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‘You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to ‘what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. [ Extract One } ‘You hear two friends discussing the topic of music. 1) What is the boy doing when the git arrives? A studying B listening to music C__studying while listening to music 2 What do the friends disagree on? A the definition of music B the suitability of listening while studying C the pleasure classical music can bring [ Extract Two | You hear part of a talk show in which two guests are talking about films. 3. Whatis the man doing? ‘A describing what makes a film special B complaining about films with weak plots C_justifying why he is a poor film critic 4 The woman says she has walked out of films which ‘A lack something she considers essential Bare the result of bad chemistry between director and cast. Care not directed by people she admires. { Extract Three } You hear a man and a woman talking about a picture. 5 Why did the man’s parents keep the picture for so long? ‘A. They thought it might gain in value. B They felt a sense of loyalty to the artist. They enjoyed looking at it and discussing it. 6 The main reason the man likes the picture is that A it reminds him of hs childhood. Bit brings back fond memories of the artist. Cit makes him think of his parents. Paper3 | Listening | ‘You'll hear an Environmental Studies student called Margaret Lane talking about the environmental impact of the Internet. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. The Internet,and’the environment | Margaret says that, despite the good news, the environmental impact of the Internet is a ‘Margaret says that although we were promised ‘paperless’ offices, the amount of paper we use has only started (8) very recently. | } | | According to Margaret, the Internet means we do not need to (8) in order | to do business, so our carbon footprint is reduced | | Margaret mentions the increase in (10) oe 85 a factor that counteracts some of the benefits the Internet has brought. ‘On the subject of emails, Margaret says that approximately (11) “ of those sent contain spam. Margaret says that the (12) of raw materials and industrial processes involved in hardware manufacture damage the environment. ‘Margaret points out that power consumption for individuals is low but (13) i and servers consume a lot of electricity. | When she talks about (14) cesssesseees devices, Margaret lists some of the more dangerous contaminants that end up in the earth and water, TEST 3 Paper 3 Listening ‘You will hear part of an interview with sociologist Fenya Collier and historian Ed Miles, who are both talking about the ‘subject of telephone etiquette. For questions 15-20, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. 15 What annoys Fenya most about people who are rude on the phone A. lack intelligence. Bare not able to provide important information, donot camry out their responsibilities properly. D__ refuse to do favours that are asked of them. the fact that they 16. What does Ed think is inconsiderate? ‘A people showing off on the phone B people speaking too publicly on the phone people phoning him without legitimate reasons people who do not listen to him when he is speaking 17. Which of the following is mentioned in the 1923 guide that Ed quotes from? A You should not ignore an important phone call. B You should use the telephone as little as possible. You should never use the telephone to reply to an invitation. D__ You should get your point across without room for ambiguity. 18 What reason does Fenya give for agreeing with Ed's third point? A. Aninvitation should always be delivered in person. B People do not provide enough information when they make phone calls. Ct would be awful to be alone when you receive bad news. D_ Hand-written letters are a joy to receive, 19. When asked about giving people her full attention on the phone, Fenya explains that she's guilty of not doing it in most of the phone calls she makes. always tempted to do necessary jobs while on the phone. annoyed about the bad manners shown by her family and friends. ‘not prepared to do something to others that bothers her greatly one> 20 Fenya and Ed agree that itis wrong to phone anyone at midnight except in an emergency. ‘we should not make fun of old-fashioned rules of etiquette. none of the rules mentioned are applicable today. ‘the young should be told about phoning at inappropriate times. one> R syleio.oyd ay6lu iow axe auaudinbs senaq sng 9, suaino or wat mays loe[ | steyeeds [se]_| suayeads awauidinba spuatsy ya aieys: (6z| |p soyeeds ‘ajgeyjene yo asn uaeq ayew 4 [vel] sayeads : siaquiow fer) ces uayje>x@ Ajuersisu0> o1ow 2g 3 Gah ciseate ‘Auses jo psoaau © d90y 0% sudesGoroyd uarybiens 01 weal suonnaduio> 1909 0} [a] z1eyeeds [eel] zseyeads says aiydesBo,oyd fz] Lseyeeds —_ydesboroyd Bunsixe ue asiuebi0 > iz] 1 syeads pum uaUI2dx9 oY soyjes sonaq axes @ powers woyp ancy oy onsodwo> seq wea} ¥ reuoissajoud aworeg ory 's4se3 og ay9jduio> ysnus No UaIs!| NOK BUM “op 03 ajge aq 01 ay pinons Kay “saumaid 6uryey 104 sob saxeads shes seeds y>ea 1eynn (Hy) 35!| 84) WOH} as004> ‘9E-9Z SuONsanb 10J Yea UOSea! 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