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Pornography is one of the major problems of youngster. Adventure, lust and there are many
such other reasons that attract young ones toward porn. Frequent pornography or doing
seldom are equally dangerous. Pornography leads to masturbates. those who believe that
pornography only side effect is masturbation are completely wrong. Pornography have bad
effects on ur whole body as well as soul. Here im gonna tell u some of those bad effects and
kindly 4 ur own selves skip porn watching if u r doing. Orgasm (sexual pleasure or sexual
excitement) is the only reason that compel us to watch porn again and again. When we watch
porn, dopamine releases into our reward center (a part of brain which is responsible for
pleasures sensations). the reward center uses two different pleasure systems, one that excites
and another that satisfies. The first system motivates us to go after things; it is largely fueled by
dopamine. The second system makes us feel satisfied and happy after accomplishing
something. It’s run by endorphins. Porn activates both of the reward center’s pleasure
systems, but the exciting system is stronger than the satisfying system; porn hyper-activates
our exciting system, releasing dopamine in response to each new image(porn). As a result, the
user can get caught by exciting system. And the worse is yet to come, that Teens are more
sensitive to dopamine so they get more used to porn than adults do. Teens brains is plastic
therefore porn change their brains rather it would not be wrong to say porn destroys their
brains. During orgasm oxytocin releases in our brain which can erase our old neural pathways.
When we frequently get used to pornography our reward center stops reacting to dopamine.
When researchers compared brain scans of porn users to scans of non-users, they found that
the more porn the person had watched, the less their reward center activated when porn clips
were played on the screen. With a weak reward center, a person can’t feel dopamine’s effects
as well. As a result, the porn they’ve been watching stopped producing the same
excitement(orgasm) they used to feel about it ago. As a result, many go in search of more
hardcore material to get a bigger dopamine release. In a study, researchers found that when
some male saw the same porn film repeatedly, they found it harder to get an erection (see
dictionary) to the porn film and they said they were progressively less aroused(excited) by it.
When researchers introduced a new video after 18 viewings of the old one, both erections and
arousal spiked(rise). The stuff we see in porn clips, we try to use the same in practical life with
our life partner and expect him/her to do the same as we have watched in the a result
one’s married life ruined. . Actors have often been surgically altered to have larger breasts, and
many use drugs either to maintain erections for abnormally long periods of time or to endure
the pain. Another major problem of pornography is erectile dysfunction ED. A man who
masturbates frequently can soon develop erection problems when he’s with his partner and he
can become unable to have sex. A penis that has grown accustomed to a particular kind of
sensation (porn watching) leading to rapid ejaculation (see dictionary) will not work the same
way when it’s aroused differently(intercourse/sex). Orgasm is delayed or doesn’t happen at all.
How ED develop? Actually, there’s a hypothesis about it:
“It starts with lower reactions to porn sites. Then there is a general
drop in libido (see dictionary), and in the end, it becomes impossible to get an erection”
Before internet porn, men ages 50 to 59 were three times more likely to report the problem
than 18- to 29-year-olds but now a study published in 2012 found that 30 percent of 18- to 25-
year-olds had ED. Doctors and past porn users have found that leaving porn behind can fix
erectile dysfunction problems.

Studies have shown that using illegal drugs like meth and cocaine (which over-stimulate the
brain’s reward center with dopamine) can cause the brain’s frontal lobes to shrink. Scientists
have also found this type of shrinkage in the brains of people who have been watching porn.
which cause less functioning and pain in brain. When one’s watch porn, specific
neurotransmitters pump out in brain which can cause brain tumor and ultimately brain cancer
result in death. “Pornography makes sex with as many strangers as possible appear normal and
desirable, and shows no negative consequences; those who use pornography have more sex
partners than do other people. Teen brains produce higher levels of DeltaFosB. DeltaFosB
guides us toward high calorie foods and sexual opportunities. By the time a person reaches
adulthood, their dopamine receptors in their reward center have decreased by a third to a half
of their adolescent they can’t develop any type of interest with their real-life partner
in sex, which is actually about intimacy and conditions become weird. porn user’s loss
confidence by satisfying their sexual urges watching porn so they hesitate to date a real woman
because porn is much easier for is certain that every porn user is ashamed that he
watches porn. it’s not in line with his principles. He hides it from other and do it in secrecy
which eats away his self-esteem and makes him feel unsecure and unworthy. porn user has
weak immune system, vulnerable brain, dull face, weak physical appearance. Pornography is
just like drugs, if u use them u’ll get used to them and would become addicted. The more u’ll
see porn the more u’ll get used to them and later it would be very difficult for u to get out of it.
According to my own survey in Pakistan, at high school level 25 out of 50 boys have watched
porn. At college level 40 out of 50 boys have watched porn movies or related stuff. They may
not have frequently watched but their brain had affected once.

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