um tratamento paliativo para
auxiliar o sistema imunológico.
D)) Pesquisadores dizem que vai levar oito anos até saberem se a vacina é segura e

Read the comic strip carefully and choose the one best answer to the question.

8- Observando-se a tirinha acima

acima, depreende-se que

A)) a pergunta no segundo quadro da tirinha mostra que o garoto é um bom aluno.
B)) a fala do pai no último quadro mostra que a proposta do garoto não poderá ser
C) embora o pai não esperasse, as notas do garoto o surpreenderam positivamente.
D)) se as notas do garoto tivessem sido boas, o pai teria certamente atendido seu

This is a passage from the classic story “Alice in Wonderland”:

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the
bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice, she had peeped
into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or
conversations in it, ``and
and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice
`without pictures or conve

From this paragraph you can infer that
A) Alice had been quite busy helping her sister read.
B) Alice had been sitting down by her sister for a while.
C) Alice had been standing near her sister for a while.
D) Alice was going to sit down to read by her sister.

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

Read the text carefully and choose the one best answer to the question

Two fellas are fishing in a boat under a bridge. One looks up and sees a funeral
procession starting across the bridge.
He stands up, takes off his cap, and bows his head. The procession crosses the
bridge and the man puts on his cap, picks up his rod and reel, and continues fishing.
The other guy says, "That was touching. I didn't know you had it in you." The first guy
responds, "Well, I guess it was the thing to do after all, I was married to her for 40

What is the purpose of this text?
A) To amuse the readers. B) To introduce the two fellows.
C) To teach how to fish. D) To tell about a procession.


E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894


E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894





Prezado(a) Aluno(a)!
Leia as questões abaixo com atenção;
Marque para cada questão 1 alternativa;
Na parte inferior das questões, preencha com atenção o gabarito e entregue sua prova ao professor.

Read the text below and answer the question.

This is based on an extract from the movi
moviee Sidewalks of New York (2001).
Setting: at a restaurant
Participants: a couple and a young man
Functions: greeting
g Level of formality: informal
Instructions: Ashley and Griffin are having dinner at a restaurant
restaurant. A young man
(Ben) is on his way to the toilet when he sees Ashley, an old friend. He greets her.

Ben sees Ashley and a friend sitting at a restaurant table. He greets her.
A) Ashley, how do you do? B) Ashley, how’s it going?
C) Excuse me, are you Ashley? D) Hi, I’m Ben. What’s your name?

Read the text below and answer the question.

Emma: Hey. Look. That girl over there must be graduating.
Lloyd: From college? Are you kidding? She can’t be more than 12.
Emma: Well, she’s wearing a cap and gown.
Lloyd: Huh. She must be a genius.
Emma: Sure, but she must study a lot, too.

2-The modal verb “must” w

was used in the conversation to express
A) ability. B) certainty. C) permission
permission.. D) prohibition.

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

Read the text below and answer the question that follows.

Matt Damon Interview INVICTUS

Question: What are the challenges of playing a real-life sports


Matt Damon:The first thing I did when I read the script was call
Clint and say, “I can’t believe this happened. I can’t believe this
is true.” And, he said, “I couldn’t either, but this is true.” So, I
went immediately and looked up Francois Pienaar online and I
said, “Clint, this guy is huge. We’ve never met but I’m 5’10.” He
started laughing and said, “Oh, hell, don’t worry about that. You
go worry about everything else.” And, I said, “All right, I’ll worry
about everything else.

3- The word can’t in “I can’t believe this happened”, can be replaced by I am not
A) able to B) about to C) going to D) used to

Read the text below and answer the question.

The Williams Inn is the ideal place for special occasions; we treat you like family and
share in the joy of your special event. Be it a birthday party, graduation, Bar-Mitzvah,
wedding, or maybe just a holiday get- together, we're there to ensure it will be the best
ever. Come to The Williams Inn and let us take care of your celebration. Relax in our
colonial-style rooms, refresh yourself in our pool, and then come to celebrate in our
inviting function rooms. Our experienced staff can help you plan your event exactly as
you want it. Whether you are planning an intimate gathering of close friends or a group
of 200, The Williams Inn will take care of you.

1. ‘Relax in our colonial-style rooms’ is a ( ) details.

2. Adjectives like ‘ideal’, ‘inviting’ and ‘experienced’ add ( ) examples.
3. Occasions like ‘party’, ‘wedding’ and ‘get-together’ are ( ) suggestion

4-What is the correct sequence of words to complete the sentences above?

A) (1); (2); (3) B) (1); (3); (2) C) (2); (3); (1) D) (3); (1); (2)

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

Read the text below and answer the question that follows.

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Charlie Gibson of ABC just talked to Obama and asked him why he won’t disclose his
donor list.
GIBSON: You’re going to have a half an hour broadcast tonight on a number of the
networks. And the expense is not inconsiderable to buy that much time.
OBAMA: Right.
GIBSON: Aren’t you able to buy it only because you broke a promise on campaign
OBAMA: Well, look, there is no doubt that the amount of money that we’ve raised in
this campaign has been extraordinary and surprised me as much as anybody —
maybe more than anybody. What I would simply point to is that the way we have raised
this money has been by expanding the pool of small donors in this country in an
unprecedented way.

5-This kind of text can be identified as an

A) advertisement. B) announcement. C) editorial. D) interview.

Read the text below and answer the question.

Emma Watson announces her university pick!
July 17, 2009 at 8:52:00 AM by Seventeen Magazine 0 Comments
Emma Watson, whom we all know and love as Harry Potter's spunky Hermione
Granger, will be moving from the school of Hogwarts to Brown University in the fall.
She's looking forward to taking a break from film to study literature. "I'm not trying to
hide or anything like that. It sounds so geeky, but I really do like studying and reading,
and if I'm not working on Harry Potter, then my greatest relaxation is to sit with a book.
That's how I escape stress in literature," Emma told Paste magazine of her Providence
plans. This doesn't mean the end of her acting career, "Acting and studying are in no
way mutually exclusive," she said.

6-When Emma Watson is not working, she enjoys ______ to relax. The phrase that
correctly completes the sentence is
A) going to school B) reading books C) studying movies D) watching films

7-You have just bought a new bike. Your friend just loves it. You invite him for a ride.
You say:
A) Do you like biking? B) How about this bike?
C) Let’s go to the county park. D) Wanna go for a bike ride?

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

Read the text below and answer the question.

One of the Amazon's many rivers, Rio Pinquen meanders through Manu
National Park.

Observe the picture and choose the most appropriate definition for the word
meanders in the legend above.

1. Meander or Maiandros is a river-god in Greek mythology, patron deity of the

Meander River in Caria, Asia Minor.

2. A decorative border constructed from a continuous line, shaped into a

repeated motif.

3. To move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course; to follow a tortuous, zigzag


4. A meander or closed meander is a self-avoiding closed curve, which

intersects a line a number of times.

8-The number corresponding to the best definition for the word meanders is
A) 1. B) 2. C) 3. D) 4.

Read the text below and answer the question.

Water pollution
When toxic substances enter lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, and other water bodies,
they get dissolved or lie suspended in water or get deposited on the bed. This results in
the pollution of water whereby the quality of the water deteriorates, affecting aquatic
ecosystems. Pollutants can also seep down and affect the groundwater deposits.
Water pollution has many sources. The most polluting of them are the city sewage and
industrial waste discharged into the rivers.

9-The pronoun them in the article refers to

A) deposits. B) ecosystems. C) rivers. D) sources

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Read the text below and answer the question that follows.
BAGLEY: Nathan, good to see you.
ALGREN: Colonel Bagley...
BAGLEY: Sit down. This is Mr. Omura, from Japan, and his two associates.
ALGREN: _________________________________

10-The correct sentence to complete the dialog is:

A) Do I really have to stay here all night?
B) Gentlemen, it’s a pleasure meeting you.
C) Japan is a place I would really like to visit.
D) Ok, now that the presentations are done…


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Prezado(a) Aluno(a)!
1-Leia as questões abaixo com atenção;
Marque para cada questão 1 alternativa;
Na parte inferior das questões, preencha com atenção o gabarito e entregue sua prova ao professor.

Leia a Tirinha abaixo e responda às perguntas 01, 02.

1- Qual é o verbo To Be contraído no 3° quadrinho?

A) has B) it C) am D) was

2- O verbo Has possui qual tradução na Tirinha?

A) fala B) possui C) consegue D) parece

3- Qual a resposta para a pergunta: Do you have friends at school?

A) Yes, I had. B)) Yes, I does. C) Yes, I do. D)) Yes, I has.

4- Qual a forma NEGATIVA da sentença: Joe is an awesome boy.

A) Is Joe an awesome boy? C) Joe aren´t an awesome boy.
B) Joe isn’t an awesome boy. D) Joe is are not an awesome boy.

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Read the poem entitled: “Life Is Like A CD
CD” and answer the question.

Life is a C.D.
Played and used. Lots of memories can be downloaded and deleted.
Everything is always repeated.

5- According to the poem, memories can be

A) erased. B) played. C) repeated. D) used.

6- Qual é a ordem correta das palavras para formar a pergunta: “QUANDO FOI O
A) Birthday your was when? B) Was when birthday your?
C) When was your birthday? D) Your when was birthday?

Read the text below

w and after answer the question 07
What are we going to do with the princess? asked the king. She is never happy. So
the king and queen wrote a letter and sent it across the land

7- The pronoun she in the sentence, ‘She is never happy’, refers to the
A) land. B) letter. C) princess. D) queen.

Read the Comics below and after answer the question that follows.

8- Qual é a Forma Negativa da sentença da Tirinha?

A) You doens’t think computer games are as good as real life.
B) You don’t think computer games are
aren’t as good as real life.
C) You don’t thinks computer games are as good as real life.
D) You think computer games are as good as real life.

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Read the text below and after answer the questions 9 and 10.

Birthday’s origin

In ancient Rome, there was the habit of celebrating the birthday of a person.
There weren’t parties like we know today, but
cakes were prepared and offers were made.
Then, the habits of wishing happy birthday,
giving gifts and lighting candles became popular
as a way to protect the birthday person
from devils and ensure good things to the next
year in the person’s life. The celebrations only
became popular like we know today after fourteen centuries, in a collective
festival performed in Germany.

9- How did the ancient Rome celebrate the birthday of a person?

A) Cakes were prepared and offers were made.
B) Candles were prepared and offers were made.
C) Gifts were prepared and offers were made.
D) Balloons were prepared and offers were made.

10- Onde as celebrações (aniversário) se tornaram populares como nos dias atuais?
A) Brasil. B) Inglaterra. C) Alemanha. D) Espanha


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Prezado(a) Aluno(a)!
Leia as questões abaixo com atenção;
Marque para cada questão 1 alternativa;
3-Na parte inferior das questões, preencha com atenção o gabarito e entregue sua prova ao professor.

Read the text below and after answer the questions 01, 02 and 03.

Department Store
The first department store was created in Paris, in 1850. It was conceived as a big
place with a lot of options in products and brands. They wouldn’t sell just a specific
product: there you could find clothes, shoes, jewels, make up and many others things
That concept remained until today. So, if you want to buy many things with good prices,
you can choose from one of the thousands in the world. Every year, on the day after
Thanksgiving, most of this stores have a big sale called Black Friday. On this day
day, it is
possible to buy products with big discounts and you also have the option to buy things
online. In 2016, more than 154 million people spent USD 3,3 billion dollars shopping only
on the internet.

1- Where was the first departament store created?

A) In
n Brazil. B) In USA. C) In France. D) In China.

2- What’s the Best translation for the sentence: “They wouldn’t sell just a specific product:
there you could find clothes.”

A) Eles não venderiam apenas um produto específico: lá você poderia encontrar roupas.
B) Eles não vendem apenas um produto específico: lá você poderia encontrar roupas.
C) Eles não vendiam apenas um produto específico: lá você poderia encontrar roupas.
D) Eles não venderiam apenas um pr
oduto específico: lá você pode encontrar roupas.

3- What’s the name of the big sale that we have these days after Thanksgiving?

A) Chistmas time. B) Easter sale. C) New year sale D) Black Friday.

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Read the text below and after answer the questions 04 and 05.

Walk of Fame
Even if you have never visited Los Angeles, you have probably
heard about the most famous sidewalk in the world: the
Hollywood Walk of Fame. Every year, around 10 million tourists
visit this street to take pictures with their idol’s star.
Since 1960, the Hollywood Boulevard Avenue attracts visitors to
see star-plaques with the names of celebrities: actors, singers,
movie directors, stage performers or anyone who has contributed
to make Hollywood known worldwide. Each pink star is made of
a marble called terrazzo, a bronze shield with the honoree’s name and an icon of the
celebrity job, like a camera, television or a microphone, for example.

4- Where’s Hollywood Walk of Fame?

A) USA. B) England. C) Ireland. D) Canada.

5- What’s the color of the star is made to honor the artist?

A) Red. B) Pink. C) Yellow. D) White.

Read the text below and after answer the questions 06, 07, 08 and 09.
The doctor

Dylan is a doctor. He looks after sick people. He usually gets up at 6.00 o’clock.
Today he is late, it is 6.30 and he is still in bed. He usually goes to work by train but
today he is driving to work. He arrives at work at 6.30 every morning but it is 7.30 now
and he is still driving. It’s 12.00 o’clock now. He always has his lunch at 12.00 but
today he isn’t having lunch at 12.00, he is looking after his sick patients. It is half past
seven now, Dylan is watching TV. He usually watches TV at half past seven because
his favorite programme starts at half past seven. Dylan has his dinner at 8.30 everyday
and he is having dinner now. It is 24.00 now Dylan is going to bed. He always goes to
bed at 24.00.

6- De acordo com o texto, são 7h30min e Dylan ainda:

A) está dirigindo. B) está tomando o café da manhã.
C) está entrando no carro. D) ainda está dando beijo nas crianças.

7- Dylan costuma almoçar às 12 horas, porém, de acordo com o texto, hoje:

A) ele ainda está indo almoçar.
B) ele está assistindo TV.
C) ele está cuidando de seus pacientes doentes.
D) ele está cuidando de uma criança doente.

8- Qual horário Dylan costuma jantar?

A) 18h30min. B) 18 horas. C) 20h30min. D) 19h30min.

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9- Que horário Dylan costuma dormir todos os dias?
A) 00h00min. B) 18 horas. C) 20h30min. D) 19h30min.

Read the Comics below and after answer the question 10.

10- Who are the charactesr in the Comic Strip?

A) A dog and a woman. B) A mouse and a man.
C) A cat and a man D) A cat and a woman.


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Prezado(a) Aluno(a)!
Leia as questões abaixo com atenção;
Marque para cada questão 1 alternativa;
3-Na parte inferior das questões, preencha com atenção o gabarito e entregue sua prova ao professor.

Read the text below and after answer the questions 01, 02, 03 and 04.
Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She
goes to school in the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening,
she studies English at a school. She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice
cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats barbecue. Her brothers don’t
like to study but they help their parents too. They want open a small restaurant
because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor.
Her father tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells tell
her father:: “Yes, you are correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I
am dedicated.” Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and
they never give up. Jane doesn’t have everything she wants but she works hard.
Write (T) true or (F) false about the statements:
Jane doesn't help her mother in the afternoon. (....)
Jane studies English at a university. (....)
She doesn't like meat. (....)
Her brothers love to study.(....)
Jane wants to be a doctor.(....)
1- Qual é a sequência correta acima?
A) F,F,F,F,T B) F,T,F,F,T C) T,F,T,F,T D) F,F,F,T,T

2- What’s the Negative Form

orm related to the third sentence of the text?
A) She studies English at a school. B) She don’t studies English at a school.
C) She doesn’t studies English at a school. D) She doesn’t study English at a school.

3- What does Jane like to eat?

A) Ice cream and barbecue. B) Candies and barbecue. C) Pizza. D) Hot dog.

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4- Does Jane work hard according to the text?

A) Yes, she do. B) Yes, she does. C) Yes, she don’t D) Yes, she doesn’t.

Read the following text carefully and after answer the questions 05, 06 and 07.

It’s a rainy Saturday. It’s raining a lot and Mary and her family are spending the
afternoon at home. Her uncles are visiting them.Mary and her father are in the living
room. Mary is making a draw and her father, Mr.Harris, is surfing the net. They are also
talking. Mary’s older brother, Peter, is in his bedroom playing computer games. He is a computer
fanatic and he spends much time playing on the computer. His little brother, Jim is also
in the living room. He is playing with his dinosaurs’ collection. Sometimes he teases
Mary, he is a really naughty boy. Mary’s mother, Mrs. Harris, is in the kitchen preparing
a snack for all of them. She is making some tea and talking to Mary’s uncles – Lucy
and Tom. They are from the nearest town and stopped by to say hello. Fluffy, the
family cat, is sleeping on the kitchen’s sofa. We can’t see him in the picture, but he is a
true fluffy cat.

5- Where is Mary and her family spending the afternoon?

A) On the beach. B) At home. C) in the hospital. D) at the park.

6- Who’s connecting the internet?

A) Mr. Harris B) Peter C) Lucy D) Tom

7- Who’s sleeping on the couch?

A) Fluffy B) Mr. Harris C) Peter D) Lucy

Read the Comics below and answer the question which follows.

8- Qual o sentido da primeira expressão que o empregado disse para o chefe?

A) Too hard. B) Easy way. C) So difficult. D) Too tricky.

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

Read the following text carefully and after answer the question.

It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather had changed overnight,
when a backing wind brought a granite sky and a mizzling rain with it, and although it
was now only a little after two o'clock in the afternoon the pallor of a winter evening
seemed to have closed upon the hills, cloaking them in mist.

9- No que se refere à tipologia textual, esse texto é:

A) Argumentativo, pois defende a ideia de se passar o inverno em um

determinado lugar.
B) Descritivo, pois retrata por meio do amplo uso de adjetivos, o inverno de um
certo lugar.
C) Expositivo, pois analisa os acontecimentos de uma noite de inverno de forma
D) Narrativo, pois exibe personagens e um narrador que conta uma história sobre
o inverno.

10- Qual dessas frases pertence a um texto instrutivo?

A) A pigeon and a lion had lived together for a long time as good neighbors.
B) My mother had cancer when I was 11 and that’s why I want to support cancer research.
C) This is a mountainous area, where there are ski trails and other supporting services.
D) Two tips for you to sleep well: create a bedtime ritual and limit daytime naps.


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Prezado(a) Aluno(a)!
Leia as questões abaixo com atenção;
Marque para cada questão 1 alternativa;
Na parte inferior das questões, preencha com atenção o gabarito e entregue sua prova ao professor.

Read the text below and after answer the question


Cisne Negro (2010) - Black Swan (original title)


Nina (Portman) is a ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose

life, like all those in her profession, is completely consumed with dance.
She lives with her obsessive former ballerina mother Erica (Hershey)
who exerts a suffocating control over her. When artistic director
Thomas Leroy (Cassel) decides to replace prima ballerina Beth
MacIntyre (Ryder) for the opening production of their new season,
Swan Lake, Nina is his first choice.

1- The word whose in the expression whose life refers to

A) Beth. B) Erica. C) Nina. D) Thomas.

Here’s a line of a dialogue between John and his best friend:

When John was about to move to Louisiana, his best friend came by to say goodbye,
gave him a hug and said:

Have a good luck in there!”

2- What is a similar greeting for this one?

A) “I wish you all the best in there!”

B) “I wish you can see your life wants to show you
C) “Keep your eyes wide open to life signs!”
D) “Pay
Pay close attention to everything in there!”

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

Read the following text carefully and after answer the questions 03, 04 and 05.

Two farmers had a big horse. This was fifty years ago, when farmers used horses a lot.
The horse worked in the fields in the day and slept in a stable at night.The horse was a
big animal, and the entrance of its stable was too low. When the horse went in or out,
its ears hit the top of the entrance. The horse did not like this. It got angry and often
kicked the farmers.'What can we do about this problem?' they often asked.After a long
time, one of them thought of an answer.He said, 'Let's cut away the top of the entrance.
Then the entrance will be higher.'So they found a saw and started cutting. Their saw
was old and not very good, so the work was hard. After a few minutes, a friend came to
see them.'What are you doing?' their friend asked. The farmers told him about the
problem.The friend said, 'You don't have to cut the entrance with a saw. You can dig
the entrance with a spade. Then the floor will be lower. That'll be easier and
quicker.The farmers thanked their friend, and he went away.Then one farmer said to
the other, 'That man's stupid.The horse's ears are the problem, not its feet.

3- Qual é o infinitivo do verbo was no texto?

A)To be B) To were C) To wear D) To wore

4- O verbo went é passado de qual verbo abaixo?

A) go B) would C) wear D) gone

5- A palavra saw em negrito no texto, traduzida para o Português é?

A) Viu B) Ver C) Pá D) Serra

6- Qual é a tradução da sentença: “I didn’t do the exercises”.

A) Eu não fiz os exercícios. B) Eu não farei os exercícios.

C) Eu não tenho feito os exercícios. D) Eu faria os exercícios.

7- Como se escreve em Inglês: “Eu estava correndo muito rápido”.

A) I was runing so fast. B) I was running so fast.

B) I were running so fast. C) I were runing so fast.

Read the following text carefully and after answer the questions

It was Saturday. The sun was shining and many people were going to the park. Bill was
there. He was riding his bike when he met his math teacher, Mrs. Bells. She was
running around the lake. There were some boys playing soccer. He also met his
neighbor, Mr. Ford. He was doing some exercises. There were some kids eating
popcorn and drinking soda. It was great! It was Saturday. The sun was shining and
many people were going to the park. Bill was there. He was riding his bike when he
met his math teacher, Mrs. Bells. She was running around the lake. There were some
boys playing soccer. He also met his neighbor, Mr. Ford. He was doing some
exercises. There were some kids eating popcorn and drinking soda. It was great!

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

8- What were the children having according to the text?

A) Eating popcorn and drinking soda. B) Riding their bikes.

B) Running around the lake. D) Doing some exercises.

9- Were the boys playing soccer?

A) Yes, they was. B) Yes, they were. C) Yes, they did. D) No, they weren’t.

Read the Comics below and answer the question which follows.

10- What’s the Past Continuous form of the sentence in the Comics.

A) At that moment I was saw fireworks.

B) At that moment I was see fireworks.
C) At that moment I was seeing fireworks.
D) At that moment I were seeing fireworks.


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E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894





Prezado(a) Aluno(a)!
Leia as questões abaixo com atenção;
Marque para cada questão 1 alternativa;
Na parte inferior das questões, preencha com atenção o gabarito e entregue sua prova ao professor.

Complete the following sentences using gerunds or infinitives.

I. tried ________ a ticket, but they were all sold out.
II. I tried ___________ to the manager personally, but that didn’t help.
III. We regret _________ you that the flight has been cancelled.
IV.. The doctor has asked me to stop ____________.

1- What’s the right sequence which complete the gaps above?

A) to get – speaking - to inform - smoking

B) to getting – speaking - to inform – to smoke
A) to getting – to speak - to inform - smoking
B) to get – speaking - to informing – smoke

2- She was so upset she couldn’t avoid ___________.

A) to complaining B)) complain C) complaining D)) complained

3- Would you mind _____________ the door, please?

A) to open B)) open C) opening D)) opens

4- She couldn’t help __________ at you, honey!

A) laughing B)) to laugh C) laughed D)) was laughing

Read the following text carefully and after answer the question.

British Government to Recruit Teens as Next Generation of Spies

In the 50 years since the first James Bond movie created a lasting impression
of a British secret agent, a completely different character is about to emerge. Britain’s
intelligence agencies are to recruit their next generation of cyber spies by harnessing
the talents of the “Xbox generation”.
In an expansion of a pilot program, Foreign Secretary William Hague
announced Thursday that up to 100 18 18-year-olds
olds will be given the chance to train for a
career in Britain’s secret services. Th
The move to recruit school-leavers
leavers marks a break
with the past, when agencies mainly drew their staff from among university graduates.

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“Young people are the key to our country’s future success, just as they were
during the War”, Hague said. “Today we are not at war, but I see evidence every day of
deliberate, organized attacks against intellectual property and government networks in
the United Kingdom.”
The new recruitment program, called the Single Intelligence Account
apprenticeship scheme will enable students with suitable qualifications in science,
technology or engineering, to spend two years learning about communications, security
and engineering through formal education, technical training and work placements.

5- Segundo informações veiculadas pela NBC News, a geração digital já tem seu
espaço conquistado nas agências britânicas de inteligência. O governo britânico
decidiu que
A) enfrentará a guerra vigente e deliberada contra a propriedade intelectual no Reino
B) abandonará a política de contratação de universitários como agentes secretos.
C) recrutará jovens jogadores de Xbox como ciberespiões das agências de
D) implantará um esquema de capacitação de adolescentes para atuarem como
agentes secretos.

Read the text carefully and choose the one best answer to the question.

6- Nesse texto publicitário são utilizados recursos verbais e não verbais para transmitir
a mensagem. Ao associar os termos anyplace e regret à imagem do texto, constata-se
que o tema da propaganda é a importância da

A) preservação do meio ambiente. B) manutenção do motor.

C) escolha da empresa certa. D) consistência do produto.

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Read the text carefully and choose the one best answer to the question.
Children and Guns
Published: May 7, 2013
To the Editor: Re “Girl’s Death by Gunshot Is Rejected as Symbol” (news article,
May 6

I find it abhorrent that the people of Burkesville, Ky., are not willing to learn a
lesson from the tragic shooting of a 2-year-old girl by her 5-year-old brother. I am not
judging their lifestyle of introducing guns to children at a young age, but I do feel that
it’s irresponsible not to practice basic safety with anything potentially lethal — guns,
knives, fire and so on. How can anyone justify leaving guns lying around, unlocked and
possibly loaded, in a home with two young children? I wish the family of the victim
comfort during this difficult time, but to dismiss this as a simple accident leaves open
the potential for many more such “accidents” to occur. I hope this doesn’t have to
happen several more times for legislators to realize that something needs to be

Brooklyn, May 6, 2013
7- No que diz respeito à tragédia ocorrida em Burkesville, a autora da carta enviada
ao The New York Times busca
A) reconhecer o acidente noticiado como um fato isolado.
B) responsabilizar o irmão da vítima pelo incidente ocorrido.
C) apresentar versão diferente da notícia publicada pelo jornal.
D) expor sua indignação com a negligência de portadores de armas.

Read the text carefully and choose the one best answer to the question.

Israel Travel Guide

Israel has always been a standout destination. From the days of prophets to the
modern day nomad this tiny slice of land on the eastern Mediteranean has long
attracted visitors. While some arrive in the ‘Holy Land’ on a spiritual quest, many others
are on cultural tours, beach holidays and eco-tourism trips. Weeding through Israel’s
convoluted history is both exhilarating and exhausting. There are crumbling temples,
ruined cities, abandoned forts and hundreds of places associated with the Bible. And
while a sense of adventure is required, most sites are safe and easily accessible. Most
of all, Israel is about its incredibly diverse population. Jews come from all over the
world to live here, while about 20% of the population is Muslim. Politics are hard to get
away from in Israel as everyone has an opinion on how to move the country forward —
with a ready ear you’re sure to hear opinions from every side of the political spectrum.

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8- Antes de viajar, turistas geralmente buscam informações sobre o local para onde
pretendem ir. O trecho do guia de viagens de Israel
A) descreve a história desse local para que turistas valorizem seus costumes
B) informa hábitos religiosos para auxiliar turistas a entenderem as diferenças
C) divulgaa os principais pontos turísticos para ajudar turistas a planejarem sua viagem.
D) apresenta aspectos gerais da cultura do país para continuar a atrair turistas

Read the text below and answer the question.

This is an extract from a five

aragraph essay on sports.

Dribbling the ball on the gym floor, the basketball player weaves in and out
through the opposition. His final destination is a 10 foot high net, clearly in his sights.
The soccer player, however, dribbles the ball with his feet, kicking his way down the
grassy field. He finally “shoots” the ball with all of his might, past the goalie, and into
the rectangular net at the end of the field.

9- The objective of this text is to ___________ two team sports.

A) compare B) compare and contrast C) contrast D) describe and define

Read the text below and answer the question.

How HIV is transmitted

HIV can only be passed on if infected blood, semen, vaginal fluids or breast
milk get inside another perperson's
son's body. The two main ways in which a person can
become infected are:
• Vaginal or anal sexual intercourse (without a condom) with an infected person.
• Using a needle or syringe that's already been used by someone who's infected. An
infected pregnantt woman can also pass the virus to her unborn baby, before or during
the birth, or through breastfeeding. Other potential routes of transmission include:
• Giving and receiving first aid, although transmission will only occur if significant
amounts of HIV-infected
infected blood pass from one person to another.
• Contact with used needles and syringes, if infected blood is transferred.

10- The text aims to give

A) advice. B) information. C) instructions. D) suggestions.

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E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894





Prezado(a) Aluno(a)!
Leia as questões abaixo com atenção;
Marque para cada questão 1 alternativa;
Na parte inferior das questões, preencha com atenção o gabarito e entregue sua prova ao professor.

Leia a Tirinha abaixo e responda à pergunta.

1- Qual é a tradução do primeiro quadrinho?

A) Aprenda com o hoje. B) Aprenda com o ontem.
C) Viver hoje. D) Olhe para o amanhã.

2- Qual é a tradução das palavras: GRAPE AND APPLE.

A) Uva e laranja. B)) Abacaxi e maçã. C) Uva e maçã. D) Uva

U e ameixa.

Complete o diálogo com a palavra correta.

_________ is the food here?’

‘It’s delicious.’

3- The word that correctly completes the sentence above is

A) How. B) What. C) When. D) Where

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4- A Liz acabou de encontrar o Jon, e agora ela está despedindo dele, como ela vai
A) Good evening, Jon. How are you? B) Hello, Jon. Nice to meet you.
C) Pleased to meet you, Jon. D) See you, Jon. Nice meet you.

Leia a placa abaixo e então responda à pergunta.

5- The word ‘pets’ in the sign refers to

A) animals. B) fruits. C) persons. D) photos.

Leia o texto abaixo e responda à pergunta.

You need: 2 cups of flour /1 cup of Milk/ 1 cup of water/ 1 egg
Preparation: Mix everything together; Put some of the liquid mix into a frying
pan; Cook the pancakes on both sides; Delicious with lemon and sugar.

6- O texto acima é um (a):

A) conversation. B) letter. C) recipe. D) sign.

Read the Comics below and answer the question that follows.

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

7- Qual dia é mencionado na Tirinha?
A) Terça, 22 de Janeiro. B) Terça, 32 de Janeiro.
C) Sexta, 02 de Janeiro. D) Terça, 02 de Janeiro.

Veja o texto abaixo e depois responda à questão.

8- Qual é o gênero textual acima?

A) It is an advertisement. B) It is a comic strip.
C) It is a pamphlet. D) It is an e-mail.

Read the Comics and answer the question that follows.

9- Who is Monica talking with?

A) A doctor. B) A mechanic. C) A dentist. D) An artist.

10- Which of the groups of words below contains only sports?

A) Book; eraser; window; pen. B) Mouse; garden; printer; monitor.
C) Soccer; handball; golf; tennis. D) Socks; computer; shoes; pants.

E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894


E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894


E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894




E-book licenciado para Viviane Teodoro CPF: 22616980894

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