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Q1 - How ____ does the film last? a.

a. long b. of
b. old Q11 - I am grateful ____ him for his help.
a. for
Q2 - How ____ is the exam?
b. to
a. hard
b. hardly Q12 - It was kind ____ them to assist.
a. of
Q3 - How ____ people did you meet? b. for
a. much Q13 - The town is famous ____ its food.
b. many a. of
Q4 - How ____ times did you speak to b. for
Q14 - I am very fond ____ cats.
a. often
a. for
b. many
b. of
Q5 - How ____ languages do you speak?
a. much
b. many Q15 - I thought ____ weren't coming.
a. you
6. ‘How ……..have you read that book?’ ‘At b. that you
c. Either could be used here.
least ten times. I really like it.
Q16 - It was so nice ____ didn't want to
a. often leave.
a. I
b. many times
b. that I
c. much
c. Either could be used here.
7.How ……..milk do you need for this Q17 - She shouted ____ couldn't hear us.
a. she
cake? b. that she
c. Either could be used here.
a. much Q18 - It looks lovely now ____ is out.
b. long a. the cherry blossom
c. many b. that the cherry blossom
8.How…… you practice tennis? c. Either could be used here.
Q19 - It's vital ____ gets done.
a. often a. it
b. far b. that it
c. Either could be used here.
c. many
9.How…… Everest? It’s more than 8000 20. He thinks he always knows…..
a. long a. the best
b. far b. best
c. high
Q10 - It was good ____ her to tell us. 21.I did…… on my last Math test.
a. worse c. with
b. badly
26.The old lady’ll get lost ………someone
22.We argued ……….than I thought we shows her the way.
a. if
a. longer b. unless
b. the longest
27.………you don’t hurry, you’ll be late for
23.The two people who enjoyed the game school again.
……. than others were Tom and Robert.
a. if
a. more b. unless
b. most
28.……...I study, Iwill pass the exam.
22.When I first met him, I was
afraid…..him. He was so pompous and a. if
aggressive. b. unless

a. to 29.You can’t travel abroad if/unless you

b. for don’t have a passport.
c. of
a. if
23.Sometimes I wish I could be more b. unless
polite…..each customer.
30. Dean always arrives at work on time. He
a. to is a …
b. for
a. punctual
c. of
b. determined
24.She is usually messy but sometimes is c. creative
31.It was…..of her to challenge the
a. in director’s decision.
b. at
a. reliable
c. with
b. imaginative
25.My brother gets on well with everyone in c. courageous
his class and he is pleasant …..his
32.If you work for an advertising company
you should be …..about advertisements.
a. in
a. imaginative
b. at
b. creative
c. determined a. is going
b. were going
33.This is too expensive. I don’t think it’s c. was going
worth it.
39.  George: “I can’t chat because I’m
a. Never mind perhaps another time. working”.
b. Yes, but it is such a good quality. George said that he  …………….. because
he was working.
c. I can hardly wait. I’m really looking
forward to it. a. couldn’t talk
b. can’t talk
34.Can you hand me over my Physics book? c. wouldn’t talk
40. Hannah: “I want to go to the football
a. I can hardly wait. I’m really looking match, but I don’t have enough money”.
forward to it.
b. You too. 41.Hannah said that she   ………….. to go
to the football match, but she didn’t have
c. Sure. Here you are!
enough money.
35.See you. Have a good weekend.
a. didn’t want
1. You too. b. want
2. Congratulations! I knew you cold do c. wanted
it! Q42 - The house ____ they have rented is in
3. It doesn’t matter. Better late than the centre of town.
never. a) which
b) that
36.  Paul: ‘I won’t be at the meeting c) Either could be used here.
Paul said that he ………………. at the Q43 - The crowd, ____ were making a lot of
meeting the following day. noise, were told to move on by the police.
a) who
a. will be
b) that
b. wouldn’t be
c) Either could be used here.
c. didn’t be
Q44- The company, _____ CEO is under
37.   investigation, is doing very badly.
a) which
Me: ‘I’ve done it!’ b) whose
I told you that I   …………… c) Either could be used here.
a. had gone Q45 - The capital city, ____ cathedral is one
b. have gone of the finest in the country, is worth visiting.
c. has gone a) whose
b) which
38.   c) Either could be used here.
Danny: ‘I’m going to be late’. Q46 - The school, ____ has seven hundred
Danny told me that he   …………… to be students, had the bext exam results in the
late. country last year.
a) that b) Unless
b) which Q55 - ___ she pays up, we're going to be in
c) Either could be used here. real trouble.
a) If
b) Unless
Q47 - The film, ...... lasted for three hours,
Q56 - ____ we get the cheque today, we
was boring
must bank it.
a) that
a) If
b) which
b) Unless
c) ----
Q57 - She'll never agree to that ____ you
Q48 - The flats, ....... will house over two
accept her suggestions.
hundred families, were completed last
a) If
b) Unless
a) ----
Q58 - ____ they're late again, I'll be furious.
b) that
a) If
c) which
b) Unless
Q49 - The boxer ...... career was ruined by
Q59 - I don't want to go out ____ it's
health problems was on TV last night
raining- I hate getting wet.
a) whose
a) If
b) whom
b) Unless
c) who
Q60 - We'll be in trouble ____ it goes
Q50 - The day ....... we met was the happiest
of my life
a) If
a) ----
b) Unless
b) which
c) whose

Q51 - You'll have to speak to the person .....

is in charge
a) ----
b) which
c) that
Q52 - He's the guy ...... brother was sacked
for stealing
a) who
b) whose
c) whom
Q53 - Is there a shop nearby ...... sells
a) ----
b) whose
c) which

Q54 - I won't do it ____ you agree to help

me; I'm not doing it alone.
a) If

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